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Latest revision as of 23:15, 15 May 2018

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Player: User:Jade Defender
Character Build
Class Focus: Confidential
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Confidential
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Known Aliases: Confidential
Gender: Confidential
Species: Spirit
Ethnicity: Confidential
Place of Birth: Shadow Realm
Base of Operations: Confidential
Relatives: Confidential
Age:  ??? Ancient
Height:  ??? Variable
Weight:  ??? Variable
Eyes: Glow Violet
Hair: None
Complexion:  ???
Physical Build: Appears as an Olympian Athlete
Physical Features: Black and white smoke
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Identity: None
Years Active: 3
Occupation: paranormal investigator
Education: no formal
Marital Status:  ???
Known Powers and Abilities
Spectre has demonstrated a myriad of disturbing and awesome capabilities. Primarily Spectre is a master of Dark magic energies, commanding the elemental forces of spirits, death, energy and matter. His most commonly understood capabilities allow him to reach into someone's past and contact the spirits of those that they knew, allowing the lost soul to commune through his vessel (this is very disturbing to most)
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Bracer of Takofanes
ReldinBox Template

(Mature RP)


In the bowels, of the primal umbra, that void where even the realm of shadows grows darker, where even the luminations of mages dwindle and die, there lies a slumbering spiriit. This spirit is old and large, having fed on millions of like spirits unfortunate enough to venture this deep in the pale. In this stale and windblown plane the spirits are the darkest and hungriest of their kind, taking twisted shapes and moralities, as their only comforts are the dying whims of forgotten realities. From this convelesced darkness, this spirit grew too large to leave its deminse and grew hungrier and hungrier, thus it spawned a new spirit by splitting its own etheral resonance. It spawned this new spirit to leave its deminse and seek out new spirits upon which it could feed, to seek out what lay beyond its ebon prison. It spawned this neophyte spirit with enough finesse and power to best the other spirits upon which it was to bring back to its master to feed upon. For a time the new spirit performed admirably and strengthened its master, feeding itself as well as its master; toegether they consumed nearly every spirit in their realm. Eventually the hunger of this ancient spirit grew beyond its capabilities and that of its neophyte spirit, which had grown to respectable power and finesse of its own. The ancient Spirits overcharged ephemura and ectoplasm was so thick it shaped the reality around them, and threatedned to consume the region of the underworld with its hunger. The Ancient spirit was no longer bound by its physical form, and thusly gained a symbiosis with the entirety of its deminse, and spawned more spirits to help feed it. These neophyte spirits went out as commaned; like the one before and sought to return more spiritual essence for their master to feed upon. The first of these spirits had met and engaged other spirits who had the capacity to deal with it... it had learned of other ancient and powerful beings who existed within the shadow realm, outside of the deep umbra, who rewarded such power as the first commanded. The first was lured to believe that by destroying its master and fellow spirits it would gain favor of these other spirits outside, lurking in the pale. SO the first sought out its brethren, after stealing all the spiritual energy it was meant to return to its master, and consumed them, one by one. With the loss of its spirits the old master spirit grew desperate and spawned more of them, slowly sacrificing more and more of its power, to stay alive. Once the First grew more powerful then its waning master, it returned and destroyed it, stealing what little of its ephemura was of worth. The ancient spirit was no more, only the first of its childer spawn existed now, grown mightier then its progenitor.

The first sought out the other spirits and was brought before the mighty ones it had heard of and was rewarded indeed, with the chains of servitude to the powerful Liche Takofanes. The liche new of a great power in the Loci within the deminse of the Firsts former master, and stole the secrets and power hidden within.


Eventually the essence that would one day become known to others as "Spectre" served indeed to the best of its abilities to the dark lord Takofanes. It brought low many other voids, and secrets that Takofanes wished to consume and in time Spectre was a powerful weapon, and grew in ephemural potency that even the dark lord did not foresee. When the dark lord sought to ravage the material plane and brought his lifeless husks to storm their realms and steal their essence Spectre had its chance to break those chains that held it and turned its power upon Takofanes!

Spectre now serves as a liaison to heroes seeking to contact or understand the realm of spirits or the Underworld; a dangerous curiosity for many. Spectre is considered by all to be completely disturbing and frightening to be around, besides his mannerism and voice, his very presence feels of death. This is literally a being that never was born, nurtured and lived... no this was a force of primal substance that grew by consuming its brethren and forced to siphon power to a dark master, all the while stealing secrets and forbidden knowledges.

Given time on the material world Spectre has grown quite satisfied, though still infinitely curious as to the nature of living beings and their perceptions of reality, with his new existence outside the Underworld and the ephemura of the void.




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