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Revision as of 05:51, 22 August 2017

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Gudomlig-Beist Mk8 is a mythological creature, my fanmade fictional or fanfictional character I created myself. History: Before the mortal man died in war in Norse era in Dark Ages. The corpse of the man was in Valhalla, the eighth Divine Beast, emerging as the spiritual friendly divine parasite. In midst of World War 2, He entered his dead host's body while the man was diagnosed with terminal final-stage cancer of the heart before dying. NOTES:
  • Has a long beard (loves long beard)
  • Who likes longhaired domestic cats IF he has long beard, shortharied cats IF he has short trimmed beard.
  • The name says in Scandivanian language - Divine Beast
  • His demon titan form seems an anatomical figure of Eren in Attack On Titans.
  • Has a nemesis yet...
Player: BluePanda8#5201
Gudomlig Beist MK8.png
Biographical Data
Real Name:  ?
Known Aliases: Gud
Gender: Male
Species: Meta-Human Asgardian ("DivineBeast")
Ethnicity: Scandinavian
Place of Birth: Asgard
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: N/A
Age:  ??? (appears to be randomly at 150-700 in chronological, and 30-40 in physically apparent >
Height: 7' 7" (2.3m)
Weight: 290lbs Variable
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blue/Blond (Human) and Blond (Demon Titan)
Complexion: Tan flesh
Physical Build: Herculean; Musclebound
Physical Features: Exceptionally musclebound physique, inspired by Albron111 and Dark Danny.
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Identity: N/A
Years Active:  ???
Citizenship: Gaian Citizen
Occupation: Guardian
Education: N/A
Marital Status: N/A

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