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Latest revision as of 20:32, 19 September 2013

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Player: @Jedermann
Jedermann Profile (cropped BW).png
Taken by SkyCam #4
Combat Focus: Dual Pistol Marksman
Power Level: Confidential
Meta Focus: Mysticism
Personal Data
Real Name: Samuel Weiss (suspected)1
Known Aliases: The Whisper, The Ghost
Species: Human
Ethnicity: German/Jewish
Age: 321
Height: 6'2
Weight: 180 (estimate)
Eye Color: Gray1
Hair Color: Black1
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Unknown
Place of Birth: New York1
Base of Operations: Millennium City2
Marital Status: Unknown/unlikely3
Known Relatives: Levi Weiss (deceased)1
Rebecca Weiss (deceased)1
Known Meta Abilities
Rumored arcane capabilities
Superhuman dexterity and coordination
Likely healing factor
Known Skills and Training
Expertise in hand-held munitions
Expertise in infiltration and targeted killing
Expertise in CQC
Known Assets
Extensive personal armory
Deep connections with the Mystic Underworld
Complicity and/or support of various MCPD personnel
Significant financial holdings from past career as contract killer

PRIMUS Heading.png

SUBJECT: Jedermann




Samuel Weiss

Psychological Profile

Psychological Analysis, subject JEDERMANN. Dr. Ken Marlowe, 4th MISG (A), USASOC, Fort Bragg.

As requested, subject has been psychologically evaluated with regards to probable avenues of action, particularly towards potential exploitation as an asset and liability as a threat. I must first note that the information provided is obstructively scarce; any conclusions herein are, at best, conjecture.

That said, subject possesses a keen intellect, extreme discipline, and an almost obsessive focus with regards to whatever goal occupies him. moarmoarmoarmoar (WIP)

-K.M. (Lt. Col, 4th MISG (A).) 6/05/10.
