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===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''Personality'''</div>===
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''Personality'''</div>===
<div style="text-indent:40px;"> Raven can almost seem like two different people, depending if she is wearing her mask or not. When she is not wearing her mask she is friendly and a bit outgoing. She tends to be a smart-ass and likes to joke around a lot. Though when she is wearing her mask she is cold and tends to be uncaring, but mostly to her enemies. Sometimes Raven even wonders which aspect of herself is the real one, believing that maybe her mask allows her to be her true self. Though no matter which aspect is presented Raven is extremely loyal and protective of the people she cares about. She may not be quick to make friends but when they are there in her mind they are there to stay. This trait has caused her on more then one occasion to become depressed from the loss of a friend or loved one.
<div style="text-indent:40px;"> Raven can almost seem like two different people, depending if she is wearing her mask or not. When she is not wearing her mask she is semi-friendly and a bit outgoing, though she tends to be a smart-ass. When she is wearing her mask she is cold and tends to be uncaring, but mostly to her enemies. Sometimes Raven even wonders which aspect of herself is the real one, believing that maybe her mask allows her to be her true self. Though no matter which aspect is presented Raven is extremely loyal and protective of the people she cares about. She may not be quick to make friends but when they are there in her mind they are there to stay. This trait has caused her on more then one occasion to become depressed from the loss of a friend or loved one.

Revision as of 19:05, 26 May 2016

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Raven Ex
Player: @ravenhawk208
"Some Things Just Need Killing"
Biographical Data
Real Name: Sophia Hirabayashi
Known Aliases: Raven
Gender: Female
Species: Angel (formerly Human)
Ethnicity: Japanese
Place of Birth: New York, Ny
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Suzume Hirabayashi (Mother, Deceased), Stephen Creed (Father, Deceased), Naoki Hirabayashi (Grandmother)
Age: 28
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 118 lbs
Eyes: Brown (light blue in angelic form)
Hair: Black (blonde in angelic form)
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Toned
Physical Features: Tattoo on left arm, Attractive
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 6
Citizenship: USA/Japan
Occupation: Part-time Computer Programmer
Education: K-12
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

Aura Sense, Enhance Magical Skill, Super Strength (Only Enhanced when in Human form), Super Durability (Only Enhanced in Human form), Flight, Limited Shape Shifting, Enhanced Jumping, Advanced Tracking Skill, Highly Resistant to Mind Reading, Highly Resistant to Mind Control, Master of Multiple forms of Martial Arts, High Level Marksman, Peak Human Agility, Peak Human Flexibility, Automotive Mechanic, Advanced Computer Knowledge

Equipment and Paraphernalia

Sliver Plated Steel Katana with Magic Runes Carved into the Blade, Two Smith and Wesson 686 with Varying Special Ammo, An Assortment of tools and traps in her Utility Belt, A pendant that can detect Magic

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Background and Origin

Early Life

Sophia wasn't always the cold hunter she is now, like many other girls she was living a happy life with her parents in the city where she was born. Her mother, Suzume Hirabayashi was once a hunter like she is now but chose to give up the life for the man she loved. Sophia's mother met her father Stephen Creed in Tokyo while he was visiting Japan. Suzume was rather intrigued by this foreigner, having never actually met an American before. This intrigue her mother felt stemmed from always wanting to visit the U.S. but because of her loyalty to her clan she has never left Japan. Stephen was rather taken aback with Suzume's beauty and spent as much time as he could with her as he could and by the time Stephen had to return to the states they had both developed a deep friendship bordering on a romantic one. They both kept in contact by writing each other letters for many months until Stephen was able to return to Japan. In that time they bond grew deeper and soon came to fall in love. Suzume then asked Stephen to take her with him, he wondered why she was so eager to leave Japan but she never told him about her life.

He chose to take her with him back to his home in New York City where they got married, living happily for 9 years until they had a daughter who they named Sophia. And for six years afetr they all lived in peace until one night Sophia woke up to the screams of her dad, and in a panic she ran to her parents room. Her mother told her to hide under the bed and not to make a sound and she did so scared out of her mind. Her mother went to grab the nearest thing she could to defend herself just a a tall hulking demon burst through the door. While under the bed Sophia put her hands over her mouth to muffle any screams or crying and watched her mother try to defend herself, but this thing seemed to be very strong easily knocking her mother to the floor. Her mother demanded to know why he attack her and her husband, but said nothing except it's name and then proceeded to tear her apart. Sophia watched in horror as the assault seem to go on forever in her mind but eventually just left when it was done. She stay hidden under the bed crying and scared until the gruesome scene was discovered by police. When the police asked her what happened and she told them what she saw, they did not believe it was a demon that attacked and assumed with was a home invasion gone wrong. After a bit Sophia was sent to Japan to live with her grandmother since that was her only living relative.

After months of mental healing her grandmother finally asked her what happened to her parents, so Sophia told her about the creature and how it ripped her parents apart. Her grandmother was very upset at what she heard and told Sophia the reason why her parents were killed, she told Sophia that her and her mother come from a long line of agents of the Order of the White Lotus, a secret order of monster hunters in Japan, believing that this may have been the reason a demon sought out her family. Hearing this she decided to join the order so she can one day find this demon and kill it.

Training Years

From the day Sophia started till the day she left she was focused on her training, wanting to learn as much as she could in order to be able to kill the monster that killed her parents. Though in the time she trained she did not shut herself away from the world, she went out, met people and even went to school. As part of her training she was not allowed to tell anyone what she was, and for the most part she followed this rule until she made her first best friend Eri Fujimura. The two were inseparable for so long, Sophia even developed a crush on Eri. Hearing about what Sophia was made Eri curious about the dark arts, causing her to research it and take it up. On the day after they both graduate high-school Eri and a few friend decided to practice the dark arts in the basement of the school. During their ritual Eri had become possessed by a low level demon and ended up killing her friends. Sophia's grandmother had found out about it a dispatched Sophia to take her out, when she went to the school she tried to help Eri without killing but when she tired to attack Sophia she defended herself and lopped off Eri's head. This nearly destroyed her spirit for a bit, but the tragedy eventually fueled her focus in her training. When her training was finally complete at 22 she decided to head back to the U.S. to hunt down the demon that killed her parents, managing to trace him to Millennium City when the trail went cold.

Recent Years

((Coming Soon))

Appearance and Personality


Raven is a fair skinned woman standing an average height of 5' 7". She has long silky black hair adorning her femininely oval shaped face. Her deep brown eyes are almond shaped which are accented by her eyebrows, one of which has a small part in it due small scar. Her nose is long and straight which pull attention to her full lips, though her lips usually look plain due to her very rarely wearing makeup and her jaw is strong but still feminine in appearance. Her body light and toned, with her lean muscles not taking away from the curves she does have, and her bust not being overly large being only at a 38B. She also has a visible tattoo of a white lotus with a tanto behind it on her left forearm.


Raven can almost seem like two different people, depending if she is wearing her mask or not. When she is not wearing her mask she is semi-friendly and a bit outgoing, though she tends to be a smart-ass. When she is wearing her mask she is cold and tends to be uncaring, but mostly to her enemies. Sometimes Raven even wonders which aspect of herself is the real one, believing that maybe her mask allows her to be her true self. Though no matter which aspect is presented Raven is extremely loyal and protective of the people she cares about. She may not be quick to make friends but when they are there in her mind they are there to stay. This trait has caused her on more then one occasion to become depressed from the loss of a friend or loved one.

Powers and Skills


Aura Sense - Raven has the ability to sense the Aura of most people, which can give her a sense of a persons nature. Though this ability is only usable in her angelic form and when she is using it her other sense dull heavily.

Enhanced Magical Skill - Before she was transformed into an angel Raven has some skill with magic, though mostly in rituals. Now that she is an angel the potency of her spell are greater along with being able to use a few spells she never learns (Ex: Healing spells)

Super Strength - Since she was turned into an angel her strength has increased to a super human level. Though when she is in her human form she isn't as strong but still stronger then the average human.

Super Durability - Raven's durability has also increased to super human level allowing her to shrug off attack that would of left her seriously injured, and when in her human form this is also decreased.

Flight - When in her angelic form her wings give her the ability to fly.

Limited Shape Shifting - She is only able to change from her angelic form into her human form and vice versa.

Highly Resistant to Mind Reading - Due to her training she has become resistant to mind reading, making it that only the most skill/powerful psychics can break into her mind.

Highly Resistant to Mind Control - Also due to her training she is able to resist most attempts at dominating her mind.

Enhanced Jumping - No matter what form she is in she now has enough strength to be able to two and a half stories.

Soul Absorption - Raven is able to absorb a portion of a human soul, she does this so she is able to experience emotional responses but this is not permanent and she will eventually burn through it.


Advanced Tracking Skills - Raven's training has giving her the skill track most creatures, with very few able to escape her.

Master of Multiple Forms of Martial Arts - Her training has taught her a variety of different martial art, such as Kenjutsu, Shurikenjutsu, Shinobi-iri, Intonjutsu, Kayakujutsu.

High Level Marksman - Her training also made her a proficient marksman with most firearms, but she has a preference for hand guns.

Peak Human Agility - Her training allowed her to be a the peak of human agility, allowing her to do acrobatic acts with ease.

Peak Human Flexibility - Her training also has given her the peak of human flexibility, allowing her to contort herself in and out of small spaces, and also out of some holds and traps.

Motocycle Mechanic - From her love for motorcycles she has taught herself how to repair and modify them.

Advanced Computer Knowledge - From another lover of hers, she taught herself programming, hacking and cracking.


Binding Magic - Raven is affected by artifacts and/or spells that bind and trap angels.

Banishment Spells - Spells that banish angels will forcefully remove her from the area, usually through walls and or windows.

Wing Removal - The removal of her wings in her angelic form weakens her and makes her human again, but may potentially kill her.

Apathy - When she was transformed to an angel for some reason she lost all her emotions. They only way she is able to regain them is by feeding on a human soul.

Gear and Equipment


Mayio to Chi - Mayio to Chi meaning Honor and Blood is the silver plated katana that she carries across her back. This sword is more than an ordinary katana, it’s a traditionally forged katana that is plated in pure silver with runes craved along the length of the blade.

Smith and Wesson 686 - She also carries 2 Smith & Wesson 686. Both are average guns, the only thing special about it is the ammo she uses. She uses specialized rounds for different situations.

Utility Belt - She carries a rather ordinary looking utility belt that carries an assortment of tools and traps to aid her.

Raven's Pendant - The pendant she wears will glow different colors when in the presence of supernatural creatures and or magic.


Yamaha YZF-R1 - Raven has a custom build Motorcycle which she is currently in the process of converting into a Gravbike.



((Coming Soon))


((Coming Soon))



Status - Deceased

Abilities - Mind Control, Infernal Magic, Super Strength, Flight

Minions - Demons

Bio - Acarnus wants to bring an army of demons to this world to take over. Acarnus is the demon that killed her parents, at the moment Raven is focused on finding him and killing him.

Threat Level

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  • Even when she’s dressed normally she still carries around a small blade hidden somewhere on her, plus she keep a gun in her purse.
  • She is naturally distrusting of monsters (vampires, werewolves, demons, ect) unless they can show that they can be trusted.
  • Speaks Japanese and English fluently.


General Tropes

Action Girl - Raven is known for doing what she does with flare, if your not doing flips what's the point?

Anti-Hero - Raven is no girl scout or goodie two shoes.

Attack Its Weak Point - In a fight Raven is always searching for an opponents weakness to exploit.

Bi the Way - Even though Raven is Bi she doesn't go around flaunting it in others faces.

Combat Pragmatist - Raven believes that the rules of engagement should stay in the training room, because to her if you're not willing to do anything you can to win you're just asking to get killed.

Combat Stilettos - Raven almost never wears flats.

Crazy Prepared - Ravens utility belt has a little bit of everything for almost any situation. It's rare that she doesn't having something in her belt that she could use or may need.

Secret Identity - Raven almost never takes her mask off in front of others.

True Neutral - Raven is a person the rides the fence of morality.

Appearance Tropes

Even the Girls Want Her - Raven has never seen herself as beautiful, so she is surprised when people find her attractive.

Glowing Eyes/Occult Blue Eyes - When in her angelic form her eyes glow another worldly blue.

Personality Tropes

Asian and Nerdy - When Sophia isn't doing the hero thing she is at home ether programming or playing video games.

Bring It - Even when in a fight where she is out numbered she is not one to be intimidated.

Dark and Troubled Past - The death of her parents has colored her personality. When she is Raven she shows her true perception of the world.

Determinator - No matter how badly beaten she is she will always come back for another fight.

Gamer Chick - When not Raven Ex or programming to bring in some cash Sophia likes to play video games.

Humble Hero - Raven isn't looking to become a hero that graces the front page for saving the day, she'd rather never be acknowledged for what she's done.

Power and Skill Tropes

Combat Parkour - Raven is able to fight as she is traversing the rooftops.

Gun Fu - When she isn't using her sword to fight she combines her shooting skills with her martial arts.

Healing Hands - Due the her turning into an angel she now has a healing touch.

Kung Fu Clairvoyance - At times Raven has the uncanny ability to know where the next strike is coming from, though she isn't able to dodge every single strike.

She-Fu - Raven still looks damn good when she's fighting.

Super Mode - If extremely piss off such as injuring people she cares for will cause her power level to go through the roof. It causes her to change in a 'battle mode' but this is very draining to her.

Pictures and Art



Main Theme - Brave by Sumo Cyco

Main Theme 2 - Cry Murder by Sumo Cyco

Battle Theme - You're Going Down by Sick Puppies

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