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Revision as of 00:40, 18 September 2013

The Legendary
Player: @ubergamer01
Super Group
Eternals, Inc.
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Benjamin Nelson
Ben, Blaze, Pyro
Millennium City, MI
Eternal Tower, Millennium City
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Gary Gold (Goldrush, father, deceased), Melissa Gold (Goldrush II, sister)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
180 lbs.
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Fire Manipulation
· Equipment ·
Fire Proof Suit
· Other Abilities ·

Before The Spandex

Before Ben was a hero, he was like any other young kid. He tried his best in school, and got good grades. All schools have bullies, sadly enough for young Benjamin he had to deal with them. He had a problem with his body temperature, witch always made him break out into random sweats. Because of these sweating problems, as you could tell, he got picked on... A lot. They called him names, they pushed, shoved, kicked, hit, you know basic bully stuff. Little did they know that the sweating involved his body temperature, including his future.

The Inferno

One night as Ben came home from another day of school, he saw papers on the kitchen table. He read them, they showed an apartment in Millennium City. He knew that they were moving at that moment.

When Ben read this, he became upset. He went to his parents room to see them packing their belongings. Ben told them why they couldn't leave. That he only had few friends and refused to leave them behind. Ben's sob story did nothing. They told him that they had to leave, for his fathers job. In pure rage he caused flames to unleash from inside, causing everything to burn. In a matter of seconds it engulfed him and his parents in the flame. The house soon burned down. It went to his neighbor's yard and ended up killing them to. Ben ran off hoping not to be seen. He knew they would question him on how he survived and what had happen. Being afraid of himself he kept running thinking the same thought over, and over. Killer.

Millennium City

Ben soon came to Millennium City. The first thing he did was look for his fathers company building. He found it in a few days and told them that his father, Richard Nelson, could not take the job. He told them about the house fire and blamed it on the oven, if they knew about it was his fault they would call the cops and he would be questioned. He looked for a orphanage and stayed for a few days, until he got the suit.

The Spandex Has Arrived!

Ben's first costume was a tee-shirt and some sports pants with leather boots and gloves. Not to forget the little superhero mask he got from a costume shop. It didn't protect his identity but it didn't matter because he didn't know anyone. He went for a test run and tried to shoot flames. First he tried a fist, then his index finger pointed. It didn't work. He got frustrated with himself and the people laughing at him as they passed by the ally he was practicing in. He finally shot fire, he found that it was anger and frustration that powered his abilities. He trained for months until he could control it. He then thought of a better way to travel around the city, flight! The only question was how.


First he tried to make rocket like boosts on his hands, It burned right through his gloves and boots. He tried again with large leaps powered with more rocket like boosts. It had the same affect. Then he saw a jet fly above him. The engines were shooting out flames. Then the simple idea came to him, be a human jet. He got on top of the tallest building he could. And jumped. He then burst into flames, soaring in the sky like a phoenix. But the downside of this was that his cloths burnt away quickly.

Eternals, Inc.

Ben, now known as Blaze was fighting crime everyday to make up for the deaths he took in the inferno, hoping it would fill up the hole of guilt. He took a day off and went to a Super Hero Costume Contest. There he met Colosso and his new friend Overbuilder. When he saw Colosso standing on the platform he was shocked. Colosso was like his childhood hero and by childhood I mean before The Inferno. He got his autograph and admired him after the contest. He showed everyone his Magnifier Belt witch makes him grow up to forty feet tall. After he left a man named Bullet walked up to Ben. He wanted him to be part of Eternals, Inc. Ben accepted.


Ben is now part of Eternals, Inc. and has a new suit. He is becoming more then he ever thought he would be able to become. He is Blaze!


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