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  | strength = 3
  | strength = 1
  | weapon = 4
  | weapon = 2
  | durability = 3
  | durability = 3
  | armor = 4
  | armor = 4
  | speed = 5
  | speed = 5
  | reflexes = 4
  | reflexes = 6
  | resistance = 2
  | resistance = 7
  | stamina = 4
  | stamina = 8
  | dexterity = 5
  | dexterity = 9
  | agility = 5
  | agility = 10
  | combat = 6
  | combat = 6
  | regen = 4
  | regen = 4

Revision as of 01:11, 9 August 2016

Sabre Hawk
Player: @Ralnautikuus
Sabre Hawk Portrait 300w.png
Everyone is a victim
Biographical Data
Real Name: Rachel Julia Holloway
Known Aliases: Wing Sapphire, White Raven, Steel Angel, Wingbolt
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Houston, TX
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Father, Uncle
Age: 27
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Complexion: Tanned
Physical Build: Toned
Physical Features: Morphable Wings
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 3
Citizenship: United Status
Occupation: Freelance Writer
Education: Bachelor's Degree
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Swords

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Background and Origin


While attending college in Arlington, Texas, Sabre Hawk met a young man, Ral Sutton. She fell hard for him, and helped him with a local mystery. It turned out a Powerborne, Jacquelyn LaVarre, was killing people. Ral recognized her because he had seen the aura of the killer one night. However, Jacquelyn was difficult to apprehend, since her power was Intangibility. Rachel found herself in Jacquelyn's clutches, and in front of Ral, Jacquelyn removed Rachel's beating heart - literally.

Ral was enraged and used his power of Telekinesis to manipulate Jacquelyn's molecules. He forced her to put Rachel's heart back, and then he used his healing power to reconnect everything. Rachel survived physically, but she was deeply scarred psychically.

Rachel went home to Houston that summer. Her father found out what happened and tried to help her, but to no avail. His brother, Rachel's Uncle Cyrus, had helped others before, so she went to stay with him for a time.

While living with her Uncle, Rachel started learning martial arts. Cyrus believed that to heal the mind, one needed to heal the heart. He made her work, and learn, and move past what had happened. Soon, very soon, she had learned all he could teach her, but his goal was complete. Rachel had finally healed.

Wanting to learn more, Rachel traveled around the country, learning what she could. Several Masters noted that she was naturally adept with a sword, and her training focused on that. Within three years of her death, she had mastered swordmanship. Even her instructors found that they could not best her.

Looking to make a fresh start, Rachel moved to Millennium City. It wasn't long before she found purpose in her skills with a sword. More than that, her natural ability to hide her wings made it impossible for anyone to identify her as the hero she had become.

Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Morphable Wings - Sabre Hawk has many skills that she has honed over the last few years, but before that she had wings. At first, they were simply white and she could "hide" them. She discovered during her training that she could alter the appearance of her wings. She could even let them out and make them invisible, allowing her to appear to fly with wings at all.

Eagle Eyes - Sabre Hawk's eyesight is considered nearly super-human. She can clearly read signs from much further than average humans, and this allows her to see what's happening on the streets below when she's flying high above.

Heightened Beauty - Sabre Hawk isn't obsessed with her looks, but with naturally flawless tanned complexion and blazing blue eyes, it's difficult not to be stunned by her looks.


Swordmanship - Sabre Hawk has only been training with a sword for a couple of years, but every instructor would agree that she has a natural skill with a blade.

Flight - Having wings isn't considered a fantastic or incredible power, but used in the right way, even feathered wings can come in handy.


Honed Strength - Though not on par with the likes of Grond or any other muscle-bound behemoth, Sabre Hawk is still stronger than average.

Dexterity - Many have made the mistake of believing that, because Sabre Hawk has wings she couldn't possibly have very good sense of balance, but they've been proven wrong every time. Like a cat that uses its tail to maintain balance, Sabre Hawk uses her wings to the same effect.

Gear and Equipment


Weapon - Sabre Hawk has collected a number of swords during her training. Though she is extremely good with most, her preferred sword is the Katana.

Armor - Sabre Hawk wears a lining of Kevlar in her costumes. As swift and agile as she is with her sword, bullets are yet faster.

Comm System - Sabre Hawk uses basic head gear to both protect her skull and to communicate with the police.



Sabre Hawk stays too busy to consider getting into any kind of intimate relationship.


Sabre Hawk has made a number of allies since she arrived in Millennium City. Many of those started their heroics after meeting Sabre Hawk, so inspired by her actions.

Cyclone Sapphire

Sabre Hawk helped Cyclone Sapphire make his fresh start after he lost his family to local gangs. The two of them have tackled many mundane and super-powered villains every since.


Sabre Hawk met Terawatt through Cyclone Sapphire. The two of them were quick friends and where Sabre Hawk has helped Terawatt learn focus in a fight, Terawatt has helped Sabre Hawk relax in social settings.

Heavy Sapphire

Sabre Hawk found a kindred spirit with Heavy Sapphire, a large man with a large hammer. The two of them can usually be found sparing together.


No hero can do what she does without making enemies. In a superhero's case, that would be a super villain. Sabre Hawk has encountered two super villains that seem to have her sized up for a toe-tag.

Kenju Okamaki - Kenju Okamaki and Sabre Hawk crossed paths during a martial arts competition in Japan a shortly after Sabre Hawk started training with swords. Both showed promise and made it to the finals. The two of them faced off for grand championship. Kenju didn't believe a woman could ever beat him and toyed with her. He'd earn a point and then lose one. She took it better than most, until he mentioned her heart. He couldn't have known about her past, but she took it as a taunt. Not only did she beat him, but she broke his sword in the process. Now the two square off on the streets. She knows who he is, but he doesn't believe she's the same woman who bested him so many years before. Kenju Okamaki is currently in Stronghold Prison.

Frosticus - Frosticus blew in like a storm and didn't believe a woman with a sword could possibly stand up to his power. Sabre Hawk proved him wrong on several occasions and finally put him away for the crimes he had committed. Frosticus is currently in Stronghold Prison.

Black Wing - Black Wing is an unknown to Sabre Hawk. She knows there are other avian Powerborne out there, those opposed to the House of Holloway, but this guy seems to have come out of left field. Black Wing is currently on the loose and very likely planning his next move.

General Perception

General Public - Sabre Hawk is a hero, a symbol of hope for those who need it.
Media - The news casts shadowy doubts on Sabre Hawk mostly due to her choice in weapon to use to fight crime, though nothing has ever been said outright against her.
Perceived Knowledge - "Sabre Hawk is actually half-bird." "Sabre Hawk is from another planet."

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