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  | occupation = Industrialist, Philanthropist, Inventor
  | occupation = Industrialist, Philanthropist, Inventor
  | education = University, Masters of Mechanical Engineering
  | education = University, Masters of Mechanical Engineering
  | marital = In a long-term relationship
  | marital = Single
  | powers = <hr>
  | powers = <hr>
* Gifted inventor with innate aptitude for technology
* Gifted inventor with innate aptitude for technology

Latest revision as of 01:58, 16 October 2014

WIP, please pardon our dust.

Silver Sentinel
Player: @blearyatom
Biographical Data
Real Name: Benjamin Conrad
Known Aliases: The Tin Man
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Base of Operations: Primarily eastern portion of United States
Relatives: Parents David and Elizabeth Conrad, Siblings Rachel, Daniel, and Rebecca Conrad
Age: 27
Height: 6' unarmored 6'2" armored
Weight: Unarmored, ~180lbs, Armored ~450lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Tanned
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: No distinguishing features
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 4
Citizenship: United States citizen, native born
Occupation: Industrialist, Philanthropist, Inventor
Education: University, Masters of Mechanical Engineering
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Gifted inventor with innate aptitude for technology
  • Trained marksman and martial artist
  • Excellent physical condition
  • Vast financial resources

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Highly advanced powered armor
  • Laser pistol
  • Advanced conventional body armor
  • Various gadgets
  • Tailored suit

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Background and Origin

Citadel Industries

Headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Citadel Industries is a multi-billion dollar global corporate entity with diverse interests, but a long time focus on supplying equipment and technology to other businesses, and arms development and manufacture. While not a household name due to it's limited dealings with the general public, Citadel's ever expanding reach extends across several industries, including medical and biotechnology, aerospace, and shipbuilding, in addition to the aforementioned industrial equipment and arms manufacture.

Originally founded in 1910 as Whitley Manufacturing by Albert Whitley, the company had fallen on hard times by 1949, due in large part to serious mismanagement by Albert's successors. When the company was bought out by European immigrant Anton Hoffmann in 1949, it was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Fortunately, shrewd management by the new owner and the continued manufacturing boom saw the company not only rebound, but become more successful than ever before. Decades of near-constant growth and expansion into numerous fields saw the company rechristened Citadel Industries in 1969.

Following the formal retirement of Anton Hoffmann in 1999, the company has been headed by Elizabeth Conrad, the only child of Anton Hoffmann. Elizabeth Conrad has gone on the record recently, stating that she plans to retire within the decade to hand the reins of the company over to her eldest son...

Benjamin Conrad

Born on July eighteenth, the second eldest child and eldest son of David and Elizabeth Conrad, Benjamin Conrad is regarded the most mature and responsible of his siblings.

He appears to make a deliberate effort to keep his personal life just that, but some details have managed to emerge in public, including a very strained relationship with his older sister, a situation that became public following a very heated argument outside a party a little over two years ago. His romantic relationships fare a bit better, but to date few seem to have lasted long, even if most have ended amicably.

Ben Conrad is independently wealthy, in addition to having access to his family's vast financial resources. His chief sources of income are a small but lucrative technology company founded a few years ago, and numerous highly lucrative patents he holds, the first of which he filed for at 17 years old.

Any investigations into his past turn up something highly unusual and more than little suspicious. For five years, approximately between his 12th and 17th birthdays, Benjamin Conrad seemingly vanishes off the face of the Earth. No records or information can be found about his whereabouts or activities during this time. Adding fuel to the fire, his grandfather also seemingly vanished and reappeared at the same time.

Ben has two known official roles in his family's company, both apparently geared towards preparing him to take leadership of the company at a later date. First and foremost, Ben is the public charitable face of the family and company, constantly making appearances at charity events and putting the weight of the family and company's influence behind numerous causes. Second, he is the current head of the company's experimental technologies division.

Silver Sentinel

The somewhat enigmatic Silver Sentinel first began operating approximately four years ago, chiefly in the eastern United States, with most of his activity focused along the eastern seaboard.

Initially making his name fighting both organized crime and supervillains, Silver Sentinel became nationally known when he defended Atlantic City from an attack by a massive robotic Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Carefully protective of his identity, the power-armored Silver Sentinel seldom lingers in an area for very long once a situation is resolved and seems to make a point of avoiding questions or outright ignoring questions not directly related to whatever event is at hand. His few social interactions have shown him to be fairly tactless, lacking in subtlety, and generally being unafraid to speak his mind. While he's never been known to go out of his way to inflict life-threatening injuries, he rarely holds back either, whether in combat against common criminals or costumed supervillains. Never-the-less, he has demonstrated an uncompromising policy of putting the safety of innocent bystanders first, going to great lengths to protect them or ensure their escape, even when that means allowing a villain to get away.


Technical Aptitude - From an early age, Ben Conrad demonstrated a keen interest in mechanics and technology. Formal training and schooling have honed this interest into an almost intrinsic understanding of and affinity for everything from consumer electronics and automobiles to advanced computer systems, energy weapons, and even more esoteric technology.

Practical Skills - Ben Conrad possesses a range of practical skills including first aid, wilderness survival skills, and the like. He is also capable of picking locks and cracking combination locks, though he's not likely to advertise those particular skills.

Martial Arts - In combat both with and without his powered armor, Ben Conrad makes effective use of what appear to be three or possibly four forms of martial arts. However, the combat style he prefers seems to be less based on any single formal fighting style, but instead a selection of whatever he deems most effective. An observer familiar with martial training would likely liken his technique to the sort that military personnel and paramilitary fighters are commonly trained in.

Marksmanship - A trained and practiced marksman, Ben Conrad is familiar with the use of most firearms and the various energy weapons modeled after them in function. While not a world-class marksman, he handles such weapons with a familiarity that would impress or at least satisfy a professional.


Keen Mind - Ben Conrad's foremost attribute is his mind. A sharp intellect, and a passion for knowledge and learning are by far his greatest strength, and serve him well throughout life.

Physical Fitness - In much better physical shape than one would expect of a wealthy heir, Ben Conrad's physical condition goes beyond mere familiarity with a gym and right into the territory of someone who has spent and continues to spend time on a rigorous training program that wouldn't be out of place in a first-class military. As such, he is more than capable of keeping up with athletes or trained military and paramilitary personnel, even without his powered armor.

Fast Reflexes and Sharp Senses - Ben Conrad possesses good natural reflexes and senses that have been carefully honed and improved with intensive training. These abilities serve him well both in and out of combat.

Gear and Equipment


Weapon - When not wearing his powered armor in the Silver Sentinel persona, Benjamin Conrad is usually armed with a compact laser pistol.

Armor - In his Silver Sentinel Persona, Ben Conrad wears a highly advanced suit of powered armor, in the same league as Defender's iconic armor. The armor is capable of fully powered flight, is practically impervious to small-arms fire or personal energy weapons, highly resistant to more powerful weapons, and is equipped with several integrated energy weapons and guided missile systems

When pressed into combat outside his Silver Sentinel persona, Ben Conrad wears a suit of top-of-the-line, military grade body armor whenever possible, providing decent protection against mundane threats

Gadgets - Ben Conrad employs numerous useful gadgets and pieces of technology both in and out of his Silver Sentinel persona, and listing them all would be quite time consuming.



Major Alistair "Crowley" Knight

Major Knight, generally known by his nickname, is a six-year veteran of the British SAS who was unfortunately driven out of the service after being forced into acting as a scapegoat for one of his superiors. He found employment with Citadel Industries' security division, and quickly climbed through the ranks. He now has finds himself with unenviable job of ensuring the security of Citadel Industries' operations in Millennium City. He's also a trusted friend of Ben Conrad, and one of the handful of people that are privy to his identity as Silver Sentinel.

Jennifer Scot, AKA: Immix

Originally employed as Ben Conrad's personal assistant, Jennifer Scot was unfortunately exposed to a biological agent infused with Qliphothic energies in a accident during a tour of a Citadel Industries laboratory. Altered by the incident and given strange powers, she took to calling herself Immix. Though she never blamed him for the accident, Ben has remained stricken with guilt over the episode, despite Jennifer's assurances that she actually likes the change in her life it brought on. Afterwards, he hired her on as his bodyguard. While he has recently distanced himself somewhat to keep the secret of his identity as Silver Sentinel, they remain friends.



Silver Sentinel makes no secret of his personal dislike for Defender, stating his belief that Defender is nothing more than a complacent glory-hound.

James Harmon IV

It's an open secret that Benjamin Conrad and James Harmon have a mutual dislike for each-other, though the two are careful to at least appear civil in public. The rivalry between Harmon Labs and Citadel Industries seems to be at the root of the problem, but things appear to devolved to the point of the matter becoming personal over the last few years.


Melissa Van Dorn

Heiress, philanthropist, and now... terrorist. Melissa Van Dorn is the last surviving member of what was once one of the most powerful families in America. Her father a US Senator and her mother the well-connected heiress to a substantial fortune, it seemed that her own ambition Ms. Van Dorn's own ambition would be the only limit on her prospects. Following the deaths of her parents in a hostage rescue gone wrong she went into self-imposed exile to escape the political and media circus. It now seems that during the years that she disappeared from the public eye, she became increasingly radicalized and misanthropic. Now, she somehow worked her way into a position of power within an eco-terrorist group and is using her wealth and connections to wage a personal war against the rest of world.

Comments from other Heroes

Immix - "I thought The Sentinel was a tin-can plated jerk... But if the boss likes him, he's ok by me. He'd just better watch his mouth about Benjamin"

Allie Khazam - "The Sentinel sort of seemed like an ass when I first met him, but let me tell you this; he sticks up for us, and he's a decent person. I've got a lot more respect for him than I do certain "other" people in this city."

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