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==Heavy Artillery==
==Heavy Artillery==
*Stryker MGS
*Stryker MGS
**[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Ordnance_L7 M68A1E4]
**105mm [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Ordnance_L7 M68A1E4] Rifled cannon
*Stryker ATGMv
*Stryker ATGMv
**BG-71 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BGM-71_TOW TOW] Missile launching systems
**BG-71 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BGM-71_TOW TOW] Missile launching systems
**Array of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semi-automatic_command_to_line_of_sight SACLOS] guided missiles
**Array of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semi-automatic_command_to_line_of_sight SACLOS] guided missiles

Revision as of 16:03, 10 October 2014

Player: @Autoratchet
Stryker Biopic.jpg
Big Buff Beast
Biographical Data
Real Name: Sven Alvadr Aune
Known Aliases: Stryker
Gender: Male
Species: Beast-Human Hybrid
Ethnicity: Swedish American
Place of Birth: Denver, Colorado. USA
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Father: Alvadr Aune (55). Mother: Ines Aune (54) Sister: Ingred Fowler(25) Brother: Zoltan Aune (21) Brother: Baard Aune (17)
Age: 28
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 768 lbs
Eyes: Golden
Hair: Golden wheat
Complexion: Rugged
Physical Build: Extremely muscular, well defined, dense, but lean
Physical Features: Bestial like head and maw. Claws, extensive hair and fur coverage
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Identity: Public knowledge
Years Active: 0
Citizenship: Dual Citizenship: United States of America, Sweden
Education: High School, Bachelors of Science in Fire Science Management, IFSAC certified, NASM certified.
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Immense strength, Durability, Enhanced senses.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada



  • Standing at just over seven feet tall, Stryker has an intimidating musclebound stature. He is an avid bodybuilder, and his many long hours in the gym have paid off. His ripped physique is covered in extensive hair, and in some places a soft, yet bristly fur.
  • His genetic makeup includes a bestial gene that gives him his beast like head; not fully wolf, bear or other animal, but not fully human either. These genes give him many attributes that would be meta-human, such as immense strength, durability, and enhanced senses.
  • Has a number of tribal tattoos from his service days


  • Stryker has been through a battery of psychological evaluations before his admittance into Delta-Force. He is usually, calm, collected and able to coolly rationalize through most given situations. He is not afraid of dieing, given his spirituality.
  • Stryker does have a few eccentricities, he gets excited talking about fitness, motorcycles, and any mechanical project that he may be working on. He has a bit of a wacky attire sense.
  • Stryker is outgoing, friendly and talkative. He likes to joke around and enjoys commodore.
  • Given his captivity and the torture he endured, he can become claustrophobic, especially in situations which reminds him of the cell he was held captive in.
  • He abhors anyone that engages in torture, abuse, be it physical, emotional or mental, rape, human trafficking, child prostitution and any other forms that abuse may occur as.


  • Stryker is emotionally stable, given many years of therapy and deliverance.
  • He can be empathetic and sympathetic when needed.


  • Stryker is spiritually strong. The one thing that got him through the extensive torture and captivity. He gives him an anchor to hold onto.
  • He is quiet about his spirituality and does not bring it up unless directly asked.



  • Sven Alvadr Aune was born on the 29th of October, 1986, to Alvadr, and Ines Aune, in Denver, Colorado. Alvadr was a prominent Swedish business man, on a work related trip to Denver. He brought along his wife, Ines, at the time 26 weeks pregnant, to enjoy a bit of time away from home. Ines, expectantly went into labor, and gave preterm birth to Sven. Sven was immediately given life saving measures, and put into NICU. He survived and as such, he is a National born citizen of the United States.
  • Sven is the oldest of four siblings. He is close to his sister Ingred, and his youngest brother Baard. He is estranged from Zoltan, due to the life choices that Zoltan has made. His mother and father took the steps to became nationalized citizens, because they fell in love with Colorado, and wanted to raise a family in all that the United States have to offer.

Military Service

The M1128 Stryker Mobile Gun Systems
  • In 1998, Sven joined the United States Army. He was posted into the 51st Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT), 1st Armor Division. He spent his first 2 years out of boot with the M1128 Stryker Mobile Gun Systems (Stryker MGS). It was here that Sven learned to be a mechanic and his last 2 years was spent working with the MM134 Anti-Tank Guided Missile Vehicle (Stryker ATGMv).
  • In 2002, Sven reenlisted. He passed the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Test and applied for admission into the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta otherwise known as Delta Force. He passed the necessary physical examinations, training and was placed into B squadron, as an assault trooper.
  • In 2005, Sven's squadron was captured in Tehran, Iran, when disinformation was intentionally leaked to a compromised CIA agent about the whereabouts of some American POW's. It was here, during this time, that Sven and squadron was subjected to horrendous torture, and Sven doubly so, due to the cross tattooed to his right inner forearm.

Mutation into a Beast, and Escape

  • It was unknown at the time, but Sven's genome carried a dormant gene that would irreversibly transform him onto a beast.
  • The immense physical trauma and psychological abuse Sven endured awoke the gene, quickly granting him inhuman strength and durability. He was able to easily break out of his cell and overpower his captures. He ripped open the cells of his fellow soldiers, and they made for their escape.
  • This was complicated though, as Sven's body was still changing. His muscle was becoming denser, and his body was packing more on. His bones could not keep up, and they kept snapping and breaking, then heal, to repeat the process the process over and over again. He relied heavily upon his fellow soldiers to help him walk, and keep him silent through the excruciating pain as they made their way to the US embassy.
  • Sven was sent back Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where he spent the next 9 months as his body continued to change into a beast, undergoing medical treatment, and psychological healing. After it was deemed that the mutation had halted, Sven was returned to duty, but not in the field, as the commanding officers did not want to risk any unforeseen incidents. They gave Sven a desk job to finish out his term of service.

Honorable Discharge, Life After the Service

  • In 2010, Sven decided not to reenlist for a 3rd term. It was made clear that man-animal hybrids are not trusted in the military and Sven decided that he would try civilian life. He left the service with an honorable discharged. His final ranking was E-5, Sergeant.
  • In late 2011, Sven completed his NASM personal training certification, along with a number of specializations. However, most personal trainers do not make enough to maintain a comforting lifestyle.
    • Works part time at Carl's Gym as a personal trainer.
  • In 2013, Sven graduated with a bachelors of science in Fire Science Management.
  • October 1st, 2014 Sven has taken up a new post in the West-Side Fire Department, #12 Engine Company.
A hook and Ladder Fire Truck

Certifications, Permits and Endorsements

  • National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM)
    • Corrective Exercise (CES)
    • Fitness Nutrition (FNS)
    • MMA conditioning (MMACS)
    • Weight loss specialist (WLS)
    • Youth Exercise Specialist (YES)
  • International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC)
  • Hazardous Materials Firefighting Endorsement (HMFE)
  • Concealed Carry Permit (CCP)

Power Sets

  • Immense strength: Can snatch 2,500lbs
  • Lightning quick: Can run up to 35mph
  • Enhanced durability: He can shrug off most side arm shot, and heavy blows
  • Enhanced regeneration: Not as fast as when the mutation first manifested, but he can heal from bone breaks in about a week
  • Enhanced sense of smell: Able to track faint odors that have been subjected to weather, including rain and snow
  • Enhanced hearing: 55Hz to 79kHz, ((55Hz-79,000Hz))
  • Enhanced vision: 20/4
  • Low light vision: Can track the movement of a mouse, on a football field illumined by one candle, from over 300 ft away.

Hobbies and Interests

  • Bodybuilding
  • Wrestling
  • MMA
  • Parkour
  • Motorcycles
  • Rebuilding cars/motorcycles
  • Range shooting
  • American Football
    • Youth coach for underprivileged and at risk kids

Combat, armor, and hero like stuff


  • Claws
  • Maw


  • Modern Army Combatives (MAC)
  • Taijutsu
    • Aikido
    • Judo
    • Jujutsu


  • Standard Sidearm (Favors the Springfield-XD 40 Caliber)
  • M16 Rifle
  • Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assult Weapon (SMAW)

Heavy Artillery

  • Stryker MGS
  • Stryker ATGMv
    • BG-71 TOW Missile launching systems
    • Array of SACLOS guided missiles