Difference between revisions of "Afrozana O'Veisi"
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Standing in the Tomb alone then with her book in hand, she had no choice but to set the book upon the altar, and herself within a sarcophagus plated in gold, to slumber and regain what strength she could. Confidence in her Guardian's devotion in protecting her life's work. | Standing in the Tomb alone then with her book in hand, she had no choice but to set the book upon the altar, and herself within a sarcophagus plated in gold, to slumber and regain what strength she could. Confidence in her Guardian's devotion in protecting her life's work. | ||
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+ | '''''<div style="color:#660000; background-color: #660000">Legacy[[File:Legacy with book2.png|left]]<br><br></div>''''' | ||
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+ | '''''<center><div style="font-size:12px;color:#dabe74"> "To understand the meaning of hate, Is one I don’t suggest, My soul was once free of it, but over time it has progressed, It starts quite small, a seed of annoyance and frustration, A few people caused this to me, gave me the sensation.''''' | ||
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+ | '''''They found themselves the right, to mock and disrespect, The people they see less than them, like toys one might collect, They pick and prod and poke, to enjoy a fight they know they’ll win, Beaten into submission, their victims watch them grin.''''' | ||
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+ | '''''These people bask in conflict, in the fires of anger and pride, I cannot condone such actions, such is this passion, I cannot hide, So this is the meaning of hatred, let it boil and you will burn, But the ecstasy of going over the edge, is one I start to for yearn.''''' | ||
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+ | '''''To see their startled faces, as I refuse to turn the other cheek, they cower as I no longer submit, when at last I finally speak, The glory of my words, like golden relief parting from my lips, As dark insults and warning make the message clear, the final bitter word drips.''''' | ||
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+ | '''''Hate is the fire that burns at and into your soul, Leave it untended and you'll find, you can never again be whole, Snuff out such sparks quickly I say, dare not let them catch, Or be forced to fight the fiery beast, for which we are all out matched." - House of smokeless fire, page 1</div></center> ''''' | ||
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+ | The house of smokeless fire or Afroza's book of life is an entire documented experience that spans from the moment of creation onto her present form. Charted inside are her numerous adventures, conversations, thoughts; everything. Before losing the last of her Lesser Deity powers, she transferred as much of her vital energy as she could to into that book to ensure it would continue to be written even after she fell into her comatose state; slumbering through time to recover all her lost energy up until the point of Zoroastrian resurgence during the rise of the Parthian empire from which to her surprise she finds to have been far altered compared to the previous form of Zoroastrian belief's previous during her reign. | ||
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+ | Unwilling to fall back into slumber again Afroza took her book and locked it away in her sarcophagus before departing her shrine to wander the world aimlessly, learning, observing various forms of human culture trying to once again find the limitations to her abilities. | ||
+ | While not as powerful as she once was, she used what she's maintained of her powers to continue through on her adventures, learning to be one with humanity rather than knowing only their destruction. | ||
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+ | Along the way she's made some many friends, as well as various enemies who wish to use her Djinnic power to further their own goals. During her Journey through time, Afroza's learned almost every form of martial arts there is to master; coupling them together with her ability to manipulate the elements in order to make a dangerous combination of Martial arts and element manipulation. Effectively creating her own form of martial arts. | ||
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+ | Yangın Formu or Fire Form is a fighting style best used when pressing forward and advancing against an opponent. Yangın Formu consists of rapid well timed strikes that often knock their opponent off balance or injure them in some very serious way. As a decisive well rounded battle form Afroza can be seen using this almost all the time when in Combat. | ||
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+ | Yıldırım Formu or Lightning form is an extremely aggressive variant of Yangin Formu (Fire Form) which revolves around the rule of constantly remaining in motion and never stopping until one's opponent is killed; zero exception. Rapid furious strikes make up its entirety however teleportation is mixed in to keep the aggressor in constant motion; never giving the defender an inch. | ||
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+ | kasırga Formu or Hurricane form is a defensive form based on the premise of using ones own momentum against themselves to cause damage to them while keeping well protected. It earns its nickname from various spinning motions used to constantly juke out of the aggressors way; avoiding direct combat unless absolutely necessary and even when direct combat is unavoidable; quick but powerful twists and grapples see's the defender able to break away from an opponents range; denying them any advantage. |
Revision as of 21:04, 1 October 2014
The author of this article has marked this as a creative work, and would prefer that other users not edit it. Please respect this, and unless repairing a typo, spelling, or other minor technical error, think of this page as read-only. |
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Born of the smokeless flame, the purest form of creation during a time when all the three suns and the moon claim the sky as their own in the mythical realm of Kaf; Afrozana was born a Red Marid Djinn beneath the gazes of four and is said to be the daughter of the Persian fire god: Atar. Atar is said to have sent down his first born daughter down to earth as an extension of his malevolent power, watching over the people of the Persis by being one half of its natural ebb and flow. Destruction.
When the time came and the civilization had reached the pinnacle of its power, Afrozana would be there to mark its end through various means, often times indirectly; as she is said to have been the very force behind Xerxes I razing of Athens, an event that would forever shake the foundation of the Persian empire in its eventual decline and its future razing of its prized city and capital: Persepolis.
As a Red Marid and creation/daughter of the Persian fire god Atar, Afrozana is easily able to create new fires while also manipulating and controlling existing fires of varying temperatures no matter what. Her true form is that mostly of a typical Red Marid Djinn Major, dark Red complexion with fiery orange and gold eyes, long black plume styled ponytail with a golden band wrapped around to represent her rank and status among other Djinn. The large portion of her head remains shaved clean; as thought to establish dominance and clear confidence amongst her peers where as her human form is far different, sculpted after the likes of Anahita goddess of love.
Afroza's human form was sculpted after that of the Persian goddess of love: Anahita who's time by the century of Afroza's creation had seen its end. Atar was said to have been a long time admirer of Anahita and was supposedly devastated by her death at the hands of Angra Mainyu the Persian god of Darkness. In her human form, Afroza has a fairly tanned complexion with a set of always golden eyes; straight but short black hair touched by the warmth of gold always. This form earned her the title of Anahita's Fury.
The logical reason believed by mostly all of the ancient Persian Zoroastrian followers as to why Afroza was shaped after Anahita was that Atar wished to see Angra Mainyu dead; however the supreme god Ahura Mazda's laws forbid such a thing, thus forcing Atar to create a being, a child who could contain the ocean of pain, anger and torment that he felt in the image of the woman he loved. Who would she take her anger out upon? A very simple question, easy in answer. Humanity.
Through the petty affairs of humanity, Afroza would keep an ever watchful eye; for the role of a destroyer she would play; both Directly and Indirectly.
480 B.C marked the beginning of the second Greco-Persian war, a united greece taking on the invading Persian Empire led by one King Xerxes I descendant and son of king Darrius before him. With a desire to finish just what his father started, Xerxes led his forces westward through the east, in past Asia Minor into Greece itself; a plan not thought whole heartedly by the king but also thanks to the influence of a nearby Priestess who sought only to serve her empire and king. That priestess had an agenda of her own.
With victory seeming certain as the Persian Army both march and sailed into the city state known as Athens, the Persian king called upon the blessings of both Verethragna the Persian god of war and Atar the Persian god of fire and wrath; this was a mistake that would mark the end of a once powerful empire and the beginning of the end of another.
Persian victory in Athens was all too decisive, after a clear victory; Xerxes pondered the fate of the known worlds most prestigious city and it was in that moment that the priestess whispered into his ear:
And so thoughts of vengeance surged through the Persian Kings head, the anger spread faster than the fire it sprouted; Athens was razed to the ground, not a single survivor left to tell the tale; though in the end Xerxes couldn't help but feel an immediate regret for he had gone against all the fundamentals the Persian empire were built upon. Unknowingly, he had opened the door for future events to come.
Persia, must be punished.
In 334 BC, Alexander The Great's conquest saw the Greek Kingdom of Macedon stretched to new heights as he and his fellow Generals battled Persia and its many Satrapies; pushing them further and further east with each passing day; annexing more and more territory as they progressed further towards the heart of the Kingdom, Persepolis itself. Alexander laid siege to the crowned Jewel of the Empire, and maintained the siege for some long grueling month's before pressing his attack, ultimately taking over the city and holding it in captivity for a short time.
With Persepolis under his control and victory just in his grasp; Alexander planned to maintain the city as it would be; repair the damages of the siege and keep is as a trophy for his greatest achievement, his men however saw things much differently. With the survivors of the siege forced to rebuild their destroyed home, a shady priestess would work from the shadows to see that the cycle of vengeance continued once more. Public gatherings filled with propaganda from years past; the Greek's would be reminded of the wronging's they had been dealt by Persia. In the end, they would cry out for blood.
As each day passed his men grew more and more unruly, and despite Alexander's best attempts, one of the greatest commanders in history found himself unable to control his men as Persepolis was sacked and razed to the ground in what could be considered an echo from the past. Much like Athens years ago, Persepolis would be left nothing but ruins; never to be rebuilt again.
To Alexander's Disdain, he had once more added fuel to the fire; continued the cycle of destruction and birth once more. Still then the Achaemenid Empire would fall and be replaced with a solidified Greek Empire beneath Alexander the great who's conquest would continue for years to come until his eventual death in the great city of Babylon in June 323 BC, an event that would allow the Diety of destruction to once more play her part again.
With the untimely death of Alexander the great, Afroza was free to set course a series of events that would change history forever and leave the known world divided once again. The Diadochi would rise from the ashes of Alexander's charred corpse and attempt to claim his empire for their own. The Rival General's, Heir and Statesman would have to compete with eachother for control of said empire and this created a power vacuum that would see the former empire undone.
After a series of untimely revolts and bids for independence, the Empire was fractured between four great kingdoms that would occupy the vastness of the once mighty empire. The Seleucid and its remaining Eastern Satrap's in Syria, The Egyptian's of the Nile, the Baktrian's situated far east near the Maurya and finally the crowned Gem and Birthplace of Alexander; the original founding Kingdom of Macedon situated in upper Greece.
Thanks to the chain of events set in motion by the Deity of Destruction, Total War Broke out among the fractured kingdoms of the former empire and for a while Afroza would be at the Pinnacle of her influence; establishing herself a Sub-Pantheon beneath Atar her creator and master. This pinnacle of influence couldn't last forever; for as time passed the Zoroastrian Gods and Goddess' appeared to be losing more and more influence over their people due to the rapid Hellenization of eastern regions; resulting in the Eastern Gods' Rapid Decline.
With the Eastern provinces becoming more and more Hellenized with each passing year and the wars between the Diadochi becoming more and more out of control; Afroza found herself in a state of rapid decline. Zoroastrianism was quickly becoming a thing of the past and Greek Hellenistic values were rapidly coming in to replace the old, eventually as less and less people continued to believe, Afroza's connection to the god and her creator Atar was severed and thus her powers were almost entirely stripped from her. With her place among the humans uncertain, Afroza had no choice but to use what limited power she had left to reveal herself to the humans who still believed and thus use the last of her influence in the earthly plane to go into self exile, bringing with her the last of the Zoroastrian Priesthood estimated at about Five Hundred believers.
Taking her newfound cult following to the once Persian province of Susa modern day Shush in Iran. Afroza demanded that a Tomb be built in her honor and so; the cultist got to work immediately in sculpting a tomb worthy of the Djinn's presence; all the while a book was to be written of her first hand experiences as a Diety and now Lesser being. With the assistance of magic and superior architecture, the tomb took but three years to be completed with the book taking five.
Upon the Tomb's completion Afrozana thanked her cult following and inscribed the names of the five hundred upon the base of the altar in her tomb; promising them immortalization in the sense that they become her tomb's guardians. Before her time of departure a ritual was held within the temple, a mass sacrifice of 499 individuals to empower both herself and the constructs the tomb contained, four hundred and ninety nine souls being transferred to these constructs to forever act as 'living' guardians who lie dormant in wait and defense of the tomb should anyone ever stumble upon it with radical intention. The last of the Priests and writer of the book Behdin was to be given a much more important task; to continue writing the book even in death.
One last sacrifice would take place on the Altar that day, Behdin's soul transferred into the book known as; 'House of smokeless fire'. So when the day had come that Afroza could awaken once again, he could continue to write her story to great detail. Putting the last of her greater power into the book itself, essentially the Djinn transferred her life force into that very book; replacing what 'heart' she might have had for hundreds of pages worth of her lifetime.
Standing in the Tomb alone then with her book in hand, she had no choice but to set the book upon the altar, and herself within a sarcophagus plated in gold, to slumber and regain what strength she could. Confidence in her Guardian's devotion in protecting her life's work.
They found themselves the right, to mock and disrespect, The people they see less than them, like toys one might collect, They pick and prod and poke, to enjoy a fight they know they’ll win, Beaten into submission, their victims watch them grin.
These people bask in conflict, in the fires of anger and pride, I cannot condone such actions, such is this passion, I cannot hide, So this is the meaning of hatred, let it boil and you will burn, But the ecstasy of going over the edge, is one I start to for yearn.
To see their startled faces, as I refuse to turn the other cheek, they cower as I no longer submit, when at last I finally speak, The glory of my words, like golden relief parting from my lips, As dark insults and warning make the message clear, the final bitter word drips.
Hate is the fire that burns at and into your soul, Leave it untended and you'll find, you can never again be whole, Snuff out such sparks quickly I say, dare not let them catch, Or be forced to fight the fiery beast, for which we are all out matched." - House of smokeless fire, page 1
The house of smokeless fire or Afroza's book of life is an entire documented experience that spans from the moment of creation onto her present form. Charted inside are her numerous adventures, conversations, thoughts; everything. Before losing the last of her Lesser Deity powers, she transferred as much of her vital energy as she could to into that book to ensure it would continue to be written even after she fell into her comatose state; slumbering through time to recover all her lost energy up until the point of Zoroastrian resurgence during the rise of the Parthian empire from which to her surprise she finds to have been far altered compared to the previous form of Zoroastrian belief's previous during her reign.
Unwilling to fall back into slumber again Afroza took her book and locked it away in her sarcophagus before departing her shrine to wander the world aimlessly, learning, observing various forms of human culture trying to once again find the limitations to her abilities. While not as powerful as she once was, she used what she's maintained of her powers to continue through on her adventures, learning to be one with humanity rather than knowing only their destruction.
Along the way she's made some many friends, as well as various enemies who wish to use her Djinnic power to further their own goals. During her Journey through time, Afroza's learned almost every form of martial arts there is to master; coupling them together with her ability to manipulate the elements in order to make a dangerous combination of Martial arts and element manipulation. Effectively creating her own form of martial arts.
Yangın Formu or Fire Form is a fighting style best used when pressing forward and advancing against an opponent. Yangın Formu consists of rapid well timed strikes that often knock their opponent off balance or injure them in some very serious way. As a decisive well rounded battle form Afroza can be seen using this almost all the time when in Combat.
Yıldırım Formu or Lightning form is an extremely aggressive variant of Yangin Formu (Fire Form) which revolves around the rule of constantly remaining in motion and never stopping until one's opponent is killed; zero exception. Rapid furious strikes make up its entirety however teleportation is mixed in to keep the aggressor in constant motion; never giving the defender an inch.
kasırga Formu or Hurricane form is a defensive form based on the premise of using ones own momentum against themselves to cause damage to them while keeping well protected. It earns its nickname from various spinning motions used to constantly juke out of the aggressors way; avoiding direct combat unless absolutely necessary and even when direct combat is unavoidable; quick but powerful twists and grapples see's the defender able to break away from an opponents range; denying them any advantage.