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-Selly had a Tritionian mother who was a combat instructor for the military of Trition
-Selly had a Tritionian mother who was a combat instructor for the military of Trition
-While Selly was blissfully unaware of the events that are unfolding at her home planet Trition, Mi-lao's men had started a coup which caused planet it's life along with a million Tritionians  
-While Selly was blissfully unaware of the events that are unfolding at her home planet Trition, Mi-lao's men had started a coup which caused planet it's life along with a million Tritionians but fortunately with the sacrifice of her father she escaped to Earth to be discovered by the Yigdilles
-Despite Selly's waif-ish body, her strength allowed her to bench press a 150 to 290 tons of metal
-Despite Selly's waif-ish body, her strength allowed her to bench press a 150 to 290 tons of metal

Revision as of 02:53, 24 August 2014

Player: @Fared
Biographical Data
Real Name: Si-tali (Tritionian Name) Selly Yigdille (Earth Name)
Known Aliases: Sell, Selly
Gender: Female
Species: Tritionian
Ethnicity: Caucasian-like
Place of Birth: The planet of Trition
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Michigan
Relatives: Ka-tiam (Tritionian Father) Si-lioa (Tritionian Mother) Garry Yigdille (Human Father) Polina Yigdille (Human Mother)
Age: Looks to be in her early 20's
Height: 5'8
Weight: Too shy to say
Eyes: Glowing solar yellow
Hair: Strawberry blond
Complexion: White-ish skin
Physical Build: Waif with some athletic features
Physical Features: Solar powers that radiate from her eyes, a very shy demeanor
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: Confidential
Citizenship: US Citizen
Occupation: Unemployed
Education: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Solar-imbued strength, durability, speed, flight, usage of solar energy to fire projectiles
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBoxMini Template


-Selly has a sweet sounding voice that rimmed with innocence

-Selly trained in various forms of earth's martial arts like Karate, Judo and boxing and some of the Tritionian art of combat.

-Selly had a Tritionian mother who was a combat instructor for the military of Trition

-While Selly was blissfully unaware of the events that are unfolding at her home planet Trition, Mi-lao's men had started a coup which caused planet it's life along with a million Tritionians but fortunately with the sacrifice of her father she escaped to Earth to be discovered by the Yigdilles

-Despite Selly's waif-ish body, her strength allowed her to bench press a 150 to 290 tons of metal


In space, there lies a peaceful planet aside from Earth called Trition. In Trition, it's inhabitants were a peaceful race of human-like creatures that gained their powers through the core of the planet that's been empowered by the solar energy of the sun, what they didn't realize is that the Tritionian planet was going to be invaded by a war-like alien race called the Crystallius whose ships are going on the atmosphere of Trition. One day, the Crystallius' ships entered Trition and bombed many of it's cities, killing most of it's inhabitants. Many Tritionians who survived the bombings implored the emperor to create a military to make use of their powers for combat.

Together with the Emperor of Trition, the Tritionians had created a military to combat the Crystallius and to defend Trition. The Crystallius and the Tritionians engage in a bloody war with many deaths, most of them Crystallius, the Tritionians gained the upper hand due to the advanced weaponry and their Solar-imbued powers at their disposal. After the war is over, Trition was at peace once more.

That short-lived peace is about to be shattered once more when General Mi-lao, plotted a coup to dethrone the emperor Da-kur and assume his place as the new emperor. One of the Tritionian police officers, Ka-tiom is frighten that the Tritionian traitors might rule with an iron fist and rushes to the palace to warn his emperor of this coup d'ete. Mi-lao and his traitorous men flies to the palace only to find that Ka-tiom has beaten them to it, Da-kur's loyalists apprehended Mi-lao and his lackeys.


A trial was underway for Mi-lao for treason against the emperor of Trition, the high court have found him guilty of a attempted coup. However, they had little realization that one of Mi-lao's men have planted a bomb on the Tritionian core as a back-up plan to ensure that if he can't have Trition then no one will. The bomb exploded, destroying the core and as a result the planet was collapsing amongst itself, fearing that this may happen, Ka-tiam have built a capsule for her daughter, Si-tali, to escape from the vanishing planet of Trition.

Ka-tiam had posted a video message to her daughter when she reaches her early adulthood to realize her heritage and to fight the good fight, he also says in his message that he will always love her forever and he launch the shuttle to earth. The shuttle crashes to earth, the Yigdilles, mourning the passing of their son, saw this as a sign of the heavens and went to the crash site to see a shuttle, Garry opened the shuttle door and saw a human like female child and took her in as one of their own.

Si-tali, now named Selly Yigdille have learned human languages such as English, trained in forms of human martial arts and learned how to bake. Selly, walks to the store to get some baking supplies for her earth mother when she saw that a speeding car was about to hit a young kid playing on the street, it was then that her Tritionian powers begin to manifest and she flew to save the child from certain death. Selly, surprised that she saved the child, have realized that the Tritionian powers was manifested due to the solar energies of the earth's sun.

Selly's earth mother, Polina, have shown her daughter the capsule that she and Garry discovered her from, when Selly saw a video message of her father, she burst into tears over realizing that her home planet was destroyed. Selly saw that her solar strength was increasing when she accidentally broke the capsule and is almost shocked at what she done with her capsule, she fully acknowledged her Tritionian heritage and she will fight for humanity with that kind of power at her disposal.