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Netha then knows of the potency of her powers that is given by the Eliyoderm crystals that nearly killed her, she then knows of the qularr attack on millennium city and went there to confront them, she then realized that the qularr was being used by one of Dr. Destroyer's servents that called himself Black Talon. Netha, with the help of Defender defeated Black Talon and sent him to Stronghold, Netha asked Defender about the history of Millennium City, Defender explained that this city was once Detroit before Dr. Destroyer decimates it and several heroes arrived to stop him at the cost of their lives, Netha then went to the superhero licence department and was gave the superhero identity that is Potency.
Netha then knows of the potency of her powers that is given by the Eliyoderm crystals that nearly killed her, she then knows of the qularr attack on millennium city and went there to confront them, she then realized that the qularr was being used by one of Dr. Destroyer's servents that called himself Black Talon. Netha, with the help of Defender defeated Black Talon and sent him to Stronghold, Netha asked Defender about the history of Millennium City, Defender explained that this city was once Detroit before Dr. Destroyer decimates it and several heroes arrived to stop him at the cost of their lives, Netha then went to the superhero licence department and was gave the superhero identity that is Potency.
[[Category:Character]] [[Category:Female]] [[Category:Force]] [[Category:Might]] [[Category:American]] [[Category:Ex-Military]]

Revision as of 02:55, 23 June 2014

Player: @Fared
Biographical Data
Real Name: Netha Alia Bertrand
Known Aliases: Neth, Netty, The Potent Fury
Gender: Female
Species: Meta-Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: New Mexico, USA
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Michigan
Relatives: Colt Bertrand, Andria Amundsen-Bertrand
Age: 35
Height: 5'll
Weight: Refuses to say at this time
Eyes: Brown eyes (Before Elyoderm energy input) Glowing Blue eyes (After Elyoderm energy input
Hair: Brownish Red
Complexion: Partially tanned
Physical Build: Athletic build as she's trained in the US Army
Physical Features: None known
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: Confidential
Citizenship: US Citizen
Occupation: Research Scientist
Education: University of New Mexico graduate
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Ability of flight, Kinetic energy projection, Superhuman Speed
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBoxMini Template


Netha Bertrand was born in 1974 to a US Marine soldier and a scientist, Netha had a average home life with her father being a strict parent to her while learning things about life but her school life isn't the same as the girls from her class teased her because she was a bookworm and a geek since she inherited her mom's book smarts, but her bad school days had silver lining as Netha has gain praise for excelling at math, reading and science.

Netha later graduated from high school as she is intrigued by her future as a college student, one of her friends later suggested that she join the US Army to make money to go to college, Netha then took this suggestion for consideration, after weeks of thought, she then accepted to join the US Army where she was a researcher in alien artifacts and as she was trained by her drill instructors, she then made enough money to go to college.


After years of collage Netha then earned a degree in technology and research, she continued her research of the powerful alien crystals that came from another planet that is called Eliyos, these crystals of such origin could benefit her research. Unfortunately, one of the army rangers has kept tabs on the Eliyoderm crystals and he can sell them to the terrorists around the world so he could make a quick buck out of betraying the country.

Netha found out that the Eliyoderm crystals has been stolen, she then tell one of her trusted ranger friends to inform the officers that someone that stolen the crystals is going to betray the country, when Netha with the help of the officers found the culprit, he then injured one officer and killed another, Netha then was dragged to the experimental capsule by the culprit in the attempt to kill her with the help of the crystals, the culprit then inserted some of the crystals to power the capsule and turns it on.

While in the capsule, Netha was being filled with the Eliyoderm energy from the crystals, she was then lapsed into unconsiousness, the spy, thinking the job was done escaped little knowing that some more of the Army officers has arrived to arrest him and then was bought into custady.


Netha was at the hospital after the ordeal that nearly cost her life, she suddenly woke up and realized that her eyes are glowing after looking in the mirror, Netha was horrified at this transformation and suddenly she shot kinetic energy from her hand to blast the mirror, Netha's horror suddenly turn into astonishment when she shot a blast of kinetic energy at the mirror, she then lifted the bed with her new strength to get her phone to call her friend to tell her that the crystals that nearly killed her gave her new powers.

When she left the hospital, Netha then flies to her new apartment and she saw the bank robbery that is taking place, when the robbers spotted Netha, one of them then pulled a gun and shoot her, Netha then attempt to block the bullets and a kinetic shield appeared before her and deflect them right at the guns of the robbers, after the guns forcibly dropped from the robbers hands Netha then handed them over to the police.

Netha then knows of the potency of her powers that is given by the Eliyoderm crystals that nearly killed her, she then knows of the qularr attack on millennium city and went there to confront them, she then realized that the qularr was being used by one of Dr. Destroyer's servents that called himself Black Talon. Netha, with the help of Defender defeated Black Talon and sent him to Stronghold, Netha asked Defender about the history of Millennium City, Defender explained that this city was once Detroit before Dr. Destroyer decimates it and several heroes arrived to stop him at the cost of their lives, Netha then went to the superhero licence department and was gave the superhero identity that is Potency.