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=== [[ Xetinn ]]===
=== [[ Xetinn ]]===
* '''Full name''' - Xetinn Veircree Tigox
* '''Full name''' - Xetinn Veircree Tigox
* '''Powers''' - Advanced melee sword combat, superstrength
* '''Powers''' - Advanced melee sword combat, ballistic weaponry, supernatural powers
* '''Likes''' -  His husband, Aadytia; positive people, learning, video games
* '''Likes''' -  His husband, Aadytia; positive people, learning, video games
* '''Dislikes''' - Cold temperatures, disappointing others
* '''Dislikes''' - Cold temperatures
* '''Basics''' - Xetinn is a Lemurian who has much to learn about the world, but he is close friend of Swift and the Liberators team. He is a shy, quiet individual but has a polite and soft spoken personality. However he is lacking in knowledge, often leading him confused and unable to participate in some discussions. Despite this he is a formidable warrior skilled in swordsmanship and martial arts.
* '''Basics''' - Xetinn is a Lemurian who has much to learn about the world, but he is close friend of Swift and the Liberators team. He is a shy, quiet individual but has a polite and soft spoken personality. However he is lacking in knowledge, often leading him confused and unable to participate in some discussions. Despite this he is a formidable warrior skilled in swordsmanship and martial arts.

Revision as of 06:26, 12 June 2014

This page has been marked as a creative work in progress.

The author of this article has marked this as a creative work, and would prefer that other users not edit it. Please respect this, and unless repairing a typo, spelling, or other minor technical error, think of this page as read-only.

Edit objectives list
- replace section header graphics and update -DONE-
- fill out content 
- update story arcs and create comprehensive list
- add contact information, set up talk page for group forum and public discussion list
- update roster and compensate for new members and those who have left -DONE-
 - List former members and affiliates with short info blurb in a new section. 
- remove tags from player pages who no longer belong to the group/or have permanently halted page construction -DONE-
- alternatively, update those pages with basic information at the least
- @firestrike2 needs to fix the logo: it looks stupid -DONE-
- Request Queque for awaiting conversion to Default Liberators Scheme(optional):
  - Nullion: -DONE-
  - Garth: -DONE-
  - Duuz: -DONE-
  - Atlas: -DONE-
  - Akiko: -DONE-




The Liberators was originally a group founded in 1981 during the height of the Cold War by a heroine named Vortex Storm. The original purpose of the group was to assist in sabotage and underground efforts against the USSR in an nationalistic effort to combat communism. The Liberators reached the peak of their existence in 1989 when they participated in the ongoing revolutions by the Soviet Union's satellite states to break away from the controlling socialist regime. From their inception, their primary goal was to spark and fan the flames of revolution, to influence said countries to accepting a more capitalistic society with the possibility of joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The group was largely independent and operated covertly to aid efforts to undermine the Soviet Union's power; the Liberators was aptly named by Vortex Storm who believed that it was an American duty to fight and release territories of the Warsaw Pact from the Soviet sphere of influence. This was partly influenced by the fact that Vortex Storm was a young Chinese woman whose grandparents had participated in the Chinese Civil War of 1927-1950, on the losing side of the Republic of China, which was overtaken and defeated by the communist People's Republic of China in 1950. Her grandparents and and parent's cultural legacy stemming from it resulted in an utter hatred of all things communist, which eventually culminated in her patriotic suit and cape, as well as the primary objective of the Liberators.

The Liberators was somewhat controversial during this time period, largely due to their secretive operations. In addition it is debatable how much exactly the group contributed to the dissolution of the Soviet Union later in 1990 (The year that the third leader of the Liberators, Swift was born), but it is known that it briefly gained extensive media coverage for its participation in the Romanian Revolution. The original Liberators experienced flak for responding violently against the Communist Romanian tanks and infantry stationed there, although it may have been justified with the violent nature of the revolution itself, the Liberators reacting to rumors of genocide and the fact that many military vehicles fired on the civilian population.

With the official dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1990s, the original Liberators became less relevant. Vortex Storm continued to assign the team missions, but her like-minded teammates began to express displeasure and even nostalgia at the lack of a unified, organized opponent to subvert. The Liberators' mission then changed to a mercenary layout afterwards (their primary sponsor dropped them after deeming them no longer needed) in order to make ends meet, and moved to Millennium City to continue its operations; their primary purpose was to serve the hero community and tackle organized crime, a mission that is still one of the core objectives of the Modern Age Liberators today. Vortex Storm was later




Aadytia Tigox / Arianne / Atlas Sarnosian / Chiton / Fang / Firefox / Hellion MK.II / Nik Buster / Rasclash / Rion Blackfrost / Skallagrim / Swift / Xetinn


Aadytia Tigox

  • Likes - His husband, Xetinn
Arianne icon.png


  • Powers -Extensive CQC training, Self resurrection.
  • Likes - Fighting, riding and working on her bike, Cajun cooking, Foxbat fan.
  • Dislikes - Magic, bloodthirsty 'heroes', mind reading.
  • Basics - Former street fighter kidnapped and turned into a fox hybrid and assassin/slave. Turned the gifts forced upon her to fight against human and superhuman crime. Enjoys the challenge of taking on superhumans for more than altruistic reasons. Recently joined The Liberators.

Atlas Sarnosian

  • Powers -Technopathy, Teleporting
  • Likes - Engineering, being with The Liberators, guns, electronics, eating protein
  • Dislikes - Being called "Lizard," extreme climates, opposing forces, eating vegetation
  • Basics - Renowned as the "Chosen One" by his race of Sahuagins, Atlas is highly different than the commoners of his kind, he has been gifted the knowledge of technology and is a very sophisticated person. He fancies equipment such as guns and powered-armor.








  • Powers - Generation and manipulation of fire and celestial energies, regeneration.
  • Likes - Learning, teaching, casual conversation, honest and openness. Fighting too, but she'd never admit it.
  • Dislikes - Enigmatic and secretive people, being provoked, and being judged based on her appearance.
  • Basics - Firefox is a mystically transformed human who has been saving lives and protecting people in Millennium City for several years now. She met Swift several months ago, and the two became fast friends. Firefox recently joined the Liberators, and now works the Liberators, bringing her extensive experience in to lend a hand in many tricky situations.

Hellion MK.II

  • Weapons/Powers - Chest Cannon, Dual Hand Beams, Wrist Bolters, Technopathy, Strength, Speed, Questionite Shell and Kendrium Skeleton.
  • Likes - Music, Foiling evil plans, Combat training, Technology
  • Dislikes - Wealthy People, Mechanon, Demons, Evil
  • Basics - Hellion Mk. II is a sarcastic robot from an alternate universe somewhat similar to this one. Before joining The Liberators, he was an agent of GLOBE tasked with the safekeeping of the world. Hellion's experience as an agent has given him the insight needed to assist The Liberators, with tactical advice among other things. However, his sarcasm and his sometimes more aggressive personality leave him at odds with some of the others.

Nik Buster

  • Weapons/Powers - Mixed Martial Arts, AMT Automag V's, Viatron's 'Buster Mk. I' Suit
  • Likes - Helping civilians, friends, meeting new people, cooking, sightseeing, theater performances
  • Dislikes - Not taking action on a serious cause, Liars, insane amounts of Drama among friends
  • Basics - Active for 5 years in both United States Marines and Viatron, Nikolas Ryker (a.k.a Nik Buster), has been working against crime for the sake of saving people. After returning from a recent mission in Shanghai, Nik soon met Fang and was interviewed into the Liberators.


  • Weapons/Powers - Dull Katana, Shapeshifting, Fast Regeneration
  • Likes - Technology, friends, honorable fights, explorations, patience, rock music
  • Dislikes - Cruelty, cheap tactics, recklessness
  • Basics - Rasclash is a unique Roin'esh on the path of justice. Distinguishable by bright blue bio-energy and armor patterns, he is more well-known as a hero on other planets. He is currently aware that the other members are cautious of the Roin'esh based on the team's past conflicts. He is currently named "Duuz," which was his original name from Taroindar.
Skall Perfect Cube.jpg


  • Powers - Lycanthropy, Berserking
  • Likes - Food, friends, fighting, storytelling
  • Dislikes - Losing control, being alone, pointless fights, megalomania
  • Basics - Rick is a hereditary werewolf, with strange values and behaviors due to his unique upbringing. He tends to be aggressive and is nigh fearless--so fearless that the ER is like a second home. He tests everyone he meets to determine their "strength" and respects those who have earned his trust.


  • Powers - Rapid regeneration, skilled gunmanship, high agility
  • Likes - Pizza, hanging out with the Liberators, being a leader
  • Dislikes - Criminal underworld, powerful corporations, bribes, bullies
  • Basics - Swift is the leader of the Liberators, and he is well adapted to the job. He is friendly with his teammates and leads with a firm but reasonable hand, considering his team his extended family. However sometimes lacking in confidence, his strong will always makes him pull out in the end.


  • Full name - Xetinn Veircree Tigox
  • Powers - Advanced melee sword combat, ballistic weaponry, supernatural powers
  • Likes - His husband, Aadytia; positive people, learning, video games
  • Dislikes - Cold temperatures
  • Basics - Xetinn is a Lemurian who has much to learn about the world, but he is close friend of Swift and the Liberators team. He is a shy, quiet individual but has a polite and soft spoken personality. However he is lacking in knowledge, often leading him confused and unable to participate in some discussions. Despite this he is a formidable warrior skilled in swordsmanship and martial arts.

Former Members


Circuit Shock

  • Powers -Electrical energy manipulation.
  • Likes - Science fiction movies, cars, Italian cuisine, drinking milk(despite being lactose intolerant)
  • Dislikes - His former allies, anything to do with liquid other than beverages.
  • Basics - Son of legendary hero Bolt Man, Ryan Canfield was a wealthy young man who has mastered the art of controlling lightning and electricity with his bare hands. He is an emotional and somewhat insecure man, very prone to losing his temper easily when provoked. His increasing desire to get himself noticed as valuable left him vulnerable to being controlled by a sinister energy known as the red lightning. After the massacre of several villains and the destruction of parts of the city directly caused by him, The Liberators expelled him and deemed him a major threat. He is currently in hiding.


Doctor Albert Z

  • Weapons/Powers - Fire manipulation, firearms, flight
  • Likes - Having allies, people treat him well, The Liberators
  • Dislikes - His failure at following orders, getting Swift imprisoned, his own life
  • Basics - Al was a former member of The Liberators before his his misbehavior and temper tantrums lead to his expulsion. His location is currently unknown but he has been popping up around Caprice occasionally. Be wants to rejoin the Liberators, but doubts if he is ready to do so.


  • Weapons/Powers - Missile launchers, power armored kendruim suit.
  • Likes - Being in the spotlight, women, farm animals, practical jokes.
  • Dislikes - Eggplants, being 'only human', not being able to save someone.
  • Basics - Blast Beetle was a previously active Liberators member that has recently fallen out of contact. His membership has expired and is pending renewal upon regaining communication with the team. Last sighting was approximately one month ago.


  • Powers - Hex and Charm Casting, Reality alteration, Weather manipulation, Soul and Time Magic
  • Likes - Working with the Liberators, Reading ancient scrolls, visiting places of historical interest, working as a Mystos Guardian.
  • Dislikes - Being bored, Confrontations amongst heroes, magic used for dark purposes, DEMON, VIPER and ARGENT.

Basics - CharmCaster is a mage from an alternate dimension who has recently arrived on Earth, and assists the Liberators in their struggle against the forces of evil. She is good natured and enjoys learning about this dimension. She is quick to calm a situation using her interpersonal skills and sometimes her magic. She has a very strong sense of justice and is always willing to assist where she can.

Conditions Of Withdrawal - CharmCaster realized that her duties as a Mystos Guardian and as a teacher at The Summerstone Academy were putting large strain on her relationship with her fellow Liberators and as a result she had lost touch with the group. Despite her intentions to withdraw from the group, CharmCaster hopes this action does not impact the group negatively and has requested to remain allies with them, able to help them in times of need. Although not yet official, CharmCaster hopes her letter to The Liberators does convey her desire to discuss the conditions of her withdrawal in the near future. As of the 16th of February 2014, her membership was suspended at her request, pending official withdrawal in the near future.

UPDATE: Her withdrawal was made official after meeting with Swift on the 2nd of March 2014.


Techna Ology

  • Powers - Technopathy, Metal Manipulation, Super Intelligence
  • Likes - Robots, Computers, Technology, Inventing
  • Dislikes - Bad guys, improper use of science, Mechanon

Basics - Techna Ology is an alien from a highly advanced planet far away from Earth, known as Xen or Xen-2. The inhabitants, Xenians, are a humanoid species and are naturally super powered. Techna moved to Earth along with her sisters Mentella and ForceGirl and operates as the CEO of ForceTech Industries. She joined the Liberators along with her fellow Sisterhood member CharmCaster. Techna's resourcefulness, intelligence and brilliance with technology far outstrips that of her nearest rival, making her a force to be reckoned with, just like her sisters.

Conditions Of Withdrawal - Techna Ology withdrew from The Liberators based on the lack of interaction she was having with the group. Her responsibilities as the CEO of ForceTech Industries and Head of Mechanics and Engineering for The Summerstone Academy, meant that she was slipping away from the group as time went on. She sent an official letter of membership termination (her resignation) on the 2nd of May 2014 and has returned the Liberators com-link.



Officer Richardson

Roland Vlocke

Garemund Gonk









In late 2017, plagued by lawsuit troubles, the Coalition dissolved. A deal was made for PRIMUS to take the heat and clear members of civil suits so that individuals would not be affected... but the price was that the organization was to disband. The Coalition was dissolved, the facilities shut down, and the organization became defunct. The Orb of Eternity was disposed of, and the Citadel was destroyed in a controlled demolition. The Phoenix Complex itself was also similarly decommissioned and rebuilt into a new headquarters for Vlocke Aerospace Industries and Frost Futuretech.

The Liberators parted ways, but remaining friends and wishing each other luck in their future endeavors. The Phoenix went up in ash... though because PRIMUS only ordered the current members to dissolve and never reform, and not outsider non-members, the Phoenix may one day rise again from the ashes when the ban on the team name "Liberators' expires in ten years.

LIBERATORS 2011-2017


Liberators Tower (decommissioned) | The Citadel (decommissioned)

Members at time of dissolution

Swift | Skarius Snowtalon | Nulion | Ouros | Viro
Hellion MK.II | Atlas Sarnosian | Trembling Mind | Lionel Blacke
TALAN | Velocies | Wintermist | Vherio | Hyena
Duuz | Charlie Lang | Kuro Hiryu |
Red Tesla | Livina Uaisbro


Swift | Velocies | Lionel Blacke | Skarius Snowtalon | Roland Vlocke
Brian Thomas | Helena Wolfe

Associates and Allies:

Creed |Davkas Droverson | Tai Cheng | King Nocturne | James Walker | Shadow | Umbra

In Reserve / Status Unknown:

Fang | Firefox | Nik Buster | Varulfr | Blast-Beetle

Deceased / Former Members:

Rocket Wolf | CharmCaster | Techna Ology | Kados | Rhiannon Frost | Ephrael Wilson