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Revision as of 09:35, 1 April 2014


This page has been marked as a creative work in progress.

The author of this article has marked this as a creative work, and would prefer that other users not edit it. Please respect this, and unless repairing a typo, spelling, or other minor technical error, think of this page as read-only.

Author's Note:
I do not have english as my native tongue and even though I consider my english "pretty good" I am quite certain that this page will contain quite a plethora of typo's, bad grammar or redundant phrases. This stems from my background and where I learned english... which was reading books and watching movies in english. So please forgive my shortcomings and feel free to correct typo's and bad grammar. For phrasing correction please send me a mail in CO at @Fransens. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the background I've pulled out of my hat here... even though I don't own one.

Also note that this page may content SEXUAL, MATURE and OTHERWISE QUESTIONABLE content that might not be for everybodies tastes...

Player: @Fransens
"You will -not- believe me, but listen to me... I almost crashed my ship into a 8 kilometer long hooker. I'm serious... wait... -the hell? HELLO?! ...daaamn, why is the NEOCOM empty? What the fuck?!
Biographical Data
Real Name: Unknown. All she knows is the word "Jaliaah" is strongly connected with her, so she took it as a name of sorts.
Known Aliases: None known.
Gender: Female.
Species: Human Clone. Has died four times already.
Ethnicity: Minmatar.
Place of Birth: Somewhere in the Heimatar Region.
Base of Operations: On her Stabber Class Minmatar Cruiser.
Relatives: Unknown.
Age: Unknown, est. 26 years.
Height: 1,75m
Weight: 70 kg
Eyes: Green.
Hair: Orange-Red. Dyed.
Complexion: Pale.
Physical Build: Lean and athletic.
Physical Features: Tattoos over the eyes and to the side. A series of sockets starting at the back of her head and going down along her spine to the small of her back.
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Identity: Unknown, but no secret identity.
Years Active: None.
Citizenship: None.
Occupation: Pilot, Miner, Mechanic.
Education: None apart from "Skill Books", digital media that uploads skills and knowledge directly into the brain.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Powers and Abilities
None, apart from some weird kind of instinct regarding Spaceships.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Implants, nanites, futuristic weapons and armor.
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada


This redhead had quite a rough time lately.

First she was a former slave to the Amarr Empire, then liberated by her own people.
Afterwards she found out that she had holes in her memory and had some very invasive surgery done on her, where implants had been put into her body.
Later on she learned that -those- implants enabled her to become a capsuleer... the most powerful humans imagineable, becoming immortal, and capable of piloting a spaceship with the power of their minds alone.
And just when she thought she had seen anything her ship almost collided with a dreadnaugh class vessel that JUST WASN'T THERE A MOMENT AGO!
The mystery ship that for some reason sported a eight-kilometer long holographic projection over its entire length showing a naked woman lying in a very precarious pose. Just as she was about to crash into it, the mystery ship vanished again and when Jaliaah came back to her senses she, and her ship, were somewhere else.

Somewhere else indeed.

Background & History

Relaxing and watching the news.

POD Pilots aka Capsuleers

Jaliaah thinking about going into her POD.

Technology of New Eden

Closeup of J's implants connecting her to her POD.

Being stranded

Jaliaah and her favorite ship: The Stabber.

Attributes In Detail

Physical Attributes


Jaliaah is very average as much as strength is concerned. She works out regulary, yes, but as a Capsuleer she hardly ever needed to lift heavy things herself.


Having suffered numerous surgeries and physical abuse, of which she thankfully has almost no memories, she has toughened up quite a bit. Nothing supernatural of course.


Only slightly above average, not much to say here.


No magic resistance whatsoever. She doesn't even know magic exists at the moment, though she will learn that soon enough in MC.


Thanks to her implants her hand-eye-coordination is quite impressive.


Without the need to engage enemies directly in hand-to-hand combat she only had very basic training in the Minmatar Republic's acadamy for Capsuleers.


This is a two-sided coin.
On one side she has access to highly advanced projectile and energy weapons such as railgun assault rifles and plasma shotguns and on the other hand she has a cruiser in orbit that could bombard a chosen location with, questionable, impunity... leveling a two block radius.


Having access to Dropsuits has its benefits. Inertial Dampeners to slow one's decent when dropped out of a dropship, TacNet uplink, Medical Nanites and a protective Shield that absorbs the first couple of shots aimed at the wearer are all quite welcome on the battlefield. Due to the high lethality of New Eden weapons though the mortality rate of soldiers is still depressing indeed.


Implants paired with immense skilltraining downloaded directly into her brain give this Minmatar woman the appearance of inhuman reflexes.


Since her clones were never meant to fight on the ground, she is about as fit as any woman that regulary exercises to stay in shape.


Again, she never had to train much in this area. She once thought about doing some kind of dance-career after she got free from the Amarr Slavers, but eventually dropped it due to better prospects as a Capsuleer.


The nanites in Jaliaah's dropsuit give her amazing regenerative powers. She modified the suit once to be able to disperse said nanites to heal other people as well, but the healing output for herself has suffered in return. Given enough time she could return from the most grievous injuries that don't damage her brain or implants.

Non-Physical Attributes


No forms of energy projection, unless one counts Plasma Shotguns.


Jaliaah actually has -no- telepathic powers, but her Charisma-Implant makes it look like she can read surface thoughts and emotions, when it really only reads body language, blushing, heart rate, eye movement, pupil dillation and the like.


None. Zero. Nichts. Nada.


Again, without her implant she would be pretty average, but thanks to her Intelligence-Implant she is close to be near a genius level intellect.


Even without her Charisma-Implant, Jaliaah is pretty open and likeable. She enjoys the company of others and is very unbiased about race or orientations. Add in her Implant and you have a potential leader of a corporation or nation. The only thing that keeps her from becoming just that is her unwillingness to take charge and lead.


No psionic abilities whatsoever.


Being a capsuleer means suffering when your ship suffers. The pain may be only in your head, but you quickly learn to power through it. There is even an Implant that boosts Willpower, and Jaliaah has it installed. Also she is quite stubborn more often than not.


To list all the things humanity (well, at least where Jaliaah has come from) has achieved technology-wise would blow this section out of proportion. Suffice to say, it is very advanced, maybe thousand years of our time, mabe ten times as much. Since the citizens of New Eden have no idea of Earth's history, they couldn't even say how far ahead they are of us at this day.


Another two-sided coin. On one side Jaliaah has shitloads of knowledge about starships, weapon systems, ore-refinement, planetary infrastructure management, science, mechanics and whatnot crammed into her head.
But on the other hand she knows woefully little about modern customs, mutants, aliens, superheroes, spandex and all that.
She still has ALOT to learn.


In person she is not very brave, more timid even. Inside her Dropsuit she becomes more sure of herself and her safety. When connected to her ship she usually is detached like the demi-god she is. Untill somebody blows her up of course.