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Out of Character Triva: ''The villain's name was originally Jack Diamond, but it was later found during via a Google search that there was actually a radio show talk host named [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Diamond_%28radio_personality%29  Jack Diamond]. Oops. In order to avoid the assumption that the character is a mockery or parody of the real life person, the name has been retconned to be Victor Diamond.''
Out of Character Triva: ''The villain's name was originally Jack Diamond, but it was later found during via a Google search that there was actually a radio show talk host named [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Diamond_%28radio_personality%29  Jack Diamond]. Oops. In order to avoid the assumption that the character is a mockery or parody of the real life person, the name has been retconned to be Victor Diamond.''
='''''<div style="color:#CC9966; background-color: #D0D0D0">[[File:Swiftequipmentfixed.png|320px|left]]<br><br><br></div>'''''=
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= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #D86C13">Suit</div>''''' =
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Revision as of 08:05, 8 September 2013

This page has been marked as a creative work in progress.

The author of this article has marked this as a creative work, and would prefer that other users not edit it. Please respect this, and unless repairing a typo, spelling, or other minor technical error, think of this page as read-only.

This page is not up to date and is missing several critical files. Please be patient as it is repaired and all irrelevant or out of date data is changed.

Drawing of Swift by @Firestrike2

Player: @firestrike2
Biographical Data
Real Name: Tony Griffins
Known Aliases: Swift, Gunman (Formerly)
Gender: Male
Species: Manimal
Ethnicity: Vulpine
Place of Birth: New York
Base of Operations: Millennium City, United States
Relatives: Michael and Anna Griffins, Syrena Griffins (wife), Trixxy Gamble (Half-sister)
Age: 23
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 160lbs
Eyes: Light green
Hair: Orangeish-red
Complexion: Furry
Physical Build: Athletic, slim
Physical Features: Orangish-red fur, white underbelly, black tipped ears, forearms and legs.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Identity: Public
Years Active: 3.5
Citizenship: United States
Occupation: Captain of the Liberators, Mercenary (Formerly), Police Officer (Formerly)
Education: Graduated college
Marital Status: Married to Syrena Griffins (Cambridge)
Known Powers and Abilities
Heightened reflexes, agility, speed, enhanced hearing and sense of smell, superspeed (rarely)
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Firestrike-9 rapid fire pistol, prototype heat seeking rocket launcher, enhanced computer tablet, regenerative armored suit, flamethrower
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Tony Griffins, better known by his callsign 'Swift' is the Captain in command of The Liberators, a non-profit organization devoted to stopping superpowered crime. He works with advanced munitions and technological weaponry, specializing in tactics.

He is known for often having a cheerful, outgoing personality, and his eagerness to please others. He is often noted to be hyperactive. In his off duty hours he enjoys socializing with members of the Liberators and anyone willing to stop by for a chat.

He was formerly human, mutated by an illegal genetic experiment that went abnormally wrong when he was college. He has mostly accepted his condition as part of his identity, though he is still somewhat uncomfortable when his appearance is mentioned.


Early Life

Tony was born to Michael and Anna Griffins in New York City, moving later on to Michigan in order to attend college. His childhood, gratefully unlike many other heroes, was rather easygoing and had little to no tragedies or complications. Michael and Anna had only one child, and it was Tony whom they doted upon and admittedly spoiled, leading him to become so well adapted to his cushy lifestyle that he was generally apathetic and easygoing. That however would change.

During his stay, the Qularr attack on Millennium City had taken place. An organization called Okita Technologies received authorized funding from the state government in order to start a super soldier program for the city's police force, as well as construct prototype battle mecha that would rival Dr. Destroyer's destroids. At the time, Tony's parents were beginning to become frustrated with his dormant lifestyle, and in response he began looking for ways to improve himself. Due to his high intelligence and peak health, he was accepted candidate to undergo a genetic enhancement process that promised him the ability to protect and join the police force. For once, he believed this would make his parents proud of him.

Tony (right) outside school with friend Sean Wolfe

The project was only half true. Most of the subjects were subjected to the enhancement process as promised, but six of the forty volunteers were chosen to be put under a heavily guarded, underground program that was not on Okita Tech's official agenda. Dr. Okita was hoping to branch out and find a way to reverse the procedures of the infamous doctor Moreau and restore humanity to those who had lost it. However Okita did not desire to procure any specimens from Monster island, finding them to be "filthy savages". To achieve this, Dr. Okita targeted a family of fox manimals living in Chicago by the name of Gamble. Hired mercenaries stormed their house and killed the parents, taking away the oldest brother and leaving the sister orphaned. With this new specimen Okita was able to chemically mutate the six human subjects into identical manimal clones. When Griffins had emerged from his stasis tube after six months, he and his family were horrified to what he had become.

His mother and father kicked him out from their home, and he was unable to find shelter with his friends, as they too were repulsed. One particular friend, Sean Wolfe, absolutely refused to speak to Swift after the incident and thereafter he never saw him again.

Start of Hero Career

However, with no knowledge of his own history or much money to start off with, it was akin to telling a child to suddenly leave and fend for himself. This, coupled with the fact that he had previously led a life of ease, made adapting to the world extremely difficult. Tony was nevertheless resilient, and in time he managed to recover and land a job with the police department after lending a helping hand in capturing a rampant crime boss.

He joined the Millennium City Police Department, and was accepted into their ranks as an officer of the law. His early dealings were in Westside, where he played a key role in numerous arrests and detainment of super-villains. He became somewhat of a favorite among officers due to his ability to literally run down thugs and cuff them.

His agility and quickness at this task earned him the nickname "Swift".


As he slowly became more able and powerful, he registered and was then later assigned by PRIMUS to a superteam known as the Liberators, and assumed command of the group after their previous leader had resigned. Under his watch the Liberators expanded and began taking assignments in various parts of the world, locations including Canada and the Southwestern desert. During this time he had met a person named Rhian Frost, a woman with remarkable powers in generating force fields and psychic energy. Initially she was antagonistic toward him, but eventually warmed up and became second in command. Swift felt that this was the first person who truly understood him and found comfort in being able to spend time with her.

Swift limps through the wreckage in the aftermath of the Steelhead incident.

One fateful day the Liberator team was dispatched to Force Station Steelhead to deal with what would seem like a normal incursion by ARGENT. However, communication was disrupted by a violent snowstorm and an alien ship, belonging to a race called the Roin'esh, crash landed near the facilities. The team fought their way to the nearest shelter, where they managed to fend off attacks until morning. Frost and Swift infiltrated the main Steelhead building, which was under control of the Roin'esh at the time. They were able to liberate the building, and boarded the Roin'esh ship to put a permanent stop to the alien threat. The commander proved too much for the two, and Rhian knew that it was hopeless. She sacrificed herself to save Swift.

It was a bitter ending that would lead to the worst period in his life. Not only had the Roin'esh emerged undefeated, losing Rhian was a devastating impact on Swift's well being. Other team members in the Liberators continued to press on, but the group slowly began to fracture. One member resigned, and another was killed in a freak accident, and one who happened to be in love with Frost sunk into a morbid depression. Swift at this point was alone. he resigned from the Liberators in hopes of finding a fresh start in another team.

Mercenary Days

Swift had sunken. He began hanging around bars, most notably Club Caprice, listening to other heroes tell their stories of their own travels and adventures. He was out of work, and relied on his inherited wealth from his deceased uncle to help him pass by. It was during this period where he met S.E.R.A.P.H., the leader of the Meta-human Agent Contract Enterprises. He joined the group, but initially struggled to fit in. The death of Rhian Frost and the demise of his team had left him rather insecure and bitter. He was reclusive around other members, and experienced trouble socializing. His timidness and almost childlike behavior frustrated the leader, but nevertheless she managed to put some effort into helping him pick up the pieces.

Over a period of months Swift's attitude slowly improved. He eventually rebuilt his confidence and finally accepted himself for who, as well as what he was, and made the effort to make friends and reach out to others. Through his hard work and tenure at MACE he eventually became one of Seraph's executive officers. Somewhere along the line, the MACE team was hired to attack the base of operations of a manimal poacher, and after liberating the warehouse, Swift stumbled upon an arctic fox manimal named Raelin, someone gifted with the powers to manipulate frost and ice. Outside of MACE, the two began to fall in love. Raelin helped Swift finally find his place in the world, and inspired him to later leave the mercenary group for one purpose.

To resurrect the Liberators.


Griffins has managed to rebuild the Liberators into a team that was stronger than the last. The group is dedicated to helping those who need help or call for it, free of charge. The Liberators now operates primarily in Millennium City and the United States, but plans are being made to expand their scope to assist people worldwide. Earning money is no longer an objective, as the members of the team feel that it's rewarding enough to do what's right, and only accept payments from sponsors and PRIMUS in order to fund their equipment and supplies.

Swift has also married Raelin. The two have an intimate relationship, and she decided to take on the callsign of "Velocies", which is the Latin form used to describe the word "Swift". Rae has since helped him with everything from moral support to assisting the team on missions and upgrading the Liberator's tech. Currently she has enhanced her powers to manipulate ice and water by channeling her energies through a suit.

Swift in his typical casual wear.

Powers and Abilities

Swift relies on his agility and speed to dodge attacks from enemies. His combat suit does offer limited protection against radiation, kinetic, energy, and chemical attacks, but the energy required to power the force fields and inertial compensator typically ends up draining the battery. For offensive attacks he employs a large variety of munitions weaponry, custom built and fitted for the task at hand.

On the biological side, Tony has superhuman senses, having the capability to listen to conversations all the way on the other side of a large room. Being a candid manimal his sense of smell is very well developed, as are his reflexes and capacity to sense movement. However, he lacks the strength that many humans have gained through similar modification processes, instead having actually lost muscle mass during the original transformation and having to exercise again to compensate. However his body is capable of rapid regeneration when damaged

While his hearing is acute, it is extremely sensitive. In order to prevent pain or ear related injuries he must wear a specialized set of electronic noise filtering ear plugs when he operates firearms or is in loud areas such as construction sites or dance floors of clubs.

He does, as his name implies, have the ability to move at superhuman speeds, a trait that was acquired from the genetic enhancement , but is currently still attempting to master it, as he has caused damage to himself and structures around him when he used the power and ended up losing control. Unfortunately he has not made much progress in this respect.


Swift generally has a positive, outgoing personality and a can-do attitude. He has been known to become hyperactive and is often excitable, thriving on social interaction and being able to interact. Swift is confident in himself, and whatever he sets out to accomplish he will likely achieve it. He cares deeply about his family, going to great lengths to keep them out of harms way and becoming aggressive when he feels they are threatened. There are moments where he can become frustrated or easily discouraged, but with right motivation he is able to get his head back into the game. He is rather modest, genuinely surprised though pleased when a compliment is given. He has a sense of humor, and will often start a conversation with a complete stranger just to be able to talk. As for his friends, he tries his best to make them happy and to avoid conflict whenever it is possible.

He still has a few shortcomings. Swift is a very emotional person and his sensitivity sometimes causes him to be easily offended, which obviously displays on his features as he is unable to hide them. He also prejudiced against the Roin'esh for what they had done to Frost in the past, and though it does takes a notable amount of pestering to anger him, he has the potential to be extremely destructive when he finally snaps.Though he is a capable leader, there are moments when he has doubts of his own abilities.


Circuit Shock / Revolucion / CharmCaster / Xetinn / Blast-Beetle / Techna Ology


Circuit Shock

  • Powers -Electrical energy manipulation.
  • Likes - Science fiction movies, cars, Italian cuisine, drinking milk(despite being lactose intolerant)
  • Dislikes - Sarcasm, cruelty, anything to do with liquid other than beverages.
  • Basics - Son of legendary hero Bolt Man, Ryan Canfield is a wealthy young man who has mastered the art of controlling lightning and electricity with his bare hands.

However, like Swift he is very emotional. He is quick to anger.


  • Powers - Advanced melee sword combat, technological possession, spirit vision and telekinesis.
  • Likes - Filler
  • Dislikes - Extraterrestrials
  • Basics - Revolucion is a "ghost in the machine", a being who has been dead for over 300 years. He is a spiritual being who inhabits avatars and can control mechanical bodies.


  • Powers - Hex and Charm Casting, Reality Alteration, Weather Manipulation, Soul and Time Magic
  • Likes - Working with the Liberators, reading ancient scrolls, visiting places of historical interest.
  • Dislikes - Being Bored, Confrontations amongst heroes, magic used for dark purposes, DEMON, VIPER and ARGENT.
  • Basics - Charmcaster is a mage from an alternate dimension who has recently arrived on Earth, and assists the Liberators in their struggle against the forces of evil. She is good natured and enjoys learning about this dimension. She is quick to calm a situation using her interpersonal skills and sometimes her magic. She has a very strong sense of justice and is always willing to assist where she can.


  • Powers - Advanced melee sword combat, superstrength
  • Likes - Learning, orange juice, positive people, video games
  • Dislikes - Cold temperatures, disappointing others
  • Basics - Xetinn is a Lemurian who has much to learn about the world, but he is close friend of Swift and the Liberators team. He is a shy, quiet individual but has

a polite and soft spoken personality.


  • Powers - Missiles, technology and power armor.
  • Likes - Filler
  • Dislikes - Filler
  • Basics - Richard Orrington is a young man who has a set of power armor taken from Harmon Industries. He is the Liberator's resident self proclaimed comedian and his trademark armor

and missiles have earned him the nickname of "Blast Beetle".


Techna Ology

  • Powers - Technopathy, Metal Manipulation, Super Intelligence
  • Likes - Robots, Computers, Technology, Inventing
  • Dislikes - Bad Guys, Improper use of science, Mechanon
  • Basics - Techna Ology is an alien from a highly advanced planet far away from Earth, known as Xen or Xen-2. The inhabitants, Xenians, are a humanoid species and are naturally super powered. Techna moved to Earth along with her sisters Mentella and ForceGirl and works at ForceTech Industries. She joined the Liberators along with her fellow Sisterhood member CharmCaster. Techna's resourcefulness, intelligence and brilliance with technology far outstrips that of her nearest rival, making her a force to be reckoned with, just like her sisters.
If your character is a friend of Swift's and somehow didn't make this list: Feel free to add onto it, provided that you use the same format as above.



Dr. Okita

Main Article: Okita Technologies

"Humanity is doomed to extinction unless they discover the error of their ways and reverse the damage we've done. Unfortunately, I have come to a conclusion that it is beyond the realm of possibility. Fortunately, I have found a cure for this metaphorical cancer."

Name: Saito Okita
Powers: None, owner of massive corporation.
Threat level: High

Dr. Saito Okita (サイト オキタ) was a wealthy billionaire who was the CEO of Okita Technologies. He specialized in advanced weaponry, genetics, and considers himself to be a pioneer in the development and harnessing of antimatter. He vanished after bankruptcy of Okita Technologies years ago, and had been working underground until he was discovered by The Liberators. He was hell-bent and desperate to protect his remaining assets until the completion of his "master plan" which involved the termination of gene pool of the human race by bombarding the planet with antimatter missiles and then repopulating it with specimens from a massive interstellar vessel named the Ark.

He was eventually defeated by the Liberators in Operation "Noah's Dark", however he was allowed to live provided that he hand over the ship's weaponry and never return to Earth again. Having been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer prior to his defeat, it is a safe assumption to assume that Okita has passed away. Still the fate of the Ark is unknown.


Victor Diamond

Main article: Victor Diamond

"Millennium City's channel 42 brings you...the legendary...the magnificent...Mr.Diamond! " Victor Diamond's signature intro.

Name: Unknown
Powers: None
Threat level: Very low

Although not truly a threat to anyone (at the moment), the eccentrically flamboyant Channel 42 talk show host Victor Diamond had been pestering the Liberators for months and personality wise, he is in every sense of the word is a misanthrope. He runs a early afternoon talk show on the WCOC channel, and has a habit of mocking the heroes that come into his program. Egocentric, stuck up and an all around jerk with a heart of jerk, Jack Diamond will either put a smile on your face at another person's expense, or will become an annoying thorn in your side.

Ever since he conducted his first interview with them, Victor Diamond has been a bane to the Liberator's existence, mocking their team and seeming to target Swift especially. He seems to enjoy preying on Swift's sensitivity and mocking him for being a manimal. For obvious reasons his real identity has been kept secret, but Swift can't help but keep thinking that Mr. Diamond is strangely familiar. Victor Diamond is still on the air. How he never gets cancelled is anybody's guess.

Out of Character Triva: The villain's name was originally Jack Diamond, but it was later found during via a Google search that there was actually a radio show talk host named Jack Diamond. Oops. In order to avoid the assumption that the character is a mockery or parody of the real life person, the name has been retconned to be Victor Diamond.



The Firestrike-9 in use. The orange portion on the gun is the removable ammo magazine.
The jetpack engaged. A forcefield protects Swift's tail from being burned.
The result of one of the Firestrike-9's explosive rounds. Wreaking havoc can be fun!
  • Armored Suit
    This suit is his combat uniform. The suit is capable of taking heavy damage from bullets and impacts with stationary objects. It is airtight and has a force field projection system to protect against chemical, physical, electronic and energy attacks. It also seals his head and tail in the vacuum of space. The suit also has environmental control and is capable of moderate regeneration out of combat. When stowed away, it separates into four pieces that are attached by the belt when it is reassembled. The suit is controlled directly by the computer tablet and buttons on the belt. Originally a Okita Technologies prototype for the super-soldier program, this suit was taken by Griffins and since been modified.
  • Jetpack
    The jetpack is a vital piece of equipment that enables Swift to move around the city with haste. It is capable of levitating him to extreme heights and has reaction control thrusters and inertial adjusters to provide as smooth a flight as possible. Uses slow burning fuel pellets charged by solar energy. Drawbacks include risk of burn injuries. This has since been improved with help from Syrena. Originally a prototype from Okita Technologies, this was also stolen by Swift from their labs.
  • Firestrike Mark IXs
    This large, long barreled pistol is capable of firing in rapid bursts, and holds an ammo magazine with 200 rounds ( Micro-munitions). This cartridge can be quickly replaced with an identical ones which are stored on the suit's utility belt. The weapon is capable of switching between an electrical stun similar to a taser and lethal armor piercing rounds. These rounds can also be switched with incendiary rounds, explosive rounds with a timed delay or homing shells for firing underwater. Originally a prototype from Okita Technologies, this weapon was stolen by Swift from their labs. A second Firestrike-9 was acquired when Trixxy Gamble gave it to Swift as a present, having been a trophy-relic left over from the Okita kidnapping in her childhood. The gun was subsequently repaired and painted in Swift's signature color scheme. After adding it to his arsenal, Tony switched to a different style of combat, utilizing the twin guns.
  • Computer Tablet
    The computer tablet is a small, iPhone sized device with holographic display that can easily clip to the utility belt. When detached the frame can expand to the size of a clipboard. It has a tracking device, a communication system, and an on-board artificial intelligence which assists the other equipment with targeting. Also used to check Twitter and to do the typical, yet pointless things people normally do with their phones. This connects with the suit via the utility belt and can send data onto the suit's display screens embedded into the arms. Both are depicted in the character art. This was also another Okita Technologies prototype.
  • Utility Belt
    This important part of Swift's arsenal carries his ammo magazine cartridges and shotgun shells. Contains grappling hook, taser, and multiple hyposprays. And of course, there is a slot for the ever-handy Swiss Army Knife. This is also the piece that connects the parts of the suit.
  • Twin Sub-machine Guns
    Swift has two sub-machineguns that are holstered in straps on his suit. They use the same type of ammunition as the Firestrike-9 and are employed to take out multiple swarms of targets at the same time.
  • Liberators Communication Device
    This Bluetooth-like device is clipped to Swift's ear most of the time, enabling him direct communication with members of the Liberators team. With a simple voice command, one can connect to the network and be able to converse with those on it. Other team members possess an identical gadget. This can also be used as a tracking device to broadcast Swift's location, however that option may be turned off.

Power Armor

Since the incident with Okita Technologies, Swift and Rae both felt that they needed heavier armament and defensive capabilities should a similar situation arise again. Using captured data from Okita Technologies and after studying the remains of the android ASMV-H873R, Rena was able to construct a mech suit for Swift to be used in emergency situations. The suit is composed of Kendrium, much like Blast Beetle's armor, but is different in the respect that it uses a miniature reactor to power its systems and is not as flexible nor agile as his armor. The power armor's defenses include countermeasures and a powerful forcefield projector. For offensive capabilities twin energy cannons built into each arm eliminate the need for reloading, and dual plasma blades deploy when the need for melee combat arises. Unlike his normal suit the power armor has built in computer systems and jet boots, and entirely covers his body. It was designed by Rae with some input from Swift.

However Swift still primarily uses his normal armor because this suit is not very flexible, uncomfortable, and limits his freedom of movement, with the propulsion systems being rather difficult to control. In addition the power armor's reactor annihilates fuel too quickly resulting in an expensive operating cost, since Rae had not been able to duplicate the effective antimatter reactor of ASMV-H873R.

Hoverbike transport

Swift possesses a hoverbike, which he has named "Seagull".

This vehicle is used primarily as a means of rapid transport when the jet-pack is not sufficient enough to perform the task. It is armed with two dual liquid cooled machine guns and has a built in stealth module that enables to bike to project a cloaking field. Though this field is easily disabled when hit with weaponry, the stealth it offers has been critical to many a covert mission, camouflaging the bike completely from view and dampening any noise it makes.

The vehicle also serves as a platform for Swift to retreat to in order to make repairs to his suit or to restock, as it carries multiple compartments storing electronics, fuel slugs for his jetpack, and ammo for his weapons. It is capable of reaching high speeds and seating two people, three if the rear storage compartment is removed. In addition to its other features the bike is able to pilot itself and if in range, be summoned to Swift's present location with the touch of a button.

Once again, even though with these capabilities the bike is not primarily used for combat. It requires constant maintenance and reacts poorly to taking damage or heavy fire. This means that after reaching its destination the bike is typically programmed to retreat to a nearby secure location and cloak. When de-cloaked it tends to be very loud.

Liberator Gunship

Main article: Liberator Gunship

The Liberator Gunship is the main vehicle and mobile base of operations for the Liberators team. It is a VTOL aircraft with large wings and rotating engine pods, and has ample room for cargo storage, which has been converted into a combat information center. It is armed with a few batteries of rotating ball turrets for both attack and defensive purposes.



  • Technology and shiny things.
  • Reading comic books
  • Science fiction
  • Stopping crime
  • Running around in Millennium City
  • Swimming
  • Watching movies
  • Urban cityscape
  • Socializing, going to parties, being with friends
  • Being with Rae and his sister
  • Rae using his pet name
  • Summertime, wearing shorts


  • Evil or destructive metahumans
  • Negatively aligned mages
  • Cold weather, having to wear heavy coats
  • Bullies and con-artists
  • Getting his friends upset
  • Failing or disappointing his friends
  • Rae using his pet name in front of anyone else
  • Being cold or lonely
  • Failing to save something or someone
  • Negative or unpleasant people


I'm only human.
"It's n'about doing it to get things, to make money, or to become famous and have your name on TV. I'd 'cause I think it's the right thing to do. I'd like t'see what good I can do for this world before I pass into God's hands."

- Swift when he's asked about the Liberator's mission.

"Furries? Those guys scare me...No, I'm sure as hell not one of 'em!"

"Silly? Nah'...M'not silly...I just happened never t'grow up."

- In reference to his occasional hyperactivity.

"Whaddya mean I'm not human? I just have a little extra hair...an' a floofy tail...aww...dammit, ya got me."

- In response to Xetinn's bemused question when he used the remark "I'm only human."


- Standard reaction when he sees something that's confusing, mindblowing, or extraordinarily frightening.


- Standard reaction when something exasperates or disappoints him.

"Everyone makes jokes about you-know-who from th' Nintendo game. I mean, c'mon! Sure... I'ma vulpine alright...but my name's Tony and I've got a suit of armor...But noo, no one makes Iron Man jokes..."

- Complaining after a teammate mentions the Star Fox video games.

"Y'know, when you've got some sorta biography abou' you, you want to say some really awesome quotes. But righ' now I'm blankin' out and I cannae think of anything."

- To a news reporter when interviewed about his distaste for the media, and perhaps breaking the fourth wall.


  • Swift refuses to consume alcohol
    , having had a bad experience while suffering from a cold and was unable to differentiate vodka from water. In addition, his manimal body chemistry reacts poorly to alcohol, with him getting drunk easier than an average human. Instead his favorite drink he orders at Caprice or any other bar is a coffee or a milkshake. He also lists submarine sandwiches as his favorite food, followed by sushi California rolls.
  • Swift can fluently speak Japanese
    since he was embedded with the knowledge of how to speak the language after his transformation in order to communicate with the scientists who were attending to him. However this skill is rarely demonstrated except for instances where he encountered high ranking Okita Technologies employees, and when he takes missions that involve working with the joint US-Japan forces at Monster Island. Note: The RPer does understand a significant amount of Japanese, but still only studying it.
  • Swift has a fanbase in Japan.
    Surprisingly, Tony Griffins is more well known overseas in Japan than in the states, after the details of the person who defeated Dr. Okita, who was a rather prominent villain in his home country, came to the public eye. Unauthorized merchandise such as action figures, comic books (see left) and stuffed toys have circulated, though Griffins remains blissfully unaware. Even if he did find out, he probably wouldn't have the heart to sue the distributors for his image.
  • Swift possesses a large unspecified amount of wealth
    , courtesy of his late Uncle Griffins. Not much is known about this man except that he was exceptionally rich and gave a large portion of his money to Swift in his will, which sustained him when he was unemployed. However this is not seen as Tony lives modestly and most likely locks it away for safekeeping.
  • Swift refuses to kill if he can help it.
    He does not believe in murdering anyone, from smaller crooks like Kevin Poe to world ending devastators such as Dr. Destroyer, if there is a possibility that the criminal can be locked away and contained without having to kill them. However in the event that the villain will cause more loss of lives otherwise or if the situation is grave enough to warrant it, he will not hesitate to rain down lethal force upon his foes.
  • Swift hates the Roin'esh intensely.
    After having his former best friend killed by a Roin'esh, Tony went through many hardships and had trouble dealing with her death. Therefore he has deep grudge against the species as a whole, and is wary of similar aliens and shapeshifters in general. He will try to be polite when speaking, but one may note that he seems to be alert, watchful, and somewhat paranoid. However in recent months this prejudice has begun to cool down and become less extreme.
  • Swift is an open book.
    Due to his the nature of his species, every emotion that he feels is easily registered on his face, and it is impossible to control. I.E., when he happy his ears are perked up, when saddened they droop downwards, when angered they will press against his head and his teeth will bare. Emotionally he is terrible at trying to hide his feelings and keeping secrets about himself. This has proven a disadvantage in some areas.
  • You don't need any RP hooks!
    Swift's a very amiable fellow and he'll be happy to strike up a conversation if you approach him. If you're lucky, curiosity may get the better of him and he might approach you himself! Seriously, it's as easy and walking up and randomly saying "Hi". But if it's a must then these are the following things your character might know:
  • --For UNTIL members: Swift has a file on the UNTIL database which includes an event known as "Operation Noah's Dark". This was a rather severe attack from a villain named Dr. Okita, who had built a interstellar vehicle named the Ark armed with antimatter warheads. Swift was the leader of an assault team that was responsible for successfully commandeering the Ark and disarming the antimatter warheads.
  • --For PRIMUS members: Swift is the leader of the Liberators, which is a superteam that is sponsored by PRIMUS.
  • --For MACE members: Swift was once S.E.R.A.P.H.'s executive officer, or second in command. He would likely still have a file within the MACE database or mention of Swift may be floating around in conversations between current members. However it is advisable to check with those in charge.
  • --For friends of any person listed above: It's a likely chance that these people who are friends of Swift have mentioned him to them once or twice, though once again, checking with the player of that person may be a good idea.
  • --For Everyone: You may have heard reports of Swift's good deeds from broadcasts over the WCOC channel, or on documentaries about manimals. More negatively though, you may have heard of him from a talk show host named Jack Diamond, who is a misanthropic and condescending man determined to ruin Swift's and the Liberators' reputation.




  • All Or Nothing Reloads - He tends to load his weapons swiftly and often that task isn't shown in emotes or described unless it's right before a battle where a suit-up sequence is appropriate.
  • Jet Pack - Swift has a jetpack that allows him to fly without setting his legs (or tail) on fire. Justified by the presence of a forcefield to protect his appendages when the boosters are engaged.
  • Arbitrary Gun Power - The Firestrike-9 seems to do this a lot. Sometimes it can blast a meter wide diameter hole in a wall, other times it simply shoots someone and makes them fall down. Depends on what mood Swift's in and what bullet's in the chamber.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills - Swift's aiming skills are probably more accurate than most people's, on one occasion hitting a person that was in another building without a scope. See below.
  • Sniper Pistol - Gun sights? Scopes? Those are for sissies! I can do it blindfolded!
  • Utility Belt - This comes in handy quite a lot. Swiss army knife, extra ammo, tablet clip and hyposprays all in one.


  • Adorkable - When not being badass, Swift tends to have a rather silly and hyperactive personality around his friends. Though generally serious most of the time, he's still notably sweet.
  • Beware The Nice Ones - Swift's usually a happy-go-lucky, cheery person. But if you've managed to light his fuse, the best option is to try and hide until he cools off. Better hope you're not a bad guy.
  • Lawful Good - All around good guy, Swift follows the law by heart and refuses to break it unless absolutely necessary. This has probably stemmed from his tenure in the Millennium City Police Department, with whom he keeps a good relationship with.
  • Never Hurt An Innocent - As described above, Swift absolutely refuses to kill anything that's not trying to kill him or others, owing to his religious faith. However quoting Firefly, the Bible's "a bit fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps".


  • Dramatic Gun Cock, Click Hello - For whatever reason Swift seems to enjoy doing this when baddies are not paying attention and he sneaks up on them.


Everyone is welcome to modify this section of the page, and to post comments about Swift. He might even respond to what you say!

  • "Swift has the capacity to be a great leader, but does not always see that, I think." Revolucion

  • "Tony's my best friend. If he needs me, I'll be there. Sure he's prone to sadness, but I have a short temper, so I'm not one to judge." - Circuit Shock

  • "Tony? Yeah he's a great guy, and a great leader, and I'd take a bullet for him if I had to. Good thing I'm indestructible..." - Blast-Beetle

  • "Captain Swift? Ohmigosh he's so cute I can't even - no really, I have lost the ability to even! Look at his ears I just want to grab the little tufts and twist them so cute I can't please I've lost the ability to breathe I'm dying call an ambulance please!" - Random Civilian NPC #11

  • "Swift of Earth is an honorable ally and a trusted leader. I find his bravery and determination to be particularly impressive. I believe I am happy to call him a friend." - CharmCaster

  • "Tony's a real sweet sort. Real f**kin' dense, but real sweet. Of all'a th' folks my bro's DNA could'a been fuzed with? Glad it was 'im. Just glad it wasn' some sort'a freak'a nature. If I 'ad'a dime fer every nemesis out there tha' 'as some sort'a DNA link 'ta a 'ero, I'd be able 'ta make one REALLY nice tank." -Trixxy Gamble

  • "Swift? Hmm, I've spoken to him before, he's really nice, a real leader too. Whenever there is a crisis, he is the first to provide a level headed explanation." - Techna Ology
  • "Tony? Tony...Tony. He and I had a falling out with a lot of others when he left M.A.C.E. and built up the Liberators. But it was not much more than a misunderstanding. He took a lot of undeserved flak for it, and I respect him for how well he took it. I see him going far and wide in the world before us." - Snowtalon
