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[[File:Billy Banner Xenophobe.png|200px|thumb|left|Die you Sumofabish]]
[[File:Billy Banner Xenophobe.png|200px|thumb|left|Die you Sumofabish]]
'''Billy''' - ''@super_sonic_jay'' - One of the first people that Shoey teamed up with since stranded in Millennium City. This master of munitions and slaughterer of entire alien races, '''which totally deserved it''', has become a kind of gun mentor to Shoey in this new world. Billy was one of the few people that he could trust while being cut off from the rest of PUD. They both have become stronger since joining resources.
'''Billy''' - ''@super_sonic_jay'' - One of the first people that Shoey teamed up with since stranded in Millennium City. This master of munitions and slaughterer of entire alien races, '''which totally deserved it''', has become a kind of gun mentor to Shoey in this new world. Billy was one of the few people that he could trust while being cut off from the rest of PUD. They both have become stronger since joining resources.

Revision as of 17:46, 14 November 2013

"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl." - Frederick the Great

Shoey is the original Parallel Universe Defender, which is also the name of his organization but became his official title. Granted unto him by the Jura Kingdom's multiverse which he saved from both the tyranny of its shadow board and the mischievous god known as Tarak.

Shoey hops from world to world exploring and rooting out any surviving enemies of the war. He's had chances to return to his own universe, but decided that his organization and the many worlds needs his leadership and his skills even after their triumph.

Millennium City and the mighty Champions being the latest universe he has stumbled on.

Player: @buxom
Shoey Profile.png
Character Build
Class Focus: Tech
Power Level: 40
R & D: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Chris
Known Aliases: Parallel Universe Defender
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Confidential under MUP* Act
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Confidential under MUP* Act
Age: 22
Height: 5'10
Weight: 170
Eyes: Confidential
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Normal
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Confidential
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: Confidential under TILO* Act
Citizenship: Confidential under MUP* Act
Occupation: Volunteer of many Millennium City organizations
Education: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
"Technopath", Immunity to Taint, Protection from Sixth Sense
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Various Munitions, Armors, and Vehicles. PUD Space Station.
ReldinBox Template

Shoey History.pngHISTORY - Before Millennium City

Shoey is from a universe that has a normal Earth. A world without the supernatural and only the superstitious.

Where magic and advanced technology is non-existent. Alternate worlds like these were targets as the humans taken from them were extremely susceptible to adapting. Many were indoctrinated or enslaved after being "summoned" from their home world to be tainted or imbued with power.

Shoey was among a group who were about to be abducted but their transfer from their world was interrupted (by none other than Tarak) and they ended up in a universe whose rule was split between a celestial kingdom, Jura, and a corrupt empire, Germo. Aware of the kidnapping of humans from these neutral worlds (worlds that only attend to their own affairs) the kingdom started an organization to help these lost humans. Shoey was among the few humans who decided to join the organization.

For months the PUD traveled the stars looking for answers. Visiting the kingdom's worlds and sneaking into the empire's territories for how and why humans were being taken.

Eventually Shoey had discovered the corruption within the organization. Finding out that one of the royal family members of Jura was responsible for the abductions in the first place, Shoey as well as a few of his closest allies were "sent on a long term mission".

PUD Logo.pngParallel Universe Defenders

Founded by the Jura Kingdom and formed with the first rescued group taken from their home universe, the PUD was tasked to investigate the trafficking and were trained to eliminate any opposition to the injustice.

Most humans that were found and rescued from being kidnapped from neutral worlds were especially strong allies as they all eventually developed powers related to the worlds they investigate. With the exception of Shoey and a few others.

After completing his "long term mission" much faster than predicted, terraforming an extremely hostile planet, Shoey had formed a coup. Backed up by incredible technology formed by the multiverse's only source of Maginarium* found only on that terraformed planet. As well as a few powerful and stressed super beings from the neutral worlds.


Shoey's arsenal, specifically his firearms, are imbued with an unusual nanite tech that enhance firepower and accuracy. These abilities vary from its current user as the tech reacts differently on a person to person basis. Not to be confused with Caliburn's pistols' magical origins.

Each weapon, armor, gadget and vehicle that Shoey has made and tinkered with has been enhanced with the unique material known as Maginarium. A metal that Shoey had "invented" during his ventures with the original PUD organization during his terraforming mission. It is the basis for his nanite tech.


Shoey Magun Mk3.png

His gun models are all typically called Magun. His Mk 1 though is his most powerful as it was his first completed pistol. Over-sized, highly unstable and very destructive.

He now regularly wields two Mk 3s that balance both power and flexibility, with an added bonus of not blowing his arms off.


  • Technopathic Shield! Force field technology is very common in both his multiverse as well as the Champions' universe. Shoey has modified his to be reactive to his chemistry. Its one of the purest forms of the Maginarium technology he develops.

Shoey Drones and Bombs.png
  • Drones and Bombs! A master of throw away bots and grenades. Shoey loves lobbing in tons of grenades and robotic blood sponges between himself and threatening targets. Either preventing damage from being dealt to himself or preventing enemies from getting away.


Shoey has a plethora of skills that he has learned while working for the PUD. Surviving qliphothic-like realms of darkness and falling from high places (always falling from high places) has forced him to enhance his mental training and awareness to near super-human levels of ability.


Shoey Technopath.png
Shoey has developed the ability to interact with technology on an "enlightened" level. This has greatly enhanced his ability to program and manufacture technology into realms unheard of and unimagined by top tier scientists and mystics alike. However, he does not boast about this ability referring it as "simply an aspired genius". Some have concluded that he just works unusually well with electronics and mechanics, that "it is in no way a super power". This has yet to be official.

Whatever it is, Shoey has grown quite astute with technology of all levels. Perhaps this is the power that he developed while traveling the multiverse.

Though this may explain why Shoey is very adept in sabotaging and stealing Mechanon tech.

Taint Immunity

Being heavily exposed to dark magics and wandering hostile environments would either make a normal person transform into a horrifying creature or by small chance into a more resilient human. Shoey is such a rare human.

He has a strong almost charismatic will that defies harmful supernatural effects. Invasions of the mind. Dark taint of his biology. The most pure of corruption has a hard time effecting him in the slightest.

Its speculated that he had this ability before becoming a PUD member, which would make sense why he hasn't developed any directly traceable powers.

Mind Shield: Sixth Sense

Shoey Mind Shield Sixth Sense.png

Shoey seems to be immune to any supernatural detection. Almost as if he isn't there. Unless of course you use your eyes and ears. But any form of magical or mystical detection shows he isn't there at all.


Shoey's power armors are designed exclusively so he can fight toe-to-toe with cosmic level threats. His original designs composed of Maginarium, but are now finally realized with some alterations and enhancements found in this universe.

Shoey Power Armor Alien Gladiator.png
  • The Alien Gladiator Power Armor! Made of armor parts from the alien gladiators of Shadow Destroyer's Arena. Shoey crafted these pieces with some of his own tech to make a power suit to go toe-to-toe with the most dangerous and powerful of beings.

Shoey Power Armor Punchu Hard.png
  • The "Punchu Hard" Power Gauntlets! Made with the same design in mind as the alien gladiator armor he already made, but focusing its power into the arms. Designed to grant him specific arm super strength to throw and punch things really hard. These gauntlets are mostly a tool of discipline, for both villain and hero alike if one steps out of their bounds.


Coming Soon

Shoey Quirks and Habits.pngQUIRKS & HABITS

Shoey may be talented but he's still human. He has weaknesses and fears just like anyone else.



  • It Never Comes Off!

Shoey never removes his hat if at all possible. It usually prevents people from seeing his eyes. Otherwise he is wearing some kind of eye wear.

  • Your Politics Can Shove It! Whenever its convenient for you, of course.

Shoey does not like dealing with politics. He secretly loathes it and will let his friends and fellow PUD members know about it. But the minute that it would hurt his organization or others directly, he will suck up to politicians and the media.

  • I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it.

If the problem can be fixed with a weapon, he will use one. Even if its the wrong weapon.

  • Die die spider die!

Arachnophobia - The fear of spiders. Shoey will go out of his way to avoid them. He will shove responsibility aside if it involves dealing with them. When confronting them directly, he will either use overkill tactics or will simply run away.

  • Machines have feelings too.

Shoey has a respect for technology, but not in the same way as say Dr. Destroyer does. When he interacts with autonomous machines he will give them the kind of respect that a person would to any other human and defend them if they are abused.

Shoey Enemies And Allies.pngENEMIES & ALLIES

Shoey has gained many friends and allies from both his world, the multiverse and even Millennium City. His strong sense of leadership allows him to make friends as well as enemies easily.


Dynamic Entry!

Gunner Ryuzaki - @gunner1986 - Long time friend and ally, Gunner was also taken from his own Earth, albeit from an alternate dimension, and helped Shoey form a coup against a corrupt PUD. For years they fought against both god and superhuman alike to save the multiverse from total domination under Tarak's rule.

Die you Sumofabish

Billy - @super_sonic_jay - One of the first people that Shoey teamed up with since stranded in Millennium City. This master of munitions and slaughterer of entire alien races, which totally deserved it, has become a kind of gun mentor to Shoey in this new world. Billy was one of the few people that he could trust while being cut off from the rest of PUD. They both have become stronger since joining resources.


Insanity is forthcoming

Tarak - In his universe, Tarak is a god of time. He watched the events unfold around both the multiverse that PUD centered in as well as the many different Earths that its members have come from. He is knowledgeable of every alternate timeline and grown more insane with each century. He seeks a way to eliminate the pain of this knowledge through destruction of every timeline. Save for a single one where he will rule and prevent the creation of more timelines.

The PUD, including Shoey and Gunner, have defeated him restoring order to that multiverse. Remnants of Tarak's energy has formed shadows of his former self that, from time to time, cause trouble wherever they go.

Its still unknown why Tarak originally saved Shoey and his friends from their abduction. He was originally thought of as trustworthy, but as the situation worsened and people were kidnapped from so many parallel worlds, Tarak had grown too insane to be understood.

Power/Abilities: Travel through Time: Moderate. Warping space: Cosmic level threat!

MO: Deception

Goals: Destroy all alternate worlds

Threat Level:

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The remnants of the original Tarak is much less dangerous in regards to traveling a limited distance through time, but his warping space abilities is as strong as ever. He's not an active threat but when present the levels of danger reach extreme levels.

When encountering this villain, by all means do not agitate him. Attempting to impress him may encourage neutral results.

Relations and Affiliates

Dr. Silverback - Shoey actively uses his labs and connections for projects that he is willing to share openly with the doctor's affiliates and Millennium City.

What is shown is Defender introducing the newly registered hero Shoey to the doctor, a condition to signing up for the registry.

James Harmon - Thanks to the unexpected functional use of the Harmon Teleportal, Shoey has found a way to use it to get back to his alternate universe. But instead of going back, Shoey decides to make the PUD branch in this dimension permanent.

Shown here is Shoey requesting PUD active use of the portal during Harmon Labs' down time between Millennium City and Multifaria.

Nighthawk - Even though Shoey isn't directly in league with this vigilante, when Nighthawk is involved Shoey goes out of his way to assist him out of sheer respect.

Team Kickass - Ran by the infamous Jay (@super_sonic_jay), this super group runs social vanity events while cracking heads on the side. The group originally broke off from the Team Badass super group and gains moderate PUD support from time to time.

Personal Grudges

Wayland Talos - Shoey was the most high profile hero when it came to taking down his lab during the Westside gang wars. Therefor Talos' spite is directed to Shoey and getting revenge on him.

Warlord - PUD's recently strong presence, in the form of its space station and terrain dreadnoughts, has antagonized Warlord to stage numerous attacks using his Flying Fortress.


The PUD computers has access to different organization's records on PUD itself. Usually gained involuntarily.



- Status -

UNITY has affiliated itself with PUD since opening the Harmon Teleportal to it's prime universe of operations. The swell in activity from the organization has given UNITY a prime reason to affiliate with them. PUD works with UNITY specifically because their mission objectives are especially dangerous and PUD's most powerful of members accept these tasks to blow off some personal steam.


- Advisory -

Do not request help from this hero when in an arachnid emergency. Collateral damage is a given when dealing with super-sized, radioactive or any variation of arachnid if this hero is involved.

Dr. Silverback

- Notes -

"Shoey is an interesting assistant in the labs. The other scientists avoid him not for his recklessness but simply because he does no have any education or real world qualifications.

Yet he has brought us devices such as the "Magun Field Isolation Cannon" that uses seemingly destructive energy at an atomic level. Instead of igniting particles it applies precise force field application to them instead. It is quite useful for isolating both radiation and radio frequencies. It is of notorious size, but he insists in not handing over a version that can be moved by truck considering past experiences.

Regardless, the kind of technology he possesses and skills he displays, not unlike the other heroes and geniuses in this city, could definitely benefit us all. But if other scientists cannot see past their own degrees and doctorates and just work with these people, we may just be wasting their good will."


Institute for Human Advancement & Executive Control Solutions

- Recruitment -

Both have made attempts to recruit Shoey into their ranks. However, his activity in assisting superhumans has caused them to grow sour to the PUD and its superhuman recruitment policies.

Despite this, organizations continue to attempt to dissuade Shoey from helping superhumans as he is a perfect candidate to spearhead normals into a dominant power. Considering that his intelligence and understanding of Mechanon's tech can advance humanity beyond that of the superhumans.

None of these organizations are aware of Shoey's "technopathic" ability, which may change their mind greatly about recruiting him. That is if anyone can prove that this ability actually exists.

Shoey Timeline.pngTIMELINE - Coming Soon

Shoey's Adventures in Millennium City

PUD Logo.png


  • MUP Act - Multiple Universe Protection Act
  • TILO Act - Timeline Infinite Loop Observation Act
  • Maginarium - a material that Shoey had accidentally invented when a bomb went off on a hostile planet in the middle of the initial phases of being terraformed