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When Aaron returned to Everbreak Hill a second time to rescue June from another round of Cultists, June realized that the Aaron Hope who was holding her in his embrace was not the same Aaron Hope who had broken her that day, as June felt the amputated stump of where her Outer Shadow's right arm used to be. Remorseful, June revealed to Aaron her true identity: as Vala's Heart and attempted to get Aaron to hate her by showing him an old memory of the day the two argued. However, due to Aaron's love for June, the memory extended to reveal that despite the argument, Aaron had returned that day to rescue her. When the memory dissipated, Aaron reaffirmed his desire to keep June safe, and that he would always be there for her. Overwhelmed with regret, pain, and hurt June demanded that Aaron hate her and kill her, even going as far as to attempt to maim the man she loved. However, June's pain had the opposite effect, as the love she had for Aaron caused her to begin overpowering him. June's assault on Aaron was stopped by '''Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd''', who defeated June easily due to June's innate jealousy of her rival Auxiliary Shadow. Aaron and Sigurd left June, who lay on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.
When Aaron returned to Everbreak Hill a second time to rescue June from another round of Cultists, June realized that the Aaron Hope who was holding her in his embrace was not the same Aaron Hope who had broken her that day, as June felt the amputated stump of where her Outer Shadow's right arm used to be. Remorseful, June revealed to Aaron her true identity: as Vala's Heart and attempted to get Aaron to hate her by showing him an old memory of the day the two argued. However, due to Aaron's love for June, the memory extended to reveal that despite the argument, Aaron had returned that day to rescue her. When the memory dissipated, Aaron reaffirmed his desire to keep June safe, and that he would always be there for her. Overwhelmed with regret, pain, and hurt June demanded that Aaron hate her and kill her, even going as far as to attempt to maim the man she loved. However, June's pain had the opposite effect, as the love she had for Aaron caused her to begin overpowering him. June's assault on Aaron was stopped by '''Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd''', who defeated June easily due to June's innate jealousy of her rival Auxiliary Shadow. Aaron and Sigurd left June, who lay on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.
Sometime after the ordeal, June was revealed to have been retrieved by the rest of the Vessels of Vala, guarding the entry to '''The Omega Upgrade''', in which Sigurd was after to assist in Aaron's fight against Loyce Hal. Enraged at her betrayal, '''Sarina Ultear''' brutalized and humiliated June, beating her viciously, with June being apathetic to the pain, showing that she had now become numb to her situation.
Sometime after the ordeal, June was revealed to have been retrieved by the rest of the Vessels of Vala, guarding the entry to '''The Omega Upgrade''', in which Sigurd was after to assist in Aaron's fight against Loyce Hal. Enraged at her betrayal, '''Sarina Ultear''' brutalized and humiliated June, beating her viciously, with June being apathetic to the pain, showing that she had now become numb to her situation. It was also revealed that the entire time June had been with the Vessels of Vala, the Vessel for Vala's Shield, '''Achilles of Thetis''' had made June his lover after having learned of June's relationship with Aaron. With the constant defeats Achilles suffered at the hands of the God Eater, Achilles would direct his frustrations to June by brutally mating with her as an act of compensation.

Revision as of 01:31, 13 September 2023

Juneleesung 002.png
Vessel of Vala
"Vala's Heart"
June Lee Sung
The "Jubilee"
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Life, Magic, and Energy Debuffer
R & D: None
Level: Unknown Rank (Vala's Vessel)
A+ Rank (True Jubilee)
C Rank (Psychologically Suppressed)
Occupation: Vala's Vessel (Current)
Black Legion Auxiliary Shadow (Reporting to Aaron Hope, Formerly)
Personal Data
Real Name: June Lucia
Known Aliases: Jubilee, Coal Monkey (By Aaron), That Little Korean Loli (By Bryce)
Identity: Secret
Species: Human
Age: 16 (Current)
14 (Before first death)
13 (Meeting Aaron Hope)
Height: 5' 4" (Current)
4' 11" (Before first death)
Weight: 79 lb (Current)
83 lb (Before first death)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: White-Blonde (Current)
Blonde with Blue highlights (Auxiliary Shadow)
Blood Type: Confidential
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Confidential
Birthdate: Confidential
Nationality: Korean
Current Residence: Jun Gasket's Barracks (Formerly)
Religion/Faith: Unknown Faith
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Known Languages
English, Korean
Known Relatives
Unnamed Father (Deceased), Unnamed Mother
Known Powers
Magic Jamming
Soul Manipulation
Training / Abilities
June Lee Sung is a character from Darwin's Great Akuma Universe

"Hope manifests everywhere. But Hope itself cannot be used to hurt others. Hope is kind. Hope is warm and sweet. And I have become the manifestation of the strongest aspect of Hope there is. Vala's Heart.

Your grief and your wish to see me again... to your wish to see me alive and well. My smile... everything about me... everything about me is a lie. I'm the most dangerous threat to The Black Legion.

- June revealing her true nature to Aaron

WARNING: The information on this page is considered MATURE. Darker and heavier themes are utilized in this character's story.

June Lee Sung was a C Rank Auxiliary Shadow to The Black Legion Organization under the codename Jubilee and reported to SS Ranked Outer Shadow Aaron Hope. Due to being Aaron's youngest and closest Auxiliary Shadow, Aaron affectionately referred to June as his favorite, buying her gifts, spoiling her, and as such, June was one of the most important people in Aaron's life, as she was the one to help Aaron come to terms with the death of his late girlfriend, Jessie Lane.

Specializing in Magic Jamming and Soul Manipulation, June was capable of severely weakening, and at times, inflicting lethal damage to her enemies by draining their life force. The extent to which June's abilities were capable of reaching was never fully explored, but when June was psychologically broken by Baron Dallas for several months, part of her true power as The Jubilee fully manifested, allowing her to fight on equal grounds with Aaron Hope when he was still an A+ Ranked Outer Shadow. However, Aaron was arguably extremely reluctant to hurt her.

On one fateful mission involving the assassination of Jekyll the God of Warfare, June, Aaron, and her fellow Auxiliary Shadows were brutally defeated due to Jekyll's immense might. In a desperate attempt to allow Aaron, Sarah, Annelise, Bryce, and Robbie to escape from Jekyll, who used Vala's Mark to inhibit the Shadows, June unleashed the full power of her Magic Jamming Ability to nullify Vala's influence. However, the sheer amount of power that coursed through her body caused June to remain frozen throughout the duration of their escape, allowing Jekyll to land a fatal blow to June by shooting the young girl in the head, killing her instantly.

June's death was one of Aaron's most heartbreaking and difficult losses in his entire career, as her death haunted both Aaron and June's fellow Auxiliary Shadows for many years. Aaron in particular, harbors an extreme grudge against Jekyll as well as himself, believing that he had gotten a fourteen-year-old girl killed on duty under his orders.

During the events of Beyond the Gods, it was revealed that June had actually survived her ordeal against Jekyll, and that she was actually a Vessel of Vala, representing her heart. Her true name was revealed to be June Lucia, and had acted as a sleeper agent to become loved by Aaron, allowing her to be able to kill the man she loved against her wishes.


As Auxiliary Shadow Jubilee

June is described to be a petite, short, young girl with blue hair and blue eyes. Aaron found June to have a cute, innocent, and adorable face despite her circumstances. In addition to her kind personality, Aaron frequently spoiled her with gifts and presents including stuffed animals, candy, and sweets.

In her casual wear, June frequently wore baggy clothes including a large hoodie and sweatpants, as she claimed that the bagginess made her feel warm and cozy. In warmer weather, she would wear baggy t-shirts.

During missions, June wore a black leather jacket with bright accents that had the words "JUBILEE" written along the side. The bright colors on her jacket contrasted with the attire of many other operatives in the Black Legion.

As June slowly developed romantic feelings for Aaron, she began to dye her hair blonde, causing her hair to be streaked with hints of her original blue as her hair would grow out over time.

Beyond the Gods

In Beyond the Gods, June's appearance changes drastically, causing Aaron to momentarily be unable to recognize her despite his usual perceptiveness. June's hair was no longer combed neatly, causing her messy bangs to cover her face. Additionally, the stress and emotional despair that June had experienced due to feeling abandoned by Aaron, as well as the sexual abuse she suffered from the other Vessels of Vala caused her hair to turn white-blonde. Due to her circumstances, June's face, though matured over time, has now become an emotionless husk, with noticeable red bags under her eyes. June's body, though taller and more mature, was noted to be slightly more emaciated, evidence of malnutrition.

As a result of the contradictory nature of her powers, June was discarded by her comrades, causing her to be neglected and deprived of basic necessities, including clothes. This was reflected by the fact that June was frequently seen wearing rags and tattered dresses.


Born as June Lee Sung, she was the daughter of two coal miners in what Aaron had referred to, as the Dystopian Coal World. Being a daughter, June's fate was to be a concubine to The Baron in exchange for additional financial aid to the family. June lived her life under the impression that she was someone who did not deserve dreams, however would play with pieces of coal in secret, revealing her desire to find a husband who could save her from her abysmal life. This would come true when Outer Shadow Dainsleif appeared in her world under the contract to assassinate the Baron as per Inner Shadow Jun Gasket's command.

Despite the two being close, June and Aaron had differing ideologies as to how one would approach life. Believing that a true friend meant to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others, June insisted Aaron kill the Baron even if it meant sending her family into bankruptcy. Aaron, on the other hand, refused to finish his contract if it meant causing June's life to become worse. The differing opinions eventually escalated into a full-blown argument and Aaron chose to sever ties with the girl. Depressed and with no direction to the future, June accepted her fate to Baron Dallas, who captured her and subjected her to severe sexual abuse amongst his friends, breaking her psychologically. June would remain broken and traumatized even when Aaron returned to rescue her. After many months of recovery, June finally opened up, returning to her kind and innocent nature.

June quickly became Aaron's most loyal Auxiliary Shadow, accompanying the Outer Shadow wherever he went and even joining in on his pranks and antics, taking responsibility for her significantly more childish superior and apologizing for the trouble he caused. As June spent more time with Aaron, she slowly began to fall in love with her Outer Shadow due to his kindness, energy, and caring nature.

First Death

During a mission to assassinate the God of Warfare, Jekyll, June was killed in an attempt to allow Aaron and their comrades to escape. Jekyll fired a bullet that pierced June's skull, killing her instantly. When a frenzied Aaron fought Jekyll in response to what he did to his Auxiliary Shadow, June's body was whisked away from the breached hull of X8, causing her to tumble across reality where she ended up in an unknown universe. There, June was resuscitated by Vala's followers. It is unknown what happened to June during this time, however, June stated that when she was brought back to life, someone who "bore a remarkable resemblance to Aaron" took advantage of her weakened state, subjecting her to psychological ridicule and physical beatings. The severe treatment June received from "Aaron" sent the young girl into an ordeal of heavy heartbreak. Betrayed and hurt, June slowly reverted back to her emotionless self.

Beyond the Gods

During the events of Beyond the Gods, it is learned that June was sent back to Jun Gasket's world, where she, alongside the Vessels of Vala would take over the realm under the influence of Supreme Primordial Aran Sol. Though what happened to June during this duration is not explicitly stated, it can be assumed that June was horribly mistreated by her fellow Vessels. June was stationed on Everbreak Hill, and at some point, she had assisted Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd in locating Jun Gasket. However, it was revealed that June's desire was to either kill Aaron or have Aaron kill her, as she was Vala's Heart - an entity whose powers became more effective against individuals whom she had fallen in love with. Sigurd's desire to protect Aaron against anyone meant that she would protect Aaron from even June, causing June to accuse Annelise of taking her place as Aaron's right hand. The cyborg berated June, claiming that Aaron did not need someone mentally unstable like June in his life, causing the two to part ways.

As June had been involved in Sigurd's escape, the Vessels of Vala did not take her betrayal lightly. Followers of Aran's religion frequently visited Everbreak Hill, interrogating June in which June was nonresponsive. By the time Aaron, Ironclad, and Marty had arrived at Everbreak, the Outer Shadow caught several cultists raping June. The sight enraged Aaron, leading to him slaughtering the entire horde of cultists to save his former Auxiliary Shadow. Upon being rescued, however, June refused to respond to Aaron's questions of Sigurd's whereabouts, even going as far as to slap him in the face, believing it was Aaron who had betrayed and assaulted her that day.

When Aaron returned to Everbreak Hill a second time to rescue June from another round of Cultists, June realized that the Aaron Hope who was holding her in his embrace was not the same Aaron Hope who had broken her that day, as June felt the amputated stump of where her Outer Shadow's right arm used to be. Remorseful, June revealed to Aaron her true identity: as Vala's Heart and attempted to get Aaron to hate her by showing him an old memory of the day the two argued. However, due to Aaron's love for June, the memory extended to reveal that despite the argument, Aaron had returned that day to rescue her. When the memory dissipated, Aaron reaffirmed his desire to keep June safe, and that he would always be there for her. Overwhelmed with regret, pain, and hurt June demanded that Aaron hate her and kill her, even going as far as to attempt to maim the man she loved. However, June's pain had the opposite effect, as the love she had for Aaron caused her to begin overpowering him. June's assault on Aaron was stopped by Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd, who defeated June easily due to June's innate jealousy of her rival Auxiliary Shadow. Aaron and Sigurd left June, who lay on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.

Sometime after the ordeal, June was revealed to have been retrieved by the rest of the Vessels of Vala, guarding the entry to The Omega Upgrade, in which Sigurd was after to assist in Aaron's fight against Loyce Hal. Enraged at her betrayal, Sarina Ultear brutalized and humiliated June, beating her viciously, with June being apathetic to the pain, showing that she had now become numb to her situation. It was also revealed that the entire time June had been with the Vessels of Vala, the Vessel for Vala's Shield, Achilles of Thetis had made June his lover after having learned of June's relationship with Aaron. With the constant defeats Achilles suffered at the hands of the God Eater, Achilles would direct his frustrations to June by brutally mating with her as an act of compensation.