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The Anti-Vax is from the Middle-East. That's why they are a group of diverse homeless kids.
== '''Yaniko''' ==
== '''Yaniko''' ==

Latest revision as of 13:12, 24 November 2023

Dirty Harry


The Anti-Vax Generation

Anti-Vax Logo

"People of MC we are the Anti-Vax Generation" Delinquent vigilantly group that fell under watch of Rave. Former leader Host left for solo career when Rave put a friend of his, Suno, to Supervise them. They are the children of war from yesterday. Before they went by The Anti-Vax Kids but they had grown up since then. Kobain being the youngest member see them all start to go their separate ways in life.

The Anti-Vax is from the Middle-East. That's why they are a group of diverse homeless kids.


  • The Cat
  • Male
  • Ninja
  • Broad sword
  • Fire Fox based abilities

Righteous ninja. His house was burnt down during a war. He went to save his mother but it was to late. Engulfed by flames he learnt he was immune to fire. He left his father to go be a hero on the streets.


  • The Bat
  • Male
  • Tech and Money

The Zuckerberg Night Avenger Vampire mutation and sword on back Joke: His voice is extremely nerdy without his mask that changes his voice to intense. Idea: Plot armor gaff. Clark is the kid who sponsors Anti-Vax with tech before Rave. He does it because he has no real friends. Rave takes over as mentor and sponsor. All the girls love Rave while Clark has been trying for years with no success. Out of jealousy ZUCC swears to kill Rave as he leave team Anti-Vax. But Clark is a night avenger with not real powers. He is way under Rave's power level. Rave says I'm not going to let you come back and kill me. So Rave instantly punches a hole in Clark's chest infront of his friends, the Anti-Vax (The same team Rave now sponsors). Yes Rave has killed this 18 year old kid. What makes it funnier is that ZUCC actually tried some Kung Fu nonsense. Clark wakes up in Rave lab given Hellebore's vampiric mutation, by Rave. While unconscious Rave ordered Hellebore Bludhouse to bite his neck to stop him from dying. Cherry Bludnurse looked after him in the hospital sector. It was his first kiss. Clark now has powers. Rave says, "I given you powers to kill me. If you really have to, remember that I turned you into a vampire. Run. Take all the time you need. When you strong enough to face me go ahead."

Conclusion: It makes Rave more of an unpredictable villian. In a way he help Clark but in a insane way. Hellebore vampiric mutation is a lot stronger than the average vampire. Clark might surpass the BludFather's is capabilities.

Cavort Witch

Cavort Witch
  • The Bunny
  • Female
  • Rogue
  • Daggers
  • Springe Boots

Is playful funny and flirty with a cute bubbly personality. Always seems to dance around spontaneously. Is a orphan street girl. Cavort Witch lost two legs below her knee when a building collapsed on her. They were replaced with spring loaded bunny tech. Her parents died right next to her under the debris. She was trapped next to their decaying bodies for a week before rescued. She replaces that pain with being happy she's alive.

Dragon Butterfly

Dragon Butterfly
  • The Dragonfly
  • Samolian Female
  • Gunner
  • Twin tech9
  • Glide

Flown in from a very poor country too train her up. Her magic is a type of arcane power that came from a mutation from the bombs. It powers her robot Gaurdian she built. Chibot is a science and magic created automaton. He as been the gaurdian and teacher of Shakti, her name.

Mousey Millennia

  • The Mouse
  • Female
  • Archer
  • Shrinks when scared

Fair warning, if you ask about her arm you will get shot. Millennia lost her hearing in an explosion and her left hand to some thugs when she was trying to live out in the street. She doesn't like to remember it. But her arm was replaced with a robotic one that transform into a cross bow and now has sonic hearing robot mouse ear implants. The only family she had was her mother who went to the store to find food during the war and never came back. That was a long time ago and she has grown out of the pain since then.


  • The Chameleon
  • Female
  • Ghost possessing older Robot Body
  • Various built-in weaponry

Ghost possessing older Robot Body Various built-in weaponry Suno is a ghost. She died too soon. She was brought out of ghost purgatory by Rave for her sister Ratchel. Suno is two years older than ratchel but died young so the ghost didn't age physically but mentally. She resented the younger body made for her. Do they had to make a new older one. Suno is now instructed by Rave to lead the Anti-Vax group of younger Heroes.


  • The Dragon
  • British Male
  • Dragon powers
  • Martials Arts
  • Student Of Sixx's Father

A mysterious one. Not really an orphan but from the streets for English. Is older than most of the team he spends time with.

Kid Kobain

  • The Rattle Snake
  • Male
  • Baseball Bat

He was raised in the poor suburbs. He was an unrecognized genius but to poor to go to school for anyone to know. When he wasn't helping his father in their family owned small time garage. He spent his time caring his sick mother. When the bombs dropped his father told him to run adhead of them while he rested with the mom. He never saw them again. Kobain is a strong kid that understand things in life. He works as Rave blue print builder for massive projects.


  • The Panda
  • Asian Female
  • Tech Staff

Cybernetic Enhancements She lost her family in a different type of traditional style asian war. Her body retain serious casualties all over. She is post-operation transgender but doesn't really matter to mention. Everyone just thinks she was born female. I haven't really gone into her story yet.


Formerly known as the Anti-Vax Kids or Anti-Vax Teens. Wears black for main team color along with a neon one. These are a group of ophans or delinquents.

Ironically Suno is more mature than the rest of the team. She overseers this group for Rave who wants to help them. The others are very playful and Host still believes he is the leader. Yaniko is just righteous and supports Rave and Suno. Kobain is the mechanics guy. Suno has a hard time getting them to behave but they still lover her as a friend and leader. She is not the most powerful especially not against them all but the usually calm down when she threatens to call Rave.


