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(Yeling's Resolve)
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''- Yeling''
''- Yeling''
I approached Carlton and yanked him out of the drywall.
"No problem. Let's get patrol done in Vicki's place."
"Okay. Just give me a sec... I gotta clean the plaster out of my ears."
A minute later, Carlton and I headed to the door, when suddenly, a throwing knife appeared out of nowhere, impaling itself against the doorknob with frightening accuracy.
"YAAAH! Oh my god!" Carlton yelped frantically.
I pulled the knife out of the doorknob.
"What is it, Outer Shadow Onyx?" I asked.
Vicki rolled over, falling to the ground. Her black leggings were stained with the Hennessy which stained the fabric.
"Keep me company. One of you. This is... an order..." She muttered.
Oh no.
"You heard her, Carlton. I will handle patro-"
I stared at the door, which had been closed in my face. Twilight Bolt ran for it, using his Olympic Level athleticism to sprint to the elevator doors.

Revision as of 03:44, 17 March 2023

Yeling's Resolve

One year ago

My younger sister threw her arms around me. Almost an eternity had passed since I felt this level of affection before.

We had been separated for so long, from such horrific circumstances, but despite it all, Hakah had overcome her trauma and was healed. And she was now by my side.

"Thank you so much, Outer Shadow Onyx, for bringing my brother back to me. I am grateful." Hakah said.

Vicki and Carlton bowed.

The threat was over. Even if I had lost my friends...

None of it mattered anymore.

As long as my sister was by my side.

I was worried sick about what had happened to her. I didn't know who this Aaron Hope was, but if it wasn't for him, my sister wouldn't be by my side like this.

The only thing left...

Was to make sure no one else could harm her.

Thank you Vicki. Thank you Carlton.

But you guys were still Black Legion.

And I had no mercy toward people who harmed my family.

"As a celebration, let's have Canaan-styled hot po-"

I drew Tatsu, lunging toward Vicki with animalistic rage.

Aspect of the Rain God - SURFACE SLASH

I swung the blade as hard as I could at her neck, but Vicki quickly deflected my blade with her own sword, her eyes wide in disbelief.

"Yeling!" Vicki gasped.

"Goh goh! What are you doing?!" Hakah asked, bewildered.

I pushed my younger sister back behind me as I transformed into Stage Four.

Grand Ultimate Ascendent ITR

A blast of red and blue flame projected outwards, swamping Vicki and Carlton.

"Quick! Hakah! Create a portal and banish them! We need to get out of here!" I shouted at my sister.

"Yeling! Why are you doing this?!" Carlton shouted from the flames. A white orb had manifested from the destruction, and I gritted my teeth in frustration.

Dammit! After all the strength I had amassed...

Vicki emerged from the flames, trying to grab Tatsu, but I shot forward.

Level 2 Intangibility - DEVIL'S COMET

I threw a punch at Vicki's face, but Vicki deflected it with her forearm, swinging her sword, the blade inches from decapitating me, but her eyes suddenly filled with indecision.


I unleashed a gargantuan inferno of flames outwards, forcing the two back.

I had to get Hakah out of here.

I've pretended for long enough. I pretended to be Vicki's ally for long enough.

I will never.


Let these people put the only family... the last person in the world who cared about me, in harm's way EVER AGAIN.


Last Son... we cannot. Outer Shadow Onyx and Auxiliary Shadow Twilight are members of the Black-

"And I am the descendent of The Great Akuma and the relative of Hakah! You WILL LISTEN TO ME."

I rushed forward, clashing with Vicki, my eyes full of hatred.

"Why... Yeling... how could you do this...!" Vicki muttered.

"You act so surprised... who was the bitch who attacked me and my friends in the first place? Or have you forgotten?!" I snarled, rage filling my body.

Blessing of the Last Son - ANARCHY FORM

A massive flaming skeletal avatar manifested outwards, a copy of Tatsu slamming the ground and forcing Vicki back.

I stood before the two Shadows, my Stage Four Hinokami in its Anarchy Form burning bright.

"I watched my friends leave me. One by one. To live a new life. Because of what you did alongside Fenrir. My little sister turned into this monster because of your organization. And now, using her Susanoo is threatening her body and her life. It's because of you people that she's in danger. Did you really think I would be on your side?! Your god... damn... SIDE?!"

I roared to the sky, the Anarchy Form and Hinokami flames lifting me off the ground.

"Thanks to your training... I've reached S Rank. I'm now on your level, Vicki. And now I have what it takes to get revenge on you and free my sister by killing both of you."

Carlton aimed his arrow at me, but hesitated, as I glared at him, turning Intangible and mixing my flames with Shenlong's green electricity.

I appeared before Twilight Bolt, reeling my fist back and slamming it into his chest, sending him backward.

I chased after him, ignoring Hakah's pleas, but was intercepted by swords and spears and arrows everywhere.

Celestial Scabbard - Heaven's Armory

I skidded to a stop, creating another Devil's Typhoon to knock the weapons away, but they stubbornly chased after me.

And from the chaos, parted Vicki Harriet's athletic figure, chasing me down with a knife in each hand.

Celestial Scabbard - Herculean Boost, Speed of Hermes, Blade of Glepnir

Vicki began pressuring me as I began losing ground.

"It's true. We took them away from you, Yeling. But that was our order. There was a reason why we did these things. There is always a reason. But what isn't true, is that I never once saw you as a comrade. You are still my Auxiliary! I brought you here to Hakah for a reason!"

I clenched my teeth angrily.

"Do not. Pretend. To understand me, bitch!" I growled.

Aspect of the Rain God - Rain God's Arsenal

I spread my hands, summoning Rainwater Constructs which countered Vicki's Celestial Constructs.

Vicki disarmed me, as she reached in, but I turned Intangible, slashing at her blind spot with a Rainwater Butterfly Knife.

"I can boost myself too!" I yelled, as I channeled Shenlong's Rainstorm power into my body, sparking green electricity alongside my flaming aura, which started to transition into pure blue flames.

The two of us clashed violently, shaking the entire realm.

Vicki gritted her teeth.

"You are even more stubborn than Vistara."

"Because unlike him, I've already achieved what I wanted. To surpass you and kill you. So you won't interfere with my loved ones ever again!"

I closed in with a front kick, but Vicki deflected my foot off with her shoulder guard, leaning in and summoning a bow.

Obsidian Ordnance - Death Blossom

Orbs of dark energy surrounded her, as blasts of black power slammed into me and forcing me back.

"Goh goh! That's enough!" Hakah materialized in front of me and grabbed my shoulders, but recoiled at the heat.

"Hakah! Summon your shadows now! Now is our chance! We can escape. Your realm is restricted to you, right? We can live there. Forever and ever. Just us. You don't have to hurt anymore!" I pleaded, but Hakah shook her head.

"No! You don't get it. I'm fine because of the Black Legion!"

"LIES!" I roared, more and more power began overloading me, my Anarchy Form causing me to think irrationally.

"They... they're tricking you... they've tricked you."

I pushed Hakah to the side, staggering forward.

Vicki's Obsidian Ordnance snaked around the right side of her body, while her Celestial Scabbard illuminated her left side.

I will kill Vicki.

This will be my last hurdle.

I won't need to worry about Loyce or the others, as long as Hakah can bring us back to her realm, no one can harm either of us ever again. We can live happily ever after.

Just us.

As a family again.

(Present Day)

"I have a bad feeling about this." Carlton said, as he placed a cup of instant ramen on the table.

"Vicki told us not a single drop of beer will enter her mouth. It's fine." I reassured him.

"But... that's the problem."

Carlton leaned towards me.

"Not a single drop of beer."

I paused.

No way.


"I'm home... HIC! MORTALS!" Vicki stumbled around with a giant bottle of Hennessy in her hand.

"Ah... welcome home, Miss Harriet!" Carlton said nervously, before Vicki smashed his head into the side of the wall, creating the fifth hole this week.

"Don't you... hic! Speak to me... in that manner. Auxiliary!"

Vicki Harriet was flat-out drunk again.

I went to the fridge and prepared a glass of mineral water with a slice of ginger and honey, watching Vicki stumble to the counter.

"Auxiliary... Shadow Tidalflame! Hic! Prepare me a-"

I placed the glass in front of her.

"Oh. Thank you. Hic!"

Vicki took the glass and began downing it. For someone so composed and professional, it was difficult to imagine this woman to be a party animal. Thankfully, I spent several years living with a party animal back when I was in Squad Four.

"Did you have fun?" I asked.

Vicki put the glass down.

"Fun... I never have... fun. Hic! Ironclad... still sees me as a traditional... stereotypical hic! a woman... how hic! How demeaning! Our wrestling bout... was hic! Ruined! Ruined I say!"

"Women are strong too, Vicki."

"I... know. Hic! But... I am... Vicki Harriet. The... hic! The Millennium Medusa! How dare he... take it easy on me! When I am a warrior too!"

What a handful.

And she was supposed to be my superior as well.

At times like this, the fact that this woman was Squad Leader Matt's teacher always seemed unbelievable.

Vicki's head slammed onto the surface of the desk.

"I'm... strong too... because... hic! Loyce... needs... a strong woman... hic! And... Yeling... too..."

I sighed, taking out a blanket and draping it over her shoulders, then placed a note before her.

Drink plenty of water. And take a shower once you read this. You reek of sweat and alcohol.

- Yeling

I approached Carlton and yanked him out of the drywall.


"No problem. Let's get patrol done in Vicki's place."

"Okay. Just give me a sec... I gotta clean the plaster out of my ears."

A minute later, Carlton and I headed to the door, when suddenly, a throwing knife appeared out of nowhere, impaling itself against the doorknob with frightening accuracy.

"YAAAH! Oh my god!" Carlton yelped frantically.

I pulled the knife out of the doorknob.

"What is it, Outer Shadow Onyx?" I asked.

Vicki rolled over, falling to the ground. Her black leggings were stained with the Hennessy which stained the fabric.

"Keep me company. One of you. This is... an order..." She muttered.


Oh no.

"You heard her, Carlton. I will handle patro-"


I stared at the door, which had been closed in my face. Twilight Bolt ran for it, using his Olympic Level athleticism to sprint to the elevator doors.