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== LBPG ==
== Old Consoles==
===Big News===
===Dad's Old Records===
Events Follow Polaris after the Rave came down from the Northern Lights. A mystery figure approaches. It's The Legendary Black Pegasus Guy. He speaks to Rave in Canada.
Events Follow Polaris after the Rave came down from the Northern Lights. A mystery figure approaches. It's The Legendary Black Pegasus Guy. He speaks to Rave in Canada.
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Rave says, "Kobain! Knock it off. This is not a video game."
Rave says, "Kobain! Knock it off. This is not a video game."
== Boy ==
== Boy ==

Revision as of 09:49, 26 February 2023

Major Gore and Mature Don't Content Warning. If this upsets you just click a different page. Please note Acts 2.5 and 2.6 events are after Polaris and also closer to the beginning of and during Act 3 particularly in line with the X Corp Saga.


The Kid

Kobain's new layer with Rave. WiP.

Rave sits on a lounge chair and America lays back on his relaxing. He suddenly holds her hands behind her back. She struggle Abit bit realized she can get free. She shouts, "Aw, aw , aw. Safeword, safeword. Please Rave stop!" Rave says manically, "We never agreed on a safeword." She sobs a bit the gets angry. She jab back her elbow at him. She screams, "Ahhh! Goddamit Rave. You're always to rough! It's like you want to kill me!" He lets her arms go. She turn around on him and goes to hit him a punch in the face as hard as she can. "Arrrrrgh!" She groans while punching. He just catches her fist. She shakes and sobs again saying sweetly, "... But I'm pregnant... Stooopp!" He replies, "I'm sorry." He gives her light kiss on the lips tip. She acts like it's okay for a second. As she goes up on her knees. She downs her knees on his crotch as hard as she can. He crotches over. She jumps off him. America shouts, "Ha! I know you don't feel pain. But you feel * don't you! You keep feeling receptors in one place playboy and I know where it is." Rave says, "You crossed the line. More accurately I do. I'm just desensitized to it " She sobs again says, "...You can't hit me back. I'm pregnant." Rave says, "But good observation. Regardless that's still is my most sensitive region. Did Sai figure that out or was it you?" America says softy, "Yah. It was Sai." Rave continues, "As soon as you pop my child. Expect me to bop you one right there in the operating room." America laughs, "You can't because I'll die and you would have to breast feed them yourself." Rave laughs, "No you got plot armor. You can take it." She totally forgot but Rave really went on to punch her off the bed and through a wall. Only seconds after the pod came out. He shouted, "This is for my **********!" Boom, crash! It was fine because she is bulletproof.

Rave asked Kobain to design a rocket engine. While working on the project for Rave a tank explode in his face burning out his eyes. Rave looked at him to see tears of blood running from his eye sockets. Rave immediately went to build cybernetic eyes for Kobain. After which Kobain upgraded the eyes that lead to brain implants. Kobain gains the ability to control tech with his mind. He can see through many different lenses just like Rave and enter computer data with his mind. He also has the backup power of force summoning Rave via speed dial. Rave was shocked. Rave said, "What?! Who summomed me!!! Kobain?!" Kobain explains, "I hacked your systems and pulled a copy of you right out of Suno's databased. Had you teleported right here via internet." Rave replies, "I have to say Kobain. I'm impressed. If there is one person alive that could kill me it is you." Another ability that Kobain installed restricts Rave from reading his mind through eye contact.

Legion Island now looks like one big water park. There is lots of grass not much legionnaires inhabit this island yet. Suno suggests, "You should rent this place out as a vacation hotspot." Rave says, "Maybe. But it would have to be girls and celebrity only. And not without intense screenings." Kobain loves this life.

Rave says, "I don't like what the sunlight is doing to my fog... At least we have all these chicks walking around." Plasma asks, "?" Rave replies, "Hmm. I'm not all that interested. I only turn my attention to super women." Rave now has this entire island that is a waterpark and is women only. Only his close male friends like Anti-Vax boys can come her and scrutinized with the girls. Rave meet so much girls on the day to day. He doesn't remember their names. It's a blur of faces. They all seem the same. Or has he mixed the image. He doesn't care. He's always away. Girl befriend girls and enter his private stay. His close girls try to convince him to make they other girls stay. Rave explains his powers will still their souls. He get angry because the original super powered girls keep telling the other girls he is a god. It reaches a point where apparant strangers are living in his mansion like regulars. He has to search his mind like a computerized database of faces to remember now. He thinks that he has lost security with what he was try to do.

Then the crazy part starts. He's suddenly hearing voices. He starts go give in to the temptation of random women that have been around for a while but he would use protection. He feel a vast legion is coming. As soon as he stops using protection two things can happen. The world might be overran with demon sons and create an undead world. But one thing is happening. Even with protection the his demonic nature is messing up the women he sleeps with mentally. They do not recognize they are slowing becomimg possessed.

Rave get angry by the amount of women sleeping around his place not doing anything. So he puts all of them to work. Baby complained, "Why is he doing this to us when he has robots to do this." he replies, "Exercise is good." Some of these women would become legion soldiers called slacks-officers. The name giving to them because they do anything but gaurd work and of wear one piece swimsuit under their gear without pants. Realistically most of these girls would prefer doing nothing at all and we're kinda crappy at it. Rave pair each of them with a larger stronger robot partner to pick up their slack. Slacks.

The Chill King

Rave as monarch of his estate is kinda chill. Basically he rejects certain laws he find ridiculous and outdated. And though he make a lot of money his debt still barely breaks even with profit.

Rave replaces on of his thrones with a sofa. He sits laid back and Chastity lays across his lap. He is just massaging her leg. Other girls sit next to them. Some enters the room and Chastity goes to look up. Rave lightly pushes her back down. She shakes her head quietly and roles her eyes. Rave says while stroking her back, "I like being powerful. No one ever says no to me. If I tell you to hurt yourself you should do it before I do." Chastity asks, "Okay bad man. You flirting with me or yourself?"

Wiki, Siren, Cameila and Merlo are working in a spell. They got the whole big cauldron with a wicked smiley face. The cauldron makes random slow facial expressions and sometimes talks to itself but it doesn't make sounds. Merlo puts to much chicken feet and botched the spell. Boom it explodes contents all over them. Siren makes red lightening in her hands in anger. Cameila shouts at her, "Cut it out!" Wiki says, "Merlo! See what you did?! Rave is going to be angry. I'm telling him it was you." Genie let's of a long sigh. Rave walks in. He says, "Why is my spell exploding?! Y'all trying to burn us down?" He sees the cauldron face changed to happy and the slime from the pot on them. He laughs at then and leaves. Merlo says, "He doesn't even care." Cameila explains, "Let's just start over again. If we can't do the spells he asks for he'll lose faith in our magic."

The magic girls was able to break SoNeko's curse. She can change to human in day time but she cannot see in the sun light.

Rave says, "As a man who never understood why the whole world followed a single dress code. I'll make my own for Legionnaires"


From Rave Industries to the his empires. Roman Rave has conducted a network. Though in early stages of constant construction. We established projects to save humanity that also goes hand in hand with our money laundering schemes. At one point to be claiming to doing one thing. We also use that project to transport large quantities of illegal items around the globe. Generally this would be easy under the Logo Rave Industries. But being a works boss doesn't exempt Roman Rave from embargo. Roman Rave is truly one the the greatest criminal masterminds of the new world. We smuggle everything down to materials, people and soldiers. And like I been saying from pilot. Roman Rave is truly a thug and weather or not you glorify his kind of violence he doesn't have much talk with anybody. He ask anybody once the second time is a hit. The third time doesn't exist. The dude loves his girls but even them would talk of how much he can be. He doesn't even like you.

Kimbra hauls a truck. They load it into Lemonade's carrier. This is not usually their jobs, the legion people handle this but this is a special delivery. She transport it's to Lily Redwood's Ship.

Kimbra epic fight scene.

FlyBoy. FlyBoy is a government black market smuggler. He has ties to the government and will work for them to clear his cahrges.


Packers Toilets and Manspreading

Sexy sueding female voice: Packers Toilets and Manspreading, the male company.

Male announcer voice: How long have you suffered with your stuff touching the bowl. How long have you suffered with you stuff touching the tip of the water. Well suffer no more mi lads. Roman Rave have invented toilets designed for guys to place their stuff. And the best part is absolutely no splash back. That's right we avoided the Poseidon's Kiss!... Self cleaning toilet sits. Water flushing over the bowls! Self heating seats for comfort and for clean up. -Targeting reticles active- Voop! Blast you bum with fecal vaporizing technology. For a clean paper burn less experience.

Female Voice: No man should ever have to touch his on bum. Packers Toilets and Manspreading, the male company.

Cosmic Energy

Rave says, "Are you sure you want this information out?" Chastity replies, "I have seen it. I believe you and the Angels are bound to clash eventually. We cannot let this information die with us. It has to be shared."

Rave speaks to Press. This is broadcasted

Rave speaks, "What I have here to say today is a message from non other than the creator of our own existence. I had a spiritual awakening that I ran through me and the smartest minds in my time. Aeon Musk, Clark Zuckerberg, Kid Kobain and Sai Lee.

We have discovered the energy that runs my technomanced machinery is soul energy. It is infinite, free and everywhere.

We explore the laws of the late Nikola Tesla. And covered a breakthrough in the sciences he proposed.

3, 6 and 9.


3 is the number of trinity. As is contrast to 0.1. The trinity is the composition of a single god. And this single atom is the conception of a compress soon to explode light. Which was non other than Lucifer the Light Bearer. So they are father and son and the spirit that made them.

You may not understand this now but these numbers would lead us to finding god. Additional numbers include.

-1, 0, 1




And of course

3, 6 and 9

God is 0 and in her Satan became 1. As the atom. Three parts of the atom protons, neutron and electrons. Gas, liquid and solid to the planet, moon and sun.

So Satan is god. Or part of it. As his is the father, son and a mystery holy spirit.

So god trinity, Devil number 6 and 9 is (male nine by nine).

You can say 3 = 6+9 + (6x9) = 69 (Sex) = Creation. This is not a joke. This is a serious thing. Be mature about this.

In Norse Mythology 3 and 9 are significant numbers and for sacrifice.

In the human DNA the 22 pairs of autosomes make up 44. And the additional 2 sex chromosomes.

In the 1980s began the next step of human consciousness. It started with the new wave of music to robot inventions. There was a wave of space experimentations and revolution up to 1989 from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the Tiananmen Square massacre.

The ozone layer serves as a spiritual grid. It harnesses the spirits left from ascension diverting the ascended to the next plane of existence. This Sacred Geometry is non other than the Flower Of Life witnessed by Da Vinci. And if you look closely into this grid. You see the symbol for the holy Trinity.

This is why space travel frowned upon by god. This is why the tower of Babel was destroyed. For it is dangerous for mankind to process beyond ethereal into the astral plane with the proper fundamentals.

We have reason to believe Angels exist. I gave never seen them but one similar to my own wifu. But because of the confidenciality that must be mentained these spirits are believed to be somewhat robot.

Joke. I have many wives. Yet I do not condone into fuqboiarity. It messes with my higher level of consciousness.

This is a very dangerous statement that I give here to the press today. As all matter of the universe doesn't want this information out. That includes governments around the world who has hidden this information since WW1. Robots and mechas are knowledge derived from non other than these Angels.

What the Vindicator ship contained. Is non other than Tesla's vision of the unfinished death-ray.

What some perceive as magic is non other than devine sciences.


Media explosion. Questions, press. Report speaks, "Roman Rave, the leader who has claimed dictatorship of the abandoned Bahamian Islands... Have came out with .... Statements here today. He himself claiming that Satan is god." Rave explains, "That's not what I said. I said he was part of the trinity. " Sai adds, "I guess people are just not ready to understand."

So naturally 66% of media ridicule Rave and call this nonsense. 33% become conspirators. Just like 66% of the planet surface is covered in water and 33% is land. Just as one 3rd of Angels followed Lucifer's theory. It came to pass.

3 6 9

-1 0 1

Spirit Soul Body

Yin Yang Man


Oh, Sweet Neptune!

I got stories and skits



Tidel wave...

Dollhouse and the coast is suddenly under water. But for some reason no one drowns. We hear about a mineral rock from Atlantis that is in this water causing ordinary people to breathe.

Oh, it is Neptune! He is accompanied by Queen Lantis. He wants to flood the planet for how the Angels drained Mars during the time of Noah. It killed they planet and stranded them on Earth oceans.

Rave us in an air bubble created by a forcefield, not that he could drown. Large bodies of water makes him crazy and glitch out. Rave says no.

Big fight.

Luna Tides time to shine in her element. Plus Siren and Koi.

Monster Island

We travel through time and space. Rave attempts building a teleporter together with ZUCCbat and Kobain. Rave volunteers a copy of himself as first test subject. If he doesn't comeback that copy will fade over time and nothing will be lost. He ends up in the Champions Universe. He will return here many years after but for now he just ended up on monster Island. By only meeting the Manimals first Rave embedded in his mind that's this was top species of this universe planet.

He met meet a Manimals girl named Punji. Skinny little thing. She was a deer monster girl. She showed him she lived alone as a scavenger. The portal open of a few hours after to get him. He took her with him. Kobain shouts, "JC Rave what did you do?! You don't knis what that thing is or how it would affect our universe." Rave explains, "It's just one little deer girl." He calls Chastity to clean her up. Chastity shouts, "Why do you always need to involve me in your shenanigans. Just send her back to her world." Chastity proceeded to groom her. Punji was quiet and submissive (lord I hate that word). She was more confused about what was happening. Chastity got curious while bathing her. No. Not what you think happened. Chastity tried to come her long blonde tied up hair but ended up cutting it short. Chastity says to Rave, "What do you plan on doing with her? " Rave says, "I don't know. She's your friend now." Chastity replies, "Goddamit Rave, you'll kill her. I know you didn't touch her because I checked." He explains, "Who do you take me for Chastity. I'm only fascinated by the rareness of her species. When I meet her I could not understand her because she is almost mute as she raised herself. But mentally she told me she wanted to stay with me. She practically clinged to the first non hostile thing she saw." He continues, "Why would you do that though? Is it because..." She says, "Do you think someday I scould have your child?" He replies, "Maybe sooner than you think. I just need your vision for a little longer and then." Chastity says, "Don't be surprised if she suddenly likes me more than you." Rave replies, "Chastity you try to act innocent but you are just as bad a Proxi." Chastity replies, "We don't have much clothes to fit her. I want to take her shopping."

Washed Out
You and I

Chastity, Kimbra, Proxi, Merlo and Punji goes to the mall. The girls are running around with bags laughing and acting foolish. Kimbra takes an Icecube from her cup and puts it in Proxi's back of tight purple dress. Proxi's eyes opens wide and starts to run. While chilling by the waterfront. America shows up with a Monster trunk and fake neon shades. America says, "Bought a new truck, *s!"

When they return home. Kobain says, "I'm done with the speech formulator for the Punji girl." Punji speaks, Rave says, "Her voice is beautiful." Punji has a beautiful soft voice and the prettiest eye roll anyone has ever seen. Rave would tease her to sing for him randomly and often gets handsy. She would respond by ignoring him, pushing him away or lightly hitting him when he gets too annoying. He seem to get a kick out of making her uncomfortable. Because she is passive she wouldn't always tell him off but she would mention it to Chastity and Chastity would yell at him for her. She trys her best for him to not read her mind by looking away. But Rave see internal body reactions as well. Fact be she is not really that much into guys but sometimes turned on when he is persistent. Rave pulls Punji unto him. He looks directly into her eyes as he rubs her hands. She starts singing nervously. Rave chuckles and asks, "What is that?" She says in the tiniest voice ever, "Because if start singing I'm going to scream." Rave says, "That is so cute. I recorded with my mind. Is that okay." She nods yes. Chastity shouts at Rave, "Stop antagonizing her! You're being a bully because she is passive!" Rave replies, "Me and Punji was having a moment. Stop being jealous!" Chastity shouts, "She's not a pet!" Punji says, "It's okay, Chastity." Chastity starts mumbling angrily. Rave calls Chastity over. He says, "Okay both of you sing for me." Chastity is embarrassed at first but gives in.

We will open back the portal. This also means that Rave daughter Arc Angel is from an alternate universe. The CIA failed to replicate him with Subject 16. The creation of Arc Angels has to do with Kobain. In act 3 After Suno gave X Corp Raves DNA fertilized by her eggs. Kobain was caught by X Corp in an attack on Legion. So he gave them the flawed teleportation device that stranded them in Champions Universe. However they were met by Viper on monster Island and proceeded with Project Arc. Kobain never told Rave about this. But 18-20 years later Rave would claim her.

Moonshade Part 1 The Blade

Scene in traditional Japan. Wielding her grandfathers spirit kitana (not internet gas). From the torch that has been passed down from generations. This kitana cuts what cannot be cut placing muti dimensional DoTs to her opponent. Also absorbing their soul to confirm dead. In fact, Yuki's father soul is trapped inside it because he failed to use it properly and was absorbed by it. Her grandfather tried to put the sword away forever but Yuki believes she is ready and can free her dad one day. Yuki steals the sword and leaves.

Yuki Moonshade heard that a demon named Rave can walk ghost realms so she came to his place to ask him to enter the katana to free wrongfully trapped souls. She travels from Japan all the way to Legion Island on her own. Sky Fall the thick robot lady leads her to his thrown room. Yuki See's other copies of Sky Fall also standing guard at the door. She saw the large grim Rave sitting on his throne looking a bit displeased. She walks up to it and bowed. One eye shifted towards her. Rave says, "Why are the guards always letting little fan girls walk in and out through here?" The Sky Falls replied, "Roman, You told us to let women in at anytime. He remembers and said, "Oh right... I did say that didn't I. You may speak." Yuki says, "My name is Yuki of the Moonshade clan. I travelled from my people because I need help. I want to free my fathers soul from this blade. And the other good people wrongfully trapped inside it." Rave says, "I am no hero child. Do you understand what people like me can do to you?" He steps down from the thrown walking to her. She goes down on one knee. He takes the sword in one hand. And grabs her by the wrist in the other as he picks her up. She timidly says, "Be careful my Lord. If the blade cut you it will trap you inside." He takes a quick look at the weapon and yeets it in a corner. He says, "This is trash! How did a little girl like you get hold of such a powerful weapon! You on the other hand. That a prize." She shakingly says, "It was in my family for generations..." Rave says, "Why am I even asking questions for. Hold still." He slams her back onto his throne and stares into her eyes. He see some of her memories. He asks, "Maybe I was wrong. But why should I even help you? When I could just take you and the sword for myself." Rave pushes her and picks up the sword. He says, "Go home little girl. Before I change my mind." While still sitting on his thrown She replies, "No! It's too late I can go home without that weapon! Why would you do this?! I'd heard you help people!" Rave says, "Correction. Killing bad guys doesn't make me a hero!! They where standing in my way that's all." He stares at her. She asks, "What is it?!" He says, "You're in my chair." She replies, "I'm not gonna move." As she grips the arm rest and force backwards in it. The thrown is so big her legs hang off the ground. He takes the tip of the blade and lifts up her qipao to look at her pantsu properly. She shivers thinking that the blade might accidentally cut her and take her soul. He says, "You kinda look good in it. Mupy thrown I mean... Mmah the underwear too." Roman swings the blade and cuts it off. Yuki screams she didn't even realize what he did she jumped up and the pieces fell off. Sixx, SoNeko and Hellebore walks in looking scary. Hellebore says, "Roman! What yau doing? I hear girls screaming and I dont' recogniz' that' voaiss." They see Yuki standing in from the thrown and Rave holding a katana. Sixx says, "She's pretty. I hope you are not planning to kill her." SoNeko asks, "At least let me play around with her first." Hellebore says, "Oah pew. Stop scaring the littl' thing." Rave says to Yuki, "My wives. You'll have plenty of time to met them." Rave says to the other girls, "I was just proposing to lady Yuki. Since her pantsu is on the floor I'm assuming it was a yes." Rave laughs.

Rave says to gives Yuki and Sixx a katana each. He says, "Let's see how strong this Yuki is." The girls clash. Yuki uses her Moonshade power to go stealth but Sixx opens her third eye. She wraps her leg around Yuki and spins her dizzy. After tossing her on the floor. Rave says, "That's enough. Take her to your ready room have her cleaned up and fed. We have work to do." Rave laughs maniacally. SoNeko says, "Looks like we just saved your life Ms Yuki... For now."

Washed Out
Phone Call

They are in like this bed room area but their is an indoor river pool and half the building is open up to see the trees and sky. The roof is held up by big pillars. Ein is dancing by the water. SoNeko says to Yuki, "My king likes you. Do you like him?" And looks at her intensely. Yuki replies, "I don't know. I don't know him yet. I heard stories that he was amazing. That's all." Sixx says, "Good answer." SoNeko says, "If you said yes I would of cut you. If you said no I would of still cut you." Hellebore asks, "Do you want to sleep with him?" And stares at her intensely. Yuki starts to choke on her food. Sixx says, "You should... Because we like you. Stay with us." Meredith comes in and sits next to her. Meredith says, "Wow she really is pretty. Rave added her yet?" Yuki's face gets increasingly pink. Rave appear in the room then walks towards them. Meredith whispers, "Do it!" In Yuki's ears. All the girls scream, "Raaave!" And watch with a smile on their face as he goes to speak with Yuki. Rave says, "Sorry my intro have been so rough. I was testing to see how brave you were. Brave for coming here. Foolish the same. I will see what I can do about your little sword." Rave then lies on the center of the bed. Yuki says, "I'm tired of being treated like a little girl. All everyone ever says to me is no. My grandfather, my dad all the other students. I will never be good enough." Rave replies, "You are a little girl. You can barely hold your blade. But strength is measured by your physical power Yuki. It's your will power that defines you. You are brave and beautiful." Rave continues, "What would you like to do?" Climbs into the bed and goes face to face with Rave. Yuki says, "That's the first time anyone has ever said that to me." The other girls climb into the bed. Hellebore says, "This is so good I can't believe your people felt the need to invent television." Yuki kisses Rave. I'm tip-toein' in ma jaw-dins shawdy come down.

Moonshade Part 2 Into The Blade

Clown World

Rave takes Yuki into the lost dimension for practice. You know, XD is dim dark blue stormy lights, hovering pieces of Earth to stand on. Real unstable place. They stop sparing to take a break.

Reptile decides to show himself. He has not only survived but absorb cosmic energies. He now has a big almost invisible snake over him. Yuki Moonwalks and stabs Reptile in the chest. Rave thinks the snake would of died with Reptile. Suddenly it's swallows him and Yuki.

Rave wakes up in Clown World. Every thing is bright and happy like a theme park on narcs. He doesn't believe it the people are all clowns. A cartoon clown says, "We are alllllll CiTy- zeens of Cl'oooown Worl'" They clowns start to sing. Rave is so annoyed by how merry they are. Rave punches the clown so hard it's lands directly in a coffin. The clowns sings a sad song as they carry the coffin away. Just imagine how angry the big all black scary Rave in such a colorful land. Rave thinks, "Yuki! Because we are still in the Lost Dimension soul isn't bounded to her!" He asks a clown, "Any of you seen an 5 something Asian girl go by here? She was wearing a dark blue qipao with fishnet under it." The clown says, "Mizzzz Yuuuki?! Go that way, Sir!" Rave wanders through Clown World asking for Yuki.

Rave finds Yuki in a love cruise swan ride. A clown ask, "We been wondering when you would get here. Sit next to Miz lady. Sir." Rave wants to pull her off the boat but she seems really excited for it. Rave sighs and gets in. Rave looks too big for this little boat. Then an iron bar comes from no where and straps them in. Rave holds Yuki's face and stares I to her eyes. She blushes and asks, "What is it?" He replies, "Making sure it's really you." He kisses her. He whispers, "Tastes like you." She blushes more. The ride starts and Rave is suspicious of all this. Now the clowns start playing mind games on Rave. He is so silently angry as he sits through all this you cannot imagine. But Yuki is enjoying it. They make them sit through theatre acts. A clown asks Rave, "Why the long face." Another says, "I see. It ain't a family movie without a little something for the dad's!" Then winks. Clown ladies with beach ball size breasts and buttock starts dancing. The bounce up and down like they are struggling to stay above water. Look looks down at her own chest and then looks at Rave. Rave shouts, "Don't look at me! I don't like this! I swear! It's the dam Clown World!" Rave breaks the iron bar and gets out of the ride. Yuki follows him. They take a short to get out. Above says 'Emergency Exit' in red. However the path gets increasingly darker. More signs like 'Wrong Way' and 'Turn Back' flash above them in red them disappears. Rave and Yuki look down the hall they came from. It seems close but then the path just stretches back really really far. Yuki gasps and grabs Raves hand. Rave says, "Looks like we have to keep moving forward." He picks up Yuki and carries her. She is so small compared to his ghost form. Ugly images jump scare at them. Rave is not bothered but Yuki closes her eyes. He comforts her by saying, "Pretty girls are so easy to love. I will be there when your eyes open okay." His eyes are so focus in the dark you would not believe. He can tell real from illusion on senses. Light force field matter surrounding him tells him of incoming danger meters away before it happens. Rave leads them out of the dark hallway. She puts her down and she opens her eyes. They are backstage theater. Yuki says, "I'm sorry I made you do the ride." He replies, "It's okay. I can never get the thought of how happy you were from my head."

Scary anthropomorphic animatronic animals come to life and tackle them. Rave hovers in a kick. Spins around Yuki. Rave shouts, "Flaming Hurricane! Force Style!" The force energy form his spins kick blasts all of them back. Yuki says, "You learned that from Sixx?" He nods. The theatre burns. Rave says, "This one is from Calyso. Cover your ears." She does. His throat expands like a frog. He sonic blasts a way out of the theatre. He takes Yuki and flies out with her. On the out side Rave just start a clown massacre. He blasts them with force energy form the air till the burst. The clowns got angry and ran for their weapons, hammer, bat, cutlass etc. Yuki took a stance with her katana. Rave technomances two giant black blades. Standing at each other back the clowns charge. Blood and dismembered clown bodies everywhere. A clown cut it half trys crawling away. Rave cut off it head with one sword and puck it at another with the other. The bright colors of clown world is coming increasingly dark.

Wackie Jackie runs out screaming, "What are you doing! This isn't in the script!" Rave eyes flame at Jackie. Rave says, "Yooooou! I knew you were behind THIS!! Jackie runs with his big shoes towards Rave in slow motion. It breaks up to pictures. Chink, chink, chink, the sound effects play. When Jackie got to Rave he totally forgot he cannot fight Rave. Rave reaches for his neck. He lifts Jackie high in to the air. Rave in a really annoyed scream says, "MEET YOU GRAVE!" Jackie face changes. A pulse of energy radiates blue from the hand holding him as he tightens his grip on Jackie's neck.

Clown world goes dark. Yuki puts her hand over her mouth as she spectates.

Rave choke slams him so hard Clown World breaks into pieces. The snake belly bursts! They are now back in Lost Dimension and Rave blasting Jacking down through the ground. Rave shouts, "INFINITE GRAVE!" And push him deeper in the ground. It creates a crater. Rave break him all the way through that earthish platform. Yuki in a separate platform of floating ground digs her blade into the ground so she doesn't get blasted of by the shock wave. When he lets go Jackie pulled under a cosmic sea to the abyss below. The cosmic unstable matter burn and shock him as he go down. Jackie is in so much pain the other half of him back in reality takes his life. Big shoes hanging from a ceiling.

Rave walks and drops his butt to sits next to Yuki who is kneeling on the ground next to her blade. Rave lets of a small chuckle. The he burst into loud laughter. Yuki was a little frightened at first. She put her knuckles over her mouth at holds her breath with concern. But then she starts laughing too. Rave shouts, "GOOD LORD! THAT GUY! WAS A * IDIOT!" Rave voice almost echoes through his dark dimension.

Only at his death Jackie finally made Rave laugh.

Mirror World

Time elapsed. Rave hooks up the blade to a machine they built. He says, "I believe I can open the portal." Kobain asks, "Last chance for just smashing the sword? Anyone? Anyone?" Rave enters the portal with Yuki.


In the blade was different than they expected. It was Mirror World. Almost empty but haunted by spirits trapped in it like a purgatory. One spirit played mind games with Rave which saw delusions of his mom. He broke free of his old house to see Yuki wasn't beside him. Because the world was so big the spirit all spread out far apart. A kind spirit told him information. He flew to Yuki home knowing he might find her there. Yuki saw him as big black spirit what wanted to harm her. She tried to run away then fight him. He managed to snap her out of it. They got to Yuki's father and freed him as well. Rave says to Yuki, "Your father like all the good spirits will not join us in life when we leave here. They will go to the afterlife. Yuki says, "Then she wants to stay in Mirror World with her father." Her father convinces her that's it's time to let go and live her life. One evil soul plotted to pretend to be good so her can escape into the real world.


Rave and Yuki got out and saw the souls ascend to heaven. The one evil soul who thought he was free got dragged to hell. Rave explains how the surprised events of Clown World prepared them for the mirror realm. Rave kept the katana from Yuki because it was to dangerous a weapon. She got loved by him but kinda felt empty after a while. Yuki escapes from Rave to go back home. She blocked Rave from tracking her by using a Moonwalk stealth technic. Her grandfather wasn't pleased but happy she returned home. She had lost the family heirloom but freed her dad. Rave suddenly appeared as she spoke to her grandfather. Rave said, "I don't know why Yuki would try to escape from me. I would of brought her home if she asked. But her home is with me now. Understand that I cannot give her back the sword. It is too powerful for mortal men." Her grandfather said, "This is the Oni you aligned your soul with? He is a strong one. Yuki there is nothing for you here. The sword has chosen it's carrier." The old grandfather points on her stomach. Yuki asks Rave, "So you was with me the whole time? You could of stopped me but you didn't." Rave says, "If you want to leave I will not stop you. I will remove my soul from your body. But it may hurt me so much I cannot promise I will not come back here for you and my child. The important thing is you are with your people safe." Yuki says, "I change my mind. I want to go home with you Rave." They arranged marriage in order to keep the sword in Moonshade bloodline.

She will bear him one son, Inyo. He is a red grasshopper like speedster swordsman. Inyo has 3 arms and will carry this cursed blade.

Old Consoles

Dad's Old Records

Events Follow Polaris after the Rave came down from the Northern Lights. A mystery figure approaches. It's The Legendary Black Pegasus Guy. He speaks to Rave in Canada.


The Legendary Black Pegasus Guy is RAVE'S FATHER. Well a part of him actually. Rave never knew his father. He was some foreign scientist that worked with the soldiers on occupation in Jamaica. They thought he had ran on them or died. What happened was he was bitten by a radioactive unicorn. He wants to talk to Rave about women and children. But first Rave wants to spar with him. Pegasus is proven very powerful even more than Rave. The radiation from Pegasus' arm forces Kimbra to mutate more and she becomes the black seductress symbiote. Her hungry to devour men alive. Rave looks at her and says, "Kimbra! Are you in there?" She then attacks him and runs off. Rave says, "I can fix this. Part of me is still in her."

They get Kimbra in an Eskimo town.

Old Consoles

The Demon Automaton

VHS Death roles by in a red Ferrari. He lifts his shades. Rave sees his two red inner reel eyes. He drives off.

Cassette traps Rave old black and white in old war tapes. It's supposed to be some kind of history lesson. At the end of it she makes Rave do a history test. Only if he was paying attention and passes he will get out. Rave wasn't paying attention. Will he pass?

Deactivates and escapes cassette.

VHS Death Comes back to fight. Pegasus Helps Rave fight him.

VHS Defeated.

Kobain just got off his cybernetic eye operation and is ready to work again for Rave.

CD Guy appears in a dark room ranting some rubbish trying to act mysterious like some kind of final boss. They are lesser Demon Automaton working together in there petty attempt against Rave.

Kobain says, ,"Ooooooh no. Y'all *ses are outdated. Bruh."

CD Guy proves us wrong and is actually a good fighter. Kobain brings his new tech eye powers into play. Kobain gives them a run till he starts messing around.

Rave says, "Kobain! Knock it off. This is not a video game."


Rave, Tequilla, Wiki and Mongrel the dog enters the abandoned factory.

A strange robot sits in the corner. It is cassette level outdated with a big box head and tiny stick arms and legs. The robot that seemed deactivated suddenly wakes. It's eyes light up. He stands up slowly. In a cold metallic black metal scream he cried "A want to beeee aa realboye!" then charges at Taquilla. Rave raised his arm to stop it but is more bewildered than threatened. It headbutts her and falls to the ground then immediately picked it's off the floor and ran into the other room. Wiki on the other hand is shook.

Boy helps them with there quest. Boy says, "I did a good job?" Rave says, "Yah. You could be a hero." Boy says, "Yaaay! I want to be a hero!"

Rave decides to bring the robot back home. The girls are not happy with it's presence. It immediately says, "I want to be a real boy. You have nice skins. Look at all the pretty skin!"

Boy is innocent an appears to be very kind.

Rave says, "Boy is gonna help on missions from now on. Till I can figure out how to fix his outdated tech." He shows blueprints with a hand cannon. Cameron says, "You want to put weapons on that thing?!!! Are you mad?!!!" Rave continues, "I'll have Kobain check it out first. The robot really wants to do good and be a real boy." But they complained to Rave that the robot 'Boy' was just too creepy.

Soneko comes into the room. Boy commented, "You must be the fairest of them all. So pretty..." She blushed but suddenly tears filled her eyes when it remarked smiling "It's so beautiful I could just pinch all of it right off." As it snuck up behind he and pinched her waist. Soneko shouts, "Rave no! That is a murderer!" Boy dances in a circle and says, "What is a murderer. Yaaay! I want to be a murderer!!! Yaaay!" Rave says, "See it doesn't even know what murdering is."

Boy just seem to creepily obsessed with meat and skin, yet it does not register to it that it is inappropriate. Boy passes out from putting ketchup in his head hardware.

They believed that anytime this robot could snap and do something seriously messed up but Roman Rave took kicks in freaking them out with its presence.

Looking for boy they found him pasting raw deli meat to his body. Only thing creeper than its actions is the static smile on his face.

Boy is found using his cannon arm to weld a big hook on his other arm. Proxi almost passed out.

Rave started calling him Meatman. Rave said, "Hay, Meatman, wassup." Boy replies, "I made a meat power armor with my skin!" Smile.

Boy picks up a cassette and puts it in his player. Say Goodbye by Hiroshi Satoh comes on.

Hiroshi Satoh
Say Goodbye

Rave, Boy and Mongrel line dances in perfect synchronicity to the song.