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Revision as of 15:00, 11 October 2013

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Perses banner.png
Perses Emblem.png
The Valiant
Son of Atlantis
"I am most certainly not a fish!"
Warrior-Mage and Blacksmith
Player: @IonutRO
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Perses Ptolemaios
11th of March 1996
Millennium City, MI
Legal Status
Non-person Sapient
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Aegaeus Ptolemaios (Father)
Aethra Ptolemaios (Mother)
Egeus Ptolemaios (Grandfather, deceased)
Four brothers and three sisters
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Body Type
Luminescent Keppel
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Read Below.
· Equipment ·
Read Below.
· Other Abilities ·
Read Below.

Perses Backstory.pngBackstory

In the Beginning

Perses was born in early 1996 into one of Atlantis' numerous noble families, spending most of his younger years being homeschooled and having little to no social contact with other children of his age. After reaching his teenage years, his father began training him in the ways of combat, learning strategy, tactics, the use and maintenance of armor and weaponry, and the likes. Sometime after reaching the age of sixteen, Perses grandfather passed away and the entirety of house Ptolemaios entered into a month of mourning.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the family members however, Perses' grandfather, Egeus Ptolemaios, left an old, black book in Perses room for him to find on the night before he died, the book had the following note next to it on a piece of gold sheet: "Grandson, I do not have much longer to live, and I do not trust any of your brothers with this secret, but I have seen how you stay up at night to study books about the sorcery of old, and read up on tales about the ten sons and their mighty powers. I know that you will be able to keep this book safe. The book in front of you, child, is a book of spells, handed down from father to son for generations until it was passed down to me. In my younger days I could see that your father was too rash and too hateful of sorcery to ever be someone I would entrust with this secret, even today he believes that the warrior's path is the end-all be-all. i want you to take the book and hide it, child, study its contents in secret, and forever keep it safe, I trust that you will never use the more vile spells you find within. ~Egeus, fourth son of Hippolytus and Accalia of House Ptolemaios"

Perses did as his grandfather instructed for the next year, managing to learn some spells from the book in secret and avoiding the more... dark ones, to say the least, spells that no sane mage should ever try casting. Besides that, his life went on normally, he kept training with his father and learning about his place in atlantean society as a young nobleman, he received several love letters here and there from young noble maidens as he started growing into a handsome young man, but he always refused them graciously and politely. His life remained stable and uneventful.

Brave New World

Soon after Perses' seventeenth birthday, Perses was approached by his father, the head of house Ptolemaios informing his youngest that he had chosen to send him to the surface world to help facilitate cultural exchange between the two worlds, much to Perses' surprise and confusion. The young man protested, thought it was all for naught, his fathers insistence won in the end, Perses was to go live amongst the landers for a decade.

One week later Perses was all but fully ready to leave, he was to leave for the surface in an UNTIL submarine, which would then hand him over to PRIMUS personnel to take him to Millenium City, after which he would be introduced into the populace and sent to attend Ravenswood Academy, much as Prince Marus before him. Sadly, things didn't go as planned. Shortly after arriving to the UNTIL HQ in Millenium City, a group of Altantean Supremacists, hiding amongst the envoy which was to ensure Perses' safe arrival on the surface, attempted to assassinate the young man, one of them smashing his protective headgear in the process, which deprived Perses of water to breathe in... only nothing happened, much to Perses' surprise, he could still breathe once the water was gone.

The supremacists did not anticipate Perses' possessing Atlan's Gift, nor did they fully think out their assassination attempt, as they soon found themselves gunned down by both UNTIL and PRIMUS personnel with stunner weapons, being captured and imprisoned by PRIMUS, as the attack took place on American soil, temporarily before being handed over to the atlantean authorities, who charged, tried and punished them for attempted murder and treason.

Nexus Academy

Sadly, because of a mixup in PRIMUS papers, Perses was not formally enrolled into Ravenswood Academy, PRIMUS assured Perses that this will be corrected and he should be joining the Academy soon enough, prompting the young man to ask if there were other such schools in the country, which the PRIMUS personnel confirmed that there were. "Why must I go to this one? Why not another?" the boy then queried. His handlers took a moment to think, there was no -real- reason for him to go to Ravenswood specifically, it was chosen because it was where Prince Marus went. "I should be allowed to chose my place of learning, should I not?" he then stated, the PRIMUs personnel deciding to let him choose. "Then I would like to see a list." was his reply.

And a list they did bring him, a list of hundreds of superhuman schools located throughout all of the United States, in Atlantean, no less. It took him several hours to decide, silently reading and reviewing every single one of them, before finally choosing. "I have decided that I will attend Nexus Academy." And so he had chosen, and two weeks later he arrived at his first day of school.

Sadly, Perses didn't fit in with the other students well besides a handful, so he chose to leave the school, instead opting to understand human culture on his own.

Perses Powers and Abilities.pngPowers and Abilities


Perses, as an atlantean, has the natural abilities to see in the dark and breathe underwater, he is also resistand to intense pressure and intense cold thanks to his natural environment being the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. He is also a descendant of lord Mneseus, one of the ten children of the god Poseidon and the mortal woman Cleito, daughter of the farmer Evenor and his wife Leucippe, the first atlanteans. His lineage provides him with a lifespan twice as long as a normal atlanteans, though he is not aware of it. Finally, he possesses the ability to breathe air, a rare gift amongst the normally water breathing atlanteans.


Perses possesses basic combat training from his father, he is skilled in the use of most melee weapons and of weapons of atlantean design, and has hand to hand combat training in a style that resembles wrestling to some extent..


Perses possesses basic knowledge of tactics, though he lacks any tactical experience. He is knowledgeable in smithing, swordsmanship, atlantean hand to hand combat and atlantean mysticism. He also posseses knowledge on the geography of atlantean territories, its surroundings, the city itself, and on atlantean culture.


Perses speaks atlantean as his native tongue and has the ability to speak fluent english, he is not literate in english as he is in atlantean however. [Can't read the latin alphabet and doesn't know how to spell english words.]


Perses is secretly interested in the mystical arts, forbidden by atlantean culture as the megalomania of sorcerers is what led to the empire's downfall and to the cataclysm that reshaped the world into how we know it to be today, atlantean clerics being the only ones allowed to use magic, and even then, only the theurgic magics powered by their gods. Over time he has managed to teach himself two spells, one that allows him to repair broken items, though it does not work on anything enchanted, such as his equipment [see below], and a spell that can create roughly one pint of water.

Perses Equipment.pngEquipment

Perses is in the possession of a set of Atlantean Golden Armor [sans helmet], a staple of atlantean armorsmithing, this kind of armor is made of a bronze-orichalcum alloy, allowing it to absorb energy attacks as well as it defends against physical ones, this set appears to be weaker than those issued to atlantean soldiers.

Alongside his armor, he also possess an Atlantean Warriorblade, a large two handed sword enchanted with orichalcum to become wieldable with only one hand with ease.

Perses Weaknesses.pngWeaknesses

Aquatic Dependance: Atlanteans are aquatic lifeforms, their skin must remain moist or they start drying up and suffocating to death, that is, if they can even breathe air to begin with, as it is a rare gift amongst Perses' kind. If he doed not immerse or douse himself in water for a long period of time, an atlantean will die of dehydration.

Young and Inexperienced: Perses is just a teenager, whilst he has received some training in combat, he is no veteran, and can easily be outsmarted and outmanouvered by someone with more combat experience than him.

Weakspot - Gills: Like a shark, being hit in the gills will disorient and stun Perses, this is why his armor covers his neck.

Heat and Dehydration: Intense heat, as one would realize, will accelerate the rate at which Perses' skin loses its moisture, speeding up the process of dehydration, and thus forcing him to seek out water before he loses conciousness from suffocation and ultimately dies.