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Rave says, "Boy is gonna help on missions from now on. Till I can figure out how to fix his outdated tech." Cameron says, "You want to put weapons on that thing?!!! Are you mad?!!!" The robot really wants to do good and be a real boy. But they complained to Rave that the robot 'Boy' was just to creepy.  
Rave says, "Boy is gonna help on missions from now on. Till I can figure out how to fix his outdated tech." He shows blueprints with a hand cannon. Cameron says, "You want to put weapons on that thing?!!! Are you mad?!!!" Rave continues, "I'll have Kobain check it out first. The robot really wants to do good and be a real boy." But they complained to Rave that the robot 'Boy' was just too creepy.  

Revision as of 17:25, 25 September 2022

Major Gore and Mature Don't Content Warning. If this upsets you just click a different page. Please note Acts 2.5 and 2.6 events are after Polaris and also closer to the beginning of and during Act 3 particularly in line with the X Corp Saga.


Rave's Ghetto Adventures

The Demon Automaton Identity Blown

Dollhouse, LA

Hood. Red kicks. Khakis and a red hat. Pop Cant lights a cigar. He has a haters face. You see is eyes are demonic. 3 other dudes with him. He looks on at the new Dollhouse building across the street in the area. Rave across the street just received a delivery in which the girls are unloading a truck. They have been monitoring Rave's scene since he moved in but too conscious to go after a high roller they don't really know. What's the problem? Rave is the new rich afro on the block. The thugs see girls and money but no gang. They haven't seen Rave in ghost form it the girls fight. To them he I just a normal guy.

Chastity says, "Well at least. This place is so much nicer than than your hometown and Florida. But why do you like the ghetto so much?" Rave says, "Old habits I guess."Hellebore comes out with a short white skirt and an umbrella. Her British accent is so thick you can barely understand what she is saying. She says something about his fancy yaah. Rave says, "Bad enough I can't understand the Asian girls but now you." She continues on 'Something about vampire sunblock.'

Pop Cant and his crew zones in with an old bounce. He says, "Aye. What crew you with. N****!" Poison says, "Crew? Just us." Rave decides to mess with them. Rave replies, "Oh no. I'm with the Mexican drug cartel. You better not snitch." Pop Cant says, "You calling me a narc?!" Pop can't doesn't like Raves smug smile. Rave says, "Anyway guys this is private property. You can come in for a drink if you like but the club is closed from the moment." Pop Cant ask, "How much for the merchandise?" As he points at Proxi. Rave says, "Ah no. We don't do that kind of stuff. The girls here are strictly mine. You can swing by later to watch her dance."

Pop Cant goes back to his boss. Pop Boss is a Demon Automaton. He knows secrets of the internet. Pop explains, "He is a liar. He claims cartel but doesn't do drugs. He acts like a pimp but doesn't pimp. I say we should move on him." The boss replies, "Either that or really good at covering his tracks. You think cartel heat on us is a good idea. That is why you remain on the corner with the hookers. And he is in the house with them." Pop Cant now dissed by his boss has to do something on his own to redeem himself.

Kobain the kid comes over to Dollhouse. Mongrel the dog says, "I'm telling you Rave. Those block boys might try to roll on yah." Kobain says, "Cool. A talking dog." He goes to scratch it's neck. Mongrel says, "What are you gay?" As he jumps of the table and run to Braille. Braille pets him and he says, "Yah that's it... See if you can go lower by my nuts." Kobain left in the dark puts his hands in his coat pocket and feels a thing. It's a chocolate bar he pulls half way out and has an idea. Kobain says, "Hey boy. Want a treat." As he bounces toward the dog. Rave says to Mongrel, "We really got to find a lady dog for you." Mongrel replies, "That's sick. I'm not into dogs. I need a real broad like moppy over there." He points at Kimbra. Kimbra says, "Sooner or later that dog is getting neutered." Mongrel replies, "Oh darling, how you tease me." Kobain says, "Catch!" and tosses the bar at Mongrel. Braille shouts, "Pappy! Don't!" But it was too late. Mongrel passes out cold. Braille continues, "How could you fall for that?" Mongrel says, "I'm a dog. I hear fetch. I fetch... Aaaaa. I need an aspirin."


Kobain acts like he is Rave's sidekick all of a sudden. If your are still confused about why I choose Erra for the theme. Rave is the harsh vocals while Kobain is that younger voice. Sixx and Nayomi calls Rave from the big screen. You can see they are pregnant. Rave says to Kobain, "I'm going to be a father. I don't know how to be a father. I feel like a kid." America comes into the room. She is also early stages pregnant. She says, "I'm having a little alien." Kobain looks at Rave and says, "Dude. When I grow up I'm gonna be just like you." Don't be confused by any of Rave's children ages. Non of them grow or birth normally. The process is rather alien which I explained in Act 5.

Rave shows Kobain the blue prints for a Castle Village on Legion Island. He already has the main house, the largest mansion at the top of a waterfall. Now he will construct houses around it and a wall. This village is not for Legion civilians but for his family. Yes you read that right, an entire village fir his wives and children alone, sometimes guests. Rave says, "There is no way Dollhouse makes this kind of money and the girls use up more than they bring in. And now I got a few tiny nations under Legion to look after. I'm going to have to steal so much *." Genie and Mei comes into the room holding back screams of joy. Genie says, "Rave don't flip out but we uploaded the Vindicator Diss Track you did in the Bludhouse special to YouTube and now you are famous!" Rave says, "What! You what! What part of secret operation do you girls not understand!" He continues, "I guess it's fine." Mei says, "You will need to do an album." Kobain says, "This could solve your money problem. Have the girls do modelling. The internet makes way more cash than you could get in person." Rave says, "Y'all asking me to become everything I hate." Genie says, "We dance for you and you say it's a disguise. You are becoming a Rapper... It's just a character." Mei says, "* that want to be famous. I could create Instagram accounts to promote this and the club" Rave squints. He says, "No I'll rob a bank." Kobain explains, "Rave, you rob a bank you get a about a mill. You have a few girls take pics you have a few mill. How much girls do you have?" He replies, "I don't know. I never bothered to count. Hahahaha." He continues, "Fine. But this is only because my Ghost persona remains separate from this human form. If my enemies found out I was a rapper in my spare time who knows what I might lose."

Rave goes to see his other other girl Siren Song. She and Koi lives in a different house. This is an artifact shop that she owns. Deelihla, Genie and Jojo is with them. Rave tells Siren, "You know you are not to sell real cursed items to mortals." Jojo says, "I thought you said magic isn't real." He replies, "It's not, curses are spiritual. Like karma, not magic. Curses are real." Rave is right though. Magic users possess genetic coding on the brain and bodies beyond human understanding. he continues, "This is not why I'm here. I'm here to tell you y'all are becoming internet models..."

Rave and Kobain makes a few trash songs and the girls feature or in the video. They start taking fun pictures. Kimbra sees Rave distant. She asks, "Okay Roman?" He replies, "It's just all this with my wives, my kids, the world. It's always so much to take in. I haven't even mastered the confusion of the clone thing yet." Kimbra says, "Relax. We will take care of you. It's what you have us for." The songs pick up trending. Rave shouts, "Come on! People actually like this trash?! What am I even trying to save the world for?!" Yaniko says, "Dude, why are you so angry? You're dating supermodels." America says, "Kobain is not allowed to see my social media or I'll kill him." Kobain says, "That's impossible. I'm the tech guy." America knocks the wind out of his chest. Kobain's says, "Point taken."

Later Rave leans back in his chair and rants, "I don't believe this. I threaten presidents. I have walked on the moon without air. People run at the very sight of my ghost form. My human face tarnished by social media gimmicks only suited for a clown." Chastity and Hellebore comes to roast Rave. Chastity says, "Haha. Poor Roman. You get what you deserve! You think it's easy renting myself out to your wim? Well welcome to Hollywood!" Hellebore says, "Oh yau forget' I am a quein of the deadly vampir' army? Yau hav' me walking araund lik' a littl' flausy. Not tasteful is what it is." She smacks him on the shoulders with a rolled up paper. He pulls her onto him to give her a sting. Chastity jumps on him. They all fall on the floor and starts wrestling. He gets back at their team up by becoming 4 copies. Chastity screams, "Ahhh. Omg! Rave stop! Why do you always have to cheat!" Hellebore adds, "Cheetahh!" Chastity says, "I want your soul, give it to me." He gets up while they are on the floor. He sees shadows moving on his lot.

Rave says, "You see. Now if I go ghost and let them live our cover is blown." Chastity says, "Let us handle it." Rave explains, "Our cards are on the table. My secret identity really matters no more." Outside the gang says, "He is a rap clown. They are fake gangsters so this would be easy." Pop Cant was so wrong. When Rave turned ghost it was a horror movie.

Fight WiP

Rave starts to tear through the invaders. Pop Cant reveals they all have demon power. Pop eyes glow red and smoke comes from his mouth as he breathes out.


Rave kills a few gang members and some escapes. They report to their leader that he is the Grey Ghost or Grey Horror Hero that has been in the news. The gang plot to sell this info but the government already know. Infact no one really wants to mess with Rave. We can determine this is were the secret identity becomes no longer important. Rave will be moving on to world breaking feats soon. Dollhouse remains but not opened to the public as to prevent terrorist disasters. His security measures increases. The girls were kinda sad the frequent Dollhouse parties where over. But also happy to take up a more of a social media presence as they start costume modeling. Chastity say Rave reinstalling the Invisible robot guards he built. She said, "Those things?! Those gave me so much trouble to sneak out on you before." Rave says, "Now that we are public I need more eyes." When it comes on Rave's vision multiple and they spread out. Chastity says, "You are so perfect. You know what. I don't want my oracle vision no more. I want to be a movie star." He says, "What?! Really?!" She slap him. She says, "Of course not. You idiot. You're such a tool." He laughs. She walks out. He says, "You know my eyes are practically cameras. I could release the things I've seen you do anytime I want." She gasps walks back in and says, "Do it and I will never! I will never every! Speak to you again and definitely not touch you." It makes him happy to see her act crazy.

Boss Fight

Rave confronts Pop's boss to fight them. He is the Demon Automaton, Mythos. Rave and Mythos starts sword fighting but Rave uses his force abilities. Mythos knocked back he diss cloaks. The wire fibres in his arm separate to reveal his limbs are endless robot wire tentacles. They grow and squirm about in the air. He blast and wave of wires at Rave. The tips seem to penetrate and bind anything. Rave dodges it. Rave puts Interia into play but tells the other girls to and back a bit. Inertia keeps Mythos busy so Rave can get a few hits in. Proxi provides air support that keeps mythos on his toes. Suddenly Mythos starts to rotate while Inertia holds him. She is spinned and thrown into a wall. Rave catches her but the spinning causes her to pass out. When mythos starts to fly it really catches Rave off guard on his fast his is able to dodge while in flight. Proxi is blasted out of the sky by Mythos. Sky Fall pulls her away to get repairs. She says , "Prox is badly hit but will be fine." Mythos has such air superiority that Rave decides to keep his feet on the ground was a better move. Rave lands and Chastity comes next to him. He jumps into the air. Chastity is yeeted by Rave after him. She fires a close range shot but he dodges. But simultaneously Rave fires a force blast at both of them. Mythos dodges it in mid air while Chastity is hit by Raves attack. Chastity backflips beyond the clouds. Mythos laughs while keeping his eyes on Rave on the ground. Suddenly a perfectly timed shot by Chastity bursts through his back and out his chest. The blast wasn't meant to hit them but launch Chastity higher and out of his sight. To late to react a second force blast by Rave burst the bullet hole wider as Mythos is sent into the air. The vision replays of what happen. Chastity backflips beyond the clouds. She has no flying abilities. Just as she loses momentum another copy of Rave appears in the sky infront her. Time slows. He kisses her and she falls back down. "Shoot him!" Rave says telepathically. As she free falls she aims her rifle. Boom!, She lands in ground Rave's arms then Mythos body hits the ground face first. Rave says, "He down my air support and immediately took his eyes off the sky." Rave walks and stands over Mythos body. He says, "To calculate the matrix of the demon automaton. On must disconnect his shadow." Suddenly the wires start to retract and disappears within a tiny black void.

Rave goes to a internet people convention as himself, Roman Rave. He says, "I'll let the girls have fun. My secret identity doesn't even matter. Soon I will have this planet in the palm of my hand." Many interviews followed. Everyone was dying to be the first to cover the Grey Hero's story. Non of Roman social media presence affected his character as a scary figure. Infact outlets tries to do documentaries on him that increased his popularity. Stories were told of sex, parties and gruesome murders. He all out announced that he has no problem in killing who he wants and the government cannot stop him. He told the world of how he broke the CIA, took on armies, discovered and eliminated many secret organizations. Kimbra said on tv, "If you see me walking with a robot body guard. The bodyguard isn't for me. Rave has him there so that I don't kill you." She laughs. Rave looks directly at the camera. He says, "Millions of people at homes watching me on your TV. I can see all of you. I could come through the camera and be in your houses in faster than you can change the channel." Audiences gasps. But Rave and the girls never give away information that could compromise them. Some things remain secret.

Proxi and Meredith plays tennis against Sai and Synthrax. A shadow casted from an image on a grid. Holds information that isn't told. To calculate the matrix of the demon automaton.

In conclusion majority of people is just terrified of Roman. Even his ghost form at 8 feet base height, grey skin and big black duster with chains, spikes and metal skulls everywhere is something to run from. But he still has a few crazy fan boys and girls for what ever reason. We end this episode the anticipation to explore this place.

You see flashes of Rave and the girls in media. Though I mentioned media in which any other story would be done poorly. Like superheroes with TikTok garbage. This episode plays into the internet heaven and angels are machine plot. Story will unfold later.

The Ghetto Gothix

Rave and Sai is in cyberspace. They are watching his rap video. Rave asks, "Is there something I'm not seeing?" Sai explains, "Yes. Ghosts." Rave says, "The holograms of us do appear as ghosts." Sai continues, "Like some kind of purgatory. But theses are Hollows, recording. They possess no sentience." Rave adds, "It's like a bad memory."

The Kid

Kobain's new layer with Rave. WiP.

Rave sits on a lounge chair and America lays back on his relaxing. He suddenly holds her hands behind her back. She struggle Abit bit realized she can get free. She shouts, "Aw, aw , aw. Safeword, safeword. Please Rave stop!" Rave says manically, "We never agreed on a safeword." She sobs a bit the gets angry. She jab back her elbow at him. She screams, "Ahhh! Goddamit Rave. You're always to rough! It's like you want to kill me!" He lets her arms go. She turn around on him and goes to hit him a punch in the face as hard as she can. "Arrrrrgh!" She groans while punching. He just catches her fist. She shakes and sobs again saying sweetly, "... But I'm pregnant... Stooopp!" He replies, "I'm sorry." He gives her light kiss on the lips tip. She acts like it's okay for a second. As she goes up on her knees. She downs her knees on his crotch as hard as she can. He crotches over. She jumps off him. America shouts, "Ha! I know you don't feel pain. But you feel * don't you! You keep feeling receptors in one place playboy and I know where it is." Rave says, "You crossed the line. More accurately I do. I'm just desensitized to it " She sobs again says, "...You can't hit me back. I'm pregnant." Rave says, "But good observation. Regardless that's still is my most sensitive region. Did Sai figure that out or was it you?" America says softy, "Yah. It was Sai." Rave continues, "As soon as you pop my child. Expect me to bop you one right there in the operating room." America laughs, "You can't because I'll die and you would have to breast feed them yourself." Rave laughs, "No you got plot armor. You can take it." She totally forgot but Rave really went on punch her off the bed and through a wall seconds after the pod came out. He shouted, "This is for my **********!" Boom, crash! It was fine because she is bulletproof.

Rave asked Kobain to design a rocket engine. While working on the project for Rave a tank explode in his face burning out his eyes. Rave looked at him to see tears of blood running from his eye sockets. Rave immediately went to build cybernetic eyes for Kobain. After which Kobain upgraded the eyes that lead to brain implants. Kobain gains the ability to control tech with his mind. He can see through many different lenses just like Rave and enter computer data with his mind. He also has the backup power of force summoning Rave via speed dial. Rave was shocked. Rave said, "What?! Who summomed me!!! Kobain?!" Kobain explains, "I hacked your systems and pulled a copy of you right out of Suno's databased. Had you teleported right here via internet." Rave replies, "I have to say Kobain. I'm impressed. If there is one person alive that could kill me it is you." Another ability that Kobain installed restricts Rave from reading his mind through eye contact.

The Chill King

Rave as monarch of his estate is kinda chill. Basically he rejects certain laws he find ridiculous and outdated. And though he make alot of money his debt still bearly breaks even with profit.

Rave replaces on of his thrones with a sofa. He sits layed back and Chastity lays caross his lap. He is just massaging her leg. Other girls sit next to them. Some enters the room and Chastity goes to look up. Rave lightly pushes her back down. She shakes her head quietly and roles her eyes.

Wiki, Siren, Camiela and Genie are working in a spell. They got the whole big cauldron with a wicked smiley face. The cauldron makes random slow facial expressions and sometimes talks to itself but it doesn't make sounds. Genie puts to much chicken feet and botched the spell. Boom it explodes contents all over them. Siren makes red lightening in her hands in anger. Camiela shouts at her, "Cut it out!" Wiki says, "Genie! See what you did?! Rave is going to be angry. I'm telling him it was you." Genie let's of a long sigh. Rave walks in. He says, "Why is my spell exploding?! Y'all trying to burn us down?" He sees the cauldron face changed to happy and the slime from the pot on them. He laughs at then and leaves. Genie says, "He doesn't even care." Cameila explains, "Let's just start over again. If we can't do the spells he asks for he'll lose faith in our magic."


From Rave Industries to the his empires. Roman Rave has conducted a network. Though in early stages of constant construction. We established projects to save humanity that also goes hand in hand with our money laundering schemes. At one point to be claiming to doing one thing. We also use that project to transport large quantities of illegal items around the globe. Generally this would be easy under the Logo Rave Industries. But being a works boss doesn't exempt Roman Rave from embargo. Roman Rave is truly one the the greatest criminal masterminds of the new world. We smuggle everything down to materials, people and soldiers. And like I been saying from pilot. Roman Rave is truly a thug and weather or not you glorify his kind of violence he doesn't have much talk with anybody. He ask anybody once the second time is a hit. The third time doesn't exist. The dude loves his girls but even them would talk of how much he can be. He doesn't even like you.

Kimbra hauls a truck. They load it into Lemonade's carrier. This is not usually their jobs, the legion people handle this but this is a special delivery. She transport it's to Lily Redwood's Ship.

Kimbra epic fight scene.

Monster Island

We travel through time and space. Rave attempts building a teleporter together with ZUCCbat and Kobain. Rave volunteers a copy of himself as first test subject. If he doesn't comeback that copy will fade over time and nothing will be lost. He ends up in the Champions Universe. He will return here many years after but for now he just ended up on monster Island. By only meeting the Manimals first Rave embedded in his mind that's this was top species of this universe planet.

He met meet a Manimals girl named Punji. Skinny little thing. She was a deer monster girl. She showed him she lived alone as a scavenger. The portal open of a few hours after to get him. He took her with him. Kobain shouts, "JC Rave what did you do?! You don't knis what that thing is or how it would affect our universe." Rave explains, "It's just one little deer girl." He calls Chastity to clean her up. Chastity shouts, "Why do you always need to involve me in your shenanigans. Just send her back to her world." Chastity proceeded to groom her. Punji was quiet and submissive (lord I hate that word). She was more confused about what was happening. Chastity got curious while bathing her. No. Not what you think happened. Chastity tried to come her long blonde tied up hair but ended up cutting it short. Chastity says to Rave, "What do you plan on doing with her? " Rave says, "I don't know. She's your friend now." Chastity replies, "Goddamit Rave, you'll kill her. I know you didn't touch her because I checked." He explains, "Who do you take me for Chastity. I'm only fascinated by the rareness of her species. When I meet her I could not understand her because she is almost mute as she raised herself. But mentally she told me she wanted to stay with me. She practically clinged to the first non hostile thing she saw." He continues, "Why would you do that though? Is it because..." She says, "Do you think someday I scould have your child?" He replies, "Maybe sooner than you think. I just need your vision for a little longer and then." Chastity says, "Don't be surprised if she suddenly likes me more than you." Rave replies, "Chastity you try to act innocent but you are just as bad a Proxi." Chastity replies, "We don't have much clothes to fit her. I want to take her shopping."

Washed Out
You and I

Chastity, Kimbra, Proxi, Merlo and Punji goes to the mall. The girls are running around with bags laughing and acting foolish. Kimbra takes an Icecube from her cup and puts it in Proxi's back of tight purple dress. Proxi's eyes opens wide and starts to run. While chilling by the waterfront. America shows up with a Monster trunk and fake neon shades. America says, "Bought a new truck, *s!"

When they return home. Kobain says, "I'm done with the speech formulator for the Punji girl." Punji speaks, Rave says, "Her voice is beautiful." Punji has a beautiful soft voice and the prettiest eye roll anyone has ever seen. Rave would tease her to sing for him randomly and often gets handsy. She would respond by ignoring him, pushing him away or lightly hitting him when he gets too annoying. He seem to get a kick out of making her uncomfortable. Because she is passive she wouldn't always tell him off but she would mention it to Chastity and Chastity would yell at him for her. She trys her best for him to not read her mind by looking away. But Rave see internal body reactions as well. Fact be she is not really that much into guys but sometimes turned on when he is persistent. Chastity shouts at Rave, "Stop antagonizing her! You're being a bully because she is passive!" Rave replies, "I'm just playing." Chastity shouts, "She's not a pet!"

We will open back the portal. This also means that Rave daughter Arc Angel is from an alternate universe. The CIA failed to replicate him with Subject 16. The creation of Arc Angels has to do with Kobain. In act 3 After Suno gave X Corp Raves DNA fertilized by her eggs. Kobain was caught by X Corp in an attack on Legion. So he gave them the flawed teleportation device that stranded them in Champions Universe. However they were met by Viper on monster Island and proceeded with Project Arc. Kobain never told Rave about this. But 18-20 years later Rave would claim her.

Punching Babies

Boss Baby, an evil gangster boss.


Rave says, "Koi, I need to take a leak." She replies, "But your a ghost." Rave explains "Yes but that wine goes straight through me." They go I to the men's stall. Another dude suspiciously watches them enter. Koi says, "It's not what you think..." Rave adds, "Mind your business or you might die with your head in a toilet." They guy shakes his head and leaves the bathroom. So Rave looks up as he is relieving his bladder, right. Suddenly he feels a hand touching him. Rave says, "Really Koi, this is the most disgusting place I ever seen aren't you worried you might contract something." She replies, "What you talking about. I'm out here." Rave looks down to see Boss Baby locked on to his tool tightly with a knife in the other hand. Boss Baby is a grown man gangster btw. Rave punches him in the head the knife falls but he would not let go. Rave swings him onto the wall then smashes him in the stall door several times times till he lets go. Then held by a foot he violent smashes Boss Baby into every ceramic thing in the bathroom breaking them. Goes back to give him a swirly. Boss Baby bits his hand so he yeets him unto the wall. Boss gets up and says, "Oh no you don't!" Then runs at them with a sharp broken object like a horror doll. Koi screams and lightening blasts Boss Baby on to the mirror and it breaks. Boss Baby passes out. The one dude that thought they were going to do stuff in the public restroom hears sounds of the rumble and thinks, "What the hell are they doing in there?" As he squints his eyes at the door. Rave and Koi leaves the restroom. The guy goes back in to see the restroom wrecked. In his perspective he sees a naked beat up baby laying on the floor. The poor guy almost vomits.

The Virgin Wizard

Two grown nerds enter Sirens pawn shop. Lance, 30, who looks like Micheal Cera and Derek, 40, who looks like Jack Black. They are friends just looking through junk. These men act like children. Lance comes across a dNd set. Lance buys it.

They go to Lance's mom's home they start playing it in the basement. Lance says, "I'll be the takes on the wizard." But his arrogant friend Derek replies, "No I'm always the wizard." So Lance chooses the Artificer. Derek lost and Arthur is about to role the die to continue to play. Derek destroyed the set. Lance says, "Dude. You broke my game! Really again?" Suddenly the broken pieces releases magic upon them. Derek became the Wizard and Lance became Artificer. Lance powers include the possession of two magic die.

The two big dorks go to the back to practice there powers on trees. They also do some other nerdy junk. Derek dresses up in a cloak and robes. He says, "It's time to go out!" Lance says, "Dude don't go out like that. People will laugh. This is why we don't get any girls." Derek says, "Nonsense, we have powers now. It's our time to rule!... We're your knight helmet." Lance says, "No." Derek says, "Where the helmet or I'll blast you with a fireball." Lance unwillingly agrees.

They go to the mall. Derek wants to impress this waitress girl he has been watching for a long time. That girl is actually Inertia. She is undercover as an icecream girl. But even with powers she is not interested. Inertia says, "I have a boyfriend." Derek goes to the arcade and cry. Then he gets mad and Lance suspects Derek might use his powers for evil.

At about 7pm dark, Derek goes back to creepily follow Inertia home. Lance keeps trying to tell him that this is a bad idea. He uses his powers to make them invisible. Inertia hears someone but looks back and see's nothing. She curves into an alley. They hide behind a wall. To their surprise they see her looking up a the eight foot figure that is Rave. Rave looks directly at Derek hiding behind the wall. Derek gasps saying, "A necromancer." Rave sees Lancing running away. Rave says to Inertia, "I told you not to get followed. Should I kill them?" Inertia replies, "It's just two dorks from the icecream parlor. The fat one has a crush on me. I told him I have a boyfriend." Ravs says, "So he followed you here? Creepy." Derek jumps out. He says, "It is I, The wizard. I will rescue you my sweet. And in time yoh will learn to love me." Derek does a belly dance with a fire ball in each hand. Rave says, "Really?" Inertia replies, "Oh yes. I think that one has powers." Rave says, "Oh no * way. These guys?!" Inertia says, "Rave. Don't kill him." Derek launches a fire ball while shouting, "Fireball!" The light flashes through the dark alley. Rave sees it coming in slow motion. Rave sends bigger force blast through it. It knocks Derek with his butt above his head. The cloak fall over to reveal. Inertia screams, "Oh my god. He is not wearing underwear! I'm literally going to kill myself." Derek says, "I'm a wizard. There be not undergarments in middle Earth!... That goes double for you mi' lady." Wink. Inertia says, "Rave I see why you hate magic." Derek stand up and manhole covers start to rumble. Three water hydras come up from the sewage. Rave says, "My gaude! That is *!" Rave walks up to Derek faster than he can react. Rave folds a fist in his arm. A swift punch to the gut. Picks up Derek, spins him around and throws him head first into the sewage. His fat belly gets stuck in the hole. Rave says, "Mhh, I was kind hoping he would of exploded from the water pressure." As he leaves with Inertia. Meanwhile Lance takes a bus home

The next day Derek is still half way through the hole with his garment less but in there air. A huge crowd gathers as firemen rescue him. The seen goes viral. 'Local Wizard Stuck in Manhole'. Derek turns of the TV. Lance says, "why didn't you just magic yourself out of there?" Derek says, "My hands was stuck, Judas. You totally abandoned me." They have a word fight. And Derek leaves.


Rave, Tequilla, Wiki and Mongrel the dog enters the abandoned factory.

A strange robot sits in the corner. It is cassette level outdated with a big box head and tiny stick arms and legs. The robot that seemed deactivated suddenly wakes. It's eyes light up. He stands up slowly. In a cold metallic black metal scream he cried "A want to beeee aa realboye!" then charges at Taquilla. Rave raised his arm to stop it but is more bewildered than threatened. It headbutts her and falls to the ground then immediately picked it's off the floor and ran into the other room. Wiki on the other hand is shook.

Boy helps them with there quest. Boy says, "I did a good job?" Rave says, "Yah. You could be a hero." Boy says, "Yaaay! I want to be a hero!"

Rave decides to bring the robot back home. The girls are not happy with it's presence. It immediately says, "I want to be a real boy. You have nice skins. Look at all the pretty skin!"

Boy is innocent an appears to be very kind.

Rave says, "Boy is gonna help on missions from now on. Till I can figure out how to fix his outdated tech." He shows blueprints with a hand cannon. Cameron says, "You want to put weapons on that thing?!!! Are you mad?!!!" Rave continues, "I'll have Kobain check it out first. The robot really wants to do good and be a real boy." But they complained to Rave that the robot 'Boy' was just too creepy.

Soneko comes into the room. Boy commented, "You musg be the fairest of them all. So pretty..." She blushed but suddenly tears filled her eyes when it remarked smiling "It's so beautiful I could just pinch all of it right off." As it snuck up behind he and pinched her waist. Soneko shouts, "Rave no! That is a murderer!" Boy says, "What is a murderer. Yaaay! I want to be a murderer!!! Yaaay!" Rave says, "See it doesn't even know what murdering is."

Boy just seem to creepily obsessed with meat and skin, yet it does not register to it that it is inappropriate.

They believed that anytime this robot could snap and do something seriously messed up but Roman Rave took kicks in freaking them out with its presence.

Looking for boy they found him pasting raw deli meat to his body. Only thing creeper than its actions is the static smile on his face.

Rave started calling him Meatman. Rave said, "Hay, Meatman, wassup." Boy replies, "I made a meat power armor with my skin!" Smile.

Boy picks up a cassette and puts it in his player. Say Goodbye by Hiroshi Satoh comes on.

Hiroshi Satoh
Say Goodbye

Rave, Boy and Mongrel line dances to the song.