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Protagonist name is Roman Rave. He was born in the slums and not delt a good hand. He would do illegal stuff to get by. Even in a world where people had super powers and he had non he used his wits to get ahead. Some how he would spend all his money on his fascination with Ai technology. He would dumpster dive and repair with junk parts. He manage to build crappy tech for sale. The best stuff he kept for himself in the garage he lived and work apart from crime. At that point he was not so famous but respected for his history.
Protagonist name is Roman Rave. He was born in the slums and not delt a good hand. He would do illegal stuff to get by. Even in a world where people had super powers and he had non he used his wits to get ahead. Some how he would spend all his money on his fascination with Ai technology. He would dumpster dive and repair with junk parts. He manage to build crappy tech for sale. The best stuff he kept for himself in the garage he lived and work apart from crime. At that point he was not so famous but respected for his history as the ruthless go to guy who gets stuff done.
Things change when he met the girl of his dreams at a night club. She was a dancer/waiter. They had a good time for about a week but then she left him. Apparently she got bored. She said that it was just part of her job to entertain him but time past and he wouldn't agree till he was eventually banned from the club. Rave realized that small crime didn't give him enough respect. With all the gadgets he collected he came back and started blasting till he eventually took over the club. The result created several gangwars until he rose to the top. His gadgets gave him the edge he needed.
Things change when he met the girl of his dreams at a night club. She was a dancer/waiter. They had a good time for about a week but then she left him. Apparently she got bored. She said that it was just part of her job to entertain him but time past and he wouldn't agree till he was eventually banned from the club. This struck a cord in Rave. Realizing that small crime didn't give him enough respect. With all the gadgets he collected he came back and started blasting till he eventually took over the club. The result created several gangwars until he rose to the top. His gadgets gave him the edge he needed.

Revision as of 22:49, 16 January 2021

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Player: @Rave#2552
Biographical Data
Real Name: Roman Rave
Known Aliases: Rave, The Grim Reaper
Gender: Male
Species: was: Human, now: Warp Technomancer Cyber god, Lich, Poltergeist,
Ethnicity: Half Amerindian Half Coloured
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Rave Labs (Secret)
Relatives: Wives and Sons
Age: 20 Something, Do not age physically
Height: 6' normal and 12 ft powered
Eyes: Glowing solid Blue and white closer look may see tiny souls in a ring (his eyes are blue because he is in control and good. If the evil spirit take over his eyes and aura becomes red)
Hair: Black in Human form, White in Powered
Complexion: Light brown, charred Black-Grey
Physical Build: Very tall slim, built like a Runner
Physical Features: Very Handsome, Stares through your soul silently with his cold ghostly eyes looking in them may haze, Powerful Neck, Powered form has a horrific smile of devilish teeth in which he covers with a scarf. Wears a big black mysterious duster. Grows extra limbs, horns of hair resembles a cockroach and moves crazy like one often with extra arms.
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Identity: Has many cybernetic clones similar in appearance and non simular living in disguise
Years Active:
Citizenship: Beach City
Occupation: Scientist
Education: Unknown
Marital Status: Polygamist, Sociopath
Known Powers and Abilities
Appearing much like a Lich or Necromancer and fights like a ghost. Cybernetic based can see through the eyes of millions on machines. His body is a host for god cells that appear like nanites. Gifted with the power of creation. He can create or summon monstrous mechs with a limitless supply of dark material her can pull out throw portals to his dimension which is in fact made up of him and is a part of him. He can break down into black clouds of nanites that give infinite clones. They can mutate or adapt in seconds making them immune to any thing. He can create any thing also altering DNA of any. You may distinguish his creations by the the blue soul light and are often look horrorish when creating while stressed. Fights with summoning, physical and ranged combat. Can mock powers of any the nanites touches. Practically immortal unless a way to kill a dimensions worth of nanites that adapt and reproduce so quickly is found and even then they adapt to survive. His weakness is fatigue and burns up enegry very quickly till those nanites die like a dead battery.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Massive aircrafts, Heavy guarded global bases.
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Story is set post apocalypse so mutants and magic is common to see. Major city's are protected in domes or 50 feet walls. Home based in the Caribbean which is less in ruin from the apocalypse but uses aircraft to travel the world and see cities in different conditions.

And it came to past where mass population began to fall weak to an seemingly incurable virus. New technologies brought untested drug as a urgent solution from the corporation Eden. Majority of the population cured while 8% mutated into having superhuman abilities. They called these gene the god gene. These powers mutated further until the planet was in constant chaos leaving behind deep scars on the Earths surface. Few would rise against tyranny.

Protagonist name is Roman Rave. He was born in the slums and not delt a good hand. He would do illegal stuff to get by. Even in a world where people had super powers and he had non he used his wits to get ahead. Some how he would spend all his money on his fascination with Ai technology. He would dumpster dive and repair with junk parts. He manage to build crappy tech for sale. The best stuff he kept for himself in the garage he lived and work apart from crime. At that point he was not so famous but respected for his history as the ruthless go to guy who gets stuff done.

Things change when he met the girl of his dreams at a night club. She was a dancer/waiter. They had a good time for about a week but then she left him. Apparently she got bored. She said that it was just part of her job to entertain him but time past and he wouldn't agree till he was eventually banned from the club. This struck a cord in Rave. Realizing that small crime didn't give him enough respect. With all the gadgets he collected he came back and started blasting till he eventually took over the club. The result created several gangwars until he rose to the top. His gadgets gave him the edge he needed.

Almost a year after, He was living like a boss making 100k a year. But eventually his girlfriend disappeared. And he had sworn he seen the grim reaper take her away. Others didn't believe him they thought she ran away because he was dealing with many girls at the club. That's when he started building a portal to the land of death which made him seem like he had lost his mind. He was not a tech genius just rich. After trial and error many times it finally killed him. His soul separated in two, then realined within some kind of cybernetic spirit realm.

He explore this plain and stumbled unto a large tentacle monster. It was an old god creator of this plane. Now dying it gave him its remaining power after deciding weather to kill him or not. It gave him the ability to tap into cybernetic enegry on a planetary scale. It gave him the dark techomancy believing that the power will one day consume him and do evil. His skin turned grey and burnt while his hair white with electricity charging through it. His body gain a blue glowing aura. It's knowledge was making him mad. The spirit had been watching him some time and set it all up the spirit wanted to gave him the power to punish gods and cause mayhem as its last mark on the earth. The spirit gave him a hologram that looked just like his first girlfriend and told him to build a robot body for her back on earth. So he thought himself back to earth and realized the teleportation skill. Deranged as he felt the enegry flowing through him like fire buring his skin he accidentally killed a few civilians. He went home to his now robot girlfriend who was immune to his touch of death he found out he was able to build for her a highly advanced cyborg body. He learned his power work with emotion.

The robots he could build with his mind were far sophisticated. They had many varieties that he marketed from domestic to machinery for daily life. The relaunched cities back into the futuristic age very quickly. He became richer, making millions. But his most powerful robots where kept only to him. They where guards who surveillance the city, protecters and heavy weaponry it all shared a link to his mind that he could access, see and process everything they did. He has invisible ninja robots, robots disguised in plane sight, robots in the air, robots under water. Rave see all through their eyes, he sees you through your own devices.

He was believed to be a god by others. His heart hardened and soon he would have alot more wives than he needed. He was always experimenting on them, slowly turning them cybernetic. With his madness he thought reality was just a program and stopped caring to save the day. He did horrible things. His wives saw he was growing distant and did every thing in their power to keep his heart human. For he did realize and kept that love. Eventually he found out the other side of his first GF was being held in heaven as an oracle against her will. She was on the run from the angels and hidding out on eartb as a rebel dancer all along. He would eventually rampage through heaven and hell to get her back after teaming up with his best friend the banished son of Satan. That's when he realized how the spirit had used him.

Though not necessary a good guy but an anti hero who does what he wants like the undertaker he appears, reaps and vanishes. He as brotherly relationships with other powerful anti heros (like Hated, the banished son of Satan.) But even the Earths strongest heroes would dislike Rave but not bother to go after him for his few crimes because of the nature of his power. But they have that respect and understanding to work together when it is needed. Rave is very annoyed by criminals and has no mercy making him an outlaw some may say too cruel. At his prime he ruled most of his district as a savoir much like a king in a heavily guarded fortress. Though a celebrity he longed for a private life free from always having to save the world.

Rave first clone he made to do all his work went rogue and became more powerful than him. He would spend is days slacking off while the clone trained hard. Rave them funneled his unwanted human traits like fear into another clone in other to defeat the first clone. That new clone took the appearance of a 16 year old female. He thought it was weak and was disgusted. Ashamed of it was about to kill it but his wives prevented him from doing such and they referred to it as his only daughter. They tried to teach the awkward girl but she still gave Rave the creeps.

After which he decided to turn away from the world and settle down with his wives. But every person he touches become infested with nanites. These nanites swam in a dark cloud and are cells produced by his body. They are which he uses to create and stem of all his powers. On a suitable mate this is the aliens mechanism to ensure procreation as birthing a lich to other species may be fatal. They upgrade physical abilities or powers but with many side effects. A psychic link is created amongst those infected. The main host (Rave the Creator) has the ability to rewrite their genetic coding cybernetically. He can modify their physical appearance but is more of an unsubconscious power he cannot full control. The nanites grant heal and post-immortality. Rave can use these nanites to upgrade or control anything. They may break down absorbing life into pure energy and return it back into the lich. Absorbed souls get trapped or shattered across in his dimension where Rave has even more control over creation. They can be brought back to life but not easily.

When fuses with human DNA lich birth can occur every 12 months and is not normal birth. It is extracted as a soft white football size squid then the tentacles root into the ground and become black where another organism, the fetus, continues to grow in the clear shell head like a pod like an egg. The pods will only hatch if they are broken by an outside force. If not they continue to grow in shell till death.

When Rave saw the first set of monsters that was he created he went into such shock and disgust that he wanted to destroy them but their mothers threw themselves infront them and convinced him not to do it. Instead he forbid them for interacting by teleporting his monster kids to another dimension. He continued to produce more hellish beast. Over time he would fear his kids as they grow larger stronger and smarter. Some of the wicked and some of the pure of heart. Some mindless monsters while others wise. Each with different traits and abilities. He had 300 offspring, 293 wicked beasts and 7 smart boys and no daughters.

He may summon his sons to fight for him occasionally. Raising them on nothing but tough love. His sons would grow older than him in a few years then stop aging in physical appearance. They would give him a hard time and he was losing ability to control them. But still they would not hate their father. New agenda would lead his sons on their own paths and break away. His most belligerent son would go on to absorb his mindless monster brothers in attempt to be the strongest. But he was actually manipulated by the smartest who wanted to over throw his father for him. Rave and his other sons would have to destroy strongest after he grew into an uncontrollable monster. The smartest would forfeit in an eragant tone and leave Earth quietly fearing that he was next. Rave exhausted, looked up at his rebellious son and called out "My boy" with a smile. A single tear drop fell on Rave cheek from his son hovering over him. He tries to hide it as he fly away. Rave tell the other sons to leave him be. The others would not understand why their father would make such an evil son escape. They all continued to live their lives, some would conquer new worlds beyond earth.