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(Chapter 92 (Remnant 3))
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I didn't know how to answer that.
I didn't know how to answer that.
"I'm going to another universe to aid in another Remnant. And I was thinking you should come with me."
"What?" I couldn't have heard that correctly.
Merrow held out her hand, and formed a beautiful water construct of a man who looked younger than me. He wore a long trench coat and a black hood, with a mask that covered his entire face.
"His name is Thomas King. The Floating Man. He's trying his best to become a hero in a world that is rejecting him. Your brother needs all the help he can get. He's lived his life without understanding the brutal way the world works,. I figured with someone like you around, he can have some influence on getting tough. Maybe you could protect him the same way Meena had done for you."
I looked at the hologram. My brother... I already had to deal with Lucius and Arman. Arman was okay. But I still hated Lucius.
Merrow looked at me. "You ''are'' tough, aren't you Fury?"
My face turned red. "I... I guess so."
Merrow laughed. So what will it be? Will you help your brother in his journey to becoming strong? Just like you did?
I glanced at my hands. Meena had done her best to make me tough, and in a way, I took some of it to heart. Just as she did for me... I will do it for Thomas.
I took her hand. "Let's do it."

Revision as of 19:14, 24 October 2020

Remnant 5, Thomas King, continues his vigilantisms with the aid of telepath and technomancer Skylar Merle, as well as the aid of Guardian Merrow Rivenlight in an attempt to restore his name as The Floating Man. As Thomas continues his journey, he begins to understand the true value of heroism, as he starts his career off as a villain in the public image, despite doing his best to help the people.

Chapter 89 (Remnant 5)

"Down the street, I've created a marker on your minimap." Skye spoke through my coms.

I zoomed to the location. A fire. I needed to rescue the civilians. Multiple people were screaming and some of the citizens who were safe stared at me.

"It's the Floating Man! Run!" One screamed.

"Floating Man! You scumbag, you choose now to terrorize us when the place is on fire!"

The firefighters glared at me, as they continued to fight the fire. One spoke into their coms and requested backup from law enforcement. Great.

I scowled from under my mask.

"Tom, don't let them get to you. Just rescue everybody first."

I wish I could just tell these guys off. But Skylar programmed my mask to avoid speech, because she said I was too "brash" and that I never think before I speak.

I levitated in front of the building. Civilians came first. I flew inside.

I willed the cinder blocks off of the trapped people, and willed them off of the building as they screamed frantically.

"Please... Floating Man! Mercy! Don't kill me! Oh god..."

I plopped them into the emergency blanket from the firefighters.

"Skye, you got anymore people in here? I can't find any more."

Skye was silent for a few seconds. "I sense more. You should just extinguish the fire first. Let the firefighters do the job. You may have powers, but they're trained for this. Make their lives easier."

I floated back out of the building, as more and more people crowded around the scene, taking pictures of me.

"Did he get a wardrobe upgrade?" One said.

"Doesn't matter. He's still a scumbag. Keep exposing his bum ass. If he kills us it only proves us right."

I looked at the fire. "How am I supposed to extinguish this???"

I could sense Skye rolling her eyes. "You're not very bright are you."


"Have you seen the Flash? How he created a vortex to funnel it all out? Just do that."

I hesitantly brought my arms in front of me, and began wiggling them around in a circle like an idiot. Several people from below continued staring at me.

"Is he conjuring up a curse?"

"I thought his powers were telekinesis."

"Maybe he's a voodoo guy. I mean, would make sense."

I breathed in sharply. "I look stupid. Skye. I need an actual solution."

"You dumbass, not like that. Do it with your powers! Jeez. No wonder you're the bottom of your class."

"Oh, right." I muttered. I held out my hand, imagining a funnel of air around the entire building. Siphoning the flames in a spiral motion. The flames began to get sucked out, entering the funnel, as the funnel began to condense, turning into a ball of rotational energy in my hand. The building's flames were extinguished, as several gasps and silence filled the air.

A clap appeared from the crowd, followed by another, and another. Awkwardly, at the start, but became a full out applause.

I looked at the crowd from beneath my mask, smiling.

"Good work, FM." Skylar said.

Suddenly, cop cars began to pull up, officers pushing and shoving the crowd away, as they quickly screamed and dispersed. The officers aimed their guns at me as I heard a sonic boom. A woman flew up to me and tried to punch me in the face, but I quickly weaved out of the way.

"Floating Man!" Lady Liberty growled at me. "You dare show your face, after what you did to our beloved Captain Metro?!"

The crowd went silent again. Some began to murmur with one another. "That's true. Is he trying to atone?"

"No. He must be tricking us."

"But what if he didn't kill him?"

"Are you stupid?"

Lady Liberty glared at me, her fist clenched. "I'm going to kill you kid. But not in front of the civilians. What you did to my Robert, I will never, EVER, forgive."

Liberty flew in and tried to punch me in the face, but I held out my hand, freezing her in place.

"Skylar, let me speak."

"No. You're not ready. Fly away."

I took a deep breath. Fine. I pushed her away, as she flew in to the ground. I zipped into the air, creating a sonic boom, as I flew from the site as fast as I could. Lady Liberty also zoomed upwards to pursue me. I continued flying with Liberty on my tail. Without the civilians I could blow her away.

I leaned backwards, as I continued flying at Mach 3. We were in a rocky landscape, fields and mountains surrounded us.

"Skylar? Any people around?"


Good. I looked at the spinning ball of wind and fire in my hand. I widened my eyes, as I concentrated my telekinesis into it, the rotation increasing in intensity, rotating faster and faster and faster. The ball of energy began so condensed that air began to get sucked into it.

Liberty flew in, about to launch a punch. Her eyes, although she was wearing her eye mask, showed tears.

"I'm going to kill you!" She screamed.

I'm sorry, Liberty. For all the pain I caused you. I didn't want to kill Metro, he left me with no choice. But at the end of the day, she was right. I killed him. And now he was gone.

I closed my eyes, as I threw the ball at her, the immense rotational kinetic energy dispersing into a massive explosion, sending Liberty flying into several mountains.

Now was my chance. I flew away as fast as I could and flew back to Skylar's hideout.

Chapter 90 (Remnant 5)

I scrolled the news app on my phone.

"Lady Liberty Defeats Floating Man! Sends Him Retreating!" The image under the headline showed a news camera picking up me flying away with Lady Liberty on my tail.

"The hell." I muttered.

The media made it sound like Lady Liberty was the one who rescued the people, and that I had absorbed the fires for my own benefit, because I was holding them in the palm of my hand. Apparently, I was going to threaten the people, until Lady Liberty stepped in and announced that she will not let me harm the people.

For some reason, a lot of people bought it. But there were some people who were conflicted.

"I'm not convinced FM wanted to hurt us. He saved the people."

My public image in the media was still really bad. Everybody in the Metro League hated my guts, which was understandable. At least things were started to make a turn for the better. More and more people became aware of my actions, and began to doubt the media.

This continued for the next few weeks. With Skye acting as my overseer, I was able to pinpoint emergencies, crimes, and the lot. With her help, I was able to save the city, the people, and my reputation slowly began to improve. The #freefloatingman hashtag became trending for weeks. I saw myself being recognized, although still very controversial, by the people who still thought of me as Metro's Killer.

At some point, I think someone had made an action figure of me, but the action figure got banned by the government.

As for my life as Thomas King, my school results had undergone a significant improvement.

"Hey, Skye. Mind reading Sam's mind? Gotta figure out how to do this question."

"You realize this is cheating, right."

"It's not really cheating... I mean. I know how to do it. I just forgot."

"That makes no sense at all. But if it helps keep your identity, then..."

Skylar linked Sam's stream of thoughts to mine, so I could hear him loud and clear. I smiled at the problem paper, and began writing down his solution.

The next few days were looking up for team Thomas. Because Skye was able to help me out with her telepathy, I was able to learn the material better without the stress of exams. Even though my exams weren't really representative of how I was doing, my assignments showed that I was slowly getting better. My grades began to improve, and Sam began to take notice.

"Mad respect dude. I honestly didn't think you would get this far." He smiled.


Hailey groaned. "Ugh. He went from 43% to 64%. Relax. It's not that big of an improvement."

Sam's smile melted, as I clenched my fist.

Hailey kissed Sam goodbye and left the house. Sam closed the door.

"Sam, you shouldn't have to suck up to her like that."

Sam frowned, and stared at the ground. "I just don't wanna get on her bad side, you know?"

I looked at the window, as Hailey was picked up by a bunch of guys in an expensive car. She was off to another party.

"If you have to constantly do stuff like that, she isn't worth it. I'm not saying it because she's mean to me, but this type of relationship does not look like its gonna end well."

Sam walked to the counter and put his head in his hands.

"Tom, you've only recently begun to take school seriously. But for someone like me, who spent his life studying and trying to do well, a high achiever, she means a lot to me."

"How so?"

Sam looked at me. "Because my entire life I was clowned on for being a try hard. I saw myself, and I realized that even if I'm making bank, saving lives as a doctor, and owning an expensive car, I still won't be happy. Not if I'm all alone. No girl liked me back then, because I wasn't popular. Until Hailey. She's all I got to cling on to a social life."

"What about me?"

Sam smirked. "You too, I guess..."

"The hell's that supposed to mean?" I scowled.

Sam laughed. "Nah. I just... I don't know. The you before, so carefree, and failing all your grades. I didn't like that. Honestly, I just wanted to avoid you, because you were a bad influence on me. But seeing you try to turn in a new leaf... I respect that. A lot."

I smiled. "Thanks man. That means a lot."

I walked back to my room. Things were looking better. I just needed to keep grinding, on both school as heroics, and I will hopefully grow enough to be able to ask Merrow about my origins. About who I was. Where I came from.

I was about to crack open the textbook and begin studying, but suddenly, my phone vibrated. It was a new one. My parents bought me a new one after finding out I broke the old one after I visited them over the weekend.

The text bubble was black. Meaning it was from Skylar's encrypted network.

"Tom. Something's up."

I texted back. "What is it?"

"Something... I sense... evil."

"Wow, gee thanks Skye for the clarification."

Skye began to call me and I picked up.

"Tom... listen to me." Her voice was full of fear. I never heard her sound like this before.

"This presence I'm feeling, it's... just evil. Just pure evil. I don't... I don't know what to think of it. You need to save the people there. They're in danger. Just go there and swipe them up, and leave. Don't fight."

I quickly changed into my uniform. "Where's the target?"

"Tom... the target is not too far from your place. It's near Hailey and her friends."

Chapter 91 (Remnant 5)

I managed to stop the car from flipping over.

Hailey and her buddies were screaming their heads off. I mean. Who wouldn't. I quickly moved them away, and gently put the car on the ground.

"Hey, is everybody okay? Anyone got whiplash?" I asked as I knelt down in front of them.

They screamed at me.

"Oh god! It's the Floating Man! Please, save us. SAVE US!" They screamed.

"Hey! Just tell me if anybody is hurt! Calm down!"

They continued screaming.

Skylar's voice buzzed in my coms. "Hey dumbass, you can't speak. Remember?"

Ah shit. I forgot. No wonder.

I turned around, and saw a jolt of black electricity as a figure appeared. He was tall and very fit. Dude made me jealous. His hair was spiked up, and he had black electricity. Kind of like a Black Flash.

"You are the Fifth."

Huh? What was he saying?

"Fifth?" I asked. Skylar was silent. "No idea what he's talking about."

The man stepped forward, and brought both hands up, the sky, which was already dark from nighttime, somehow felt darker.

"No words, from the Fifth. Interesting. A Remnant that doesn't talk. Master Mogul speaks of your brethren, all of which have been known to have... a sour tongue. One of them needed to be silenced... permanently."

The hell was this guy talking about? Master Mogul? Remnant? Just hearing those two words made my head hurt. I had no idea why.

I turned to Hailey and the others. They were frozen in terror. I needed to get them out of here. Screw this weirdo.

I held out my hand, and a massive shockwave sent the guy flying backwards. The shockwave shook the trees as the entire pavement cracked. Now was my chance. I willed the car to lift into the air, and flew away with Hailey as they screamed, hanging on for dear life.

"Skylar! Need some help!"

"Like what? This guy is so obviously a supervillain. Don't fight him with these people around. Get them to safety and move the fight!"

I considered going mach speed. Suddenly, Skylar stopped me.

"You dumbass! Don't go mach speed! You'll flat those people!"

Oh. Right. But going slow wasn't going to do much good, because suddenly, the man appeared, in a flash of black lightning.

"Very slow. I am disappointed. Floating Man." The man pulled out a sword, and slashed at me. I instinctively flew back, as the people began screaming. Hailey flew out of the car and grabbed onto the door with one arm.

"Floating Man!" She sobbed.

This guy. I couldn't fight him like this. I needed to do something.

I dropped the car, gently, as the people immediately got out and fled for their lives. The man regarded them.

"A duel. Indeed. Let us see your power, Fifth of Decen."

This guy was talking too much. I leaned forward, and shot straight into his midsection, the two of us flying into the skies.

Welp. That was a stupid idea. Because the moment I did that, the man instantly escaped my grip, and launched a kick into my face. If it wasn't for that mask and my aura, I would have shattered all of my cheekbones as I plummeted into the ground, creating a crater in Downtown.

People screamed as the man descended from the skies, a dark storm brewing as he held out his hands, which sparked with black electricity.

"Is this the best you can do? The best the Fifth can offer?"

I got to my feet, and summoned a bunch of cars that were parked into the air, and flung them at the man, who sliced them up into little pieces with his sword, then aimed it at me. A massive jolt of black electricity as I instinctively willed it to stop.

The two of us struggled, attempting to control the clash. The clash caused massive wind pressure as things began to get pulled into the bolt of lightning. The destruction this was doing to the city was ridiculous. I needed to stop it. I willed the bolt to fly to the sky as the man stumbled back. Now was my chance!

I brought my foot back and reeled my fist into a straight right punch, concentrating on pure telekinetic force to emit from it. I launched it right at the man, but he regained his composure quickly, and zipped out of the way just in the nick of time.

My eyes widened as the punch I sent created a huge windstorm that obliterated an entire skyscraper, leaving behind a huge hole. People began screaming all around.

"No...." I muttered.

"Tom! Behind you!" Skylar shouted, but it was too late. The man had already closed the distance, and slammed into me as I flew into a car. Everything went blurry as I was disoriented. The man levitated before me.

"This went wonderfully. Lord Mogul would be most pleased with my performance today." The man looked at the devastated building, as everybody began to panic in the streets, screaming my name and freaking out.

"The Floating Man! It's the Floating Man! Call the Metro League!"

I was still dizzy, but made out a woman who was kneeling on the ground. I saw that she was by the side of a man who was heavily injured. She was sobbing and begging him not to leave her.

My eyes widened.

"I... I caused this..." I murmured.

The woman looked at me with rage and fury, her eyes red from crying. I did this.

"Tom... get up. Please."

"I... can't...." My voice cracked. I was doing so well. I was slowly gaining the trust of everybody here. And now... I lost it all. Because I was careless and stupid with my powers. The numerous lives in that skyscraper...

Chapter 92 (Remnant 3)

"Meena?" I asked. We were standing on the guardrail, waiting for the target to appear with the payment.

"Yeah?" She spun her revolvers around her hands elegantly, as she looked onward with dead, expressionless eyes. The eyes of a killer, devoid of a soul, ready to take a life.

"Did you ever consider having kids?"

Meena's eyes widened and she dropped one of her revolvers.

"Dammit Deacon! What the hell kinda question is that?!" She growled. She picked up her revolver and slammed me against a wall, her eyes a murderous rage.

"Hey! It was just a question. I was just kind of wondering... you know. A couple had this conversation too."

Meena glared at me. "I already have to take care of your stupid ass. What makes you think I want to take care of another?"

I looked down. "Sorry." I muttered.

Meena's expression softened as she leaned away from me. "Look, Deacon. Our lives are hard. It's shit actually. Can you imagine bringing our son or daughter into this life? Can you imagine how bad that is? What kind of brutal life they're going to have to go through?"

I gasped as I woke up from my memory. I was still tied up, in a straitjacket, in a dark holding cell. Sweat raced down from my face as it dripped onto the ground.

"Meena..." I muttered. "I must protect you, and destroy all that will get in the way of your ambitions. You've lived a hard enough life."

My eye twitched as I growled, a sharp pain in my head causing me to doubt my thoughts.

Was there a way to protect her without destroying everything?

Why was I still thinking about her.

She doesn't want me.

She doesn't want my help. My protection.

I heard a rumbling as someone opened the door, descending the steps. A woman appeared from the shadows. Her green frizzy hair fluttering with the wind as she approached the holding cell.

"Hey, Deacon."

I said nothing.

She tapped on the holding cell. The guard widened his eyes. "Lady Rivenlight! This is unwise!"

"It's okay. I trust him."


Merrow entered the holding cell and closed it behind her. She was holding soup. Merrow waved her hand, and my straitjacket slid off of me as I crumpled to the ground. I got to my feet and Merrow knelt in front of me.

"Deacon, have some of this. You're sick."

She was right. My fever was terrible and I wasn't able to think straight. But I didn't deserve this, after everything I did to her.

I turned away, but Merrow scooted to my field of vision.

"Don't be picky! Have some!" She put a spoonful to my face as I reluctantly sipped it. My body filled with warmth.

I drank the rest of the broth as Merrow looked at me.

"How is it?"

I stared at the ground. "It is good. Thank you."

Merrow smiled. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Tears raced down my face. "There is nothing you can do. I've done everything in my power to get Meena back. I killed all these people to make sure she doesn't have to. So she can live a normal life. So we can live a peaceful life. But she ran out on me. She..."

"Do you think killing is the answer, Deacon?"

"I don't know anymore."

Merrow stroked my hair. "Your hair is so pretty. I think Decen wanted white hair at some point. Of course he was too embarrassed to tell me that."

"My hair is a reminder of what I am. I can never go back."

"I'm not asking you to go back to who you are before." Merrow said, causing me to stare at her in surprise.


Merrow laughed. "You're very strong now. With your power, we have an edge in our battle against Mogul. I think it's great you've gotten so strong. But you need to remember who you are. You're not a killer."

She touched my chest. "Is it wrong to have the strength of Fury but the heart of Deacon?"

I didn't know how to answer that.

"I'm going to another universe to aid in another Remnant. And I was thinking you should come with me."

"What?" I couldn't have heard that correctly.

Merrow held out her hand, and formed a beautiful water construct of a man who looked younger than me. He wore a long trench coat and a black hood, with a mask that covered his entire face.

"His name is Thomas King. The Floating Man. He's trying his best to become a hero in a world that is rejecting him. Your brother needs all the help he can get. He's lived his life without understanding the brutal way the world works,. I figured with someone like you around, he can have some influence on getting tough. Maybe you could protect him the same way Meena had done for you."

I looked at the hologram. My brother... I already had to deal with Lucius and Arman. Arman was okay. But I still hated Lucius.

Merrow looked at me. "You are tough, aren't you Fury?"

My face turned red. "I... I guess so."

Merrow laughed. So what will it be? Will you help your brother in his journey to becoming strong? Just like you did?

I glanced at my hands. Meena had done her best to make me tough, and in a way, I took some of it to heart. Just as she did for me... I will do it for Thomas.

I took her hand. "Let's do it."