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"<I>We... are Fury.</I>" I whispered, closing my fist, and disintegrated Kallas' head.
"<I>We... are Fury.</I>" I whispered.
Kallas's look of terror became fascination. As if he fully accepted his death.  "Very good, Deacon Chow. Fulfill your destiny."
I regarded him coldly. He played me, once again. To grant him a quick death.
<I>Dante's Touch</I>.
Kallas became consumed in a fiery inferno, his body reducing into ashes.

Latest revision as of 22:41, 16 October 2020

Chapter 52 (Remnant 3)

Straight out of a horror movie.

That was all I could say.

Six times a day, six days a week. Kallas would come in, and break six bones in my body. Sometimes, if he was in a bad mood, he would break the ones that hurt the most. A femur. My arm. Sometimes, he would be merciful, and break a finger. It didn't matter which bone he chose to break, as long as he broke six of them. Six times a day. Six days a week.

The last day, the seventh, would be when I could regenerate, my bones would mend themselves.

I hated my regeneration.

I hated it.

I despised it.

It was a curse.

It kept me from dying, it let Kallas keep breaking. Six times a day. Six days a week.

For an entire year.

"Oh Deacon!!!" Kallas waltzed in, with a giant pair of grippers. He twirled around in front of me in the dark room, making a bunch of stupid dances. He sung, and twirled, then put his terrifying face in front of me.

"I brought a surprise for you!" He shouted at my ears, so loud that my eardrums almost burst. He took the gag in my mouth, as I spat.

"Please... stop this..." I sobbed. "Let me go... I can't. I'll do anything. Pleas-"

Kallas glared at me. "Dear me. Not even a second, and you are already begging for your life."

Kallas positioned the grippers around my shin, and broke it. A lance of pain shot up my leg as I screamed in pain.


Kallas glared at my shoulder. And broke that too. I yelled, hysterically, my tears streaming down my face.


He glared at my toes. Crush. Crush Crush. His surprise was to change up the way he broke my bones.




"Well... we have one bone left. What will it be? Deacon?"

I was breathing heavily, sobbing, and heaving. "No... no bones. No more."



He smiled at me. "Oh dear. A tiny one. No. I changed my mind. I'm going to do a big one."

My eyes widened. "No. FINGER. FINGER FINGER FINGER-AUUUUUUGHHH!!!" I screamed, as he broke my femur bone.

Everything went dark. I had passed out again from the pain. My own little world to escape the reality.

"So weak. Look at you." Fury said, waiting at the door from the other side of the room, where Kallas had left.

"Fury..." I muttered.

"You have to go through this five more times today. Tomorrow will be your rest day. For you to receive your next hint, on what happened to Meena. Maybe an audio file this time? Or her crying? Losing her mind? Her sanity?"

"STOP!" I screamed at Fury, hysterically.

"No more..."

Fury knelt in front of me. "You know this reminds you of that kid. That kid from the anime. Do you remember?"

"I remember." I used to be an otaku. During my times before meeting Meena. I remembered. Watching anime and reading the manga comics. Meena caught me reading and angrily shot up my books.

"The hell are these? Reading these stupid cartoon characters give you a hard on or some shit?"

I couldn't end up like him. He was fictional. His torture was fictional. He was changed forever. If I ended up like that...

Fury read my mind. "Meena's already gone, Deacon. You have to accept that."

"NO SHE ISN'T." I growled, flames manifesting in a tiny burst.

Fury shook his head. "We lost Meena ever since that day you lost to Kallas. She had never been the same. Every day, on the seventh, you heard her cries. Her hysterical and nonsensical ramblings. She's gone." He tapped his temple. "She is no longer there."

No. She was still alive. She had to be still alive. Meena was still here.

"If you were strong, you wouldn't be in this mess. You need me, Deacon. Unleash me."


"Why? Because of your morals? Look around you, Deacon. Everybody is dying because you are playing the victim card. You're just as dark as those around you. Yet you put on this Messiah complex thinking everything will be okay. It's not."

"I can't let you out. I will hurt everybody."

"You're already doing that, Deacon. Meena is broken. Lucius is broken. Everybody is broken." Fury began to dissolve, as Kallas had returned, with a new torture device, to break six more bones in my body.

Fury glanced at me, his white hair, and orange flaming eyes dancing. Just like that kid from the book. I couldn't turn into that. I couldn't.

"You've been hurting them since day one, Deacon. You just haven't realized that yet."

Chapter 53 (Remnant 3)

"Damn you, Deacon!" Meena growled at me, pushing the barrel of the gun to my forehead.

"You and your dumb ass morals, you have a death wish or something? You want to die so badly?! What the hell's the point of keeping you safe when you're as crazy as a madman?!"

"Please don't be upset..." I held out my hands, apologetically.

Meena screamed, throwing me onto the floor.

"Just.. for once in your damn life. Can't you think about how I feel?! You're... you're the only thing left in this god damn nightmare that makes sense. That has any sense of decency."

I looked down.

"I'm sorry."

Meena breathed heavily. "Preach your shit to people who want to listen to it. Not to the people who's lives have already been committed. We're killers, Deacon. You might as well be talkin to a brick wall."

I woke up, to the sounds of Meena's hysterical sobbing. The seventh day. A big module had showed up in front of me, of Meena, curled up into a ball. Her eyes wide, chanting over and over again.

"One year, two months, three days. One year, two months, three days..."

She was forced to tell me how long I had been held captive, tortured, by Kallas. A giant middle finger at my face, to show that there was no hope left. Every time I saw her, she was like this. Like a human calendar.

She wasn't fit for the Transformer. So she was cast out. Her only purpose was to push me, to ruin me. Everything in this ship was designed to cause me as much pain as possible.

This was what it had come to. There was no hope. None for me. To think I would end up like this, to spend the last moments of my life, watching my girlfriend lose her sanity. To watch myself get tortured, broken, torn apart.

And the messed up bit? I couldn't die. This was what Malakai had meant by a fate worse than death.

Because it wasn't death. It was something so much more. Watching myself slip away, my loved ones slipped away and taken from me. I had to watch it all, knowing I could survive it all. A fate worse than death, as more and more of my darkness began to surround me, overtake me.

Chapter 54 (Remnant 1)

I was alive.

A light... the cold, disappearing. After what seemed like an eternity, it was as if Hephaestus himself had freed me from my slumber.

I woke to the face of Lyra and Kaius.

"ARMAN!" Lyra screamed, crushing me in her embrace. "You stupid, stupid, boy." She sobbed.

"It was you." I muttered.

Kaius smiled. "Indeed, the daughter of Diablos, saving the son of Decen. Isn't that symbolic?"

I pulled away. Lyra glared at me. "You abandoned us, Arman. To die your death, away from our knowledge. Selfishness is unbecoming of you, Centurion."

I chuckled. "My dearest apologies. I wanted to write to you, but the letters were never sent. I shall take it to heart."

I turned around. Loz-Q and Pariah were rested neatly by my side.

"Kaius." I spoke.

"Yes, Arman?"

"Assist me. I wish to stand. The world... I want to see the world."

Kaius took me, lending me his shoulder, as I trudged out of the bed, and looked out the window.

"This place... I don't recognize it. Are we... in Argen?"

"No, Arman. We are in Corinth. Another country, far from Argen." Lyra said, supporting me. She looked at the two swords.

"Lucius, your brother, was deeply impacted by your sacrifice. As were we. He wielded your sword, Pariah, in battle. It was... certainly a sight to see. I almost believed he was you."

"Brickhouse... wielding Pariah?" I smirked. The thought was almost comical. Brickhouse would never wield a blade, lest for show. He was always an empty handed fighter. He must had changed.

Kaius laughed. "Yes. He has become recognized amongst the people around the country as the one who wields the blade. Most recognize him by it."

"Interesting." Brickhouse had changed. Judging from the way he had garnered the recognition of so many, my sacrifice must had impacted him greatly. In a way, I felt responsible for his pain. He went by the name given to him: Lucius, which he never would have allowed me to say.

Chapter 55 (Remnant 9)

"Do it!" I shouted at Sophie.

Sophie concentrated, and fired a blast of magic at the monsters, incinerating them with a massive beam of light. One of the monsters leapt at her from behind, and she spun around, whipping her hand, causing a massive blue storm of flame to engulf the beasts.

She was breathing hard, and stumbled.

I ran up to her. "Let's take a break."

"No." Sophie gasped, looking at me with determined eyes. "I want to keep going." She took one step and nearly fell on her face before I caught her, lifting her up.

"Jeez. You keep going like this, and you're going to die."

Sophie's head bounced on my chest. "Did I do well?"

I laughed. "Hell yeah you did."

It had been months since Arman had been freed from his ice cage. I wanted to spring Deacon and Meena right away, but Kyrael told me it was unwise. Since Arman was still recovering, rushing in without a plan would be suicide.

But there wasn't a lot of time. The whole crux of our plan was that Deacon could survive and hold out long enough for us to come for him. But with each passing month, the more our plan and morale wavered. Every month was another month of Deacon being with Kallas.

As for Sophia, she had learned to control her powers more. Her magical powers were similar to that of a mage, and being an elf, her mana was above average, according to Kyrael. Sophie was so excited, that I was the first person she told. She wanted to join me in my quests and aid me in battle. Obviously, I found the idea ridiculous. So I told her to be tough first, and here she was, eliminating monsters left and right.

"I can walk."

"Sophie... you don't have to pretend to be tough for me. If you can't do it, just tell me. I ain't gonna judge you any less."

Unfortunately, the moment I said that, Sophie flopped in my arms, kicking me in the face, and landed on the ground. She panted heavily, as she got to her knee, then to her feet.

Over the past few days, Sophie had grown, a little taller, more athletic. Her attire changed, to that of a pleated skirt, a fur coat, and several shoulder guards. Kind of like armor. Around her waist was an iron belt, which strapped to it was a bunch of magical charms and stuff.

I laughed. "Damn. Made me eat my words." Sophie smiled, and ran to the Fortress.

"Race you home!"

I jogged behind her. It still felt weird, relying on just my spikes to fight. Since giving up Pariah, I sometimes reached behind my back, forgetting that the blade wasn't there.

We got back to the Fortress, where Sophie went to our room.

I waited at the door, and Sophie turned around. "Do you have somewhere to be?"

"Yeah. I wanted to talk to Arman."

Sophie looked disappointed. I went up to her and kissed her forehead. "Hey, I'll be back later, I promise. Just got some catching up to do."

"I understand."

I passed by the gym, where Michael was working out, and greeted the workers and Garrison squad. Seemed weird, to have people greet me. Never really felt like something I was used to. But at the same time, kind of felt... good. To know I wasn't just some nobody.

I entered the castle, and climbed the steps. The place was a freaking labyrinth. With so many rooms and places. I saw Merrow studying at the library. She told me once that Decen had brought her to a library in Acadia, and at first, she found it lame. Then over time, she liked going there to read. Now she was a complete bookworm.

I took a left, and found the room. Arman's room. The door was open. I stepped inside.

No one was in here. Strange. I looked around. Propped on the wall was both Loz-Q and Pariah. I ran my hand over the blade, remembering the times I had wielding the sword in Arman's place. Seemed like a long time ago.

"You have grown with Pariah, brother." A voice said, behind me.

I turned around, to see Arman standing in the corner. His chest was still bandaged, from the stab wound. I walked up to him.. which turned into a run as I buried my face into his shoulder. Arman held me as I sobbed, stroking my back.

"Brickhouse... no. Lucius. You have grown so much." I pulled away. Arman smiled.

"Arman... I should have treated you better. Because of me, you ended up like this." My voice broke, but Arman ran his hand through my face, wiped the tears away.

"No. Because of this, you carried on my legacy, and ventured out. Fighting battles with Pariah. I know you have grown, from the recognition and the love of your comrades. Because of this, you became the very person many look up to. I am proud of you."

I looked at Pariah. "Pariah is your weapon, Arman."


I stared at him. "What do you mean, no? You've been using this sword for years!"

"Call to it, Lucius Cassidy. Call Pariah."

I shook my head. "It doesn't return to my hand anymore. I corrupted it, using my powers. I'm so sorry."

Arman walked up to it, and put his hand on the blade. "If it is corrupted... why does it shine so bright?"

I looked closer. It was hard to tell in the sunlight, until Arman closed the blinds. The sword... had his silver glow once more.

"I... I don't understand. Did you purify it or something?"

Arman looked at me. "You say you corrupted it. How so?"

I held out my hand, which was corrupted with the Spike Clad. "When you were frozen in Loz-Q, I wielded your sword in combat. The purifying properties of the Celestial Steel clashed with the hatred inside me. Ended up causing me to manifest my Spike Formation. The more I used it, the more I forced my powers into the sword."

Arman stood up. "I see. How do you know it was from purification? How so, that you believed that it was conflict that caused your spikes to surface?"

"I..." I didn't. I assumed it. But it had to be. Why else did my spikes manifest?

Arman walked up to me, and put his hand on my left shoulder. "My guess... is the guilt you kept deep within. The more you wielded Pariah, the more you were reminded of me. The guilt and the desire to become stronger, not for the selfish reason of it, but to save me. To lead our kind. Perhaps that was the trigger for your growth."

"As for the blade itself... it didn't return. Because you believed it had been corrupted."

I looked at Pariah once more. "If the sword doesn't return, even if I will it to. It means..."

Arman regarded me. "It means the sword belongs to me. And you will return to your old bareknuckled fighting style."

I held out my hand. Nothing happened.

"Look, see. It don't work no more. It's all you, Arman."

"You are not trying."

"The hell do you mean I'm not trying? I just did the hand thing."

Arman smirked. "I see not all things have changed."

I scowled. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe I should just kick your ass right now."

Arman laughed. "Focus. Concentrate Lucius. See past your rage. You never corrupted the blade. Pariah is one with you."

I held out my hand, but this time... I imagined Pariah's glow.

I need you. Pariah.

The blade began to rumble, shaking, lifting into the air, and rotating, in my disbelief. The sword flew into my hand. I gasped.

Arman smiled. "The blade... is yours. Lucius Cassidy. Remnant 9."

Instantly, the leather strap that belonged to Pariah manifested on top of my green fur coat. I strapped the blade to my back.

"Arman... what will you use now?" I asked.

Arman held out his hand, and Loz-Q went flying into his hand. "For now, I shall wield Lozarus Quintus. But I wouldn't mind a second blade. Perhaps in a quest?"

Arman suddenly doubled over. I caught him.

"Brother, you need to rest."

R1 chuckled. "Caring, aren't you, Lucius? You are right. I must rest and recover. For when we save our brother. The Third. I have yet to meet him, but I hear he is of good heart."

I closed my eyes. Deacon. You have to hang in there. You still need to meet Arman.

To meet the rest of our brothers.

Chapter 56 (Remnant 9)

Sophia accompanied me to the meeting with Kyrael, her advisors, Arman, Lyra, Kaius, Michael, and Merrow.

I took my seat, as Sophie stood by my side. I turned to her.

"Do you wanna sit down?"

"No, it is okay."

I felt bad making her stand, but she seemed adamant on standing. The rest of us stared at the hologram of the massive Halakite ship. I clenched my fist. Deacon... he was in there. Probably being tortured. Sophia sensed my uneasiness and put her hand on my fist. I felt a little bit better.

Kyrael sighed. "We've been looking for ways to locate and invade the Halakite ship, but the spacecraft.. it is beyond our technology to find it. At least.. until Lucius here brought in a couple of Arman's friends."

She nodded at Lyra, who cleared her throat.

"Deacon possesses the blood of Diablos. His cells, from when Paladin Decen had slain the Demon King. Because I am his daughter, I can sense him. He is far. If we must portal to the location, we must be wise of its conditions."

My heart was beating rapidly. We could pinpoint Deacon now. It was just a matter of time. Unfortunately, Kyrael shut down my hopes.

"The armies of the Halakites are immense. When they invaded our Inquisition, we were barely able to hold them off. Deacon and Meena were taken away. If we choose to invade, we must train our troops. Bringing the fight to them... our only advantage is the element of surprise."

I was silent. She was right. When I fought Malakai, it took everything I had. But I didn't have Pariah at the time. Despite that, his locust technology... it almost overwhelmed me.

"But this time is different." Kaius said.

"Indeed. Because the First of Decen is now among our ranks." Lyra looked up. "Remnant 1 has emerged from his icy slumber. He will turn the tide to our battle."

Arman smiled. "And I am accompanied with a previous member of the Silver Legion, and the Daughter of Diablos. We have known battle. I have fought numerous battles. We shall keep the armies of the Halakites at bay."

Kyrael nodded. "So... let's go over the plan... shall we?"

Merrow would link with Lyra, to determine Deacon's whereabouts. She will create portals for us to go through. Our armies would be split into multiple groups.

Arman, Lyra, and Kaius would aid the armies of the Inquisition to hold off the Halakites.

Merrow and Michael would flank the enemy, and ensure there are no Halakites to pincer the Inquisition army.

Sophia and I would aid Kyrael and several Inquisition soldiers with vision evos to the higher decks, and locate both Deacon and Meena.

A confrontation with Kallas and Malakai were probably expected. In the case of that, Arman would join me and we could take the Two Brothers, together. All the while, the Inquisition and Kyrael would extract the hostages.

We would regroup and Merrow would create a portal, and we would all escape.

Chapter 57 (Remnant 3)

A hero... does things... for the betterment of others.

A hero.

"Why do you wish to be a hero, why strive for these ideals?" Fury asked me. I had just gotten my fourth round of bone breaking, and had blacked out once more from the pain.

I couldn't see. Because Kallas had put a blindfold on me. He wanted the results of my torture to be a "surprise".

I clenched my teeth, in my make-believe world.

"Because this world... is cruel. So very cruel." I muttered, tears streaming down my face.

Fury paced the room, inspecting his hand.

"I see. A role to play, this terrible world."

Fury approached me, and sat on a chair across from me. "Do you see me as a villain?"


Fury regarded me. "Then what do you see me as?"

I could hear footsteps. Several footsteps. Not just one. Not just Kallas. He brought a visitor. I didn't want to leave this world. Just a little longer.

I looked up, at Fury, as the make believe world I was in dissolved into reality. Kallas removing my blindfold, as I stared at my reflection. It was as if the make believe world had never gone away. Like it never changed. I stared at my own reflection. My hair... reaching my chin, wild, unkempt. Nearly covering my entire face. White as snow.

"A means... to an end." I muttered.

"My dear Deacon... It has been almost two years! Two years we have been together. But alas, I must say goodbye. I have grown bored, and the Transformer awaits. So now... we shall see. The fruits of our labour together."

Kallas picked the mirror up, and threw it across the room. Behind it, stood a woman. A torn bodysuit, her blindfold missing. A golden eye, and the other, bloodshot. Her blonde hair, tumbling to her shoulders.

"Deacon..." Meena sobbed, her eyes wide. She limped up to me, and touched my hair.

"What have they done to you!" She screamed.

I was in too much pain. I was... I was exhausted. My body had run out of the essence of fear, a long time ago. To the point where the bone breaking no longer caused me to scream.

I stared at Meena's expression, with no emotion. There was no use. My life had no meaning. We were all going to die. At some point. Some more brutal than others. But... all the same.

Kallas kicked Meena in the side, sending her skidding across the room. I watched as she tried to get to her feet, but fell down. She looked at me, her one eye, filled with tears.

"It is time, Deacon. Do you remember... our last bout?" Kallas drew his machete.

My shackles were released, as I fell to the ground. My powers no longer dampened.

"Yes." I muttered.

Kallas smiled, viciously. "We shall fight. Once more. But this test... will not be for Meena, but rather... YOU."

"So... if I kill you, I am worthy... for the conversion."

Meena's eyes widened. "Deacon! Don't do it! Don't accept it, the moment you get operated by the Transformer, it will change you forever!"

I turned to Meena, my expression full of emptiness and sorrow. "Meena..."

She looked at me, her eyes full of despair and pain.

"Meena... I have... already changed."

Kallas laughed and brought down his machete right down into my collarbone, the blade sinking deep. But I felt no pain. I regarded Kallas' crazed expression, as he laughed, maniacally.

"Good.... GOOD!"

Kallas kicked me in the chest and I slid backwards.

"DEACON!" Meena screamed.

I looked at my wound, and willed it to heal. A sputter of flame closed the wound instantly.

"Kallas." I muttered, as the Halakite continued slashing at me.

"Fight... Deacon! Fight! If you don't fight... you will die. If you fight... you will become bound to the Halakites, as serve as their greatest killer! Forever!"

"Yes..." I mumbled.

Kallas stopped swinging. "I beg your pardon?"

I looked up, my empty eyes regarding his crazed ones.

"I accept... the Transformer procedure." I replied.

Kallas brought his machete down, but I caught the blade with my hands, blood leaking on the ground. I felt no pain. Kallas' eyes widened.

"No... this is... incredible." He whispered, stumbling back.

ACCEPT ME Fury's voice boomed in my mind.

"I shall accept him." I muttered, closing my eyes.


"I shall embrace him."


"For the world so forsaken me..."

I felt the words of Fury and I becoming as one, for there was no more Deacon.

To become a hero, one needed to do things, for the betterment of others. To save Meena, and everyone. This world did not need Deacon.

I opened my eyes, no longer brown, but bright orange. The color of flames. Of Diablos.

My hands became engulfed with flame.

"BURN" I said, as I melted Kallas' blade in my hands. Kallas fell back, his eyes full of terror. He opened his hands, and waves of purple blades came right at me, piercing me in a hundred places. No pain. No fear.

I flexed, and my body became illuminated with flames, engulfed with it. The ground, began to melt before me.

The flames of Diablos consume me. For I have accepted my nature. I said, coldly.

Kallas tried to leave, but I opened my hand, a massive hand of flame, pinning him down.

"What... what are you..." Kallas whimpered, seeing my face. The left side of it, gone. A mere skeleton. But the right side, still containing flesh and skin. My eyes glowing orange.

"We... are the rage. The wrath of Decen."

"For no one escapes the tribulations of war. So shall reign upon judgement. Of wrath" I spoke, grabbing Kallas by the face, melting it within my touch.

Meena looked at me, in disbelief, in devastation. But it didn't matter. Nothing mattered. Because the man she once loved... was no longer needed in this world.

"We... are Fury." I whispered.

Kallas's look of terror became fascination. As if he fully accepted his death. "Very good, Deacon Chow. Fulfill your destiny."

I regarded him coldly. He played me, once again. To grant him a quick death.

Dante's Touch.

Kallas became consumed in a fiery inferno, his body reducing into ashes.

Chapter 58 (Remnant 3)

"Deacon..." Meena approached me.

I regarded her with empty eyes. She ran up to me and embraced me, stroking my hair.

"Deacon, I'm... I'm so glad you're still alive. I was waiting. I was... they did terrible things to both of us. Let's go home, Deacon. Let's go home."

"Home." I muttered.

Meena stroked my hair, then my face. "Yeah. Back to Corinth. With Lucius, Merrow, and Michael. We could... start again. I know things aren't the same. The damage that was done to us, but-"

"Meena... why are you still so soft?"

Meena's face turned into horror. "Deacon...?"

I looked at her. "After everything... why were you not changed? Perhaps..."

"I... don't understand."

"Your life. You have found meaning." I mumbled. Turning my back on her, approaching Malakai, who had entered the torture room, looking at the corpse of his older brother, in satisfaction.

"Yes... the Flamewalker. You shall become my greatest soldier."

Meena grabbed my shoulder. "Deacon. Do you remember... what you said? You wouldn't leave me because you valued me for who I was. Not the killing. Nothing. I'm telling you right here, right now. That me wants you to come. To leave this place. To come home."

I shouldered it away, as Meena stumbled back, devastated.

I turned to her. "The real you... must survive. I will become a hero today. By being Malakai's Champion."

Malakai walked up to me. "Yes... in exchange for becoming my greatest soldier, you shall be spared. That was the promise. That was the deal. Chance shall serve as his slave. Isn't that great? A host that is willing to become my champion?"

I opened my hands, and rested them on a sobbing Meena. "Live, for me, my dearest Meena Kennedy. For I shall destroy all who threaten you. I shall destroy whoever Malakai deems unfit. For Malakai only wants what is best... for his own."

Meena stared at me. "Deacon... you knew..."

"Meena Kennedy, the daughter of the Halakites. I shall ensure no threat to the real you roams this world. Malakai will be my will, and I will be his hand."

I brought her into a kiss, before knocking her out.

I turned to Malakai, who regarded me curiously.

"Indeed, the Deacon we knew was gone. We will begin the procedure now. However, with you abandoning your name, what shall you be called?"

I watched as the Halakites prepared Meena to be jettisoned back to Earth.

I will protect her. With a strength that I never had.

Because I was a hero.

I was her hero.

Chapter 59 (Remnant 1)

(Two Months Earlier)

"Kyrael, I wish to talk to you." Lucius said, on our way out from a progress meeting. I was about to leave, but the concern in Lucius' voice peaked my interest. I stood outside the door.

"Oh! Lucy! What can I do for you?" Kyrael exclaimed.

"You're elven, right?"

"Yes, I'm half dark elf. From my mother's side. Why do you ask?"

"Are you aware of the elven discrimination in this country?"


"Lucius, elven discrimination has been a long lasting thing since before the Inquisition was formed. I've tried my best to bring in racial equality, but-"

"It's not enough."

More silence.

Lucius continued. "Everywhere I see, there is no justice done for the elves. Sophie wakes up screaming from nightmares every single night, of her childhood friends being beaten, whipped, and killed. Her own parents were also slaughtered. This isn't just discrimination. This is beyond that. There needs to be justice for the elves."

"Lucius... it isn't so simple. It is difficult, the politics behind it-"

"What politics is there? To just treat everybody equally? Why the hell do we need to bring politics in this? Why treat the elves like this?"

I heard Kyrael take a deep breath. "Lucius, it is very complicated. I myself know, even being a leader of the Inquisition, my own race has been subject to questioning among the people of Corinth. I wish I could help spread a positive message, and show that the elven in Corinth deserve a better life, but it's always easier to lead an army, protect the people, than to change their minds. The history of the elves is a lot more complicated, they have had their past, and many have not forgiven them for it."

There was a bang, and I nearly ran in, my hand on Loz-Q.

"Just because of something the elves did in the past doesn't mean the elves in the present deserve all this! They're being treated as slaves Kyrael! Why can't you see that?!"

Lucius stormed off, he didn't even see me. Sophie ran out of the room too.


She scurried to his side. I watched as the two left the castle, with Sophia assuring him and asking if he was okay.

I was about to sneak off, but Kyrael's voice echoed from within her office.

"Eavesdropping from the purest of Remnants? A bit unbecoming of you, Priest Proxima Arman."

I sheepishly entered her office. It was grand, and her desk was covered in papers.

I sat on the chair across from her. Kyrael rested her chin on the palm of her hand.

"I suppose you overheard my conversation with the Ninth."

I looked down. "I deeply apologize, Lady Prima. I am of profound shame."

Kyrael laughed. "Aww, so Merrow was right, you are a sweetheart!"

"Lady Prima, is it true? The racial discrimination on the elven?"

Kyrael picked up a pen, and began playing with it, doing interesting tricks, spinning it in her hand.

"Yes. Racial inequality is a ubiquitous thing. This has been extremely so with the elves. During my first year as leader of the Inquisition, your father, Decen of Acadia, did his best to aid me in bringing social order. Equality for the elves. But after his passing, many people went back to their old past. Past beliefs."

"You mentioned their past. What did they do?"

Kyrael stopped spinning her pen. "The elves invaded Corinth, in an act to bring their own world here. Their leader, Bael'ha Hall, waged war against the people of Corinth. Their magic was great, and for a time, they ruled the lands. Until Bael'ha Hall's passing, and the connection to Corinth dissipated, sending the elven warrior mages back to their dimension. Forever. Those who were magic less, or were not trained to control their mana stayed."

Kyrael put the pen away and looked at me.

"These elven, they never supported the war, or Bael'ha Hall. But they were forced into this by their leader, and now they are forced to stay. To forever live under the hatred of the people of Corinth. To be cast aside from their own kind, but hated by another."

I knew the feeling. Perhaps not to the same level as the elves. But during my time in Amod. I was cast aside despite fighting for them, I fought and helped the people alongside Lyra and Kaius, but because of my powers, so mysterious, so unknown. I was cast aside and called a monster. The people rejected me.

I was only a child at the time. Those words hurt me like steel. When I fought Reimos and sent him back to the Underworld, I was banished from the village, and was once again homeless.

"I see you have suffered similar, Remnant?"

I looked up. Kyrael smiled at me warmly.

"Yes, Lady Prima. Lucius demands justice. His beloved, Sophia, is elven. So I understand why he wishes there to be change."

Kyrael regarded me sadly. "I see much of Decen in you, Arman. Perhaps not the rage, the thirst of war. But his compassion."


Kyrael laughed. "It is so easy to judge someone by what they want to be perceived as. Decen always wanted to be seen as a fearsome warrior, but under all that, he was kind. From calling the Power of the Paladins, I see that kindness was the first to have gained conception. It is almost as if he finally understood the values of compassion before his final hours."

"Lady Prima, Decen must have been very close to you, as Merrow was."

"He most certainly was. Decen and Merrow were the ones who helped me found the Inquisition!"

My jaw dropped.

"Lady Prima, please tell me more. I want to hear more about my father."

Kyrael leaned back on her chair. "Of course! Where should I start! Did you know I was part of his party? From during his adventuring days? Before the Inquisition?"

"Really?" I asked, excitedly.

Kyrael and I spent the rest of the evening talking about Decen, Kyrael doing flamboyant poses, and heroic gestures to add onto the effects of the story. I laughed alongside it.

Chapter 60 (Remnant 1)

I found Lucius and Sophia by the merchants.

The shopkeeper was very friendly with Lucius.

"Ah! Cassidy! What can I do for you today!"

"I need a weapon for Sophia. She focuses on magic."

The shopkeeper turned to Sophia. "An elf girl! Hmmm, perhaps a wand, I have some beginner units, but I imagine you wish to become stronger, young lady?"

Sophia nodded.

The shopkeeper put a wand on the table. "This wand will help you control your powers better. But as you become stronger, the less you will see use of it. By then, I advise you to visit The Glade, home of the mages and witches. There you will be able to find more powerful items."

Sophia took the wand with both hands and gleamed at Lucius excitedly. She was like a child in a young adult body.

Lucius smiled and paid the shopkeeper, when suddenly he saw me. His smile melted, and he began to stammer.

"Oh! Uh. Arman. Yo... what's up." His face was bright red, as Sophia clung onto his arm.

"Equipping Sophia, I see." I remarked.

Lucius shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah. She's my companion after all. Sorta need to make sure she survives and stuff-"

"He wishes to keep me safe. By allowing me to defend myself." Sophia explained.

"I see! You are concerned for her well being! Truly admirable, Brick... I mean Lucius."

Lucius cleared his throat. "Yeah. I um. So what brings you here?"

"I wish to join your party." I responded.

Lucius looked surprised. "Really?"

"You wish to restore balance to the elves. Perhaps I can assist you. Consider it brother bonding."

Lucius scratched his head. "I guess that makes sense. I was considering venturing out again, assisting villages and stuff. With Sophie by my side, maybe she might be able to inspire people to become more respectful to the elven. Least that's the plan."

Sophia clutched her fists. "I won't let you down, Luke!"

I followed Lucius and Sophia on their journeys, but not before bidding Lyra and Kaius farewell for now.

"You're leaving again?" Lyra asked.

Kaius put his hand on her shoulder. "Lyra... it is for the best. This is his life now."

I felt guilty. I had left these two on their own, to the point where Lyra risked her life to find me, and now I was going to leave her again. "Lyra, I am thankful for all you have done for me, but I wish join my brother. If I don't spend time with him, how must I figure out how to fight alongside him during our final showdown with Mogul?"

I spent weeks with Lucius and Sophia, assisting them on their adventures. Helping villages on the outskirts of Corinth, and aiding them. Sophia had learned healing magic, which allowed her to tend to the wounded. With the combined might of both Lucius and I, the people of Corinth slowly began to recognize Sophia's actions.

"Hey, Arman?" Sophia walked next to me. She was carrying multiple packs containing their belongings. From what I had heard, she had insisted on carrying everything, as she did not want to burden Lucius. It seemed like a good choice in the off chance that Lucius would be called to battle.

I turned to her. She had a face that was innocent and pretty, black and grey hair that complimented her round intelligent eyes. It was strange, to see someone like her with Lucius, who was always angry all the time.


"Do you miss them? Lyra and Kaius? You must have been very close with those two."

"Indeed, I do. To see me after all this time, just to say goodbye once more. I can only imagine how devastated they must be. For that I feel sorry. But I must embark on this quest, and learn to coordinate with my brother. For when we battle Mogul."

Sophia hesitated, looking away.

"What's wrong?"

Sophia picked at her sleeves. "Lucius said something... something similar. He mentioned that he won't always be there for me. As if he knows the outcome of his fight."

My heart sank. Our final stand, against Mogul. Lucius may have predicted it too, but it didn't take a prophet to know. Mogul was a monster, far beyond any being in any universe. A Prime Aspect. I wasn't expecting myself to survive this fight, nor Lucius. But seeing how Sophia loved him, clung to him. Having him die...

"Arman..." Sophia looked at me. "I don't want Lucius to go. I know it is selfish of me... I want him to stay... I don't know what I will do if he leaves me."

"Sophia." I smiled. "It isn't decided yet. We will do our best to win. We will not fall, for we are Remnants of Decen."

"The hell?" Lucius muttered. I focused on what he had stopped on, and it appeared to be a small village. The place was covered in a layer of frost. Ice caked the entire town. It was bizarre, because the weather was hot and sunny. Something was not right.

Before I could continue with my thoughts, something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. I spun around, and blocked the attack with Loz-Q right away: a wolf. The wolf bared its fangs at me, and tried to pry Loz-Q from my hands as I fell backwards.

Lucius stepped forward and swung Pariah, launching the wolf several meters away. The creature disintegrated. Several undigested pieces of... frost, fell to the ground. It had eaten it.

"This isn't frost." Sophia gasped.

I narrowed my eyes at the village, poking the powder on the ground.

"Seeds." I muttered.

I looked back at the disintegrating body of the wolf. It was a hellhound, a soul beast. But, it seemed more feral that I had expected.

Lucius looked at the village. "They're spores then. Rotting the minds of those that eat it. I'm guessing it attracted the soul beasts, they ate it, and became feral."

He turned to us. "Let's visit the village and see what we can do to help."

Chapter 61 (Remnant 1)

Numerous wounded, many sick.

A large array of wounded bedridden. Several villagers made way for Lucius and us. Walking by the wounded reminded me of one of my battles alongside my brothers and sisters in the Argen Guard. We suffered great losses and injured, and my days were spent in the infirmary telling those who survived that their allies were dead.

An elderly woman went up to Lucius, grabbing his wrist, pleading. "Please... Lord Lucius. Our people are dying... Help us."

Lucius looked around. "How did this happen? The soul beasts?"

The woman went up to the body of a young boy, who had a massive fever, he was covered in bandages. "Our village is plagued... the soul beasts became feral upon visiting the outskirts of our village."

"So our hypothesis was correct. The soul beasts consumed the seeds on the ground and were affected." I replied.

The woman looked at me. "Seeds?"

Lucius explained that on our way to the village during our adventuring, we found that the village was covered in seeds. The seeds attracted the soul beasts, and they became feral.

The woman put her head in her hands. "No... Garen. My foolish boy."

I knelt in front of the woman. "Is Garen your son?"

The woman turned to the boy who was bedridden. "He thought he could save the village... by bringing our village a magical plant that could produce crops that would feed our people. But... we never knew. Because the soul beasts forced us in."

Sophia walked to the boy, and knelt in front of him, putting her hand on his forehead.

"Elf girl, what are you doing? Get your filthy hands off of him!" The elderly woman exclaimed. Lucius stepped forward, putting distance between her and Sophia.

"Let her do this. You're just gonna assume she is going to hurt your son? After we came here to help you?" The elder looked down, in shame.

Sophia ignored her, and closed her eyes. Her body began to glow gold, as the color on the boy's face began to fade, his wounds closing. He opened his eyes and gasped. Looking around, then eyeing the elder.


Nalah's eyes widened and she ran forward, embracing her son. "Garen... you foolish boy! Bless the maker..." She turned to Sophia. "You brought my son back..."

Sophia smiled and bowed her head. "I wish to restore the others, will you give me permission?"

Nalah bowed as well. "Yes. I... I apologize for the things I have said earlier. Please... heal my village."

Sophia spent the rest of the day healing the wounded with her magic, and more and more people became reunited with their families.

"Thank you... for bringing my family back to me." One said.

"I thought I was going to die. I owe you my life." Another said.

"So beautiful... please be mine." Yet another said. Lucius' eye twitched in annoyance, and stepped forward, hand on Pariah. I had to restrain him, as Sophia laughed.

We crowded around Sophia, as she healed the last villager. The village cheered, as the villager opened her eyes.

Nalah approached us, and held Sophia's hands.

"My dear... it is because of you we have finally seen hope. Our people... our families. We are indebted to you."

I scratched my chin. This village was undergoing so much ordeal... yet Kyrael did not even know. No one in the Inquisition knew. I knew the Inquisition was just a peacekeeping force, serving under the Council, but the Council should have known about this, and notified the Inquisition.

Sophia smiled, but her legs began to buckle. Lucius rushed forward and caught her.

"I'm okay... Luke. I'm just tired." Sophia muttered.

Lucius scooped her up. "You did good. I'm so proud of you." He said, gently.

Sophia closed her eyes and fell asleep in his arms.

Nalah went up to us. "Sophia of the Elven has helped us greatly. Allow us to do something for her in return. Please stay the night, we offer our hospitalities."

Lucius eyed the villagers. "Sounds good. We're due to go and continue our adventures."

Chapter 62 (Remnant 9)

Arman and I sat in our room. Sophia was fast asleep. I was happy for her, that she was finally getting the love and respect she deserved, but I knew her kind was still facing discrimination. If we were going to inspire hope for the elves, we needed to keep helping the country.

Despite her growth, physically, and mentally, she was still plagued by her horrific past and her memories. Multiple times she would wake up in the middle of the night screaming. Even in the night, I would see her struggling, dealing with her nightmares.

Arman was writing on a piece of paper, a letter to Lyra and Kaius documenting our journey and how he was. Ever since he left the Fortress, he would always write to them every night, and mail the letter back to the Fortress, updating them on how he was doing.

"Lucius... you know. Don't you." Arman said.

I perked up. "Know what?"

"Our final battle with Mogul. Our final stand." Arman looked at Sophie, who was asleep, her hand clinging onto my right arm like I was going to bail on her at any time.

I sighed. "Yeah. The prophecy, I heard it. A voice. Our fight with Mogul is gonna be our last."

Arman put the pen down. "Our last stand, but it will open up these people with hope. I know our battle with the Prime Aspect will inspire, and strengthen the next generation. It must."

He smiled at Sophie, but the smile was mixed. Like there was sadness with it.

"You haven't told her, have you."

I clenched my left fist. Instinctively, some spikes protruded at the knuckles, glowing red in the dimly lit room.

"Arman... if I tell her, she's gonna be devastated."

R1 folded up the letter and put it in his pack. "She is bound to find out eventually. She will hate you for it."

"I'd rather she hate me than have the love of her life ripped away from her hands."

Arman got up and lay on his bed. It was a separate one from Sophia and I. Lucky him. So much room.

"I know we were created to give our lives. But... part of me wants to live. So I could explore the world. I thought I knew my life, as a Centurion to Argen. But the more I explored, the more I realized I don't know anything about the world."

"True that. You didn't even know what a cell phone was."

Arman smirked. "I wonder if it is wrong... to wish for another fate."

I thought about it. Then again, I was never a thinker.

"Hey, Arman."


"Let's go outside. I want a rematch."

Arman raised an eyebrow. "A rematch?"

"Do you remember, the last time we fought? Let's have another spar. This time, you don't get an excuse to go barehanded."

Arman smiled. "I accept your duel, brother."

Chapter 63 (Remnant 9)

Arman and I faced off in a nearby rocky wasteland, far from the village.

We circled each other. I unsheathed Pariah from my back, while Arman unsheathed Loz-Q from his waist.

I narrowed my eyes, focusing on Arman's midsection, spikes forming on my legs, as the veins began to glow red. I shot forward, swinging Pariah with my momentum, and Arman deflected it with Loz-Q.=, the blade clash rumbling the ground.

Pariah immediately began absorbing the ice from the blade, keeping it from turning brittle. I leaned forward, as I began to overpower R1 with my strength.

Arman dropped down to the side, swinging Loz-Q, but I stepped back, narrowly dodging his slash. Arman landed on the ground, but not before launching another arc of frost my way. I brought Pariah up and blocked the arc, blasting frost everywhere.

However, Arman had already closed the distance, summoning the storms of Koios, the winds surrounding him as he was lifted into the air and soared in my direction.

"Too slow, brother" I smiled, but suddenly, Arman began to glow silver, and within the span of half a second, the blade moved at speeds faster than I could pick up. Several arcs of frost bombarded my body as I stumbled back.

Arman closed the distance, and slashed at me, but I blocked it with my right arm. The spikes on my corrupted forearm clashed with Loz-Q, as Arman continued to push down, sending me through the ground. He was getting stronger.

"What... what the hell..." I muttered, struggling to keep upright.

"The Blessing of Pollux." Arman explained. That damn blessing!

He wasn't the only one with tricks. My eyes widened as I summoned spikes on my left fist, and swiped up at him, catching his face. Arman began to regenerate instantly, sending a kick my way. I blocked it with Pariah, as Arman kicked off of the flat of the blade and landed on the ground.

Arman continued to glow silver, as we paced each other. His blessing, amplifying the winds on Loz-Q, sending the area in a local winter storm. I brandished Pariah with my right and my spikes on my left.

"Your power has grown, Lucius." Arman complimented.

He brought his sword down, and the silver glow became brighter as he charged forward with blinding speed. I held Pariah up but even dual wielding the sword and my spikes I was unable to keep up with his speed.

I stomped on the ground and sent an area of effect of spikes. Arman leapt upwards in the nick of time, and I swung Pariah. There was no way he could dodge in the air.

I was so wrong. The moment I swung, Arman grabbed the blade of the sword, piercing his skin, as he pulled himself to me and landing a kick on my face. I slid backwards.

"You figured me out..." I muttered, wiping my face.

"I have the ability to analyze my opponent. Have you forgotten?"

Shit. I forgot about his Combat Intuition. That was going to be annoying.

I rushed forward, slashing and sending waves of spikes at Arman, but it was like he knew exactly what I was going to do, and responded appropriately, slashing, blocking, dodging, weaving. It was strangely coordinated, and I found myself having more and more scratches on my body.

At the end of the exchange, I didn't land a single blow, and Arman had landed several. My body was caked with frost, and I was breathing heavily.

"You're holding back, Lucius."

I wiped the blood off of my face. "So are you, Arman."

"Would you like to up the intensity?"

He had more strength? I guess it was perfect practice for me. I hadn't gone all out since my fight against Malakai.

I brought Pariah and planted it on the ground next to me, as I began to concentrate, channeling the power of my spikes into the blade. Red energy flowed from my corrupted arm, and swirled around Pariah as the silver glow turned blood-red. Red electricity arcing off of the sword and my arm as the spikes became bigger, lining my shoulder, my elbow, and the hilt. The right side of my face became cladded, as I felt a surge of power in my body.

I thought about Deacon. About how he was being tortured at this moment in time, because I wasn't enough. I needed to become stronger, for him. To save him. To save everybody from Mogul. I thought about Mogul killing everybody. Arman, Merrow, Michael, everybody.

I thought about Mogul killing Sophia. I couldn't let that happen.

No damn way.

I opened my eyes and roared, ripping Pariah out of the ground, which had created spikes all over the ground as I brought the blade to my face, aiming it at Arman.

My voice became husk, low, and a rumble. "It's on!" I growled.

Arman looked impressed. "Your development is incredible! I will also go all out then."

He raised Loz-Q, and turned off the storms. He brought the sword to his left tattoo, the one with the spear, and cut it. Instantly, the tattoo became fiery, as the flames raced across his arm.

At the same time, Arman also summoned his Blessing, giving him a silvery aura, and a fiery aura on his left side. Arman brought his hands together, and the blade converted, from an icy storm to a steaming saber of pure pressure. The mere pressure of the steam caused the surroundings to be covered in a mini storm.

The Blessing of Pollux and the Fires of War. Two boosts of power that augmented his strength, speed, and reflexes.

Arman smiled, the two boosts giving him a massive glow. "Are you ready? Brickhouse?"

I readied Pariah. "Bring it."

I leapt forward, my body sparking with red electricity as my body surged with the power of Decen, while Arman blasted forward with the Fires of War and Blessing of Pollux, as we clashed. Pariah against Loz-Q, shaking the entire landscape.