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=treat with caution=
=treat with caution=
Odin is extremely violent and aggressive, while he has complied with UNTIL officers and is part of our villain reformation program but has been known in the past to get agressive with rules that he does not agree with
Odin is extremely violent and aggressive, while he has complied with UNTIL officers and is part of our villain reformation program he has been known in the past to get aggressive in a behavioral sense with rules that he does not agree with.
=='''Important to all mentalists'''==
=='''Important to all mentalists'''==

Revision as of 11:19, 26 August 2018

treat with caution

Odin is extremely violent and aggressive, while he has complied with UNTIL officers and is part of our villain reformation program he has been known in the past to get aggressive in a behavioral sense with rules that he does not agree with.

Important to all mentalists

Odin seems to have some type of mental conditioning that makes any and all mind control backfire horrendously, if he is affected by such abilities he will fly into a rage and act in a more primal state, smashing anything in his way from mailboxes to people, it is advised you use mages and wizards IF you even consider to try and apprehend him and even then avoid all mental manipulation.

while under this state his mind is further resistant to mental attacks and any attempt for mental communication or mental control has resulted in him charging straight to the user, even when he loses sight and a mentalist try's to control or communicate to him, he will seem to know where they are, crashing through buildings to reach them if needed.

Odin Taragosh
Player: @granitrite
Biographical Data
Real Name: Odin Taragosh
Known Aliases:
Gender: Male
Species: human (mutant)
Ethnicity: cacasion
Place of Birth: small town in Oragon
Base of Operations: caucasian
Relatives: Mother and Father, may be dead
Age: 36
Height: 8.5
Weight: 450
Eyes: pitch black with green glowing pupils
Hair: short brown hair
Complexion: rough skin
Physical Build: highly muscular
Physical Features: veins visibly glow with the same sickly green glow has his eyes, scars on both sides of his jaw, metallic bolts on the back of his arms
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Identity: Public knowledge
Years Active: 11 years
Citizenship: USA
Occupation: unemployed
Education: military training and K-12
Marital Status: single
Known Powers and Abilities
titan like strength, rapid regurgitation highly durable skin, minor mental resistance, dangerously septic acidic projectiles and blood, super sonic speed
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada

UNTIL Criminal history report

Odin Taragosh, former member of the villainous group known as Black Guard, was their head of military before their fall. he has turned himself in after 5 years of hunting him down, we suspect his base is located on monster island, due to reports of strange mutilation to some of the enemies to our human-animal hybrid allies on the island.

multiple reports of attacks of Dr Galehearts property and operations have been linked to Odin

he is now part of our villain reformation program and we are looking to place him in a super group we work closely with to monitor him and have other heroes we trust to be a good influence

Street History

it is well known at UNTIL that Subject was a Street Vigilantly when it was reported that he lost in a legal battle with one renown scientist known as Doctor Galeheart who as of now has been confirmed in his villainous intents and has lost most of his political pull, he is now considered a mad scientist and all UNTIL affiliated scientists should avoid him.

Physical Description

Subject appears to be in his late 30's with an incredible physique, strange rivets on both of his arms and a metallic jaw seems to indicate he has some cybernetics in him, weather or not that means he has any cybernetic attacks or if his strength is enhanced cyberneticly remains to be seen , his veins glow with a sickly green as does his pupils with the rest of his eyes being pitch black.

use to be seen wearing military gear but latest report shows him going back to his Street vigilantly look, sleeveless black jacket with a red stripe on ether side, camo cargo pants and large heavy duty boots to be his normal attire for both his super activities and his normal life.


eavesdroppers,sleeper agents and civilian report say pretty much the same thing, Odin is actually friendly if unprovoked, a bit witty and sarcastic but most who interact with him find him ether helpful or friendly, unless they catch him in a angry mood then he tells them to shove off.

a few have seen him interact with the local gangs all who found his methods, unpleasant to watch, the brutality of his mutilations is not shared with many of the other criminals on record, save a few on records. In the past he has been known to hurl himself as members of these gangs killing indiscriminately and without remorse, after his time as military commander of BG he has been seen taking a more calm approach to situations, if the gang members are commenting minor crimes he breaks their limbs, mostly arms or legs, though he has been witnessed breaking a gang members hand for purse stealing and other minor crimes.

his concept of justice can be considered warped to most, he believes that because the system failed him with Galeheart (who he regularly attempts to locate, most likely to murder) that he knows who should and should not live, he has shown improvement with judgement calls with his time at the now disbanded BG.

Known Powers And Ability's

it is well known that Odin has an acidic compound that is highly septic that he can throw like sludge or as a gas at his enemies further more he is immune to this acid and posion and perhaps immune to all acid and poison in general, it is importent to note that Odin's acid power use to be poison, by unknown means it mutated into acid along with his acid immuinity

his other well known powers is his Strength, speed and regeneration ability, Odin has been seen toppling sky scrapers with his bare hands and reach locations in a in seconds while surviving all manor of attacks magical, elemental or munition, while his limbs have yet to be seen break or fracture, leading us to believe he is also extremely durable, to which extent is unknown.

the lesser know traits that have been documented are

  • all normal human senses have seemingly been enhanced to super human level, most prominently would sight and smell, enhanced to that of a highly evolved Hawk and Canine respectively
  • his has had training with munitions before as seem in his time in BG
  • even though he could be concider no more then a street thug he has the mind of a military commander and a lot of will power, seeming to shrug off a lot of pain or perhaps he does not feel it
  • he ability to work well with a team is surprising to many due to his methods of combat, but he does indeed work well with other like minded people when interests aline