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|Name= Imperion  
|Name= Imperion  
|MainArchetype= Freeform
|Player= @somerandomkid500
|Player= @somerandomkid500
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Revision as of 20:12, 7 October 2013

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Player: @somerandomkid500
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Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Imperion, Joe, Joey Joe Stephens
Journalist Photographer
Legal Status
Registered Hero
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
22 (In Earth Years), 77,000 (Xendorian Years)
Body Type
Sandy Blond
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Superhuman Strength, Speed, Agility, Durability, Invulnerability, Accelerated Healing, Corrosive Vision, Super Hearing, Flight, Energy Blasts, Lightning and Thunder Control, Breathing in Vacuum Space, Sub-Mariner
· Equipment ·
Xendorian Championship Belt
· Other Abilities ·
Xendorian Fighting Skills, Swordsman Mastery, Hand-to-Hand Combat

Creator's Notes

Welcome to Imperion's page. I hope you enjoy reading it I mainly combined concepts of Superman(Nemesis, Alien Physiology, and Heat Vision), Ironclad (Gladiator Occupation and Background), and Hyperion (Name). The character's name originates from a "superhero name generator" I found on Google and "Imperion" popped up as my "superhero name" saying my "powers" would be mostly Telekinesis, Superhuman Strength, and Flight. So I just based him around the alien characters I know so that how he came to be. Hope you enjoy it. Plus I am a friendly RPer so if you see me in-game just walk-up. Still searching for a supergroup but yeah thats pretty much it. Later.

Zor-Gon the Imperion

Zor-Gon is from the planet, Xendor. Much like Ironclad, Zor-Gon competed in gladiator events called,the X-ium Games that often ended with the death of one opponent and Zor-Gon won every battle rising from ranks like "Chump" to "Imperion" which stood for Beyond Impetus Power and Strength. Zor-Gon became a force to be reckoned with making it tough for more Xendorian gladiators to compete in the X-ium Games.

To Earth and Beyond

After years of battling the same foes and winning everytime, Zor-Gon was sent to earth by his superiors to see if he was up for a "real challenge". Zo-Gon obviously said yes and went to earth wearing his championship belt as his "cape" and carrying his "Soul-Slasher" Sword which allowed him to call upon the souls of X-Heaven and empower his sword with lightning effects. Using his name title name: Imperion as his hero name and Joe Stephens as his civilian name. Zor-Gon would register for the Paranormal and Superhuman Registration Act becoming a registered hero and giving him a public identity.


Ready for Mayhem? (Debut of Doctor Mayhem)

Imperion has been a hero for a whole month and has already attracted the attention of a new supervillain calling himself, Doctor Mayhem. Doctor Mayhem aka Dexter Drax is a billionaire philanthropist who somehow gained a power suit of Xendorian origins and later used the suit to rob a bank. Of course this was his plan to attract Imperion's attention, obviously it did and Imperion was surprised to see a power suit that originated from his planet on Earth. This meant another Xendorian is hiding on Earth and somehow struck up a relationship with Dexter.

Imperion and Dexter squared off but they were evenly matched considering that the armor was provided the same functions, movements, and powers of an Xendorian. Dexter's suit possessed: Flight, Power Blasts, Corrosive Vision, Rocket Launchers, Missiles, Unbreakable Alloy Shielding, Force Fields, Armor Regenerating Nanites, Exoskeleton, and Freeze Blasts. Imperion was later defeated (at least was thought by Dexter) but with a mighty punch caused the suit to short-circuit and cause Dexter to flee plotting that him and Imperion would meet again. This was where Dexter then dubbed himself Doctor Mayhem and this would also encourage Imperion to don a more "Heroic" suit.

Comments and Opinions

Powers and Abilities

Superhuman Strength: Imperion is capable of benching and lifting over 20 tons of extreme force without breaking a sweat.

Superhuman Speed: Imperion can run at supersonic speeds his top speed has never been recorded but somehow it has reached the rating most speedsters run at.

Superhuman Durability: Having a body that feels like its composed of complete Questionite makes Imperion take loads of damage and walk it off as if it were nothing.

Invulnerability: Imperion's alien physiology makes his skin completely impenetrable allowing bullets and lasers to bounce from his body.

Vacuum Space Breathing: Quite obvious, Imperion can breath in outer space.

Sub-Mariner: Zor-Gon's lung capacity allows him to hold loads of air and breath under water for hours without him passing out.

Accelerated Healing: Despite possessing unpenetrable skin, Imperion possesses a accelerated healing factor constantly healing and wounds done to his body.

Corrosive Vision: Much like Superman, Imperion possesses his own "heat vision" that allows him to melt anything in his path.

Super-Hearing: Pretty simple here. Imperion can hear from many miles away.

Flight: Imperion can manipulate gravitons using them to mimic the ability of flight.

Energy Blasts: These unknown charges of energy prove to pack a punch piercing through all kinds of armor and protection.


The only pieces of equipment Imperion carries is his:

Xendorian Championship Belt: Imperion wears his belt as his "cape" as a way to prove his a champion. He also wears it because it fits snug around his waist.

Experion Supremus Sword (Soul-Summoner): Imperion wields the sword his father once possessed. The sword is composed of a super strong metal on Imperion's planet called, Exterious this metal makes Imperion's sword completely unbreakable he can also use his sword to call upon the souls of X-Heaven, a supernatural force where all Xendorians are sent when they die to empower his sword with lightning effects he can sometimes use the X-Heaven Dimensional Energy to empower himself.


Doctor Mayhem: Doctor Mayhem has been secretly monitoring Imperion every since he first arrived on Earth. He thinks if he gets a hold of Imperion's DNA he can use it to create an army of super-soldiers. Recently Doctor Mayhem has somehow gotten a hold of Xendorian Armor making him a challenge for Imperion.

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