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Silver medal T.png
Straight to the Point
Lady Mere
Player: @Vio-Lena
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Merecilieas Serne'Vertian
Lady Mere, Merry, Mere
May 31, 1985
Chamonix, France
Millennium City (Temporary)
PRIMUS Research Division
Legal Status
PRIMUS Research
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
135 lbs.
Body Type
Light Lavender hue(Dyed)
Fair Complexion
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Energy Manipulation, Illusion
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·

Roleplay Hooks

This section will go over possible hooks that your character may use to start roleplay or possibly know her in the In Character world of Champion's Online. I will try to keep this as neat as possible as depending on your character's occupation will reflect which you may know her with. If you wish to criss-cross information please message me ingame @vio-lena or leave a mail requesting such.

Other Magicians

If your character is another Magician, Wizard, or any creature able to tap in to a plane to access magic you would possibly know Mere as a 'Weak' mage. Her spells do not last long and they do not harm. They cannot even protect her own self if she were to be in danger without shifting her lifeforce with her attached plane to draw more power (which in turn is deadly for her). However, those who are truly gifted will see a large amount of potential within her. With her ability to tap in to the Dreamzone as well as being in the City, close to the Leyline Nexus her power is not yet fully tapped. An ideal possibility is that she is able to fully travel to the Dreamzone and mess with people's dreams, possibly molding them to her will. Some mages will find this a dangerous possibility while others don't believe she will do such a thing. Your character may also see her often visiting the Magic Lantern Bookstore.

If you try to approach Mere saying you are an 'Arch Mage' she will instantly think you are Robert Caliburn. If you are not (which obviously you are not) she will just think you are crazy and go along with it in an attempt not to cause a scene.

Bounty Hunters
Depending on your alignment with your bounty hunter is how you will see Mere. More than likely mages that feel she is a bit dangerous will have a bounty out on her. However, since she is not seen as a threat to everyone there may be a counter contract out to protect her [behind the scenes] from those who do wish her harm. There may just be a watch order out on her to ensure she does not take a turn for the worse and cause issues.

Organizations that will have a Bounty on Mere
DEMON - This is an Organization that attempted to gain Mere's trust but failed. The ideal of being able to go to the Dreamzone and work with human dreams has endless possibilities to them. Due to this they have a 'Capture' Bounty out on Mere.

UNTIL - Members of UNTIL will not know much of her but that she is trying to work with the organization in attempt to get a work permit to live in America as long as she wants.
PRIMUS - Members of PRIMUS will know her from the Research Division where she has been temporarily placed to help extend her green card until she can find a position with UNTIL. Not being a US Citizen will cause her to either become a Contract if she does not get a position with in UNTIL or removed from the Country.
UNITY- Heroes working with UNITY will know Mere as a pacifist mage who will do her best to avoid danger. She has refused working with the group (ICly) and will only truly step in and help to move people out of danger leaving the real heroing up to them.

More than likely would not know of her unless you are doing the hero gig. If so, please read the UNITY Hook.

Normal Human Citizens
Many will see her just sitting around the parks of Millennium city enjoying a good book. Some even see her heading to the movies alone. She never seems to have anyone with her. She will often be seen moving from meat market to meat market in an attempt to find certain meats. Being from France I am sure you have an idea of what she may be looking for.

Demons, Angels, Other Beings
Demons- Demons see Mere as skittish. She will try her best to avoid them due to her interaction with many through the Dreamzone (read below for more info).
Angels - Angels will also notice Mere keeps her distance from them. She believes they do not belong on the plane as they interfere with humans and their beliefs.
Demi-Gods - Mere will treat them with respect but will request they keep their distance from her. Once more it is another ideal that she believes humans should not have their beliefs messed with.
Aliens- Mere finds aliens interesting and may often snap pictures of them for record.

Meet Mere

Mere is a French Citizen who has come to Millennium City to study the Leyline Nexus. She was sent by her family with the idea that if she were to learn more about the Nexus she would understand magic a bit more. In truth, her family sent her so her powers could grow. They see her as weak and wish for her to become stronger as well as a well known Mage throughout the world in attempt to get their family name on the globe.

Mere's Power
Mere has attached herself to the Dreamzone and often shifts her life energy with the energy in the zone to cast her spells.

The dreamzone is where all dreaming happens. When you go to sleep a pocket with your dream opens up and you live it out there. It's filled with dream pockets. The Dragon silently watches this realm from its prison. The dream zone though a realm of imagination is classified as part of lower astral. Inside it you'd see a lot of silvery wombs filled with either people in fetal position or dreams playing out in them. When a person sleeps and dreams, their dreamzone self inside the womb will open its eyes and a dream will begin in it. To get into the dream zone an astral traveler needs to find a dreaming mortal and track the link to their dream, it requires a little bit of a skill to navigate the link but it's quite doable with a little practice. Once inside a dream you can cross over to other dreams with overlaps in theme. Force a mortal to wake suddenly and you are dumped into the sea of dream wombs. The dream womb protects a mortals soul from all harm. An astral project has no dream womb, they've been birthed into the astral. Such beings must protect their souls within their body when sleeping, or wander the dreams of mortals. Their spirits are actually open to attack. The power comes with cost. When perceiving or traveling the astral it's possible to spot demons and such whispering into mortals ears and attempting to influence them.

How Mere's Power Works

For Mere to be able to cast a spell she is able to do one of two things. She is able to pull the free flowing energy from around her in to a single point and take it for herself or she can attach herself with an anchor to the Dreamzone. More than not, she attaches herself to the dreamzone. Being attached to said zone allows her to cast her illusions. These illusions are light see-through purple hues of any creatures that have ever appeared in anyone's dream. This is where people fear she could cause trouble. She is able to find past dreams (nightmares) of people and bring them to life is she so wishes. However, to give the full effect and ensure they look real she must force more of her life force in to the Dreamzone to draw out more for herself. This in turn can cause her to look ill, feel sick, pass out, or possibility kill herself in the process. Mere is not the type to do such because she knows what would happen and thus has yet to perform such magic on anyone. She has however attached herself to bring to life small illusions for the children at Mercy Hospital as a way to bring joy to their day.