Cara Winters (born Cara Stapleton) was born to Johnathan and Lily Stapleton in Millenium City, Michigan. When Cara was 5 months old a fire had started in her home, the blaze had destroyed the apartment building. Shifting through the wreckage one of responding firefighters, a man by the name of Shaun Winters was sure he wouldn't find any survivors of the family that once inhabited the home. Eventually the man came upon a room in one of the singed apartments, and quickly began hearing the sounds of a baby from the other side of the blocked door. After carefully breaking down the door of the small nursery the man came upon a baby girl. After alerting the other firefighters the girl was taken from the room to be checked out at a hospital. While looking around the room the man was bewildered, while the rest of the apartment building had been destroyed by the inferno, the nursery had been virtually untouched and could not figure out how the young infant survived. After discovering that the baby girl was not injured he so discovered that the fire had made her an orphan. After years of trying with no success Shaun and his wife Lorna had had no luck in conceiving a child. After a quick conversation the couple decided to adopt the young girl and raise her has their own.
Cara had a pretty normal childhood, scraped knees, pigtails, and mud pies were common place.