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'''Resurrection Adaptation''': Claec's primary power is the ability to automatically resurrect from the dead adapting to the danger that killed him. He will also go into a berserker rage to protect himself.
'''Resurrection Adaptation''': Claec's primary power is the ability to automatically resurrect from the dead adapting to the danger that killed him. He will also go into a berserker rage to protect himself.
he glows a flaming black aura when using this power.
he glows a flaming black aura when using this power.
'''Healing Factor''': Has a healing factor, completely recovering from any injuries, all damages (internal, external and spiritual ) that he gained when he died or had prior to death heal without a scar or a trace, even incineration, disintegration and deletion. Henry's powers can't be absorbed or removed.
'''Healing Factor''': Has a healing factor, completely recovering from any injuries, all damages (internal, external and spiritual ) that he gained when he died or had prior to death heal without a scar or a trace, even incineration, disintegration and deletion. Henry's powers can't be absorbed or removed.

Revision as of 18:49, 23 April 2016

Player: Infernoheart
[[File:|center|250 px]]
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Claec Fulbright
Henry Dread
Novenber 1th,
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
601 lbs(272 kg)(Variable)
Body Type
Very Muscular
Black with Gold & Purple Streaks(Variable)
Metallic Gold(Variable)
· Distinguishing Features ·
No visible irises or pupils, eyes constantly glow, metallic purple markings all over his face and body, black claws at the tips of his fingers, pointed ears
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Resurrection Adaptation,Immortality,Healing Factor, Power Mimicry,Retractable Claws,Sorcery
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·





Claec is an Omega Level Mutant.

Resurrection Adaptation: Claec's primary power is the ability to automatically resurrect from the dead adapting to the danger that killed him. He will also go into a berserker rage to protect himself. he glows a flaming black aura when using this power.

Healing Factor: Has a healing factor, completely recovering from any injuries, all damages (internal, external and spiritual ) that he gained when he died or had prior to death heal without a scar or a trace, even incineration, disintegration and deletion. Henry's powers can't be absorbed or removed.

Immortality: Claec does not age his aging process having halted in his prime nor does he need air, food or drink to survive. Also he can not feel guilt, fear or boredom but is able to feel all the other emotions just fine.

Evolving Natural Body: Possesses a continuously evolving body that becomes more perfect after every resurrection.

Superhuman Conditioning:

Perfect Health: Deadheart possesses physical, mental, social, spiritual, emotional, and sexual health superior to any human to have ever lived. He has endless vitality, libido, and will to live. Every part in and of his body, external and internal, is at perfect health, and is devoid of any disorders, diseases, disabilities, etc

Superhuman Strength: Has superhuman strength of unknown limits

Superhuman Durability:

Superhuman Speed: He can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Stamina: His enhanced musculature is far more efficient than that of a human. As a result his muscles produce no fatigue toxins, granting him great physical stamina in all activities.

Superhuman Senses: Fulbright has superhuman senses of smell, taste, touch, balance, and hearing.

Superhuman Agility: His agility, balance, flexibility, dexterity and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Reflexes: Fulbright's natural reaction time and reflexes are enhanced to a level beyond the human body's natural limits.

Superhuman Equilibrium: Possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He seems able to adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow. Claec Superhuman Intelligence. Claec's evolving mind has made him extremely intelligent allowing him to gain a massive amount of knowledge and skills in his long life. Including science, magic, music, martial arts, engineering and more.

Perfect Memory: Claec has an eidetic memory in the most literal sense. meaning he has a perfect memory as well as total recall with an unlimited amount of memory storage. He will not forget a single moment of his life.

Retractable Claws: Possesses a single, retractable claw at the tip of each finger. The claws have a razor sharp edge and are capable of cutting materials.

Power Mimicry:: He is able to psychically duplicate the powers, knowledge, talents and skills from the dead in an unknown radius. His absorption power is automatic. his body permanently retains the powers he absorbs. The powers Claec has demonstrated so far include:

Size Manipulation: Possesses the ability to alter the size of himself

Energy Blasts: Claec has the ability to fire energy blasts, beams, bolts and waves of various forms of energy




Teleportation: Is able to open portals to teleport him and others over unknown distances and to different planes of existence and dimensions at will. The full extent to this ability is unknown.

Flight: Claec is capable of propelling himself through the air at unknown speeds

Other Powers

Sorcery:First trained by his mother at a young age. Claec has gained vast knowledge of various forms of magic. He mostly uses it to change his appearance.

Chi Manipulation:

Skills And Abilities

Even without his duplicating powers Claec's mutant intelligence have made him a polymath, literally "a person of great and varied learning." He can learn an incredible amount at amazing speed, picking up any skills, languages, information, fighting techniques, etc. in no time at all.

Master Knowledge of Sorcery: Claec has gained vast knowledge of various forms of magic.

Master Alchemist:

Master Martial Artist:

Weapons Master:

Master Artist:

Master Archer:

Master Artist And Painter:

Master Marksman:

Master Musician:

Vocal Control: Claec is able to control his vocal cords which allows him mimic any voice he hears or imagines both male & female.

Professional Singer:

Expert Businessman:

Master Chef:

Master Acrobat:


Master Surgeon:

Indomitable Will:



Claec can only duplicate the powers of the dead.

Claec can only up to 2 powers at a time without any difficulty.

Resurrection causes him to go into a berserker rage making him a danger to everyone around him.
