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Kyle was a spoiled guy who had super powered parents and he didn't have any. Kyle tried super jumping of the top of his home and he fell to his DOOM. Not really his dad saved him. He thought he had super strength and punched the wall in his basement with a lot of force, he broke his hand. Lucky for him is mom hadron powers of a healer. Kyle got in a fight at school and used the martial arts he saw in a movie which totally worked, but he got suspended for giving the kid a shiner,mans when he got home his dad took the belt and..OK WRITTER WE GET THE POINT, SKIP TO MY ADULT LIFE! Um ok, so he turned 18 and straight up moved out because he didn't have to have a curfew, no superpowers which made him jealous of his parents, and he was rich and bought his self a penthouse. PREATY SICK HUH Guy? I guess, so anyway, he worked at binary labs.
Kyle was a spoiled guy who had super powered parents and he didn't have any. Kyle tried super jumping of the top of his home and he fell to his DOOM. Not really his dad saved him. He thought he had super strength and punched the wall in his basement with a lot of force, he broke his hand. Lucky for him is mom hadron powers of a healer. Kyle got in a fight at school and used the martial arts he saw in a movie which totally worked, but he got suspended for giving the kid a shiner,mans when he got home his dad took the belt and..OK WRITTER WE GET THE POINT, SKIP TO MY ADULT LIFE! Um ok, so he turned 18 and straight up moved out because he didn't have to have a curfew, no superpowers which made him jealous of his parents, and he was rich and bought his self a penthouse. PREATY SICK HUH Guy? I guess, so anyway, he worked at Binary Corp, and he meet his girl friend there. Her name is Julia Hupfer. SHE AND I ARE TOTS THR BEST COUPLE EVER! Uh huh. Anyway they were lab partners that worked together and you know they both liked each other, and they talked of about things of topic so much. Two years and one month later Kyle decided to propose to her. *SNIFF*THIS PART GETS ME EVERY TIME AND IT WAS THE BEST CHOICE IVE EVER MADE! They had a daughter who was sent with her Mom since they were moving back to Miami and Kyle stayed. I SEE HER EVERY FRIDAY THO, MY JET GETs ME THERE IN 1 HOUR TOPS! One night I. The lab, Kyle was working with different chemicals. One day he mixed the wrong comments together and they ended up blowing up which sent a wave of kinetic energy sending all these transverse looking waves through him. The impact of the explosions was too strong and pushed him. He ended up breaking the leaving a human sized whole. One day he woke up feeling extremely energetic fixing his bed, brushing his teeth, eating breakfast, and going to work without his car, he noticed he did all that in 4.5 seconds. Shouting loudly, he was happy he earned powers.

Latest revision as of 22:47, 8 October 2014


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Golden Streak
"The shiniest of em all!"
Player: @Novarockz
[[File:|center|250 px]]
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Kyle Reily
Come on people you know what to name speedsters.
MI, Detroit
Super Hero, Inventor, chemist, and a husband.
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Body Type
Dark Brown
Blue when normal(yellow glow while suits is in action)
· Distinguishing Features ·
Chest hair, Fit, but not extremely muscular
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Superhuman speed which reaches Mach 5, energy absorption, and wind control.
· Equipment ·
Bullet proof vest able to take high rubber and caliber bullets.
· Other Abilities ·


Kyle was a spoiled guy who had super powered parents and he didn't have any. Kyle tried super jumping of the top of his home and he fell to his DOOM. Not really his dad saved him. He thought he had super strength and punched the wall in his basement with a lot of force, he broke his hand. Lucky for him is mom hadron powers of a healer. Kyle got in a fight at school and used the martial arts he saw in a movie which totally worked, but he got suspended for giving the kid a shiner,mans when he got home his dad took the belt and..OK WRITTER WE GET THE POINT, SKIP TO MY ADULT LIFE! Um ok, so he turned 18 and straight up moved out because he didn't have to have a curfew, no superpowers which made him jealous of his parents, and he was rich and bought his self a penthouse. PREATY SICK HUH Guy? I guess, so anyway, he worked at Binary Corp, and he meet his girl friend there. Her name is Julia Hupfer. SHE AND I ARE TOTS THR BEST COUPLE EVER! Uh huh. Anyway they were lab partners that worked together and you know they both liked each other, and they talked of about things of topic so much. Two years and one month later Kyle decided to propose to her. *SNIFF*THIS PART GETS ME EVERY TIME AND IT WAS THE BEST CHOICE IVE EVER MADE! They had a daughter who was sent with her Mom since they were moving back to Miami and Kyle stayed. I SEE HER EVERY FRIDAY THO, MY JET GETs ME THERE IN 1 HOUR TOPS! One night I. The lab, Kyle was working with different chemicals. One day he mixed the wrong comments together and they ended up blowing up which sent a wave of kinetic energy sending all these transverse looking waves through him. The impact of the explosions was too strong and pushed him. He ended up breaking the leaving a human sized whole. One day he woke up feeling extremely energetic fixing his bed, brushing his teeth, eating breakfast, and going to work without his car, he noticed he did all that in 4.5 seconds. Shouting loudly, he was happy he earned powers.


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Killer SpiderThe BlurrCaptain Paragon(John Martain)
Shrink BrawlerRed FalconArachnoScorch
Places and Things:
Infinity Universe