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[[Category:Character]] [[Category:Male]][[Category:Teenager]] [[Category:Human]] [[Category:Hero]][[Category:Lucky]]
[[Category:Character]] [[Category:Male]][[Category:Teenager]] [[Category:Human]] [[Category:Hero]][[Category:Lucky]][[Category:Mystic Artifacts]]

Latest revision as of 15:19, 19 May 2014

Outcome Banner.png
Adam Han is the latest holder of the Hǎo Yùn Talisman, an ancient chinese relic that grants its bearer incredibly good fortune. After fending off Cobra Lords chasing the talisman, Adam resolved to use it's mystical abilities to combat the forces of evil.

Player: @hiphachet
Personal Data
Real Name: Adam Han
Aliases: Outcome
Birthdate: August 8th, 1994
Birthplace: Detroit, MI
Occupation: Student, Shopkeep
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives:
Biographical Data
Age: 19
Height: 6'0
Weight: 145 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Probability Manipulation
Ability to harness Chi energy

for a variety of effects

Throwing discs, smoke bombs, misc.


Teenage Adam Han was born and grew up in Westside, Millenium City. After school he'd often visit his grandfather at 'Fortune's Favorite', his antique shop in the middle of Westside. He started working there regularly after he graduated high school and his grandfather's health began to decline.

One night while he was closing up, a scruffy old man hurried into the store, slapped an octagonal talisman down onto the counter and left, just as fast as he entered. Adam ran out to return the item to him, but he was nowhere to be found. Shrugging off the incident, Adam inspected the object. A Chinese character he didn't recognize was carved into the face. He pocketed the talisman, intending to ask his grandfather about it the next day.

When he went to the shop the following morning, he found it ransacked. Cabinets were thrown to the floor and smashed to splinters, figurines lay strewn across the carpet in pieces. It was obvious the culprits were searching for something.

Danny rushed into the backroom only to find his grandfather on the floor, barely alive. He immediately left the room to call for an ambulance, but was met by a gang of Cobra Lords. They demanded the Talisman. When Adam refused, they rushed him. Adam fought out of pure instinct. He'd never even been in a fight before, but he found himself blocking strikes and dodging punches with ease. Nothing could hit him and before long, his attackers retreated. He ran to check on his grandfather again, only to find that he'd succumbed to his injuries and passed away.


Distraught in the wake of his grandfather's death, Adam blamed himself. At least until Oroku Muramasa showed up at his front door.

Muramasa, the haggard old man who'd pass the talisman off to Adam days prior, explained that he was the previous holder of the Talisman and how he had been similarly hunted by the Cobra Lords. Oroku offered to help and protect him, but Adam rebuffed his efforts, blaming him for bringing the whole mess upon him in the first place. But after he noticed strange men following him for a full week, Adam sought out Oroku at his underground dojo.

Over the next few weeks, Oroku taught and trained Adam in martial arts. He revealed that the Talisman is an ancient Chinese artifact that bestows mystical abilities upon its bearer, most prominently, good fortune.

Oroku trained Adam in a fighting style he himself created - The Way of the Burning Palm, which taught him to harness the mystical energy of the Talisman along with his inner chi. Eschewing mainstream martial arts styles, Adam adapted The Way of the Burning Palm into his own unique fighting style.


When wearing the Hao Yun Talisman, Adam possesses the ability to mentally initiate random telekinetic acts that affect probability in his favor by making incredibly improbable things to occur within his line of sight, thus causing him to have "good luck" and his opponents to have "bad luck." This "probability field" can be anything from an enemy's equipment failure to hitting just the right switch with a stray shot to shut down an overloading nuclear reactor. The effect is triggered when he is in a stressful situation (such as fighting or escaping), however, it is also largely participatory—in order for the luck to take effect, Adam himself must engage in an action whose chance he can affect. For example, if debris falling from the sky was about to hit him, he would still be harmed should he stand still. However, if he attempted to avoid it, he would move perfectly to avoid each and every piece about to hit him. The probability field also augments his reflexes; allowing him to catch, intercept, and deflect objects thrown at or past him.

Through meditation, Oroku taught Adam how to harness the mystic powers of the talisman, allowing him to summon and focus his chi (or natural energy) and enhance his natural abilities to extraordinary levels. He is also able to focus the chi energy inward to heal oneself or outward to heal others of minor injuries, however, the feat of summoning such power physically drains him.

Through rigorous and intense training, Adam has become an expert at hand-to-hand combat techniques and various forms of martial arts, capable of taking on several armed assailants and incapacitating them without being injured himself. He is a skilled acrobat and gymnast as well as a practitioner of Parkour and free-running, as the mystic powers of the Talisman often compensate for falls or trip-ups.

  • Costume: A gift from Oroku Murumasa, Adam's bodysuit is padded with flexible body-armor inlays that absorb powerful impacts and are insulated against electricity and mildly fire resistant.
  • Domino Mask: The mask itself is fixed in place with spirit gum and includes lenses that protect his eyes against light based attacks.
  • Grappling Line: Latched onto his belt, Adam carries a miniature grappling line, which enables him to swing from building to building. He also uses the cable from this device as a tightrope, wall scaling device, swing line, or as a weapon in combat.
  • Utility Belt: The pouches of his belt contain an assortment of different devices, often changing to suit his needs.
    • Grenades: Adam's web grenades are used to entangle and snare his enemies. They expel a strong, tenuous substance that solidifies on contact with air. After a couple of minutes, the substance breaks down, loses strength and eventually dissipates. His smoke pellets are often used to quickly provide cover for stealthly exits and entries. Knock-out gas pellets are used as well for non-lethally incapacitating opponents.
    • Throwing Discs: Razor sharp throwing disks
    • Misc: Other devices include PlastiCuffs, mini-binoculars, lockpicks, and mini-flashlights and tracking devices.