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|SuperGroup= Sub Naribus
|SuperGroup= Sub Naribus
|Rank= Partner  
|Rank= Partner  
|OtherAffil= PRIMUS - UNITY - UNTIL  
|OtherAffil= PRIMUS - UNTIL - The Silver Guard
<!-- Identity Module. -->
<!-- Identity Module. -->
|RealName= Scott Granger
|RealName= Scott Granger
|Birthdate= Nov 2nd
|Birthdate= Feb 17
|Aliases= Scotty, Scooter, Equinox
|Birthplace= Panama City Beach Florida
|Birthplace= Panama City Beach Florida
|Citizenship= American
|Citizenship= American
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|Legal= No Criminal Record
|Legal= No Criminal Record
|Marital= Not Married
|Marital= Not Married
|Relatives= XXXX(Father), XXX (Mother), XXX (Sister) XXX (Sister)
|Relatives= Daniel Granger(Father), Deborah Granger (Mother), Shannon Granger (Sister) Danielle Granger (Sister)
<!-- Physical Traits Module. -->
<!-- Physical Traits Module. -->
|Ethnicity= Caucasian
|Ethnicity= Caucasian
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='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Appearance[[File:StrobeAppTitle.png|250px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
[[ File:Equiappearancepic.png|220px|left| <font color=#00000>Jeremy and Strobe.</font>| thumbnail]]
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Appearance[[File:EquiAppearance.png|420px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
Jeremy is five foot eleven inches and a very fit, athletic looking 185 lbs. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin and perfect teeth. Jeremy is a man conscious of appearance and goes to the trouble to keep himself well groomed and clean shaven.  
[[ File:EquiApperancepic.png|320px|left| <font color=#00000>Scott Granger aka Equinox.</font>| thumbnail]]
Scott is five foot eight inches and a very fit and trim athletic looking 165 lbs. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, and golden complexion. Scott doesn't spend a lot of time on his appearance, but he is clean and well groomed where it counts.
In civilian roles, he's usually found in jeans and a nice polo shirt. He favors unpatterned shirts in red, blue, or green. He has a favorite black leather jacket, and if the circumstances allow, he might have his guitar with him. Hats are a rarity.
Given the choice, Scott prefers to dress in simple jeans and either t-shirts or polo shirts, but Millennium City is often too cool for him and he layers up with a sweater and / or a jacket. Most often though, Scott does not have a choice and is instead found in the St. Thomas school uniform of khaki pants, white shirt and blue blazer. 
As Strobe he has a number of different outfits to wear as his mood and the occasion dictate. A few outfits are in the Silver Guard's colors of Blue and Silver, but most of the costumes and armor he's worn through the years have been in his own signature red and white. Additionally he has a black and red uniform.
Early in his heroing career Scott donned black sweatpants and a black t-shirt with a star emblem on it as his crime fighting costume.  Selena quickly designed a more proper costume (and one that she was not horrified by) and, working with Sol Saevio, was able to provide Scott with his current black, white, and golden Equinox costume. His Equinox costume makes Scott feel like a hero and he tends to stand taller, with shoulders square and an air of confidence about him.  When in civilian clothes, Scott appears friendly and approachable.
Strobe's personal symbol is an eight pointed star.
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Personality[[File:EquiPersonality.png|400px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
Scott Granger is a friendly, but uncompromising sort.  He has a strong sense of right and wrong, responsibility, and the value of being kind.  He likes people, and it's his goal in life to be a kind, thoughtful and compassionate person.  He wants people to like him and tries hard to be likable, but this does not outweigh his sense of proper behavior.
Scott finds his sense of self worth through others, judging himself by what he believes his friends and loved ones think of him. A result of this is a great deal of introspection and taking rejection very hard.
He has a need to be a part of something, to belong and believes heavily in the concept of team with tendencies to be overly concerned with the behavior and actions of teammates.  Divisions within his closest friends between him or each other cause him stress to the point that he might be considered uptight and controlling.
Scott is a Christian, a member of the United Methodist Church and this has shaped his set of morals and uncompromising values.  He believes in the inclusive love of Jesus, that all are sinners, and leading by example rather than condemnation is the right path.  He has little tolerance for what he considers "mean" behavior.
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Origin[[File:EquiOrigin.png|250px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Origin[[File:StrobeOriginTitle.png|150px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
[[File:PCB.png|200px|left| <font color=#00000>Panama City Beach.</font>| thumbnail]]
Scott Granger has spent all of his early years growing up in Panama City Beach Florida.  His father, Daniel Edward Granger, is a retired Air Force pharmacist who continued his career as a civilian, finding a job as a pharmacists at the local AllMart, near to his final assignment.  Scott's mother,Deborah Susan Brown Granger, is a Dental Hygienist. He grew up with two older sisters, Shannon Elizabeth, and Danielle Meghan.  His childhood pet, a parrot named named Polly, died when he was 12.
[[File:Maine map black.png|300px|left| <font color=#00000>Port Clyde.</font>| thumbnail]]
Jeremy grew up the son of lighthouse attendants in the small community of Port Clyde Maine, and continued living at home upon graduation from high-school. The unvoiced assumption was that Jeremy would take on the work of maintaining the lighthouse after his father retired. Plans have changed since then.
Just before the beginning of Scott's 2013 summer break from school his then girlfriend, Rebecca, ended their relationship. This had a profound effect on the young man who had imagined his future with the girl and he quickly spiraled down into a depression.  He withdrew from his normal activities and friends and spent most of his time alone. In an effort to help him before turning to medical solutions, they enrolled Scott in a summer "Student Ambassadors" program that was headed for Mexico.
In August of 2009 the 23 year-old Jeremy was heading up to the beacon light for it's daily cleaning. It was on the way up the spiraling staircase that he found the odd necklace. It was lying upon a small windowsill, nestled in the curving wall. A pendant shaped somewhat like a wedge with its point replaced by a concave curve hung from a metal chain. The pendant itself was made from a stone like material that Jeremy did not recognize. Flawlessly embedded into it's surface was a stylized starburst made from a ruby-like material.
Their first outing after orientation in Mexico City was to the nearby ruins of the pre-columbian Mesoamerican city, Teotihuacan.  The children were given time to look around and explore for themselves, and Scott took the opportunity to wander off on his own to see what he could find.
A compulsion came over the young man to try on the jewelry, and as soon as he slipped it around his neck, the entire stairwell flashed with a bright red light, nearly toppling him from his height.
It wasn't long before he found himself at the dead end terminus of an ancient alleyway. The impeding wall was less that 20 feet tall and had plenty of handholds.  Wanting to see the view from up there he began to climb.
When he was able to regain his equilibrium he noticed a "voice" inside his head, telling him that he needed to travel to Millennium City as soon as possibleJeremy was afraid he was going crazy when three days later he was still hearing the voice.  Not wanting to alarm his family, he decided to travel to Millennium City and find out for himself if there was something behind this.
He was nearly to the top when he heard the voice telling him he shouldn't be up there and that he was going to fall.  He looked down to see Selena Moyan as she started to climb up after himSelena was a fellow Student Ambassador and easily the most striking student on the trip.  Not only was she a fit and attractive girl his own age, but she was also an albino.  Distracted, Scott promptly fell, tumbling into the girl and causing them both to plummet to the ground.
Waiting there at the bus stop was an elderly man dressed in a nice suit. He met Jeremy as he stepped off the bus and introduced himself as Viran.
Neither is certain what happened.  Scott recalls flailing about trying to find a handhold to arrest the fall and figures he must have pulled some lever or pushed some secret switch on the way down, but as they reached what should have been a bone jarring end to their tumble, then found themselves rolling in a tangle of limbs down a ramp under the earth.  A grating rumble and the ensuing darkness told the pair they were now sealed in under the ancient city.
Once their eyes adjusted to the dim illumination provided by a small, angled shaft high on the wall, the two students were able to make out the chamber that they were in.  It was large room, obviously manmade with stone walls covered by dust, dirt and a few growing things. Carvings of strange and unrecognizable symbols, along with beings that were perhaps gods or figures of authority were etched into the stone.
They searched for what seemed to them like hours for a way out.  Shouts went unanswered, the ramp they'd come down was too steep and blocked anyhow, they were trapped.  As afternoon turned to dusk the light from the shaft shifted and the two were able to discern two stone doors flush with the wall where there had been none before. Only when both were pressed simultaneously would they give way, to reveal another room behind them.  beyond this room was a corridor and the way out.
The two teenagers followed the dark, slimy passages back to the surface and were soon located by the search parties.  The police had been called in by this time and there was a mix of relief and anger at the day's events.
Scott and Selena were being led to an ambulance to be checked out when Scott collapsed to the ground, clutched his chest and then exploded in a flash of blinding light that started a small and short lived brush fire.  When the smoke cleared, a groaning Scott lay curled up in tattered and smouldering clothes.  The paramedics soon had him lifted onto a stretcher and getting oxygen. 
As Scott was being attending to, Selena sat nearby being interviewed by a police officer.  How long had she known him?  Had he exhibited powers before?  Where had they gone off to?  It was then that the dizziness overcame her and she clutched the officer's arm.  The world was swirling and.. things, dark shadowy shapes... were starting to appear.  
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">The Shon-Khar[[File:StrobeShonKhar.png|300px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
Scott sat up in terror as he say Selena and the officer turn translucent. He jumped off of the stretcher and grabbed at Selena's hand, almost expecting to pass right through it, but the hand was solid and his grasp was strongA soothing coolness washed over him in a wave and he saw Selena and the startled Police Officer solidify before his eyes.
[[Viran]] led Jeremy across the water to a small detached home in the nearby city of Windsor Canada where he met five young people about his own ageKelly, Troy, Michelle, Sarah, and Kevin had all had similar experiences and had arrived in response to Viran's summoning.
The older man then assembled them all in the living room and began to explain to them about the Shon-Khar and why they were here.
That's when they called UNTIL.
Shon-Khar translates roughly as Six Foundations, or principles. It refers to the school of thought that divides the underpinnings of reality into six primal forces. While this division is a human construct, and the dividing lines between one Foundation and the next are somewhat arbitrary, it does help the human mind come to grips with the very nature of our shared reality.
[[File:CoSK.png|300px|left| <font color=#00000>Champions of the Shon-Khar.</font>| thumbnail]]
[[File:View from Pyramide de la luna.jpg|600px|center|]]
Mages of the Shon-Khar share the philosophical belief in these forces and more-over, have the aural capacity to manipulate them. It is not enough to learn the tenets of the philosophy, or to understand the workings of magic. A person is either born with this capacity or she is not.
The Six Foundations are:
'''Lyahvi''' - Lyahvi is the power of air, of the insubstantial, the invisible, the ethereal, and the illusory. Lyahvi mages manipulate reflection, refraction, confusion, light and sound. Their effects are swift and ambiguous. The essence of Lyahvi is bright, sterile, unliving. It's symbolic color is Red
'''Peleahn''' - This foundation concerns itself with speed, heat, and fire. It's symbolic color is Orange
'''Jmorvi''' - Jmorvi holds sway over artifice and is represented by metal. It's symbolic color is Yellow/Gold
'''Fyvria''' - Fyvria is earth, but it is more than that. It is life, animals, plants, things organic. Fyvira's color is Green
'''Odivshe''' - Odivshe is darkess, cold, slowness, and water. It's color is Blue.
'''Savorya''' - is knowledge, thought, spirit, the ethereal. It's color is Purple. <br><br>
Several ages ago, the Wizard Genin created a great artifact, a disc no more than a hand's span in width, divided into six equal segments with a seventh segment as the "hub" of the wheel. Each was imbued with the essence of one of the six Foundations while the hub held the focused power of all six combined. Genin then separated each segment from the whole to create seven unique amulets. What Genin's reasons for doing this were, or what became of the amulets after their creation is unknown.
Thirty years ago, the Wizard Viran showed up in the United Kingdom with the grey hub of the Shon Kar Wheel around his neck. He spoke of the coming of Klyss the Necromancer and the need to locate and utilize the full disc in order to combat this threat. In August of 2009, Viran succeeded in his quest to complete the wheel.
Viran cast a seeking spell, an enchantment designed to locate those of the appropriate nature and suitability to wield the powers of the Foundations and work together in the coming fight against Klyss. Each amulet selected an individual, bestowed upon them a portion of it's power, and brought them together in Millennium City.
With his newly formed Champions of the Shon-Khar training together and learning how to use their powers, Viran began evaluating the character of each member.  It was his estimation that while Jeremy had an inspiringly heroic spirit, he lacked the desired level of responsibility.  Coupled with the knowledge that his group of six could be used to expand his own influence, the wizard set about the creation of a new superhero group.
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">The Silver Guard[[File:StrobeTheSilverGuard.png|350px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Powers[[File:EquiPowers.png|250px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
[[File:SilverGuard.png|400px|right|<font color=#00000>Some of the Silver Guard.</font>|]]
Strings were pulled, suggestions whispered in the right ears, projects suddenly funded.  Through various background maneuverings, Viran assisted in the creation of the Silver Guard and placed Jeremy into it as one of it's founding officers. His efforts were rewarded as Jeremy found himself with more and more responsibility, eventually taking on a leadership role.  Today, nearly four years later, Strobe is the leader of the group and the only one of the original founding members to be considered active.
The Silver Guard is a collection of people that believe that they can, through the use of their own extraordinary abilities, protect society from the many threats that it would not otherwise be able to handle. To do this they work within society, partnering with UNTIL, PRIMUS, and other like minded organizations and individuals.  Their motto reflects this purpose and mindset.
Equinox's superhuman abilities are based upon the mystical powers of the sun.
Protection, Respect, Unity, and Trust.
* <font color="gold">Flight</font>  Equinox can fly at high speeds with a good degree of Manuverability <br>
* <font color="gold">Illumination</font> Can generate light sufficient to illuminate an area around him.  <br>
* <font color="gold">Blinding Aura</font> Can intensify his illumination to the point of blinding those with normal sight. <br>
* <font color="gold">Blinding Beam</font> Can focus a beam of light intense enough to blind <br>
* <font color="gold">Laser Beam</font> Can generate laser beams from his eyes and hands that create enough heat to damage and/or ignite <br>
* <font color="gold">Spotlight</font> Can generate and direct a beam or cone of illuminating light <br>
* <font color="gold">Solar Punch</font> can transfer heat and kinetic energy via physical contact <br>
* <font color="gold">Light Immunity</font> Does not sunburn, can look at bright light without pain or needing sunglasses<br>
* <font color="gold">Enhanced vision</font> can see in near darkness, can see into the infrared and ultraviolet ranges<br>
* <font color="gold">Solar BLast</font> can shoot heat and kinetic energy blasts from his hands<br>
* <font color="gold">Hard Light:</font>  Can form a "hard light" shield that is capable of deflecting some incoming threats <br><br>
The need to protect society is the reason the Silver Guard exists.  To do so, the Guard must earn and keep society's trustMankind is right to be wary of the immensely powerful individuals walking and flying through their midst, and Jeremy preaches that the Guard must always strive to offset this tendency if it is to do it's job. To earn that trust the Silver Guard must respect the society that it serves, obey their laws, and remain themselves respectableThey must be unified and consistent in this effort.
Equinox's powers wax and wane depending on his exposure to sunlightHis presence in sunlight charges up the mystic power within him, and both time and his use of that power depletes it's potency. At some point during most nights, his power levels drop to near zero and he is unable to generate any metaphysical effects.   
Recently the Silver Guard has formed two new wings, the Silver Crew, and the Silver Corps. The Crew are a small group of metahumans trained and dedicated to disaster response with heroes such as Hardhat, Riverbend, and Powerline.  The Corps are a Search and Rescue team. Included in their ranks are Eco and Dakota Rayne.
Curiously, this seems to be unrelated to his ability to control his power or to help Selena control hers.  Even with little to no exposure to the sun, he is able to stabilize Selena's lunar power with physical contact.  Likewise.. even when kept out of the sun, deprived of contact with Selena's will cause him to lose control and "explode".  The degree of this burst is dependent on his power level at the time and even if there is no visible effect, Scott is still aware of his release and the discomforting weakness it leaves in it's wake.
For Jeremy, officership in and then leadership of the Silver Guard has profoundly changed him. Gone are the days of living for the moment and focusing on fun.  Today he takes his responsibilities seriously. lives and reputations depend on it.
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">St Thomas[[File:EquiSTThomas.png|350 px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Personality[[File:StrobePersonality.png|250px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
[[File:Liath_ComingSoon_150150.png|center| <font color=#00000></font>]]
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Facilities & Equipment[[File:EquiFac&Equip.png|600px||left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
Jeremy started off his heroing career as a carefree, fun loving everybody's friend sort of guy.  Circumstances led to responsibilities, and responsibilities to a much more serious attitude.  Today Jeremy tries to live up to the role model image that he believes he owes society.  He knows he represents himself, the Champions of the Shon-Khar, the Silver Guard, and metahumans in general. As a result, Jeremy's personality has taken on a more professional and considered aspect. In short, he's grown up.
==<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #000000">'''St. Thomas Basement Lounge'''</div>==
Jeremy had dreams of becoming a professional singer/songwriter/guitarist before his transformation into Strobe.  His love of music hasn't subsided and he still pursues it as a hobby as he is able.  His other recreational passtime is ice hockey.
[[File:Liath_ComingSoon_150150.png|center| <font color=#00000></font>]]
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Powers[[File:StrobePowers.png|200 px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
==<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #000000">'''Globe Com'''</div>==
[[File:Strobeflight.png|900px|center| <font color=#00000></font>]]
Strobe's superhuman abilities are based upon the Lyhavi foundational force, meaning, his powers are centered on air, light, and sound.
* '''Flight''' - Subsonic flight in mid to low atmosphere is nearly effortless for StrobeSupersonic flight is possible but does tire him out. His longest supersonic trip to date has been 3400 milesStratospheric flight has been proven possible, but difficult for him. 
Scott's friend (and Selena's roommate), is a member of the Super Group "Young Sentinels"She arranged through them to supply Equinox with a comm device linked to the GLOBE networkThis gives Scott the ability to contact a wide variety of powerful people should he need to.  He uses the device infrequently.
* '''Laser Beams''' - Strobe is able to project high energy concentrated light beams from his eyes and hands.
* '''Sonic Blasts''' - A cone of sonic energy can be directed and sustained, pummeling his target with vibrational waves.
* '''Wind Gusts''' - Strobe can create anything from a gentle breeze to a small tornado able to lift hundreds of poundsIt's an excellent non lethal attack for him.
* '''Illusion''' - Visual and audible illusions can be created and controlled by Strobe. He's even able to render himself invisible using this ability, but it all requires serious concentration.  A luxury he can not often afford.
When push comes to shove, Strobe combines concentrated air, light, and sound into a powerful ranged blast.
==<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #000000">'''Equinox Suit'''</div>==
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Facilities & Equipment[[File:StrobeFac&Equip.png|450px||left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
[[File:Liath_ComingSoon_150150.png|center| <font color=#00000></font>]]
==<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #000000">'''The Chantry'''</div>==
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Friends[[File:EquiFriends.png|250px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
There are simply too many friends and allies made to list them all here.  Below are a highlighted few.
==<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #000000">'''The SilverTower'''</div>==
=='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Solstice[[File:SolsticeTitle.png|250 px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''==
'''"Some quote about the friend."'''
The SilverTower is the public headquarters of the SilverGuard and is situated in Millenium City's city center.
A description 
=='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Force Maestro[[File:ForceMaestro-Title.png|400 px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''==
'''"Some quote about the friend."'''
A description
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=='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Eliza Lovelace[[File:ElizaTitle.png|400 px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''==
'''"Some quote about the friend."'''
A description
==<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #000000">'''The SilverJet'''</div>==
As leader of the SilverGuard, Strobe has access to the team's supersonic transport jet.  Jason Ingram, the team's professional pilot lives at the SilverTower and is a moment's notice away should the jet be needed.
The jet seats 14 and has cargo room and a holding cell aboard.
=='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Scarab[[File:Scarab-Title.png|400 px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''==
'''"Some quote about the friend."'''
A description
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==<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #000000">'''Silver Guard space suit'''</div>==
Strobe abilities are severely limited in the vacuum of space.  With the aid of his Silver Guard space suit, he is able to function if only at a reduced capacity. 
The suit is hardened for combat and has an ingenious mechanism for converting expended CO2 back into oxygen. The estimated supply of air works out to about three years.  It does not have a food supply however.
==<div style="color:#ffffff; background-color: #000000">'''Combat Armor'''</div>==
Sol Saevio
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Friends[[File:StrobeFriends.png|150px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
Min Bao You
There are simply too many friends and allies made throughout his years as a hero to list them all here.  Below are a highlighted few.
=='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Blaze[[File:BlazeText.png|150 px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''==
'''"A Firecracker in every sense of the word."'''
Blaze is one of Strobe's five teammates in the Champions of the Shon-Khar.  She's like family to him. She has been teammate, housemate, and romantic insterest. Today she's simply one of his closest friends.  Strobe's time in the Silver Guard has led him to assume a leadership role in the Shon-Khar as well.  Blaze is the teamate quickest to remind him that she is not his subordinate. 
She's also reminds him how to have fun.  He sometimes envies the fiery speedster as she's still able to seize the day and fully embrace the enjoyment of the moment.  More than one night has Kelly O'Duff dragged a protesting Jeremy out on the town, only to prove it's just what he needed.  He values her more than she knows. 
Chad Booker
Katrina Monteverde
=='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Forge[[File:ForgeTitle.png|180 px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''==
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Comments[[File:EquiComments.png|300px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
'''"An inspiration on how to not sweat the small stuff."'''
Forge, a teammate in the Champions of the Shon-Khar, is Strobe's buddy.  There's not a guy that's easier to hang with, nor as relaxing when Jeremy needs to unwind from a stressful day.  Forge is steady, calm, and perhaps even a bit lazy.  When the a job truly needs to be done though, he's there, dependable, and strong. 
Forge isn't much good for advice or answers to questions, but he's invaluable as a companion to kick back with and forget about life for awhile.  So long as you don't mind the football and beer.
Strobe's combat armor was a gift from Forge.
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #000000">Comments[[File:StrobeComments.png|200px|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
Got something to say about him?
Got something to say about him?
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[[Category:Character]][[Category:Male]][[Category:Hero]][[Category:American]][[Category:Superhuman Senses]][[Category:Wind]][[Category:Force]][[Category:The Silver Guard]]
[[Category:Character]][[Category:Male]][[Category:Hero]][[Category:American]][[Category:Superhuman Senses]][[Category:Solarkinesis]][[Category:Light]][[Category:Flight]]
[[File:Solstice and equinox.jpg|900px|center]]

Latest revision as of 21:43, 31 May 2014


Badge Leader.png
The Amazing
Member of Sub Naribus
Equinox by EWG.jpg
"A Light Unto the World"
Player: @amontillado
Super Group
Sub Naribus
· Other Affiliations ·
PRIMUS - UNTIL - The Silver Guard
Real Name
Scott Granger
Scotty, Scooter, Equinox
Feb 17
Panama City Beach Florida
Millennium City
St. Thomas Catholic School's basement
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
Not Married
· Known Relatives ·
Daniel Granger(Father), Deborah Granger (Mother), Shannon Granger (Sister) Danielle Granger (Sister)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Flight, Illumination, Blinding Aura, Blinding Beam, Laser Beam, Spotlight, Solar Punch, Light Immunity, Enhanced Vision, Solar Blast, Hard Light.
· Equipment ·
Globe Com, Sol Saivo Suit.
· Other Abilities ·
Rock Climbing, Surfing, Motorcross.

"Cursed" by an ancient magic, Scott has been granted the powers of the sun.


Scott Granger aka Equinox.

Scott is five foot eight inches and a very fit and trim athletic looking 165 lbs. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, and golden complexion. Scott doesn't spend a lot of time on his appearance, but he is clean and well groomed where it counts.

Given the choice, Scott prefers to dress in simple jeans and either t-shirts or polo shirts, but Millennium City is often too cool for him and he layers up with a sweater and / or a jacket. Most often though, Scott does not have a choice and is instead found in the St. Thomas school uniform of khaki pants, white shirt and blue blazer.

Early in his heroing career Scott donned black sweatpants and a black t-shirt with a star emblem on it as his crime fighting costume. Selena quickly designed a more proper costume (and one that she was not horrified by) and, working with Sol Saevio, was able to provide Scott with his current black, white, and golden Equinox costume. His Equinox costume makes Scott feel like a hero and he tends to stand taller, with shoulders square and an air of confidence about him. When in civilian clothes, Scott appears friendly and approachable.


Scott Granger is a friendly, but uncompromising sort. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, responsibility, and the value of being kind. He likes people, and it's his goal in life to be a kind, thoughtful and compassionate person. He wants people to like him and tries hard to be likable, but this does not outweigh his sense of proper behavior.

Scott finds his sense of self worth through others, judging himself by what he believes his friends and loved ones think of him. A result of this is a great deal of introspection and taking rejection very hard.

He has a need to be a part of something, to belong and believes heavily in the concept of team with tendencies to be overly concerned with the behavior and actions of teammates. Divisions within his closest friends between him or each other cause him stress to the point that he might be considered uptight and controlling.

Scott is a Christian, a member of the United Methodist Church and this has shaped his set of morals and uncompromising values. He believes in the inclusive love of Jesus, that all are sinners, and leading by example rather than condemnation is the right path. He has little tolerance for what he considers "mean" behavior.


Panama City Beach.

Scott Granger has spent all of his early years growing up in Panama City Beach Florida. His father, Daniel Edward Granger, is a retired Air Force pharmacist who continued his career as a civilian, finding a job as a pharmacists at the local AllMart, near to his final assignment. Scott's mother,Deborah Susan Brown Granger, is a Dental Hygienist. He grew up with two older sisters, Shannon Elizabeth, and Danielle Meghan. His childhood pet, a parrot named named Polly, died when he was 12.

Just before the beginning of Scott's 2013 summer break from school his then girlfriend, Rebecca, ended their relationship. This had a profound effect on the young man who had imagined his future with the girl and he quickly spiraled down into a depression. He withdrew from his normal activities and friends and spent most of his time alone. In an effort to help him before turning to medical solutions, they enrolled Scott in a summer "Student Ambassadors" program that was headed for Mexico.

Their first outing after orientation in Mexico City was to the nearby ruins of the pre-columbian Mesoamerican city, Teotihuacan. The children were given time to look around and explore for themselves, and Scott took the opportunity to wander off on his own to see what he could find.

It wasn't long before he found himself at the dead end terminus of an ancient alleyway. The impeding wall was less that 20 feet tall and had plenty of handholds. Wanting to see the view from up there he began to climb.

He was nearly to the top when he heard the voice telling him he shouldn't be up there and that he was going to fall. He looked down to see Selena Moyan as she started to climb up after him. Selena was a fellow Student Ambassador and easily the most striking student on the trip. Not only was she a fit and attractive girl his own age, but she was also an albino. Distracted, Scott promptly fell, tumbling into the girl and causing them both to plummet to the ground.

Neither is certain what happened. Scott recalls flailing about trying to find a handhold to arrest the fall and figures he must have pulled some lever or pushed some secret switch on the way down, but as they reached what should have been a bone jarring end to their tumble, then found themselves rolling in a tangle of limbs down a ramp under the earth. A grating rumble and the ensuing darkness told the pair they were now sealed in under the ancient city.

Once their eyes adjusted to the dim illumination provided by a small, angled shaft high on the wall, the two students were able to make out the chamber that they were in. It was large room, obviously manmade with stone walls covered by dust, dirt and a few growing things. Carvings of strange and unrecognizable symbols, along with beings that were perhaps gods or figures of authority were etched into the stone.

They searched for what seemed to them like hours for a way out. Shouts went unanswered, the ramp they'd come down was too steep and blocked anyhow, they were trapped. As afternoon turned to dusk the light from the shaft shifted and the two were able to discern two stone doors flush with the wall where there had been none before. Only when both were pressed simultaneously would they give way, to reveal another room behind them. beyond this room was a corridor and the way out.

The two teenagers followed the dark, slimy passages back to the surface and were soon located by the search parties. The police had been called in by this time and there was a mix of relief and anger at the day's events.

Scott and Selena were being led to an ambulance to be checked out when Scott collapsed to the ground, clutched his chest and then exploded in a flash of blinding light that started a small and short lived brush fire. When the smoke cleared, a groaning Scott lay curled up in tattered and smouldering clothes. The paramedics soon had him lifted onto a stretcher and getting oxygen.

As Scott was being attending to, Selena sat nearby being interviewed by a police officer. How long had she known him? Had he exhibited powers before? Where had they gone off to? It was then that the dizziness overcame her and she clutched the officer's arm. The world was swirling and.. things, dark shadowy shapes... were starting to appear.

Scott sat up in terror as he say Selena and the officer turn translucent. He jumped off of the stretcher and grabbed at Selena's hand, almost expecting to pass right through it, but the hand was solid and his grasp was strong. A soothing coolness washed over him in a wave and he saw Selena and the startled Police Officer solidify before his eyes.

That's when they called UNTIL.

View from Pyramide de la luna.jpg



Equinox's superhuman abilities are based upon the mystical powers of the sun.

  • Flight Equinox can fly at high speeds with a good degree of Manuverability
  • Illumination Can generate light sufficient to illuminate an area around him.
  • Blinding Aura Can intensify his illumination to the point of blinding those with normal sight.
  • Blinding Beam Can focus a beam of light intense enough to blind
  • Laser Beam Can generate laser beams from his eyes and hands that create enough heat to damage and/or ignite
  • Spotlight Can generate and direct a beam or cone of illuminating light
  • Solar Punch can transfer heat and kinetic energy via physical contact
  • Light Immunity Does not sunburn, can look at bright light without pain or needing sunglasses
  • Enhanced vision can see in near darkness, can see into the infrared and ultraviolet ranges
  • Solar BLast can shoot heat and kinetic energy blasts from his hands
  • Hard Light: Can form a "hard light" shield that is capable of deflecting some incoming threats

Equinox's powers wax and wane depending on his exposure to sunlight. His presence in sunlight charges up the mystic power within him, and both time and his use of that power depletes it's potency. At some point during most nights, his power levels drop to near zero and he is unable to generate any metaphysical effects.

Curiously, this seems to be unrelated to his ability to control his power or to help Selena control hers. Even with little to no exposure to the sun, he is able to stabilize Selena's lunar power with physical contact. Likewise.. even when kept out of the sun, deprived of contact with Selena's will cause him to lose control and "explode". The degree of this burst is dependent on his power level at the time and even if there is no visible effect, Scott is still aware of his release and the discomforting weakness it leaves in it's wake.

St Thomas

Facilities & Equipment

St. Thomas Basement Lounge

Globe Com

Scott's friend (and Selena's roommate), is a member of the Super Group "Young Sentinels". She arranged through them to supply Equinox with a comm device linked to the GLOBE network. This gives Scott the ability to contact a wide variety of powerful people should he need to. He uses the device infrequently.

Equinox Suit


There are simply too many friends and allies made to list them all here. Below are a highlighted few.



"Some quote about the friend."

A description

Force Maestro


"Some quote about the friend."

A description

Eliza Lovelace


"Some quote about the friend."

A description



"Some quote about the friend."

A description



Sol Saevio

Min Bao You





Chad Booker

Katrina Monteverde





Got something to say about him?

XXX: "Whatevah!."

XXX: "NEver met him."

Solstice and equinox.jpg