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[[File:The Legend of Seth.png|Left|600px]]
<div style="font-size:20px">Awakenings</div>
'''The storm raged across the desert, and for the first time there were eyes to witness it.
He looked out at the electric filled sky and the parched land below.
All was sand; it had been so long since water had touched this place that all was dead.
Only the presence was there to witness the chaos that raged in the sky above.
It knew it was daytime though no light graced the ground below.
Only the lightning made the desert visible.
The gaze turned down to look at the desert, and sudden purpose filled it.
It’s first word spread out across the waste with a finality of decision that could not be disobeyed, and with a sound of sudden thunder water fell at last on the desert once more.
It smiled and took a first step forward into the world.'''
=<div style="font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">THE LEGEND OF SETH</div>=
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<div style="padding:6px; border: 4px Solid #990000; color:#FFFFFF; border-radius: 20px; border-radius:5px; background-color: #000000">
| artist = Eliot Rausch
| track = Borrowing the Past
| tracklink = http://vimeo.com/37652738
| artistcolor = #FFFFFF
| trackcolor = #FFFFFF
| bordercolor = #000000
| borderwidth = 2
| backcolor =#000000
Set /sɛt/ or Seth (/sɛθ/) is a god of the desert, storms, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion. In later myths he is also the god of darkness and chaos. In Ancient Greek, the god's name is given as Sēth (Σήθ).The meaning of the name Seth is unknown, though it may first have been pronounced Sutah based on his name in the first language, [[File:Seth Name.png]].
The myths speak of a being that defended all from the tyranny of Apep. The importance of it so great that it became a nightly occurrence to the people who followed him. The story of Seth's defense of Amun-Ra's Barque is one few know today yet is a defining feature of who he was. Too many focus on the battle between Horus and Seth, forgetting that the Council of the Gods, led by Amun-Ra would have chosen Seth as the ruler of Egypt if not for Ma'at. Few realise the reasons why he sought leadership and the demonising of his name during Greek Occupation of Egypt was catastrophic.
Seth was worshipped in the metropolitan city of Sepermeru and it was there he made his first home among the humans. To this day the remains of a temple still stand at this site called 'The House of Seth' and the walls of the temple and the scrolls found their speak of his daughter, though little else remains to show where this daughter came from as no similar record is present in the House of Nepthys who was supposedly his wife at the time.
For me there has always been time. The ebb and flow from tick to tock before such things ever had a name. For how do you describe time?
Do you describe it from the elements and the life of such inorganic things? From how long it takes from atoms forged in stars so long ago to die? For they do. How can you measure them in half-life without giving them the honour of a death? Semantics of language perhaps, or I simply don’t understand you. It’s been thousands of years yet still those of your kind confuse me. Perhaps you always will.
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #444444; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Demonisation</div>==
Should we then use you, in all your frailty? For with all of your strength and vibrancy it too will pass. A measure of time from the beat of life within your chest, the songs upon your tongue. Every life the tolling bell of passing years, decades… centuries. Yet even that is not enough and I can see how the thought that your very existence is but a passing second of my own makes you balk. Makes the divide between us that bit worse again.
With the end of the Egyptian civilization, at the hand of the Greeks, Seth's true standing was demonised and his protective role forgotten. A revenge attack perhaps by a nation still reeling from the final act of protection Seth and Amun-Ra enacted for their people. It remains a closely guarded secret to this day, but no-one who has questioned the great being about it has ever received anything more than cryptic answers in return. Whatever it was though, it was enough for the Greeks to turn him into the evil character to many think of him as today.  
Yet what other choices do I have? Seconds pass into a blurring hum of ridiculous number by ridiculous number, the years and centuries following suit just with differing levels of insanity. How to explain to you how the passage of years is marked by the ever flickering shift of sun over sky. A blink of time measured not in lives but in civilisations because with every rise a fall follows so quickly. Their vibrancy brings them life and like all things brought life they die.  
If the Greeks had sought to rile him up into action of any kind they were mistaken. Indeed any record of Seth in the country vanished almost as soon as the Greek's stepped foot in the capital. He has returned but rarely to the place once called Kehmet, the wounds perhaps to painful to examine once more. For what is two thousand years to such an old being?  
So how to measure time?  
Tell me what would you choose? The death of the dust of atoms into the coming cold waste of the universe? The death of you? The death of your civilisation? The only measure of time is in the repeated loss of what is into what was. It is unconscionable and I am tired of its passage. The future is still a hopeful place to travel to. Yet now the line is drawn. You, your people, your civilisations; you are the heartbeat of humanity on a world that has long been my home.
You have become the measure of my time.
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #444444; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">The Long Journey</div>==
I will not see its end.
Since the fall of Kehmet there have been whispers and rumours about a man with blood, red hair and crimson eyes from many countries around the world. All speaking of a man set apart from the rest, a distant watcher. Yet also of someone who acted to defend the unfortunate, stepping up to defend the weakest, only to vanish at the end of the troubles. Sometimes accompanied by a woman, at other times alone, there was never any record for more than a year before he moved on again.
Seen as far afield as India and the Americas; an inscription in a Mayan Temple talks of a red eyed demon that came out of a storm and destroyed the priests sacrificing a beaten army to their god. The people talking in fear of the being who had walked away with over a hundred suddenly freed captives as the temple collapsed into ruins.
Another legend speaks of a man who visited the great swordsmith Masamune in Japan, staying for month after month until finally the great man relented and taught the traveller the Soshu tradition of making swords. This was the longest appearance of 'Seth' since the myths of Kehmet, for he stayed for nearly twenty years with the Priest. Indeed, some records from the time write that Seth stayed until Masamune died. "''The traveller having become the shadow of the Smith, always in his presence; The two quite inseparable,''" as a leading writer of the time described in his diaries.
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #444444; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Reemergence</div>==
[[File:Golden Lane.jpg|frame|Right|Golden Lane]]
Perhaps only seth could reemerge with the aplomb and 'style' as he. Returning into public view as a Lord under the reign of Francis II, Kahi returning once more to his side. Living in what was once the Hradčany, the Castle District, they were surrounded by the height of culture and intrigue. Slipping seamlessly into society and into the hidden world's of the little people. They were always where the stories were.
Kahi was a frequent visitor to a street in the Hradčany called Golden street. This was one of the highlights of the city at the time, filled with curios and tales of other places. In other words, the perfect place to visit. Here,she met the Philosopher Uhle; considered an eccentric by many, that spent his entire income on books about magic and alchemy. For a few years there was nothing untoward about their stay in the city. Unfortunately, this was not to remain the case.
On the day that Lord Seth and Lady Kahi vanished from the city there was a large detonation under Uhle's house in Golden Street. When the house was finally made safe, and the fire put out, they found Uhle's body still intact and clutching a large nugget of what later proved to be gold. The locals still say to this day that he had to have been successful in his search for the Philospher's stone. Modern day alchemists disagree though, anyone who would have succeeded should have survived the process. Visitors to Seth's Mansion in Alau however may see a figure resembling Uhle's description wandering the halls, but it may just be a passing resemblance. Indeed, whenever any difficult situation or catastrophe happens around Seth or Kahi they often refer to "''The Prague Incident''". They are never forth coming on the actual details though.
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #444444; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">The Modern Day</div>==
[[File:Millenium City Centre.jpg|frame|Right|Millenium City RenCen]]
Seth's most recent appearance is in Millenium City however, drawn as he was to that city after the Battle of Detroit. He has been a resident on and off for many years now, a regular at many of the city's attractions and outlets. His continued need to defend those that most need it has led him to the attention of many different organisations. In this technological age with it's power-savy people many are beginning to question who this man really is. For the moment he finds this entertaining, though it is unlikely it would remain so were someone to attempt to make life difficult for him.
Living in the Downtown area he is often seen about the city taking an interest in the life there; curious about all the different lifeforms than now pass through this nexus point. He feels there is much that he is grateful to the city for, including his ever growing family. Despite all the wandering he may have found somewhere to settle for a time. He does still wander the globe and further afield at times, yet he always returns to those he has met here.
After thousands of years it is this place which has driven him to become more active again, appearing more as who he is to the others. Gathering people together, and in some instances joining supergroups to experience the ambiance they bring. Now though he simply gathers those he is closest to into Black Sun, drawing a line against the true darkness that always threatens to take the home he holds most dear. The Earth on which he was born.
=<div style="font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">FAMILY</div>=
[[File:Seth's Complicated Family.png|frame|Centre|Seth's Adoptive Family Tree]]
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| artist = Rhian Sheehan
| track = The Upper Sky
| tracklink = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXGnbEf-QLA
| artistcolor = #FFFFFF
| trackcolor = #FFFFFF
| bordercolor = #000000
| borderwidth = 2
| backcolor =#000000
The Myths would have you believe that Seth is the son of the sky goddess Nut and the earth god Geb however this is not entirely true. Seth's true father is Amun-Ra the only other being like himself on Earth.
Created during the formation of the planet both have had a tumultuous and somewhat lonely existence as they watched the evolution of life and attempted to find the reasons for their 'creation'. Neither believe in the need of a higher deity to have led to their creation, but even after billions of years they still find themselves adrift of a true purpose. Indeed in the first years of his association with Amun-Ra Seth voices the opinion that their purpose was served when they were created; an opinion based solely on the yearning he had felt for there to be rain in his first moments. 
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<h3 style="font-family:Impact; color:#cc9933; font-weight:normal; font-size:180%;">The Sphinx</h3>
'''Name:''' Kahi<br>
'''Primus:''' [http://primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=Kahi <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Here''' </span>]
Brought to Seth as a mere infant she quickly became the most important part of Seth's life. Living in Seth's house in Sepermeru she grew up surrounded by the priests of Seth's order and in the knowledge that she was to be something more than the human she was. Seth though was reluctant to change her, despite having been the one to inform her of her possible abilities, for he had grown to love her as if she were his own. Kahi though was as cunning as he and eventually wrested the secret from him which was to change her world forever. Indeed it would leave her in this world forever, and it is unknown whether she has forgiven him, or herself, for that.
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<span style="letter-spacing:.3em; padding-right:5px; text-transform:uppercase;">'''''</span>
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<h3 style="font-family:Impact; color:#cc9933; font-weight:normal; font-size:180%;">The Saiyan</h3>
'''Name:''' Dominick<br>
'''Primus:''' [http://primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=Dominick <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Here'''</span>]
Now, several thousand years later Kahi and Seth still travel the world together to find others they could call a family on their now joint quest to escape the lonely monotony of eternity. In Dominick they have found a certainty in this. Dominick was one of the first people they ever met in Millenium City and his forthright innocence and determination led them into a new lease of life and it was rare indeed when they were not seen together. He proved himself to them time and again with his strength in battle, and they knew they could not be parted from him. Offered the chance to become Seth's Avatar he took it, and through that ritual he was linked to them both and gained an effectively immortal life.
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[[Image:Cache Pose 02.png|150px|right]]
<h3 style="font-family:Impact; color:#cc9933; font-weight:normal; font-size:180%;">The Soldier</h3>
'''Name:''' Cache<br>
'''Primus:''' Here
Seth's relationship with this individual is as tumultuous as it is passionate. An expected consequence perhaps considering how similar in so many ways they are. Seth seeing a reflection of his younger self in her in many ways. Despite being human she has shown a particular resilience in the many conflicts that gravitate to Seth. They have had many fall outs, yet they remain dear to each other. She has become one of Seth's dear daughters and Neferlea in so many ways.
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<span style="letter-spacing:.3em; padding-right:5px; text-transform:uppercase;">'''</span>
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<h3 style="font-family:Impact; color:#cc9933; font-weight:normal; font-size:180%;">The Demon</h3>
'''Name:''' Methari<br>
'''Primus:''' Here
This purple coloured demon was a slow introduction into Seth's life. His opinion always guarded after the history he has with demonic creatures. Yet the relationship with her only strengthened, and it seems the threads of their lives are set to stay together. The true change in Seth's opinion of her people shown with his acceptance of a piece of her heart and his care for her. She has become his daughter in ways that go beyond blood, ways he will not speak of to others. Matters of the soul should always be kept private.
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<span style="letter-spacing:.3em; padding-right:5px; text-transform:uppercase;">'''</span>
<div style="position:relative; margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:10px; float:left; padding:10px; height: 410px; width:290px; border:3px solid #404040; background:#000000; color:#ffffff; font-size:90%;-webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px;">
<h3 style="font-family:Impact; color:#cc9933; font-weight:normal; font-size:180%;">The Demi-God</h3>
'''Name:''' Lil'Allie<br>
'''Primus:''' Here
This purple coloured demon was a slow introduction into Seth's life. His opinion always guarded after the history he has with demonic creatures. Yet the relationship with her only strengthened, and it seems the threads of their lives are set to stay together. The true change in Seth's opinion of her people shown with his acceptance of a piece of her heart and his care for her. She has become his daughter in ways that go beyond blood, ways he will not speak of to others. Matters of the soul should always be kept private.
<div style="position:absolute; left:0px;bottom:0px; width:100%; background:#800000; text-align:right;">
<span style="letter-spacing:.3em; padding-right:5px; text-transform:uppercase;">'''</span>
=<div style="font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">FRIENDS</div>=
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<div style="position:relative; margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:10px; float:left; padding:10px; height: 410px; width:290px; border:3px solid #404040; background:#000000; color:#ffffff; font-size:90%;-webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px;">
<h3 style="font-family:Impact; color:#cc9933; font-weight:normal; font-size:180%;">The Fighter</h3>
'''Name:''' Mercy<br>
'''Primus:''' [http://primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=Mercy_Madison <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Here''' </span>]
Perhaps one of the most hot headed of people he knows Mercy has become someone close to him indeed. A surprise for many considering their many first meetings, when not knowing who or what he was Mercy attacked him repeatedly. It was through these battles they came to know one another and a somewhat forced friendship began. Mercy admits that Seth taught her how to find a place to find balance in her life, a lesson that was hard won for himself as well. He always admits to seeing so much of his younger self in the woman.
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<span style="letter-spacing:.3em; padding-right:5px; text-transform:uppercase;">'''''</span>
<div style="position:relative; margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:10px; float:left; padding:10px; height: 410px; width:290px; border:3px solid #404040; background:#000000; color:#ffffff; font-size:90%;-webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px;">
<h3 style="font-family:Impact; color:#cc9933; font-weight:normal; font-size:180%;">The Altered</h3>
'''Name:''' Slick<br>
'''Primus:''' [http://primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=Slick <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Here'''</span>]
It is possible that Seth considers him to be his closest friend in this time. Seth has never once regretted meeting this individual and finds his talks with this being to be calming and rather cathartic. There are few who are willing to accept Seth for all he is outside his family, and there are many times Seth has found himself sharing secrets. He hopes, dares to dream, that his friend  will prove to be immortal. 
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<span style="letter-spacing:.3em; padding-right:5px; text-transform:uppercase;">'''</span>
<div style="position:relative; margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:10px; float:left; padding:10px; height: 410px; width:290px; border:3px solid #404040; background:#000000; color:#ffffff; font-size:90%;-webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px;">
<h3 style="font-family:Impact; color:#cc9933; font-weight:normal; font-size:180%;">The Rebel</h3>
'''Name:''' Lynn<br>
'''Primus:''' Here
While tumultuous at best, and at other times simply argumentative, the relationship with Lynn and Seth has always been an odd one. Recently though they have come to a mutual understanding and ground has been covered. Important ground if recent developments within the family are to come to pass. Their mutual interests are sure to bolster up this growing friendship in the future.
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<span style="letter-spacing:.3em; padding-right:5px; text-transform:uppercase;">'''</span>
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<h3 style="font-family:Impact; color:#cc9933; font-weight:normal; font-size:180%;">The Assassin</h3>
'''Name:''' Miss. Frost<br>
'''Primus:''' Here
A new friend that has quickly become close to the group, Miss Frost has shown an accepting personality with perhaps just the right touch of dark past to mix her in with the odd group. Introduced through Methari the two have found they have much in common. Future adventures to Babylon are sure to cement this.
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<h3 style="font-family:Impact; color:#cc9933; font-weight:normal; font-size:180%;">The Shifter</h3>
'''Name:''' Blaq<br>
'''Primus:''' Here
An old friend of Seth's he is happy she has come back into their lives after a long absence. With so much in common many a long evening is spent simply talking and relaxing in each others company. Able to share many stories without fear of being judged. A once difficult thing to do. A kind hearted soul Seth is always warmed by her appearance and always finds her opinions to be wise.
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<span style="letter-spacing:.3em; padding-right:5px; text-transform:uppercase;">'''</span>
=<div style="font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">PROVEN POWERS AND ABILITIES</div>=
<div style="width: 500px;">
| artist = Two Steps from Hell
| track = All's Hell that ends Well
| tracklink = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLUj9lFPU6s
| artistcolor = #FFFFFF
| trackcolor = #FFFFFF
| bordercolor = #000000
| borderwidth = 2
| backcolor =#000000
Seth's most usual style of fighting is with a pair of dual swords. Handcrafted in his own workshop they are fashioned similarly to Katanas though the metal is not the usual folded steel. A special alloy that incorporates his own strange essence means the blades are wicked sharp and never in need of the dull task of polishing after their initial creation. A skill he has had time to hone over centuries it is one he is well versed in, and utilises with ease, mixing magic into his fighting abilities to put him on par with the super-humans and Mages that surround him. If perhaps a little more indestructible.
It is clear though that his powers far extend beyond the simple magic and swords that he uses on a daily basis. When called upon his powers have been known to change the very world around him. This usage seems controlled though and only used in dire circumstances, when pressed Seth will mention only vaguely a set of rules that seem to guide him. Perhaps this is the reason why he doesn't 'cheat' as often as he could.
=<div style="font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">WEAKNESSES</div>=
It is often discussed whether a being such as Seth could have weaknesses. Here people talk about powers, about strengths, abilities and the tools at his disposal, very rarely do they talk about the heart of Seth. For Seth's greatest weakness is his heart and his emotions. Despite how cold and aloof he may seem on first meeting he cares deeply for those close to him and for the plight of those he meets. In most situations this is a benefit, a sign of strength, but too easily it can be used against him. His heart is scarred from all the times it has led him into pain. As he has said many times his heart is more fragile from the burdens he has had to bear, not stronger.
Any being vicious enough to attempt to strike a blow to him would go for those he holds dear. Though they should be cautious, any attempt is likely to bring Seth's anger and few have seen such ferocity and lived.
='''''<div style="font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">MEMORABLE EVENTS</div>'''''=
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=== <div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #444444">Visiting Kahi</div>===
“Kahi,” Itennu says softly, then he sighs, voice becoming louder, “Kahi.”
“What?” she asks, looking towards him with a sigh.
“You are not paying attention.” He says sternly, trying to glare at the six year old before him and failing.
“But I’m bored It-en-nu!” she replies, banging her sandaled feet onto the steps where she sat with every kick of her legs emphasising her boredom.
“But everyone in temple needs to know how to read hieroglyphics,” he says attempting reason, “besides, you ask me every day what the wall texts say.”
“You never said it was so hard!” she replies attempting a whine even though her usual giggle is already showing through, “and I’m not learning to read them, I’m learning to read about dull things!”
“Are you saying the life of a scribe is boring?” he says, feigning shock.
“Yes!” she giggles, reaching to set her spinning top going again, “I want to read about stories with those horses on these walls.” She gestures round at the courtyard, the horses and the story indeed on show.
“Then my bored little pupil,” Itennu says with a smile, “let’s go read this story.”
“So,” Kahi says slowly looking up at the wall, “that’s what it meant.” She grins at Itennu, her smile bright and he feels his heart warm and not for the first time he is grateful he chased her that morning three years ago. “It’s a nice story.”
“We’ll have you reading the others on the rest of the temple soon.” He smiles back at her, “and writing them all, I promise you that you will soon grow sick of even this story.”
She shakes her head hurriedly, denying that she would ever get bored of such a thing. He laughs softly, reaching out to pat his charge on the head before a quiet chuckle draws both of their attentions to a shady patch under the fig tree in the centre of the courtyard.
“Seth, Seth, Seth, Seth, Seth, Seth, Seth!” Kahi cries, running the shot distance to collide with the gods legs, holding him tight.
“Hello to you too Kahi,” he smiles, crouching to draw her into a tight hug, his large hand almost completely covering her head.
“Did you bring a present?” she asks, pulling back to stare at him critically and Seth looks to Itennu questioningly.
“Everyone who visits a temple pays homage,” he explains, now comfortable in the presence of his Lord now they meet so often, “So, all visitors bring gifts.”
“I see,” Seth says slowly turning back to Kahi’s expectant face, “Well I could hardly be a rude guest now, in my own temple too.”
As she giggles happily he searches in his long robes, his Anubian like face overly thoughtful as if the task is a great one then he grins at Kahi and pulls a doll from his robes offering it to her. With a happy smile she takes it, surveying the doll critically before it passes some sort of test and she holds it close.
“Now then Kahi,” he smiles, rising to his feet and taking her by one hand to lead her down to sit by a small pool, “Tell me all you and Itennu have been up to.”
“Up to?” Itennu says indignantly, unable to hide his chuckle, “You make it sound like I’m teaching her bad habits my lord.”
“I would be very worried if you were not,” Seth comments turning to give Itennu a wicked smile, “Now, go and find something to do in the temple. She’ll be safe with me.”
=== <div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #444444">Creation</div>===
The forge was dark save for the glow of the fire and the glow of power in the smith’s eyes. His gaze was cool and concentrated on a heated length of metal protruding out of the fire. Time passed interminably as the tall figure simply watches the fire, occasionally turning the length this way or that way.
“This must be perfect.” He says at last, slowly withdrawing the alloy and heading towards the anvil. With deft fingers he picks up the hammer and begins, the sound of his blows reverberating outside the darkened forge.
The hours have passed into days and he has nearly finished his task, the length of metal now shaped, folded and honed into something quite different. Slightly curved, thin and already with a quite deadly appearance before even being sharpened. It is a sword and there is one final step left in its forging.
Quietly a servant enters, plainly and crisply dressed in white, placing two bowls of clear water and a towel down before him on a far table before bowing gracefully and backing out to continue their vigil on guard of their master outside. With care, and some ceremony he washes his hands in the clear water of one bowl and dries his hands looking at the glowing sword thoughtfully where it rests above the glowing fire keeping it molten.
In silence he picks up the sword and places it above the forge, allowing the smallest amount of power to touch the blade, making it hover above the metal beneath. Then, in the swiftest of motions he draws a knife from his belt and draws it across his other palm, blood immediately welling to the surface. Quickly he brings his hand over the blade he has forged so the first drop of blood lands accurately onto the hot metal sizzling as it touches it. He continues on allowing drop after drop to fall from his hand to the blade, the silver of the heated blade slowly taking on a reddish sheen. At last he nods as if satisfied and draws his hand back the wound quickly closing.
For a moment he surveys the blade again before turning for the other bowl of pure water and pouring the water over the heated metal. Smoke rises from the blade, the sound of water boiling and sizzling filling the small forge as the metal is set into place. With care he reaches for the cooling metal and leaves, the flames of the fire cooling to embers behind him.
In the quiet of a small courtyard of his villa, his personal servant as ever in attendance he kneels facing the rising sun and begins to sharpen the blade, honing it into one of the sharpest blades ever created. In slow careful motions he moves the sword over the whetstone, continuously keeping everything soaked with purified water from the nearby pond. Then with the greatest of care he attaches the polished wooden handle onto the blade. The only embellishment a snake arcing around the handle, carved out of the wood.
At last it was finished, it was complete.
For a moment more he sits, eyes looking towards the sun now high in the sky, smiling happily at his now finished creation. A unique blade, for a unique individual, and an idea dawns. With care he sends his power down the blade, etching the blade slowly with an inscription in hieroglyphics, a promise.
=== <div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #444444">Fighting as One</div>===
Nothing of such scale, grandeur or such complete devastation could be called anything but a violent storm of anger.
The army poured towards the small band making their way through the centre, their power terrible to behold, all falling before them. However the strain was beginning to show, their blades bloodied, sweat for once appearing on their brow and still their enemy came down upon them.
“There are too many!” One of the great fighters called, a gun rising suddenly to fire into the writhing, nightmarish shaped mass coming down upon them, “It was stupid to fight here.” She continued…
“We must keep the others safe,” another replies, his voice soft, filled with power, yet his own nervousness of what comes down upon them showing.
“Who else will protect them?” Another male voice adds, his voice gruff, filled with power unlike the others but with an echo of his master’s power shifting through it, aiding him.
A mighty shriek fills the air and the battle pauses as all turn to see another, greater creature storming through its own troops not caring who it turns aside, killing its own in its lust for the mighty prey before it.
These were the antithesis to the gods, every fear personified, every dashed hope, every scream in the night formed a creation. Just as every prayer and wish fed to the gods… Their numbers were growing year on year, just as the number of gods diminished; either to eternal slumber or whatever death awaits such a being.
Barely any of the old ones remained, but there in the darkness of this eternal night one family remained. One family fought on, silent protectors of the world they were born in, of the world they called home. Among them all, one fought with all the power of his ancient life, power fed to him by the family of his own he had forged in recent years.
“Set,” another female voice says, her voice slightly ragged though filled with power of her own as she flicks her swords one by one through the air, cleaning them of the black blood that adorns them, “There is no point in hiding now. He has found us anyway.”
He nods once, a sudden barrier descending around the group. They can no longer move from this position but in a few moments that will not matter. He stands in the middle of the defensive circle, his new family surrounding him protecting him as he finally releases his power, eyes closed as a peace settles on the battle, a pause in time as the true nature of his being is released. His skin darkens and swirls with reddish patterns, a chaotic shifting of power of his skin as a tornado of power suddenly surrounds their small group. The nearby terrors and nightmares squealing and shrieking as they attack the towering shield.
As if realising what is to occur their great enemy moves faster, making the ground shaking with every echoing footfall. A growl of displeasure cracking through the air as the creature bears down upon them, storm clouds arcing through the midnight starless sky, streaks of lightning arcing down through the paused battle. With one mighty fist it brings it down against the shield and it rings like a gong, the fight going still and all sound ceasing for that moment, as if the eye of a great storm settled around that party.
“Enough.” Set says softly, his voice crackling with power and the hissing of a thousand snakes, so filled with the noise it is like the static of the universe, and with that his eyes open. No longer quite seeing they shine with the light of a dying star, a supernova of power arcing out of them as his gaze turns towards the creature, his power flooding out from his being and into his family. For they are all connected, all part of the same force of energy now.
They are united.
The army of night cowers back from them as the power is reflected through their own eyes, the true nature of chaos revealed as the power is finally released. As one they step forward and the shield shatters outwards, rolling through the army and cutting down all in its way like glass.
“I’ll deal with this rude individual,” he hisses staring up at the great beast, his gaze almost locking in place.
“Oh good more for us,” the first voice replies, her small frame no sign of her true power as her guns and eyes once more take aim on the surrounding enemies.
“Always taking the better jobs for yourself Set?” another laughs, her blades glinting with every flash of silent lightning.
“You know him Kahi,” the other, wolf like being laughs back, “that one was ‘rude’ he’d have to deal with it personally.”
Their master’s laughter rumbles through the sky itself, the final thunder to the lightning and with no further word he jumps towards the beast, fire arcing over his body as he hurtles towards his target. Hands reaching futilely for him as he charges forward, landing like a shockwave on the frame of his enemy, the great opposite to any god.
“Heh,” Cache murmurs, firing off at one of the creatures, braver or stupider than its friends rushes them. It falls to the floor a neat wound going straight through its strange head. She turns to see another stood just behind her, arms raised to strike, unmoving its face a mask of pain a sword and a clawed hand protruding from its chest.
“You need to grow some eyes in the back of your head,” Reylan laughs, pulling his clawed hand free, fur matted with the dark ichor. All seem oblivious to the crashing thud of the great antigod falling to the ground behind them, a sword glinting as Seth moves.
“As if I couldn’t have dealt with that myself,” she scoffs, smiling thankfully though at her friends, her family, “Besides, unlike some people I don’t feel the need to change species constantly.” She laughs turning back to the battle.
“To be one shape constantly,” Kahi muses, her own flowing into one similar to joy, but not quite because of the battle they now have to fight and the chaos that flows through her, “Sounds quite dull.”
Then she jumps into the midst of the hoarde, her swords flashing and her own and her masters power making enemies drop around her like flies. An instant later the other two join her, causing their own little circles of dancing, scything chaos that has only one outcome.
Their victory. …
He takes a step forward on the strange body of the antigod his footfall sending another shockwave, another pulse of power through the grounded creature as Seth raises his sword. His other hand rises lightning quick a pouncing terror sent sprawling back quite dead onto the ground as a pulse of energy lashes out and rips its life from it.
“Things like you do not deserve to live.” Seth murmurs the same hissing shifting through every syllable as he grinds the creature’s strange face into the sudden sand that sweeps the battlefield.
“We are the true chaos,” the creature replies, its voice quiet and silken.
Seth pauses and looks around the battlefield before turning back towards the stricken creature his laughter then terrible.
“It’s good to dream I suppose.” He comments, almost shrugging before driving his sword through the things eye into its brain and into the earth below. As it strikes the earth cracks and there is the sickening sound of every bone in his defeated enemy’s body breaking and turning to dust.
“Pathetic thing.” Seth murmurs as he pulled his blood stained and gore covered sword free, flicking it clean and sheathing it before turning to survey his friends with a smile. With an almost fatherly smile the dark god watches on as they fight, and he knows they do not need his aid any more than he has given with his power. On his own he leaps from the corpse and turns to face the final crowd of terrors stood looking at him, finally feeling terror of their own. For a brief second power flares through Seth’s being, lighting him with crackling light and energy and they turn and flee, chased by black clouds and eddies of chaos, encouraging them off the battlefield away into the darkness.
Silently his friends, his family walk up beside him looking on at the running figures.
“Not going to kill them this time?” Kahi murmurs.
“If I did where would the legends come from?” he laughs, then his features become more serious as he shifts to look at them all, his power returning to its hidden, locked state. “Thank you… thank you. It is good to have you all here with me, it is good to not be alone.”
His smile is soft, and before any can reply he turns and walks on towards their destination cloak billowing about his tall form.
=<div style="font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">TROPES</div>=
=<div style="font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">TROPES</div>=
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==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Morality</div>==
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Morality</div>==
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChaoticGood <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Chaotic Good''' </span>] - Seth will always do the right thing his way.
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChaoticGood <span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> '''Chaotic Good''' </span>] - Seth will always do the right thing his way.
<br style="clear:both">
='''''<div style="font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">PUBLIC OPINIONS</div>'''''=
='''''<div style="font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">PUBLIC OPINIONS</div>'''''=
<div style="border: 0px solid rgb(4, 8, 7); height: 400px; overflow: auto;">
<div style="border: 0px solid rgb(4, 8, 7); height: 400px; overflow: auto;">
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Dominick</div>==
<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Dominick</div>
"Hmm… Where do I Start? He is one of the greatest friends of a figure to me. So strong and yet gentle in his nature. I cannot express how much this man means to me outside of just being under his service as Avatar. We hold the best bond, heh. He is one of the reasons why I stand today, healthy and stronger than ever before. He is literally the toughest I have ever fought to this day, and I'm very grateful he's on the good side otherwise we'd be in huge trouble, haha. But yeah, he's also a great teacher. In fact, I am glad I am part of his family, and will do whatever it takes to always make him proud. I am well honoured to call him a father."  
"Hmm… Where do I Start? He is one of the greatest friends of a figure to me. So strong and yet gentle in his nature. I cannot express how much this man means to me outside of just being under his service as Avatar. We hold the best bond, heh. He is one of the reasons why I stand today, healthy and stronger than ever before. He is literally the toughest I have ever fought to this day, and I'm very grateful he's on the good side otherwise we'd be in huge trouble, haha. But yeah, he's also a great teacher. In fact, I am glad I am part of his family, and will do whatever it takes to always make him proud. I am well honoured to call him a father."  
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Mercy</div>==
<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Mercy</div>
"Ha… the fox? -My- fox? He inspires me and my motives to make me the better person I wanna become.  He can be a little pain in the ass sometimes with his innocence, but that’s what I love about him. I learned not to fuck around with him when he's tight. Piss him off, and  your ass is grass. Lesson well-grounded. But other than that, he's like the pops I never had. When I'm around him, just his presence assures me that everythin'll be alright. If I hadn't bumped into him for the first time when I did I probably wouldn’t' a' been alive today to even comment about him. Strong motherfucker he is, I envy his strength and power. But its only the better reason for me to push my limits to be as tough as he is. He'll get it soon enough. Love him tho'."  
"Ha… the fox? -My- fox? He inspires me and my motives to make me the better person I wanna become.  He can be a little pain in the ass sometimes with his innocence, but that’s what I love about him. I learned not to fuck around with him when he's tight. Piss him off, and  your ass is grass. Lesson well-grounded. But other than that, he's like the pops I never had. When I'm around him, just his presence assures me that everythin'll be alright. If I hadn't bumped into him for the first time when I did I probably wouldn’t' a' been alive today to even comment about him. Strong motherfucker he is, I envy his strength and power. But its only the better reason for me to push my limits to be as tough as he is. He'll get it soon enough. Love him tho'."  
==<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Kahi</div>==
<div style="font-size:12px;color:#FFFFFF; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Kahi</div>
The familiar patter of rain hitting glass rings out as the golden woman stares out into the grey city-scape. Sitting across from you, her legs crossed casually her posture is however perfect.
The familiar patter of rain hitting glass rings out as the golden woman stares out into the grey city-scape. Sitting across from you, her legs crossed casually her posture is however perfect.
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=<div style="font-size:14px;color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; line-height:2.5em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">MISC</div>=
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[[Category:Character]] [[Category:Male]][[Category:Cosmic]][[Category:Immortal]]  [[Category:Anthropomorphic]]
[[Category:Character]] [[Category:Male]][[Category:Cosmic]][[Category:Immortal]]  [[Category:Anthropomorphic]]

Latest revision as of 22:05, 14 February 2016

Silver medal T.png
Lord of Sepermeru
Seth New Portrait.jpg
Growth in consciousness doesn't depend on the will of the intellect, or its possibilities, but on the intensity of the inner urge.
Player: Dragonrider4000
Black Sun Rising.png
Super Group
Black Sun Rising
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Set - Typhon - Sutekh - Setekh - Setesh
The First Rain
Millenium City, Alau
Eternal Tourist
Legal Status
Of Great Interest to UNTIL
Marital Status
He was once married
· Known Relatives ·
Amun-Ra - Kahi - Dominick - Methari - Cache - Allie
Physical Traits
Cosmic Intelligence
Apparent Age
12 Feet (366cm)
352 lbs (160Kg)
Body Type
Dark (Mostly)
· Distinguishing Features ·
For those sensitive his aura is dark indeed
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
His powers vary from witness to witness
· Equipment ·
Uses hand forged swords out of fondness for them
· Other Abilities ·
Swordsman Archer Conversationalist Chef


For me there has always been time. The ebb and flow from tick to tock before such things ever had a name. For how do you describe time?

Do you describe it from the elements and the life of such inorganic things? From how long it takes from atoms forged in stars so long ago to die? For they do. How can you measure them in half-life without giving them the honour of a death? Semantics of language perhaps, or I simply don’t understand you. It’s been thousands of years yet still those of your kind confuse me. Perhaps you always will.

Should we then use you, in all your frailty? For with all of your strength and vibrancy it too will pass. A measure of time from the beat of life within your chest, the songs upon your tongue. Every life the tolling bell of passing years, decades… centuries. Yet even that is not enough and I can see how the thought that your very existence is but a passing second of my own makes you balk. Makes the divide between us that bit worse again.

Yet what other choices do I have? Seconds pass into a blurring hum of ridiculous number by ridiculous number, the years and centuries following suit just with differing levels of insanity. How to explain to you how the passage of years is marked by the ever flickering shift of sun over sky. A blink of time measured not in lives but in civilisations because with every rise a fall follows so quickly. Their vibrancy brings them life and like all things brought life they die.

So how to measure time?

Tell me what would you choose? The death of the dust of atoms into the coming cold waste of the universe? The death of you? The death of your civilisation? The only measure of time is in the repeated loss of what is into what was. It is unconscionable and I am tired of its passage. The future is still a hopeful place to travel to. Yet now the line is drawn. You, your people, your civilisations; you are the heartbeat of humanity on a world that has long been my home. You have become the measure of my time.

I will not see its end.



TimeAbyss - Seth has been alive for billions of years.
Older Than they Look - Seth only looks in his mid thirties despite his age.
Complete Immortality - A given alongside Time Abyss.
The Sacred Darkness - Seth may have chaotic and dark powers but that does not make him evil.


A God I am Not - Whenever he is called a God he is the first to deny it, because he is not a god.
Sharp Dressed Man - Seth never dresses in any way other than his best.
Good Old Ways - Despite the passage of time he will always reminisce about Ancient Egypt and the people he once knew there.
The Omniscient - Simple age will do that to a guy. He's not so much Omniscient as very, very old.


Helping Would be Kill Stealing - At any time he could alter the events happening in his friends' lives, yet he does not.
Badass Grandpa - Acts the father figure to many characters, and works to increase their abilities. Mercy and Cache in particular.
Badass Baritone - Every time he speaks and is a peculiar take on this as he's chosen to be this deep in tone.


Weather Dissonance - Seth can cause this at times when he actually flexes his powers. A rare event.
Heroes Prefer Swords - Seth has all his power, yet chooses to fight with swords.
Don't make me Destroy you - Often Seth wishes to win a fight without the need to fight. Often works too...


Chaotic Good - Seth will always do the right thing his way.



"Hmm… Where do I Start? He is one of the greatest friends of a figure to me. So strong and yet gentle in his nature. I cannot express how much this man means to me outside of just being under his service as Avatar. We hold the best bond, heh. He is one of the reasons why I stand today, healthy and stronger than ever before. He is literally the toughest I have ever fought to this day, and I'm very grateful he's on the good side otherwise we'd be in huge trouble, haha. But yeah, he's also a great teacher. In fact, I am glad I am part of his family, and will do whatever it takes to always make him proud. I am well honoured to call him a father."


"Ha… the fox? -My- fox? He inspires me and my motives to make me the better person I wanna become. He can be a little pain in the ass sometimes with his innocence, but that’s what I love about him. I learned not to fuck around with him when he's tight. Piss him off, and your ass is grass. Lesson well-grounded. But other than that, he's like the pops I never had. When I'm around him, just his presence assures me that everythin'll be alright. If I hadn't bumped into him for the first time when I did I probably wouldn’t' a' been alive today to even comment about him. Strong motherfucker he is, I envy his strength and power. But its only the better reason for me to push my limits to be as tough as he is. He'll get it soon enough. Love him tho'."


The familiar patter of rain hitting glass rings out as the golden woman stares out into the grey city-scape. Sitting across from you, her legs crossed casually her posture is however perfect.

“I love the rain. Don’t you? Ah, but of course. You do not want to hear about that now.”

“So, what can I tell you about him? Much, everything perhaps; maybe nothing more than you know… I have known him for as long as I can remember and perhaps, I remember less than I should.”

“He is the complete selfless protection of those of his people caught in alien places. Wrath to those that mean his heart harm and protection to those that find themselves in its warmth.” She smiles, the love in her lining her soft expression.

“He is every meaning of safety and love I have ever known. My father…” She looks away now out into the city view, memory gripping her old heart.

“Set, my Seth. Typhon to those that may know him by other names, in truth he has many, all correct but none of them true.” She grins as she looks back at you.

“We’ve been to just so many places, met so many different people. Saved some and… Condemned others.” Even as her face twists slightly with bad memories she suddenly lights up again, bringing the entire tone of the conversation with her mood. She laughs a wonderful golden sound,“Ah, if you ever get the chance ask him about the ‘Prague Incident’.” She grins wickedly, “He’ll know what you’re talking about.”

“I don’t know what I would do without him. Often I fear I don’t show him I love him enough, don’t say it enough… Nefer ib.” She pauses, the final words a language long dead to the world but they have meaning to her.

Eventually she smiles, “Don’t let me prattle on, I am sure you have more questions; don’t you?”


This page is still undergoing changes, and the story is always changing. Because, in the end we are always changing.
