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[[File:Fortune Origins 2.png|450px|center|]]
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|Font=Segeo Print
|Level= 40
|Title= The Unstoppable
|Name=<font size="+3">Fortune</font>
|MainOrigin= Hero
|Player= @Dangerclose50
|Image=Fort 5.jpg
|Caption=You feelin' lucky punk? Are Ya'?
|Affiliations= N/A
|SuperGroup= Eternal's Inc.
|Rank= Member
|RealName= Vaana Ketlyn (Veronica Howler)
|Aliases= Fortune, Wildcat, Lady Luck, Vex.
|Birthdate= May 21st, 1891
|Birthplace= Jakovo, Serbia
|Features= Full Sleeve Tattoo's, Sharp Canines, Strikingly bright green eyes
|Residence= Millennium City
|Headquarters= Millennium City
|Occupation= Hero
|Legal= Ex Felon
|Marital= In a relationship
|Relatives= Melinka Ketlyn (Howler)- Sister, Alexander Howler - Father
<!-- Physical Traits Module.  Set Physical=Y to show. -->
|Species= Mutant
|Ethnicity= Caucasian
|Gender= Female
|Age= 122 Years old
|Height= 5'11
|Weight= 188lbs
|BodyType= Athletic and very well toned
|Hair= Naturally Blonde (Dyed often)
|Eyes= Bright Yellow/Green
|Skin= Light, Caucasian
|Features= Full Body Tattoo's
|KnownPowers= Accelerated Healing Factor, Retractable claws (Finger Nails), Enhanced hearing, tasting smelling and sight. Near Metallic Bones (Due to Constant Calcium Build up).
|Equipment= Dual (Custom) Skorpion's. Smoke Pellets, Combat Knife, Tech Gauntlet.
<!-- Affiliations Module.  Set Affiliations=Y to show. -->
<!-- Replace with Affiliations2=Y to place at bottom. -->
<!-- Affiliations Module. -->
|SuperGroup= Eternal's Inc.
|Rank= Senior Member
<!-- Modular Templates (usually sub-templates of PriceBox) -->
<div style="font-size:15px;color: #000000; background-color: #DEB887; line-height:1.8em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Origin</div>
Vaana was born in Jakovo Serbia to Marianne Ketlyn and one Alexander Howler. Her mother was an Italian practitioner of magic while her father was a Feral man with many mental deficiencies such as Schizophrenia and Bi-Polar Disorder. Both of her parents before and even after Vaana's birth were part of an abusive relationship. Due to Marianne's love for Alexander she could never bring herself to leave him up until he had begun Physically and sexually assaulting her. Such attacks were traumatic and over time even she couldn't stop herself from retaliating against him in her own self defense. Being she was skilled in the dark arts she cast a curse on Alexander that would forever make him immortal, forever force him to live with the madness that had already taken hold of his mind. The hex was successful but it seemed to also make the mans madness far worse then it was before. Despite her attempts at warding the man off; she was assaulted once again which resulted in Vaana later on
Vaana also had a sister by the name of Melinka who was seven years old at the time. Melinka was there to witness her mothers death just weeks after giving birth to Vaana. Marianne had taken her own life, hanging herself from the second floor balcony of their home. This caused Melinka much grief but her father would have showed no sympathy. Taking his two children, he brought them to the wilderness where he would teach them both to 'live' and 'survive' his way. Melinka would learn to take care of Vaana and eventually learn to protect and take care of herself. Looking after her sister until she was of age to begin learning herself.
Living in the Serbian Wilderness for years, Vaana learned many things from her father and her sister. Along side her 'Pack' she would often hunt and kill creatures and even humans to satisfy her growing blood-lust. Unfortunately for them Alexander was never completely satisfied and would often beat them both for little mistakes, trying to push them to be more and more like him. Ruthless and uncaring, Melinka eventually snapped and challenged her father only to keep him down long enough so that she and her sister could eventually escape. Leaving they're father behind the two would develop a partnership and swear to always protect each-other no matter what. Melinka called herself the 'Alpha' of their two girl pack and promised to always look over Vaana so long as she did what she was told and for years the two worked side by side. Using the training of their father and their teachers to eventually become Mercenaries and Assassin's.
| header = #FFFFFF
The two were present during histories many phases most notably World War II where Melinka and Vaana served as Partisan Snipers during the Battle of Stalingard in defense of the Russian Volga. They would soon after act as Soviet Spies, tasked with relaying information back to the Soviet Union from the country they had infiltrated, America. Though despite their contributions the cold war was lost and eventually the Union collapsed leaving them both without any real purpose. They then became hired guns who would kill, destroy and even protect for the right price. For a few years they served under their own banner before Vaana began getting cold feet; and when finally given the opportunity she simply left..to begin a new more peaceful life in her new home in the US.
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<div style="font-size:15px;color: #000000; background-color: #DEB887; line-height:1.8em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Mistakes</div>
| bg2 = #483C32
Vaana took residence in Millennium City's west-side where she lived in poverty despite having so much money from her years of work as a mercenary. Though things were different and times were tough she wanted to truly know what it felt like to live among normal people. She wanted what every other person wanted and that was the American Dream. Drive nice cars, meet beautiful women and party until the sun came up but her experiences with Poverty did nothing more then fill her with hate. She watched the Gangs and Mafia Families rob the innocent, watched as Police stood by and did nothing as the hard working people of the city were treated unfairly despite how much effort they put into correcting their lives. Vaana eventually grew fed up and decided that if the police weren't going to do anything about it then she was going to take matters into her own hands.
| bg3 = #DEB887
Digging up all her mercenary equipment she went out to begin hunting down these Mobsters, these gang members. Killing, murdering and eventually torturing them until she got what she wanted, the higher ups. Using her skills, her years of experience she had began hunting her way up the ladder, starting from pawn and eventually slaying the kings. Taking the money they had, she began distributing it among the people in need. People who needed food, water, clothes and shelter.
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She donated to these people but despite her good intention was apprehended and incarcerated; receiving the death sentence. Though spending two years in the can and surviving twelve attempts in the electric chair eventually it became clear that Vaana wasn't going to die, at least not easily. UNTIL made a deal with her, that saw her released and her services at their disposal for a time. Despite the mistakes she had made, the crimes she had committed UNTIL and PRIMUS found use for her both on and off the field. Where she would partake in numerous missions all over the globe as well as help train solders and new recruits. It was during this time that she met Stacy Surhoff the niece to the MCPD's Cheif Surhoff. At first Stacy saw Vaana as a rival before actually training alongside her, learning many of Vaana's techniques and even some of her personal experiences.
| cell1 = #483C32
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The two became best friends despite having parted ways they speak frequently and at times reunite to work together on certain missions. It was even thanks to her that Vaana had seen an early release from her obligations to UNTIL, being absolved of her crimes, a clean slate. 
| name = Fortune
| player = @Dangerclose50
<div style="font-size:15px;color: #000000; background-color: #DEB887; line-height:1.8em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Rise of a Hero</div>
| image = Fortune Comission.jpeg
After leaving UNTIL, Vaana used what money she had left over to buy herself a new home, this time in the heart of Millennium city in the downtown district. Despite having a nice home and all the money she had ever wanted, this was the point in Vaana's life where she had literally shut down and spiraled into a depression. Alone, confused and lost in a world completely different from the one she knew; there was but little purpose she could find. She often tried keeping herself busy by preforming odd jobs, even ones that didn't pay much like construction work before eventually becoming a personal trainer in Carl's Gym where she'd train clients and help get them into shape by working them out. At first it started with the basics, then weights and then finally she became a full fledged trainer; even helping teach clients boxing which would usher in her obsession with fitness
| caption = "Luck doesn't always mean surviving."
Despite having found what she considered to be a purpose, she still felt empty inside, alone. It was during her time in the gym that she once again reunited with Stacy Surhoff whom had then again become a client of Vaana's, doing her best to learn from the woman who had helped her make it into UNTIL.
| class_focus = Melee
| level = 40
The two rekindled their friendship and ultimately became best friends once again, though as feelings had begun to develop between the two; Vaana decided it was time to break off and quit her job at Carl's gym to instead pursue another career path. It was also during this in between where Vaana had met a kind woman named Angela Light whom she had gotten involved with. When Vaana found out she was a hero, she herself became a little frightened, knowing she herself had quite the negative background she waited until the ideal time to explain herself to Angela whom although disappointed was more than understanding and accepted Vaana anyway. Vaana had long since left her criminal life behind and vowed to never return to those ways again; deciding for a time to not get involved in anything really. She stood home, frequented clubs and bars while Angela was away, finding their relationship under a lot of strain due to the nature of Angela's work she decided to make even more of an effort.
| research = Arms
| realname = Vaana Katarina Ketlynovich
She dug up all her old gear, put it together, donned her old nickname bogatstvo (Fortune) before once again registering with UNTIL, only this time to become a hero herself and help fight the war Angela had already gotten herself involved in.
| alias = Fortune
| gender = Female
It was soon after, she joined the Eternals whom despite her background gave her a chance, one she won't ever forget.
| species = Mutant
| ethnicity = Southern Slavic
She truly is, Fortunate. 
| birthplace = Carpathian Mountains, Serbia
| operations = Detroit, Michigan
<div style="font-size:15px;color: #000000; background-color: #DEB887; line-height:1.8em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Powers</div>
| relatives = Melinka Ketlyn (Sister), Victor Ketlyn (Father), Mila Kovacs (Mother), Adrijana Ketlyn (Sister)
Fortune's powers are very unique. Her brain seems to function at an accelerated rate, making her body do things differently then the normal human body. When harmed, wounds seem to heal just mere seconds later due to her enhanced healing factor that can be traced to impulses sent down from her brain into the rest of her body, triggering an almost immediate response in the blood cells that causes her body to heal at an extraordinary rate. Tests have been performed, proving that Fortune is one of the fastest Feral healers to date and that's because of the hex cast upon her father. The Hex carried on through Vaana when she was conceived and because of this her healing is enhanced even further, making her virtually immortal so long as her head is attached to her body.
| age = 132
| height = 6'2
Without the brain to function properly Fortune cannot receive those impulses through her body; meaning she will 'die' much like any other human being. Though the curse prevents her from -truly- dying because the moment her head is reattached it is able to once again, like any other missing appendage mend itself back onto the body without so much as a scar. Another benefit from this 'curse' is that due to it increasing the status impulses sent through her body Vaana's body is almost in a way able to calculatedly adapt, better protecting itself from damage for the next time. This has been proven to be true on numerous occasions as her bones have hardened to the point where they resemble steel. Further Analysis shows this is due to a massive calcium build up that even effects her retractable nails/claws allowing her to hack and slash through Steels and even scale metal framed buildings with ease.
| weight = 189lbs
| eyes = Green
Being a Feral, Fortune herself has retractable claws that root out from her fingers measuring at about 5 inches. She also has keen feral senses, smell, sight, taste and even hearing. Her unique Green/Golden eyes even allow her to see in the dark much like that of a Cat. Though her features more closely resemble that of a big cat, like a tiger. She also has slightly above average strength and speed; making her able to lunge in fashions that could even send her soaring across entire rooms.
| hair = Blond-White Mix
| complexion = Fair
<div style="font-size:15px;color: #000000; background-color: #DEB887; line-height:1.8em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Weakness'</div>
| build = Curvy Muscular
Fortune might be able to heal fast and even adapt considerably in most situations but that doesn't mean she is entirely immune to pain. Her body doesn't register it well and in fact it might hurt her a lot more than it hurts other people due to her mind being so attentive, informative. Even her body has its limits, if it begins healing too fast, it rapidly takes a strain on her body making it hard to muster any more energy to preform physical attacks and movements. If her body sustains far -too- much damage it is prone to a complete shut down; causing her to pass out and in extreme situations even make her heart -explode- leaving her 'dead' for hours at a time.
| features = Blind right eye
| alignment = 7
As she fights, Fortune might become slower and slower due to her body's constant need to pump more and more calcium into her bones, making her heavier than most. This makes it harder for her to move and makes it so she has to draw even more energy that she might not have.
| reputation = 7
| identity = Public
<div style="font-size:15px;color: #000000; background-color: #DEB887; line-height:1.8em; letter-spacing:0.5ex">Equipment</div>
| years_active = 110
Vaana doesn't make her own equipment but she gets a lot of her gadgets from her fellow Eternals. Her custom modeled Skorpion Sub Machine Guns were built by hand from an Arms-dealer back in Serbia. These Sub Machine guns are highly durable, and take both standard, and thermal clips; allowing her to quickly swap through various shots she might need in order to take some down, either it be lethal or non lethal.
| citizenship = Serbian & American Citizenship
| occupation = Super Hero
She also has other weapons such as a retractable claw bracers and smoke pellets, throwing blades, sonic charges and a few handy grenades ranging from Stun to Flash.
| education = Not formally educated, Self taught
| marital = In a relationship
Her own suit is made entirely out of Nano weave, and is a light but hardened material that almost resembles hardened leather. This suit serves to protect her from both the elements and attack, lessening the impact of blows throughout her body. Along with the suit, Fortune wears a sharp pointed Domino mask that often matches her selected attire. This Domino mask gives her eyes a glowing white appearance to hide their true color making it harder for one to break her identity down.   
| powers = Regenerative healing factor, enhanced super strength, speed and reflexes, enhanced sense of taste, smell, sight & hearing, laser vision, super human durability, dense metallic bone structure, the ability to eject twelve inch finger claws through her fingertips, radiation generation, radiation infused chest blast, complete immunity to radioactivity, self detonation, magical resistance.  
| paraphernalia = An assortment of insulated leather tactically plated attires, CZ-99 handgun, Flash & Smoke grenades, plated bracer gauntlets.
| strength = 8
=='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">Eternals, Inc.</div>'''''==
| endurance = 8
| agility = 7
[[image:Colossoicon.png|80px|left]]'''''[[Colosso|<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Colosso</span>]]<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">''''' ''"He's the boss, as far as I can tell he's a good one at that."''</div>
| speed = 6
| fighting = 9
[[image:Evolution Prime.png|80px|left]]'''''[[Evolution Prime|<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Evolution Prime</span>]]<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">''''' ''"..."''</div>
| projectiles = 5
| durability = 8
[[image:Quinniefriend.jpg|80px|left]]'''''[[Quintessence|<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Quintessence</span>]]<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">''''' ''"..."''</div>
| resistance = 8
| intelligence = 5
[[image:LMGIcon.png|80px|left]]'''''[[Little Miss Gunbunny|<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Little Miss Gunbunny</span>]]<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">''''' ''"..."''</div>
| psyche = 3
| intuition = 6
[[File:Moth friendbutton.png|80px|left]]'''[[Metro Moth|<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Metro Moth</span>]]<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">''''' ''"''"..."''"''</div>
| charisma = 4
[[image:Rhapsodyicon.png|80px|left]]'''''[[Rhapsody|<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Rhapsody</span>]]<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">''''' ''"Big fan, love her music."''</div>
[[File:Anarchy friendbutton.jpg|80px|left]]'''''[[Anarchy|<span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Anarchy</span>]]<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">''''' ''"Tough Chick, need I say more?"''</div>
[[File:Natasha friendbutton.jpg|80px|left]]'''''[[Divael|<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> Divael </span>]]<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">''''' "''...''"</div>
[[File:Vixen friendbutton.jpg|80px|left]]'''[[Vixen (Lorna Fox)|<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> Vixen </span>]]<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">''''' ''"''...''"'' </div>
[[File:Raven friendbutton.png|80px|left]]'''[[Raven (Poe Allen)|<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> Raven </span>]]<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">''''' ''"''...''"'' </div>
[[File:Dom friendbutton.png |80px|left]]'''[[Dominion|<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> Dominion </span>]]<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">''''' ''"''...''"''</div>
[[File:Shaman friendbutton.jpg|80px|left]]'''[[Shaman|<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> Shaman </span>]]<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">''''' ''"''...''"''</div>
[[File:VS friendbutton.png|80px|left]]'''[[Vespula Sting|<span style="color:#FFFFFF;"> Vespula Sting </span>]]<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #DEB887">''''' ''"''...''"''</div>

Latest revision as of 14:30, 19 December 2024

Fortune Origins 2.png

Player: @Dangerclose50
Fortune Comission.jpeg
"Luck doesn't always mean surviving."
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms
Biographical Data
Real Name: Vaana Katarina Ketlynovich
Known Aliases: Fortune
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Ethnicity: Southern Slavic
Place of Birth: Carpathian Mountains, Serbia
Base of Operations: Detroit, Michigan
Relatives: Melinka Ketlyn (Sister), Victor Ketlyn (Father), Mila Kovacs (Mother), Adrijana Ketlyn (Sister)
Age: 132
Height: 6'2
Weight: 189lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blond-White Mix
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Curvy Muscular
Physical Features: Blind right eye
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 110
Citizenship: Serbian & American Citizenship
Occupation: Super Hero
Education: Not formally educated, Self taught
Marital Status: In a relationship
Known Powers and Abilities
Regenerative healing factor, enhanced super strength, speed and reflexes, enhanced sense of taste, smell, sight & hearing, laser vision, super human durability, dense metallic bone structure, the ability to eject twelve inch finger claws through her fingertips, radiation generation, radiation infused chest blast, complete immunity to radioactivity, self detonation, magical resistance.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
An assortment of insulated leather tactically plated attires, CZ-99 handgun, Flash & Smoke grenades, plated bracer gauntlets.
ReldinBox Template