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| header = #FFFFFF
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| bg3 = #0082A1
| bg2 = #006999
| bg4 = #41627E
| bg3 = #0089B9
| border = #00586A
| cell1 = #069
| cell1 = #FFFFFF
| cell2 = #08B
| cell2 = #B7CEEC
| name = Markus Talus
| name =
| player = @thecrazydude101
| player =  
| image = Markus.jpg
| image = Markus.jpg
| caption = "The Son Of Damian."
| caption =  
| realname = Markus Adrian Talus
| realname =
| alias = Archbishop Markus Talus
| alias =  
| gender = Male
| gender =  
| species = Casenderian
| species =  
| ethnicity = Archbishop
| ethnicity =  
| birthplace = Casender
| birthplace =  
| operations = Order Of Dawn Castle
| operations =
| relatives = Unknown
| relatives =  
| age = 364
| age =  
| height = 9'0
| height =  
| weight = 2 Tons
| weight =  
| eyes = Golden
| eyes =  
| hair = Blond
| hair =  
| complexion = Caucasian
| complexion =  
| build = Heavy,Muscular
| build =  
| features = Scar on left eye
| features =
| fame = 8
| alignment =
| alignment = Lawful Good
| reputation =
| identity = Markus Adrian Talus
| identity =
| years_active = 235
| years_active =  
| citizenship = Casender
| citizenship =
| occupation = Archbishop Of Judgement
| occupation =
| education = Casender Academy Of Light
| education =
| marital = Married
| marital =  
| powers = The Fateless One is a mortal being who possess power equal to that of gods as the only being capable of changing the fate of events, for better or worse.
| powers =
| paraphernalia = The Hammer Of Dawn. A massively large hammer with holy runes. It holds immense power and strength to make the blows crushing and killing.
| paraphernalia =
| strength = 10
| weapon = 7
| durability = 10
| armor = 9
| speed = 6
| reflexes = 8
| resistance = 7
| stamina = 6
| dexterity = 5
| agility = 5
| combat = 9
| regen = 3
| energy = 6
| psionics = 1
| telepathy = 7
| willpower = 10
| sorcery = 7
| tech = 3
| intelligence = 7
| knowledge = 6
| charisma = 7
| bravery = 8
== Story ==
''Son of damian talus. The great angel of judgement. And his mother Astrid the priestess. They both had a child and prayed to god for him to live at birth.. But when he was born. He had no fate... Everyone was shocked... They named him Markus. A very odd human name but they did anyway.. As he grew up with training... He soon was devastated. One day he came home to find his parents... Cut open and being eaten by two werewolf's... Markus was so angry... His power grew and he picked up his father's hammer and slayed the beasts without a care. Then he ran away to grow up on his own.... Using the skills he learned. He became a great warrior. Doing underground fights until a priest came to him and looked at him.. He said that Markus was the new archbishop... Years later... Darkness came.. People got sick... Then outta the blue... A new paladin walked into the hall and praised himself the new archbishop.. His name was '''Lord Elrond'''.. The bishop.. But there was something odd of his aura... Then.. The room exploded into flames. Markus escaped to a portal and left his hall... Soon to find his realm... Destroyed... He fell to earth from the portal into a place in Canada. Where it was stormy and dark.. He stood up walking in the rain.. Then a gentle woman's hand grabbed his. And led him to a cottage.. Soon found it out that it was a woman.. She laid him on the couch and let him rest.. Soon to find himself laying on the couch next to a giant demon.. He didn't freak out... She was hugging him close. Trying to keep him warm.. Soon he fell in love with her.. Her name... Was Lana Evans... Desdemoner. The demon of love.
== His Guild ==
''A group of people who want to be needed some say. Markus founded it and soon after. People came in. His first member was Mitzi. A small hobbit but soon she left for she needed space... Then Haley. Who markus soon adopted as his daughter.. Then Roark His friend and trusty buddy. Then Asuya. His adviser and great friend. Then Seth Wade. His loyal bodyguard and warrior. Markus and His Wife Run the Guild with respect and honor.. To protect each one of them.
== Theme Songs ==
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE_S6TsgoJ4 Theme Song#1]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8_kOmBK5Rg Theme Song#2]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BMnXXrvcyA  Love Song#1]
== His Bonded Sister?... ==
''Markus Did bond with someone in his group. Seeing her as a sister. Asuya... She helped him learn new ways and teach him judgement of people. She guided him through some problems. He learned quickly from her. And they became bonded brother and sister. Markus The Younger Brother. Asuya the older sister. A deadly duo of family and should not be taken lightly.''
== His Lover ==
''Desdemoner. The demoness of love. Which shes is powerful but her love and kindness makes her a people fav to be around. She just is so kind and helps people who need it. She gives her love to Markus and is very protective over him. When their together. Its like Ying And Yang. They mix perfectly and balance eachother. Markus is wrathful and judgment. Desdemoner is loving and kind. A perfect mix.''
== Markus' Nemesis ==
''=[http://primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=Lord_Elrond Lord Elrond]. The lord of chaos. He destroyed his realm. Elrond wasent always a demon. He once was a normal mortal man. Who was respectful and friendly. Until that one day inside the temple of thul. He started to hear voices and grew dark. He left the first order of dawn shortly. Afterly. He was transformed into Lord Elrond. The lord of chaos... Elrond The Defiler. The destroyer of casender. The dark enemy of markus''
== OOC NOTES! ==
- I am a very mature rper. If your reading this. IF you see me in caprice feel free to ask to join The Order Of Dawn. OR message me about events and such
- Markus maybe low level. Doesn't mean he is not strong RP WISE! Markus has alot of powers and be very wary when trying to start crap. Markus will protect those who didn't start it.

Latest revision as of 10:56, 18 January 2014

Markus Talus
Player: @thecrazydude101
"The Son Of Damian."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Markus Adrian Talus
Known Aliases: Archbishop Markus Talus
Gender: Male
Species: Casenderian
Ethnicity: Archbishop
Place of Birth: Casender
Base of Operations: Order Of Dawn Castle
Relatives: Unknown
Age: 364
Height: 9'0
Weight: 2 Tons
Eyes: Golden
Hair: Blond
Complexion: Caucasian
Physical Build: Heavy,Muscular
Physical Features: Scar on left eye
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Identity: Markus Adrian Talus
Years Active: 235
Citizenship: Casender
Occupation: Archbishop Of Judgement
Education: Casender Academy Of Light
Marital Status: Married
Known Powers and Abilities
The Fateless One is a mortal being who possess power equal to that of gods as the only being capable of changing the fate of events, for better or worse.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
The Hammer Of Dawn. A massively large hammer with holy runes. It holds immense power and strength to make the blows crushing and killing.
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


Son of damian talus. The great angel of judgement. And his mother Astrid the priestess. They both had a child and prayed to god for him to live at birth.. But when he was born. He had no fate... Everyone was shocked... They named him Markus. A very odd human name but they did anyway.. As he grew up with training... He soon was devastated. One day he came home to find his parents... Cut open and being eaten by two werewolf's... Markus was so angry... His power grew and he picked up his father's hammer and slayed the beasts without a care. Then he ran away to grow up on his own.... Using the skills he learned. He became a great warrior. Doing underground fights until a priest came to him and looked at him.. He said that Markus was the new archbishop... Years later... Darkness came.. People got sick... Then outta the blue... A new paladin walked into the hall and praised himself the new archbishop.. His name was Lord Elrond.. The bishop.. But there was something odd of his aura... Then.. The room exploded into flames. Markus escaped to a portal and left his hall... Soon to find his realm... Destroyed... He fell to earth from the portal into a place in Canada. Where it was stormy and dark.. He stood up walking in the rain.. Then a gentle woman's hand grabbed his. And led him to a cottage.. Soon found it out that it was a woman.. She laid him on the couch and let him rest.. Soon to find himself laying on the couch next to a giant demon.. He didn't freak out... She was hugging him close. Trying to keep him warm.. Soon he fell in love with her.. Her name... Was Lana Evans... Desdemoner. The demon of love.

His Guild

A group of people who want to be needed some say. Markus founded it and soon after. People came in. His first member was Mitzi. A small hobbit but soon she left for she needed space... Then Haley. Who markus soon adopted as his daughter.. Then Roark His friend and trusty buddy. Then Asuya. His adviser and great friend. Then Seth Wade. His loyal bodyguard and warrior. Markus and His Wife Run the Guild with respect and honor.. To protect each one of them.

Theme Songs

Theme Song#1

Theme Song#2

Love Song#1

His Bonded Sister?...

Markus Did bond with someone in his group. Seeing her as a sister. Asuya... She helped him learn new ways and teach him judgement of people. She guided him through some problems. He learned quickly from her. And they became bonded brother and sister. Markus The Younger Brother. Asuya the older sister. A deadly duo of family and should not be taken lightly.

His Lover

Desdemoner. The demoness of love. Which shes is powerful but her love and kindness makes her a people fav to be around. She just is so kind and helps people who need it. She gives her love to Markus and is very protective over him. When their together. Its like Ying And Yang. They mix perfectly and balance eachother. Markus is wrathful and judgment. Desdemoner is loving and kind. A perfect mix.

Markus' Nemesis

=Lord Elrond. The lord of chaos. He destroyed his realm. Elrond wasent always a demon. He once was a normal mortal man. Who was respectful and friendly. Until that one day inside the temple of thul. He started to hear voices and grew dark. He left the first order of dawn shortly. Afterly. He was transformed into Lord Elrond. The lord of chaos... Elrond The Defiler. The destroyer of casender. The dark enemy of markus



- I am a very mature rper. If your reading this. IF you see me in caprice feel free to ask to join The Order Of Dawn. OR message me about events and such

- Markus maybe low level. Doesn't mean he is not strong RP WISE! Markus has alot of powers and be very wary when trying to start crap. Markus will protect those who didn't start it.