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''"To twist your narrative is child's play to me. I have done battle against beings far beyond you, capable of changing entire realities and conquering them, for eons. At some point, it means nothing."''
''"To twist your narrative is child's play to me. I have done battle against beings far beyond you, capable of changing entire realities and conquering them, for eons. At some point, it means nothing."''
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We turned to a towering man, clad with grey metallic skin armor, as he approached us, a massive sword strapped to his back.
We turned to a towering man, clad with grey metallic skin armor, as he approached us, a massive sword strapped to his back.
"No... in fact, she does not even know we have gathered here. I know having me out there will place an insurmountable burden on her... I am among one of the last of the Champions left. But I cannot sit idly by. Marty O'Neal... you have a heart as gold as Defender's was. I commend you greatly."
"No... in fact, she does not even know we have gathered here. I know having me out there will place an insurmountable burden on her... I am among one of the last of the Champions left. But I cannot sit idly by. Marty McIntyre... you have a heart as gold as Defender's was. I commend you greatly."
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I didn't know John had a wife and kid. I guess it sort of made sense, considering he was in his late thirties.
I didn't know John had a wife and kid. I guess it sort of made sense, considering he was in his early fifties.
But it always baffled me how some Shadows could be married and have a kid. After all, I remember Outer Shadow Magni mentioned his wife, Auxiliary Shadow Rimsix was his wife, and they had a kid. The thought of what happened to that family after Loyce's assault haunted me.
But it always baffled me how some Shadows could be married and have a kid. After all, I remember Outer Shadow Magni mentioned his wife, Auxiliary Shadow Rimsix was his wife, and they had a kid. The thought of what happened to that family after Loyce's assault haunted me.
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John's smile of approval would be the last thing I would see.
John's smile of approval would be the last thing I would see.
==The War for Diacus==
==The War for Diacus==
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"Auxiliary Shadow, Infiltration Unit Terraform Seventeen Female Variant, Reference Mode: Elise Scarlet, on standby for serial upgrade."
"Auxiliary Shadow, Infiltration Unit Terraform Seventeen Female Variant, Reference Model: Elise Scarlet, on standby for serial upgrade."
The rings of the spherical upgrade lowered, surrounding Sigurd from head to toe, and emitting a transformer hum.
I watched grimly, as Annie faced me.
"I will free this world. By the time this is over, I will have the power to restore that annoying smile on your face again."
"Counting on it."
I spun around, Sarah's cloak fluttering behind me.
Each footstep I took getting closer at what was behind that barrier.
I slowly watched the DS35 matrix dismantle, shredded chunks of the barrier being ripped apart and skidding to a stop before my feet.
And as I slowly raised my head, I could make out the figure of a tall woman with a horned helmet standing before me.
"Good old Destreum, ol' Inner Shadow Gasket always went all out with his creations, didn't he?"
"Master Jun isn't dead."
"Not yet."
My hand reached behind me, summoning a blue magic circle and pulling out my Thompson Contender.
Nora reached behind her back and shouldered her crossbow.
"Let's be honest, Aaron. You can't beat me. If you couldn't even beat Jekyll, there's no way you could win against me in a battle of gunplay. And is this really what you want?"
I knew Nora was playing me, but I needed to buy time.
And she had a point. If I just duked it out with her, I was most certainly going to die.
This wasn't with Jekyll, where even if I was outclassed, I could last for a few minutes before his upper hand would overwhelm me.
I saw it with my own eyes, how dangerous Nora was in combat.
How she was able to overpower Jekyll so easily like that.
If I fought her, I would be defeated instantly if she felt like it.
"Is it really okay to leave your comrades to fight Inner Shadow Reaper on their own like that?" I asked.
Nora raised an eyebrow.
"What makes you think I cared about them for a second? Did it look like June cared about the Vessels of Vala, after all the physical and sexual abuse she suffered from them?"
I gritted my teeth.
I needed to buy time some other way, but Nora knew exactly what to say to tick me off.
"Say, you wouldn't happen to be trying to buy time, would you?"
"N- No..." My voice trailed away.
Nora smirked.
"If you really wanna buy time, then let's take a sneak peek at what's ''actually'' going outside?"
"Huh? What are you-"
Nora suddenly appeared in front of me, her finger on my forehead.
"AARON!" Sigurd shouted from within the Omega chamber.
"Just focus on the upgrade, Sig!" I shouted back.
"Yes, Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd, focus on getting your little Omega Upgrade..." Nora smiled sinisterly at my Auxiliary Shadow, whose hands were planted on the surface of the encapsulating chamber that was separating her from the surroundings.
I gritted my teeth, my sense of direction going haywire. I blinked, and suddenly, I was somewhere else.
"Wh- Where are we..." I muttered, in a daze.
"Outside of Diacus, of course, where the war is," Nora answered.
Superheroes were flung left and right, and a large mist filled the battlefield, likely from the dust of fighting.
I could make out thousands of energy blasts from the Champions, catching stray Cultists left and right.
"For a legion of cowards, they sure fight well against Aran's forces," Nora remarked.
But contrary to what she said, I could see it.
From the small details near the ground of the dust cloud...
Thousands and thousands of bodies of superheroes and supervillains alike littered the ground.
The faces of the people in Trion were constricted in terror, as monsters the size of skyscrapers ripped through the mist.
"Oh- Oh god... they're... they're just like Defender...! And there's hundreds of them!" A supervillain screamed, as one of the monsters howled into the sky, stepping on her and ending her screams abruptly.
Troia... where was Troia?!
Troia flew to the sky, pursued by Jekyll, who took aim with his rifle, and fired numerous bullets at the Outer Shadow, only for the bullets to freeze mid-air.
Suddenly, the figure of John Crassman appeared before him, his hands behind his back and his eyes emitting a tremendous aura.
"Tch," Jekyll muttered, as a force slammed him back into the ground.
Reaper landed before Jekyll and manifested a scythe.
"Come," John said.
Jekyll smiled crazily.
"With pleasure."
Jekyll flew in, shotgun in hand, but John slowed his movements with another wave of chakra, his hand on his chin.
''Final Circle Style - Shadow Guillotine''
A surge of blood erupted from the God of Warfare's nostrils, as several other Vessels tried to intercept him, but John turned around, spinning his scythe and sending them all back.
To see Jekyll and the Vessels be overpowered like this...
It was surreal, considering how hard I struggled to even put up a fight with Jekyll alone.
"These Inner Shadows sure are a different breed. I can see why Lady Vala was so hesitant on launching an assault against Lord Ginga, if this is the level of strength from one Inner Shadow," Nora remarked.
I looked back at Troia, who was now facing an enormous cultist, who managed to catch her in the back of the head, but before a fatal blow could be delivered, an Auxiliary Shadow, an Amazon, intercepted the swing with her sword, taking the fatal blow in Troia's stead.
"Phoebe!" Troia shouted.
Nora smiled.
"As for these cultists, it's always been intriguing. You would think those who accept the Anti-Narrative would just turn into monstrosities with little to no sense of self. But no. True followers of the Primordial Demon are given power beyond the limits of understanding. Surely, you've seen it too. On Everbreak Hill."
I remembered fighting that giant guy, whose body seemed to be made of rubber when I had tried to rescue June.
Nora was right. The variety of cultists, along with their strength, was beyond comprehension.
And one thing was for certain.
I watched as an enormous monstrosity the size of several football stadiums roared in the distance.
My eyes widened.
"No... no way. They need to fall back!" I gasped.
An array of lights had formed on its belly, breaking through the mist that shrouded its body.
Witchcraft flew into the air, looking at her comrades, then turning back to the monster.
"Fall... fall back! FALL BACK-"
Twelve beams of light blasted into the ground, shredding the entire battlefield and sending entire landslides in our direction.
The people of Trion screamed, engulfed, and ripped apart by the violent storm of rocks and debris.
To my horror, the landslides took on a reddish hue, confirming the deaths of thousands.
Such a sight...
Such a sight was beyond traumatizing.
"This was what you accepted was going to happen, right?" Nora asked.
I gritted my teeth, watching John spin around to see his Outer Shadows trying their best to rescue the people of Trion.
"PAY ATTENTION TO THE FIGHT, OLD MAN!" A Vessel sneered, trying to catch John off guard, but John blocked the strike without even turning around, then concentrated the palm of his hand on the Vessel's chest.
''Level 1 Advanced Senkaku - Black Lancer''
The Vessel vomited blood, flying backward.
Jekyll dodged his own ally and went in for the assault, but John simply glared at Jekyll's weapons, as if his mere presence alone was enough to parry all the blows.
"That's enough. You don't need to keep watching."
The vision shut down, as I stumbled forward until it was just me standing before Nora. Keeping her from getting to Sigurd.
Nora aimed her crossbow at me.
"Time to get to work."
I aimed my Contender.
Nora fired her crossbow bolt, and the bolt split in half by my Anti-Hope bullet.
I rushed forward, as Nora flipped in the air, delivering an axe kick.
''Portalis - Switch Gamble''
The two of us switched places, causing the shockwaves of Nora's kick to decimate the structure of the room in front of me, as opposed to hitting Sigurd.
"Clever use of Convocatio..." Nora muttered as I pressed the barrel of my assault rifle to her forehead.
Nora took aim with her crossbow behind her. The two of us fired, but we both dissipated, our illusions becoming undone.
In the air, I met Nora, spreading my DS35's out wide.
"Iron Maiden Protocol"
I took aim with my assault rifle, firing at eccentric angles, but Nora's eyes darted around, assessing the trajectory, and dodged every bullet and fired a crossbow bolt of her own, catching me in the leg.
"URK!" I gasped, falling on the surface of DS35 which caught me.
''Convocatio - Grenade Summoning - OCTAGRAM OF DEMONS''
Eight clones appeared, taking aim with their Caligas, but Nora smirked, spinning in mid-air and swapping the barrel of her crossbow with what looked like a flamethrower.
A torrent of flame eviscerated my clones, as Nora closed in on me amidst the chaos, kneeing me in the chin and sending me flying into the ceiling of the room, crashing into the ground.
"People like us have an inherent flaw. We suffer from tunnel vision. It's always in the middle of chaos, where our brain momentarily cannot capture all of the information, are we vulnerable. I thought I had taught you this back in the orphanage. Do you not remember?"
I coughed out blood, my DS35's crumbled to dust all around.
Loki stood before me, spherical objects which resembled my DS35's appeared from where they stood.
Of course... Nora would have something similar to my DS35's.
After all... the DS Sanctuary design was initially her idea when we were kids.
"Tell me, little Auxiliary Shadow, do you think what you are doing is helping your Outer Shadow in the slightest?" Nora turned around, grinning at Sigurd, who was frozen in a state of shock.
"Aaron..." Sigurd muttered.
"Don't look at me! Focus on the upgra-" I shouted before Nora slammed my head into the ground.
"That Omega Upgrade you are going to get... do you think the strength you will gain from it will offset all the people who have lost their lives to get here? Trade seems a little bit too much, don't you think?" Nora mused.
"Nora! Shut up! Shut-"
Blood leaked from my nostrils, as my vision became blurry.
"The Omega Upgrade, the one upgrade and greatest creation Inner Shadow Gasket had ever created, but could never implement. Because the prerequisite was ironically something he couldn't ever obtain. In any of his creations. You think that you possess that quality is the biggest joke of them all."
Several appendages embedded themselves into Sigurd's body, but her face was white as a ghost.
"You don't scare me, Loki-"
"You all know what that prerequisite is, don't you? That requirement." Nora asked.
I closed my eyes, recalling everything that had happened to Annie so far.
Of what made her so special even amongst the androids in Master Jun's legion of creations.
Of what she always yearned for.
Of what Jun had told me three years ago.
"Human nature," I answered.
Nora laughed.
"Annelise Scarlet, you think human nature means to be kind and compassionate. But you thinking that ironically contradicts everything you have done and is also fundamentally incorrect."
More and more parts of the upgrade began attaching themselves to Sigurd, but something was wrong.
The look on her face, the horror on her face, and the constrictions of her throat...
Sigurd began to retch, choking, her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
"ANNIE! ANNIE HANG IN THERE!" I growled, trying to force myself to my feet, but Loki smiled at me, sending another wave of vertigo to my brain.
"Point one. Human nature. Let's have a crash course on what it really means to be human."
Loki held out her hand, showing an illusion of a battle, trenches everywhere, and the bodies of thousands of soldiers lying in the mud.
Bleeding to death in their own guts and feces.
"What... what is that..." Sigurd muttered.
I wanted to tell her to not look, but the nausea was keeping me from doing anything else.
"Did you really think human nature was about appreciating those little flowers in your garden back at Jun's barracks? Did you think human nature was loving and kind? Stupid girl. Human nature... true human nature is SELFISH. It's about doing anything that benefits yourself."
"YOU LIE. I have seen countless humans do good deeds. To do good deeds and to help others. That is human nature-"
"All for the satisfaction of helping someone else. Who wouldn't want the rush of satisfaction of doing the right thing? Of being appreciated? Take a man who donates to a charity. If that man had no money, and was in severe debt, do you think he would use that money that he found on the street to donate to the children in need? No. He would use it for himself. Because that is human nature. Human nature is about survival, in the end of it all."
"Love is not a means of self-satisfaction. To extend a helping hand, it's for the very act of kindness that one would do such a thing!"
Nora waved her hand, and this time, the vision changed, this time a young man curled up in his bathroom.
"Love... then consider this man. Donnie Martinez. Age twenty-seven. In about five minutes, he will get in that bathtub and slit his wrists. The only thing keeping him from doing this is to receive a text from the girl he likes. But here's the reality. That girl will never text him. No one will reach out to him."
Sigurd gritted her teeth, more and more pieces of the Omega Upgrade attached to her body, but her body wasn't accepting the upgrade like it always did whenever she received her upgrades.
Her body...
Her body was starting to reject it.
The absolute worst possibility that could happen.
"No one is obligated to help others. This is the reality of this society, and that is the reality of human nature. Donnie Martinez has been seen as a creep ever since high school. No women wanted him. And this upsetted him greatly. Women and men value personality, but who can blame poor Donnie, right? The circumstances he was in have shaped who he has become, and now he has lost the ability to talk to people. No one will take the sacrifice of being his partner, because it would mean the cost of their own mentality. And, would you look at that?"
"N- No... No...!" Sigurd gasped, her eyes wide in horror as Donnie's head bounced on the back of the tub, a pool of red filling the bathroom.
Nora smiled evilly.
"This is the human nature you wanted to see. Humans help others when it benefits them. Whether emotionally or physically. Human nature is selfish. It is wrought with contradiction and double standards. From the very beginning, that is what you have been trying to obtain. Can you really accept this is what you will become, can you really accept this upgrade? Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd?"
"ANNIE!" I shouted as a tear ran down Sigurd's face.
"I'm so sorry... what have I done...?" Sigurd muttered as a blast of white light sent me flying back.
"ANNIE! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! PLEASE!" I pleaded, but waves of energy pulsated from Sigurd's body, as white cracks ripped through her skin.
"Where were you when Robbie Fernandez delivered that kamikaze to try and stop Lady Vala, Annie?" Nora asked.
Annie screamed, her body convulsing.
"Ro- Robbie... Robbie is dead...?!" Annie cried out.
I opened my mouth, but no words were coming out.
Everything that could possibly have gone wrong...
Was going wrong.
"AAAAAAAAAGHHHH!" Annie screamed in despair, her body twitching and succumbing to cyber-psychosis.
Nora turned to me, with a blank look on her face.
"I'm a little disappointed that... despite everything that has happened to you so far, you would proceed with dragging more of your friends into this. Surely you've already learned your lesson. Or is this just some petty game of spite against Demon Lord Loyce?"
Nora slowly raised her crossbow to my forehead.
"You may be my little brother, Aaron. But gods don't feel any pain. After all, did you see me shed a single tear this entire time?"
The winds of Annie's cyber-psychosis slammed into me, my hair fluttering wildly.
My body was completely frozen in defeat.
"N- Nora..."
"No. My name is no longer Nora. It's Loki. The God of Trickery. And this entire time, that's what I have been doing. Little brother? Me looking out for little Aaron Hope from the orphanage? All of it was a lie. You should have seen this coming. Not once have I ever been on your side, Aaron. All of this has been a part of our plan from the start, but you naively let your emotions get the better of you to the point where you let even something so very obvious that an eight-year-old could pick up on it slide under your radar. Aran's Anti-Narrative is a real bitch."
This... this was it.
I had made my final mistake.
And this mistake was going to cost everything, absolutely everything that the Black Legion had been working for.
All because the responsibility of all existence was placed in the hands of some nineteen-year-old emotional idiot.
I closed my eyes when suddenly, the bolt froze in mid-air.
"Loki of Norse Mythology was always a coward. I see you are no different, Nora Angela."
Nora glared at the man behind me, as the folds of Inner Shadow John Crassman's cloak brushed against mine.
"Finished already? Took you long enough, Inner Shadow Reaper."
Reaper's eyes flashed white, as black tendrils sent Jekyll, Sarina, and several other Vessels sprawled on the ground before Nora.
"Lady Vala is an imbecile, to pit her main forces on The Black Legion's Outer Shadows, and assuming the Inner Shadows of The Black Legion would turn a blind eye. In the end, she lacks the resources to launch a full-scale attack and she knows it."
Nora cracked her neck.
"Come on, people. You're really making me work a lot harder than I need to. And really, Jekyll? I figured you wouldn't win against an Inner Shadow but to see you in such a pathetic state is almost nauseating. Looks like he beat you into a fish paste after all."
Jekyll grunted, forcing himself to his feet.
"This guy is unlike anything I have ever faced. His mere ''intimidation'' alone is enough to stop my attacks from landing."
Nora smiled crazily, making eye contact with Reaper's blank emotionless expression.
"Is that so?"
Reaper readied his scythe, as Nora disappeared, hundreds of illusions aimed for every blind spot imaginable.
''Level 2 Advanced Shakujin - Gaia's Crown''
Thousands of spikes ripped from the ground, tearing apart the illusions until only one remained. Reaper spun around, clashing with Loki and sending another shockwave that rippled across the Citadel.
"Outer Shadow Dainsleif, tend to your Auxiliary Shadow!" Reaper ordered.
I scrambled to my feet, running to Sigurd.
"Like hell I'd let that happen!" Jekyll growled, sprinting forward and kneeing me in the face. I flew to the other side of the Omega chamber.
But before Jekyll could land another blow, his movements began switching direction.
"What... the hell...?!"
Reaper glared at Jekyll while exchanging blows with Nora.
"Your fight is with me, God of Warfare."
Jekyll spun around angrily, taking out a sword and rushing Reaper.
"Then I will gladly carry out your execution, old man."
Reaper dodged and skidded backward, as Sarina joined the fray.
"With Loki on our side, this fight is no longer to your advantage. Inner Shadow Reaper, your biggest mistake was overestimating your abilities, just like you did when you fought Inner Shadow Empire!"
Reaper ignored Sarina's comment and appeared before her, slamming his fist into the top of her head and smashing her into the ground.
The other Vessels joined the fight until Reaper was fighting all of the Vessels in the chamber at once.
"I will not ask again... Outer Shadow Dainsleif. GO!" Reaper growled.
I forced myself to my feet, each step taking tremendous effort, but I needed to go to her.
No more Auxiliary Shadows needed to die because of this.
One step. Two steps. Three steps.
"By the way..." Nora seethed, as Reaper landed a blow right through her guard.
"That strategy you used to defeat Jekyll the first time... I know it too."
I stopped dead in my tracks, slowly turning around to see June in the corner, staring at John Crassman, who had now assumed the form of Aaron Hope.
"You- You bastard...!"
Nora smiled wickedly.
"Go on, Vala's Heart. Whether you want to or not, this image of Aaron Hope in your head, your powers have been unleashed."
Reaper's eyes widened, as Sarina appeared before the Inner Shadow and slashed wildly at his chest, blood exploding violently.
"JOHN!" I screamed.
Crassman stumbled back, as Jekyll drew his sword, impaling the Inner Shadow in the back, the blade tearing through his internal organs and leaving behind a pool of blood where he was standing.
Nora flew in firing a crossbow bolt which connected with Reaper's forehead. I watched as the Inner Shadow's body collapsed in itself, slamming through dozens of walls of the Citadel.
The Vessels turned to me, with Nora and Jekyll leading the group.
"Your services are no longer needed, Lucia," Nora said, as she took aim with her crossbow.
Do something.
Do something.
Move, you stupid body!
Nora's eyes went wide, as the arm that was holding the crossbow suddenly detached from her body.
Nora vomited blood, as she spun around crazily. 
"You surely are one sturdy bastard, Inner Shadow Reaper! But what are you going to do now... with your arm like that?"
Reaper stumbled forward, gritting his teeth. His right arm was filled with bullet holes, and pieces of crossbow bolts embedded into the flesh.
"Matthew... Chapter five... verses 29 to 32. If your hand... even your stronger hand... causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell."
Jekyll stared at the Inner Shadow.
"You wouldn't..."
Reaper grabbed his scythe and pressed the blade into his shoulder, amputating his arm before everyone.
"Aaron... perhaps it is a little late to tell you these things. But advice from an older Shadow. Never stop. If what you must do exceeds what you are capable of, the trick is remembering where it all started. Doing so will bring you just a bit over your limit. But that will be enough."
John Crassman lifted his scythe, black chakra emanating from his body. June's influence still clearly affected him, but for some reason, something felt different.
"For my wife and daughter... that was where it all started for me. And now I have the momentum."
Reaper looked at me.
"The future... the future of the Black Legion rests on the shoulders of the next generation. I had my doubts at first... but after getting to know you more, Aaron. I have no more worries. I entrust the future to you. So as of now... run. Run as fast as you can. This fight is not yours. Not yet. Let this old dog handle this one."
"ENOUGH WITH YOUR MEANINGLESS WORDS," Jekyll roared, shooting forward and slashing his sword, which ripped through Reaper's chest, but John slammed his head into the god, flinging him into the air.
The other Vessels charged forward, this time landing more blows, but Reaper held his ground.
Was it stubbornness?
Was it resilience?
Whatever it was...
I could not let it go to waste.
"Dainsleif!" A man's voice shouted at me, forcing me to avert my attention to a heavily bloodied man limping toward me.
Surprise surged through me as I realized who it was.
Galeo lifted a staff in my direction, sending a concussive psychic explosion that blew a Vessel back.
"Lord Crassman is doing everything he can so you can get to Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd. If you can't reach her alive, all of this will be a waste."
"Where's Achilles?"
Right on queue, a large man in futuristic armor smashed through the walls of the Omega Chamber, causing Jekyll to turn around in surprise.
"Achilles?! How are you here?"
Achilles glared at Galeo.
"A mere Witch of Tiamar had a stroke of luck is all. The Warp Devil will not be lucky for long."
The two of us rushed toward Sigurd, but an explosion caught my attention at the last moment.
I turned around to see Jekyll standing over a defeated Reaper, a spear sprouting from his back and leaving behind a pool of blood.
Galeo clenched his fist.
"Lord Crassman... why do you go so far for this boy? After everything that has transpired?!"
"Outer Shadow Sixshot," Reaper forced himself to his feet, sending a wave of intimidation that repelled the attackers momentarily.
"Outer Shadow Dainsleif is SS Rank for a reason. Perhaps those reasons are beyond your understanding, but Lord Ginga knew what he was doing when he appointed that rank. My responsibility right now... is to hold off the forces of Vala's Vessels. Even if it kills me."
"No... No! Lord Crassman, that is absurd! I cannot accept it! Even if all of us were to stand here before you we would all say the same thing. Where would we be if you were not here to lead us?!" Galeo cried out.
Reaper turned to us, his cloak fluttering in the wind of the now-exposed Omega Chamber. The rays of light from Master Jun's realm shone from the outside.
"You have all been good Outer Shadows to me. Sixshot. I remember when I took you in, you were devastated at the loss of your brother, Remus. How he had shunned you and aimed that Bolt Carbide to your face. It wasn't a home that I ultimately gave all of you, it was the strength to keep moving forward. Having spoken to Outer Shadow Dainsleif, has his life not been a good example of that? The SS Rank that he holds isn't an indicator of his strength, because like me, and like you, he is human."
The Inner Shadow smiled, through the dozens of cuts and bruises on his face.
"But what puts him on that level of power is his strength to move forward. I have lived my life in fear of Inner Shadow Empire, so much that I had tried to keep Outer Shadow Dainsleif from doing what must be done and punishing the traitor for his treason against The Black Legion Organization. I believed that I saw myself in him and that if he challenged Loyce, he would meet with a fate just like I did."
Galeo's fist trembled.
"The deaths of your wife and child were not because of you, Inner Shadow Empire was-"
"No. They were. They were the cause of my overconfidence. But Aaron Hope's choice to battle Loyce and Vala... is from the sense of justice that is exactly what it means to be a Black Legion Shadow."
I turned back to Sigurd, who continued convulsing.
If I left Inner Shadow Reaper alone to fight the Vessels there was a possibility that he would die.
I clutched the Dovetail, its purple glow emanating from my amulet.
What did you want me to do?
You stupid Dovetail?
''My responsibility right now... is to hold off the forces of Vala's Vessels.''
''My wife and daughter are dead.''
''Even if it kills me.''
Not once did I ever consider the Inner Shadows as people. I always saw them as a pillar of strength and power and nothing more.
But even just sitting there in that coffee house with John Crassman, for once, I didn't see him as that.
John Crassman was a father.
A warrior.
A kind-hearted man, who, knowing full well of my Auxiliary Shadow's betrayal, still lent a helping hand.
Who, like Master Jun, had compassion for his Outer Shadows, and recognized the importance of moving forward.
Jekyll raised his blade, but a bullet shattered it, to the Inner Shadow's surprise.
"No more Shadows are dying today," I hissed.
Inner Shadow Reaper turned to me.
"I've lived by this code. To never throw my life away for others. To live for them. Because if you really truly love and care about someone, you would know better than to throw your life away for their sake."
That's right.
The Dovetail's pulses became stronger until its purple glow illuminated my red eyes.
"That chakra... Lord Crassman, that's the same chakra the Emperor had! How did you know Dainsleif had it?!" Galeo gasped.
Reaper closed his eyes.
"I suppose me sacrificing my life struck a nerve, didn't it?"
I glared at the Vessels of Vala, my chakra transforming me into my Yaksha Mode.
Memories of Jessie and Sarah appeared in my mind.
"Damn right, it did. This is who I am. This is the narrative of my character. A selfish little shit who hates people who sacrifice themselves for others. And no Anti-Narrative is gonna erase that. If you're gonna throw your life away for my sake, Inner Shadow or not, you can kiss my ass instead. Because there is ''no way'' I'm letting that happen."
''Convocatio: Turricalum CROSSFORM''
A DS35 cladded my missing right arm, transforming it into a cross that hovered over it.
"Galeo, the cyber-psychosis is localized once the Omega Upgrade is complete. But we won't let that happen. Once the upgrade reaches the last phase, rip her body out of there before it fully installs onto her body."
Sixshot blinked.
"But wouldn't that mean her upgrade will be incomplete?"
"Right now, she doesn't have the means to fully install it. We take all we can for now, and complete the upgrade once we've dealt with this threat."
Sigurd didn't have the means to fully accept the upgrade, because she was still missing something.
Leave it to Nora to ruin everything with her mind games.
But if it meant reaching my Auxiliary Shadow at the cost of someone else's life, this was something I could not accept.
"We're going to delay the upgrade. Until Inner Shadow and I hold off Vala's forces. Galeo, I leave my Auxiliary in your hands."
Galeo nodded grimly.
"Don't die on us, Aaron."
I turned back to the chaos, walking to Reaper's side until the two of us stood before Jekyll, Nora, Achilles, and the rest of the Vessels.
Sarina smiled cruelly.
"This is going to be a real treat. First I got to send my sister to hell, and now I get to send her fiancee."
Reaper held out his hand, summoning a scythe.
"Outer Shadow Dainsleif, on guard."
''Convocatio - Gun Summoning: Ultimate Draugr''
"Reporting for duty."
==The Sword and The Reaper==
Jekyll shot in, but Reaper intercepted his attacks, summoning a chain that wrapped around him, Nora, and Greziak.
"Leave the rest of the Vessels to me. Your priority is Jubilee."
I dodged a crossbow bolt from Nora, who tried to get to me but was interrupted by hundreds of shadowy specters of Crassman.
"Shadow clones? Really?" Nora grumbled.
I sprinted forward.
''Aspectum - Huntsman Radar''
"JUNE!" I roared, rushing in her direction, but June leaped into the air, acrobatically scaling the walls of The Citadel using the same moves I had taught her so many years ago.
''Trigrams - Six Hands Combination Style''
June flipped in the air, aiming her Glock at my location.
"You damn coal monkey!" I growled, assuming my form.
''Trigrams - Six Hands Combination Style''
The two of us took aim with our respective firearms.
Our bullets clashed, and the spiral movements added to its inherent spin, grinding and unleashing a powerful shockwave.
I landed on a chunk of the Citadel, now outside of the building thousands of feet in the air.
The whole structure was on fire, the smoke polluting the skies and the entire warzone.
"Even if the whole world burns over, I'm not gonna stop till I save you from this!" I yelled.
June aimed her gun at me again, her apathy unresponsive to anything I was saying.
I closed my eyes, the chakra around me interacting with my Yaksha Mode as I weaved through the bullet, responding with blank rounds of my own.
The rounds caught June in the chest and thigh, causing her to tumble and fall over, but not before regaining her posture.
I materialized in front of her, but not before a shadow cast above me.
I dodged at the last minute, narrowly missing Jekyll's strike with his machete.
"WHA-" I yelped, dodging a knife slash from Nora, until I was cornered on the edge of the collapsing building of The Citadel.
No way.
Those two lunatics really divided their forces against Crassman to get to me...?!
Jekyll rushed forward, slamming his machete against the side of my Cross, as Nora took to the air, taking aim with her crossbow and catching me in the shoulder.
June rushed in, tackling me to the ground, the two of us tumbling off the edge of the Citadel. My back slammed against a chunk of airborne debris, overlooking at the entire battlefield.
I felt June's body against mine, as she pushed the barrel of her Glock to my forehead.
"Nothing you say will change the outcome. I am a Vessel. That alone will not change no matter what you-"
"BLAH BLAH BLAH! You know what?! Screw you!" I shouted at my former Auxiliary Shadow, causing a look of surprise to plaster her face.
Frustration and anger finally exploded in me.
"I'm so sick and tired of trying to convince you that you aren't alone. No matter how much I try to be nice to you and welcoming to you. No matter how many times I forgive you. None of it matters if you cannot even take the initiative to help yourself. Is this what you wanted, you little BITCH?!" I roared, kicking June in the face.
June stumbled back, as Jekyll and Nora rushed to our location.
"That's quite the backbone you got, Aaron!" Nora laughed crazily, but before Reaper appeared before them, swinging his scythe at lightning-fast speed and sending the God of Trickery hurling into Jekyll.
I got to my feet, facing June.
"The only solution right now is for me to face you head-on. Because as long as you're with them, you're the ultimate trump card in this battle with your ability. But Nora had planned it all out such that it would be me to be the one who has to stop you, knowing our history. But there's one thing she underestimated. The Aaron Hope that she knew many years ago is not the Aaron Hope she sees today. Because the Aaron Hope that exists today is a troublemaker. A real..."
June frantically took aim with her Glock, but I swatted it aside, headbutting my former protege in the forehead.
June flipped in the air, delivering a roundhouse kick to my face. I let the blow land, withstanding the kick as I bit down on her leg, right through her jeans.
June screamed in pain.
"Aaron... you- how could you say these things... I-"
"Damn right! Damn right, I'm saying these things! You ungrateful little shit!"
I brought my fist back and slammed it against June's midsection, causing her to cough out blood.
''Trigrams Six Hands Combination Style - DEAD EYE''
I took aim with my Draugr, firing it at her Glock and disarming her instantly, as I rushed in, grabbing June by the neck and leaping off the airborne rubble, the two of us tumbling thousands of feet to the ground. Surrounded by chunks of The Citadel.
"Do you remember... do you remember what you asked me to do? When you were still my Auxiliary Shadow?" I shouted.
June gritted her teeth, trying to loosen my grip, but I wasn't letting go.
No way in hell.
"You asked me to make you tough. So you wouldn't be a liability. That was your request. And so, on every mission, you accompanied me. Not just as a friend. But as a comrade. One who wouldn't hold anyone back! To the point where you wanted to learn everything that made me tick. The Six Hands Combination style!"
June's head smashed against a chunk of rubble, but I wasn't letting go.
"So here's everything you ever wanted, June Lee Sung! My ultimate lesson! Delivered by the greatest degenerate The Black Legion has ever seen! A lesson on being tough!"
I hurled June against another airborne piece of rubble, her body smashing against the rock.
''Convocatio - Gun Summoning: ULTIMATE CALIGA''
''Advanced Fire Magic: FIRE GOD IFRIT PILA''
The glow of my barrel cast a demonic shadow on my figure as I took aim at the Vessel.
June held out her hand, silencing my fire magic, but it was not enough to fully stop the momentum of the Caliga shell.
The rifle shell whizzed past June's forehead as June got to her feet, glaring at me.
"You jerk..." She muttered as I hesitated.
The reality around me was shifting again.
I stumbled back, as June halted our fall, taking aim with her Glock. The pieces of rubble around me suddenly began circulating, orbiting June.
"You may not be the Aaron Hope who had humiliated me that day, but you're starting to get real close."
June fired, the bullet whizzing in my direction. I aimed my Draugr, instinctively, cutting the bullet in half, but dozens of debris suddenly came flying my way.
"Destreum Buckler!"
The DS35 transformed into a shield in front of me, blocking the rubble, but I was still sent flying back, as June appeared from the chaos, clenching her fist.
The Jamming deactivated, and I suddenly found myself in free fall once again, disorientation and nausea coming in waves across my body.
June took aim, again.
Hundreds of debris began changing direction, flying to me from every blind spot imaginable.
I raised my hand, summoning portals all around me. The debris flew into the Convocatio realm, as I smiled crazily at June.
"This magic... damn Ultear!" June growled, watching me resummon the portals, this time, firing the debris back at her.
June spun around and held out her hand.
I flew in, with her attention divided, my Draugr aimed right at her forehead.
''I'll always be there for you. So be the boss that we all look up to. Kay?'' June's smile appeared in my mind, as I hesitated.
June spun around violently, kicking the gun out of my hands, and re-summoning her Glock.
"I hate you... I hate you!" June screamed, but before she could fire, the two of us slammed into the ground, our free-fall coming to an end.
"Dainsleif!" Troia shouted from the distance. Cuts and wounds covered her whole body, but she was still in fighting shape.
June shot to her feet, her arm and leg were a mangled mess, likely broken.
"Outer Shadow... Troia..." June muttered as Troia gripped her sword.
"Accursed traitor!" Troia sneered, but I held her back.
"Dainsleif, don't tell me you're going to defend your subordinate a second time-"
I glared at June.
"Auxiliary Shadow Jubilee will be my responsibility. I will be the one to eliminate her."
Troia took a step back.
"D- Dainsleif..."
June clenched her teeth.
"Yes. This is how it was always supposed to be. This is why I was created."
"If that's what you're going to insist on thinking, then you don't deserve all the support I've been giving you. From here on, I'll treat you as a threat for real. Best believe. Starting now, you're going to be fighting against '''The Sword of Jun Gasket'''."
June assumed her stance, as did I.
June began to jam my magic but clutched her head.
"What the hell is this... this isn't.. magic... or power..."
"It isn't. This is me."
I blasted forward, appearing in front of June with six arms aiming their respective Thompson Contenders at her at different angles.
Blood exploded from June's body, as she stumbled back, her mouth wide in shock.
June tried to retaliate, but I disappeared, spinning in the air.
June turned around, staring at the thousands of portals surrounding her.
"I can't... jam this many!" She gasped, as I quickly swapped to my M134 Minigun in each arm. Six miniguns fired a torrent of bullets through the portals.
The bullets appeared, randomly through the portals and shredded June's body.
June stomped on the ground.
The bullets became suspended, as her body tensed.
"Aaron... Aaron... AARON!" June roared, charging forward, her body glowing blue with power, tears streaming down her enraged face.
I dropped my miniguns and met her charge.
"JUNE!" I yelled in response, the two of us with our fists clenched and cocked back.
June swung her fist at me, catching my face as I returned with a volley of punches from my Asura Form.
June's body buckled from the strikes but responded with a kick to my chin. I flew into the air, momentarily taken aback at how much stronger her body had become.
I spun around, removing my Asura form and transforming into my Yaksha Mode, smiling crazily, and tossing dozens of Buzzsaw Orbs, which shredded June's body even further.
But June ignored the pain, pushing through and tackling me to the ground and pressing her Glock to my mouth, firing.
The taste of metal filled my mouth. Blood choking me from the inside.
But my Yaksha Form quickly jettisoned the blood out of my tract, releasing a wave of white energy that clashed with June's aura and sent her back.
"GRAAAAH!" I roared, quick-switching between my Caliga, then my Ironsight, then my Draugr, watching June's body flop in the air from the force of my weapons.
"Reign her in!" I shouted at my DS35's which circled my protege and pierced her with their tractor beams.
I took aim with my Ironsight, firing a sniper bullet that ripped through her midsection, before dropping the sniper rifle and switching to my Caliga, all of the chakras that had been sustaining my Yaksha Form entering the bullet of the rifle, forming a vortex of destruction which shook the entire world.
I pressed the trigger, and June's face snapped back up.
The bullet became suspended in mid-air, but the vibration of the projectile caused a massive divide in the world.
Air pressure shot outward violently, separating June and me, indicative of the immense pressure that our clash was generating.
"You think sacrificing yourself is gonna do anyone any good? You dumb bitch?!" I shouted.
"This is what it means to be a Vessel of Vala! How many times do I have to tell you this?!"
"And how many times do I gotta tell you how much I hate people who throw their lives away?! What exactly changed from the thirteen-year-old June Lee Sung compared to the sixteen-year-old June Lucia, huh?! What exactly changed?!"
"Sh- Shut up! SHUT UP!"
"You're not fooling anyone, coal monkey! You get stronger the more you love your opponent! You still being alive after me using Asura and Yaksha is enough proof of that!"
"I said SHUT UP!"
"Like hell, I will!"
The bullet began closing in on June's location, much to her shock.
"What the hell does that have to do with this?!"
"EVERYTHING! I was saving my Gasket Goodies on a huge ass bungeoppang party on the off-chance that I get you to see some common sense and return to my place! But I guess you're just too STUPID for it!"
"Stupid! You're so stupid!"
"Yeah! I AM! I'm so goddamn stupid! I'd spend my whole savings on a party for a girl who'd probably just show me up! Stupid me, right?! But you know who's even more stupid?! YOU ARE!"
The bullet exploded, sending June hurling back. I leaped into the air, tackling her and slamming her onto the ground, the two of us skidding to a stop.
The storms and winds dissipated until it was just the two of us, breathing heavily.
"Stupid girl... You stupid... stupid girl!" I roared, slamming my fist against her face over and over again.
This time, June was losing the ability to hold up, her face becoming bloodier and bloodier with each punch I landed on her. Her blood mixed with my tears.
"HOW THE HELL COULD YOU END UP LIKE THIS?!" I screamed as June stared at me, her ragged breathing causing her body to shudder.
"What the hell did I do wrong? I did everything I could to make you smile again. I did everything I could. Yet they still took you away from me. Yet you still couldn't smile. You still couldn't genuinely smile. All those things I bought for you. All those things I did for you. Why did I still lose you after everything I did..."
"You did... nothing wrong... you were just... unlucky... that the girl that ended up in your life... happened to be Vala's most important Vessel..."
I closed my eyes, tears streaming down my face.
"June... could Aran's Anti-Narrative remove the narrative of being Vala's Vessel?"
"Vala... is... eternal... no matter the narrative... she is... absolute. I am... her Vessel... always."
I aimed my Contender to her forehead.
"Then... this is goodbye. I guess."
June slowly lifted her hands, placing them on the sides of my head.
"I lied. When I said I hated you. Aaron... you made what little parts of my life that weren't influenced by Vala so much more worth living. So thank you."
June's body went limp, as I got to my feet, turning to Troia.
"Outer Shadow Troia, do the Amazons have any magical tools to contain a body and keep it from resurrecting?"
Troia nodded solemnly.
"Yes. We used it to contain Ares once. It will work with Jubilee."
I picked June up and handed her over to Troia.
"Then I entrust her fate to you. June cannot be killed, as she is a Vessel for Vala. But we can contain her. So she can't harm your Inner Shadow."
Troia looked at me.
"Dainsleif... about the things I said earlier-"
"Don't worry about it. We are still in battle, Amazon."
"I understand, but."
Troia grabbed my wrist, her initial expression of war and bloodlust had now disappeared, replaced with something I never saw before.
"Please. Please help our Inner Shadow. John... John means a lot to us. I beg you, Dainsleif. As the only SS Rank Shadow here... you're the only one who can fight alongside John and change his fate. I beg you... I beg you..."
I put my hand on Troia's shoulder.
"You don't need to beg. I was gonna head back up there anyway. I hate people who throw their lives away. I certainly won't be in the debt of two Inner Shadows before I die."
I turned around, summoning a DS35, and hopped on it, turning back and glancing at June one last time.
This was an outcome I never wanted to see. But it was something that had to happen.
"DS35: Leopard Protocol"
Several DS35's unlinked from my belt, cladding onto my feet and shoulders, unleashing their rocket engines and propelling me to the skirmish.
"John! Jubilee has been restrained! Jubilee has been-"
A chill ran down my spine.
Jekyll suddenly appeared in front of me, moving at the same speed as my thrusters.
"Why are you here...?!" I gasped.
"Isn't it obvious? Why would the forces of Vala be split? You were mentored by Nora, surely you can piece it together."
I aimed my Draugr, but Jekyll disarmed me, halting my momentum by grabbing my throat and tossing me back into the Citadel.
I crashed through several walls, slamming into the ground.
"What... happened... to Inner Shadow Reaper..." I muttered, blood leaking through my teeth.
Jekyll closed in, but I managed to use False Legacy to evade at the last moment, crashing through a wall and landing back into the Omega Chamber.
"Do the math, kid. Why else would the forces be split? It means Reaper's been dealt with. By someone who has more than enough power to take him out," Jekyll said.
I slowly raised my head, horror struck my face.
"Hello, Dainsleif," Loyce smiled, holding John's battered and bloody face in the palm of his hand.
"Fancy seeing you here."
The rest of the Vessels had fallen back, watching Loyce and John's confrontation.
Even Jekyll kept his distance, sheathing his weapons.
"Demon King Loyce, it is an honor to make your acquaintance," Jekyll said.
"Oh, don't you worry, God of Warfare. I had to step away from my business with Inner Shadow Slipstream, as I learned of another Inner Shadow's intervention in Vala's plans. Funny it would be you again, little Reaper."
Reaper glared at Inner Shadow Empire, his animalistic eyes no longer hiding his bloodlust.
"Demon Lord Loyce..."
Loyce tilted his head sadistically.
"Did you really think I was going to let you off the hook? Remember, it was you who believed you had the power to take me on, all those years ago. Was losing Taylor and your child not enough of a lesson for you?"
John gritted his teeth.
"Your sins will have consequences. To Lord Ginga, even your power shall not be enoug-"
John irked in pain, as Loyce broke one of Inner Shadow Reaper's legs.
"Are you of all people giving me threats? I see you have tried to take on a mentorship role for little Dainsleif over there. Ignorance breeds ignorance. You are the biggest failure of us all, Inner Shadow Reaper. Aside from that battle-crazed idiot Bishamonten, you were always the weakest. A mere human, a mere ''loser'', who only got to where he was through stubbornness."
"You don't know a thing about Inner Shadow Crassman," I growled, but Loyce chuckled.
"I don't know a thing? I know ''everything'', little Outer Shadow. How he came to be. What he has done, and continues to do. There is nothing the greatest Demon King in existence doesn't know."
Loyce glanced at the Vessels of Vala.
"Why don't you all take a break? This specter of mine shall be enough to deal with these two."
Jekyll bowed, along with the rest of the Vessels.
"Very well, Lord Hal."
Loyce dropped John, who crumpled to the ground and turned to me.
"Going for the Omega Upgrade, I see. Once again, another Auxiliary Shadow trying to throw her life for your sake, in spite of the philosophy you always preach. How does it feel to have no one heed your advice? Not even yourself?"
"Why... why are you here...?" I muttered, unable to come up with anything to say.
"Let's just say an unprecedented arrival from a familiar eyesore struck a nerve. Relax, little gunman. You are not my target. It was only a matter of time before I taught this failure of an Inner Shadow a final lesson. You may watch."
Loyce knelt in front of John, his hand hovering over the Inner Shadow's face.
''Alogigenesis - Eternal Agony''
John's body contorted in pain, as he roared. I heard the sounds of bones cracking.
"Lord Crassman!" Galeo shouted, but kept his distance, cradling Sigurd in his arms.
Loyce smiled maliciously, when suddenly, the contortions stopped, with Reaper blasting Loyce away with a wave of chakra.
Loyce skidded backward, a smile still on his face.
John got to his feet. He was missing an arm and an eye, but a scythe was still in his hand.
"As long as I am myself, no esoteric tricks will make me fall, Loyce. I have a responsibility to carry out."
"Is that so?"
I turned to Galeo, who was petrified.
"Inner... Inner Shadow Empire... no..."
"Galeo, you need to get Sig out of there. I'll help John."
"Are you serious? There's nothing we can do! There's-"
"As long as I'm standing, I won't let Loyce kill someone precious to you!"
"Words are mere words... surely you realize the extent of such a threat!"
"I do. I do more than anyone, Galeo. But I've already witnessed enough people in my life die because of my decisions. I don't need to have someone else experience that burden. Take Sigurd to Troia and the others! I swear, as Dainsleif of the Black Legion, I will do everything I can to assist Inner Shadow Reaper."
Loyce raised an eyebrow at Galeo.
"Well, little Witch? You heard the God-Eater. As I have said before, I came for Reaper. No one else. If Dainsleif chooses to dig his grave, it is his choice. But if you stick around, I have no guarantee of your survival."
Galeo looked at me one last time.
"Aaron Hope. Fight proud. We're entrusting the life of our Master to you."
Loyce watched Galeo leave with Sigurd while blocking a full frontal assault by Reaper.
"Final Circle Style, I see literally nothing has changed over the course of your fifty years."
Loyce stopped the momentum of my Anti-Hope bullet with his fingers.
Reaper leaped back, clutching his scythe.
"Dainsleif, return to Sigurd immediately. Empire is too much for you."
"You say that as if you stand a chance."
"My only objective is to buy time, you fool!"
"Oh zip it, you old geezer! I don't need to hear it from a guy who's pushing fifty on modern battle tactics!"
Loyce chuckled.
"Inner Shadow Reaper, Outer Shadow Dainsleif. Come."
Reaper blasted forward.
''Level 2 Shakujin - Gaia's Shards''
''Advanced Light Magic: Final Eclipse''
A massive beam of light shone around Loyce, blinding him, as Reaper released a bombardment of slashes with his scythe at supersonic speed.
Loyce lifted his finger, but John roared, his chakra completely bypassing Loyce's reality-warping and slicing the Demon Lord's hand straight off.
I took aim with my MP7, firing at Loyce's abdomen, but Loyce dodged at super speed, approaching me at a dangerous pace.
"Destreum Buckler-"
"That won't work on Hal, Dainsleif!" Reaper shouted, yanking me out of the way before Loyce could cut me in half with the palm of his hand.
"Spoiling the fun, aren't we, Inner Shadow Reaper?" Loyce mused.
John created a portal with Senkaku, shifting us in space and gaining distance.
"If you are insistent on fighting Loyce, you must remove all the doubts in your mind. The slightest bit of hesitation will spell disaster against this type of opponent. Do you understand?"
"Y- Yeah."
A breeze fluttered Loyce's coat. The smug bastard had his hands in his pockets.
"The only challenge that I had in overtaking this realm was Inner Shadow Gasket, but Aran has already dealt with him. Fighting the disgrace of the Inner Shadows and Gasket's idiotic Outer Shadow is as trivial as it gets."
My eyes widened in rage, but Reaper grabbed my shoulder.
"Don't fall to his mind games. Inner Shadow Gasket lives, his soul hasn't departed. But the Anti-Narrative has affected him greatly. Focus on this fight."
"Fighting him at range would make him target me," I said.
I turned to the Inner Shadow.
"What? But that doesn't make sense. It's obvious to go for the ranged opponent in a fight."
"I know. But Loyce came here for me. You are just a secondary objective for him."
Loyce appeared in front of Reaper, a smile on his face.
''Supercosmic Fire Magic: WRATH OF ANTARES''
SUPER Cosmic Level Magic?!
Was that even possible?!
''Advanced Light Magic - False Legacy''
I ported to the other side, but Reaper sliced through the literal sun that had manifested in the sky with his scythe.
"If it is me you want, then go ahead. But I will not fall, as long as Dainsleif stands!" John shouted.
"Such valiance! You truly are an ignorant little eyesore, aren't you, JOHN CRASSMAN?!" Loyce laughed, summoning a sword out of thin air and clashing with John's scythe, the two of them exchanging blows and sending explosions left and right all over Gasket's realm.
I was barely able to retain stability on my DS35, with occasional lightning strikes ripping through the ground and causing more chaos.
"RAAAAAH!" John shouted, charging forward and slashing through planet after planet-sized magic blasts from Loyce in the sky.
I narrowed my eyes, ripples of distortion were emanating from their clash.
It wasn't just distortion...
Reality itself was being torn apart.
This was the power of a clash between two Inner Shadows.
Reaper sliced at Loyce, who dodged and impaled the Inner Shadow through his shoulder.
"Don't stop! Follow through, Dainsleif!" Reaper growled.
My body instinctively went into action, flying in and scoping with my Ironsight at the opening that John had created for me.
"Oh dear, it looks like the two of you aren't as coordinated as you thought. When you created that opening, Dainsleif should have acted immediately. Calling it out is a red flag for discoordination."
I spun around with my MP7, but Loyce smirked, emitting a concussive force from his aura and sending me smashing into the roof of The Citadel.
Loyce's replica hovered above me, producing a purple vortex booming with lightning.
"Tell me, Outer Shadow. Why do you insist on fighting alongside this man? I have already made it a point. John Crassman is my only objective. You could easily have walked away from this and assisted your Auxiliary."
I shielded my eyes from the debris.
"John... John doesn't deserve to lose his life over something like this."
"How naive. How quickly you are to believe his stories."
From the distance, John swung his scythe, but Loyce dodged the attack, and followed through with his sword, cutting off the Inner Shadow's leg.
Loyce then opened the palm of his hand, blasting the Inner Shadow back and landing in front of me.
"You sure are overconfident of your chakra. John."
John glared at his missing leg, red tattoos appearing around his body as a black prosthetic formed around the wound.
Loyce hovered before the two of us, completely unscathed.
"It is true that chakra overrides my Alogigenesis and the Anti-Narrative of my subordinate Primordial Demon. But the affirmation of self does only that. Did you really feed that thought into Dainsleif that chakra alone would be enough to defeat me?"
John snarled, rushing forward with blinding speed, but Loyce caught the Inner Shadow's wrist, breaking it and sending Reaper flying back.
"Affirmation of self... you boast so much of your ability to stay true to yourself amidst a changing reality. Then let me turn the tables. Let's bring that out. In its entirety. You showed one side of yourself to Outer Shadow Dainsleif. But if you are so proud of your sense of self as you claim to be, then let us show him the entire picture."
"John-" I said before the Inner Shadow cut me off.
"Do not listen to him. Loyce is fooling us both. We must stay true to ourselves-"
"Is that not what I am doing? Come now. What is there to hide? Perhaps that little complex of yourself? Or the fact that all the connections you have made so far have been out of guilt. After all, you are the only true human to ever have the standing of an Inner Shadow. And a human is only human."
John gritted his teeth.
"My past is my past. And my faults are my own."
"Continue telling yourself that, but you know deep inside. That guilt is the only thing keeping you going. Time and time again I have offered to revive Taylor and Jennifer. You refuse each time. Perhaps it is because their fates were more than a mere ego spat between the thirty-year-old John Crassman and the Demon Lord he thought he could challenge."
Loyce knelt down, his grin dripping with malice.
"Do your Outer Shadows know? Do they know of your true relationship with Taylor? Of what you did to her? Do they know that the man they look up to is the biggest scum of them all?"
John clenched his teeth, eyeing the Inner Shadow with rage.
Loyce stepped on John's head, slamming him into the ground.
"Of all the Inner Shadows in The Black Legion, you were truly the weakest. Bishamonten may have fallen in battle to Dainsleif, but even he had his morals. He was no hypocrite. Jason Hellion is open to his lack of virtue, but you are the worst. To put yourself in a moral high horse."
I wanted to say something, but both of these Inner Shadows were out of my league.
There was nothing I could do.
Loyce glanced at me.
"Perhaps Dainsleif will be the first."
John's eyes suddenly went wide, as his movements became more frantic.
"Don't... don't show him... don't show him..."
''Time Magic - Memory Freesia''
"LOYCE!" John shouted, as my surroundings distorted, memories collapsing in on myself and the sounds of John Crassman's shouting becoming dim.
''See for yourself.''
''This is the man you are fighting for.''
==John Crassman of The Black Legion==
This was a vision.
I knew that much because I had no body.
And the scenery wasn't just away from Master Jun's realm.
It was a completely different timeline.
Detroit: 1991
I was standing in the street with an old view of America, before it had become Millennium City.
"Hey, where's the bag?" A man in a purple tuxedo said.
"Should have been in the trunk! We didn't just rob the bank for nothing!" The driver responded.
"Nah, you didn't. You robbed it for my debut!" A third voice said, causing the drivers to turn around in surprise.
"Shit! It's him!"
"The Millennium City Reaper!"
I stared at the young man who was crouched down on the roof of the car.
He had his hair clipped short...
Sandy hair... that resembled mine.
A pair of shades glinted in the sunlight, along with a huge grin. Something that I never imagined Inner Shadow Reaper would ever have on his face.
"Howdy, fellas. Why don't you smile at the camera? I gotta get my UNITY registration in-"
''Outer Shadow Reaper! What are you doing?!'' A girl's voice shouted from a com unit.
One of the Purple Gang members blinked.
"What's an Outer Shadow?"
John fumbled with his coms device.
"Shit! Ah- Tina, just hang on there. I gotta do something real quick."
''You're not doing your side job, are you? We're twenty minutes late to our meeting with Lord Ginga!''
"Relax, he's not going to freak out. He already is expecting I'll be late anyway."
''You idiot! Our reputation is already the worst in the entire Black Legion!''
John turned off his coms device, leaning in.
"I wonder how hard I gotta hit to make people go into amnesia?"
What kind of hero was this?!
"Oh well. I guess I'll just hit y'all as hard as I can!" John grinned crazily, as the two gangsters began sweating profusely.
"Dear god..."
"Out of all the superheroes we could have gotten arrested by..."
You would have expected John to have high-tailed it to the meeting... but spoiler alert.
He never did.
"Yo! Johnny!" Several boys shouted at John, as John wrapped his arms around two of his classmates.
"What's good, Tony! Nico!"
"Wait, Johnny, didn't you say you had a meeting with your boss at your part-time gig?"
"Nah, it can wait. I wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world."
What opportunity was this idiot talking about?
The scene shifted to the three boys peeking through a peephole.
"The women's showers. Boys, have we all trained ourselves to engrave this moment in our memory?" John asked, his face determined.
This moron skipped a meeting with Lord Ginga to spy on the women's showers?!
"May I ask what you three are up to?" A girl asked.
"Voyeurism," John said proudly.
Don't say it so proudly!
"I see. Tony. Nico. I'd like to have a word with Mr. Crassman alone, please."
Tony and Nico nervously got up and booked it out of there as if they had the Suijin Dogma.
"What gives? You damn cockblock!" John turned around angrily, but not before having his face go pale.
"You have some nerve... Outer Shadow Reaper, to skip a meeting with Lord Ginga of all people to engage in voyeurism!" Tina snarled.
"Wait! Don't take me back! I still haven't got the image engrained in my mind-"
Moments later, Tina dragged John by the ear to their barracks, where John sat in his chair, before a group of Auxiliary Shadows.
"Ugh... I don't wanna do this," John grumbled.
"Do role call, you quack Outer Shadow!" Tina snapped.
"Fine. Auxiliary Shadow Slicer?"
"Present. No missions today. Cleaned the bathroom, as instructed."
"Auxiliary Shadow Kressler?"
"Present. One mission completed today - stopped a potential candidate from becoming a Vessel. Cleaned the kitchen, as instructed."
"Auxiliary Shadow Starline?"
"Present. Four missions were completed today - I'll send a report after the standup today. Cleaned the living room, as instructed."
"Auxiliary Shadow Terra?"
Tina crossed her arms.
"Present. Eight missions were completed. That's all."
John put down his clipboard.
"Huh? What about your other task?"
"Didn't do it."
"But I requested it."
A vein appeared on Tina's head, as she grabbed her Outer Shadow by the collar.
"Request all you want, but I'm not giving you samples of my little sister's panties! You disgusting Outer Shadow!"
John waved his hands.
"Wait! Th- That's not what I meant! I uh..."
The rest of the Auxiliary Shadows gave their boss an expression that bordered disgust and disappointment.
"Really, Johnny? That order was even more down bad than last week..." Kressler muttered.
Starlight spat out the window, glaring at her boss.
"You disgust me."
Johnny sank into his chair in defeat.
"Guys... you're supposed to treat me with respect... I'm literally the legendary Reaper of the Black Legion! The only SS Ranked Outer Shadow! It should be an honor to serve me!"
Tina sighed, as the rest of the Auxiliary Shadows left the room.
"Johnny, if you're that interested in my sister, why don't you spend more alone time with her?"
Johnny frowned.
"That's obvious, ain't it? Taylor is literally the perfect girl, with the most perfect grades, perfect athleticism, and popularity. She's even the perfect sister. She is literally out of my league."
Tina smirked.
"Damn right, she is."
"You know you're not helping, right?"
Johnny rested his chin on his hand.
"Would have been so much easier if I could just show her what I was truly capable of."
''Crassman'', an ethereal voice echoed in the distance.
''He awaits.''
"Oh. Perfect timing. Looks like we have a spicy mission on our hands. Shadows, take me to Lord Ginga."
If I had a mouth, it would have hung open.
Lord Ginga...
Lord Ginga? I was seriously going to see Lord Ginga for the first time.
Throughout my career, much of The Black Legion was shrouded in mystery, since confidentiality made up most of its operations.
And with each higher tier of power and rank, the level of confidentiality rose.
No one knew anything about Lord Ginga which had ever reached the level of an Outer Shadow.
Even I had no idea what Lord Ginga looked like... or what he even was.
The fact that John had reached that level of clearance despite being an Outer Shadow...
Must have spoke volumes to the degree of accomplishments he must have had at his age.
The scene shifted to the Outer Shadow kneeling before a dark black throne. The throne had to be at least the size of a skyscraper... and to say the sight was surreal was beyond an understatement.
The throne broke through the sky, forming a blinding white light at the top, illuminating the black clouds and sending rays of light that shone on John's figure.
I couldn't make out the person sitting on the throne, but he was ginormous, and I knew right away.
This was Ginga himself.
"Lord Ginga, I present myself to you. What shall be my task?"
Ginga was silent.
Suddenly, John's eyes widened in terror.
"But- But Lord Ginga, I-"
John's voice abruptly cut out, as he got to his feet.
"A- As you wish."
What... what did Ginga say to him?
That it would make such a goofball's face turn so pale?
John left the room, meeting up with Tina who was waiting outside. Her black leather jacket reflected the lights of the castle-like hallway.
"It's fine. Tina. I received the next mission. We're heading out."
Tina watched Johnny head to the exit, her hand slightly outstretched.
Johnny stopped in his tracks.
"What is it, Tina?"
Tina walked to John's side.
"Let's see sis."
Another shift in the scenery, this time, it was out in a field, the backyard of a massive mansion where I presumed Taylor lived.
"Tina! And Johnny!" Taylor waved happily, her brown frizzy hair tumbled to her shoulders like a tomboyish princess, unlike Tina's which was always tied back.
Johnny quickly got on his knees.
"What brings you here, gorgeous," Johnny said in a flirtatious tone when suddenly, Tina walloped her Outer Shadow over the head.
"She lives here, doofus!"
Taylor laughed.
"Want to go to the beach?"
I watched as Johnny, Tina, and Taylor played on the shore. Day by day.
I watched the memories go by.
Taylor, Johnny, and Tina spending their high school lives together.
The three of them, celebrating Halloween together, where Johnny would dress up as Tina with the most outlandish tomboy clothes, and Tina dressing up as Johnny, with the most comical pair of sunglasses imaginable, only for the two to get in a fight and Taylor breaking them up.
The three of them, celebrating Christmas together, where Johnny would gift Taylor a pair of earrings, and Tina a literal baseball bat.
"Oh? How convenient. A present I can use to kick your ass!" Tina snarled, causing Johnny to scream and hide behind Taylor.
I was someone who had the ability to read people, a skill that I obtained a long time ago and practiced for many years. And I understood the dynamic immediately.
Johnny would be the silly one. Tina would be the brash one, and Taylor would be the good-natured one who would break up the two's outbursts.
But at the end of it all, the three would end up always laughing.
Johnny, Taylor, and Tina lay on the sand, staring at the sky.
"Say... I have a question," Taylor said.
"As long as you're the one asking and not Johnny, I'm good," Tina remarked.
"Snide bitch!" Johnny grumbled.
Taylor giggled, causing Johnny to stare at her with a blush on his face.
"In ten years... do you think we can still visit this beach, laughing?"
"That's a weird question," Johnny remarked, before receiving another wallop to the face by her Auxiliary Shadow.
"I wouldn't mind beating up Johnny if it means we can have this moment even when we're old and gray," Tina smiled.
Johnny rubbed his head.
"Same here."
Johnny looked out into the distance.
"Same here..."
<div align="center">* * *</div>
"Auxiliary Shadow Slicer?""
"Present. Three missions today. Cleaned the kitchen, as instructed."
"Auxiliary Shadow Kressler?"
"Present. Two missions were completed today. Obtained groceries, as instructed."
"Auxiliary Shadow Starline?"
"Present. One mission was completed today. Cleaned the basement, as instructed."
Johnny glanced at Tina, who looked away.
"Aight, roll call over. We are all good."
The Auxiliary Shadows filed away until it was just Outer Shadow Reaper and Auxiliary Shadow Terra.
"Don't talk to me."
"But you're still my Auxiliary Shadow, no matter what happens, we still gotta-"
"Auxiliary Shadow or not, I'll never forgive what you did. You lovestruck idiot. I'll never forgive you!" Tina snapped, as she jabbed her finger at Johnny's chest.
Why was Tina so mad? This wasn't her usual outbursts...
This rage was full of anger and hurt.
"Tell me why... tell me why you destroyed Taylor's school! Our home! Why did you destroy everything my sister had worked so hard for? Lived so much for?!"
The air turned tense, as Johnny clenched his fist.
"It was a request from Lord Ginga, Tina. The task was to send Taylor into despair."
Tina gnashed her teeth, tears streaming down her face.
"And you didn't once question yourself... not once. You-"
John's eyes widened as he grabbed Tina and pushed her to the ground.
"Get down!"
John spun around, to see dozens of silhouettes in the air, glowing blue with Vala's light.
"Where is the next Vessel? The Vessel of our Lady. Where is Taylor Hunt?"
Tina glared at the acolyte, her body glowing green.
''Level 1 Shakujin - Stage Two: Gaia's Spear''
"Stay away from my sister!" Tina shouted, launching a javelin at the nearest acolyte and impaling it.
Johnny got to his feet, taking out a baton from his waist and unleashing a polearm.
"We'll talk later. Right now, we fend these a-holes off!"
Johnny flew into the air, spinning the polearm with lightning-fast agility.
''First Circle Style: Big Blade Rush''
Hundreds of jabs rained down from the sky, disintegrating the acolytes instantly. John then sheathed his polearm, transforming it into two dual-wield swords.
"Move!" John shouted at Tina, as well as the rest of the Auxiliaries, as they worked in tandem to fight off the Acolytes.
SS Ranked Outer Shadow Reaper.
His mastery of those weapons was absurd.
It wasn't even a matter of experience or time... his ability to handle the Guandao surpassed even Ernest Wang.
His ability to handle swords surpassed Vicki Harriet's.
If Dainsleif was a master of ranged weaponry...
Then Reaper was a master of melee weaponry.
"Outer Shadow Reaper! We have this area contained, get to the Vessel candidate as soon as possible!" Another Outer Shadow shouted at Johnny, who removed his sword from the corpse of an Acolyte.
"Counting on you, Switch! Terra! With me!"
Tina joined John, and the two were engulfed by the Shadows, appearing outside the high school that I had first seen.
The entire place was in flames, destroyed beyond comprehension. Evidence of the slashes and damage clearly pointed to the weapons Reaper had displayed earlier.
"Tay-" Tina shouted, but not before Johnny put a hand to her mouth.
"MMF! WHY?!"
"Can't give out her location. We gotta find her ourselves. She can't draw any attention."
Tina shoved Johnny away.
"You have some nerve, taking everything we had together and squashing it! You wanted this all along, didn't you?! You wanted Taylor all along, didn't you?!"
"What the hell are you saying?! Why would I ever want that?"
Johnny fell backward, as the two were met by a large man in a white robe.
"I am the current Vessel for Vala's Eyes. Your quest to take Vala's Heart shall not see fruition. Taylor Hunt shall prevail. Her kindness shall not go unnoticed by the Lady of Hope."
Johnny pulled out his baton, summoning a spear.
"The God of Victory, huh? I've killed thousands of gods, enough to pad a resume full!"
The god narrowed his eyes.
"The God-Reaper. I see. So The Black Legion would task their strongest Outer Shadow for such a task... how surprising that their strongest Outer Shadow is a mere... human. With no powers whatsoever."
''Level 1 Shakujin - Stone Blast''
Tina launched a blast of earth at the Vessel, who stumbled back, as Reaper suddenly appeared before him, shimmering with a white light, a crazy grin on his face.
''First Circle Style - Reaper's Maw''
The Vessel crumpled to the ground.
"Let's go," Johnny said to Tina, as the two made their way around the school.
There, we found Taylor, her knees to her chin, trembling in terror at the bodies of her classmates that were strewn all over the floor. As well as the bloodied remains of Johnny and Tina's belongings.
"Sis... oh god! Oh my god! Sis, we're not dead! We're not!" Tina sobbed as John held her back.
"We can't. The slightest shred of hope will cause Taylor to get targeted... it..."
John made a fist, causing blood to leak from his finger crevices.
"It's what Lord Ginga wanted."
Months passed, as John and Tina continued their missions. Doing their best to avoid Taylor, and ensuring that she never had that sliver of hope that the two had survived.
After all those memories I witnessed the three friends' experience together...
It had all gone sour.
And as the despair deepened, the fateful day happened.
July 23, 1992.
Doctor Destroyer would lay siege on America to take it over.
'''The Battle of Detroit'''.
"Outer Shadow Reaper," A man said, as Johnny and Tina looked onward at the carnage delivered by Doctor Destroyer.
"Inner Shadow Bishamonten. To what do I owe this honor?" Johnny kneeled before the God of War.
Bishamonten regarded Johnny.
"One of our Inner Shadows have gone rogue. Lord Ginga has tasked you with the mission to eliminate the traitor, for he prophesizes that the Inner Shadow's fate is to be felled by a mortal's hands. A human mortal."
Tina clenched her fists.
"Lord Ginga is sending Johnny to fight an ''Inner Shadow''? There's no way he could defeat such an enemy! Johnny's just a human, he doesn't even have any evos or meta abilities!"
Bishamonten narrowed his eyes.
"Do you question Lord Ginga, Auxiliary Shadow Terra?"
Tina took a nervous step back.
"N- No, Lord Bishamonten."
The Inner Shadow turned to Johnny, who, despite hiding his face from being on his knees, could not hide his nerves.
"You despair for the life that you had lost. Despair is good. It is the opposite of Hope. The opposite of Vala. Steel yourself. For once this Inner Shadow has her life reaped by a mortal's hands, her spot as an Inner Shadow shall go to you."
Tina blinked in disbelief.
"Wh- what...? Johnny will become an Inner Shadow?!"
Bishamonten walked in the other direction, surrounded by his Shadows, which took on the form of crows.
"No ordinary mortal possesses the strength to kill a god. And no ordinary Shadow possesses the strength to kill an Inner Shadow. By doing this, you will ascend to become the first human Inner Shadow in history. You have already accepted such a life when you chose to send the woman you loved into despair, did you not, Outer Shadow John Crassman? He will come to you. And there you will be given the tools to carry the task out. But know this, the path of an Inner Shadow will be rife with decisions just like the one you made for Taylor Hunt. Can you accept that?"
John's fingers clutched the cement, leaving behind blood trails.
Tina stared at her Outer Shadow with a mixture of horror and sadness.
Having realized that the days that she once longed for, the days spent with Taylor and Johnny would never be seen again.
"I accept."
The scene shifted again until it was just Johnny alone in his room. His shades were off, and in front of him was his baton.
"Auxiliary Shadow Terra, signing off," Tina said, but before she could leave, Johnny stopped her.
"What is it?"
Johnny grabbed her wrist, startling his Auxiliary.
"Johnny? What are you doing, you creep? I'm going to bed. We have a ton of preparations and-"
"I have an idea to bring Taylor back to us."
Tina hesitated, stopping herself from resisting.
"What are you talking about Johnny... you said it yourself, Lord Ginga wanted Sis to be so far from Hope that she couldn't possibly become a Vessel."
"I know. But... what if we can erase ''the narrative'' that she needs to feel despair?"
Tina sighed, sitting down on the bed across from her Outer Shadow.
"Johnny, please. We need to let this go. Taylor... Taylor isn't coming back to us. I know you still love her... but we need to accept-"
Johnny slammed his fist against his desk.
"I can do it. I have to do it. If Lord Ginga is entrusting an Outer Shadow like me to fight an Inner Shadow, there has to be something about me that is abnormal. With this abnormality, there's a chance that we can go against destiny and bring Taylor back! Think about it, Tina! To those days when the three of us used to goof off together! Do you not remember the conversation we had that night when the three of us were lying on the grass? That we could visit the beach ten years from then?!"
"We can do it. You and me. We can go rogue if we have to. The power to defy even the narrative of our destiny! I've lived my whole life honing down my First Circle Style to use my chakra, with it, my chakra has been able to accomplish the impossible. To fight against literal gods! The power to wield my own sense of self will be the power that can bring our memories back!"
"JOHNNY!" Tina screamed, stopping Johnny as tears peppered the blanket of his bed.
"Johnny... please... please stop. Nothing good comes from defying a destiny laid out by The Black Legion Organization... you of all people know this."
Johnny slowly lowered his hands, the smile on his face melting.
Tina looked up at her Outer Shadow, tears streaming down her face.
"I've already lost my little sis... I can't lose you too... Johnny, you're all that I have. And I'm all that you have! Even if it means bringing my sis back to our sides, I can't accept that if the risk involves losing you!"
Tina fell to her knees, sobbing. Johnny knelt down in front of her, wrapping his Auxiliary Shadow in a hug.
"Sorry. I'm sorry. Forget everything I said. Let's keep going forward with preparing for the mission, alright? I'll train extra hard. I won't say stuff like that anymore, alright?"
Tina rubbed her eyes.
"Idiot," She muttered, before getting up and leaving Johnny alone in his room.
Minutes passed, as I watched Johnny sit in front of his mirror, handling the baton in his hands.
The light of the room cast a dark shadow across Johnny's figure. The shades that he always wore had fallen to the ground, cracked from the scuffle that Johnny and Tina had earlier.
"The Dogma never lies. Tell me, Dogma of The Great Akuma, do I stand a chance against this Inner Shadow as I am right now?" Johnny muttered.
The baton began to glow, spreading demonic lettering all across the desk.
No way...
These were the runes for...
''Outer Shadow John "God-Reaper" Crassman. How incredible your accomplishments are. The strongest man in the entire human race. But no man can kill an Inner Shadow. No matter how much training one undergoes.''
"Even with the First Circle Style?"
''The concept of your chakra operates similarly to The Great Akuma, but will never reach its narrative-bending properties. It will not offset your fate. You cannot do anything unless you embrace it.''
John gritted his teeth.
"The Dogma of Equivalent Exchange. If I accept its Bargain... will it be able to break Taylor Hunt's fate as Vala's Heart?"
''You seek a Bargain?''
"I just want the woman I love to be by my side. If I become an Inner Shadow... will I have the power to change Taylor's destiny?"
The Dogma was quiet for a few seconds.
''You seek the power to defeat this Inner Shadow. And you seek the change in Taylor Hunt's destiny as Vala's Heart. The exchange will be great. Can you accept this?''
A bead of sweat ran down Johnny's neck.
"Tell me the exchange."
''Very well. The exchange for the power to defeat the rogue Inner Shadow shall be the soul of Johnny Crassman.''
Johnny's eyes widened.
"My soul?"
''Do you accept?''
"A soul... for a life with Taylor and Tina... as an Inner Shadow... If I become an Inner Shadow, I would live nonetheless, even if I give my soul in this exchange. Is that correct?"
Johnny looked at his reflection, and a grim expression appeared on his face.
"Then... I accept."
''It shall be done. In exchange for Johnny Crassman's being, I shall bestow upon you...''
'''''Level 1: SENKAKU''', the Lord of Shadows.''
'''''Level 2: SHAKUJIN''', the Devil's Body.''
Johnny's body contorted in pain, as the Outer Shadow doubled over.
"GAH!! GRRRK!!!" Johnny growled, tattoos ripping through his body. Red runic lettering covered his chest as his brown sandy hair started to turn white.
"Bear it... bear it Johnny! BEAR IT!"
Johnny threw his head back, yelling to the sky, as energy shunted from his body violently, ripping the barracks apart.
"Johnny?! Johnny! What's wrong?! Johnny!" Tina ran in, along with the rest of the Auxiliary Shadows.
"What the hell, is that a Dogma Bargain?!" Slicer yelped.
"Reaper, what did you do?! What was the exchange?" Starline shouted.
Johnny slammed his fist against the ground.
''For the power to slay an Inner Shadow, the sacrifice is Johnny Crassman's soul. Everything that makes up your soul.''
Johnny got to his feet, his eyes wide.
"What... what is this... I can't control my body!"
Tina stared at her Outer Shadow.
"No. He can't control his body! Everybody get down!"
''Level 1 Senkaku - BLACK BLADE''
Tina and the rest of the Auxiliary Shadows froze in mid-air, as the blade of a black projection sprouted from Starline's chest.
"J- Johnny...?!" Starline gasped, as the blade retracted. Starline's corpse crumpled to the ground, to the horror of everybody in the barracks.
"Wha- What the hell did you do to Rebecca?!" Kressler shouted at Johnny, who stumbled back, terror-stricken all over his face.
"Dogma... Dogma what are you doing?! I gave you my soul! Why did you take my Auxiliary Shadow's life?!"
''The exchange was Johnny Crassman's soul. Outer Shadow Reaper without Johnny Crassman... will be an Outer Shadow Reaper without the things that made Johnny Crassman live. I shall take from you...''
Tina stared at Johnny, tears running down her face.
"Johnny... what have you done...?"
"Run... RUN EVERYBODY! RUN!" Johnny screamed, as his body stomped on the ground.
''Level 2 Shakujin - Gaia's Death Field''
A wave of spikes erupted from the ground, impaling Kressler and Slicer, killing them instantly.
''Level 1 Shakujin - Gaia's Fortress''
Tina flew to the sky, narrowly escaping the spikes.
"Johnny! What was the exchange?! Tell me!"
"It... it was..." Johnny sobbed, as Tina narrowly evaded a Senkaku blade.
Tina hit the ground, making eye contact with the shattered shades of her Outer Shadow.
The grin that he once wore, just like these shades, no longer belonged to Johnny Crassman of The Black Legion.
"Johnny... you would go so far as to strike a deal with The Dogma to bring Taylor back..." Tina muttered as Johnny closed in.
"GET OUT OF HERE! YOU HAVE TO RUN! TINA!" Johnny yelled, tears in his eyes.
Tina threw her head back, staring at the sky.
"You of all people know we can't escape a Dogma Bargain. The deal was us, right? That was the exchange the Dogma tricked you into accepting."
Johnny stared in horror as his Senkaku blade impaled his last Auxiliary Shadow.
And the last of the trio he spent his days with.
Tina smiled weakly, slowly tracing her hand against Johnny's face.
"I don't blame you... I don't want my last memory of you to be filled with resentment... you did this for sis... thank you."
"No... no, I can still... maybe I can cancel these Bargains, I can cancel Senkaku and Shakujin! I don't want them! I don't-"
"Dogma... the reason why Johnny was given Shakujin... was because I won't be around anymore... right?"
''Correct. With you gone, we will search for another vessel to hold Shakujin. And in exchange for the life of Taylor Hunt, the Vessel for Vala's Heart has now been shifted to another. That is the power I can bestow on behalf of The Great Akuma.''
"TINA! TINA!!!!" Johnny screamed as Tina pressed her forehead against his.
"Promise me... one last thing... Johnny. If you ever become an Inner Shadow..."
Johnny gritted his teeth.
"What... what is it... I'll do anything for you."
"Make sure... no young hot-blooded Outer Shadows end up like you. This world has enough Johnny Crassman's."
Tina delivered one final dying smile, as her body turned limp, leaving Johnny's expressionless face staring into the void.
''In exchange for the power to surpass an Inner Shadow...''
''And the life of Taylor Hunt...''
''The soul of Johnny Crassman shall be no more.''
''Starting today...''
The Outer Shadow gripped his baton, which transformed into a new weapon.
A scythe.
"There is only John Crassman. The Reaper of The Black Legion."
<div align="center">* * *</div>
For months, I watched John learn about his new abilities.
It was also then did I learned how he had obtained his Reaper-like death powers.
It wasn't just his personality that had changed...
That white chakra that was so full of life and happiness that he once had, that was so full of energy and power that he wielded to become an SS Ranked Outer Shadow had changed too.
It was dark.
Hopeless and bleak.
And overwhelming. The feeling of grief and overwhelming sadness would instantly cause someone to lose the will to fight.
A feeling of wishing for death.
That was the chakra that John Crassman now had.
And it was as if I was watching a ghost of a former self wander the streets of a destroyed Detroit.
It would have been three days since Doctor Destroyer had been defeated, and the city of Detroit was in absolute ruin. Though the heroes had claimed victory, those who actually lived in the city saw it differently.
Many had their lives destroyed, and even more suffered from homelessness and lack of society.
John walked in the rain, the sounds of his footsteps muddled by a shadowy aura of Senkaku which lined his body.
John stopped his movements, turning to the alleyway.
And my heart... if I had one anyway in this vision, would have stopped along with the Outer Shadow.
The sounds of the creaking had become more apparent as both John and I realized what was going on in that alley.
A hooker and her client.
The hooker had her face buried in her arms, a look of emptiness in her eyes as a wad of cash landed on the crate in front of her.
The client walked off, as the hooker leaned against the dirty wall of the alleyway, her white miniskirt stained with dirt and grime.
"Can I... get a second before I provide you with my services, sir..." The prostitute muttered.
"I am not here for that. Tell me your name," John answered.
The prostitute made eye contact with Crassman, her eyes listlessly wandering off. Signs of drug overdose. I had seen instances of pimps using certain drugs to keep their workers in line.
"My name... is Trina..."
"No, it's not."
John reached out, running his hand across the woman's frizzy hair.
My heart stopped, as John looked at the prostitute with an empty expression.
"Your name is Taylor Hunt."
Taylor stared at John.
"I don't... remember anything. All I remember was a chunk of debris hitting the back of my head during the Destroid invasion..."
"You don't believe me?"
"I don't see a reason to... my life has been nothing but hell. There's no reason for me to even continue living... but a part of me wants to."
"I feel the same way. A part of me knows... this was ''destined'' to happen."
John slowly wrapped Taylor in an embrace.
"Let me take you away from the Hopelessness that you've been feeling all these years. Serve me. From now on."
Taylor slowly buried her face in the Outer Shadow's shoulder.
"What is... your name?"
"My name is John Crassman."
"Johnny... huh? I suppose you knew me in a previous life?"
"I- I guess only you may refer me to that name. And yes. In our previous life...
"We were bound by fate."
And with that, the scene moved forward, months ahead.
To John Crassman's training, and his time spent with Taylor.
Taylor would watch John train and practice a new variant of his style, one that better matched his new chakra.
Early signs of his '''Final Circle Style'''.
John would spend his days with Taylor, taking her to the beach, the same beach that they once visited.
"Huh... why does... this feel... so familiar?" Taylor asked.
"This is where you asked me a question."
"If we could be together, on this beach, ten years into the future."
"And... has it been ten years?"
"No. Not yet."
Taylor looked back into the distance of the ocean, as a tear ran down her cheek.
"Why... why am I crying? I'm here with you... yet... it feels like we're missing something. Someone."
John wrapped an arm around Taylor.
"Taylor... I will keep you safe. Forever and ever. Even if it means sacrificing to the Dogma as much as I need to. I will keep you safe."
''Is that so?''
John instinctively put distance between the voice and his lover, as its owner broke through the clouds before them.
"YOU." Reaper snarled.
''So you are the Outer Shadow who has been assigned to deal with me. I sense something demonic in you, you are not the same Reaper I was expecting.''
The Inner Shadow hovered in the air, her wings outstretched.
No way.
Why was...
Was this who I thought it was?
But if this was true...
Then everything... from the very start...
What could this mean?
''Perhaps it may be coincidence, that your lover would happen to be the furthest from '''perfection''' a human could ever be. A prostitute who has taken on multiple lovers. One who has mated with countless men for the purpose of mere currency. How truly REPULSIVE.''
John summoned his scythe, which began brimming with dark energy.
''Level 1 Senkaku - BLACK REAPER''
"I will settle this fight. Shadows, take Taylor away."
''As you wish, Outer Shadow Reaper.''
Reaper faced the Inner Shadow, his battle stance ready.
"For your transgressions against The Black Legion, I have been assigned to take you down.
"'''Inner Shadow Avara, the Goddess of Fertility.'''"
==Where It All Started==
Why was Avara here?
And above all else...
"Come. Outer Shadow Reaper," Avara drew her swords, as Reaper unleashed his chakra aura at its max power.
A massive vortex of wind surrounded the Outer Shadow, generating an overwhelming pressure that flattened every single car around the vicinity of the ruins of Detroit.
''Advanced Emission Chakra: AURA OF DEATH''
Reaper assumed his stance, a quick-draw position as his aura of death continued to grow, wilting and decaying everything around it.
A faint outline of a skull could be seen from within the folds of John's cloak, causing Avara to scowl in disgust.
"The smell of death. The complete opposite of fertility. I can see why you would be tasked to fight me, but that in itself is a double-edged sword. Because your very existence ANGERS ME."
''Level 1 Senkaku: SHADOW DRAW''
Avara's eyes widened as a quickdraw arc of black, shadowy energy suddenly appeared before her, barely missing one of her wings.
So fast!
This was probably one of the fastest quick-draw techniques I had ever seen in my life!
"Wide open, Inner Shadow Avara!" Reaper growled, stepping out of a shadow portal that the arc had suddenly transformed into.
Avara spun around, clashing against Reaper's scythe and generating a massive shockwave that destroyed several high-rise buildings.
"You dare try to mark me?! MORTAL?!"
Avara opened her wings, unleashing a blinding torrent of feathers the size of a continent.
Each feather began to grow, until a version of Avara filled the sky, their swords drawn.
"Pay for ever bearing your fangs to a god, mortal!" Avara sneered, as the army of winged warriors chased after John.
''Level 2 Shakujin - Hand of Gaia''
Several tattoos on John's arm glowed green. A hand shot out of the ground, engulfing the horde of clones.
"For the sake of The Black Legion, all traitors shall pay! I will not stop now, after everything that has happened!"
John made a fist, crushing the clones and causing blue powder to explode everywhere.
Avara closed her wings, blasting to John's location with speed rivaling Jay Hellion's.
A shockwave parted the clouds from where Avara last was, the sound of a sonic boom filling the air, followed by an explosion, marking the clash between the Outer Shadow of Death, and the Inner Shadow of Fertility.
John clenched his teeth, struggling to withstand the immense momentum Avara had delivered.
''Empowerment Chakra - Dark Blood''
The body of Reaper began taking on a darker tone as John stopped trembling, his mouth snarling with malice.
Avara's face returned with a look of outrage.
"You dare snarl at me like some untrained dog?! Fall already! Dogma or not! No man shall best a god! Especially not one who stands for something so innately human!"
"Perfection isn't human. Perfection is an ideal. And this world is far from ideal!" John roared, using the combined force of Avara and his clash to redirect the momentum, spinning Avara around and sending her through a building.
''Level 1 Senkaku, Emission Chakra - REAPER'S CHAINS''
Black chains shot from John's forearm tattoos, chasing after Avara, who took to the skies once more, passing right through the chains, to Crassman's surprise.
"Don't you dare put me on the same level as your filthy mortal realm. I am beyond your silly aspirations, Outer Shadow!"
Avara grabbed John and dragged him across the ground, flying at hypersonic speed and breaking multiple sound barriers.
John's face smashed into the Pacific Ocean, but Avara didn't stop, as she continued flying, circling the entire planet and dragging the Outer Shadow along for the ride.
Avara then took to the sky, tossing John's barely conscious body into the air.
"You who relish in taking the lives of others - enjoy watching yours be taken right before your very eyes!"
Avara sliced through John, leaving behind a trail of blood, then stopped, flying the other way and changing direction to kite John once more.
Over and over again.
Thousands and thousands of red lines filled the air, turning the sky red.
Avara appeared in front of John, who breathed heavily, blood splurting from his mouth.
"Do you enjoy taking lives so much? How can someone so narrow-minded like a killer ever understand the motives of a Goddess of Fertility?"
Avara grabbed John by the face and hurled the Outer Shadow into the ground, causing the entire tectonic plate to sink deeper, unleashing earthquakes all around.
John struggled to his feet, but not before having Avara appear in front of him, delivering a powerful front slash with one of her swords.
John flew backward, smashing into a mountain face with so much force that landslides propagated outward in multiple directions.
"I... Don't enjoy... taking lives..." John muttered as Avara appeared in front of him, her sword raised in the air.
Her glowing blue eyes and fluttering white hair eclipsing the moon.
And emitting a murderous intent.
"Then tell me. What was going through your head when you ruined the life of Taylor Hunt?"
John's eyes widened. Avara continued.
"She was the most perfect woman in the world. She embodied the ideal that I wish many more humans would embody. Kindness. Beauty. Lovingness. The desire to care for children. There was no flaw behind her character, but one day, you saw fit to end her world. She loved you, and you saw fit to end everything."
John tightened his grip on his scythe.
"If I didn't send her to despair, her life as Vala's Heart would be sealed. An egotistical goddess like you surely could see that."
Avara swung down, angrily, but John managed to barely escape, using his Shakujin Dogma to force the tectonics to hurl his body out of the way.
"If it only was the Heart, then let it be so! There are many other Vessels! There were many more we could have slain. But why... why did Lord Ginga choose to slay the Heart of Vala?! It would require all the Vessels to bring about the Hope Ancient's revival, we easily could have slain the Eyes of Vala! Or the Body of Vala! Or the Hands of Vala! Yet we chose... the one part of Vala that I as a goddess stood for!"
John clashed with Avara again, his chakra revitalizing his stamina, but blood was exploding all over his body.
He was nearing his limits.
"We don't question Lord Ginga. As an Inner Shadow, I am beyond disappointed that you of all people cannot fathom that!"
Avara gritted her teeth.
"And for that reason... the reason of duty, that you took it upon yourself, to defy your body even more with that disgusting Dogma's Bargains?"
John hesitated, before answering.
Avara raised an eyebrow, a smile forming on her face.
The goddess delivered a kick to John's midsection, startling the Outer Shadow, then jabbed her sword into his thigh, causing Reaper to howl in pain.
"You lie. I can sense it. In your soul. When it comes to Fertility, a man's love for a woman cannot be suppressed. Yes... your choice to take on not one, but TWO levels of the Great Akuma's offering, was because of her. Wasn't it?"
Reaper stumbled back, his chakra aura no longer as aggressive as it was before.
Avara smiled, dragging her sword against the ground.
"You chose to strike the bargain with the Dogma of Equivalent Exchange... because you wanted Taylor back by your side. No matter what. Because you saw an opportunity to break the narrative! To break destiny!"
The goddess threw her head back and laughed.
John simply stood before the Inner Shadow, his head hung low.
It was like his desire to fight had suddenly disappeared. The scythe reverted back into its baton form, clattering to the ground.
"Yes. And that is so. No matter how much strength you have amassed as an Outer Shadow, you are still a human. Lord Ginga saw it fit to dispatch a man of death to destroy a goddess of fertility, but perhaps he was the biggest fool of all. To have entrusted such a task to a man who had, in the beginning, been fuelled by his desire to be with the woman he loved. And where there is love, there is fertility. And where there is fertility, there is ME."
Avara kicked John in the face, sending the Outer Shadow skidding back into a mountain with so much force, that a canyon formed, splitting the landform into two halves.
"Beyond perfection. Lies love. Desire. And passion. Why am I an Inner Shadow, you say? Because the power of love trumps all. Love transcends all narratives. Even yours, Reaper of the Black Legion. Your love for Taylor has dulled your ability to fight. After all, the more you fight me, the deeper of a hole you've dug for yourself."
John got to his feet, but his movements had severely dulled, and this time, he was unable to react to Avara's attack.
A blast of blood exploded from John's chest, sending the Outer Shadow to his knees.
"No prodigy. No SS Ranked Outer Shadow. Shall punish ME of all people for acting on the very thing I stand for."
Avara stepped on John's head, sending him into the dirt.
"Your love for Taylor caused you to give up everything else you had in your life. Your love for Taylor caused you to kill her older sister, the only person you had left. And your love for Taylor may as well have killed her too - destroying her memories and everything that she once was. Are you happy? John Crassman? That woman who you wrap your arms around. That woman who will one day bear your children. That woman is not Taylor Hunt, the one who once dreamt of seeing the beach with her older sister and her best friend."
''Advanced Empowerment Chakra: Embodiment of Death''
John grabbed Avara's leg, causing it to corrode into black flesh.
"What are you-"
John got to his feet, a black hood forming around his head, his face disappearing into shadows. His hands were replaced by their skeleton variants.
"You repulsive creature! You dare say that you have no regrets at all-"
Reaper blasted Avara away, manifesting his scythe.
"Every day... I am reminded of Tina's death. Of Rebecca's death. Of Ian's death. Of Kressler's death. Of Taylor cowering on the ground, seeing the remains of her classmates and her family. Every night I have the same recurring dream. But it is because of my pledge to The Black Legion that I choose to move forward. I don't claim to be without flaws. My decision to initiate that Bargain had cost the lives of everybody I had left. I know that much."
Reaper glared at Avara, who stumbled back. A wave of chakra so immense that it would paralyze even a god.
"This is the power of a mortal. A power only mortals can possibly have because a perfect being like a god cannot possibly fathom. The weight of one's mistakes. The grief of one's poor decisions. The burdens that man must shoulder because of how inadequate and STUPID THEY ARE!"
John roared, combining his chakra with his two Dogma Bargains.
The world trembled, ripping apart before the Outer Shadow. Dirt swirled around John, mixing with his tears.
"The woman I love so much... can never be the Taylor I knew. No matter how many Shadows I take under my wing, none can replace Tina and the rest of my subordinates who died because of my mistakes. The only thing I can do... the only thing left..."
Reaper stomped on the ground, facing Avara, who was still frozen in fear from the wave of chakra that John was emitting. His skull illuminated through the skin of his face.
Avara gasped, clutching her throat, as her soul began ripping out of her body.
"No... you cannot... you- you cannot do this! I- I cannot die like this!"
John continued his glare, the soul of Avara entering his mouth.
"No... NO! I refuse! I... I will... even if it means... walking the Earth... in a lesser form..."
Avara screamed, ripping her wings out of her body, to John's shock.
"You wouldn't-"
"YOU REPULSIVE HUMAN! I shall... I shall... I shall purge all the humans! All those impure! For I am no longer bound by the rules of The Black Legion! Become an Inner Shadow for all I care! Take my position for all I care! All that matters... All that matters..."
A smaller version of Avara ripped out of her body, crumpling to the ground, before John absorbed the main body. The storms of his transformation cut out abruptly, causing the Outer Shadow to crumple to the ground.
This version of Avara...
Was the same Avara who would come for me and my foster siblings that fateful night.
Avara heaved, frantically, taking to the air, but her wings and her body were still heavily damaged in the fight, and standing before her...
"Have... have you come... to finish what Reaper had started..."
Avara made eye contact with another Inner Shadow.
"Father Bishamonten."
Bishamonten gazed at the goddess.
"Tell me, Avara. What will you do from here? As we speak, the forces of The Black Legion Organization shall come to collect your soul. You cannot run from us. You cannot run from Lord Ginga."
Avara gritted her teeth.
"As a fellow god... surely you understand. To corrupt and send good human mortals to despair... it will bring about the absolute offset to mankind. The scales of balance shall tilt beyond repair! Fertility... fertility will not continue-"
"The despair of a few will not offset the many, Avara."
"NO. I shall not accept... the imperfections of mankind... I cannot tolerate it any longer. Look at what said imperfections have done... look at how this Crassman boy turned out. How Taylor Hunt turned out. How much more shall suffer? How much-"
"One child from one orphanage."
"You may kill... only one orphan. I shall allow you to do that."
John suddenly, perked up, dragging his body to Bishamonten.
"Lord Bishamonten... what are you saying...?!"
Bishamon regarded the Outer Shadow.
"You have exceeded our expectations, Reaper. To have sent the Goddess of Fertility to this state. Especially given what you have done. We know about your Bargain, and that you tried to go against Lord Ginga's intentions to eliminate Miss Hunt. That internal love in your heart... knowing that, you still were able to defeat a goddess who drew power from that selfish love. And with that, you have been bestowed a new level of power. We welcome you.
"'''Inner Shadow Reaper.'''"
Strength suddenly surged through John's body, mending his wounds and sending him to his feet. His brown eyes turned a cold familiar blue.
John breathed heavily, inspecting his hands, then turned back to Bishamonten.
"That orphanage, I still cannot-"
"One orphan. Inner Shadow John Crassman. That is all I am allowing Avara to kill."
"An orphan? This death is unnecessary! Avara's fault has been made clear with her defection from The Black Legion! We cannot allow-"
"I have chosen this orphan specifically. For a reason. Because by killing this particular orphan, and by having your approval, you will work toward realizing that promise you made to Tina Hunt those many years ago."
''Make sure... no young hot-blooded Outer Shadows end up like you. This world has enough Johnny Crassman's.''
"You claim that this orphan will follow a path similar to mine?" Crassman asked.
"Yes. Lord Ginga has forseen it. An Outer Shadow. To boast a power, to uphold a fighting prowess, strikingly similar to the prodigal Reaper of the Black Legion. A mere human no-less. You promised to Tina, did you not? To not let more fall victim to what you've done?"
John clenched his fists.
"I- I... I still... Even if the orphan is to be slain, you have fundamentally gone against Lord Ginga's wishes, Inner Shadow Bishamonten. This will spell your fate as well-"
"Then perhaps it will be so. Because Lord Ginga's prophecies never lie. In his words, he wrote: So shall the Goddess of Fertility fall in battle to a mortal of love. And be slain by the heresy's hands. All of his predictions have come true. Yet... part of me wishes it were not. And so, I would rather die by those of the Black Legion now, than wait for what happens next. For my fate has also been foretold."
John lowered his gaze.
"And what fate would that be?"
"This particular orphan... will be the one to kill me."
John gritted his teeth.
"I see."
Bishamonten made eye contact with John once more.
"He who Kills Gods as a Man. He shall also be the one to send The Black Legion into chaos. That is foretold as well. Now... knowing this, are you still against Avara killing this orphan?"
"If it is true that Lord Ginga's prophecies hold true, then nothing we do will work. And our fates and deaths will be sealed."
"But... an effort would still count... no? An effort to uphold Tina's promise."
John looked at Avara, who clutched her swords, trembling with rage.
"No more Johnny Crassman's. No more foolish idiots to walk my path. Then let us make that effort. I...
"I approve."
Bishamonten nodded at Avara.
"Shadows, take Avara to Amerada. And let her lust for perfection run loose. For the life of only one."
''It shall be so... Lord Bishamonten.''
John and Bishamonten watched Avara disappear in a flurry of crows.
"Inner Shadow Bishamonten."
"Yes, Inner Shadow Reaper?"
John turned to the God of War.
"What is this orphan's name?"
Bishamonten looked at Reaper grimly.
"His name... is..."
<div align="center">* * *</div>
"Aaron Hope. Is it clear now?" Loyce asked as I stumbled forward. It felt like I had experienced an entire lifetime in those memories, but in reality, only a few seconds had passed.
The scene had returned, to the carnage of The Citadel.
A fifty-year-old John Crassman, sprawled on the ground, bleeding profusely. Missing a leg, and an arm, and an eye.
My bottom lip trembled, the realization hitting me like a goddamn truck.
"It was you..." I whispered to John, my eyes wide in rage.
John's defeated expression confirmed it.
"You're the one who let Avara into my world... you're the one who... who started it all... it was you."
John watched me grimly as I walked past Loyce, who smiled sadistically.
My body was no longer listening to any rationale. It was acting on pure impulse.
And that impulse...
Had me pressing the barrel of my Thompson Contender to Inner Shadow Reaper's forehead.
"You betrayed Tina. You betrayed Taylor. Then you went as far as to throw MY life under the bus to uphold an empty promise...?!"
John closed his eyes.
"It is exactly as you say. My promise... to my dear Auxiliary Shadow remains to this day. Every day I watch you, Outer Shadow Dainsleif... no. ''Aaron Hope'', I am reminded of the way I was before. Every time you smile, every prank you ever pulled, every accomplishment you made, I saw Johnny Crassman behind it all. And that day you killed Bishamonten... that was when I realized..."
John reached for my barrel and pressed it harder against his skull.
"My fate has also been sealed. To have you die... was my way of trying to save you from ending up like me. Aaron. I am not asking for your forgiveness. But now you have witnessed the death of both Jessica Lane and Sarah Ultear. Seeing you suffer... seeing a good man go through the same mistakes I did without being able to do anything... that is a punishment beyond anything I could ever imagine."
My hand trembled violently, the barrel of my gun sliding against the Inner Shadow's head.
"And these Outer Shadows you have now... Galeo... Troia... Warpgate... Everyone... are they also a means to an end for you? To hide your guilt? To act as your substitute Tina?"
"No. These Outer Shadows... I value, like family. But they can never replace Tina. Or Starline, Kressler, or Slicer."
"Go on, Dainsleif. You know you want to. The man who started it all. It wasn't Avara. It wasn't even Bishamonten. It was him. And he had the audacity to hide it all from you. To ''mentor'' you of all things. I have said this already, and I will say it once more. I came for Reaper's head. But I certainly have no qualms with having a loyal Outer Shadow to The Black Legion Organization do it for me."
I gritted my teeth, tears running down my face.
"Did you know... how much I suffered... my whole childhood consisted of running away. From running away from literal GODS. John. It never stopped. My hatred for them, and their hatred for me. It never. Fucking. Stopped. Every single day. Every single hour. Every single minute. Every single. Fucking. Second. I was fearing for my life."
John slowly let go of the barrel.
"I will end up like you? What part of that was like you?! I NEVER got to experience a proper high school life. My GIRLFRIEND shot herself IN THE HEAD. My second girlfriend was IMPALED BY HER LITTLE SISTER. To turn out like Johnny Crassman?! Just because I cracked a few jokes?! You claiming that means you don't know JACK SHIT about me."
My hand dropped the gun and slowly went for Crassman's throat.
"Do you want to know why I make jokes? It's because if I didn't... all the trauma and pain... all of it would consume me. To have a smile on my face..."
Jessie's face flashed in my mind. Her smile.
''Hard to imagine what you'll be like once the Jessie effect gets to you. After all, the longer you stay with me, the more like me you'll end up!''
"It isn't just to give myself strength, John. It's to give ''everybody'' I love the strength to keep moving forward. My bonds were formed through trust and friendship. My Auxiliary Shadows are my friends. Not replacements. Not recruited through guilt. We aren't the same. Not in the slightest. So..."
I closed my eyes.
''Light Magic - False Sword''
The magic spell became undone, revealing the barrel of my Thompson Contender aimed at Loyce's face.
"What?!" Loyce gasped, as a smile appeared on my face.
"You don't have to worry about me turning out like Johnny Crassman. Because I am a FAR BETTER PRANKSTER than that CLOWN WOULD EVER BE. And the man I will grow up to be, will be far STRONGER than the Inner Shadow who got his ass beat in front of me will ever become!"
"You... you damn... general... PAIN IN THE ASS!" Loyce growled as I fired, sending him back.
"GALEO! TROIA! SIGURD! SUMMON EVERY DAMN SHADOW Y'ALL GOT! Send this filthy ass TRAITOR back to whatever filthy Demon hole he came from!"
The Shadows began to swirl around Loyce, a mixture of John's Shadows and Jun's Shadows.
''Even you, are not exempt from the laws of The Black Legion and Lord Ginga, Demon King Loyce,'' John's Shadows whispered.
''Dear god, give us a brea- er we mean, begone from this realm, Demon King Loyce!'' Jun's Shadows followed up.
Galeo and Troia gave Sigurd and me slightly confused and exasperated looks.
Sigurd looked like she was about to pass out from embarrassment.
"You stupid Shadows! At least put on a better act in front of Inner Shadow Reaper!" I squeaked.
Troia and Galeo turned around, as did I, to John, who had his hand over his mouth.
"Lord Crassman...?" Troia asked.
"PFFTAHAHAHAHAHA!" John Crassman laughed, throwing his head back.
"My word... I... I haven't laughed so hard in years... just what... just what did you subject Inner Shadow Gasket's Shadows to this entire time?!"
I scratched the back of my head nervously.
"Er... well... I guess... a number of things really," My voice trailed away.
Where would I even begin?
From getting them to accompany me on a practice driving test...
To having them appear at the wrong time whenever Sigurd would tackle me to the ground after embarassing her...
To getting them to take sexy pictures of Outer Shadow Frey's unitard for research purposes...
John clutched his head.
"I... I truly have... made quite the fool out of myself... I apologize... my dear Outer Shadows."
Troia blinked, slamming her head to the ground.
Troia stared at her Inner Shadow, who gently stroked her head.
"Troia... you look as lovely as ever... even after having been on the battlefield. Please... accept my sincerest apologies... your fallen brethren... I-"
"No! Please don't apologize! You're... you've always been..."
John wiped a tear from Troia's face.
"Outer Shadow Troia, will you continue... helping me?"
Troia sniffled.
"Yes. Yes, I will. By my sword, and by my decree as an Amazon. I will serve you with all my might. I, along with my sisters."
A crowd of Amazons rallied from behind the remains of the Citadel that had fallen apart, revealing us to be at the bottom floor, right on the ground, surrounded by the remains of the battle that had taken place in Diacus.
The people of Trion... and the Amazons of Outer Shadow Troia had won the battle to retake the city, and drive out Aran's Cultists.
John looked at Galeo, who had fallen to his knees.
"Master Crassman... our incompetency has put you in such a state. I will forever be ashamed of myself-"
"The fault is mine... for allowing myself to get injured, knowing full well the might of Loyce Hal. Build yourself back up, Galeo Ixian. For the day has yet to come... where you can reunite with Remus."
Galeo stared at John, his mouth hanging open.
"My brother... is alive?!"
John smiled.
"His soul does not wane. It still remains strong. As strong as a Space Marine can be."
I knelt down in front of John.
"Inner Shadow Reaper... let's fall back to Trion first. You're... you're really badly wounded."
"And what of the Omega Upgrade? Our battle is not finished. Aran Sol still remains a threat. And as for Loyce Hal... sending him away by Shadows is only a temporary solution. He will return."
I looked out in the distance.
"Guys, we need to evacuate back to Trion. Sig, can you activate Master Jun's defenses as you are now? We can prioritize all of Master Jun's tech into Trion in case Loyce does choose to strike. With the Citadel and Diacus in ruins, we can afford to reroute two cities' worth of tech to pad up Trion as much as possible."
Sigurd nodded.
"We can. I will try to get a bridge set up with this partial upgrade. Outer Shadow Sixshot, Outer Shadow Troia, I request your assistance."
"Very well, Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd, it shall be done," Troia said.
The three Shadows split up, as the people of Trion made their way to the warp location.
From the horde, I could make out Defender, Witchcraft, and Ironclad looking at me.
Defender had a smile on his face.
"Thank you, for freeing us, Aaron," Witchcraft mouthed.
Everybody left, until it was just me and Inner Shadow Reaper, sitting on a burnt-up piece of rubble.
I reached out and grabbed something in the chamber, a piece of white metal that occasionally hummed with power.
The last component of the Omega Upgrade.
The final ticket out of here, and to save ''my'' Inner Shadow.
"John," I said.
"What is it?"
"I was wondering... after all, since I peeked into your past..."
"If you have a question, you may as well ask me now, while it is just the two of us here."
I turned to Inner Shadow Reaper.
"What about Taylor made you fall in love with her?"
John tilted his head.
"An interesting question... no one really asked me this before."
"Well, no one really got the chance, I guess."
John smiled.
"Taylor was always patient with me. While I was busy skipping meetings with Lord Ginga and being an absolute fool in high school, Taylor not only tolerated that side of me... she also accepted it. The shades that I wore were a gift from her because she told me to always embrace the side of me that I was proud of. Whether it was to be a clown, or to be a warrior. She would accept me all the same. That was what sealed the deal."
My heart felt mushy.
What a wholesome response.
"Did you expect me to say that it was because Taylor was tall, blonde, and had a huge ass?"
I choked.
"Wha- Nah- You-"
John smirked.
"Well, that was also the reason. Taylor was very attractive. Pretty, and fit. Given, that she wasn't very tall or blonde... But she was known as the Queen of Senior Year for a reason!"
I chuckled, looking out into the distance.
This battle wasn't over yet.
It was far from over.
But maybe I could get some breathing room. For some reason, having John next to me made me feel something I never felt before.
"John... what will you do once this is over? You don't have a leg, an arm, hell, even your eye is missing. You look like someone had mashed Yeling and my disabilities together. And decided to go with the pirate leg."
John smiled, leaning back.
"''If'' we get out of this ordeal alive... my plan is obvious. I will retire."
I spun around.
"Wait, what?! You can do that?! Retire? Just like that?"
"Well... yeah. I'm human, after all. Just like you. A human who could do the impossible. The 'God-Reaper', as the folks used to call me. Even I have limits. Though I won't be an Inner Shadow anymore, I cannot access my base. It will no longer be open to one such as I."
The moon of Gasket's world broke the horizon, forming pretty shades of orange and purple.
"If you're not gonna be an Inner Shadow anymore... why don't you come live with us?"
John blinked.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Live with us, John. I already have Hakah hanging around. What's one more Inner Shadow?"
John scoffed.
"Collecting Inner Shadows now, are we, Dainsleif? Your ridiculousness really knows no bounds."
"And I'll make sure... you will spend your days in my place. With Tina and Taylor."
Crassman was silent for a few moments.
"Are you sure you can make that promise?"
"I'll carry it out. It wasn't just Loyce who took Taylor away from you. It was Vala. I'll find a way... after all, with the Omega Upgrade, the Anti-Narrative will be in Siggy's hands. We might be able to find a loophole... and bring them back. My gift to you. After everything you've done to help me. From teaching me Chakra... to helping me today. If it wasn't for you, I would have stormed Diacus alone or got everybody killed... I know there are a lot of casualties... but who knows how bad it would have been if I didn't have you act as a mentor to me."
A warm smile appeared on John's face, wrinkles forming over his weathered expression.
"To visit the beach with both Tina and Taylor... even when I'm so old and wrinkly..."
"That was what Taylor always wanted, right? Ten years from then, to visit the beach. Er... granted, it has been WAY longer. But still."
John looked at me.
"I was wrong. You really are different from me. You are no Johnny Crassman."
"Damn right I'm not."
"You are someone greater. Far greater. A troublemaker... with the biggest heart, a heart bigger than Johnny could ever have. Thank you."
John put his hand on my shoulder.
"Thank you, for saving me, Aaron. But you have done more than enough."
"Heh? John? What are you doing? Wait-"
John got to his feet, his black prosthetics returning.
"You have given me renewed vigor. From now on, you have the protection of Inner Shadow Reaper. I will protect you... from what happens next."
"What happens next...? What are you talking about-"
Sigurd and the others stared at us in horror.
"No... no way... but... we sent him away...!"
Galeo rushed forward, but a wave of force sent him flying back, his head smashing against a nearby piece of rubble and knocking him unconscious.
"JOHN! WE NEED TO-" My voice cut off, as Reaper stood before an anomaly that was growing larger and larger by the second.
"Aaron... you don't need to go through the trouble of bringing Tina and Taylor back to me. I will be seeing them soon. Do you not remember...?"
"REMEMBER WHAT?! JOHN!" I screamed, as the forces of the anomaly knocked me off balance.
John smiled, drawing his scythe as Loyce Hal emerged from the crack, in reality, his face full of hatred and anger.
"Those who try to defy Lord Ginga are met with their end. This is where my road ends. But it will end knowing that the person I worried the most... will end up just fine."
"Final words now? How fitting for a COWARD of the Inner Shadows!" Loyce snarled, ripping reality apart and reaching out to John, who zipped back, swinging his scythe.
Loyce materialized out of reality, shifting and phasing and landing a knee strike right at John's chin, sending the Inner Shadow airborne at frightening speeds.
But John held his ground.
Loyce then turned to us, pointing his finger.
"Ah... I did say I came here for Reaper. But you little bugs chose to get involved. You shall now suffer the consequences."
''Alogigenesis - Anti-Will''
The people of Trion stopped evacuating, as their movements reversed, walking backward.
Towards Loyce.
"LOYCE! YOU BASTARD!" I growled, stomping on the ground.
Chakra was the key to combating his Alogigenesis.
"DO NOT WASTE YOUR CHAKRA, AARON," John shouted, as I looked up to the sky.
Troia gasped.
"What... what is that...?!"
Galeo fell back.
"A black angel... just like the Emperor... no... even greater than he...!"
Loyce laughed crazily.
Loyce blasted into the air, magic circles surrounding him.
John and Loyce yelled their battle cries, clashing in the sky and shattering the very fabric of Jun's reality.
And it was then did I realize...
John's form was not that skeleton he once had. One that embodied the victim of death.
He was now an angel.
Protecting the dreams and futures of those who could continue on.
"Tina... Taylor... I hope you are watching..." John muttered, as the scythe in his hands suddenly transformed, into a familiar-looking polearm.
Uncertainty washed over Loyce's face.
"This isn't your Final Circle Style...?!"
John reached into his coat, putting on the pair of shades gifted to him by the most important woman in his life.
A grin plastered all over his face, reaching from corner to corner.
"Damn, right. Sucker. This is my return."
''First Circle Style''
''Level 1 Advanced Senkaku, Level 2 Advanced Shakujin''
Loyce exploded into white light, disbelief all over his face as Johnny Crassman appeared from the mess, a battle-crazed smile on his face.
"Bring it on, Demon Lord! I'm in my prime right now! HAHA!" Johnny laughed maniacally.
"YOU CRAZY BOTTOM FEEDER INNER SHADOW! I SHALL MAKE YOU PAY!" Loyce snarled, trying to send magic spell after magic spell Reaper's way only to have it completely go off.
The attacks Loyce was sending to Crassman weren't landing...
Because the chakra was influencing not just Loyce's magic, but Loyce himself.
The opposite of order and that of a king.
But that of a warrior. Of chaos.
Of a true Reaper.
''Aaron... I'm sorry I won't be able to enjoy a trip to the beach with Tina and Taylor in your world. But I will enjoy a trip nonetheless. For I shall see them soon enough.''
''This may be the end of the road for me... but I will do more than just agitate Loyce. He has expended a third of his very essence, his very concept to fight me. For he battles both Hellion and I, along with the influence of Aran Sol. So before I die, I will reduce him down, to 66% of his original battle power. This is the best I can do. The rest, I leave up to you youngsters.''
"JOHN! JOOOHNNNN!" I shouted as another explosion rocked the entire world.
"If esoteric means do not work on you, then I will use other means. You still face the greatest Primordial Demon to ever exist! You are just a human! A human failure who failed both the woman you loved and all of your Auxiliary Shadows that day!" Loyce snarled.
"Fine by me! You shall be humiliated... by that same failure! How does it feel to have your power reduced by the failure who got everybody he loved killed because he was such a lovestruck idiot!" John retorted, slicing Loyce's face, only for Loyce to retaliate, slashing his sword and ripping out John's other eye, blinding the Inner Shadow completely.
Something... I needed something. Anything.
"Aaron!" Sigurd shouted as a massive gust of wind ripped into my cloak. From the distance, I could make out Annie running to me.
"Sig! Get to the warp! We need to get to Trion while Inner Shadow Reaper holds Loyce off!"
"Reaper may not have much time left. My sensors don't lie. That form he has assumed... it's a suicidal transformation that pushes his body past its limits. He's fighting at 900 times his limit. He doesn't have much time left before his entire body ceases to exist from the overuse of that soul-channeling chakra technique!"
Johnny laughed crazily, his shades were now cracked, revealing one of his blinded eyes. Blood trailed and sprayed everywhere from his body.
"I'm literally the legendary Reaper of the Black Legion! The only SS Ranked Outer Shadow! It should be an honor to serve me!"
"You have lost your mind!" Loyce shouted as the two clashed violently.
Narrative... anti-narrative...
Chakra was a counter to reality warping effects.
And was the perfect counter to the anti-narrative.
Was it because it was immune?
Or rather...
I looked at Sigurd's new implants. Three modules appeared on her stomach, depicting the incomplete installation of the Omega Upgrade's anti-narrative modules.
"Annie, can you channel the Anti-Narrative?"
Annie blinked.
"I... I may try. But..."
"Annie. Please. For me."
Sigurd's face flashed with determination.
"As you wish, Outer Shadow Dainsleif. For your sake, I shall follow your orders, without question."
Auxiliary Shadow TX7F brought her hands together, as the modules began to glow. I held the remaining upgrade to my face, imagining a world where John could enjoy a meal with his wife and kid.
With Tina, their kid's aunt, arguing with John.
Jennifer and her mother, Taylor, laughing.
This life.
Is it really a sin to want this kind of life?
It isn't a sin.
Your version of Hope is NOT eternal.
We will change it.
We will change this narrative.
"I... I summoned it. Aaron! I KYA-" Annie yelped, as I bumped into her, the Anti-Narrative coursing through me, the remaining piece of the Omega Upgrade, and the Thompson Contender that I was aiming right at Loyce Hal.
My mind flashed back to the past. Of Avara slaughtering the orphans. Of my run. To my declaration of war. To Jun taking me in.
This will not be my grave.
Nor will it be John's.
Nor will it be the grave for any dreams.
The narrative I see before me...
"Shatter! And rewrite one where John is happy! You mofo's have been enjoying this narrative for way to long! FUCK YOU ARAN! AND FUCK YOU VALA!"
Reach him.
Reach that sunavabitch!
Loyce grabbed a defeated Reaper by the throat.
"You've laughed your last laugh, fool. To think a nine hundred times multiplier would be enough to stand against a Primordial Demon. I have yet to-"
Loyce spun around, his eyes wide.
"Dainsleif! Get down!" Sigurd shouted, tackling me over as the explosion lit up the entire sky.
"Galeo! Get John!" I shouted.
Galeo grimaced.
"Fool! What do you think I've been doing this entire time!"
A shield suddenly took form from within the smoke, as Troia leaped into the air.
"Lord Crassman!"
I narrowed my eyes at the body of John floating down, reaching us.
"By the gods... by the gods! Please! Lord Crassman! Live!" Troia cried out, desperately.
Sigurd pressed her hand against Inner Shadow Reaper's chest.
"He has a pulse."
Troia buried her face in John's chest, sobbing uncontrollably.
I turned back, making my way to the ruins, limping with what little strength I had left.
There was still one thing left.
I stood before the defeated specter of Loyce Hal, who was staring at the sky.
"I really... lost... huh," Loyce muttered.
"Shut up. Some Great Demon King you are. Getting your ass beat by two humans!" I taunted.
Loyce closed his eyes.
"You defeated a specter, that was only a third of what I am capable of."
"Who cares. A win is a win. Get fucked, asshole."
Loyce chuckled.
"I suppose... a win is a win. And a loss is a loss. Then perhaps... this path... is the right one all along."
My smirk melted from my face.
Loyce looked at me with a sense of... longing...?
"All... of this... is to get what I want. Did I not tell you? Long ago? That by the end of this, you would be begging not to press the barrel of your gun to my head? Never forget. This battle... is just a confirmation for me."
"And what's that?"
Loyce began to disappear, his body turning black and fading away.
"That... I ''can'' be stopped."
I gritted my teeth, watching a third of Loyce Hal disappear from existence.
You cheeky bastard.
Even despite everything that had happened... you still got what you wanted, huh?
==Forever a GPITA==
"Inner Shadow Reaper! Oh gods! You had us so worried! Warpgate... Adriana is... she's.... WAAAAAH!" Troia sobbed, burying her head into John's shoulder.
"Troia... don't cry..."
"I can't help it! I'm so glad... but so sad! I... I know it is shameful for a warriorress to shed tears but... but!"
"I know, but that is not what I meant. I am injured. And I am in a LOT of pain!"
Where the hell was my crying girl?
I turned to Sigurd, who frowned at me.
"Here's your ice pack."
"GOW! You rusting bitch! I'm injured too!"
Sigurd turned around, crossing her arms.
"Sorry," She muttered.
Galeo sat across from me.
"Our battle is far from over. But... now that I know Remus lives... perhaps I may want to visit him. I don't want to hope though."
"Nah, you're fine."
"How so?"
I smiled.
"Cuz... our version of hope, is different from Vala's. Ours is GENUINE."
<div align="center">* * *</div>
John rested his head against his bedframe.
"Aaron, you truly are an unfair little Outer Shadow."
"HUH?! What do you mean? I saved your old wrinkly ass!"
John sighed.
"I was going to see Tina and Taylor. In the afterlife. But now... you... you denied that..." John's voice broke, as for the first time in my life...
Inner Shadow Reaper began to cry.
"What in the world is this old idiot bawling for?" A woman's voice said, causing John to stop abruptly.
"....what?" John said, shakily.
"OH GOD! JOHNNY! YOUR EYES! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Another woman screamed, rushing up to Inner Shadow Reaper and crushing him in a hug.
"J- Johnny...? What... who's... who's speaking?! I cannot see! I cannot!" John said, frantically.
The first woman sighed, sitting on the other side of the bed.
"So even after all that. So many years. Becoming an Inner Shadow, I see Johnny Crassman is still a complete dumbass."
''Level 1 Shakujin - Gaia's Renewal''
A green energy trailed the bed, wrapping around John's empty eye sockets and restoring his eyesight.
John blinked at the two women who were in front of him.
"Am... am I dead?"
Taylor screamed, crushing John in a hug again, crying profusely.
Tina sighed, crossing her arms.
"No. But it would have been better if we all met in the afterlife. Look at me! Fifty and aging! Not everybody gets better with age!"
Johnny stared at Tina.
"But... how could you expect to look youthful when you're angry all the time?"
"SAY WHAT?! YOU WANNA SAY THAT AGAIN YOU QUACK INNER SHADOW?!" Tina growled, wrestling with John in front of me.
John looked at me, in surprise.
"Later," I mouthed, smiling as I closed my eyes.
The Black Legion General Pain in the Ass needed a break from all this bullshit.
<div align="center">* * *</div>
"Damn, so you mean to tell me Tina was only able to restore your eyes?" I grumbled.
"Yes... unfortunately, that was all the remaining Shakujin the Dogma allowed her to use. I'm guessing that Anti-Narrative bullet you fired at Loyce caused a chain reaction with HIS anti-narrative abilities to bring both Tina and Taylor back?"
"I dunno. I just... imagined what it would be like to see you happy is all."
John smiled.
"You really are perplexing. After realizing everything I had done... you still helped me... and not only that... you saved me. I cannot be any more in your debt, or else I'll die for real."
"Please don't joke about dying."
The Inner Shadow laughed.
"Once this is over... I will take you up on your offer."
"That so?"
"Mmm. I hope your place has a private house for us. After all, Jenny wants to play with as many toys as she can get her hands on."
"Y'all are pretty picky for a couple of people who's asses I literally just saved with my awesomeness."
Reaper rested his chin on his hand.
"So. As of now, the only challenge up ahead is completing the Omega Upgrade... and dealing with Primordial Demon Aran."
"The dude's only a Supreme Primordial. We beat an ''Ultimate'' Primordial. Got that shit in the bag. All good."
John held back a laugh.
"Perhaps the fate of the Black Legion... is in good hands after all. I look forward to seeing the things you do. ''Outer Shadow Dainsleif''. In the meantime, I will enjoy some quality time with my wife and sister-in-law. Hopefully, Tina doesn't rip my head off. Keep us safe in the meantime."
I waved John off until it was just me.
"Master Jun... I will save you. This was proof. I have the means to save even Inner Shadows. As a man. There's no excuse for not saving you. The same goes for you too... Sarah. And Saki."
I made a fist with my hand.
"I'll stop at nothing to see you both in my arms. Erm... arm. I mean."
A breeze blew past me.
A breeze...
That suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
My eyes widened as I spun around, stumbling back.
A breach...?!
No way.
I know John and Loyce had clashed at pretty much full power, but was it enough to create a dimensional rip to allow outsiders to access Master Jun's realm?!
I summoned my Draugr and quickly took aim, firing, but the bullet was instantly deflected by another.
"A gunner?! Who the hell are you!" I shouted, contemplating calling the others.
But everybody was recovering.
I couldn't risk getting Sigurd into combat after she had just pulled that Anti-Narrative trick with questionable parts.
I needed to deal with this threat.
"I won't ask again... tell me who you are! DS35's!"
A DS35 flew in, transforming into a blade, but the blade was met with another.
A flaming blade...
A ''Hinokami'' flame.
My jaw hung open.
"YELING?! YELING is that you?!" I exclaimed.
"No. Not Yeling," A gruff man's voice responded, as I quickly took a defensive position.
"What? This wasn't Yeling?"
The gears in my head turned.
This couldn't be.
A pair of boots emerged from the rift, followed by a long black cloak, complete with a pair of military pants and a grey tank top.
A large, burly, muscular middle-aged man stepped through.
"I have finally found you. After all this time. I've finally found you."
My eyes slowly widened.
"You've gotta be shitting me... is that you...?"
The man lowered Tatsu, and in his other hand, was the firearm that the man used to expertly deflect my bullet a moment ago.
"Yeah. It's been a while. Twenty years actually.
<div align="center">'''* * * END OF PART 1 * * *'''</div>

Latest revision as of 00:15, 12 July 2024

"To twist your narrative is child's play to me. I have done battle against beings far beyond you, capable of changing entire realities and conquering them, for eons. At some point, it means nothing."

- Inner Shadow Loyce Hal

With Supreme Primordial Aran the Apocalyptic forcing Inner Shadow Jun Gasket's world into a state of peril, Aaron Hope must make the call to venture into the anti-narrative-stricken world, with his new chakra powers to save his Inner Shadow, as well as his Auxiliary, Annelise Scarlet. However, with each hardship that comes his way, the Outer Shadow realizes the truth of what it really means to have his narrative changed in front of his very eyes.


"A new Auxiliary Shadow?" I asked.

"Yep," Jun responded, caressing a mass of holographic data in his hand, which lit up the room with a cyan glow.


Another Auxiliary Shadow. Not like I needed another one.

I already had a Philly boy who would rather try and flirt with women than do missions, and a literal donut addict of a Hero who would get mad whenever I complimented her hair.

"Listen, Master Jun. I'm thankful for the things you've done for me, but I really, really, really don't need another Auxiliary Shadow. I work fine on my own. There isn't a single god I cannot defeat now with the weapons we've created together. So if anything, I could use another gun or something," I reasoned.

"Oh. Is that so? I guess I'll assign her to Outer Shadow Rollo then-"

"Wait wait wait. Did you just say her? Her? Like a girl, her?" I cut Jun off, my chest beating like crazy.

"Yeah. And she's pretty tall too, just saying."

I got off my knee and approached my Inner Shadow.

"Boy, you're pulling some dangerous strings here. What kind of girl are we talking about? I... I take back what I said earlier! We've got plenty of room at the Hope estate!" I stuttered like an idiot.

Jun smiled.

"Come on out, Infiltration Unit TX7F."

Infiltration... Unit?

The sound of high heels clicked in the background, as a curvaceous figure emerged from the darkness.

I realized my mouth was hanging open. Suspense filled the air.

No way.

Master Jun... you god... damn genius!

A pair of cyan eyes flashed in the dark, as TX7F approached us. She had a black skin-tight leather suit, and an incredible figure.

Her black hair was combed neatly across the front through a set of bangs.

Sure she wasn't blonde, but... damn.

"M- Master Jun... aren't you gonna introduce us?" I squeaked, my voice an octave higher than usual.

"Sure. This is Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd. This will be her codename. Notice how her codename is Norse themed? Just like the Outer Shadows. It's because she's special. I've designed her to be the perfect woma- er I mean Infiltrator. And she will be your closest Auxiliary."

I fell to my knees and knelt before Jun, slamming my forehead against the floor.


ALL PRAISE MASTER JUN GASKET! The Shadows whispered in unison.

The walk back to the Barracks were the most nerve-wracking moments of my life.

And I spent six years fighting deities with nothing but stolen firearms and scraps in the street.

"So... uh... Sig- TX- um... what do I call you?" I asked, nervously, turning to my new Auxiliary.

The android gave me a gorgeous, heart-dropping smile.

"You may call me anything you like. I shall accept it."

"Sex- er I mean Sig. Let's go with Sig. Short for Sigurd." Holy shit I was so nervous!

"Very well. From now on, I will be addressed by my Black Legion codename."

Did she... completely brush off my Freudian slip just now?

Awe... awesome!


Someone normal in this crib!


How long did it take?!


Long enough!

Goodbye, cockblocked life! Even if she is a robot, at least I still had my own waifu to greet me in the morning.

Sarah was fine enough... as far as looks go anyway.

But this one...

Sigurd walked into the barracks, standing at the door. Her hair shone in the lights.

This one is a keeper.

And I only had my supergenius Inner Shadow to thank.


"Yes, my lovely Sigurd?"

"What shall I eliminate first?"



"Haha, what are you saying? There's nothing to eliminate here, Sig. You're in my barracks right no-"

"My precepts are to destroy and infiltrate. I have now infiltrated the environment, by taking advantage of your desire to do naughty things with my body."

"HEY HEY HEY! Don- Don't phrase it like that!"

"Ayo, can't a homie play some 2K in peace without Bossman gettin' called out for being a horny piece of- holy Christ! chick alert! Chick alert! Alert!" Bryce screamed, stumbling and falling on his face in front of Sigurd.

Sigurd raised an eyebrow.

"This one has been compromised."

Bryce grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Bossman. Explain this. You never bring girls over. How in the hell did you pick this shorty up?"

"She's... my new Auxiliary. Your new colleague."

"I can see that. But..."

Bryce glanced at Sigurd, who approached the kitchen and inspected the knife, before slipping the blade into her... chest.

"This will be adequate for close-quarters combat," Sigurd noted, before turning to us.

Bryce and I made a squeaking sound that didn't sound very manly at all.

"There is a third person in this complex. My sensors detect an extra thermal signature."

Right on queue, Sarah opened the bathroom door and walked in on us, staring at Sigurd.

"Who- who are you?" Sarah asked, bewildered, before turning to me.

Her face looked like a dog that had been denied dog treats.

"Relax, Sarah. She's not your replacement."

Sarah's face turned red.

"Re- Replacement?! What are you trying to say?!"

Sigurd narrowed her eyes.

"Your magical signature is high. Your musculature is well developed. You are a Hero who specializes in the sword."

Sarah blinked.

"How... how did she know that?"

Sigurd then inspected Bryce, who began laughing like an idiot.

"Heheheheh... inspect all you like, Miss! Hell, I'll let ya inspect me all night!"

"You are extremely unathletic. Lazy. Poor hygiene, and inferiority complex on the size of your own genitalia. You rely heavily on your metahuman ability to generate entropic energy from your cells. Defeating you follows a trivial procedure."

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I burst out laughing, pointing at Bryce "Uzi" Jones.

"Bro went and saw God after that roast! I'm dead!" I continued laughing until Sigurd glanced at me.

"I will be the leader of this group." The android said.

"HAHAHA- what?"

Sigurd walked to the far side of the room and stopped.

Her body positioning...

Her body language.

No way.

Was she for real?

Sarah took a step forward.

"Your... your name is Sigurd, right? Perhaps we can get alon-"

Sigurd spun around, pulling the knife out of her chest and hurling it at Bryce at supersonic speed, who was still shell-shocked by her roast.

Sarah and Bryce's eyes went wide.

But mine weren't.

I had already pulled out Draugr from my belt and fired a bullet, which soared into the air and shattered the blade into many tiny pieces.

I fired again, the bullet grazing Sigurd's face.

Sigurd dropped to her knees.

"A gunman, a sturdy swordswoman, and an energy projector powerhouse. The gunman cannot possibly be the leader. Of the three who could have reacted to that knife throw, only the gunman could protect himself. From my analysis, you, Outer Shadow Dainsleif, most likely do the majority of the missions for this cohort, while the other two remain inactive."

"Oh yeah, smartass? And who do you think is most suited to be the leader then?" I asked sarcastically.


"Oh, that's great. Fantastic! Glad the problem's been solved then. Come with me." I said, happily.

* * *

"Ummm... Aaron, why are you here..." Jun asked.

"Here's your rusting bitch back. I don't want her." I said, nonchalantly, shoving Sigurd into my Inner Shadow's throneroom.

"The hell do you think this is?! Some kind of Auxiliary Shadow bargain sale? Listen, Aaron. She's your responsibility now. I designed her to be compatible with your team. And for you specifically."

"Well she ain't blonde, and her personality is a train wreck. The only things you got right were her height and her boobs."

Jun put his hands on Sigurd's shoulders and turned the android to me.

"Aaron. Take your Auxiliary back to her Barracks. Your home is her home now. Be the bigger man, like I am."

Sigurd's face began turning red.

"Master Jun, why is her face turning red?"

"Oh. That's because I created her to be attracted to me."

Bigger man my ass! You degenerate boss!

I laughed, putting my arm around Jun.

"Master Jun! My man! My very very... young... and hormonal... man!"

I brought myself closer to the Inner Shadow.

"Dude! You cannot do this to me. She is cracked! Cracked! I can't deal with her! I have two crazies living with me already! I don't want a yandere! Please, I beg. Take her back. I don't want her. It. This... thing. I don't want it! Get it out of my sight!"

"Umm... Aar-"

"No! That's enough! She's trying to take my job! With what... this weird ass analyzing thing? What is she, Dr. Cooper from TBBT? It's creepy!"


"And for one thing, what is the whole deal with giving her such a seducing body anyway! She's a metal doll. She ain't even human! What the hell is all that seducing gonna do if the guy winds up having his rocket stuck in a USB port? Are you stupid?"

"Aaron!" Jun snapped, causing me to pause.

I slowly turned around, to see Sigurd staring at me.

And the color left my face.

"I'm... I'm aware of that... I'm not a person. I... I was not aware that my presence was..."

"Wait. Sig, I didn't..."

Why was I feeling bad for a machine? You mean to tell me that-

"There was no deceiving... in the hallway leading to the barracks. Dainsleif." Sigurd muttered.

"No deceiving? What are you talking about?"

Sigurd clenched her fist. This... seriously wasn't happening right?

"When I smiled... there was no objective reason behind it. You called me by something other than TX7F. No one has ever called me anything other than that on the first meeting. You were the first person to."


"However." Sigurd's blank expression returned.

"Should I be incompatible with your team, I shall proceed to dismantlement. Thank you for giving me this experience. I shall cherish it upon termination."

"What?! What are you talking about? Don't go dismantling yourself! Hey!" I stammered, running after Sigurd as she left the throneroom, heading to the dismantling plant in Gasket's world.

Inner Shadow Jun Gasket chuckled.

I designed her to be compatible with your team. And for you specifically.

This damn android woman!

"SIGURD!" I wailed, grabbing her by the arm and yanking her away from the entrance to the demolition factory.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay! Come on! Don't get yourself dismantled for god's sake! Come back with me, okay? I'll show you your room. I won't abandon you, I promise." I breathed heavily, trying to catch my breath.

Sigurd regarded me for several seconds.

What was she gonna say?

"That time... was to deceive."


Sigurd smiled.

"My views on you being different from the others are genuine. However, I wanted to see your reaction upon learning of my destruction. It amuses me to see that you truly care for me. Even if I am just a 'rusting bitch'."

"Wha- you- You-" I stammered, as Sigurd turned around.


Yes, Lady Sigurd.

"My first order. Take Master Dainsleif and me back to the Barracks. I wish to commence my onboarding with my team."

Gasket's Realm

"What? Let me join! What you tryna play, huh?!" Bryce squealed after me.

"Only Sarah and I can go. If I bring too many people they'll become alert. We're also the only ones who can withstand any Anti-Narratives via. Chakra Control. I'm not saying you can't handle it..."

I scratched the back of my head. Bryce's face turned red.

"You are saying it!"

"Look, all I'm saying is, we need to split up. With every second, I'm becoming more and more anxious. We've already sorta secured Kon... eh. Yeling's got that covered. But Master Jun... I'm worried. And I'm especially worried for Annie since she went to him to get upgrades. She's a smart girl but she has limits too. And now she's cybernetic. She's not as pragmatic as she used to be. I want you to check on Shosuke."

"You're leaving me to check on that guy?!"

I wagged my finger at Bryce's face.

"Yes. Look. Think of it as a Japan vacation. Who knows, maybe there will be tons of new manga and anime you never knew of!"

"You're getting more cap as it gets! Shosuke's Japan is boring as hell!"

"Apologize to every Japanese person in Earth Eta right this instant!"

I grasped my hair in frustration.

"Just go! I can't have you go to Annie."

"Why not?!"

"Because everybody here knows you have a thing for her! You'll get distracted!"

Everybody went silent.

Sarah blinked.

"Bryce has a crush on Sigurd?"

Bryce choked.

"Oh wow. Thanks Hero Ultear. As if that wasn't already awkwardly obvious enough! Why did you have to go and out me like that, Bossman?!"

"Relax, as if no one was already aware."

"Sarah seemed pretty damn surprised!"

This guy was seriously giving me a migraine!

"Fine. I'll give you a test. If you can pass it, you can come with me and Sarah will check on Shiki."

"Hell yeah. Esketit!"

"Shadows. Bring in... the thing."

The thing, Master Dainsleif?

Sir Dainsleif wants The Thing.

The time has come. We knew it would be coming.

What shall become of us if she finds out?

It is our purpose.



We cannot allow her to know.


"Just bring the damn thing already!" I snapped, causing the Shadows to whimper. From within the dark mass, I pulled out a very rare image of Annelise in a swimsuit.

"Focus on this image and answer the following question. I've gone through this with you before when helping you improve your Scarlet Eagle attack. If you can answer this correctly while staring at Annie in a thong I will let you come with me. Here goes: if a crossbow bolt is fired facing down and enters terminal velocity, is the velocity going to be greater than, less than, or equal to if the bolt is dropped from rest at the same altitude?"

All the color left Bryce's face.

"How is her hourglass- Er I mean, One Hour per glass. One glass per hour. Two big hourly glasses."

* * *

"This is discrimination! Imma cancel yo ass! Wait till I get access to the internet you whack boss! Imma hit up my boys! I swear to god!" Bryce shouted after Sarah and me as we stepped into the Shadows, our destination: Master Jun's world.

The Shadows started to distort space and time around us, as Bryce's internet threats began to get quieter and quieter.

"You didn't bring Bryce along... for another reason. Didn't you, Aaron?" Sarah asked.

I didn't answer.

Because she knew the answer.

We all did.

I clenched my fist, and the image of Robbie playing video games in his room appeared in my mind. The kid who had the coolest action figurine collection ever, the innocent smile of a kid who was given a second chance at life... only to sacrifice it for all of our sake.

I honored his death.


But I was not going to let it happen again.

I can't... I can't have another person important to me die.

First June, then Robbie.

I can't lose anyone else. Even if it is a 1% chance that Vicki's blessing on Bryce could fail, it was an absolute.

I had faith in Sarah. She, at the very least, was the tankiest out of all of us.

But if Bryce entered character de-resolution again like last time...


What's... What's Philadelphia? A heavily distorted Bryce muttered in my head.

Hakah's body couldn't take anymore use of Susanoo. She had to save her strength in the final battle against Vala once Loyce was out of the picture.

And that would mean Bryce would die.

I won't know if I could keep going anymore.

This mission wouldn't be worth keeping on. And even if we did end up in the home stretch and defeat Loyce and Vala... the costs would be so great it would be no different than losing.

"Sarah..." I said.


"Remember our promise. We will come back to each other when all of this is over."

"I will believe in you, and you will believe in me," Sarah replied, as I turned to her.

Sarah laced her fingers through mine.

"Who will raise your children, Aaron? And of Sakura? I can't do it alone."

"Hell no you can't. It's a job meant for the two of us. Swear by it," A smile crept on my face.

The future was going to be decided by us.

I will do everything in my power to make sure of it.

Sakura will have a happy life, free from the burdens of her predecessor. Yeling, Vicki, everybody. Bryce, Sarah, Annie, Jun, everyone.

We will have a happy ending.

And no whack ass stud of a Demon Lord or a deranged Spirit of Hope was going to stop that from happening.

The Shadows transported us into a round, floating city in a purple expanse.

The structure was silvery and white, like a heavenly construct. The gates of Jun's Machine World were guarded by heavily advanced S Rank sentries who would stand by it every day for eternity.

The architecture of Master Jun's world was nothing short of advanced. After all, Jun was a supergenius inventor.

Now, when I say Master Jun is a genius, I'm not talking Iron Man genius.

Or even genius to the level of being able to build a nuclear power plant.

There is a reason behind Master Jun's ranking.

It was the absurd amount of knowledge and intelligence the guy had, and the fact that he was a Stage Five Dogma Holder for Hachi, the God of War and Archery.

Jun learned to speak when he was two. At that time, he displayed a cognitive ability capable of learning mathematics. Teaching it himself, Jun quickly went from a thumbsucking toddler to being so well-versed in mathematics that he was able to prove Fermat's Last Theorem, an accomplishment that shocked the whole world. Jun's intelligence was so terrifying that his parents put him up for adoption due to believing that Jun was a "devil child", and that he was considered "abnormal". Despite being disowned by his parents, this did not stop Jun, who sought intelligence acquisition as his only reason to live.

When Jun was three years old, he was able to prove that his universe was in fact not expanding, but that it was distorting inward through what was known as reverse entropy. Through mathematical derivations, he was able to show that the entropy of his universe, when viewed on a super infinite scale, in fact, did not branch to infinity, but would eventually curve the other way.

At four years old, Jun learned of a way to prove the existence of reverse entropy, and proposed a way to generate a white hole.

At five years old, Jun picked up a book on engineering and science and began dabbling in the industry, using his fame as a "miracle child" to accrue mass investments from aspiring investors. And thus became the start of his technology empire.

Since then, Jun's inventions became scarier and scarier, using cutting-edge quantum technology.

I had the utmost faith in Master Jun's abilities.


That all shattered, upon seeing the state of our world.

"No..." Sarah whispered.

My fist began trembling, blood leaking past the crevices of my fingers.

The whole realm, was destroyed. The sentries that always guarded the gates were turned to ash, and the great walls of the floating city were already mostly disintegrated.

The numerous civilizations that Master Jun had rescued from doomed realities...

I had no idea what had happened to them.

But the cities that they lived in this floating fortress were in ruins.

These were all people who Jun had promised Sanctuary.

They were supposed to feel safe and protected, after a life of hell and misery.

What kind of monster would ruin all of that?

I took a deep breath.

"Loyce," I muttered angrily.

I will make you pay.

I don't care if you can change the whole narrative of this entire mission. Of this battle.

No matter what the narrative is.

No matter how much you change my character, or who I am.

I guarantee you this.

Out of all the Aaron Hopes that you can change me into.

There won't be a single one who won't leave you unscathed for everything you've done.

Footsteps broke the silence.

"Cover," I instructed Sarah, the two of us concealing ourselves under the husk of one of the deceased sentry units.

All the while, several voices filled the air.

"Many more shall fall victim."

"Those who begged for their lives never deserved Lord Sol's mercy."


"We shall kill all those who dare defy Lord Sol's presence."

"Kill them all."


"That is good."

I felt Sarah trembling next to me, her eyes were full of murderous intent.

"No." I put a finger to my lips.

Sarah clenched her teeth.

"They slaughtered them... the refugees... the ones who fled their doomed world. Master Jun saved their lives and put a smile on their faces, and these monsters slaughtered them... they slaughtered them!"

"I know, Sarah. But if we do anything reckless, they'll slaughter me next! Let's lay low for now. Our top priority is finding Annie and Jun."

Sarah took a deep breath.

"I- I know. Forgive me. I let my emotions..."

"It's okay."

I waited for the voices to leave and explored one of the abandoned cities. Sarah trailed behind with her Obsidian Knives in her hands.

I looked around.

If I summoned my Shadows here, I might risk alerting any searchers.

"Sarah, can you help me search for survivors? We'll use Sense Magic." I whispered.

Sarah nodded, as she concentrated.

Cosmic Aspectum - Great Navigator's Radar

Aspectum - Full Radar

The two of us walked around the ruins, our respective searching spells looking for any signs of life.

The lower the chances got... the angrier I became.

I approached a torn-down structure. The rocks were still stained with blood.

And on the ruins, was the sign:

Saint Bethany's Orphanage.

I bit my lip and walked inside, to see blood splattered everywhere, but no bodies to be found.

The bodies must have disintegrated from narrative de-resolution. The blood must have been signs of struggle from those lucky enough to withstand it for a time. But seeing as there were no entrails or any remains meant that they too, ultimately succumbed to Aran's influence.

If they were going to end up de-rezzed anyway...

What was the point of these sick bastards killing them in the first place?

I approached a beat-up bracelet and regarded it, remembering the one Saki had made for me before throwing it at my chest angrily.

"Aaron..." Sarah's voice said shakily, as I turned the other way and approached my Auxiliary.

"What is it?" I asked, my heart beating faster and faster.

Sarah looked at me, her face pale as a ghost.

"Do you... do you recognize this?"

I knelt down next to her and inspected the object that she was pointing to, and my heart stopped cold.

It was an arm.

Wires were sticking out of it, but blood stained the metal as if it was...


"No way... no... this can't be happening..." My voice wavered.

I spun around frantically, trying to search for more clues.

"Sarah, we need to use Aspectum again! That's... that's Annie's arm!"

"Aaron! Calm down! We... We need to think..."

I breathed heavily, trying to formulate a plan.

But my anger was overflowing.

Annie's arm was cut off by something. Could it have been one of the Cultists?


The way the arm was severed was cut in a way that was almost intentional. The patterns didn't look to be from a direct clean slash. Annie was far too fast to let something like that happen to her.

I knelt down and inspected the arm, cautiously.

It was cut by a blade.

A high-speed blade.

Annie's High-Speed Series Ronin blade, meaning she had amputated herself.

I glanced at a nearby piece of debris and picked it up.

"Aaron... what are you doing?" Sarah asked.

"Chakra auras up. I'm gonna try something," I instructed, as I aimed the rock at the arm and tossed it.

Just as I expected, the rock disappeared. As if any trace of its existence was gone.

If I hadn't picked it up or noticed it, no one would have known the rock was ever there in the first place.

Sarah gasped.

"The anti-narrative!"

"So that's it. Annie was afflicted by Aran's influence and was able to cut off her arm before it got to the rest of her. Part of me is relieved... but a part of me is worried sick. Hakah had given us all a blessing through her Susanoo to resist Loyce's reality warping, but now we know that blessing isn't enough to resist Aran's anti-narrative powers."

I gritted my teeth.


I... I should have checked up on her first.

I should have...

But what could I have been able to do?

At the time I didn't even know anything about Aran Sol. I would have gone in blind and been de-rezzed instantly.

Just like Annie did.

"Aaron... we need to have faith that Sigurd is alive," Sarah said gently.

"The facts... the odds and the chances are slim to none... what can I possibly do?"

"We believe in her."

Sarah wrapped her arms around me from behind, resting her head against the back of my neck.

"I'm terrified too. But it's in times like these that we must remain strong for her sake. Out of all of us, Sigurd was always the closest to being your successor."

That was true...

Many people actually compared her to me. Since we had similar fighting styles.

While I used the Six Hands Trigrams Gunfighting style, she came up with her own, known as the Eight Blades.

Even her accelerated thought processing power, Ultraspeed Processing, was inspired by me.


I needed to have faith.

"Faith... is such a human notion."

My eyes went wide, as the figure of a towering monster appeared before me; its talons inches away from my face.

I couldn't... I couldn't escape this!

I couldn't even anticipate it coming!

Usually, when there was a threat, especially something of this magnitude, I should have been able to predict it from subtle clues in the environment.

But it was as if this monster had just appeared out of thin air.

It didn't matter anyway.

There was nothing I could do.

The limits of my reflexes... there was nothing I could-


Sarah deflected the talons with Ygviil, sliding back, her body bumping into mine as I sprawled on the ground.

"Aaron! Are you okay?" Sarah seethed, struggling against the force of the monster.

I narrowed my eyes at the opponent.

If it was strong enough to put Sarah under so much strain from just one hand, that alone spoke volumes to its strength.

I never encountered something like this before...

But why did I feel so terrified?

The monster regarded Sarah.

"A Hero... the natural enemy of Demons. How unfortunate I would have been if I faced you as I was when I invaded Millennium City so long ago."

My heart skipped a beat.

Millennium City?

I stared at the monster as it bared its fangs, pushing Sarah deeper into the ground, but Sarah shifted her weight, forcing the monster to slam into the ground. Sarah leaped into the air, her sword held back, but the monster spun around with blinding speed, to her surprise.

"Wha-?!" Sarah gasped, before the monster landed a punch to her side, then another strike to her head and smashed the Hero into the ground, creating a shockwave that blew me back.

Sarah struggled to her feet, breathing hard. Blood gushed down the side of her head and leaked down her face.

The monster bared its fangs again, this time in the form of a contorted smile.

"A Hero is destined to fight Demons. But I am no ordinary Demon."

Those horns.

That strength.

A strength that was enough to draw blood from an S+ Ranked Sarah Ultear, a Hero of Kalidas.

"Do you feel it? The fear in you. That is your body warning you. Human boy." The Demon turned to me, a deadly green aura surrounding it.

"Stay away from him," Sarah snarled, materializing before the monster's face and slashing with Ygviil, but the Demon simply blocked it with its forearm, then grabbed her by the face and delivered a punch to her midsection.

Sarah's eyes widened as she spat out blood, slamming into the ground, before the Demon stomped on her with its foot, pressing her face.

I tried to summon my magic, or do anything.

I normally would have sprung into action immediately.

But my body wasn't listening to me.


It was.

The only problem was that it was responding in slow motion.

So slow that it was almost not moving at all.

The Demon leaned in and regarded Sarah, who gritted her teeth.

"The boy understands. Why can't you? Is it because you are a so-called Hero? Is it because you are used to the narrative that the Heroes always defeat the Demon King in the end?"

Sarah tried to reach for Ygviil.

I wanted to scream at her to stop, but I was completely suspended in time.

The only reason why I could even see what was happening must have been from my Hyperthought processing.

But even with that, it was like watching everything in slow motion.

"Stupid, ignorant, girl. Very well then." The Demon said as he raised his fists.

Sarah slowly turned to the Demon in defiance, her body still pinned down.




I watched as Sarah glared at the monster, tensing for the impact. The Demon pummelled my fiancee with his fists over and over again.

Each time the monster's fist left the ground, Sarah's body became more and more bloody.


Before I knew it, Sarah lay motionless in the crater, her body was covered in blood and her clothes in tatters.

The Demon then turned to me, raising a finger. My body suddenly regained its ability to move.

I stumbled forward, and against my will, I fell to my knees before the monster, who smiled evilly.

"Very good. You, at the very least, unlike your woman, know the limits of your strength. Especially in the face of an Apex Primordial Demon."


Move your stupid body!

This guy... this guy hurt Sarah and you're just gonna kneel like a little bitch?!

I forced myself to glare at the Demon, but my body, for some reason, was alerting me with every danger signal imaginable.

I opened my mouth, forcing my voice to come out.

"Why... why are you here..." I croaked.

I already knew how terrifying this Demon was.

I had seen it for myself back when I visited Valerian with Yeling.

But now...

Now he was an Apex Primordial.

The Primordial who was standing before me was even stronger than the one who terrorized Millennium City and nearly caused the destruction of that entire universe.

Dasc Osa bellowed a sinister, evil laugh. His ancient voice boomed across the ruins of Jun Gasket's world.

"Isn't it obvious? This is my world now. Many lifetimes ago, my chance to rule the Champions Universe was denied as it was destined to be taken by Aran Sol. However, I have seen the fate of this world. Through my Achronologia. This realm is mine, and mine to rule."

Dasc's aura expanded violently, transforming the purple skies of Master Jun's world into a pale, ethereal green.

"You boast of a power strong enough to defeat gods. But will this power be enough to kill a being who even gods fear?"

God of Trickery

Dasc rushed forward with an overhead strike.

Time seemed to slow down, my movements had become sluggish.

No matter how fast my brain could react...

My body couldn't move in response to it!

I was basically foreseeing myself getting slaughtered!


Dasc's fist bounced off Ygviil, as Sarah shielded me, her teeth clenched and her eyes wild.

Dasc raised an eyebrow.

"You are the first Hero I have met who withstood those blows. I still remember when the Iron Sentinel used to boast about his resilience only to fall to a mere finger flick."

Sarah snarled, throwing Dasc's fist out of the way and rushing forward, but Dasc grabbed her by the face and slammed her back into the ground.


Move, you stupid body!

Sarah struggled to her feet, only to be hit by multiple combinations of Dasc's punches.



Sarah flew backward into me. I managed to catch her but the momentum sent us both back, slamming into the face of a destroyed building.

Sarah breathed heavily, as the dulling effect of my movements ceased.

I scrambled to my feet, inspecting my girlfriend's wounds.

"Sarah... stay here. I think I've got an idea how to fight Dasc. You just-"

"Aaron..." Sarah wheezed, one of her eyes was closed due to a large stream of blood leaking down the side of her head.

"I know about Achronologia. I was only able to withstand its influence through enormous amounts of Chakra. We still can't risk you using too much as you are."

"But you can't... you're-"

Sarah smiled, leaning in and kissing me.

"I have no intention to die. I have faith that you will find a way to defeat him. I will withstand his onslaught just long enough until you find it."

"Are you two lovers finished?"

The building ripped apart by the sheer aura of Dasc's power.

Sarah bolstered Ygviil and charged the Demon, exchanging blows.

"Where's your male, Hero? Or has he abandoned you for his life?" Dasc chuckled with amusement as Sarah began slicing at the Primordial with her sword to no avail.

"If you can't even put me down, forget about trying to go for my husband, you moronic Primordial," Sarah snarled sarcastically, as Dasc grabbed Sarah's sword hand in indignation.

"You dare insult a Pri-"

"A Primordial who backs down from his own kind and must resolve to stomp on weaker life forms to validate his existence. Am I wrong?"

Dasc roared, brandishing his wings and slicing into Sarah, whose eyes widened.

Each time Dasc landed a blow, my heart felt like it was twisting in pain.

But I needed to focus.

Sarah was doing this for me.

I had to come up with a plan...

But for some reason, nothing was coming to mind.

"Of all my centuries dominating realities, I have never lost to beings who were not Primordials. I certainly will not lose to a twenty-year-old girl whose only weapons are a mere metal stick and sarcasm!"

Dasc slammed his fist against Sarah's head, but Sarah retaliated with a slash of Ygviil.

The two skidded back.


Of all my Auxiliaries, if I got to choose who could come along with me in a full-on slugfest, the logical choice would have been the Hero of the Cursed Sword.

Only Sarah could withstand the punches from an Apex Primordial Demon like this.

If I brought Bryce as he insisted, the cheesesteak addict would be toast. There was barely any organic life at his disposal in Jun's world for him to regenerate. Absorbing the refugees here was absolutely out of the question.

As for Sigurd, I remembered how she once stormed Destruga to get to me. By the time she reached Gigaton, she looked like someone had stuffed her body in a washing machine and then ran her over with an F150.

But even so...

Dasc struck Sarah again, over and over again, but my fiancee refused to fall.

"You... little bitch! Fall already! The amount of damage I've dealt to you has been enough to destroy a Solar System!"

Sarah raised her sword and pointed it at the Primordial.


Part of me wanted to shout "Listen to him!"

Logically, Sarah was the best choice.


Sarah flew backward violently once more, bombarded over and over.

But this wasn't a call that I could make easily.

And Sarah knew that.

She knew...

"All that time your precious Ultear bought for you, and the only thing you did was watch her get brutalized. Disappointing," A voice said, as I spun around.

A woman was hidden behind the shadows of the building.

Her helmet had two long horns which curled upward, but I could tell she wasn't a demon.


"God-Eater. So where is it?"

"Where is what?!" I snapped. I felt like falling apart. The girl I loved was trying to buy time for me, but I couldn't even think straight. And now there was this stranger who was setting off the remaining danger alarms in my head.

"Your plan. The plan you promised you would make for her. All I see is a loser who's being protected by his girlfriend."

"Wha- you-"

I was at a loss for words.

A plan...

I should have come up with one already.

Hell, I should have come up with one-

"You should have come up with one the moment I saw the monster. In fact, you should have anticipated Osa would be here. And you should have anticipated that your chakra would be insufficient to deal with that monster."

"Who do you think you are? You-"

The woman scoffed.

"And to think that Sarah was your best bet against Dasc? Even if your narrative has been influenced by this world, this is a bit far, don't you think?"

My narrative...

My narrative!

What the hell was I doing? Wallowing around like this!


I was supposed to be someone who had a plan, who was always five steps ahead of my opponent. This was not five steps ahead! This wwas five steps the wrong way!

I spun around to look at Dasc.


A weakness...

A Demon who could think back...


Sarah hit the ground again, defeated. Ygviil skittered to the other side of the city, as Dasc stomped on my girlfriend's head.

"Enough games," Dasc grumbled, kneeling down in front of the Hero and picking her face up by the hair.

Sarah sneered at the Demon, but her bloodied face made me want to fall apart into tiny pieces.

"I am going to kill you. I was asked by Lord Hal to spare the boy. But nothing was said about his woman."

I gasped, struggling forward.

"N- No... think... Think!"


Think you stupid brain.

You useless brain.



And to think that Sarah was your best bet against Dasc? Even if your narrative has been influenced by this world, this is a bit far, don't you think?

I slowly looked at the woman in the shadows.

She gave me a condescending glare.

Sarah was not the best bet against Dasc in this situation.

That was what she implied.

But there was no way.

What kind of idiot would get anyone else tangled with this Primordial?

"Utterly disappointing. I even gave you a hint," The woman leaped onto a broken column and gazed into the distance.

"Your argument makes no sense," I retorted, trying my best to focus on the plan and not the fact that I was letting Dasc beat up Sarah.

"For one thing, Sarah is the tankiest one in this group. There's literally no one else who can face Dasc!"

"For a creature who can manipulate time like Achronologia, you think resilience is the best option?"

"Well, what else is there?!"

I clenched my fist.

"I've had it with your BS. You're just here to distract me. Once I'm through with Dasc I'm coming for you-"

"No. You will never be able to defeat me. No matter how hard you try. No matter how much power you gain..."

Convocatio - Ultimate Draugr

I whipped out my handgun and fired at the woman, but the bullet went straight through her.

An illusion!

I spun around, activating my Aspectum.

"I know you more than you could possibly think. After all, of all the people in your life, I was, and am, one of the closest people you ever had."

I felt the woman's hand grab my head, but before I could do anything, she slammed me into the ground. I watched Draugr slide away.

"Here's another hint, just out of pity. If you can even call it that. I'm practically giving you the answer, but I doubt you will accept it right away."

"I'm not listening to you, you nutcase!" I growled.

"And you're going to throw away any chances of saving Ultear? Look at her, Dainsleif. Look at your Auxiliary."

The woman forced me to watch as Dasc charged forward, a green light appearing before Sarah before exploding. The charred body of my girlfriend was sent airborne.

"The best Auxiliary Shadow who could have stood a chance would have been Sigurd." The woman said.


Are you serious?

"Oh. So you're another dumbass then. Sure, I'll send Sig right away. Let her land a few blows before getting one shotted from a lucky hit! She may be faster than Sarah and is the fastest Auxiliary I have but speed alone for an A Rank is too much of a risk against-"

"See? I figured you're too stupid. To even think you're Aaron Hope makes me nauseous with disgust. I was told by Vala and Loyce that this was the outcome with which everything would play out for us... main cast. But even I am baffled. At this iteration of Aaron Hope. The least logical and most irrational of them all."

"Why you..."

I forced myself up, summoning my DS35's which surrounded the woman.

"Those horns. Illusions. And now you're playing mind games. I figured as much," I snarled, aiming my Draugr at her, then firing behind me.

The real one caught the bullet with ease, behind me, and landed on the ground, regarding the projectile with curiosity.

"Then why don't you say... who I am," The being smiled evilly.

"You're a god. And I'm not gonna fall into your traps. You can approach me however you want, but if you think mind games are going to save you from me, then you're just like the rest. I've killed many gods. You're nothing special."

"Oh? I'm nothing special? You ignorant boy. If only you knew the full picture. I am... very, very special. Especially to you. I know everything about you, what you like. If you want, I could even change my hair to blonde. I can accentuate my curves, and even change my entire personality!"

"Zip it. Man or woman. Doesn't matter what sexuality you go for. I'm not gonna be fooled by you, Loki."

Loki smiled, turning to the fight. Dasc was still beating on Sarah, but Sarah was still holding her own.

Hang in there... hang in there Sarah!

"You can claim to not fall for my tricks all you want. But you know it in your heart. In your situation, even as we speak, you are considering my solution. And you will soon realize there is nothing you can do. Even if you are aware that everything I say can potentially be a lie or a means to manipulate you into doing what I want, you know you don't have a choice."

Loki held out his/her hand, wiggling their fingers until something resembling a Convocatio chant appeared in front of me.

It was a Thompson Contender.

"To defeat Dasc. And to search for Sigurd. The city of Trion still holds survivors. They were saved by her."

I clenched my teeth.

This was 100% a trap. But I needed to find Sigurd.

I needed to stop Dasc.

Loki was right.

I had no choice.

Not right now.

I eased, the DS35's circling around me. Loki smiled.

"I would watch out though. Even if you do find a way to stop Dasc. Nothing is as easy as it seems. After all, you are fighting a coward. Cowards are the worst type of opponent."

Loki began disappearing in blue light, the mark of Vala on their shoulder glowing and dissipating along with its owner.

Sigurd was the best bet.

Speed was a better choice compared to toughness.

I watched as Dasc cackled, slamming his fists against Sarah over and over again. She had summoned her Luna Wings, trying to shield herself, but the magic began to crack.


Sarah was able to get past Achronologia because of her chakra.

But Sigurd had no way of channeling chakra.


The Luna Wings shattered, as Dasc grabbed my girlfriend by the throat and lifted her up. The sounds of her retching echoed in my mind, pushing me to the edge of insanity.


When I faced Dasc, I was able to perceive his movements, but my body couldn't keep up with his time dilation. The reason was that my brain operated faster than my body.

If that was the case... then the reason why Sarah was able to at least deliver some counters was because of her superhuman speed.

But even so...

There was no way Achronologia could be bested by superhuman speed. There was no way.

Sarah retched, grabbing Dasc's hand and struggling. Her face was turning pale. And my chest felt like it was going to explode from guilt.


There was no way Achronologia could be bested like that. Unless...

My eyes widened.

Dasc intentionally didn't want to look that far ahead.

He didn't...

Because just like in the Champions Universe, when he had unleashed that wide-scale Achronologia attack, he had ended up seeing so far into the future that he foresaw Aran's arrival.

If that was the case, then... no. That didn't make sense.

That didn't make sense. Dasc said he saw the fate of this world to be under his rule.


What if...

Cowards are the worst type of opponent.

Dasc was lying. He never used Achronologia to that degree.

His hesitance to see into the future was fed by his inferiority complex and his fear for his fate, after all, seeing the future would cement what would happen next.

A surge of energy welled up in me. A familiar white light.

Dasc stopped choking Sarah and turned to me.

"Emission Chakra... You wield the power of the First Architect... Loyce... Loyce never told me about this!"

Nothing matters.

Nothing matters to me anymore. In this minute and this hour, the only thing that matters is solving the problem.

Everything is just a sequence of logic and thought processes.

The unknown is due to one's lack of perspective, but in the end, everything is a linkage of thought processes transcending narratives.

Dasc Osa was a coward.

He feared the future, and would only fight beings weaker than him.

Because they would never get him to use Achronologia to higher degrees.

The power to slow down time was the perfect counter for those who moved fast.

This was the reason why Sigurd was a perfect match. Why Dagrun would have been a perfect match.

"Tell me... Osa..." I approached Dasc, who stumbled back.

"When the forces of Loyce Hal turned against the Black Legion, the responsibility of Tokiko Marin was never assigned to you."

Dasc lowered Sarah, who coughed out blood, staring at me.

"A- Aaron...?"

The Primordial took a step back, as I took a step forward, approaching the towering being with menace.

"Because you fear her."

"Y- You dare make light of a Primordial's strength?! To say I fear a feeble half goddes-"

"You fear her speed."

"I do not fear such things!"

"You fear an opponent who is so fast that they will force you to slow down time, for you to experience the future. To see your fate."

"Stop! You- You dare insult me?! I have conquered many! I have conquered-"

I raised my hand, summoning my Caliga.

Embodiment of Wrath - YAKSHA MODE.

Dasc stumbled back, as Chakra overflowed my body. Blood splurted from my nostrils, but a vicious smile appeared on my face.

"Come on, Osa. Let's see it. Let me see your Achronologia to its fullest! Let's see our futures... TOGETHER!" I snarled, electricity crackling off my body, which had now transformed into a goblin-like state.

"SHUT UP!" Dasc roared, swinging his fist, but I zipped out of the way.

Advanced Electricity Magic - COSMIC AUGMENTUS

Advanced Convocatio - CHAINED SUMMONING

I fired my Caliga, the Destreum bullet catching Dasc in the eye, then the spot under his chin. Every weak point that I had subconsciously identified while watching Sarah fight the Demon, every time he watched for her blade to get anywhere near those areas he would discretely reposition his body.

All the information from watching them fight suddenly comes to light.

I dropped the Caliga and summoned another one at hypersonic speed, shooting faster and faster and resummoning over and over again.

Chained Summoning, is only possible through Augmentus.

And Augmentus was heavily amplified in Yaksha Mode.

I continued bombarding Dasc with overwhelming firepower and speed, chaining my assaults.

"Stop... STOP!" Dasc screamed, as he reached out and summoned more of Achronologia. I felt my body slow down. Dasc tried to predict my next move and aimed his wing to slice me in half, but I had already changed my style long ago.

I weaved out of the way, creating a whip out of interlocking DS35's and wrapping it around the Primordial.

"Laceration Protocol!" I cackled crazily, as the DS35 whip tightened, severing the Primordial's leg in a giant blood explosion.

Dasc screamed in pain, reaching out desperately, but more and more DS35's cladded the Demon's hand, corroding and melting it away, forcing the giant Primordial to his knees.

Achronologia - Great Recession

My momentum suddenly left me, my body suspended in the air.

"I won't lose. Even for a little bit of my future to be revealed, I will not let that risk cloud the humiliation of losing to a powerless HUMAN."

I glared at my body, forcing more of my Chakra to course through it, but a huge surge of blood exploded from my mouth.

"ACK! GRRR!" I coughed, staring at the sharp edge of Dasc's wing which was closing in at frightening speed.





Dammit! I had no choice.

I had to escape.

More... more!



The blade suddenly stopped, as Sarah appeared in front of me.

"Aaron! That's enough! Your chakra... it's... it's...!"

"I'm fine!" I snarled.

"No, you're not! Look at what your chakra has turned you into! Let me help. Tell me what to do!"

I clenched my teeth. The chakra flooded my brain.

"No, this is not logical. Your presence here is not logi-"


My eyes widened as Sarah brought herself close to me.

"Aaron... please... let me help you. Just this once."

I looked at Dasc, who roared and approached us, storming his way like a charging bull.

"His weak spots... lower right pectoral, his nape, and the spot that connects his left leg to the rest of his body. He's been guarding those areas when you fought him last. Take em out."

Sarah took a deep breath, closing her eyes.

"Alright then."

Sarah's body began glowing silver, as Chakra trails streamed out of her robe.

Embodiment of Passion - Great Luna Form

I watched her hair begin turning silver.

"Then let us slay this beast together. Just like in Kalidas."

I nodded grimly, my Yaksha Mode fueling my need for destruction.

The two of us blasted away from Dasc with overwhelming speed, causing the Primordial to roar in frustration.


"Go!" I shouted to my DS35's.

"Devil Fireworks Protocol!"

The DS35's Sanctuaries flew into the sky in an organized formation, glowing red and unleashing a blinding light-show of explosions, clouding and obscuring the Demon's vision.

"Such imputent-"


Dasc flew backward from a Chakra-enhanced Caliga blast, ripping a hole into his chest.

"AARON!" The Demon roared, swinging his fist, but Sarah appeared in front of me, catching the punch and forcing the fist to the ground, along with the towering opponent.

Dasc's face slammed into the ground.

"Restraints!" I shouted at the Sanctuaries, as they wrapped around the Primordial.

"Do it! Sarah! Spark him up!"

Gates of Ygviil

Sarah's body glowed with a blinding white light, Chakra spilling out.


The green sky suddenly turned silver, clouds forming around the Hero and emitting a white light that shone across the entire city.

A white lightning blast came from the heavens, slamming into the Primordial.

"GRAAAAAH!" Dasc screamed in agony.


I irked, as my body became suspended once more. This time, it was even harder to break free.

"Sarah! Finish him off! I can't move!" I yelled.

Sarah nodded, as she landed on the ground before a heavily injured Dasc.

Dasc seethed, his mouth foaming in frustration.

"Stupid... stupid girl!"

Sarah blasted forward, as I held out my hand.

"Transfer Protocol," I commanded my DS35's, which began shrinking into modular marbles and orbiting my wrist, circling my blue magic circle.

Anti-Hope Magic...

Finish this bastard off.

This lackey of Vala's.

You're no Primordial God.

You're just a dog.

A dog to Loyce, and a dog to Vala.

Blue light began to shine on Ygviil, as Sarah stared at the blade, bewildered.

"Do it, Auxiliary Shadow Ultear. I'm counting on you," I smiled at my girlfriend, who raised the sword.

Anti-Hope Magic - SWORD OF JUBILEE

Sarah yelled, slicing the blade against Dasc's neck.

"No... NO! YOU CANNOT KILL ME! I WAS SUPPOSED TO RULE THIS WORLD!" Dasc cried out in fear and anguish.


"A being who holds nothing but contempt for others... will never rule anything!" Sarah roared, forcing the blade deeper into the Primordial's neck, causing the Demon to scream in terror.

"Despair, Demon. Your reign of terror ends now. At the hands of the Hero Ultear!"


Dasc's screams echoed across the realm, as the Primordial exploded into a green light, the Achronologia became undone, allowing me to move again.

I sighed with relief, as my Yaksha Mode became undone. My body flooded with exhaustion, leaning heavily against my DS35's.

Sarah lowered Ygviil, breathing hard.


"It's over." I smiled.

Sarah managed a weak smile in return.

"For now... but please. Promise me, no more questionable ideas. That Yaksha Mode... it frightens me when I see you like that."

"I promise I'll try to find a better way to use Chakra."

"Good. Then let us-"


My heart skipped a beat, as Sarah's eyes went wide.



This... this can't be happening.

Even if you do find a way to stop Dasc. Nothing is as easy as it seems.

Sarah and I stared at the blade which sprouted from her stomach.

Blood exploded from my girlfriend's mouth as Sarah's pupils dilated. I watched in horror as the Hero of Kalidas was lifted into the air, to reveal the owner of the sword from behind her.

"Oh dear me. Did you really think Lady Vala would let that Primordial Clown manage a realm all on his own? He is a coward after all. As calculating as you are, Aaron, I never imagined the Anti-Narrative would affect you so much that you would think Dasc was the only threat. After everything you threatened me with back then."

"You... you bastard!" I roared, trying to summon my DS35's, but my body exploded in pain.

Sarah tried to reach for the sword, but began choking on the blood that was coming out of her mouth.

"Ack... gah...! Ah... Sar... Sari..."

The swordswoman brought Sarah closer until their faces were inches apart.

"Dear sister. I promised I would kill you first. I never said it would be through a frontal battle. I'm a Demon after all. You turned me into a being who's known for trickery. You only have yourself to blame."

I stared at Sarah, who's eyes began to roll into the back of her head.

"SARAH!" I screamed, rushing forward in a frenzy. Thompson Contender in each hand.

The Ultear Sisters

When Sarah and her sister were born, they were destined to fulfill a role in their world.

That was how Kalidas worked.

Each person was given a purpose, a way of life with which they would carry out.

Templars were meant to guard the kingdom.

Adventurers were meant to explore the world.

Farmers were meant to tend the lands and provide.

And among those roles, was the most prestigious of them all.

The Hero.

A being who was given the role to defeat the Demon Queen, Noir and her armies, who endangered the lives of mankind.

Many sought this role, but only those who lived a life of a Hero knew that it wasn't a life of prestige as many would believe.

It was a path wreathed with bloodshed and grief.

And unfortunately, neither one of the Ultear sisters understood this.

Sarina and Sarah were complete foils to one another. Sarina was sweet and kind, while Sarah was the type to get into fights and arguments.

When the two went to the nursery together, Sarah had once told me she instantly got put in the corner for punching a boy.

Who would have guessed that of the two, Sarina became the Demon?

But the truth was...

Sarah was never meant to be the Hero.

That role was always reserved for Sarina.

Her calling was to be a Demon.

But one night, Sarah could not take it.

A measly Demon could never measure up to a Hero.

And she had spent her whole life chasing after her younger sister.

So, that night, Sarah struck a deal with the Devil, Beelzebub, to switch roles with her younger sister.

She would be the Hero, and Sarina would be the Demon.

"You would raise your hand against me, Dainsleif? After I opened up to you about my sad little story?" Sarina cackled.

"SHUT UP BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU," I snarled, rushing forward, and aiming my Contenders.

Sarina dissipated into darkness, as I roared, spreading my hands.

Advanced Grenade Summoning - HELL'S MINEFIELD

Hundreds of magic circles appeared around me radially, as Sarina materialized, only to trip one of the magic circles and unleash a devastating red explosion, which propelled her into the next magic circle. The explosions rocked the Demon back and forth.

Sarina grunted, spinning in the air and generating a black tornado that neutralized all the grenades.

"GRRR RAARRRRR!" I roared, rushing forward.

Sarina spun around and slashed with her sword, but I weaved to one side, shoving the barrel of my Contender against her throat and firing.

The Demon was flung back, as Sarina countered with her sword which passed right through me.

Advanced Light Magic - False Legacy

I appeared behind her, as Sarina growled, turning around, but not before the sounds of my grenade beeping redirected her attention.

The grenades I had planted on her chest triggered, unleashing more explosions that hurled the Demon right in my direction.

Advanced Convocatio - M134 Minigun

I pulled out a giant minigun and unloaded a barrage of Chakra Enhanced bullets which bombarded Sarina in the chest before she could even react.

I watched the Demon cough out blood as I materialized in front of her, dropping the gun. Transformed into my Yaksha Mode.

"Ha... to move that fast... must mean you threw away your weapon! What is a gunman without a gun? Foolish boy!" Sarina cackled thrusting her sword, but I caught it with the palm of my hand, which was glowing white with Chakra and cladded with the metal of my new DS35's, shrunken into a form so small and interlocking like chainmail.

Sarina gasped.


I roared, pulling Sarina into me using her sword and slamming my head against hers, my horns piercing her forehead. Sarina screamed in pain as she tried to escape, but I wrapped my arm around her waist, laughing crazily.

I headbutted her again, my Devil horns slicing and cutting into her head.

Over and over again.

"S- Stop... Aaron..." A voice appeared behind me, as I turned around to see Sarah clutching her midsection, her eyes welled up in tears.


Sarina broke out of my hold and kicked me in the chest. I slammed into the ground, my Yaksha Mode becoming undone.

"YOU WILL REGRET THIS, DAINSLEIF!" Sarina shrieked, closing the distance, but before she could land the blow, Sarah intercepted it with Ygviil.

"Out of the way, bitch! I'll deal with you later! After I destroy this man for marking me like this!"

"Shut up! Sarina! That's enough!" Sarah croaked, but not before Sarina kneed her older sister right at her sword wound, causing Sarah to buckle.

"YOU shut up! To keep moving after I pierced you with my sword. You chose to walk the path of the Blank Saviour! Yet you would go to such extents to protect a man and fall in love with him?! You are nothing but hypocrisy!"

Sarina tried to strike Sarah, but Sarah rushed forward, grabbing her younger sister by the waist and refusing to let go.

"YES! I AM A HYPOCRITE! But please... please! Don't hurt Aaron!"

"SHUT... UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" Sarina shrieked, hitting Sarah on the back of the head using the hilt of her sword. Blood poured from where Sarina was hitting, but Sarah refused to let go.

"I... I won't let go..." Sarah whispered as Sarina flew into the air, dragging Sarah across the landforms and leveling more and more buildings in the city.

I tried to get up, but fell back down, exhaustion flooding my body.

Shit... I...

I entered Frenzy Mode and summoned Yaksha Mode for the second time in a row! I was out of juice.

I watched as Sarah smashed into the roof of a building with Sarina in the distance.

Sarah struggled to her feet, propping herself on Ygviil, as Sarina rushed forward. The two clashed and began exchanging sword blows with one another.

But to my and Sarina's surprise, Sarah was holding her own.

"You... you dare wield Chakra against me!" Sarina growled, slashing at Sarah and slicing her hair, causing it to turn into a bob cut.

Sarah didn't care, as she grabbed the blade with one of her hands, and slammed the hilt of Ygviil against Sarina.

The two sisters began struggling. Sarina flew back into the air, the two wrestling across the skies of the ruined city.

"Aaron... he tasked me with you," Sarah muttered, as Sarina broke free and slammed her older sister into the ground, then smashed into her with her foot against the Hero's face.

"Is that so? And what does that prove? That you'd choose a random man over your own family!"

"No. He... he told me that you are my sister. And that you are my responsibility. I must... I must fulfill my role, not as a Hero, but as the only family you have left! We're all we have left!"

Sarina kicked Sarah away.

"NO. The only person I have and I ever need, is Lady Vala. Because Hope will never abandon me. Hope is ABSOLUTE."

Sarah emerged from the debris but vomited blood.

I didn't know how long she had left, but that sword wound was critical. It had pierced right through her stomach.

Forget being exhausted.

Sarah was in a worse condition than I was.

I took a step forward, but suddenly Sarina glared at me.

"I so badly want to make you suffer for violating me like that. Dainsleif. But right now, my focus is on Saraia. Why don't you all have a good time with the God-Eater."

"What?" I asked when suddenly, a shadow loomed over me.

I leaped back, narrowly dodging a familiar-looking spear.

The owner loomed before me, as he spun his spear with lightning speed.

He was even stronger than the last time I met him.

And next to him, was another familiar eyesore.

Joseph Greziak.

"God dammit! Can this wait? You two lackeys aren't even relevant!" I complained.

"I'm no lackey. And I'll prove it to you," The spear guy seethed, as he rushed forward, nearly impaling my head, but I dodged, the spear nicking me in the face.

I then dropped low, dodging a kick from Greziak.

"Screw this. I don't have time for your garbage. I'm gonna save my girlfriend," I snarled, creating a white chakra arm. Red magic circles appeared before both hands, summoning my MP7 and Draugr.

Greziak blasted in, but I spun forward, weaving through his strike and aiming my Draugr, at Spear Guy's weapon, shooting and shattering it, while aiming my MP7 behind me, bombarding Greziak in the back with an entire magazine of SMG bullets.

The two Vessels of Vala stumbled but instantly recovered.

And before I knew it, the two closed in from both directions, locking me in a pincer formation.

"Did you really think I was going to get away with being unrecognized?! I was one of Greece's fiercest warriors! You shall know the terror of Achilles!" The Spear Guy snarled, drawing his sword and slashing at me.

I managed to block it with my Draugr, but the Spear Guy struck again, and I felt something in my arm crack. Pain arced up my body.

From the corner of my vision, Greziak closed in, his fist reeled back.

"One of Vala's confidants informed me that you are working in line with Tidalflame. I'll have you questioned once we've captured you."

"Make these threats once you've actually captured me, you clowns!" I shouted, activating my Advanced Light Magic and shifting through reality, appearing on the other side of the battlefield.

I stomped on the ground, grenades in hand.

"Shadows," I said, as darkness swirled around me.

Sir Dainsleif...

"Cloud the judgment of Greziak. The guy's not right in the head. Fill his mind with hallucinations of Yeling. I'll deal with Achilles."

It shall be done, Sir Dainsleif.

"As for you, o' Great Achilles..." I aimed my Draugr at the warrior.

"I know a Hero when I see one. I'm dating one. And you don't measure up to her."

Achilles scowled.

"My power will surpass hers. We are destined to bring Lady Vala back to life. We were chosen."

"Chosen to be her simps, yeah, real honor!" I taunted.

"SACRILEGE!" Achilles snarled, rushing forward, but not before being surrounded by dozens of orbs, which released a toxic green gas.

The Greek Hero began retching.

"Heard of nerve gas? The toxic gas, bet they didn't have that in the Trojan War!"

"Enough!" Achilles growled, spinning his spear and dissipating the gas through a vortex.

"You shall experience a pain like no other, Dainsleif!"

Achilles rushed forward and impaled me in the chest, but the illusion disappeared.

"What?! More games! Fight me like a warrior!"



Five pillars appeared around Achilles, which began emanating a red pulse.

Achilles spun around frantically, trying to locate me.

"Heyo!" I said, from above, as Achilles glared at me.


"Nah. Your head is raised at the right angle."

"At the right angle?! For what?!"

"For this, genius! Death Frequency Protocol!"

The DS35 Pillars transformed, emitting a deafening blare. Blood exploded from the Hero's ears as he shrieked in pain.

"I... I will return. We always return. We shall return stronger... stronger and stronger. And with each return, we will soon become strong enough to house our Lady's essence. You are only... accelerating the inevi-"


Achilles exploded into an explosion of white light and blood, as I glared at the Spear Vessel.

"When she comes back fully, we will be prepared to kick her ass," I sneered, as I descended in front of Greziak, who was surrounded by the Shadows and muttering garbage.

"Tidalflame... you... you dare... ruin everything... you dare ruin Stormwatch... to... to burden Vis like that... I will never for-"

"Hey moron," I said, as Greziak turned to face the barrel of my Draugr.


The vessel crumpled to the ground, dissolving into blue light.

I knew I had to find a way to contain them. From what Achilles told me, each death made them stronger.

But right now, Sarah was the priority.

I rushed to her location, the sounds of the fighting had ceased. My heart beat like crazy until I found myself face to face with Sarah, lying motionless and leaning against a destroyed wall.

Her younger sister's blade was inches away from her throat, but someone had stopped it.

I paused, staring at the man.


Trench coat.


That wasn't what was making my body paralyzed in fear.

In his hand was a crossbow.

"Let me kill her!" Sarina screeched.

"This was not the objective."

"Screw the objective! Both of our personal targets are here in the same place! My sister, and your brother!"

B- Brother...?!

Jekyll glared at Sarina with cold eyes, causing her face to lose color.

"I... J- Jekyll, forgive me, I didn't mean to-"

"Do you want to know why you are just a mere footsoldier, thrown with that fool Achilles and that mentally deranged Greziak?"

"F- Forgive me... I- I-"


Sarina coughed, falling to her knees before the God of Warfare.

The hatred on Jekyll's face was unlike any other.

"Aaron Hope." Jekyll's voice rang in my head, as I stumbled back.

The God of Warfare turned around, appearing before me. A shove sent me flying violently as I crashed into a wall.

"It seems you have learned that our link is much more than just... a mere death of a little girl."

My hand trembled in terror.

"J- Jekyll... what did she mean by... by..."

Jekyll lowered his face.

"When the time comes. My only wish, is that accursed brain of yours does not put things together until the time comes. I will ensure Demon Lord Loyce keeps this narrative going."

My deductive reasoning suddenly left me, as fatigue coursed through my body.

There were too many things going on.

What Loki's aim was.

Jekyll's connection to me.


I turned to see Sarah sprawled on the ground. I rushed up to her and scooped her up. Her breath was shallow.

"Jekyll... you-"

I looked up, to see Jekyll and Sarina gone.

Sarah coughed, as I looked at my hand.

It was soaked in her blood.

"Sarah... Sarah hang in there!" I said desperately.

If only Sigurd was here to inject her with some nanomachines or something!

"Shadows! Stabilize her! Send her back!"

I am sorry, Sir Dainsleif. But... the moment you summoned us, we have been unable to leave this realm. We cannot leave Master Jun's world due to the nature of Aran Sol's influence. This includes local transportation as well.

"Then stabilize her. Do anything!"

We shall temporarily mend her wounds, however, she has lost significant amounts of blood. We will need to seek a healer.

I clenched my teeth.

This... this was the risk of bringing allies.

This was more of a reason that I had to work alone.


This was the same train of thought that brought Sarah into despair.

I needed to believe in my friends.

I shouldered Sarah on my back.

We had no choice.

We needed to get to Trion as fast as we could. Maybe there were doctors amongst the survivors there.

I began walking, struggling with keeping Sarah on my back.

I needed rest. I had just fought Dasc, then fought Sarina, then those two Vessels.

My body couldn't take anymore, but if I stopped now, Sarah was going to die.

"Sarina... I couldn't stop her..." Sarah whispered from behind me.

"Sarah, save your strength. That sword wound's critical. You need to rest."

"Aaron... I- I couldn't save my own little sister..." Sarah sobbed, burying her face into the back of my neck.

"That isn't true. Little by little. You were able to hold your own against her temporarily with a sword wound. Next time will be different. I believe in you."

As for me, I needed to move forward.

I struggled, taking step after step in the direction of the broken city with Sarah on my back. The sky had reverted back to its traditional purple.

With each step, the more I felt like blacking out.

But I had to fight past the urge to fall asleep.

If I passed out now, Sarah was going to die.

"Huff.... huff... ha..."

"Aaron..." Sarah muttered.

"Go back to sleep, Sarah," I replied.

"Put me down."

I turned to her.


Sarah regarded me sadly.

"You need to put me down. I'm burdening you too much."

"D- Don't say that. We're almost to Trion. We-"

"I used... Aspectum just now. Trion is three hundred kilometers away. We'll never get there... especially with me on your back."

My bottom lip quivered. The edges of my vision were turning dark.

"Sh- Shadows, reinforce me. We can-"

Sir Dainsleif... the Anti-Narrative... we cannot...

"Shadows! Reinforce me! We need to get to Trion! We-"

I fell to my knees, coughing and hacking violently and staring at the mass of darkness which was slowly dissipating.


Forgive us... Aaron.

I clenched my teeth, as Sarah's breath was becoming shallower by the second. I tried to get up but collapsed, Sarah spilling from my back and tumbling to the ground.

"Sarah!" I gasped, rushing to her side and trying to lift my arm around her waist, hoisting her up, but Sarah grabbed my wrist.

Her face was filled with sadness, and her eyes were losing light.


This can't be happening.

This can't!

"Aaron..." Sarah whispered.

"Sarah, you're... you're a Hero. You can't just DIE from a sword wound! You can't!"

"Aaron... it... it isn't your fault... it's not..."

"SARAH!" I screamed, my hand on her face.


Chakra could save her.

I lifted my hand and forced Chakra to course through it, but the white chakra that was emitting out of my palm was too destructive.

"I was never a Hero... no matter how much I try to tell myself. The only thing I could have done, and ever did, was support you. And that is fine. But I'm... I'm unable to support you any further. I'm sorry."

"Don't say that! Stop saying that! This isn't funny! I'm... I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for roping you along and telling all these jokes. I- I promise I won't tell jokes ever again. I promise I'll be careful with other women. You're all that I need. So please... please..."

I buried my face against Sarah's stomach, her lavender scent filled the air.

"Please Sarah..."

I felt Sarah's hand against the back of my head, stroking it gently.

"I was never able to give you a child, forgive me," Sarah smiled.

"Who- Who cares about that? We'll deal with that later. I'll get you to Trion lickity split. Then once we finish this I'll buy you a whole bunch of donuts. I'll spend my whole savings on them! I'll... I'll..."

Sarah regarded me sadly.

"I love you, I always did."

"I- I love you too. So let's go. Just hang in there and-"

"I love you... Sarina. So please forgive me... for everything I did."

My heart dropped, as I stared at Sarah, whose pupils had become silver. Her purple hair had turned grey.


Sarah stared into the distance, as no more breaths came out of her mouth.

"Sarah? SARAH?! SARAH! SARAH!!!" I screamed frantically, shaking at the body of my fiancee. Knowing full well...

That she would never answer me.

"Sarah... Sarah... Sarah...!" I sobbed, burying my head into her midsection.


I couldn't move. I didn't feel like thinking about anything else.

I didn't feel like thinking at all.

When Vala is defeated. I'm hanging up the gloves for good. So if you're fine with it. Once this is all done and over, let's throw a huge ass party.

And get married.

"Aaaah... AAAAAAAH!!!!" I screamed hysterically, clawing at the ground and dragging my face across it.

Just wait for me. Wait until the threat is over. I refuse to die before this threat is over. I promise you. Once Vala is gone and Loyce is defeated, I will stop entirely. We can live our lives together without ever holding a weapon again.

I continued screaming, slamming my forehead against the ground over and over again, blood staining it, the pool becoming bigger and bigger.

Regardless of what you think of yourself. You chose me to be your wife. And I chose you to be my husband. That will never change. My opinions of you will never change.

"Why... WHY?!" I yelled, slamming my fist against the ground and breathing heavily.





I will kill you.

I will destroy Hope.

I will kill...

I will kill...

I will kill...

I will kill...

I will kill...

I will kill you all.

The darkness from the edges of my vision grew bigger.

Bigger and bigger, until...

Until everything turned black from grief.

No More Jokes from the Joker

"Hello, Aaron."

I stared at the ground of the throne room.

It wasn't Master Jun's.

It belonged to another Inner Shadow.

I slowly raised my head, to see Inner Shadow Loyce Hal sitting on the throne, radiating with white energy, the trails of power contrasting with his black blazer, black dress pants, and grey dress shirt.

But I did not say a single word.

Not because I knew better.

But because I no longer had any will to say anything at all.

My fiancee had just died in my arms.

Her last words were an apology to her sister.

"I remember that day... when you were given the SS Rank. All of us Inner Shadows were baffled. We of the Black Legion are very strict with the rankings we give to our Shadows. And an SS Ranked Outer Shadow... would imply the emergence of a new member of The Dark Pentagram."

Loyce leaned forward on his throne.

"Kon Larum, the Worldkiller, was among one of the first Outer Shadows to earn the title of The Knight. A being who could destroy entire planets with his bare hands. An Apex Primordial Demon. Having fought Dasc, you witnessed firsthand just how powerful a Primordial can be."

A flicker of light appeared in Loyce's palm.

"The Knight. The Anomaly. The Nova. The Apocalyptic. The Omniscient. These were all beings who possessed unfathomable potential. Power that contends with Inner Shadows. So one could only imagine the surprise... when a mere... human was considered to be on par with such entities. A human with nothing but merely... trivial peashooters and little elementary party tricks. Was put on the same level as an SS Ranked Shadow."

Loyce raised an eyebrow, as he flicked his finger.

A whip of energy slammed into me, shoving me back.

I slid across the throneroom, only to reappear at the feet of the Demon Lord, but I continued staring at the ceiling with empty eyes. At the numerous fractals that lined the walls.

The numerous patterns.

"Yes... those empty eyes," Loyce appeared above me, floating in mid-air.

"The same eyes that the teenaged God-Eater had. The one who fought gods relentlessly. You see, though that younger version of you was significantly weaker than the version of you who defeated Inner Shadow Bishamonten, that was undoubtedly the best Aaron Hope to have existed. A feral animal. Who only knew how to survive. Who only knew to fight. A feral animal who had no room for jokes and silliness. That was the true God-Eater. That was my favorite version of the God-Eater."

Loyce brought himself closer to me, our faces an inch apart.

I regarded him with a blank expression.

"In my eyes, it makes no sense for a human to be so dangerous, yet could possess the sheer audacity to crack such childish jokes. It makes no sense to me. And as someone who had aligned himself with Lord Ginga, one who stood for fairness against an unfair reality set by Vala, one could say that I do not agree with the narrative of your character."

Swirls of energy danced across Loyce's body, the white and gold of the throneroom never looked so sinister, dripping with venom at every crevice.

"I absolutely despise your character, Aaron Hope. Your very existence is like a sour joke. A joke in the face of those who uphold the ideals of The Black Legion. Even if I no longer affiliate with the organization, you do. The irony of you, a being who boasts both humor and power, a complete utter foil to my Auxiliary Shadow, Yeling Mah...

"I am sure you have already pieced it together by now, Mister Hope. The origin of your alias in the Dark Hexagram, formerly the Dark Pentagram. The origin of The Joker. You were given that title not because of your unpredictability as Rya believes. You were given the title by me. A joke of a character. A joke of a human. A joke of a person."

Loyce smiled evilly.

"And how satisfying it is for me... to see such a joke end up like this. Do you have it in yourself to crack another joke now? In this situation? Tell me a joke, Aaron Hope. Joker of the Dark Hexagram. Crack a joke for me one more time."

I glared at the Demon Lord, but no jokes came from the Joker's mouth.

Loyce laughed sinisterly.

"No? No more jokes from the Joker? Then allow me the honor to tell you a joke."

The Demon Lord began to rise, higher and higher. Our surroundings began elongating and distorting until we were in Andropol.

"We will get what we want. I will get what I want. But all those who oppose me, will not."

Loyce snapped his fingers, as Andropol became engulfed with an orange flame. The citizens of the nation began screaming, catching on fire, and running, trying to evacuate.

My eyes widened as I stared at a mother who was on fire, trying to cradle her child, which also caught on fire. Its cries and screaming sounded so animalistic it didn't seem human.

Darkness cast itself on Loyce's face.

"And you, Aaron Hope. Will be among those who will have everything... each and everything, snatched away from you."

The scene changed again, this time, I was surrounded by nothing but darkness. Except in the distance, I could make out five faint red lights.

I narrowed my eyes, to see that the lights were my Auxiliary Shadows.

Sigurd. Bryce. Robbie. June.

And Sarah.

Crucified against a stake, their bodies being eaten alive by Shadows.

Loyce smiled.

"And soon... even yourself... shall be snatched from your hands. Your very being."

I stared at my hand, as it began to corrode. Melting away until it was merely a skeleton.

I turned back to the Demon Lord, who was now so close I could make out his evil, white irises.

"Unlike the many beings you have defeated, I will be your nightmare. I am a True Demon King. I am truly, the King of all Demons. The King of All. Your childish naivety ends here, Dainsleif of the Black Legion. This is no game. And I am no mere Demon Lord."

Loyce raised his hand, as the fingers passed right through me. The flesh parted until Loyce was holding my heart in his hands.

Loyce began to squeeze, as I started to retch, clawing at my chest, trying my best to save my lifeline, the most vital organ of them all, to no avail.

For the Great Demon King had my life in his hands. And he was ready to end it at any moment.

I was not in control.

"This is the real deal. This is what you are getting yourself into. By facing me, you are doing what I want. But you don't have any choice. Just as Loki says. A human was never meant to defeat a Demon Lord. Your plot armor has run its course. This narrative...





I woke up, the sensation of raindrops pitter-pattered against my forehead.

I blinked, my eyelids hovering, throwing splashes of rain across my face, but no matter how much they tried, the rain continued pouring down, slamming against my corneas relentlessly. They knew the best way would have been to shut my eyes off the world forever, but this was reality.

This was the reality I was to face.

I was lying on the ground of the broken ruins of Master Jun's world.

A world where I was first introduced to.

"Welcome to my realm," Jun said.

"Your... realm? Are you some kind of god or something?" I asked.

Jun chuckled.

"Ay ay. Don't you insult me like that! We both know just how scummy them gods are! I'm more than that."

Jun noticed my hand hovering over my Glock.

"Listen. I'm sorry about what happened to Jessica. It... it must have hurt."

"I don't get hurt. This is rage. You don't know anything about-"

"I know."

Jun turned around.

"I know a lot. I've seen a lot. I've learned a lot. Don't worry. You'll be safe as long as you work under me."

"I don't trust gods."

"I just said I'm not a god!"

"And how am I going to take the words of a thirteen-year-old boy at face value? The beings I have fought are divine in nature. Their strength is not for any man to handle, much less a child!"

"You're a kid too! You're literally sixteen dude!"


I marched up to Jun and yanked at his afro.

"If anything I should be your boss, kid! I'm older than you by three years!"

"Do you know who I am?! I'm the SS+ Ranked Inner Shadow Jun Gasket! Inner Shadows are amongst one of the strongest members in the Black Legion Organization! You should be showing me respect, hell you should be terrified of me! Or at the very least, you should take comfort that I'm even giving you a place to live!!!"

I stomped my foot, causing Jun to flinch.

"Shut up," I muttered, as I faced the Inner Shadow.

"Do you think this is some kind of sitcom or something? If it is true that the gods influence our lives... then I've been living a joke of life all this time. I was no older than you when the Goddess of Fertility killed all of my foster siblings. Ever seen a child's guts go flying out? Ever seen a person cut in half? Do you even know what the sound of a blade cutting through bone sounds like? Do you know the pain of having all your limbs borderline falling off from frostbite but the stress of being forced to keep moving forward feels like?"

I breathed heavily, clutching my chest.

"And do you know how it feels... to be so powerless. To watch your girlfriend, the girl who gave you a new life, a new purpose, a reason to smile... commit suicide in front of your very eyes, after telling you that she's too worthless for you? After all that praying you did. After you had thrown away your hatred, to bow your head to the same people who laughed at you all your life, to beg for just one... one tiny favor, only for them to disregard you like you're trash."

I raised my head before the Inner Shadow.

"No one else can stand to a god. Even if I wanted allies... much less a benefactor, it just isn't... it just isn't..."

Jun knelt down in front of me.

"And what if I told you... that I was someone greater?"

"You?" I scoffed.

"Ay! Don't scoff at me! I'm telling the truth."

Jun got up and gazed at the horizon.

"This universe, this reality that you are standing in. Is something I created. With this."

Jun tapped his temple.

I stared at him.

"Wh- What?"

"Yep. I created this entire reality using science. This realm. I'll tell ya this. These so-called gods are limited to their world. Sure they're strong, but they're strong by their principles."

Jun spread his hands, as reality warped around him, particles coming together and forming highly advanced orb-like drones which tended to me, cleaning the dirt and grime off my face, as well as my clothes. I hadn't felt so clean in four years.

"The principles I follow are the ones that I design. I promise you, Aaron. I promise to make you strong again. Right now, you're weak. Battered and worn down. Because you are fighting an unfair battle. A human can only go so far. But a human with a powerful benefactor is unstoppable."

"But... But against the gods! Against the gods I-"

"You still don't get it? My god people are so stupid. Maybe building that robot version of Elise Scarlet wasn't such a bad idea after all."

I blinked.

"Jun... just because you can make super advanced robots, I can't see us winning-"

"Fine! I guess I haven't made myself clear then."

Jun approached me and pointed at me.

"I am Inner Shadow Jun Gasket. I am a being who is beyond the gods. And by my will. By my hand. By my mind. You will be my greatest sword. The greatest sword to bring vengeance to those who wronged you. Because bullies suck. And you have been bullied all your life. It is now your turn to turn the tide. Become a symbol of terror to these deities. I will make you the sharpest sword in existence, one who cuts down divine flesh. You will be my Dainsleif."

Jun then wiggled his eyebrows.

"And you will also be my best bud. One day, you'll get me laid!"

I choked, stumbling back.

"Gah! You... you pervert!"

"Come on, we're both teenagers here. And I'll be the closest guy you have. You don't need to worry about me being in trouble. I'm SS+ Ranked. I'm never in trouble. Here's to your new life, as my Outer Shadow Aaron. You'll be the best Outer Shadow in the Black Legion. Mark my words!"

"This... this war against the gods has no room for jokes! We need to grow up for our age. We need to."

"Blah blah blah! All I'm hearing is jibberish. We're still young, Aaron! Come on."

Jun put a thumb to his chest.

"I for one am gonna enjoy my youth!"

"Enjoy how?! You admitted to building a plastic sex doll dude!"

"Hey! I- You- I'm an Inner Shadow dammit! You're supposed to treat me with respect! When I say I'm a lady slayer you say yes master! When I say I'm a good looking stud you say yes I agree!"

"Hell no! I'm not gonna be your wingman!"

"Yes, you are! You're my Outer Shadow!"

"I never even agreed!"

"Then agree now!"

"That's not even how it works!"

"It works now!"

"That doesn't even make any sense!!!"

The two of us stared at each other for a few seconds, before busting out a laugh.

The first laugh... the first genuine laugh I had in a long time...

Whenever I was with Master Jun...

Everything felt like it was going to be okay.

To have a benefactor who was so powerful, and so willing to help make me strong.

We created so many things together.

Master Jun...

I blinked back to reality, as I turned around.

Sarah's lifeless body lay next to me. The color had completely left her eyes, and her grey hair was now reduced to messy strands.

Master Jun...

Without you...

Without you, there is no Outer Shadow Dainsleif.

I closed my eyes and began to cry.

I was back to where I was.

So many years ago.

Nothing had changed in the end.


I needed to move forward.

I needed to.

For all their sakes.

For Sarah's sake.

I dragged myself to my dead girlfriend's body and shouldered her onto my back, struggling to my feet. I no longer held back my tears as they streamed down my face, mixing with the rain.

For Robbie's sake.

I stumbled forward, trudging along. I slipped on a patch of ground that was wet with rain but forced myself back up.

For June's sake.

I continued walking. 300 kilometers. 3000 kilometers.

The number of kilometers made no difference.

For Annie's sake.

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

My body continued getting wracked with sobs and grief. But I needed to keep it together.

For Jessie's sake.

Thunder rolled in the sky. Rain or shine. Even if hell froze over, and the sky rained fire in this world created by my Master, I will keep moving forward.

For Saki's sake.


Move forward, Aaron.

For Bryce's sake.

For Diana's sake.

For Will's sake.

For Nora's sake.

For Yeling's sake.

For Vicki's sake.

For Carlton's sake.

For everybody at the orphanage's sake.

For the sake of everybody who has fallen victim to Vala's twisted ideal of Hope.

If you give up, it's all over.

It hurts a lot.

I know that more than anyone.

But we need to keep going.

"We... we gotta keep moving. For everybody. Isn't that... isn't that right, Sarah?" I managed a weak laugh.

Sarah didn't respond.

I sure hoped she did.

"Actually... wouldn't that make you a zombie if you did?"

I paused.

A joke...

"I... I cracked a joke... ha... haha... hahaha!"

I turned to my girlfriend, as I shouldered her back in position.

"I'm such a funny guy, aren't I, Sarah? Haha. Hahahahaha!"

I continued laughing, tears running down my face.

Let's keep laughing.

Let's keep smiling.

My body began glowing with white light, but this time, the light wasn't harsh.

It was almost like a soft glow.

A warm glow.

Cherished by my memories of all the people who loved and cared for me in this dark, twisted world, this Chakra was more than just mere Chakra.

It was hope.

True, hope.

This is what hope truly meant.

I staggered forward, but my body was losing strength.

Losing its light.

Despite the chakra coursing through it.

Laugh, Aaron. Laugh.

In the face of this cruel world, the only thing we can do is laugh at how ridiculous it was.

A joke of an existence?

So what?

A joke was a joke.

A joke is meant to be told.

By the Joker of the Dark Hexagram.

And I will laugh at these jokes.

That's what jokes are for.

"Hey! There's someone out there!"

"Call the others! There's a survivor!"

"Are you sure that Demon didn't get to him?"

"He's... he's laughing? He's lost his mind!"

"HA... HAHAHA!" I laughed crazily, as I fell to the ground, Sarah's body plopped on top of me, but I continued pushing through my legs, shoving myself forward.


"No... he's not just laughing. He's crying! Take him in!"

I was suddenly surrounded by numerous people, and at the center of my vision, was someone familiar.

"I... I know this one. He's been to my shop."


"Yes. Hurry, let's get them in. Don't worry, son. You're safe now."

I stopped laughing, staring at the man's face.


The man leaned in, putting his hand on my face.

"You're safe, kid."

I reached out, interlocking my fingers with the old man's.

The hand of a fellow gunman.

A man who had shielded those kids during the Battle of Detroit.

The man the kids saw as their Hero, even more so than the Heroes who fought and protected the city from Doctor Destroyer.

"Mar... Marty..." I croaked, before blacking out.

By the time I awoke, I was in a strange-looking hut consisting of numerous pots. In them was a red concoction.

I slowly sat up, rubbing my temples.

"You're awake. Welcome back to the land of the living," A woman's voice said.

"Who-" I muttered groggily, focusing on the figure of the lady who I presumed to have tended to me.

I recognized her right away.

"Good morning... or night. I guess it's pretty hard to tell in this world. But fancy seeing you again, Hangman."

"Witchcraft? I don't remember bringing you along when I requested Master Jun create a sanctuary for these guys."

Witchcraft scoffed.

"I never intended to come along, but we ended up having no choice. As you already know, the terror of the Supreme Primordial left many of us with no choice but to flee our reality. Whoever chose to stay, stayed, stubbornly. But quickly many of us had no choice but to escape. If it wasn't for your Inner Shadow, we would all have succumbed to this... de-resolution."

I stared at my wounds, and Bethany noticed.

"I'm sure you already know, but the way you wield your Chakra is extremely self-destructive. The fact that you were able to channel it so long without your body crumbling away is nothing short of a miracle."

"You tended to my wounds... with magic right?" I asked.

Bethany pursed her lips.


Immediately, the thought sprung into my head.

"What about Sarah? The girl I was with? Did you heal her too? I- I beg you to prioritize her over me; her wounds were critical. And... And-"

"Aaron. I'm sorry. But the girl you were with had already died by the time we found you two."

My hand fell dejectedly. It felt like everything around me had crumbled away to dust.

All hope I had left for Sarah being alive...

This narrative does not want you anymore.

That was what Loyce had told me.

And it didn't occur to me until now...

But ever since I had decided to proclaim war against the narrative-bending, reason-abolishing Demon Lord, things had taken a dark, dark turn.

Be it through Robbie's death.

Or Bryce's near death.

My heart wrenched in pain.

To Sarah's death.

In the numerous missions I was in prior, everything wasn't easy, but in the end, we still got out of it in one piece. A bit banged up sure, but still.

We were able to come up victorious, or at least, there was some degree of growth amongst us. We were able to live to fight another day.

But ever since I decided to fight Loyce's forces, everything was slowly being ripped apart from me.

As if whatever this narrative was that everything was going to be okay in the end was suddenly torn apart.

People who I wished would never die, ended up dead.

The promise I made to Sarah was broken.

I never felt so hopeless and dark before.

This depressing and hopeless narrative had now taken hold of me. This was no longer a fun adventure between friends, messing around, and playing pranks. Cracking jokes. Making light of enemies for cliches and common tropes that I used to do.

"Come here, child."

I raised my head, to see Witchcraft holding a necklace.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's an amulet, passed on by members of the Duquesne family."

"And you're passing that down to me... why?"

Bethany regarded me sadly.

"You look like you really need it right now."

I slowly took the pendant and inspected it.

Suddenly, memories of my time with Will and Nora flashed from the reflections of the gem.

Then memories of Sakura and I, taking walks along Gasket's world, admiring the flowers and cherry blossoms.

Then finally...

That time I had proposed to Sarah.

"What do you see?"


"Bad memories, or good memories?"

My bottom lip quivered.

"Good... warm memories. Really warm memories."

Bethany smiled.

"Then the pendant has chosen you. I am glad to have met you, despite... our first meeting going so sideways."

"I- I don't understand."

Witchcraft took the pendant from my hands and showed me the sides of the gem, but this time, the memories were different.

Images of several cult members performing dark magic in front of a fire flashed, then of Witchcraft battling her sister, Talisman.

"The gem chooses its owner. Depending on their heart. Depending on the nature of its soul. That nature, the nature of my family's acts in the coven greatly corrupted my soul. For the longest time, no one in the Circle of the Scarlet Moon could ever wield the pendant. We all believed it was a shard of great evil, and the one who would wield it would bring the coven to greater heights of dark magic."

"But I don't... get it. You're the superhero here. You're Witchcraft! I'm... just some troublemaker who bit off more than he could chew. Nothing about me would make me worth for this pendant."

Witchcraft rested her chin on her palm.

"Is that so? When we found you, I noticed this warm fuzzy feeling come out of you. Do you mean to tell me that warm, kind, chakra was from something vile?"

My fingers wrapped around the pendant.

"Bethany... why are you doing this for me. After everything I did back in Millennium City. My jokes and antics are inexcusable. Disrespecting the statues of your fallen comrades to giving a bad name to myself and the UNITY organization alike. I tried to murder Doctor Destroyer. I don't get why you're trying to help-"

I was suddenly cut off, as Bethany brought me into an embrace.

"When I was a little girl, my sister and I were to be inducted into our parent's coven. I chose to escape while my sister accepted her role to be part of that cult. I spent years on the run in the streets, desperately trying to stay alive. The entire time, I cursed myself for living this life. And even to this day, I wondered what kind of cruel god would make me live a life like that."

No words left my mouth, as Bethany continued.

"And even to this day, now that I've grown up and got myself a silly husband in James Harmon. I still believe that no child should have to go through something like that. And when I learned of what you had to go through from Marty, I realized... the type of person you are."

Bethany pulled away.

"Aaron, you aren't a terrible person. Your fiancee. Robert Fernandez. June Lee Sung. And your first girlfriend, Jessica Lane. Their deaths were not because you are a terrible person. The jokes and antics you've made were a way for you to cope with the challenges your life threw at you.

"If anything, you have a bigger heart than any superhero I ever knew."

I ran my hand through the amulet.

"I don't know... I don't know if I can keep going."

"Then take a break, just for now. Take some time. But don't blame yourself. After all, it was you who begged your Shadows to bring us here, away from that Primordial's influence."

"Fat lot that did. Now that same Primordial is here too." I grumbled.

A calculated risk I took...

I knew Aran had come for Jun, meaning his influence would have affected this realm, but I knew that there was still a better chance of them surviving here than staying in the Champions Universe. Gasket's realm, at the very least, was far stronger and more robust.

If both realities were subject to de-resolution, while all other realities would be a target by Vala and Loyce for use of hostages, I had to choose the one that was more equipped to deal with it. Added to the fact that Sigurd would have been here to protect them.

But the risk I took still doomed everyone.

I got up, approaching the door.

"Where... where did you guys put Sarah?" I asked.

"She's at the central wing. We were waiting for you, before deciding what to do with her body."

"Thank you."

I opened the door and walked down the hall. Numerous survivors stared at the ground listlessly.

Many were injured.

Some were injured horrifically more than others.

And amongst the survivors, a crowd was huddled around something. They made way for me as soon as they saw me.

And in the center, was the corpse of Sarah Ultear, her face in complete peace.

I slowly rested my hand on her forehead. Cold to the touch, but for some reason, made my chest feel warm.

"She must have been an incredible warrior."

I slowly turned around to see Ironclad standing before me. His sword was unsheathed and planted on the ground.

A Dorvalan gesture to recognize a brave warrior who had fallen in battle.

"Yeah. She was a Hero of Kalidas."

"A great warrior, indeed."

I glared at my hand.

"A great warrior who... who chose to be with someone like me."

Ironclad put a hand on my head.

"You must stay strong. Have faith. For her."

I clenched my teeth.

"S- Sorry. Sorry, Drogen. Not this time."

I turned around slowly and headed to the exit of the hideout. Ironclad looked like he wanted to say something, but stopped himself.

I just wanted to be alone.

I stepped out and gazed at the distance of Jun's broken world.

"Yeling... how're things out there... I guess in the end, you were right. You were always the one who could stand against Vala. You're used to loss. You're used to these things. Someone like me... with so much to lose, and having lost it all. I can't even keep it together anymore. Loyce is too much for me."

I reached into my pocket and inspected my Draugr.

Hey! Don't you know who I am?! I'm the legendary God-Eater!

I gripped the handle of the gun angrily.

You're going out with the legendary SS Ranked Outer Shadow. Aaron Hope. The most annoying Outer Shadow in the Black Legion! What did you expect?

I began taking ragged breaths. Emotion flooded my body.

No. I believe I will come back to you. And I believe you will come back to me. Our kid won't live a life where they will only get to know one of their parents. I will never ever let that happen. Do you understand?

"AAAAAH!" I screamed, throwing the Draugr across the edge. The gun clattered off the cliff and fell into the abyss.

"FUCK! FUCK YOU!" I roared, summoning my weapons one by one.

I threw my MP7 over the side. Then my assault rifles. My shotguns.

My Ironsight. My Caliga. My M134.

"YOU FUCKIN LIAR! YOU GOD DAMN LIAR!" I yelled, chucking all my guns angrily. The sounds of metal clanking and echoing in the silence.

I grabbed the tattered grimoire and glared at it, pulling out a Thompson Contender.

"Fuck you, Aaron! You worthless... goddamn liar... Legendary SS Rank my ass! Promise my ass! All these promises! And in the end, you got the woman you loved killed! You got her killed! You got all of them killed! They're dead, Aaron! THEY'RE... FUCKIN... DEAD!"

I threw the book over the edge until all I was holding left was my Contender.

"You gonna throw that gun away too?"

I spun around in a rage, aiming the Contender at an old man, who was holding a handgun of his own.

"So... that's your ultimate gun? The Thompson Contender. What a classic ol' weapon, eh? Aaron?"

My hand trembled, as the barrel of the gun was aimed right at Marty's forehead.

"Leave me alone. I'm warning you, old man. You may be a marksman but I'm the best marksman that ever lived."

"Yeah? The best, huh? I thought you said you were a goddamn liar?"

I snarled.

"Don't MAKE me pull the trigger!"

"Go ahead! You younguns, one moment you're tossing your guns to one side, and the next, you're threatenin' bloody murder! I may not be as good as you, but I sure as hell ain't gonna be intimidated by a lil nineteen-year-old! Kingston's never let me down! No matter how bad it gets! We got a special bond that transcends everything!"

I glared at Marty.

"Then I'll break that belief. There's no such thing as a special bond. They all fail in the end! I've failed every bond I ever made!"

"Blah blah blah! You finished yet, you self-pitying brat!"

"The hell did you just say?!"

Marty loaded Kingston.

"Yeah! You heard what I said! Ol' Kingston and I. We have been through thick and thin! Against them Destroids back in '92! Against them Destroids in 2021! Against that whack God of War! We have been through it all!"


I threw the Contender into the air, jabbing with my fist and summoning a magic circle.

I pulled out two bullets and chucked them into the barrel of the gun before catching it.

"You want a gun duel against me? Then you got it, you paranoid geezer. I'll prove to you that bonds never last." I snarled.

"Bring it on! Kingston and I are ready!"

The two of us faced off, as a breeze parted our hair.

Gunman against Gunman

Champions of Trion

Marty fired Kingston, the bullet coming straight to me.

This guy was serious about shooting me!

I stumbled back, aiming my Contender wildly, but before I could do anything, my entire vision was clouded by white dust.

"F- Flour?! Are you kidding me?! You'd use flour to-"

What was that sound?

He was reloading his gun again.

Where was he gonna fire?

Dammit, I didn't even have time to assess the surroundings before he blinded my vision.

Aspectum - Full Radar

I spun around, whipping my gun to the location of the bullet.

I'd split the bullet. The trajectory of my bullet would jam his barrel.

Marty was known to be a marksman, but most marksman never used their guns in full battle.

Like how a boxer who only trained pads would panic in a real fight, a marksman would panic in a real gunfight.

And panic would always manifest by shooting multiple bullets.

Once I jammed his gun, his panic would set in, and ol' Kingston would blow up.

"Idiot... I warned you." I muttered, as I fired, the bullet soaring to the projectile that I had predicted.



That wasn't supposed to be the sound of a bullet being split in half!

Suddenly, black rain appeared in front of my eyes, catching me in the face.

I began coughing and retching violently, stumbling over.

It wasn't a bullet!

He faked me out!

I clutched my eyes, stumbling around.

"Pepper spray, what do you think? I've got a few tricks of my own, kiddo!"

Several bullets came flying my way, but before Marty could rejoice, I had already closed the distance, glaring at him. The barrel of my gun pointed at his throat.

"You think a mere smokescreen's gonna beat me?" I snarled.

Marty clenched his teeth.

"Damn... you predicted the patterns of the bullets?"

I aimed and fired, grazing Marty's arm as I spun around, shoving him back.

Marty stumbled, but took aim, firing again, but I opened my hand, tossing the pepper that he had chucked at me earlier back at him.

Marty wheezed and fired, his bullet missing wildly.

I quickly took aim, firing at the bullet and knocking its trajectory straight into Kingston.

Kingston flew out of Marty's hand as the older marksman gasped. I rushed forward, tackling the old man, and the two of us skidded to a stop.

I aimed my Contender at Marty's forehead.

"Where's your Kingston now?" I snarled.

"Waiting... for me...!" Marty seethed, as he bit down on my hand. I roared, letting go. Marty ran to the other side. I let him pick up his gun.

"I ain't gonna lose to you!"

"Then die ignorant."

Marty fired, and I returned with a shot of my own, deflecting his bullet.

Marty continued firing, but each bullet was being deflected by my own, knocking them out mid-air.

"Bring it on!" Marty shouted, rushing forward, continuously firing. The entire time, I continued parrying with gunshots of my own, standing still.

Marty then took aim behind me, subtly, and fired at a supporting structure.

"Got em!" I heard Marty whisper under his breath, but to his surprise, I calmly pointed my gun behind me and fired, decimating the support structure.

Marty's shock caused him to stumble forward as I caught him in a judo hold, slamming the old man onto the ground.

I watched Marty struggle to his feet again.

"I ain't done. Never done."

"Yes, you are. I've reached the point where I really don't care anymore. Who I hurt. Who gets hurt. I've been hurting people all my life anyway. It doesn't matter anymore."

Advanced Convocatio - DS35 Turricalum GRAND ADMIRAL

Thousands of red magic circles appeared behind me, as blood leaked from my eyes.

I aimed my Contender at Marty.

"Gravity Protocol."

The DS35's transformed into flat star-shaped disks, emitting a translucent red wave of energy that flattened Marty to the ground, cracking it.

The old man let out a cry, as Kingston was buried deep into the concrete, blood leaving the old man's nostrils.

I walked forward, the light of my DS35's casting a demonic red shadow across me.

Advanced Fire Magic: FIRE GOD IFRIT PILA

An orange magic circle appeared, transforming my Contender into a flaming devil-like black monstrosity. Devil-like horns appeared from the sides of the gun, and a fiery inferno appeared at the center. Where the bullet was residing.

"Can your stupid bond with Kingston stay intact in the face of this?" I whispered coldly.

Marty slowly raised his head, but the gravity was too much.

"Yeah... of course it will. This... ain't nothin'. For ol' Kingston."

My eye twitched in irritation.

"Marty... I am gonna kill you for real. I really will."

"I know."

"No, you don't. This is Advanced Level Magic, running on my own Chakra, my own life force. This is me at my strongest. At this level, I surpass the Aaron Hope that fought Bishamonten by at least ten times."

"SO WHAT?!" Marty growled.

I hesitated, my gun hand trembling.


Marty clenched his teeth, curling his fingers around Kingston, desperately trying to grab hold of the gun.

"Did'ya really think. By showin' off your funny little spells and powers that I was gonna cry like a lil baby?"

Rage coursed through my body. Wrathful Chakra ripped my back apart as blue arms emerged.

Embodiment of War - ASURA'S PENALTY

Five arms appeared behind me, each channeling the Fire Magic through their respective Contenders, aiming their barrels at Marty from different angles.

The orange magic circles and fire turned into a deadly blue.

"No matter... how much power you force yourself... I ain't gonna stop fightin'. This is who I am. This is the bond that I've had with Kingston. No matter how hopeless this may seem."

"SHUT UP. WHAT DO YOU KNOW." I growled, blood splurting from my mouth.

A fresh wave of gravitational energy spewed out of my DS35's, smashing Marty deeper into the concrete.

The old man was hanging onto his last line of consciousness.

There was no way someone in his late seventies was gonna keep this up.

He should have fallen a long time ago.

What the hell was he trying to prove?!

"My son... the kids... were killed by the Cultists of Sol," Marty croaked.

Suddenly, the fire magic and Asura arms disappeared.

The DS35's stopped coursing its energy.

I slowly lowered my Contender, as the gun clattered on the ground.

"I lost... everything too. Aaron," Marty muttered.

The old man coughed, forcing himself to stand.

"They tortured him. They tortured his wife, my daughter-in-law. They violated them both inhumanely... in ways you could never imagine. Out of the seventy-eight years I lived, I had never seen a group of crazies so cruel before. They were not human. They truly were... followers of a True Demon."

Marty approached me, grabbed me by the sides of my head, and slammed his forehead into mine.

I stumbled back, blood leaking down my face, as did Marty's.

"I watched each and every single one of em. All the younguns. Some of them I recognized. The same younguns who I saved in '92, all grown up just to have their limbs ripped off! And I had to WATCH. And you tell me, you tell me if we all gave up. Who will keep this from happening to the rest of the survivors? HUH?"

I breathed shakily, as Marty continued.

"This camp, we established here in Trion. We're still alive. I know all about this Black Legion nonsense. I know what you guys are dealing with. This 'Aran Sol'. He's the reason we had to evacuate from our reality. And now he's here. We know!"

"Then why aren't you-"

"Because as long as we live, we can still fight!" Marty shouted, grabbing Kingston and pressing the barrel to the side of my head.

"And even in the face of overwhelming danger, even in the face of you. God-Eater. I can still win, just once, even if I was put to the ground many times. No Demon. No narrative. No Inner Shadow. And no Ancient Spirit of Hope can take away our will to survive. That is what humanity is about!"

Marty fired, the bullet grazing the side of my head as the old man shoved me backward.

"I don't care if this is a different universe. I'm too old to think about all this multiverse mumbo jumbo, but I'll bet my left leg that no matter what universe, there will always be someone who refuses to back down. Because no matter what the narrative is, where there is humanity, there is the will to survive. Because resilience transcends all narratives!"

I fell to my knees.

The will to survive.

For everyone's sake.

Marty... Marty was still fighting, even though he had lost everything.

Together with the people of Trion.

They kept fighting despite knowing that they were defenseless against Aran Sol.

They didn't give up.

A hand appeared before me.

"So I'll ask you once again. Are you gonna throw that gun of yours away? Or are you gonna use it to shoot the lil punk who's ruined all our lives in the face for us?"

I clenched my teeth, getting to my feet and taking Marty's hand.

If Marty was able to face me, knowing full well the difference in our skills.

He knew how bad of a spot I was.

He knew there was a high chance that I, in my frenzy and unstable state could have killed him.

But he stood against me anyway and refused to back down.

What excuse did I have?

I took a deep breath.

"I'll fight. I'll make Loyce and Vala pay. Just as I always promised."

Marty smiled.

"That's my boy."

* * *

Witchcraft weaved a magic circle, creating a hologram.

"As far as I know, Aran Sol has taken control of over 98% of this realm. The cultists came in like hordes, but among those ranks were several... generals."

"Generals?" I asked.

"One of them looked like a teenage girl with devil horns and purple hair. Gold eyes."

My fist clenched.

Sarina Ultear.

"That girl had several companions, but she seemed to be under the command of an older man. They all had marks somewhere on the body that glowed blue."

Vessels of Vala.

"That's about all we know. At this point, we've just been surviving. Trying and planning to take back this realm from their control is out of the question. We cannot risk the safety of the other survivors," Witchcraft explained.

Ironclad sat up.

"The cultists are dangerous. Before they arrived, even just being near them caused us to be erased from existence."

I stopped everybody.


They had to be talking about Annie. But why did they say "they"? Was Annie not alone?

Was she with Jun?

Marty gave Bethany a sad look.

Bethany sighed.

"It was a woman who some of us only referred to as The Maiden. And she was accompanied by a young girl. As far as I know, the young girl was the one who had the means to allow us to resist the Demon's power."

Annie and some girl?

There were too many questions, but no answers.

"What... what happened to the Maiden?" I asked, my voice small.

"She gave herself up to the cultists. For our solitude," A voice said from the corner of the room.

I turned around to see another superhero walk in.

"The Maiden was one of the strongest warriors I had ever seen. But even she wasn't strong enough to stop the cultist horde. Much less the individual generals. She was... in a way, our hero. Many of us saw her as a source of hope in a time of despair."

Marty nodded.

"When the Demon appeared at our refuge, many of us were erased from existence. Many more were tortured. The superheroes came together to battle but were instantly wiped out. Witchcraft and Ironclad were among the remaining who survived... save... save one..."

"Marty," Witchcraft's voice broke.


Ironclad grimaced.

"It was a crushing defeat. The Maiden was the only one who was strong enough to fight back the forces of the Demon but eventually, the erasure got to her too. Yet despite her arm fading from existence, she still fought for our sakes. And then... one of the Demon's generals themselves faced the Maiden off. And she was defeated. If she had not agreed to be taken away, Trion would have been overrun."

I bit back my lip.

"Do any of you know where they took her?"


"We don't know. But after The Maiden gave herself up, her apprentice left Trion."

This apprentice... who was she?

"Do you know where she was headed?"

Witchcraft put a hand to her chin.

"I believe she was headed in the direction of Fortuna. East from Trion."

If I could find this apprentice, maybe I could get a lead on where they had taken Sigurd.

"Alright then. Guess I'll be off-"

"Wait," Marty grabbed my arm.

I paused, as the old man stood up in front of me.

"Our people... our people have been terrorized by this Demon for far too long. This... Aran Sol. Are you thinking about killing him?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

Witchcraft regarded me.

"Do you realize that what you are aiming to do is next to impossible? I read up on what you are capable of. The Legends of the God-Eater. But even you... won't stand a chance against that Primordial."

"Then what do you suggest I do?"

Bethany gripped the edges of her cape tightly.

"S- Stay here. Stay in Trion. Perhaps this is for the best. At least even if it is temporary. The Maiden chose to give herself up for Trion's freedom. You can even stay here until you grow old. We can't risk anyone going back out there again. The Apprentice may well be dead."

"You don't know that for sure."


I jumped, as did everybody else.

Bethany took a shaky breath.

"Please don't talk like that. Please don't. Aaron, you are still young. You have plenty of life left to live."

"You make it sound like I'm not gonna come back again. Relax. I'll take care of it. I've been through wor-"

"And so did James!" Witchcraft screamed, as Ironclad slowly walked up to his fellow Super Group member, wrapping an arm around her.

Bethany buried her face in her hands.

"So did James... Defender said the exact same things you said... and now he's faced with a fate worse than death. The reason why none of us have dared step foot outside of Trion is because..."

I didn't need to be a genius to piece it together.

"Defender's out there, outside the city walls, killing anybody who would dare leave Trion."

Ironclad clenched his fist.

"That thing is no longer Defender. That thing is not the James Harmon I knew."

Bethany wiped her eyes.

"Please listen to me, Aaron. Promise me. Promise me that you will not suffer the same fate as my husband. I've... seen enough good people die."


My hand dropped.

Who was I kidding?

Did I really have what it took to defeat Aran Sol?

I remembered my battle against Dasc.

He was an Apex Primordial Demon, at least Elite Tier SS Rank.

But with the mere aftereffects of Aran's aura, it was enough to make me freeze like a little bitch.

Sarah and I were barely able to defeat him, and I needed Loki's help to figure the dude out.

Aran's power was leagues ahead of Dasc and Kon combined.

In terms of destructive potential, he was SSS Ranked.


Maybe staying in Trion wasn't such a bad idea.

We still had Yeling.

Yeling's dedication to becoming stronger.

The guy went from being a C-lister who could barely beat "Outer" Shadow Transplant, to an SS Rank in a year. From sheer hard work.

The Hinokami was a natural enemy to narrative bending and reality warpers like Loyce and Aran.

This wasn't a battle for a human.

Wasn't Sarah's death enough of a warning for you?

I should-

"So this is the so-called Champions? Huh?" Marty growled.

Ironclad got up and went up to the old man.

"You shall watch your tone, can you not see the hurt in Witchcraft's-"

"We're all hurting! The kid had to carry his dead fiancee over his back with one arm for over three hundred kilometers! We're all going through shit! But why of all people, are The Champions, Millennium City's most famous Super Group, telling us to cower with our tails between our legs!"

Marty turned to me.

"We may have lost The Maiden and The Apprentice. But now we have The God-Eater here. We finally have a fighting chance and you're going to tell him to give up?"

Witchcraft gritted her teeth.

"Do you not understand, Marty? This is no longer about justice and superheroes. Good versus Evil. In the face of a Primordial Demon like Aran, a Primordial who surpasses even Dasc Osa, the notion of justice does not exist anymore. In the end, the idea of playing the Hero was merely a farce that we have fabricated because our enemies were our own."

Ironclad was downcast. Unable to say a single word.

And the disturbing thing about that was the fact that as a Dorvalan, Ironclad was supposed to stand for valor and honor.

Yet here he was in a position where he had no choice but to cower.

Witchcraft sighed.

"I know this is the last time a civilian like you would want to hear from someone like me, Marty. But... if it is any compensation, it hurts me just as much to admit it. The Champions... no. The age of superheroes. It's over. The sooner we realize that, the better."

"Let's just... take some time to ourselves. For now, we should rest. We've all had a long day," Ironclad said, as the tension in the air eased temporarily.

"I agree," I replied quickly.

We had to break this tension before things went out of control. I understood Marty's need for action, but there was a time and place for this kind of stuff.

And it was clear that Witchcraft was still mourning for Defender. Now wasn't a good time.

I felt terrible for putting her in a position of support earlier.

But now I knew.

* * *

"Your quarters, Aaron." Drogen led me to a small room. Across the hallway, the rooms were packed to the brim with families. Kids were huddled together in fear and anxiety.

"Forgive us... it was the best we could do. Housing is small as it is in Trion."

"This is more than enough. Thank you, Drogen."

I sat down on the fur mattress.

"Aaron, may I ask you something?"

"What's up?"

Drogen sat in front of me, cross-legged.

"Do you have a plan?"

"A plan?"

The superhero lowered his head.

"A plan to defeat Supreme Primordial Aran."

I sighed.

"No. Not this time. I wish I could have given you a better answer, but... I really don't know how I'm gonna do it. I just know I have to."

Drogen inspected his sword, running his finger across the blade.

"In Dorvala... I was created to be a weapon. All my life I dreamed to become a member of the Dorvalan Space Marines. But when I achieved this goal, it was a means to an end for the admirals to create a Dorvalan super soldier. The powers that I believed were a gift were used merely as a tool. It sickened me. And so, I fled."

I listened to Drogen intently, as the Dorvalan continued.

"To search for my destiny, I traveled to the planet of Malva, where I believed I truly found a purpose. To fight as a gladiator... who could not imagine the glory in battle from that? I thought I was finally living my dream, but with each duel I fought, the bloodier it became. Every time the Malvans cheered at me with approval, there was no honor. The blood on my hands... all for the purpose of entertainment. And so I fled once more until I arrived on Earth and discovered the Champions.

"As Ironclad, I fought to protect the innocent. To fight for honor. There is nothing more beautiful for a warrior than to fight for a righteous cause. But now..."

Drogen stared at his hands.

"Now I have fled that life once more. I have fled. Time and time again. To search for a purpose in my life. To search for destiny. I am a warrior. That in itself shall never change. Yet I find myself always doing the exact opposite of such. A warrior who flees is no different than a coward who has never fought one day in his life. And... that day, when that Demon came to this realm, I fought alongside the superheroes of my world."

I watched as Ironclad gritted his teeth, his glare at his sword was full of fury, but at the same time, hinted at sadness.

"I've never felt so powerless in my life. A warrior never backs down. No matter what. Yet... now I am starting to see, in the grand scheme of things, I am nothing more than a gnat. My dreams of being a warrior mean nothing in the face of overwhelming power. I feel so helpless. These powers that I have been granted... what were they ultimately for? If in the end, I must hide and cower."

Ironclad slowly took off his helmet, revealing pale, dark grey skin underneath.

"But then one day, we found you. The Hangman. Struggling and trudging forward. Tears in his eyes, the corpse of the woman he loved on his back. Tired, bleeding, and in so much pain. Yet forcing a smile on his face, as he continued clawing his way forward. Day after day. You kept moving forward. It was one of the scouts in Trion who had spotted you in the distance, right at our entrance gates. You somehow made it past the monsterized Defender. I couldn't believe it. It had to be a lie. Surely no human could have survived what was out there, yet despite seeing the horrors of the world, you still wish to fight."

I stared at my reflection, my grey hair was sticking up wildly, and my grim expression had no more traces of that goofy smile I used to have.

"Aaron... why do you continue to fight? Despite how hopeless it is? Is it for honor? Is it for a purpose? For justice? How does someone like you keep that fire going despite our circumstances?"

I slowly put my hand over the bracelet that Saki had given me, for what seemed like an eternity ago when things felt so simple and hopeful.

"No..." I muttered.

"The truth is... I felt like giving up. Many... many times" I admitted, remembering all the times I had fallen into despair.

From the endless nights I would spend, crying in the back alleys after Avara's death. Wishing that the next god who attacked me could just kill me painlessly, knowing full well each and every single deity that would attack me would want me to suffer.

To the day Jessie had put the gun to her head, and me, failing to avenge her death by losing to the same God of Hope who let her die.

To the day I got June killed by Jekyll, completely overwhelmed by the God of Warfare. Only to lose to him again in Andropol.

Then Robbie... whose sacrifice ultimately was in vain, as Vala continued her reign of tyranny across the fabric of the multiverse.

And now...


Ironclad blinked.

"But... you are the God-Eater are you not? A being who surpasses even the gods."

"I know it looks like I have a fire in my eyes all the time. But the truth is, that burning passion wasn't there all the time. When I watched Sarah die... I felt like giving up completely. My whole world got ripped from me... no. My world has been ripped from my feet. Sarah meant the world to me and I had to watch her die. I loved her... I loved her so much, and..."

My voice broke.

"I wanted it to all end. I felt like a complete phony. I had made all those promises to my fiancee about raising kids and being there for them... I lost yet another person important to me. I wanted to give up entirely, and let someone else handle the job of defeating Vala for me."

I clenched my fist.

"But despite that... it was Marty who brought me back. Drogen, it's not a matter of being defiant to the very end. Very few people can do that. And I know for a fact that I'm not one of those people. But... to me... it's about being able to get back up when you feel like giving up. It's okay to fall apart. And it's okay to feel like giving up. But what matters is that you make sure that this is temporary. If it had not been for Marty's sharp blowback to reality, I would have ended up wallowing in sorrow forever."

The robe Sarah had given me gently brushed against my forearm. Even though the scent had been completely ruined by my BO and sweat, I could still detect faint hints of her familiar lavender. Feeling her robe against me gave me a sense of comfort but also a sense of grief.

A small smile formed on my face.

"It's not me that you should be looking up to, Drogen. Because the truth is, I'm only here because of all the people who have helped me. I'm not an extraordinary person. I'm not beyond anything. I'm not even beyond my comrades who have sacrificed themselves to allow me to get this far, much less a god."

I slowly put a hand on Drogen's shoulder.

"I can't say the same for you, but as a human... our strength comes from each other. In numbers. In support. In brotherhood and in sisterhood. The Aaron Hope you see today, the God-Eater you hear from rumors, the Dainsleif of the Black Legion that you read in the database, and the Hangman you hear about from UNITY... whether these stories are good or not. They're from the numerous interactions I've had with amazing people... and maybe not so amazing people. But people nonetheless."

* * *

The next morning.... night? Afternoon? It was so hard to tell in Master Jun's world.

I made my way to the main gate of Trion, but not before visiting Sarah, who lay on her deathbed in peace.

I will bury her... in Kalidas.

Where her journey began.

I went up to Sarah and gently kissed her.

"I'll be back, Princess Ultear. Don't go missing me too much," I laughed, gently.

"Aaron," A familiar voice said.

I turned around to see Marty, carrying a whole slew of guns slung on his back.

"Go home, Marty. You're gonna get arthritis if you keep walking like that!" I shouted at the older marksman.

"You shut up, young buck! No way am I letting you go alone!"

"Oh boo hoo! What are you gonna do, chuck a bag of pepper at Aran Sol or something?"

"Hey! Ever learn to speak to your elders with respect?!"

"Oh wow! What a crime! If only the MCPD were here to arrest me!"

Marty limped next to me.

"Hey, where are your guns?"

"In my Convocatio realm, duh. What kinda idiot slings his guns over his back? You better do something about that, I'm not gonna put up with their clanking clunking sounds when I try to sleep at night."

"What an unreasonable request! I'm offering you my help and you're making fun of me?!"

"You're the one who volunteered!"

Marty crossed his arms.


I sighed, as I weaved a hand signal.

A red magic circle appeared before us.

"Chuck your guns in here. Ammo. Slings. Nades. Anything. When we need them, I can summon them for ya."

Marty blinked.

"That sure is some handy magic ya got there! I don't even think the Bullet Mage can do that!"

"Don't you compare me to Caliburn, that's disrespectful."

"Where did you learn something like that?"

I smiled.

"From the greatest, cutest magic teacher ever."

Marty snickered.

"Can I learn from her too?"

"Wanna duel again? I'll kill you for real."

Marty chuckled.

"Before we get to that... what say you. Is Miss Duquesne not coming along?"

We turned to a towering man, clad with grey metallic skin armor, as he approached us, a massive sword strapped to his back.

"No... in fact, she does not even know we have gathered here. I know having me out there will place an insurmountable burden on her... I am among one of the last of the Champions left. But I cannot sit idly by. Marty McIntyre... you have a heart as gold as Defender's was. I commend you greatly."

Marty put a finger under his nose.

"Damn right, I do. Whether it was '92. Or '22. Kingston and I will always be there to kick ass and protect the innocent."

I checked my inventory, keeping twelve DS35's in interlocking chain form around my wrist. Sarah's robe fluttered in the wind.

"Alright. Let's get moving before we get caught."

Marty grunted.

"Will do. The last thing we need is to deal with an angry Witchcraft."

We made our way to the gate, but before we could step out, I stopped.

"Aaron, what is it?" Ironclad asked.

I took a deep breath.

"If you're gonna try and stop us with these runes, you might as well face us in person, Bethany," I said, slowly turning around to face Witchcraft, who was hovering in the air above us.

Numerous magic circles flanked our left and right.

Witchcraft glared at us, her eyes glowing purple.

"Drogen... how could you... after seeing all of our comrades be slaughtered... after seeing him. How could you go out there again? How could you do this to me again?!"

Ironclad gripped his sword.

"Bethany... if we don't go... the people of Trion will forever live their lives in fear."

"It's better to live our lives full of fear than to live our lives seeing our loved ones be slaughtered! Trion... Trion is the only thing keeping us together! Survival is the only thing keeping us together! And you're going to put an end to all of that?!"

"Lady, if you don't get out of the way, we will force our way through," Marty said.

Witchcraft glared at Marty, as a blast of magic power slammed the old man back. I managed to catch him before he could hit the ground.

"Hey! What's your problem?" I shouted at the superhero, but Ironclad stepped in between us.

"I must go. This is what I am meant to do. I am a warrior."

Witchcraft shook her head.

"No... No. You are not a warrior anymore, Drogen. You are one of us. Our days as superheroes are over."

Ironclad unsheathed his sword, slamming the ground and dissipating the runes with tremendous force.

"Your days as a superhero may be over, but you do not get to decide for the rest of us. Not for Defender. Not for Kinetik. Not for Sapphire. We chose to fight. And if they were alive and by my side, I swear by my sword that they will say the exact same things I would say. A superhero never gives up! Beyond honor... if no one saves the innocent, who will?"

"ENOUGH!" Witchcraft shouted, blasting at us with Eldritch energy, but Ironclad stepped forward, blocking the strike with his sword.

"Let us... go... Bethany!" Ironclad growled.

"NO! This... this is Aran's influence! The Demon's gotten to you... I can't let him take another person precious to me. I refuse."


Witchcraft appeared behind Drogen and opened her hands, unleashing a powerful purple explosion that sent the superhero back.

Marty whipped out Kingston and took aim, but I grabbed the barrel and lowered the gun.

"No," I whispered fiercely.

Ironclad rushed in and stopped Bethany from attacking us again.

"Don't you want to save him... Don't you want to save James?!"

Witchcraft stumbled back, her eyes wide with rage.

"James is GONE, Drogen! That thing isn't James anymore!"

"How long will you continue to lie to yourself!"

Ironclad pushed Witchcraft back as she flew backward in the air.

Bethany stabilized herself, hovering above us and generating more magic circles.

"He's gone... He cannot be saved. And the people of Trion cannot be saved. The last time a Primordial came to this world, we were almost wiped from existence even with the help of the entire magic community, everybody from all ages of time who came together to fight him. But now... now the only people left are us and The Hangman! We don't stand a chance. It's hopeless!"

"This time could be different!" Ironclad protested.

"No! No, it won't! It will never be different!"

Witchcraft screamed, the magic circles becoming stronger and larger, as a storm of Eldritch energy developed behind her.

Ironclad braced himself.

"It is the nature of a superhero to fight no matter what. No matter what! This was what you always taught me... when I came to Earth!"

"That was before I watched all our friends get slaughtered and destroyed!"


I turned around to see the survivors exiting their homes to watch.

Many had their hands over their mouths, in fright.

The kids were forced to look away.

They couldn't see the heroes they looked up to all their lives fight themselves like this.

Bethany looked down at us from above, electricity arcing across her body.

"Drogen, if you do not back down, I will hurt you."

Drogen gripped his sword.

"Do you even hear yourself anymore? Is this what you truly want?"

A flood of arcane energy smashed into Ironclad, as the superhero barely was able to keep the clash.

"Bethany... I know... and you know... deep down. Ultimately, you are the one who wants these people free the most. Because the one who lost the most, out of everyone in the Champions Group, was you. The one who wants Aran to be stopped the most out of us... was always you. You don't need to deal with the pain of seeing your husband again, let that fall on me. Even if you deny it yourself, as your friend... I will help make your dream a reality."

"SHUT UP," Bethany shouted, as another wave of energy slammed into Drogen, who buckled over.

I put my hand on Draugr but hesitated.

"Why... why are you fighting?!" A young girl screamed as Bethany hesitated.

The Eldritch storm suddenly ceased.

Witchcraft stared at the girl, her eyes wide.

"You... you shouldn't be out here at this hour!"

The little girl's father quickly ran to her side, scooping her up.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Forgive us. I didn't know she was out of the room! Forgive us!"

"Why are you trying to hurt Ironclad?! You two are supposed to be best friends! You two are supposed to be our heroes!" The little girl screamed at Witchcraft, who slowly began descending, her face pale and full of shock.

Ironclad breathed heavily, leaning against his sword.

His eyes were barely open.

I watched Witchcraft inspect her hands as if she couldn't believe what she was doing.


"Lyla! That's enough! We're going home!" Lyla's father shouted at his daughter, but Lyla ignored her father, slipping out of his grip and running up to Witchcraft, grabbing her wrists.

"Why did you hurt your best friend?! Why?! WHY?!"

Bethany fell to her knees, her expression frozen as Lyla shook the former superhero back and forth.

"We... we were never meant to end up... like this... I'm doing all of this to keep you all safe!"

"I don't care! You hurt your best friend! A superhero would never do something like that! Witchcraft would never do something like that to her comrade!"

"LYLA!" The father grabbed his daughter and dragged her back.

"NO! Daddy let me go! No! No!!! Daddy!" Lyla protested, kicking her feet.

Bethany turned to the little girl, as I approached her.

"Is this truly what you want? Was this the world you envisioned when you fought alongside the Champions as Witchcraft?" I asked.

Bethany clenched her teeth; a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Of course not... but... I... I..."

I held out my pendant in front of her.

"This amulet belonged to the Duquesne family for generations. You gave this to me, not just because you thought it would help ease my mourning. But because you recognized that even in the face of overwhelming odds, someone like me would stand up against it. Just as I had for many years."

Bethany was silent, as I knelt down in front of her.

"Even if you claim that it's futile to fight against Aran, a part of you was still hoping. Hoping that James was still alive. Hoping that things could turn back to the way it used to be. Even if you have lost faith in yourself, a part of you still had faith in the people around you."

"Hope... I've had to manage what was left of our reality all on my own... if anything... Hope is the most dangerous thing to ever have. I don't expect someone like you to understand."

"You would be surprised."

I got to my feet, shifting Sarah's robe and revealing the insignia of the Black Legion.

"I am Outer Shadow Dainsleif of The Black Legion. My occupation and sole purpose of living has been for the Black Legion organization. And our enemy is Vala. The Spirit of Hope. I've been at war with Vala for many years now. I've completed assignments across the multiverse... traversing numerous realities. Though many of our missions were shrouded in mystery, we all knew it all came together in a common, ultimate goal. Which is to destroy the being responsible for all the unfairness in this world. The being who is responsible for this so-called 'Hope'."

Sarah's robe fluttered in the air, as I approached Ironclad and helped him up. Marty joined me, until the three of us stood before Witchcraft, who stared at me.

"Things feel out of your control because when Aran attacked your world, there was no one in your realm who was equipped in facing that threat. But things are different this time because I am here. I will help free your people. My enemy was, and will always be Vala. That is what it means to be a Shadow in the Black Legion Organization. Fighting Hope, fighting enemies who vastly eclipse reason... that's literally my job."

I fished for something in my pocket, and put it in Witchcraft's hands.

Bethany inspected the object before gasping.

"This is-"

"It's a relic. A relic to Takofanes. I... uh, stole it from you when I first met Defender. To you, it was probably something not very important. Er... actually I guess it's really important. Back then anyways. But to this day I actually had it in my inventory. In a way, it helped remind me of my time in Millennium City. Served as a souvenir and a keepsake, and has become something important to me. When I've freed your people, I will come back for this relic. When that time comes, I want you to keep it safe for me."

Witchcraft blinked.

"And... if you don't return?"

"Then... consider it as me returning you something I stole."

I turned around, Marty and Ironclad trailing behind as we made our way to the exit.


I stopped, glancing behind me.

Bethany managed a weak smile.

"You have my blessing. In your greatest moment of need, remember my face, and remember our world. Remember those good memories that came to your mind when you touched that pendant. And you will be able to wield my power. That is... all I can do for you now. My power and my dreams, they're yours now. Please. Please save our world."

I smirked.

"Who do you think I am? I'm the goddamn Hangman. Hang in there, all of you."

Everbreak Hill

In the direction of Fortuna... east of Trion.

I knew exactly where The Apprentice was.

"Where are we going?" Marty asked.

"Everbreak. It's a region in Gasket's world shrouded in natural wildlife."

Ironclad blinked.

"But I thought Jun Gasket's powers were technological in nature."

"That's true. He's a technopath. But his powers of technopathy were always leagues ahead of others. At some point, he had learned to turn machines into organic life. That was how he had managed to turn my friend into a human, even if it was part way."

"I see... a being with unfathomable knowledge... could create something like this too, huh."

I was silent for a few seconds, as we paced cautiously, careful to avoid alerting any Cultists.

We made a deal to only use magic if absolutely necessary, to keep ourselves under the radar.

I had all of my weapons in hyper-silence mode, and my DS35's in their dampening protocol should a fight break out. We could take out our enemy quietly.

Convocatio would be a last resort.

We finally found a spot to camp, as we huddled in a small space under the ruins of a collapsed tree.

Whatever that thing Defender had turned into was, we hadn't encountered it yet.

Wasn't really too thrilled to meet him either.

"All right. I'll take watch duty," I said, as the three of us sat together in a circle.

My eye twitched in annoyance.

"You know, this is the part where you two go to sleep."

Ironclad and Marty nodded but continued sitting there.

"What's the point of me doing watch duty if we're all gonna be awake?!" I snapped.

"Well, none of us wants to sleep," Marty explained.

"Indeed. It is dishonorable for a warrior to put the burden of patrol on another," Ironclad chimed in.

"That's great. I literally picked two of the worst options to come with me."

Ironclad leaned against the bark next to me, as we cracked open a few beers, taking leisurely sips.

"Earlier, when we talked about Gasket... you were thinking about Doctor Destroyer, weren't you," I said.

Drogen lowered his bottle.

"Yes. A being with such a mind, perhaps it was from my experience with Doctor Destroyer that made me somewhat hesitant with Jun Gasket. But the more I learn about him, the more I see why you admire him so much."

I smirked.

"Yeah. Well. As childish as he can get, he's still my Master for a reason. And I'm sure all of his subordinates felt the same way."

We continued sitting in silence until Ironclad shifted in his space.

"Get some sleep, you old lug," I grumbled.

Ironclad reluctantly laid down on the ground, his back turned. After a few moments, Drogen broke the silence once more.

"Can you make a promise for me, Aaron?" Ironclad asked.

"A promise? I can try but I can't guarantee it..."

"That's fine."

I heard the superhero shuffle in his spot.

"If I fall in battle... and become like James. Kill us. Kill us both. And tell Witchcraft that I was killed in battle with my soul intact."

"That won't happen."

"It may very well likely be so. My faith has always been to fight. To guarantee victory is foolish of a warrior."

I gripped Sakura's bracelet, which I had been holding onto ever since we made camp here.

To guarantee victory is foolish.

But to guarantee the will to fight was not.

I would do everything I could to ensure the casualties were minimized, but casualties will happen.

That is my reality.

I need to stop lying to myself.

I knew what my answer was.

"Alright then, Drogen. You got yourself a deal. And in response, if I ever become a monster... I want to be able to have faith that my friends will be there to take me out too."

Ironclad grunted in approval.

"If only... the warriors in Malva... had your level of honor... if only the people in Dorvala were like you... how different my life would have become."

An hour later, Drogen and Marty followed me to the ledge of a plateau.

"Stop," I whispered to the two.

"What is it?" Marty asked.

I summoned one of my DS35's to unlink and transform into an eyepiece, zooming into a crowd of cultists at the top of a hill.


"Should we avoid them?" Marty asked.

"No time. They could be staying there for all eternity. They're just gonna be in the way. We need to find the Apprentice as soon as we can."

"What is your plan, Aaron?" Ironclad asked.

I turned to the two.

"You guys can resist Aran's aura right?"

Ironclad nodded.

"Yes, the Apprentice provided us with her protection."

"Alright. Here's the plan."

* * *

Ironclad and I made our way closer to the cultists, as their conversation became more clear.

"It sure is handy to have you around."

"Come on, Kyle, let's not tease her, after everything he put her through!"

"How can I not? Look at how lifeless she is. Look at how devoid of life she is... if even Lord Sol were before her, nothing would change! Her soul is completely gone!"

I heard a thud, as I could make out a young girl's grunt.

"Come on, bitch. Spit it out. Tell us where your partner went."

No response.

Ironclad tensed, but I put my hand on his forearm.

"No," I mouthed.

Ironclad glared at the cultists.

"This is beyond dishonorable. This is fiendish."

I heard more thuds and whacks.

Whoever the girl was, that was being surrounded by these cultists, was getting beaten viciously.

And from the way she grunted from the pain, it was as if she had stopped caring altogether.


I made a fist.

The cultists were attacking The Apprentice. They had to be.

But I couldn't be for sure, I would need Aspectum or some way to confirm it.

And if I used magic, I would risk being detected by these guys. Their powers were magical in nature.

We needed to wait for an opening.

Otherwise, we would risk being detected.

And if we could eavesdrop on these guys, we could gain more intel on the situation of Gasket's World.

"Spill it bitch! You're really pissing me off," Kyle snarled, as I heard a thud that sounded like a punch to the face.

"Come on, Kyle, you're gonna kill the kid!"

"Look at her, Rey. She's already dead enough inside. We just need intel from her, then we can do whatever we want."

Another cultist approached the girl.

"How long are you going to sit around like this? You've been sitting on this hill ever since she let herself get taken by us. You should be thankful if anything, that you aren't given a fate like the superheroes who tried to fight us."

No response.

"Alright. This isn't going anywhere," The cultist said, as he slowly turned around.

"Freeman, are you sure? This is the only lead we have to her."

"We'll find a way. This was just a means to confirm it, but we already have an idea of where she went. If we can find Gasket, then we will find her."


They were trying to search for Annie, but it sounded like she had escaped them.

"Wait. Freeman. Let's stay here a while. I wanna have my fun with her," Kyle said.

Freeman made a disapproving sound.

"Even if we are murderers, it is appalling the depths of depravity you've fallen, Kyle."

"So you're not gonna join?"

Several of the cultists joined in, arguing with Freeman until Freeman made an annoyed yell.

"You guys are so annoying! Go ahead. Like hell do I care about some half-dead teen with no intel whatsoever; wash up once you're finished with her. Consider this your reward after slaughtering the Khionians yesterday."

"WOOT!" The cultists cheered, as I heard something like fabric ripping.

My jaw dropped.

No way.

They were gonna...

Ironclad tensed again, as Marty's voice buzzed in my DS35.

"Aaron! They're... they're... we have to do something!"

There was no opening yet... we had to wait.

We had to.

I heard a repeated thudding sound that made my blood run like ice. The girl's grunts became laborious as I could tell she was trying not to cry.

Nausea, disgust, and hatred welled up inside me.

For these scum.

This trash.

A plan...

A plan...

Screw the plan.

We're gonna waste these mofos.

"Fuck it. Marty. Gun down the one in the corner by the tree, on my mark."

"Got it."

I turned to Ironclad.

"On my signal, chuck your sword at that trunk over there."

Ironclad nodded.

I reached behind me and took out my newest revision of the Ironsight, as the barrel expanded, revealing six sub-barrels with their own sniper shells cocked and fully loaded.

One of my DS35's unlinked and attached to the scope, as I took aim.




The body of a cultist fell over, as the crowd stopped what they were doing.

"What the hell was that?!"

"A gunshot-"


"Look out!"

The tree that Ironclad had topped fell on top of the cultists, their pants still pulled all the way down, as I pressed the trigger.

"Go to hell," I snarled, as eighteen of the cultists were immediately executed.

Six sniper bullets shattered three rows of human trash before my very eyes.

I rushed forward, as Kyle quickly grabbed The Apprentice by the neck in a chokehold.

"Make any moves and I will kill her!"

I stopped before the cultist, my red eyes seemingly glowing with fury.

"There's no place in hell for someone like you. I'm gonna erase you from existence," I snarled.

"Heh. An empty threat," Kyle sneered.

The Apprentice's messy blonde and blue hair was covering her face. I couldn't make it out, but she was covered in bruises all over, and her clothes were ripped and torn.

She looked no older than sixteen.

But for some reason, something in me was bubbling when I saw her.

"No matter what I do to this girl, it's nothing in comparison to what he did. Hey. Girlie, why don't you take a look at who's here?"

From within the bangs of her hair, the girl gazed at me with lifeless eyes.

But no response.

My hand twitched, as Kyle quickly tightened his grip.

"Hey! What did I just say? I have the advantage here! Make one silly move and I'll kill her!"

"No. You never had the advantage."

Trigrams - Six Hands Style

My fingers flickered, as a blur of motion, and the sound of the bullet piercing Kyle's shoulder sent the guy flying back, letting the girl go.


I rushed forward, slamming Kyle against the side of the trunk.

"Piece of shit... I'll make you pay for what you did!" I snarled, swinging my fist as Kyle's body crumpled, smashing the entire trunk into pieces and splitting the tree in half.

Kyle collapsed, coughing out blood.

"Don't matter... she's used to it... that little slut... was already used to it, after all, he did far worse things."

"He? Who the hell is he?"

Kyle laughed, cackling crazily, as he slowly lifted his finger...

At me.

My eyes widened as I quickly aimed my Draugr and shot Kyle in the head.

The cultist's lifeless body crumpled.

I ran up to the girl, who had huddled in the corner, burying her face in her knees.

"Hey... hey. The guys are gone. They won't hurt you anymore. You're okay now," I knelt down in front of her, but the girl didn't raise her head.

"L- Listen. I came from the city of Trion. I'm looking for a friend. I think she might be yours too. Do you know where she-"

"Go away."

I paused, putting my hand up.

"I- I'm not here to hurt you, I promise. I just need-"

"Need. Need. They all need something from me. You needed something from me and I gave it to you. But then you threw me away. They all threw me away."

"What are you talking about? Have we met before? I don't recall meeting someone like y-"

I'll always be there for you. So be the boss that we all look up to. Kay?

My voice caught in my throat, as I stumbled backward.


The girl slowly raised her head, her bangs covering her eyes and most of her face, but that was more than enough for me to recognize her.

This was impossible.

It made no sense.

There was no way.

After everything I had done...

"Let me stay here. Forever. You did terrible things to me, but I can never hate you, Aaron. So let me stay here until I die," June Lee Sung muttered, her lifeless eyes peering into my soul.

"Aaron, how's the Apprentice, you- hey, are you okay, kid?" Marty asked as he and Ironclad got to my position.

The color had drained from my face, and no coherent words left my mouth.

"Ju- June... I... I watched you die. How are you alive...?"

June regarded me.

"How dare you."

"How dare... me?"

June slowly got up until we were face to face.

Suddenly, a force smacked me in the face.

June had slapped me, tears forming around her eyes.

"After everything you did to me, now you're pretending you never did it in the first place?!"

"What are you talking about?! Did what?! I... I watched you die! When we were fighting Jekyll, you died!" I shouted, frantically, and my breathing became erratic.

What the hell was she talking about?!

What I did do to her?!

The time I spent with June had been nothing but good memories. Or me helping her move on from her past.


What did I do...!

June clenched her teeth, as she turned around, huddling back in the corner of the hill.

"Leave me."

"But June, it's not saf-"

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE," June screamed, as I jumped.

Ironclad put his hand on my shoulder.

"She hurts greatly. We need to give her some distance."

I clenched my fist.


What happened to you?

"June, if we leave you here, the cultists will come back. They'll come back and-"

"It's fine."

"No. It's not fine. Do you even know what they just did? What they were going to do-"

"I don't care... I'm used to it."

I clenched my teeth, the image of June smiling flashing in my mind, as her lifeless eyes made contact with mine.

Instinctively, I rushed forward, grabbing her shoulder.

"June! You... you shouldn't say something like that! This isn't okay! You-"

My voice trailed away.

"Whatever I did... I'm sorry."

June remained silent for a few seconds.

"Sigurd went to get the Omega Upgrade."

I looked at my former Auxiliary Shadow.

"The Omega Upgrade? Are you for real?"

"To the direction of the armory... The Citadel."

Marty went up to me.

"Aaron, we don't have a lot of time. We found The Apprentice. Where to next?"

I looked at June, who remained huddled in the corner.

My heart felt like it was going to burst.

"I'm not giving up on you," I said.

No reply.

I slowly turned around, and we began heading in the direction of the Citadel, where Sigurd was presumed to be.

My face still smarted from where June... the sweetest girl I ever had the pleasure of buying stuffed animals for had slapped me.

How was this possible...

I watched her die.

I saw it with my very eyes.

Jekyll had shot her in the head.

There was no way she could have survived that.

And the things she had said... what I did to her.

They made no sense.

I needed...

I needed to know. The answers to so many questions I had.

"We gotta be on guard. We struck too early. As I went to kill those cultists I noticed one of them moved their lips like an incantation. They're aware of us now," I said.

"We had to do what we had to, ain't no way were we gonna let those degenerates break that little girl!" Marty protested.

"I know, and that was a choice I made. If I could go back in time I would do it again. We'll deal with whatever comes our way," I replied.

June's empty eyes flashed in my mind.

I'll have to figure out her too.

Suddenly, massive footsteps echoed across the distance, causing the three of us to immediately find cover.

"What the hell was that?!" I gasped.

Ironclad grimaced.

"Old friend... so this is what's become of you. I'm so sorry."

Old friend...

I glanced at the massive creature, which had to be dozens of feet tall. It was extremely skinny and humanoid, but its skin was grey, rolling off was black mist.

And from its face, where its long black hair reached the ground, was a relatively tiny mask, about the size of a human's head.

Defender's mask.

"What in the fuc-" Marty muttered.

Defender tilted his head and screeched in the sky, a horrifying scream that made my blood turn to ice.

I noticed that he was carrying something with his unnaturally long arms...

It looked like a pillar.

A pillar of...

"Is that Witchcraft?!" Marty choked, as I grabbed the geezer and yanked him back behind cover before the monster could see us.

"Aran did this to him?" I asked Ironclad.

Ironclad wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"The cultists did. They did some strange ritual, stripped him of his armor save his mask, and forced him to look at something until his mind broke. I remembered his screams to this day. And I know his screams have been haunting Bethany this entire time."

Part of me wanted to save him, but I honestly had no idea how.

Was this thing even Defender anymore?

"What do we do, young buck? Fight or flee?" Marty asked.

I gripped my gun.

"If we fight that thing, chances are, someone will wind up dead. I don't wanna kill Defender unless I know that there is absolutely no way to save him. For Bethany's sake. For now, we'll wait until he's gone. Our priority is The Citadel."

We waited for a few more minutes.

Those minutes felt like an eternity.

The entire time, my mind was fixated on June.

About what she had said.

Did she feel this way because I didn't make an effort to find her?

But how could I have?

How could I...

I watched her body get sucked away in that vortex when X8's hull was breached.

And the entire time, and even till recently, I was tormented by the guilt of getting her killed.

If I had tried to search for her... it may have well been a wild goose chase that would never have amounted to anything.

"I can't leave Defender like this. He is my friend," Ironclad declared, as he slowly got up.

"Stop! You buffoon! What are you doing?!" I growled, trying to force the big lug back down, but I might as well have tried to tricep push down an elephant.

"That thing will tear us to shreds. Even I don't think I can kill it."

"Him. That thing is Defender! I cannot watch him suffer like this!"

"I know how you feel! But we aren't equipped to deal with this threat. I have next to no knowledge of this type of opponent. If we rush in blind we'll get slaughtered and all of this would be for nothing."

Ironclad sat back down, as we continued waiting for the monsterized Defender to leave the spot.

"You would leave Defender to suffer... is he just an obstacle to you? There was once a superhero I worked with who was like that."

I turned to Ironclad.

"You know that's not what I meant. I need intel before I rush into a fight. I can't afford to be injured again."

"Is that the reason why you left June?" Marty asked.

I clenched my fist.

"June is different. I'll come back for her too... but there's-"

"More important things? After the many things she claimed you had done to her, even if they weren't true, abandoning her would be the last thing the kid wants," Marty cut me off, kneeling before me.

"I can't take any more risks! If there was a way to assess the situation I would have done so a long time ago!"

Ironclad gripped his sword.

"So all you need to save James is intel, right?"

I stared at the superhero. I knew exactly what he was getting at.

"Are you serious? You can't go and distract him like that, you'll get slaughtered!"

Marty drew Kingston.

"Aaron, summon my gear. Ironclad and I will distract Defender. While we're distracting him, you can figure him out."

"This isn't some kinda party trick you guys. I can't just watch my friends get their asses kicked and a magic strategy pops in my head!"

Marty turned to the monsterized Defender, as it continued stumbling, screeching, and howling in pain.

In so much pain.

"Aaron, you're a smart kid. Why don't you use that incredible brain of yours to figure out where Defender is heading?"

Where was he heading?

The direction that monster was stumbling to...

My eyes slowly widened.

He was heading to Everbreak Hill, where June was.


Ironclad got up from the hiding spot.

"Ready when you are, Marty."

"You got it, old lug."

"You're old too!"

Marty gripped Kingston, but before the two could charge in, I stopped them both, two DS35's emitting a wall of red energy.

"Stop. What the hell are you gonna do with that old ass revolver? You forgot about your gear."

I summoned several grenades.

"Distract Defender, but be careful. We don't know how he fights yet, all of this is conjecture. From the length of his arms and the way he moves his body, I'm guessing he's the type to use large swooping attacks. Due to his height, the safest spot is close to the torso, but far enough to not get caught by the shockwaves of his footsteps and that black aura."

I tossed some bullets at Marty.

"Old man. Focus on his Achilles tendons. Try and get him to buckle."

I turned to one of my DS35's.

"You. Protect Ironclad. Make sure he can swing his sword, be his shield."

The DS35 expanded into Crossform, hovering next to Ironclad.

Ironclad nodded grimly.

"And I shall direct his attention."

"Slice and dice."

The three of us made a break for it, chasing after the superhero who once protected the people of Millennium City.

"Hermes Protocol!"

Two DS35's unlinked, cladding onto my feet as I shot forward into the air at supersonic speed.

The monster continued marching forward, and I was able to make out the details of its face.

It had socketless eyes, just empty black voids, and its mouth was contorted into a permanent groan.

There was no way I could blind it. It was marching based on its other senses.

At its center, right on its forehead, was Defender's mask.

"ARGHHHHHOOOOOOOHHHHH" The monster moaned, as it reeled its arm back.

"GET CLOSE! YOU TWO!" I shouted as Marty and Drogen rushed forward.

Marty fired Kingston with one of my bullets, a massive blast of energy cutting into Defender's tendon.

The monster buckled, falling to one knee, as Ironclad leaped into the air, swinging his sword as hard as he could.


The sword bounced off the monster's skin as if it were made of impermeable rubber.

I reached behind me, pulling out my Raptor RPG.

I took aim at the monster, and it opened its mouth to roar at me, but I had already fired the rocket, the projectile exploding within the monster's body.

The inside of Defender's torso glowed orange. I dove out of the way and evaded the shockwave.

I reached into Sarah's robe and pulled out several Buzzsaw orbs, chucking them at the beast.

The orbs expanded, cutting against its skin, but the teeth broke off.

The monster spluttered black fluid from its mouth, as I directed my boots out of the way, but this Protocol was just a prototype.

I soon lost control, spinning wildly and slamming into the ground.

"Gah!" I growled as Marty and Ironclad began struggling.

Strange black apparitions were appearing at Defender's legs, fighting the two off.

Marty leaped back, dodging one of the apparitions and blowing its head off with Kingston.

"The thing's summoning creatures!"

Ironclad swung his sword, decapitating one of them.

"He's keeping us from making him collapse!"

A tough exterior... and had a tough interior.

It needed to have a weakness.

I narrowed my eyes at the mask.

I drew my Draugr and took aim, firing the bullet as it whizzed past Defender's attacks, flying in the direction of the mask.

Instantly, the monster cowered, shielding its face.

"The mask! Its weakness is the mask! Restrain him somehow!" I shouted.

Ironclad acknowledged, leaping into the air until he was face to face with the monster.

"Wait! He's gonna-" I was cut off by a howl by the monster, and a massive, swooping motion.

"No... James, don't do it! It's me!" Ironclad shouted, but before he could say anything else, the attack connected, as I watched the superhero smash into a rock face.

Marty yelped, trying to escape from the apparitions which were surrounding him.

He was gunning them down proficiently, but there were too many.

I pulled out my AR and took aim.

"Down!" I growled as Marty ducked. I squeezed the trigger, cutting down the horde with an entire magazine of bullets.

I turned back to the towering monster, which had knelt down and glared at me. Our faces were only a foot apart. Black ooze foamed from its mouth and sizzled on the ground.

Sweet Mother Theresa on the hood of a Mercedes Benz!!!

I pulled out a CS gas grenade and chucked it at the monster, the gas-clouding Defender.

The monster retched as I grabbed Marty by the wrist and dragged him out of the way, just out of the distance of the monster who collapsed violently on the ground.

"Thanks! Ya really saved my hide! We should be safe now," Marty shouted over the noise.

"Shut up! You're gonna jinx it! We still have to escape the shockwa-"


The two of us grunted as the shockwave slammed into us from behind.

I sprawled on the ground, watching Defender squirm wildly, its cries of agony sounded inhumane.

Gas... poison...

Chemical attacks could penetrate its physical defenses.

I reached into my robe and pulled out another magazine, this one full of toxic rounds.

I loaded my Draugr and took aim at its mask. Defender instantly covered his face, but there wasn't much he could do now that I had already figured him out.

I rushed forward, as Defender screeched, his arm outstretched to grab me, but suddenly, Ironclad appeared in front of me, stopping the blow with enormous strength.

"I won't let you harm another person... James... you will be a superhero, through and through!" Drogen roared, as Defender howled into the sky, summoning more apparitions from its feet, trying to stop me.

But Marty stepped forward, aiming his Kingston and shooting them down from a distance.

I leaped onto Defender's hand and began running up his arm.

More apparitions appeared around me, as I corkscrewed in the air, unleashing bullet hell with my MP7.

I landed on the monster's shoulder, sprinting all the way to its face and not stopping once.

Defender opened his mouth, as he tried to cover his face, but Ironclad had grabbed both the monster's arms, keeping him from defending himself.

Marty was in the distance, shooting down all of the apparitions that were trying to yank the superhero away.

I aimed my gun at Defender's mask.

Suddenly, Bethany appeared in my mind.

The way she spoke of her husband.

If I shattered Defender's helmet...

I'd kill her husband for good.

I hesitated, and in that moment of hesitation, I was too late.

"GROOOOOOAARRRRR!" Defender screamed, as black streams of energy exiting his mouth.

I stumbled back.

"Drogen! Marty! Fall back! Defender's just shot a flare!"

Ironclad and Marty retreated, as I stumbled, unable to figure out what to do.

Kill him... or save him...

But whether or not I could save him... I had no idea.

Suddenly, cultists appeared left and right. These ones looked different from the ones we had encountered earlier.

"As above."

"So below."

"If letters form a word."

I jumped back, narrowly dodging a scythe that would have cut me in half.

"And the words form a story."

I whipped around, shooting several bullets from my MP7 in an arc, forcing a cultist behind me to leap back.

"What to do if the letters are no more?"

"Tsk!" I jumped off Defender's face, sliding down his grotesque grey flesh and landing on the ground until I was surrounded by cultists left and right.

These cultists were the same ones I had encountered in Millennium City.

They were nothing like Kyle and his band of degenerates.

"Aaron! Watch out, these were the same cultists who infected The Maiden's arm!" Ironclad shouted.

Our position was compromised.

"Why does he fight against this narrative?"

"The Hero of the Sword is dead."

"His soul should be dead."

"No. He wields the Affirmation of Self like the Inner Shadow of Death."

"He resists the flow of this story."

If our position was compromised... then there was no reason to hold back now.

It was full steam ahead.

"Get back... both of you..." I muttered to Marty and Drogen, who took a step back, their faces pale.

A smile crept on my face.

"I got a bone to pick with your boss... for what he did to Sarah... you'll have to do." I said, as Chakra began coursing through my body.

"We will change the course back."

"Finish him."

I stomped on the ground, generating a torrent of energy that forced the cultists back.


I growled, as five arms of energy appeared all around me until I wielded six Caligas.

"You love to talk about stories, don't you? Here's a nice ending. The bloodiest kind you can possibly imagine!" I snarled as I went low in a swooping motion, squeezing the trigger as a violent blast of the anti-aircraft rifles completely disintegrated the cultists in a fine black mist.

A vortex of wind pressure emitted outwards, as I glared at the horde of cultists that began emerging from the ground.

"Narrative breaking self. We must alert the generals. We have alerted them. Yes."

I aimed my Caligas, ignoring the blood that was now leaking from my eyes.

Ironclad and Marty appeared next to me, sword and gun assisting me.

"So what now?" Marty asked.

"What you two always wanted. We fight." I replied.

We charged, but not before something caught my attention from the corner of my eye.

I stopped, as Marty and Ironclad clashed with the cultists.

"No..." I muttered as several cultists had broken from their formation, going in the direction of Everbreak Hill.

If I went after them, Marty and Ironclad would-

"Go! We will hold them off!" Marty shouted at me, as the DS35 that was protecting Ironclad was now assisting the two in combat.

"Save her... Aaron. You made the decision to fight and try to save Defender for my sake. Now it's our turn," Ironclad said.

I gritted my teeth, as I unlinked five more DS35's.

"Protect my friends. With every ounce of your being," I commanded my DS35's, as the sentry drones acknowledged, expanding and turning into shadowy specters of me.

Five Aaron Hopes appeared next to Marty and Drogen.

"Don't you dare die on me, you two," I said.

Marty raised Kingston, as Drogen raised his sword.

I took a deep breath, turning around, and making my way to Everbreak Hill as fast as I could.

The Reason

Lightning Magic - Augmentus

Electricity arced across my body, shunting me forward.

June hadn't moved from her spot, still peering into the distance. A cultist was inches away from bringing down his knife, but I had already drawn my handgun.

Time slowed down, as I pressed the trigger. The bullet began soaring through the air, cutting through the skulls of each cultist in a calculated trajectory.

I skidded to a stop until I was face to face with a towering cultist who had to be at least five inches taller than me.

And twice my size.

I aimed my Draugr and fired, but the bullet ricocheted off the man's body as if his muscles were like high-strength rubber.

The man brought his fist down. I quickly redirected his elbow off of my forearm, his fist narrowly missing June.

I aimed my handgun again, firing off a nerve point at his body, but the bullet bounced off again.

The man smirked, cracking his neck.

I pulled out a taser and rushed in, but the man suddenly appeared behind June, kicking me in the chest and grabbing my Auxiliary Shadow by the neck.

June was jerked back, as I fell backward.

But as I stumbled back, I aimed the taser at the man.

"Aaron Hope loves this girl. Has your character change-"


The man flew backward, slamming into the side of a tree with his eyes wide.


Light Magic - False Sword

The spell became undone, as I lowered my Spitfire shotgun.

"You tried to use June as a meatshield, so I'm assuming you are scared of currents," I snarled, reaching out.

A DS35 unlinked, cladding my hand and activating a large current.

Red electricity surged across the gauntlet as I charged forward.

The man roared in defiance, charging me as well.

The two of us threw our respective punches, as our fists collided against each other's cheeks.

My vision momentarily went dark, but I quickly regained consciousness, glaring at the man who yelled in agony, his body smoking from the enormous current my DS35 had delivered to him.

The man slumped over as I fell to the ground, blood trickled down the side of my mouth.

I turned around. June stood before me, her lifeless eyes inspecting me listlessly.

"Why did you come."

I sighed.

"Because I wanted to."

Suddenly, the ground began to shake, as cracks formed, dividing the two of us.

I quickly ran forward, grabbing June by the waist and jumping on one of my DS35's which entered hoverboard mode.

"Hold on to my waist," I told her.

June reached out, but I felt her hand touch my stump from where my right arm was amputated.

I heard her gasp as she stared at me.

"You're- You're not..."

I didn't have time to process what she was gonna say, because the next obstacle seemed like a doozy.

"So this is how it is. Gasket's little ol' Dainsleif, stirring trouble once again?"

"Silence, Tengen. We can't lose focus, just because we have Vala's blessing now."

"Focus? Boy, I'm at the top of the world. Where's your Hero, Hope? I want a rematch. I was winning that one, just so you know."

I held onto June tightly.

"June! You need to hold on, I can't carry you with only one arm!"

June was still shellshocked, her face pale.

"You're not him..."

What the hell was she saying at a time like this?!


"I thought I didn't make myself clear. Where's Hero Ultear?" Outer Shadow Tourmentus snarled as his voice appeared above me.

I quickly tightened my grip on June, forcing my DS35 to propel us out of the way, but from the corner of my vision, Outer Shadow Fenrir had already transformed into his gigantic wolf form, chasing after me with frightening speed.

"Suppression Protocol!" I shouted at my DS35's, as the remaining three links hovered around Tourmentus, but in a blink of an eye, thousands of blue lines appeared, cutting the Sanctuaries into tiny pieces.

"What the hell man?! I just upgraded these things!" I complained.

Riordan appeared in front of me, growling like a feral animal.

"Hang on!" I shouted at June, who complied, grasping my waist tightly as I reached behind me, pulling out my Ironsight and setting it to missile launcher mode.

I bombarded Riordan's maw with dozens of rockets, sending him hurtling back.

"Dumbass, how many times do you gotta learn not to open your mouth when you're around me! ...And that came out wrong."


I gasped, as the Sanctuary June and I were on exploded. The two of us began to freefall, and before I could react, Hero Tengen had crashed into me mid-air, slamming me through two tree trunks, and tumbling down the ravine.

"Hey! Are you listening to me?! Where the hell is Ultear?! Where is-"

"SHE'S DEAD!" I roared, jamming my Ironsight rifle against the Hero's forehead and firing, sending him flying back.

I slowly got to my feet, rage in my eyes.

"She's dead... Tengen. So shut up already..." I growled, marching forward.

June sprawled on the ground, motionless.

"Sarah... Sarah's dead...?!"

"So that's how it is... is that why you took her cloak? Tryna be a Hero like her now? Well, she wasn't much of a Hero. I'm the real deal though," Tengen said, unsheathing his other cleaver until the Hero of the Dual Cleavers faced me off.

Embodiment of Wrath - YAKSHA MODE

My body swirled with wrathful white chakra, as two devil horns sprouted from my forehead, and a devil tail appeared from my tailbone.

Its sharp triangular end sliced the ground.

The two of us marched toward each other.

"I'm SS Ranked now too, you know," Tengen smirked, as he closed in with blinding speed, but I had already figured him out.

All of my reflexes had been significantly enhanced by Chakra, and I had already reached his position, aiming my Draugr at his chin.

"I forgot the part... where I'm supposed to give a shit," I whispered fiercely, firing and sending the Hero into the air.

"You can't stop two SS Ranked threats at once, Dainsleif," Riordan said, as a pack of wolves surrounded me.

I quick-switched to my MP7, delivering an arc of SMG bullets that dissipated the wolves, then weaved through Riordan's snap.

But before I could do anything, Tengen had already recovered, his cleaver aimed right at me.

If I didn't have my speed enhanced by Yaksha Mode, I would have been decapitated.

I narrowly dodged, but the cleaver still made contact.

Instantly, my side felt like it was on fire.

"GAH! What the hell?! Did you buff your meat choppers or something?!" I coughed out, but before I could deliver another witty reply, Riordan snarled with frightening speed, pinning me to the ground.

These two...

These two were getting stronger.

When they were around, they were at best S+ Ranked. After all, Riordan's werewolf form couldn't beat Bryce vampire form.

Dammit... that meant...

That meant more of Vala's essence had reformed.

"Come on, Dainsleif? Thought you were the best Outer Shadow in the Black Legion? Gonna lose to Master Loyce's nobodies?" Tengen taunted, as the two continued their assault.

I dropped several grenades on the ground.


Eight clones appeared, their weapons aimed at the two, but Tengen laughed crazily.

Cosmic Power Magic - ETERNAL PURSUIT

Hundreds of afterimages of Tengen appeared, slicing my clones up before they could do anything.

Riordan suddenly leapt into a shadow, and I lost sight of him.


I couldn't keep up with their movements! They weren't giving me enough time to think.


I needed distance...

"Hey, girlie. Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Tengen asked as he shot to June's location.

My eyes widened.

"HEY! Don't! Stop!" I shouted after Tengen, but not before Riordan appeared out of nowhere, chomping down on my leg.

"GAAAAH!" I yelled in agony, as Tengen landed in front of June, who was petrified.

"A C+ Ranked Auxiliary Shadow... Chrissake. In this day and age? You're worth less than a goddamn Shadow minion!" Tengen laughed, as he pushed June to the ground.

"GRRRR ANDREW! DON'T YOU FUCKIN DARE!" I roared, trying to fight the urge to black out, but Riordan tightened his bite on my leg and lifted me into the air, slamming me back onto the ground.

"Ayo. Aaron, isn't this how June died?" Tengen chuckled, pretending to hold a gun, and pointed the imaginary firearm at June's head.

"Kapow, bitch! HAHA!"

I began trembling with rage.

"Tengen... Tengen..."

"Shut up dude. Yo. Tommy, keep this fool down, would you?"

Fenrir grumbled under his breath, several Shadows wrapped around me, pinning me down.

"What... you... you can... summon Shadows... in Aran's world...?!"

Tengen raised an eyebrow.

"Well. Duh. They're Master Loyce's Shadows. Not that clown Gasket's retard ghosts. Now sit down and watch the fun. I'm gonna enjoy this. I have no clue how The Jubilee came back, I thought the little loli got her head blown off by Jekyll. But whatever. I love tormenting you, Aaron."

"Grr... gak... don't... DON'T!" I yelled.

Tengen laughed.

"I'll chop her head off, then post it on my IG. Show it to what's left of the Black Legion Organization,"

I tried to fight back, but my Yaksha Mode became undone. Blood burst from my nostrils.

June stared at the ground, her eyes wide.

"Aaron... that time... that time when you assaulted me..."

I looked up, in shock.

"I... did what?!"

"That time... when you promised to take me back to Master Jun... you lied... you... you took me somewhere else... and told me... told me I was meant to ruin you... that the narrative said I was meant to destroy you, and so you had to break me down again..."

My heart fell to the ground.

"Who... I... I never did any of that! What the hell are you talking about?! June!"

Tears brimmed in her eyes.

"All those times... that wasn't you... oh god... oh god!"

"June... June listen to me, just calm down. I'll get you out of this. I- I promise I GAAAH!" I yelled, as Tommy pushed me further into the ground.

Tengen chuckled.

"The fuck? So you actually survived? Now that's messed up. Guess I'll just finish his job then."




Anything but that.

Moments replayed in my mind, almost like all of my memories with June had come back to me, flooding me all at once.

The sound of the gunshot playing over and over again in my mind.

"Stop... STOP!" I begged, as Tengen laughed, raising his cleaver.

June closed her eyes.

"I'm... I..."


I slowly opened my eyes, to see Riordan slumped over, then at Tengen, who stared at the stumps on his wrists.

His cleavers had fallen on the ground with his severed hands still attached.


Come on. You two. Don't you think that's a little... bad taste? A voice echoed all around us.

"Tommy... get up. You still there, pal?" Tengen grimaced, as he limped away from June.

I forced myself to June, burying her in a hug.

"June... hang in there. I'll... I'll protect you with my life. I swear by it."

Tengen scowled.

"Come out! You lil coward! You think this is enough to stop the Hero of the Dual-"

Blah blah blah. All I hear is some loser with too much big dick syndrome. This is my whole schtick!

Riordan's werewolf transformation dissipated, as he limped to Tengen's side.

"I can smell her. I know where she is. We can beat her, we're both SS Ranked now."

Tengen grinned.

"Hell yeah. Let's do-"


Tengen's eyes widened, as Riordan slammed into the ground. The Hero became face to face with a familiar-looking woman.

"Y- You?!"

Loki licked her lips.

"Hey. Do me a favor, you two morons are SS Ranked right? Go fetch your hands. Let me show you how a real trickster kicks the asses of two nobodies."

Tengen hesitantly attached his hands back to his wrists, as Riordan stood next to him.

"We can beat her, together, Andrew. Two SS Ranked threats can defeat a god. If Aaron can do it as one, we can-"


Riordan stared at Andrew, who stabbed him with a knife.

"A- Andrew?!"

Suddenly, Tengen's image distorted, revealing Loki, who had switched places with Tengen.

When the hell did she do that?!

"TOMMY!" Tengen growled, running toward Loki at full speed.

"Hey. Mind your step, Hero," Loki smiled sinisterly, as Tengen's feet became suspended in what appeared to be a strange goop.

"What the hell?! When did you plant those traps?!"

"What do you mean? Since you two were trying to find me, you were distracted. So I took the opportunity to chuck a few traps here and there. You two are honestly so adorable, thinking you could beat me just because you got a tiny little boost from Lady Vala."

"You got a boost too! You're a cheater-"

"Alas, Outer Shadow Tourmentus..." Loki appeared behind him until she wrapped her arms around the Hero.

"I am the God of Trickery... who said I would fight fair?" Loki began snarling, her body transforming into a huge, werebear.

"ROAAAAARR," Loki slammed Tengen into the ground in bear form, then began mauling at his face.

Before we knew it, Outer Shadow Tourmentus was unconscious and defeated.

Loki then turned to Riordan, who backed away in fright.

"Where's your bravado, Outer Shadow Fenrir? Just so you know, that name you took for a codename, would canonically be my son's name. If I were the real deal Loki from Norse Myth."

Fenrir's eyes widened.

"What... did you just say?"

Wait what?

This Loki wasn't the real Loki?

Loki tilted her head, smiling.

No way.

So she was just like...

"Like Jekyll, I was a mortal who turned into a god. Well, you don't need to know anything ever again. I know I promised Lady Vala that I wouldn't step outta my bounds... but frankly, seeing this scene... makes me really really mad."

Riordan gritted his teeth.

"You won't get away with this. You won't."

"You don't need to worry about me, I'm pretty clever."

Loki then lifted her hand and to my disbelief...

A weapon appeared in it.

One that I recognized immediately.

From an orphanage so long ago.

Loki aimed her crossbow at Riordan.

"A boy I once knew said this. But I guess it's a little late for that now. Ah, whatever."

Riordan tried to escape.

"Shadows, take me back! Take me-"

Riordan paused, as nothing came out from the ground.

Loki laughed, lowering the collar of her shirt and revealing the Mark of Vala.

"You're not going anywhere. Looks like I'm going to have to... beat you into fish paste!"

Riordan yelled in fear, as Loki fired the crossbow, which went right through the Outer Shadow's skull, leaving behind a blue glow.

The Outer Shadow crumpled to the ground, dead.

Loki then turned to me, as I gripped June tightly.

"Seems I let go a little bit too much. Guess you've figured it out by now. Otherwise, I'd be one disappointed teacher."

My bottom lip quivered, as hundreds of emotions ran through me like a goddamn dump truck.

"You... all this time... you were alive...?!"

Nora smiled.

"I figured it would be too much, considering Jubilee's reveal has also been uncovered-"

Nora paused, as I threw my arm around her, burying my face into her shoulder.

"The enemy... Nora... why... why?!"

Nora regarded me.

"Should an Outer Shadow be acting like this in front of his own Auxiliary?"

I slowly pulled away, turning to June, who was staring at us with her mouth wide.

"Nora. We need to-"

"No," Nora cut me off, turning the other way.

"We will speak again, but as enemies. I only came because... I guess this struck a personal chord with me. As I said, I've been one of the closest people in your life. Seeing this... made me really angry. So. Looks like we're back to being enemies! Peace!"

"Hey! Where are you-"

Nora/Loki turned around, her body glowing blue.

"Take care of yourself. Little bro."

"NORA! HEY, DON'T GO! NORA! NORA!" I shouted after her, but I was too late, as I collapsed.

I clawed my way back up but noticed June was still trembling.

"June... Hey. Let's get you someplace safe."

June glared at the ground.

"I really am... meant to destroy you."

"Don't say that. You were... you are. One of the greatest things that have ever happened in my life. So please... let's..."

June turned to the sky, her purple irises glinting.

"I was tricked... I... I don't know... what's real anymore."

"June, wait. I-"

A wave of power slammed into me, as June began warping space and reality.

What the-

What was this?!

I knew June had the power to jam energy fields... but this was beyond jamming energy.

Energy swirled around my Auxiliary Shadow, as the two of us tumbled out of reality.

"AAAAAAGH!" I screamed, tumbling through layers and layers of something... something like glass.

Before I knew it, I found myself in somewhere new.

Only this wasn't new.

My back slammed against asphalt, as I looked up into the cloudy night sky of June's homeworld.

"What... is this..." My voice trailed away.

I slowly got to my feet, to see June heading into the distance.

"June!" I called out, but June ignored me, trudging forward into the night.

I ran up to her, but a wave of force kept me away.

"June! I don't know... I don't know what happened to you, but please. Please, let me help you! Just as we've helped each other so many years ago!"

I put my hand against the invisible wall that was barring me away from my friend.

"June... please let me in. Please let me understand. Let me understand what happened! You don't have to do this alone anymore!"

"Sigurd abandoned me."

My eyes widened.

"No. She couldn't have. She left to search for Master Jun but she-"

"She abandoned me. Because she knows what I am. Of what the Jubilee was created for."

My heart felt like it was going to rip apart.

Seeing my youngest Auxiliary Shadow like this.

She was the closest to a younger sister I ever had.

"That isn't true! That isn't... Please..."

I clutched my chest.

It hurts...

I did so much...

I did so much to try and move on...

But now June was standing in front of me. Shattered into many pieces and left as a husk of the person she once was.

June continued walking.

And as she took a step, I took one with her.

Trailing in the distance.

But I never let the gap between us get any wider.

June stopped, as reality warped around her.

A scene had manifested between us.

I recognized it immediately.

A kid, no older than sixteen, walked the same road trail that June and I were walking.

Along his back, were numerous firearms, and on his waist, were dozens of grenades.

His black hair, streaked with grey, was grown out long, the bangs covering the front of his face.

And his red eyes...

A younger Aaron Hope propped his assault rifle against a rock.

"Shadows, where's my target?"

An overlord. He possesses the greatest influence in this world.

"Coal... he manages the coal acquisition in this society."

Aaron continued walking. In his pocket was a slip of paper.

I knew what it was.

It was a torn-up picture of Jessica Lane, my first girlfriend.

Aaron smirked.

"Hey. Jessie. Am I doing it right?"

An awkward smile formed on his face. I forgot how bad I used to be at smiling.

It was a feeling I was never used to.

Or rather... it was something I hadn't done in a long time.

The scene shifted.

This time, it was of a thirteen-year-old girl in rags, playing with loose pieces of black rock. Her face and her body were smeared black from the coal, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Johnny! Where are you going?" The little girl tapped one of the rocks.

"To war. I will come back, and when I do, I will propose to you, June."

The little girl tapped another piece of coal.

"But Johnny... why won't you propose now?!"

Johnny the Coal spun around.

"Because we aren't ready yet. But when I return, you will become a woman. And when that day happens, please wait for me."

Suddenly, a voice broke the narrative.

"June! Are you playing with coal again?! I told you not to play with such precious materials! This goes straight to Yasha!"

"Sorry Daddy! I'm sorry!"

June's father yanked the coal out of June's hands and then smacked her in the head, causing her to cry.

"No more of this fantasy. Did your mother teach you nothing? We don't get to dream."

June held back sobs.

"But Daddy... I want to see the sunset! I want to see the red clouds!"

"That's enough! You are such a burden! Why did we even bother having you!"

The scene dissolved. The older June continued walking.

And I continued following after her.

Neither one of us said a word.

There was nothing I could say... I just didn't know what to tell her.

But the one thing that I could do...

Was to be there for her.

Just as we used to always be there for each other.

June stopped, as another scene formed between us.

It was the day I stumbled into the coal camp, where I had met June cleaning up coal pieces and had been caught playing with them in secret.

Her boss had given her a whipping, and the coal was strewn across the ground.

I still remembered what she was roleplaying.

She was playing house, where the larger pieces of coal were her imaginary parents who cared about her.

A younger Aaron was peeking from the window, watching June pick up the larger piece.

"One day... I will be here to save you. And then we can go see the sunset together. I pro-promise..." Her voice cracked, slowly putting the coal back down.

Aaron leaned forward a bit too much, and before he knew it, he had fallen through the crevice and landed face-first into the coal before June, who yelped in surprise.

"EEK!" June squeaked, as Aaron tried to stop her from screaming.

"Wait! Don't scream! Sorry, it was an accident! I mean no harm."

Aaron put his hands up in the air, but one of his guns became untied, clattering to the ground in front of her. It was a Glock 19, and had skittered to her feet.


June stared at the handgun.

"Is that a gun?"

"No. It's... um... it's a toy. Yeah."

June picked the gun up, causing Aaron to panic.

"Don't touch that! It's dangerous! Gimme it!" Aaron reached out, snatching the gun from June's hands.

"You're too young to be playing with this."

June pouted.

"But you said it was a toy."

"Okay, well I lied. It's a dangerous weapon. I'm not here to hurt you, but do you mind telling me where I can find the overlord of this plant?"

June looked out the side of her cell.

"Lots of people have tried to kill the Overlord. They think killing the Overlord will fix our problems, but Daddy says if the Overlord dies we will starve."

Aaron slowly put the gun away.

"It's my job. It's..."

June huddled in the corner.

"What is it like? Your job?"

Aaron sat down next to the girl, his back sliding against the walls of the cell.

"It's rewarding in its own way."

Silence persisted for a few minutes.

Then, Aaron picked up a piece of coal, which directed June's attention.

"So... this is pops?"

June blinked.

"No, that is the big brother. He protects me. From Daddy."

"Oh? What about the Mom? Which piece of coal is that?"

"Mommy isn't part of this... Mommy is crazy."

Aaron turned to June, who listlessly picked at her tattered rags for a dress.

"Daddy tells me to stop playing house... because it is not real. And that I need to accept this world. That this is my life."

"And what kind of life is that?"

June's lip quivered, as she buried her face in her knees.

Aaron slowly brought the coal closer to June.

"What's the matter, lil sis? Mined if I ask?"

A small smirk appeared on June's face.

"I get it... hehe,"

"Come on... you can open up to big bro anytime! I'm your protector after all!" I wiggled the coal in front of June's face.

"Poke poke poke!"

June giggled.

"You're funny."

That coal pun was actually a pun Jessie had told me a long time ago when we had a field trip to a coal mining facility.

It sort of went like this...

A man once started his own coal company and made billions, the secret? Was because he mined his own business.

"Come on, tell big bro what's going on?"

June wiped here eyes, soot formed around them like a smudge of mascara.

"In a few months, I will be sold to Dallas. One of the Overlord's sons. I will be a concubine."

Aaron slowly lowered the coal onto the ground.

"S- Seriously...?"

June nodded.

"That is the life of people like us. We work as miners, then we become concubines to support our families. Having daughters is rare and really sought after for that reason. I am supposed to be the hope for this family."

Aaron turned around.

"And this... you can't just run away?"

June managed a light laugh.

"Where would I go?"

The memory dissolved.

As June and I continued walking, we saw glimpses of our past together.

More and more.

I had found myself coming to visit her more and more often. One day, June introduced me to mudball, and I joined under the guise of one of the miners.

June had won her first game of mudball in her many years of playing, and though it was mostly because of me, everybody had cheered for her, since June was known to be physically frail, she had won her first game regardless.

The memories continued cycling.

And at the time, I never realized it...

But the smile I was putting on my face had slowly transitioned from forced... to genuine. As I spent more time with June, her smiles made me smile.

Her laughs made me laugh.

I was recovering from the death of Jessie at the time. And to cope with her death, I believed that I had to smile, even if it was forced.

For her sake.

"Hey, when's your birthday?" Aaron asked.

June blinked.

"My what?"

"You know, the day you're born."

"I don't know."

"You don't celebrate-? Oh. I guess you don't."

June wrapped her arms around her knees.

"Does it need to be so special?"

"Well, yeah. It's always a day to be celebrated."

June frowned.

"I don't know my birthday... does that mean I can't celebrate it?"

"Nah. If you don't know your birthday, then let's make one up. How about July 14th? That was the day I met you. Let's make that your new birthday."


"And on that note..."

Aaron reached into his pocket, pulling out a stuffed animal of a bear.

"Happy belated birthday."

June blinked.

"What is that?"

"Your new... big brother!" Aaron wigged the bear in front of her face.

"GARRR! I'm a big scary bear! But when I'm with my little sister, I'm cuddly! I'm only scary to the bad people who hurt my little sister! So give me a hug, June!"

June took the bear and her eyes lightened up.

"It's... it's so soft!"

June wrapped her arms around it, laughing.

"You're so soft, Mister Bear!"

"Of course I am! I'm a bear!" Aaron said, in a husky voice.

The scene disappeared until it was just a sixteen-year-old June and a nineteen-year-old Aaron.

"Why are you showing me these things, June?" I asked.

June made eye contact with me.

"Who knows," She muttered.

Suddenly, the scene shifted again.

And things took a turn.

"Aaron, got a sec?" A voice appeared in the corner.

Aaron got up and approached the Shadows, as Jun Gasket appeared.

"Hey Jun, what's up?"

"Not going to kill the Overlord?"

"What are you talking about?"

Jun glanced at the stuffed animals which now lined June's room.

"I understand the need to form friendships, but as a Shadow to the Black Legion Organization, you are still obligated to respect your duties. I've been noticing that you've been giving me status reports less often."

"I... I'm working on it. I am."

Jun leaned against the wall.

"The Overlord is a crucial step in our operations. He needs to be eliminated."

"I know... but... if he dies, June and the others have no other means to survive. Their work for the Overlord is what's keeping them alive."

"And I am sympathetic for them, but this needs to be done."

I turned away.

"Why. What's the reason behind this?"

"Why does there need to be a reason? What you are doing is in the best interests of Lord Ginga, what other reason do you need?"

"June gave me a pretty compelling reason against killing the Overlord. Maybe we could take over this world or something? Maybe we can?"

Jun's face turned dangerous.

"You report to me, Aaron. I will not ask again. Are you on the side of The Black Legion, or have you gone rogue? The Black Legion has very serious consequences for those who commit treason."

The sound of a door creak interrupted our conversation, as darkness swirled around Jun.

"Kill the Overlord. I will extend the deadline of the contract. That is the most I can do. At the end of it all, we are Shadows to the Black Legion. You yourself, wanted a life that was simple and straightforward."

On that day, I remembered seriously contemplating betraying Jun. It would go against everything I stood for. But June looked so sad. And the days I spent with her made her so happy, and it made me happy too.

I tried to keep this a secret from June, but as most secrets went, they were bound to be discovered.

The scene shifted once more.

June and I were tending to a garden, one of the ideas I had suggested in helping her breathe better instead of the coal fumes.

"I'm... going to accept Dallas' offer."

The spade dropped from my hands.

"What did you just say?"

June pursed her lips.

"It's for the best. I'm the reason you can't finish your job, right?"

I blinked, approaching her.

"D- Don't worry about it. I'll figure it out. You don't need to do anything-"

"Those stories you told me, your adventures out there... it seems so free. Do you really want to give that all up for someone like me?"

"Don't worry about that, it's not a big deal, honest."

"No. Aaron, look at yourself! You're... you've ruined your life for being here! I heard your conversation with your boss! He's going to put you on a manhunt for betraying your friends! All because of me!"

"So what?! For you, I'd give up anything!"

June screamed, pummelling me with her fists.

"Stop! Do you hear yourself?! You'd give up everything for a coal girl! I... I'm not important enough for you."

"June, what are you even saying? Stop talking like that! I'm serious."

June clenched her teeth.

"Let me help you. Let me help you for once. You don't need to make any hard choices. I can help... my own way."

"By sacrificing yourself? Do you really think that's going to make me happy?"

"It will! In the long run, it will!"

"No, it won't!"

"It will!"

"I said... IT WON'T."

I slammed my fist against the side of a wall, cracking it. The potted plants we had spent planting together spilled and crashed all over the floor. June put her hands on her mouth as I realized what I had just done.

"Jessie said the exact same things you said. That giving herself would make me happy. Did I look happy when I arrived here?"

June closed her eyes.

"You don't need to be happy with my choice. At least you won't be hunted again! Not like those years ago when the godly beings attacked you!"

"You want me to live a life full of guilt? Did all that coal rot your brain or something?! Are you some kind of a coal monkey?!"

"No! Stop calling me a coal monkey!"

"Coal monkey! Coal monkey! Coal monkey! Coal monkey! Coal monkey!"

"STOP! STOP!!!!" June sobbed as she fell to her knees, crying uncontrollably.

"I've been hurting people all my life. Mommy told me that my existence has been to hurt people!"

"Well, your mother probably smoked too much coal or something! Because that isn't true!"

"If that isn't true, then why have you been looking out the window every night when I sleep? You're looking for those Black Legion Shadows! You're trying to protect me every night!"

I stumbled back, as June jabbed her finger at my chest.

"If you don't like it, then maybe we aren't friends anymore!"

"Fine! I don't care about you then. I HATE people who throw themselves away for others! I hate it! I hate you!"

June bit back a sob.

"That's good to know. Thank you for telling me that."

"Wait, June I-"

June turned around, making her way to the door.

"If you try to stop me, I will scream and tell my parents about you. You'll have to kill everyone, not just the Overlord. I'm going to Dallas."

I reached out, but June had already left.


With that, the memory dissipated.

June took a deep breath.

"Why do you go to such lengths for me? Aaron?"

I ran my hand across the memory, the fragments of it.

My hand brushed over the illusion of the younger June reaching for the door.

"Because you taught me to smile again. It's as simple as that."

"To the point of giving up your life as an Outer Shadow?"


"Even now?"

I closed my eyes.

"June. I will never give up on you."

June shook her head.

"It's just as I said so many years ago. My existence has always been to kill you. My powers. And my being. And my nature. It's always been made to ruin you."

The memory shifted again until it showed me shooting down members of the Overlord Household left and right.

"WHERE'S JUNE!" The younger me roared.

"Kill him!" As numerous miniguns appeared, releasing a horde of bullets, but I growled, kicking a table forward and rushing to the door, leaping over and leaving behind a grenade that exploded, painting the walls red.

One of the guards fired a bullet at me, but I aimed my Glock and fired, the bullet splitting his in half and crushing his shoulder.

The man howled in pain as I slid forward, landing on top of him.

"June Lee Sung. Thirteen years old. Blue hair. Purple eyes. Tell me where she is," I snarled.

"I... I don't know a girl like that!"


"GAAAAH!" The man screamed.

"Nine fingernails left. Then I'll dunk them into acid. Doesn't matter how psycho your boss is, I'm more messed up."

The man stared at me in terror.

"Sh- She... she's in the cellar. Far-right... down the stairs..."

"What is he doing to her?"

"Isn't it obvious?! She's a concubine! What else do you think he's doing to her?!"

My eyes widened in rage, as I slowly stood up. Walking in the direction of June slowly.

I had completely turned robotic.

Rage had taken me over and something inside me snapped.

"Hey! You're the intru-"


The man crumpled to the ground, as I continued aiming my Glock, trudging forward. Killing whoever I saw.

Whatever I saw.

"An Outer Shadow... is meant to kill... whoever is necessary, to get the job done..." I whispered, trying to open the door, but it was sealed.

I brought my foot back and kicked it with all my might, bending the iron as the door crashed down the stairs.

By the time I arrived, I found Dallas and a group of thugs.

And in the center, was June, blindfolded, and covered in bruises. Her clothes were torn and ripped.

"Who the hell are you?" Dallas asked.

I aimed my gun at him, but instead of fear, Dallas raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, another deviant. Guess you're here for June, huh."

I said nothing, pulling the hammer back and about to press the trigger, but suddenly, Dallas chuckled.

"June doesn't want you. She wants me. Isn't that right?"

I looked at June in shock, as June slowly smiled.

"Yes, Dallas. All I need is you. I don't need anything else."

"What the FUCK did you do to her?!" I roared, but before I could do anything else, a pair of hands grabbed me.

I couldn't even react.

I glared at Dallas, who walked up to me.

The moment he swung his foot, I would smash his teeth i-


My head snapped back, as I coughed out blood in surprise.

Why... why couldn't I react?!

"GAH!" I growled.

Elementary Fire Magic - Ignis Pila


"My... my magic... my reflexes..." My voice trailed away, as June slowly got up, approaching me.

"My powers," The girl said.


June kicked me, as I slid back.

"Ju- June... what did they do to you?" I clutched my nose, blood leaking from it.

Dallas lit a cigarette, handing June a Glock, that resembled just like mine.

"Go on and kill him for me, honey."

June held out her gun.

"Yes sir."


I watched my younger self buckle, his face in complete utter shock.

June's powers had awakened during her torture from Dallas, along with breaking her mind.

She gained the power to influence my brainwaves along with my magic.

Power Jamming.

That was what her power was known as.

And added to the sentimental value she had to me... it was almost impossible to defeat her.

I watched the younger June brutalize the younger Aaron, who was overwhelmed. The stray bullets had hit the sides of the cell, setting the entire place on fire.

From the mansion of the Overlord...

To the surrounding machines.

Explosions surrounded us, as June continued to overpower the Dainsleif.

Either through hesitation or uncertainty.

We both knew exactly how June would be a perfect counter to me.

Because I was human.

And so was she.

"STOP!" Aaron growled, rushing forward and ignoring the gunshots, letting them land as June took a step back, surprised.

Even Dallas was shocked.

"What kind of lunatic lets himself get shot?!"

Aaron rushed forward, and tackled June to the ground, knocking her unconscious, then aimed his Glock at Dallas and fired twice.

Two at his heart, then one at his throat.

I watched the son of the Overlord crumple to the ground, as Aaron rushed up to him, strangling the man who had hurt his friend.

"M- Monster... you'll... you'll never come back from this! I swear!"

"Then send all your men this way. I'll slaughter 'em all," Aaron growled, strangling Dallas until he started retching.

Aaron slowly got to his feet, cradling June in his arms.

"We're... getting out of here..." I heard myself mutter, as he carried June out of the fire.

As the two continued their way out of the mansion, they passed through June's old home, which was completely ablaze.

And as June regained consciousness, I watched her stare at the burning plants of her garden with a look of horror.

"Our plants... our... our garden...!" June gasped.

Aaron's eyes widened, as he slowly put her down.

"Hang in there. I'll save as much as I can."

June grabbed Aaron's arm.

"Wait! It's- the fire!"

Aaron put a hand on hers, smiling.

A genuine smile.

"Hang tight."

I watched Aaron limp away into the fire, leaving behind a trail of blood from where June had shot him. And with each footstep he had taken, June's expression transitioned from surprise to shock.

Realizing what she had done.

The gun wounds she had inflicted on the man who would do anything to make her smile.

Yet Aaron would keep moving forward, ignoring the life-threatening injuries that the most important person in his life had inflicted on him, and entered the fire, trying his best to salvage the plants.

Brushing aside the ash and the dirt, trying to find something.


The vision dissolved.

"Showing me these things... changes nothing, you know this. If I could go back in time and redo this... whether it's a hundred times or a thousand times. I will still come back for you."

June grimaced, as she lifted her hand, warping reality until we were in Everbreak Hill again.

"Can't you see... that you've fallen for Vala's trap, Aaron?"

I took a step back, as June held out her hand. Suddenly, a Glock 19 appeared before her.

"I was created in response to your narrative. To your character. You are someone who is kind, who would go to great lengths to protect the people he loves. The worst enemy is someone who you never wanted to be the enemy. That is what I came to realize, that day I was resuscitated after nearly being killed by Jekyll."

June fired. I was barely able to dodge, my mind became a mess of emotions.

Of memories with June.

Everybody here looks to you as their leader. As much as I do. We just have our own ways of showing it, and our own stories.


I can't accept it!

June rushed forward with movements that resembled mine, but I couldn't fight her.

I couldn't fight June!

I'll always be there for you. So be the boss that we all look up to. Kay?

June fired another shot from her Glock, catching me in the thigh.

I yelled in pain, weaving and pressing my Draugr against her forehead, but June pushed forward, shoving the barrel harder against her forehead until blood trickled down the sides, staining her blonde and blue hair.

"I dyed my hair blonde... because I learned you loved blonde women."

June kicked me, completely bypassing all of my defenses.

Whenever it came to June...

Everything that made me the SS Ranked Dainsleif no longer existed.

June gripped her Glock, as I felt all my strength and magic leave my body.

"All the things I did... was because I loved you. When the entire time, I was feeding into my purpose to kill you. The more we loved each other, the more dangerous of a threat I became. Yet neither of us realized it."



"You need to hate me. Aaron. Please... I beg you," Tears began streaming down my Auxiliary's cheeks.

"Please... you have to resent me! You need to reject me, because the more we love each other, the more I will hurt you!"


"No! No matter what you say, I won't believe it! I won't!" I shouted back.

June lowered her gun and reached for the edge of her shirt, lowering it.

Until a familiar blue mark appeared on the left side of her chest.

My eyes went wide.

"Ju- June... when did you-"

June gave me a blank expression.

"From the very beginning."

Time slowed to a stop.

"What... what are you saying...?"

The sounds of fighting continued, as Marty and Drogen desperately tried to fend the Cultists off, but were losing ground.

"My true name... is June Lucia, The Vessel for Vala's Heart."

I tried to get to my feet, but the strength had completely left my body.

This entire time, June was a vessel of Vala.

Her heart...

"Hope manifests everywhere. But Hope itself cannot be used to hurt others. Hope is kind. Hope is warm and sweet. And I have become the manifestation of the strongest aspect of Hope there is. Vala's Heart. By manifesting her at the fullest possible extent, the further I am from wishing harm on others. This entire narrative has been to Vala's advantage. Your grief and your wish to see me again... to your wish to see me alive and well. My smile... everything about me..."

June gripped her collar, sobs wracking her body.

"...everything about me is a lie! I'm the most dangerous threat to The Black Legion!"

My voice completely left me as I watched June pick her gun up, walking to me.

And then the feeling of the barrel pressed against my forehead.

"I'm sorry, Aaron. I'm sorry... but... as much as I try to reject my nature... I can never imagine myself doing anything but this. Because I love you so much... I can't stop this love."

I closed my eyes.


Was this really the true power of Vala?

Our eternal enemy... truly was beyond the comprehension of a human being.

Even for me.

Comparing this to Loyce... I could see how she had the means to defeat the Primordial.


I can't.


"If that is what you want, then so be it," A voice interrupted us, as June spun around to see a familiar android.

"S- Sig..." I muttered.

Sigurd glared at June, her bright blue eyes menacing as a breeze blew her black bangs across her face.

June scowled.

"You were supposed to get the Omega Upgrade."

"I changed my mind."


My surroundings elongated, as Sigurd cradled me like a princess, away from June, whose eyes darted frantically, trying to find us.

"You... Don't butt in, you machine!"

Sigurd put me down.

"Sig... you're... you're okay!" I gasped.

"Quiet. We are still in combat."


I sure didn't miss this about her.

Sigurd aimed her hand at June, which transformed into a Decimator gauntlet.

"I haven't given up on you either, June. But killing our Outer Shadow is by far the worst conclusion you could have made."

"You do not understand. The situation is-"

"This thinking was the reason we parted ways in the first place," Sigurd shot back, coldly.

"He- Hey... Sig, let's try not to be too harsh here, June-"

"This is necessary. For the both of you. Also, the animosity you feel for me, June, you've harbored these feelings all this time. Didn't you? Because you feared I would take your place as his right-hand woman."

June screamed, as my body lost strength again. June aimed her gun and fired it at Sigurd, but TX7F caught the bullet with her fingers.

"I never intended to be Dainsleif's right hand. But for someone so incredible as him, having you as his right hand would spell disaster. And that is the cold, hard truth."

June fired more bullets, warping reality as much as she could, but for some reason, Annie had cleared right through it, slamming the Jubilee into the dirt.

"You can never defeat me, because your powers are contradictory. You are weak against enemies that you hate but are strong against enemies that you love. And your resentment for me will be your downfall."

"SHUT UP! YOU WILL NEVER TAKE MY PLACE!" June screamed, reality shifting between us, but Annie leaped into the air.

June brought her foot back.

"I've admired Aaron the most, he's been my rock. And I've always been his most loyal Auxiliary!"

Trigrams - Six Hands Combination Style

Sigurd's eyes began to glow red.

"False. You aren't the only one who has been inspired by Dainsleif. His work ethic. Whether it was for his own benefit, or as a means to move past his trauma. With everything that had happened to him, he has been able to make the most he could. What do you see in him?"

June spun in the air, using my movements, unleashing bullets from her Glock which warped reality all around them. One of which caught Sigurd in the side of her face.

June then closed in, grabbing her by the collar.

"I am his most trustworthy. We've been together, and always have been. He has inspired me more than any of you! I am his most dangerous threat, this has nothing to do with you-"


June flew backward, as Sigurd spun in the air.

"Incorrect. We all have been there for him. We all value Aaron in our own ways. Our stories are all different, but they all converged at one point. And that point was always when we would fight side by side as his Auxiliary Shadows. As for inspiration..."

Blades protruded from her arms and legs, as Sigurd assumed a stance.

"That is debatable too."


Eight Blades Combination Style

Sigurd suddenly disappeared into blue lines, as June opened her mouth to cry out, her eyes wide.


June hit the ground, staring at the sky, as Sigurd landed next to me.

I slowly reached out to my Auxiliary, but Sigurd put a hand on mine.

"You came looking for me, is that correct? Then come with me. I need your help."

I turned to Sigurd.

"Sig... June... I-"

"I know... but June isn't going anywhere. Let's take a minute to breathe... you need it."

I looked back at June, who started to cry.

My heart wrenched in pain, but before I could do anything else, I felt a warm embrace from behind.

Sigurd held onto me.

"Aaron... we need to give her some space."

The two of us turned our backs to June, who huddled back into a fetal position.

I just had to ignore the overwhelming pain in my chest.

I had to ignore it.

We made our way down Everbreak Hill to Drogen and Marty's position.

"Ironclad and my friend, they were-"

"I have dealt with it."

I raised my eyebrows.

"You did? But I thought you were damaged."

Sigurd grimaced, as her arm relaxed. I watched her forearm begin crumbling into dust, revealing severed motors, wires, and bone.


"I appreciate your concern for me... but I'm not the only one who seems to have lost a limb, aren't I?"

I choked, trying to keep Sarah's robe wrapped around my right side, but Annie leaned in, gently running her hand across my stump. My skin tingled.

"How did this happen?"

"Nothing. I-"

I took a deep breath.

"No. Not nothing. I overused my chakra, paired with my years of using Noir's magic and sustaining injuries... Doctors had to amputate it."

Sigurd glanced at my robe.

"And Ultear?"

I stopped walking, causing my Auxiliary to pause.

"Sarah... Sarah's..."

Annie walked forward, putting her hand on the back of my head, and brought me close.

I rested my head against Sigurd's collarbone, expecting the cold touch of plastic and metal out of habit, but was greeted with her warmth. A part of her that had become more human.

"What happened back there... it isn't your fault. Things like this should never be your fault when you've done nothing wrong."

"I brought her here! I brought... I brought everyone into this mess! I... I decided to help Vicki! I decided to wage war against Inner Shadow Loyce all because I grew a big ego from beating Inner Shadow Bishamonten. It's all my-"

"Stop! Stop, Aaron. There is nothing wrong with being yourself. There is nothing wrong with putting trust in your comrades. Their deaths are NOT your fault."

I pulled away.

"You... knew that June would be a Vessel... that was why you two parted ways?"

"I learned that she was a Vessel when I found her with the Cultists. I still don't know how she survived Jekyll, but whether or not she made it out alive, the things she had claimed this 'False Aaron' had done to her, she might as well have been dead."

Annie tucked her hair behind her ear.

"We parted ways, because of her warped views on you, me, and the rest of the Shadows in our cohort. Despite all that, I still care about her... I made the decision to find Master Jun, but in the process, I witnessed the chaos of this Primordial's power. If it wasn't for June, I would have long since disintegrated. I was lucky only my arm is gone. Once I've completed my upgrade, I'll be ready to fight by your side without you worrying about me."

"By getting the Omega Upgrade, right?"

Sigurd's hand turned into a fist.

"Did June tell you this?"

"I would have deduced it. In other ways," I reached out and ran my hand through her silky black hair, catching a few white strands.

"So your solution is to end up looking like me? So you could fight on my level? Sounds like a high school girl's fantasy. Creepy!" I joked.

Sigurd's face flushed red.

"Wha-?! That was not the intention!"

"Annie, do you even know what you're getting yourself into? The Omega Upgrade was historically an upgrade that Master Jun had reserved for in the case he had developed an SS Ranked combat droid. Every unit he had tried to install this on ended up succumbing to cyber degradation."

Sigurd turned away.

"If I don't get this upgrade, we will all die. You will need to fight this battle alone."

"I don't mind if you need to wait on the sidelines-"

"I do. I cannot..."

Sigurd's voice broke, putting a hand to her forehead.

"That day I saw you so badly injured from fighting Vala... what was I doing? Going to University, and socializing with classmates. While you were risking your life I was living mine."

"There's nothing wrong with that. You worked hard for this dream, and now you got to witness a glimpse of it. That makes me happier than anything, as your friend."

I heard the sounds of footsteps, as Drogen and Marty managed to catch up to us.

"Aaron... and The Maiden! That blur... that blur was you!" Ironclad said.

Sigurd nodded.

"Yes. I will be accompanying Aaron for now. The two of you may return to Trion."

"No way, young lady," Marty marched up to Sigurd, Kingston slung to his side.

"I appreciate you helpin us. But we're coming with Aaron. He let us come, and it's our job to bring Defender back. We're not leaving empty-handed."

Sigurd made an irritated expression.

"The two of you combined will be a great liability to my Outer Shadow. I alone was able to dispatch more cultists than the unity of your world's Champions. Go back."

"I'm not taking the word of some supermodel showing off her bazookas everywhere she goes. We're coming with, and that is Aaron's call, not yours!"

"You little- Dainsleif, do you really think bringing these two gives us a tactical advantage?!" Sigurd turned to me but froze as I let out a snicker.

"Pftthahahahaha!" I threw my head back, causing Sigurd to reach out.

"A- Aaron, what's wrong?"

"Showing off your bazookas... ahahaha! My god he just called you out for your skimpy outfit. I'm dead," I chuckled, slapping my thigh.

"What?! My outfit... my outfit isn't that revealing!"

"No, it really is," Marty and I waved our hands in sync.

"Come on Sig, it's only a miracle no guys have pounced on you yet looking like that. Didn't you ask Master Jun for a wardrobe change with your Gasket Goodies that one time?" I asked.

"You- you don't need to tell everybody that! It was a functional upgrade, for my occupation in infiltration, that was all it was."

"As far as functional purpose goes didn't you write it was to be updated with the current trends?"

Sigurd was becoming more and more flustered with every second.

"How did you-?!"

"I review all of the tickets my Auxiliary Shadows send, duh. How did someone like you forget?"

Sigurd looked like she was about to explode from embarrassment, as she tried to zip her bodysuit up to no avail.

"Why do you like teasing me like this?"

I chuckled, gazing at the purple sky.

"Not so much as that. More of a test, really."

Ironclad blinked.

"I don't quite understand what just happened, but what do you mean 'test'?"

I made my way to the main trail of Gasket's world, the trail leading to The Citadel.

"Sig, you've partially got the Omega Upgrade installed into your body, right?"

Sigurd was still trying to zip up her suit but faced me with surprise.

"What made you figure that out?"

The gears in my head were turning once more, just as they always did.

"Master Jun's Omega Upgrade, was an upgrade that he had been working on ever since I joined him as an Outer Shadow. The implant possessed the power to harness the abilities of cataclysmically powerful beings through exposure. It was intended to compete against Dogma users, but it wasn't just for those guys. It was also intended to try and wield the powers of Primordial beings - namely, Loyce's Alogigenesis."

"The power of a Primordial..." Ironclad muttered.

Marty turned to Sigurd.

"So you mean to tell us this young lady has the same power as the Demon ravaging this world?!"

"No. That would be a bit too OP... What I meant is, the Omega Upgrade was intended to wield fractions of it, by evolving and adapting its mechanisms to be in line with the mechanisms that generated it in the first place. Its main drawback is it requires heavy exposure for the Omega mechanism to work. But in our case..."

Sigurd closed her eyes.

"Yes, Dainsleif. You are correct, as always. The partial upgrade to my body has allowed me to resist the Anti-Narrative, and as such, nullify it to some degree."

So that was it...

I figured the mood had shifted a little.

I glanced at Sigurd, as Ironclad and Marty were adoring her.

"The Maiden... truly a Goddess of Battle to our people!" Ironclad cheered.

"And a complete knockout too! A bombshell babe!" Marty said.

Sigurd spun her head as if she was watching a tennis match, unable to process the compliments.

Seeing Sigurd get flustered gave me a familiar rush that I hadn't felt in a long time since entering Gasket's world...

And would someone please call the cops on this old geezer?!

But even if being with Annie had changed the narrative, there were still too many things that had happened to us to be brushed under the rug.

From Sarah...

To June.

Yet even so...

I made a fist.

"I'll save you again, June. So just hang in there, you stupid coal monkey."

I Got Scammed

"The Citadel is the primary quarters for Master Jun's armory. It's guarded by three beasts possessing enormous strength, at least S Rank: The Dragon, the Behemoth, and the Leviathan," Sigurd noted down, as we made camp on the outskirts of Everbreak.

I scratched my head.

"And they're still alive? I would have thought that the Vessels and Loyce's Outer Shadows would have slain them already. I know they're really strong, amongst one of Master Jun's more powerful creations, but we're talking about Outer Shadows who've reached SS Rank now."

"Individually, they are S Rank, but when they are in their environment, not even an SS Rank operative would be able to breach it. There's a reason why Master Jun's Citadel is guarded the way it is."


Sigurd watched Marty and Ironclad try to set up a fire.

"Like this, you blow the wood and fuel the flames," Marty began blowing.

"I refuse to believe this... blowing out a fire will cause it to grow? What kind of sorcery is this!"

"It ain't sorcery you big idiot! It's science!"

"No! I do not acknowledge this! This world... The Demon has tampered with the laws of this world too!"

"Way to represent the Champions, Drogen," I grumbled.

Annie put a hand to her mouth and giggled, something I would not have expected her to do a year ago.

I managed a slight smile.

"You've grown a lot, Sig."

Sigurd raised her eyebrows.

"Have I?"


Annie scratched her head.

"Perhaps it was a gradual phenomenon... the failure to detect changes in visual stimuli when the changes are introduced gradually-"

"Yeah, it's called 'change blindness', a common psychological phenomenon," I cut her off, causing Annie to pout.

"You are probably the only human, in the Black Legion, as well as my University, to be able to cut me off like that. And to give me a headache."

"Don't get a big head just because you're a full-time Neuroscience student now, missy! It's gonna take a million years to outsmart the Dainsleif!"

I leaned back.

"Don't get me wrong, I do miss your Neuroscience lectures. Used to put me to sleep all the time, didn't need no sleeping pills."

"That's supposed to make me feel better?!"

I chuckled, as Sigurd's expression melted.

"It isn't fair," She muttered.


Sigurd ran her hand through her hair.

"It isn't fair that you have to go through so much... when all you've done was help us all live a better life. I will not forgive Vala for what she has done, but among all things, I will never forgive the person responsible for all the things that have happened in your life."


"Do you remember... our first mission in Andropol?"

I repositioned myself against the rock face.

"Yeah. You were roasting me pretty much the entire time. And I made fun of you at every opportunity I could find. A Tier Mission."

Sigurd smiled.

"I miss those days. Things were so simple. But now, the stakes are higher than ever. I suppose this was unavoidable. As much as we try to delay it, we were bound to approach the final battle soon."

I thought back to what Jay and Crassman had told me that day.

How they tried to intimidate me out of declaring war against Loyce.

Stop this now. I'm not gonna repeat myself. Loyce is simply way too much for you to handle.

They knew things would turn out this way.

I really did bite off more than I could chew, but now I dug the hole too deep.

Two of my Auxiliary Shadows have been killed.

But in their memory, I needed to keep pushing forward.

I had to.

I looked at Sigurd again.

So many dreams she had, and was willing to throw away for my sake.

My body began welling up with power again.

Alright, Loyce.

If that's how you wanna play, then let's have a really nice intellectual exchange.

You killed my fiancee in a way that would definitely make me believe it was because I had caused her death.

The same with June and Robbie.

An Aaron Hope that was no longer cautious...


This was the Aaron Hope you wanted me to be.

The Aaron Hope who had chosen to kill every god he could find in a lonely, blind, rage.

Someone who couldn't rely on others.

You wanted to scar me so badly that I wouldn't dare count on others again...

That only meant one thing.

You wanted me to avoid allies altogether, whether if they held me back or lifted me up.

You're scared of alliances.

If the three beasts were really still alive, it would have made sense for Sig and I, along with Drogen and Marty to slay them all to access the Omega Upgrade and finish Annie's modification.

That was if they were alive.

"Sig. Neural link."

Sigurd turned to me, her eyes glowing blue, my vision was now her vision.

You want me to avoid having friends that much because you're scared of that Aaron Hope that you couldn't accept.

Someone who could get so far, yet still have the power to gain allies.

Images of my time spent with Sarah flashed in my mind.

Of all the times she had spent mentoring me with magic.

From Convocatio to Augmentus...


Cosmic Aspectum - Great Navigator's Radar

My vision expanded tremendously, as Sigurd gasped.

"Cosmic Level Magic...?! Since when were you able to do that?!"

My vision focused as if I was flying at supersonic speed, faster and faster, flying through the realm of Master Jun's world like a missile.


Delve further...

Till we get to where we needed.

A massive density of Cultists...


Sigurd gasped, but I was barely able to register it, as the two of us were shunted forward, my Cosmic Aspectum spell propelled us into a scene that we definitely were not supposed to see.

Five people were standing in a circle.

One of them had shoulder-length purple hair and gold eyes.

Another had a buzz cut with a logo of a lightning bolt overlayed on a shield.

One had a Spartan helmet with a spear.

Sarina Ultear, Joseph Greziak, and Achilles.

The fourth was a tall, muscular man who had a crossbow strapped to his back.

"Jekyll," Sarina said.

"What shall be done with the girl you 'failed' to kill?"

Jekyll turned to the fifth person, who was held to the ground with dozens of chains wrapped across her limbs and her neck.

"You revealed yourself to the God Eater but didn't have the means to finish him off. How much longer are you going to disappoint the people around you?"

June didn't respond, as Sarina chuckled, kicking her in the face.

Blood spilled from the top of her head, trickling down the side of her head.

Rage boiled inside me.

"Don't get me wrong, I hate my sister, but to think that you would have stood a chance to be Dainsleif's wife is beyond delusional. Saraia was always a hopeless case, but compared to you?"

"That's fine... in the end, it was Saraia who he made love to anyway," June whispered.

"What was that, you little brat?"

June didn't answer, as Sarina slammed June into the ground, punching her in the face over and over again.

The rest of the Vessels kept quiet until Jekyll suddenly appeared in front of Sarina and grabbed her wrist.


"You don't get to tell me what to do, Warfare God. It's not in your right."

"We need this girl to complete our Lady's revival. If you kill her we will need to find another Vessel for her Heart. This one has acquired enough of the essence to make it a point of no return."

Sarina threw June into the ground. I wanted to scoop her up and take her somewhere safe, but this was just a vision.

"Stupid girl. You lived your life as a concubine in training. Since when did you develop such a mouth, huh?"

June put a hand to her lips, causing Sarina to growl in frustration.

The Demon of Kalidas marched forward, but Jekyll stood in front of her.

"I said that's enough."

"Try and stop me!"

"Blah blah blah, why're you in such bad spirits? You're on the winning team, Ultear," A woman's voice said, as Loki appeared from behind Jekyll's shadow, surprising the God of Warfare.

The God of Trickery leaned close until her face was an inch apart from Sarina's.

"That time of the month, huh?"

Sarina stumbled back.

"Gah- You-! Demons don't get periods!"

"Could've fooled me, even your reactions are similar to the Hero of Kalidas," Loki bared her teeth in a sinister grin.

Jekyll looked uncertain.

"Loki, this is not helping. We mustn't fight amongst-"

"Or what? Little Miss Devil Horns is going to punish me?" Loki sneered, spinning around and transforming into a bird, perching on Jekyll's shoulder.

The bird was a species I recognized instantly.

The Topaz Swallowtail.

"Come on, Wish Dot Com Sarah Ultear. Just try and do anything to me. Kill lil ol' me in this form. I dare you," Nora taunted in bird form.

Sarina's fists balled up as her face turned red with rage.

Loki transformed back into human form, resting an arm on Jekyll's shoulder.

"The same goes for the rest of you. And you," Nora looked at Jekyll with a morbid fascination.

Jekyll shoved Loki away.

"Do you really want to test your strength against me-"


Loki blasted in, as Jekyll had unwinded his crossbow, aiming it right at the Trickster God's forehead.

"Not bad, but I was created to be the perfect God of Warfare, I cannot be-"

Loki smiled, gripping the crossbow bolt and pushing it through her skull, the hologram distorting.

"Wha-" Jekyll froze.


Another crossbow was pressed up against the back of Jekyll's neck, right at his mark.

The real Loki crossed her legs against the god's backside.

"You do not stand a chance. Against me," Loki whispered, as Jekyll's eyes went wide.

This was the first time I had seen Jekyll this terrified before, aside from the time Vala had intervened.




Nora turned around, as the Vessels of Vala went silent.

I watched Nora walk off, but not before glancing at me.

My blood ran cold.

"She... she can see us!" Sigurd gasped before Nora suddenly reached in and grabbed her by the throat.

"Ah... not yet, huh," Nora whispered, then turned to me.

"What will you do? You've confirmed it yourself. We've taken control of The Citadel. I'm curious to see what your decision will be... this time."

This time?

"What are you talking about, this time? This has happened before, hasn't it? You've seen it," I asked.

"Who knows?"

Nora smiled, before aiming her crossbow at my face.

"Have faith in the narrative."


I woke up, gasping loudly. Sweat poured down my back, as Sigurd stabilized me.

"Aaron, what- what was that?"

"N- Nora..." My voice left me.

The people I was going to deal with were far beyond anything I could manage.

Jekyll alone was able to solo me and my entire Auxiliary Shadow cohort.

Even when I had learned Chakra, he still wiped the floor with me back in Andropol.

I was now faced with Sarina Ultear, The Legendary Hero Achilles, The Guardian, Nora, and Jekyll.

Along with a massive horde of cultists.

Achilles and Greziak were fine as they were, but they had already revived from death. Each revival made them stronger.

Their strength was currently unknown.

In terms of allies...

I already lost Robbie, June, and Sarah.

It was just me and Sigurd.

Drogen and Marty... the thought of them being slaughtered by the cultists burned into my mind.

I couldn't let more of these people die.

I looked at Sigurd again.

I couldn't let Sigurd die.

I was done with losing people important to me... but...

If I fought this battle alone I was sure as dead.

I couldn't even fight this war through strategy, with Nora on their side.

I always knew Nora was leagues ahead of me in terms of wit. She was my marksmanship teacher, and my mentor.

Now she had become a god.

A god who made Jekyll look like a complete clown to make things worse.

This was too much for me.

It was... too much.

"Aaron," Sigurd said gently, putting her hand on my wrist.

"Do you have that little faith in your friends?"

My eyes shut tightly.

A memory surfaced in my mind, of that time I had faced Jekyll a second time, the aftermath, when I was critically injured and in bandages.

The memory of Sarah feeding me that herbal broth, bandages all over her fingers from what I presumed was her trying to use a knife to chop vegetables for the soup she was trying to make.

Then the image of Sarah, slowly dying. Her hair turned grey, and the golden light in her eyes faded away.

The touch of her fingers along the back of my head, then her words, apologizing for being unable to bear a kid for us.

To bring more people into this mess...

What kind of fucked up reasoning was that?

Even if I was outnumbered...

Even if the odds were against me...

I needed to.

I needed to do this myself.

I don't want to see any more people I loved die.

Call me a hypocrite all you want... all of you.

All of you.

"Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd," I muttered.

Sigurd leaned in, intently.

"I request a temporary break in the Surveillance Protocol. I want to be alone."

My Auxiliary Shadow slowly removed her hand, terminating the link.

"Outer Shadow Dainsleif... whatever you choose to do, I will honor your choice. But as your friend, I may not agree with it."

My heart began to ache.

"I know."

I watched Sigurd get up and leave the shelter, dragging Marty and Ironclad along until it was just me.

I sat in front of the fire, the flames making patterns against the walls.

"If I fight alone... I will die, but no one else will," I murmured.

But ultimately what would that give?

Maybe a fighting chance?

There was a high possibility I would be slaughtered before I could even do anything.

The risk was too high.

Way too high.

You have my blessing. In your greatest moment of need, remember my face, and remember our world. Remember those good memories that came to your mind when you touched that pendant. And you will be able to wield my power.

The pendant Witchcraft gave me began to glow purple. I gripped the gem in my hand.

Bethany's power...

What was her power?

Eldritch Magic?

What the hell even was Eldritch magic?

I held onto the pendant and concentrated, remembering Witchcraft's face and the people of Trion.

The pain in her heart when she saw Defender.


I almost forgot about that.

I had told her that Defender could still be saved, and implied that I could bring him back.

So many empty promises.


Purple energy glowed across my arm.

That's right.

I made a promise to come back for that relic.

I told them I would come back and free the people of this world.

Dying was not an option.


"Gah! What the-"

My hand began smoking, the purple energy swirling around me violently.

I stumbled back, as arcane runic lettering surrounded me from every angle.

"Sig-! Sigurd! Annie!" I yelped, spinning in every direction possible, but it was like I had been warped to another world.

"What the hell kind of witchcraft did you give me, Bethany?!" I snapped, trying to rip the pendant off my neck.

"Get off! Get the hell off!" I growled, trying to tear it apart.

"DS35's!" I shouted, but nothing unlinked.

I had used up all my DS35's!

I let go of the pendant.

Convocatio - Turricalum DS35's

Nothing came out.


Suddenly, the magic tendrils let loose from the amulet, wrapping and creeping up my body.

"Holy shit!" I squeaked, stumbling back, watching as the tendrils entered my mouth and my eye sockets.


No way!

I opened my mouth and yelled as hard as I could, but no sound came out, my surroundings melted away until I found myself hurtling to the ground.

"GAH! What the hell is this?!" I yelped, bracing for impact.


I slowly opened my eyes. I didn't feel the pain... but for some reason, it was like I knew it hurt.

A ton.

My movements no longer belonged to me, as if someone had turned on the auto-pilot.

I watched my arm drag my body forward. Blood covered every finger.

I began breathing heavily, forcing myself to stand.

And before me, was a sight I did not expect to see.

"You... how did you..." A voice muttered. I watched myself turn around, slowly, to see Jekyll sprawled on the ground, grievously wounded.

And not just Jekyll.

Sarina, Greziak, Achilles...

The Cultists.

Every enemy that we had encountered in Gasket's world was defeated before me.

The barrel of my Draugr was stained with blood splatters. The robe that had shrouded me was gone.

I approached Jekyll, kneeling before the God of Warfare.

Jekyll gritted his teeth.

"You know the truth. Yet... Yet, you would still do this..."


I pressed the barrel of the handgun to the god's forehead.

"I've reached the point where I really don't care anymore. Who I hurt. Who gets hurt. I've been hurting people all my life anyway. It doesn't matter anymore."

My heart stopped.

I remembered this saying.

Those exact words...

I ain't done. Never done.

Marty had said that before I replied with those words.

What exactly was I looking at?

I couldn't move my eyes or my body the way I wanted to.

The only thing I could see was my finger tightening on the trigger of the Draugr.

"I... I'm sorry, Aaron. I'm so sorry..." Jekyll muttered.


Jekyll flew backward, his body folded in on itself.

I slowly got to my feet, approaching Sarina, who was trying to claw her way out of there, but I stepped on the back of her head.

"Where the hell you goin'?" I heard myself say, a sinister grin appeared on my face.

Sarina cried out, clawing the ground ferociously, but I felt my body grab the Demon by the head, lifting her up, and forcing her to face me.

"No.... no! Get away from me, you monster!" Sarina shrieked.

"You look just like Sarah. A shame. It's almost like I'm gonna have to watch the girl I love die twice."

"Please... please let me live... I beg you! I beg you! Please! Please please please!"

I slowly pulled out a hairclip from my pocket. I recognized it immediately.

It was Sarah's hairclip, the one I had gifted to her.

"No... no. I'm done sparing people. Look how well that served me. No. I'm done helping people. I'm done trusting people. Every god. Every enemy. I will kill them all, this is the True God Eater,"

I watched as my body jammed the hairclip into Sarina's right eye, causing her to scream in pain.


Sarina's lifeless body fell to the ground, as I marched into the Citadel, tearing apart a box.

My vision jumped forward in time as if I was perceiving things at an accelerated pace.

I had taken the box containing the Omega Upgrade and left Gasket's realm, hunting the rest of Loyce's Outer Shadows.

Andrew Tengen was the first to be permanently killed. I had taken a shard from the Omega Upgrade box and jammed it right into his skull.

Then came Tommy Riordan. I hunted him down, infiltrating his college, and used his girlfriend as bait.

"D- Dainsleif... let's talk this out," Tommy tried reasoning with me.

"Remove your Mark," I heard myself instruct the Outer Shadow.

Tommy did as I said.

"Th- The Mark of Vala is gone. So, please. Please, I beg you, spare her. Please spare Jordanna."

I tilted my head.

"Or what?"

Tommy's eyes went wide.

"I- I don't understand..."

"If I don't spare her, what will you do?"

The color left the Outer Shadow's face.

"I- I'll do anything! I will! I- I-"

I pressed the trigger, killing Tommy's girlfriend in cold blood, then took aim at Tommy's forehead.

"All traitors to the Black Legion will die."


I then watched, as I transported myself to Isphixis, slaughtering every Fury in sight, until Demon Queen Freya herself confronted me.

But just as quickly she had appeared, just as quickly she was defeated.

"A- Aaron..." Freya muttered.

I proceeded to grab each of her wings and rip them from her back, causing Freya to scream in agony.

Every Outer Shadow that Loyce had.

I slaughtered in cold blood.

"Forward," I heard myself say.


I marched forward, one foot after another.

My clothes became bloodier and bloodier.

I had stopped washing my weapons, my DS35s orbiting around me like little moons.

"Aaron," A voice stopped me, the moment I entered a room that was pulsating with a golden light.

Jekyll stood before the light, blocking my path.

"Move," I said.

"You do not want this. You think that doing so will give you the strength to fix your problems, but it never does. This type of solution never truly fixes everything. I know."

I held out my hand, summoning a Thompson Contender, aiming it at Jekyll's chest.

"You can't stop me anymore. No one can."

Jekyll drew his crossbow.

"Do you think... this was what they wanted?"

I assumed my stance.

"There's a difference between what they want and what they need. And only I can see both sides."

Jekyll growled, closing his fist.

Magic exited my body, but Chakra replaced the lost mana, as I charged.

"AARON!" Jekyll yelled, stomping on the ground and sending a shockwave my way, but I threw several buzzsaw orbs which cut right through the wind, slicing it apart through its streamlined profile.

I instantly rammed into the God of Warfare, causing him to slide back, then two bullets from my Contenders caught him right in the chest.

Jekyll flew backward, smashing through the glass of the room. But before he could recover, I instantly pounced in his direction like a wild animal.

In a panic, Jekyll aimed his crossbow again, but I jammed my weapon into its barrel, firing.

The explosion caused Jekyll's hand to explode in blood.

"No... my crossbow!"

I threw my weapon aside and grabbed Jekyll by the collar.

"Without this, you are nothing. I know your weakness now," I snarled, smashing his forehead with a headbutt as hard as I could.

The force of the impact shattered the entire room, ripping the roof away and revealing a large chamber, the glowing orb of light floating in the center of it.

"Aaron... I can't... I won't let you go through what I did...! This... won't help you heal! It won't!"

I marched toward the God of Warfare, gleaming down on him condescendingly.

My red eyes glowed with malice.

"I don't need to be healed. Healing is not what I need.

"Crucifixion Protocol."

My DS35s impaled Jekyll, ripping through his limbs, and lifting him up like a cross.

Jekyll growled in pain.

"D- Don't... don't do this... I can't... I can't watch you turn into the very thing you've always hated!"

I turned to him, coldly.

"Who's gonna stop me?"

* * *

I woke up in a cold sweat, to find Annie sitting across from me with her legs crossed.

"Good morning," She said nonchalantly.

"YEEAAAUUUUGH!" I made a high-pitched squeak that did not match my body as I nearly rolled off the bed.

"How long have we known each other? And yet every time you wake to see me guarding you, you still respond in such a comical manner."

"You try waking up to see a person of the opposite sex just sitting in the shadows!"

Sigurd leaned in, holding out her hand. Inside it was a purple gem, the amulet Witchcraft had given me.

"This pendant had put you into limbo. I had to forcefully yank it from your neck before you entered any critical state. What... what exactly is this?"

I scratched my neck.

"It was a gift from Witchcraft."

"I see. I will eliminate her then."

"Quit it!"

I sighed, taking the necklace.

"Aaron... when you were in that state, you were delirious. You kept murmuring something over and over again."

"What was that?"

Sigurd's expression turned dark.

"I will become a god."

The room turned tense.

"A... a god...?!"

I can't watch you turn into the very thing you've always hated!

Was that what Jekyll meant?

Since when did I ever want something like that? This...

Was this supposed to be a vision of the future?

I glanced at Sigurd.

A future where I decided to storm The Citadel on my own.

Somehow, I was able to overcome the odds and defeat all of the Vessels, then kill the rest of Loyce's Outer Shadows.

Wouldn't that just be fine and dandy?

This meant I had what it took to do this alone without any casualties. In a way, I should have felt relieved.

But the feeling I had when witnessing that vision was anything but relief.

It felt devoid of all hope whatsoever.

Sigurd grimaced, causing me to glance at her arm.

"I'm fine," Sigurd said, quickly.

"No you're not, stop the cap."

Sigurd looked away.

"The folly in trying to hide anything from someone like you..."

I scooted closer to my Auxiliary Shadow.

"It hurts, doesn't it."

"A bit."

I reached in and poked the bone, causing Annie to let loose a small scream.

"KYA- What the hell are you doing?!"

"Yeah. 'A bit'. We're heading back to Trion," I said, getting up and waking Drogen and Marty.

"I can still... fight..." Sigurd's voice trailed away.

"We're going back to Trion and rallying as many allies as possible. No more stealth ops. No more doing things ourselves. If it's a one versus five that Loyce was expecting out of me, then let's give him a full-out war."

"Aaron! Maiden!" Ironclad burst into the room, sweat running down the sides of his face.

Marty ran in next to him, his face pale.

"Kid! We got a problem!"

"Calm down you guys, what's going on?" I asked.

Sigurd got up, her eyes flashing cyan.

"Hostiles... hostiles inbound...!"

I rushed to the entrance of our hideout.

Aspectum - Full Radar

A red magic appeared in front of my eye. Just as everybody said, several bogies were coming our way.

"Cultists?" I muttered.

"No. Worse," Marty pulled out his handgun, pointing to the distance.

The figure of a long skinny apparition broke through the horizon, howling at the sky along with hundreds of shadowy entities surrounding its body.


And he was heading straight for the nearest city.

"It's headed for Trion! That's impossible! The Maiden struck a deal with the Cultists to leave Trion alone!" Ironclad gasped.

"No. The deal was to allow me to be captured. I escaped. There is nothing keeping this contract bound anymore," Sigurd replied, grimly.

In other words...

There was now a reason to attack the people of Millennium City. Hostages...

Or just straight payback for everything we had done.

Marty gripped his knee.

"We gotta do something, Aaron! We can't let that thing get to Trion!"

We still had no idea how to save Defender, but one thing was clear.

If we didn't stop him now, there was nothing keeping him from destroying the people he once swore to protect.

"Annie, can you still fight?" I asked.

Sigurd raised her arm, cyan particles surrounding it and creating a temporary over-mold.

"I have two more charges of the Three-Lives precept."

I stood at the exit of the hideout, watching the monster trudge forward slowly.

The thing didn't look human.

It was almost disturbing how slender it was, how emaciated it looked.

And that statue of Witchcraft...


A spark ignited in my brain.

"What's up, kid? Got an idea?" Marty asked.

"Yeah," I replied, standing up.

"We split up. Sigurd and I will distract Defender. Marty and Ironclad return to Trion and recruit some heroes. Make sure among them is Witchcraft."

Marty raised an eyebrow.

"Kid, there is NO way Witchcraft will join us after the stunt you pulled."

"We have to. There's no other way."

Ironclad bit his lip.

"Bethany is broken. I don't know how we are going to convince her to see her husband again, especially when he is in that state."


We needed a plan. We needed-

"You go. Dainsleif." Sigurd said.

I turned to her in surprise.

"What? And leave you all alone to Defender? You're kidding, right?"

"That thing that has replaced James Harmon is laced with the Anti-Narrative. Even if you have found some means to be resistant to it, does not speak any testament to your ability to withstand it long-term. I am the only one in this group who can. So for the time being, let me be the one to distract him. And you three will return to Trion to recruit the necessary forces."

I stared at my Auxiliary Shadow, memories of what had happened to my fiancee flooding my mind.

I couldn't lose another person precious to me.

I couldn't.

But if I didn't go myself, there was very little chance that Ironclad and Marty could recruit Witchcraft.

But if I stayed with Sig to fight Defender, we might be fighting a losing battle, or we might end up killing Defender altogether, which was not an outcome I wanted.

I needed to come up with a plan.

I needed something fast.

Something fast.

"If it's holding Defender back... perhaps we may be of assistance?" A woman's voice said as we spun around.

To my disbelief, the figures of two people appeared in my field of vision.

An older woman, and a younger teenage girl who hid behind her.

I recognized them right away.

"Nora... June! June!" I stumbled forward, but June recoiled at my touch.

I took a step back, all the while, Sigurd shielded me from them.

"What kind of trick is this?" Sigurd said, her blades protruding from their compartments.

"Must you be so guarded, Sigurd?" Nora asked.

"Is that even a question? Vessels of Vala conspiring against each other? What other reason do I need?"

Nora chuckled.

"What I do is in the best interest of myself. After all, I am a God of Trickery and Mischief. Ultimately, siccing the monsterized Defender onto Trion accomplishes nothing. Just a little ego spat. So ultimately meaningless."

Sigurd gritted her teeth.

We were running out of time.

"Annie, go with Nora. Please. If she ever pulls anything on us, I'll bail you out. You have my word."

Sigurd hesitated, glancing at me, then glaring at June, who watched us from a distance with empty eyes.

"Very well. But should anything happen, I will return to you. I promise. The fate of the residents of Trion is not worth the death of you."

"I know."

With that, Annie and Nora left, racing to Defender's location. All that was left was Ironclad, Marty, June, and me.

Ironclad nodded at June.

"What you are doing... know that we appreciate it. We really do."

Marty grunted in agreement.

"Old oaf is right. You're doin' the right thing, girlie. Don't ever think less of yourself for it."

I pointed at Trion.

"Let's go."


Ironclad and Marty walked ahead of us, eager to return back to their stronghold.

I had to make sure I wasn't walking too fast because June was trailing from behind listlessly.

I slowed down until we were side by side, and noticed something red against the side of her face.

"Are you injured?" I asked.

"No. But I'm sure you can already tell I'm lying," June replied.

"Ahhh hahaha..." I laughed, nervously.

"Does it hurt? Can I treat it?"

June hesitated, looking like she was about to say no, but stopped herself.

"Do what you want."

I waved at Ironclad and Marty to stop as we pitched a small campsite within the vicinity of the base. While we could make it on foot, I didn't want to risk bringing June there if she was injured.

June sat on a rock across from me as I waved my hand.


I pulled out a med box, the standard Black Legion first aid kit.

June glanced at the box, which I noticed.

"I'm guessing... you lost yours, huh?" I asked, casually.

June's eyes listlessly trailed the ground, without saying a word.

I scooted closer to her, lifting her bangs, and nearly gasped.

"What the-" I muttered.

The entirety of June's forehead... was covered in scar tissue. Burns. Cuts. Scars. And festering acne.

It was all evidence of malnutrition, disease, and neglect.

I began to clean off her scars and wounds. June winced in pain.

"I don't... normally... I'm not normally like this. Sorry," June muttered.

"Don't say that."

I took out a water bottle and poured out some water.

"Drink. You're dehydrated."

June took a few sips but immediately threw up all over the ground, coughing violently.

"S- Sorry... I'm disgusting."

"No. No, you're not."

June gritted her teeth.

"You're supposed to say I'm a disgusting coal monkey. And complain about the vomit on the ground. That was... that was what you're supposed to say."

"Do you think I should be making fun of you, even if it is satirical when you're like this?"

June closed her eyes, her body shuddering.

"I don't like it. I never wanted to come here. But Loki forced me to come."

"Well for once, I agree with a Vessel of Vala. I'm glad you're here."

I took out some ointment and ran it across her face, trying to treat her more severe wounds first before tackling the rest.

"Ah... damn. Usually, it would have been Sig to inject you with her nanomachines. But..."

"She hates me. I know."

"Come on, don't say tha-"

"What's there to deny? Would someone who loved me dice my body up with those knives of hers?"

I hesitated, putting the equipment back on the napkin.

"June... you don't need to open up. Don't feel pressured to do so if you don't want to. But... at least let me be here with you, okay?"

June pressed her face against her knees.

"Why can't you understand... the more you love me... the more I'll love you, and the more danger you're going to be in-"

"I don't care. I don't care, June."

"That's exactly what Vala wants!"

"Then that's exactly what she's going to get! What she wants and what she will end up getting, she'll get everything coming to her. If putting someone through emotional pain for the sole reason of destruction is considered Hope, then it's pretty clear she doesn't know what she's doing, or what she stands for."

I reached out my arm.

"Come on in, coal monkey. I can tell you're freezing."

June reluctantly scooted closer to me, resting her head against my chest.

"This cloak..."

I pursed my lips.

"It was Sarah's. Yeah."

"I'm sorry. You lost the woman you loved because of us."

I didn't know what to say. Or what to do.

Here in my arms was the Auxiliary Shadow whom I had grieved for, who I prayed in the deepest parts of my heart to return to me... but I couldn't even celebrate it. Because my fiancee had died, and this situation was as messed up as it could get.

"Who proposed?" June whispered from within the folds of my clothes.



June slowly raised her head.

"The Vessels are stationed at Diacus. Along the way, Aran's forces will try to stop you from getting there."

"The Cultists?"

"Yes. I can slow them down, long enough for you to rally your allies. Then we can return to Defender."

"Don't push yourself too hard. I'll slow them down alongside you."

"No, I can-"

I grabbed her wrist.

"Are we seriously gonna have another argument like this again?"

June blinked.

"N- No."

A half-hour passed, until June muttered another word. I managed to rummage through my belongings and found an old set of clothes for her.

"No matter how disloyal I am to Vala, I am still her Vessel. And she can torture me as much as she can. The other Vessels can humiliate me as much as they can, but I will always be a Vessel. If that's the case, then I will be as unloyal as I can be by helping you. That much I can do."

"It might be a little too tight, but it's better than those rags. You'll catch a cold," I said while waiting for her to finish changing.

"I'm done."

I slowly turned around, and to my shock, the clothes were loosely hanging off her frame.

She had grown taller and her face had become more mature, but...

June rubbed her arm.

"Does it not look good on me?"

"No, but..."

My heart twisted in pain. All those years, and though she had grown taller, her body had become severely malnourished. She had to have lost at least ten pounds. A ten-pound difference wouldn't have been noticeable under normal circumstances, but on a 5 foot 4 frame it was very significant.

"I'm ready, so let's go."

June and I huddled inside the trees, watching Ironclad and Marty make their way to Trion.

I had summoned my Ironsight sniper, scoping them down while also having four DS35's flanking on either side, providing visual surveillance.

June leaned on the branch, peering in the distance with her empty eyes.

"Don't they know you're here, June?" I asked.

"I have the ability to inhibit the tracking abilities of other Vessels. I always had this power."


I readjusted my grip on my rifle, trying to ignore the beads of sweat that were accumulating around my face. I normally didn't get this nervous, but I really wanted to be careful with what I said to make sure I didn't scare June off.

June glanced at my stump again.

"How did you lose it?"

"What? My arm?"


I sighed.

"I overused this new form of power that I learned from Inner Shadow Reaper to fight Loyce. And also I guess years of stressing my body during my career kind of all collapsed in on myself. They had to amputate it."

June was silent for a few seconds before speaking again.

"And you never thought about stepping back from your job?"

"I did," I replied, thinking back to my conversation with Sarah. That look of horror on her face when she realized the man she was worried sick about came back to her not entirely whole, with one less arm that day.

June narrowed her eyes.

"It was for Sarah, right?"

"Y- Yeah," I admitted, knowing full well where she was getting at.

"It's not what you think, Aaron."

I slowly peeled my eyes off the scope, turning to her.


"I have no intentions to try to move in... even I know the time and place. Besides..."

June twirled her hair around her finger.

"I have a lover already."

I stared at her.


"Yes. So you don't need to worry about how I feel about you. You are the man who changed my world and gave me a few moments to breathe. I won't ever forget it. But even I know a failed relationship prospect when I see it."

"Uhhh... guys?! Guys! We're bein' swamped here!" Marty buzzed through our coms.

I quickly ran back to my sniper, scoping in and catching cultists coming in from all directions.

"Iron Maiden Protocol," I said, as the DS35's came together in a dome around the cultists.

Compute the trajectory. The path of the bullet. The velocity of both Drogen and Marty.

This bullet will not miss them.

It will hit what it needs to hit, and miss what needs to miss.

I loaded in a shell, but before I could fire, June stopped me.


"Huh? What are you doing?"

June ran her hand against the barrel of my sniper, causing it to glow blue.

"Aran's influence is weak to Vala's power. I've imbued your bullets with my essence."


I took aim and fired.


A barely visible stealth bullet came flying out of the sniper barrel, hitting one of my DS35's and ricocheting off the other surfaces, cutting down every cultist in its way.

"What? We're being ambushed?!" One of the cultists said.

I took aim and fired again.

And again.

And again.

With each bullet I fired I was reminded of what these guys did to June. What they forced her to endure. And each shot made me angrier and angrier.

"There! The bullets are coming from there!" One of the cultists shouted.

Several of them began swarming in our direction with blasts of dark energy, but we were already gone.

Convocatio - Reverse Summoning: Portalis

The two of us had completely changed positions.

For every three bullets I had fired, I used an altered version of the Summoning Magic my fiancee had taught me.

If one could call upon the pocket dimension to draw items, then that meant there was a way to breach across space.

The items would be drawn from a magic circle. As long as I could control where that circle winded up, I could control where the point of teleportation would be.

Sarah had warned me that it was impossible to store living beings in the Convocatio realm.

But I had learned that it was possible, but not for long.

The time it took to complete a space swap was a fraction of a millisecond.

Meaning it was enough.



"We can't pinpoint their location! It's like they're everywhere!"

"This is a trap. It's the God Eater. Calling in backup."

I clenched my teeth, readying myself for the next few words.

As above. So below.

I grabbed June out of the way while simultaneously dropping my Ironsight and summoning my Draugr, shooting at one of the cultists point blank.

If letters form a word.

I growled, swiping my leg and pushing dirt up in an arc by fuelling my strike with Chakra.

I quickly switched to my MP7, shooting a barrage of bullets and taking out seven Cultists.

And the words form a story, what to do if the letters are no more?

I leaped back, forcing my DS35's to my side, blasting away more Cultists.

If a power revolves around a narrative... and the narrative revolves around an author...

I stepped back, but more and more Cultists flooded my blind spots.


I seriously wasn't gonna make it!

One of the Cultists suddenly popped from the corner of my vision, my eyes going wide as pale white skin emerged from the shadows of its hood.



I paused, as the Cultist crumpled to the ground before my feet. Behind it was June, who had pulled out her Glock 43 and shot the attacker point blank.

Cultists flooded June, but June held up her hand, causing them to fall to their knees.

Heart of Vala, how you reject your nature so much. Your narrative has always been to reject yourself and all those who care about you. That was why you were written. Your existence is to reject.

June pursed her lips, clutching her head.

I slipped from behind her, gunning down more Cultists until the group was fully dealt with.

"June, we need to help the others. Come on."

June obliged, following me as we sprinted to Drogen and Marty.

June held out her hand once more, Jamming their motor functions while the two of us shot down the Cultists.

He knows.

We have informed him.

We have no reason to spare the people of Trion.

Nor any of you.

A Cultist suddenly appeared by Marty's head, but Ironclad severed its head, causing it to screech and dissolve into shadows.

I brought my hand back.

Convocatio - ACR Black Dot Sight

A laser dot appeared on the forehead of the cultists as I fired, gunning them down with precision.

I aimed at another, who was inches away from reaching Ironclad, but the cultist was hit by two bullets: one from Marty's Kingston, and one from June's Glock.

But Cultists began to swarm us. Not just around the two, but they were appearing everywhere like zombies from the ground.

We couldn't keep them off for long!

"GO! RUN! RUN TO TRION!" I shouted at Drogen and Marty as June's legs buckled.

I caught her as June grimaced.

"There's too many for me to jam..." She muttered.

"Don't worry about it. I still got a few more tricks up my sleeve."

I glanced at my hand, running it across my nostrils and staring at the blood that coated it.

June stared at me.

"Aaron... your magic is killing you."

"I... I don't have any other ideas!"

June glanced back at the Cultists as we slowly began to lose ground.

"Then... we might need to just have faith."

"Have faith?! Faith in what?"

"Faith that they'll reach Trion."

I stared at my Auxiliary Shadow, then back at Ironclad and Marty.

"Faith... faith is the last thing I would count on! We need to be more logical about this, we can't-"

"We have no more options, Aaron. If you call on another spell, you might end up incapacitated and what good would that do for us? If I use more of my Jamming I don't know what effect that would have on me. Our only option is to have faith in those two. No matter what."

June inserted another mag into her Glock and took aim, shooting at the Cultists all around us and the ones pursuing the two.

"No matter what, they are our allies. We need to trust them. You need to trust them."



Having faith was what got you killed the first time, June.

He falters.

The God Eater falters.

I stumbled back as a Cultist tackled me on the ground, swarming me along with his allies, but June slipped through an opening with her slender body, climbing on top of me and raising her hands.

"Get back!" She shouted, blasting a jamming wave which caused the Cultists to fall backward, their eyes rolled into the back of their heads.

I roared, grabbing my ACR and shooting them down.

I turned back to Drogen and Marty, who were now so close to the gates of Trion several of the scouts had spotted them.

"It's them... it's Ironclad and Marty! They're back!"

"They're being pursued. We can't let them in. Close the gates."

My eyes widened upon hearing that.


They can't close the gates on them!

"You can't! Let us in!" I shouted back.

A cultist, heavily mutated and larger than the rest towered over Ironclad and swept its club, smashing into the Hero and sending him in the opposite direction. Another cultist managed to launch a black energy blast which caught Marty in the side. I watched the old man fall to the ground in an agonizing posture.

"LET THEM IN!" I roared.

"KEEP THEM OUT! KEEP THEM OUT!" A chant formed from the other side of the walls of Trion.

This couldn't be happening!

How could they banish the only heroes they had left?!

God-Eater, succumb to despair! Voices appeared around me as I roared, chakra coursing through my body and forming a cyan projection of my right arm.

Convocatio - Gun Summoning: Ultimate Draugr

I grabbed my Draugr in my other hand, dual-wielding my handgun with my assault rifle and laying low.

Trigrams Six Hands Combination Style - Ballistic Frenzy

I moved rapidly, swinging the barrels in a series of fast wide arcs and unleashing timed bullets, completely mowing down an entire legion of cultists.

"OPEN THE GATES! WITCHCRAFT! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Let us in! Bethany!" Ironclad shouted from between the strikes of the berserker cultist.

Marty lay motionless on the ground, unmoving. Blackened blood was leaking from his side.

June ran to my side, aiming her Glock and trying to shoot down the Cultists who were trying to get to Marty.

We needed to kill these Cultists! Where the hell were they coming from?


My voice was cut short by a hand that covered my mouth. My eyes went wide as I spun around to see another arm had grabbed June's neck, lifting her into the air.

My Auxiliary Shadow began kicking her feet, retching.

"After the beating Sarina gave you, and here you are helping him again. Do you never learn, Jubilee?" A familiar man's voice said.

Rage filled my body as I opened my mouth, biting down on Jekyll's hand and landing on the ground.

"JEKYLL!" I howled, aiming my ACR at his face, but the God of Warfare was too fast, his hand suddenly shifting and coiling like a snake and latching onto the barrel of my rifle, flicking it and disarming me instantly.

Jekyll then grabbed my face and leaped into the air, slamming June and me against the sides of Trion's walls.

The two of us coughed out blood as Jekyll dragged us across the walls, throwing us back onto the ground.

My vision momentarily darkened.

The silhouette of the hulking man appeared above me.

"B- Bastard..." I coughed out, getting to my feet and firing a bullet from my Draugr, but Jekyll deflected it off the side of his crossbow and then kicked me in the face. I flew several feet into the air, momentarily catching June rushing to Jekyll's position.


June, you can't! You're no match for him!

Jekyll slowly turned around, aiming his crossbow.

Trigrams Six Hands Combination Style

June slipped through a crossbow bolt and went in close, pressing her Glock against the god's forehead.

But Jekyll was far too fast, despite having his distance breached. The God of Warfare tilted his neck, headbutting the barrel and causing the bullet to whizz off course.

"Stupid girl. I'm sure we both know how well our last encounter went."

Jekyll slammed his knee against June's stomach, causing her eyes to widen in agony. Then another strike to her chin, and a kick to her chest causing her to skid back.

Jekyll suddenly materialized before her, crouching and slamming his fists against her stomach over and over again. The sounds of June's cries of pain caused my vision to go red. Memories of my first encounter with Jekyll returned, trauma racing through my veins.

"JUNE!" I shouted, forcing Chakra to enter my body.



I brought my arms back, summoning my Caligas in each hand, and aimed the six barrels at Jekyll, but Jekyll simply got up with no reaction.

"Are you really going to use something that destructive when this little girl is in my vicinity?"

I hesitated, as Jekyll suddenly reappeared in front of me, the barrel of his crossbow inches away from my face.


My head snapped back, and my Asura Form disintegrated, sending me slamming to the ground next to a heavily bloodied June.


Jekyll descended in front of us, the moon of Master Jun's world shining bright and eclipsing his silhouette.

Like the most brutal and merciless god he was.

June suddenly held out her hand, causing Jekyll to hesitate. His Mark of Vala began to flicker.

"You little bitch... trying to jam my-"


Jekyll's eyes went wide, as part of his shoulder blew off.

The barrel of my Spitfire shotgun smoked.

I brought my foot back, standing before the God of Warfare, and rage filled my eyes.

Embodiment of Wrath: YAKSHA MODE.

Chakra swirled around me and blood exploded from my eyes and nostrils. But my face began manifesting and transforming, into a goblin-like creature.

I needed to get rid of Jekyll.

Otherwise, the Cultists would swarm Trion.


This was Jekyll we were talking about! I stood no chance against someone like him!

Kill him.

Run away.



Jekyll tightened the grip on his crossbow, as I shot forward, firing my shotgun at the god who dodged it in close range, retaliating with crossbow bolts.

I leaned back with enhanced agility, using my devil tail to prop me up and launch me into the air.

I reached into my robe and tossed several neurotoxin gas grenades, but Jekyll swept his hand, the air pressure smashing into me and dissipating the gas.

June raised her hand again, continuously jamming Jekyll and shooting bullets from her Glock, but nothing was working.

Even if he was debuffed... he was still too strong.

And June's powers were only effective against people she loved.

Jekyll closed in and raised his fist, about to strike, but I appeared in front of her, absorbing the punch in her place.

I vomited blood, as I smashed into June, sending the two of us tumbling and skidding against the ground.

My Yaksha Mode became undone, and my vision became blurry. I groggily turned my head to see Marty being pummelled by Cultists, and Ironclad managing to take down the berserker, only to be outnumbered by twenty more.

"No..." I muttered.

Jekyll approached us, but before I could do anything, June got to her feet, spreading her hands.

Jekyll raised an eyebrow.

"Your jamming doesn't work on me. What more can you do, Lucia?"

"He's... he's important to me."

"That means nothing to our cause."

"It means something to me."

"Blind passion will get you nowhere. Little girl. Always remember. I can kill you now. And you will be resurrected back in Vala's world. Returning here... will mean speaking to us."

June hesitated, as Jekyll struck June against the side of her head, causing her body to fold in on itself. June crumpled to the ground as Jekyll continued kicking her, but June grabbed onto the god's foot, refusing to let go.

"I won't... let you... hurt him..."

Jekyll stomped on my Auxiliary's head so hard that her blonde-white hair began to stain red-black with blood.

"Why. You know full well your nature. You had tried to kill him before. Why the change of heart?"

"Because he's my Outer Shadow!" June screamed, grasping Jekyll's leg, tears pouring down from her face. Her body began to glow blue, jamming his powers, but her hatred for the God of Warfare was keeping the jamming from doing anything significant.

But even so...

"Aaron... Aaron saved my life. Aaron changed my life. His smile... his kindness... his warmth... I know I'm not allowed it, but I still long for it! Because I... I love him. I can't just tell myself to stop loving him! This is how I feel!"

Jekyll glared at June, his fist clenched so tightly that blood leaked from his fingertips.

"Enough with your nonsense."

My eyes went wide as Jekyll brought his fist down against June's head.

"STOP!!!" I screamed.



June's bangs covered her face, as her body slumped over.

Blood poured from her nostrils and mouth, trickling and pooling all over the ground.

"My responsibility was to bring Vala's Heart back. That is all. As for you, God-Eater. Vala has plans yet for you."

I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. My eyes were glued to June, who became delirious from the beating.

"Aaron... Aaron... I need... need to save... need to kill..."

Tears mixed with the blood on her face.

Powers that were only effective against people she loved and cared for.

I glared at Jekyll again.

Against someone she loved.

"June. Keep your eyes closed. When I tell you to do so, open them, and use your jamming against the first person you see."

June's eyes remained closed.

"A- Aaron...?"

Jekyll scowled.

"What are you plotting? Nothing you do will work on me."

I shakily raised my hand.

Light Magic

Jekyll's eyes widened.

"A flashbang? You truly have run out of ideas. I am disappointe-"

False Sword.

"Do it! June!"

June's eyes snapped open as she stared at Jekyll, who now had the same appearance, same face, same everything, as me.

A sudden blue glow surrounded him, forcing him to take a step back.

"What did you do... my... my body... what did you do!" Jekyll roared. I forced myself to my feet and trudged forward.

A beat-up grimoire appeared before me as I reached in, pulling out a Thompson Contender and pushing it against Jekyll's head.

"You... you realize... that once I resurrect, I will be stronger than before, right? Is this truly a wise... decision?"

I squeezed the trigger.

"Come back... and I'll kill you again. No matter how strong you become. I'll find a way to kill you. Over and over again."



Jekyll's eyes widened in disbelief as a hole formed on his forehead, crumbling and spreading throughout the rest of his body.

"You... AARON!" Jekyll screamed, his body crumpled and turned into dust, his yell fading away, but the echo still getting past.

I breathed heavily, trudging to June's location and picking her up. Her entire face was beaten bloody but she was still conscious.

"Come on. Let's... get to Trion."

June's head bobbed listlessly as I limped forward, the Cultists still swarming both Ironclad and an unconscious Marty. The people of Trion refused us entry.

How could they do this to their own people?

I slung June over my back and pulled out my Draugr, shooting down the Cultists as best as I could, but...

I knew a dead man when I saw one.

And Marty...

"BEGONE!" Ironclad shouted, hurling a berserker over his back, but another tackled him to the ground.

I should be helping Ironclad. He at the very least still had a chance for survival.

But Marty, there was no hope left for the old bat.

No hope left.

So why...




Why was I still shooting at the Cultists who were beating the old dog down?

"Let him go... let him..." I croaked as I tripped and fell to the ground. The injuries Jekyll had inflicted on me were severe.

I reached out my hand to Marty, remembering how the old man had helped me out of my depressive spiral.

He did that for me, but I couldn't do this one simple thing for him.

"MARTY!" I yelled before a blue light shone from the sky, causing the Cultists to back away from both Ironclad and my old friend.

Suddenly, the figure of a large man descended from above, landing on the ground before me.

A Greek plume and ancient armor.

June gasped, as she tried to scurry away, but the Vessel of Vala flew past me before I could even register his movements.

"That's enough. You've caused us enough trouble, girl. I'm taking you back."

Achilles grabbed June's wrist, yanking her into the air.

"We're going to have a long talk when we get back."

"Leave her alone, you bumbling idiot! June doesn't wanna be with you!" I growled, but Achilles turned his head.

"This doesn't concern you."

"This sounds really concerning to me! Where the hell are you taking her?"

Achilles tilted his head, his face looked cruel and remorseless.

"I'm taking her back to my chambers. And I'm going to fuck her senseless."

I stared at the Vessel of Vala. I had dealt with degenerate trash like this before.

But I never ever got used to it.

"What... the fuck... did you just say?" I roared, aiming my Draugr and shooting the bullet right between the slits of his helmet.

But the bullet bounced off the corneas of his eyes as if he had become a giant Destreum wall.

"Let her go! You pedophile! I'll fuckin' kill you!" I snarled, shooting at the Vessel over and over again to no avail until I heard a sound that almost every gunman did not want to hear.


"You wasted an entire magazine on an invincible opponent. June told me that you were known for your intelligence. This is disappointing."

I chucked the gun at Achilles, who grabbed it and squeezed the Destreum firearm in between his fingers, warping the metal.

"Did you really think we were going to let this slide? Aaron? Letting our little troublemaker Vessel here help the enemy?"

"June! Use your jamming on him! I can take him if he's-"

"No," June muttered.


June looked at me with defeated eyes.

"No. You cannot stop him now. Achilles has awakened as Vala's Shield. He's invincible. No amount of Jamming can negate that."

"Then let me use False Sword again. I can-"

"Stop. Please, just stop. Aaron. Can't you see... he's come here for an exchange?"

My heart stopped.

"An... exchange?"

Achilles dropped the warped Draugr onto the ground.

"I've called off the Cultists in exchange for June Lucia. Give her up and I will call off the attack. You're a smart fellow, so certainly you understand the gravity of this trade."

I couldn't just let June go.

Not again.

"There was no way you could have held back Aran's forces without Jubilee's help, given your physical condition. So she came along. But now, it is time you paid back what you owe. And among all things, my little pet here was the thing you took."


"Aaron," June cut me off.

"That was the exchange. In exchange for my occasional help on your side, Achilles would have his way with me. That was the exchange."

"Like hell it is! You're not making any sense! You'd let this six-foot-eight ogre have his way with you? Don't degrade yourself like that!"

"I need to go back, Aaron. This is as much help as I can afford to give you. Didn't I mention before that I had a lover?"

Achilles gripped June's wrist, bringing her close to him.

No way.

This was what she meant?!

"No, June. You can't do this. This..."

Achilles leaned forward.

"Don't you get it, God-Eater? She's mine, not yours. You've already lost your wife. And now you have the audacity to take my property?"

"She is not property. She's a person. Someone who deserves way better than some meathead misogynistic asshole like you," I snarled.

Achilles glanced at our allies, who were lying on the ground, barely conscious.

"I went through the trouble to call off the attack. Do you really want to retract my kindness that badly?"

I clenched my teeth.


How the hell could I make another choice like this?

Sell my close friend... for another.

"I'm going to be honest with you, the only reason you won against Jekyll was because of Jubilee. As long as June Lucia is by your side, the threat you pose against Vala's vision amplifies considerably. Having her occasionally assist you in exchange for sex is a very generous offer. And now I'm also adding our mercy to the transaction. How can you not see tha-"

"Hear my next words. Achilles."

I looked up, the look of pure murderous intent rolling off my tongue.

"I've heard you were once known as a god killer yourself. But I have killed far more than you ever will. I have accomplished far more brutal things than you ever will. And I will bring June back with me. I will save her from this. Mark my words."

Achilles smiled.

"So I take it you have accepted my offer?"

I unslung my assault rifle from my shoulder and dropped it to the ground.

"Yeah. In your words. I swear on the River Styx. That I will let June go today. But I will come back for her. And when that time comes..."

I pointed my finger at the Vessel.

"The God-Eater will come for you too."

What It Means To Be A Hero

I gritted my teeth, running in Marty's direction. Ironclad was limping to the entrance of the city, shouting to the people to let us in.

"The Cultists... THE CULTISTS ARE GONE. BETHANY!" Ironclad shouted.



A crowd had formed at the top of the walls. The entire doors of Trion were completely barricaded by Eldritch Magic.

I stepped forward.

"Witchcraft! Let us in! We know you're in there! Show yourself!" I yelled.

The chants continued.

"They had the nerve to leave Trion and now they're coming back?!"

"They could have brought back the Demon's followers for all we know!"

"Leave them! This is our home, Witchcraft! We have families in here!"

From within the crowd, a woman wearing a familiar green arcane superhero outfit.

From the shouts, I could see her pained expression.

"Bethany! It is me! It is Drogen! I have returned! We need your help!"

The crowd suddenly went silent as Witchcraft spread her hand, parting the citizens of the Champions Universe.

From manimals to gang members, to ordinary people and metahumans.

Good and bad, hero and villain alike, came together to protect their home.

Bethany eyed us from above.

"I let you go out there. I let you do whatever you want. But what did you do in return?"

Drogen blinked.

"What did I do? I didn't-"

"You brought those cultists HERE. To our home! To the one place in the multiverse that we were led to believe was safe! How could you do this? And now, you're telling me to join your crusade?"

I heard Marty cough, as I continued patching him up.

"Kid..." Marty muttered.

"Shut up. You annoying old geezer. If you die I will draw dicks all over your gravestone. So don't you dare give up on me!"

Marty managed a light laugh.

Ironclad continued shouting desperately.

"Please, Bethany. You must listen to me! If we do not act we-"

"If we don't act, that means we can be safe here! Forever if we need to!"

"Is this really what you want?! Your husband is still out ther-"


Witchcraft's face brimmed with tears.

"I made a mistake. Sending you three out there. You, the Hangman, and the old gun shop owner. Sending you three out there and expecting that anything could have changed the outcome of what we are going through. We have been here for so long... we've lost count of the number of days and nights that have gone by! Some of the people here in Trion have been driven insane."

Ironclad gripped his sword.

"All the more reason to-"

"But I know for a fact, that no matter how insane we become, it can't be worse than what they did to James, Drogen."

I clenched my fist, getting up.

"So you'd let all chances of anything getting better hit absolute zero, in exchange for letting those people in there succumb to complete anarchist collapse? I always clocked you for a weirdo, Witchcraft, but this is Guinness World Records level of stupid."

Witchcraft glared at me.

"You don't get to say anything. I gave you that gem, and for what?"

"The hell did this gem do for me, you Mahou bi-shojo bimbo?! I used it and nearly ended up in a goddamn coma!"

Marty coughed, as I ran to his side.

Ironclad stepped forward.

"If you deny us entry, then at the very least, please. Attend to Martin McIntyre. He has been critically injured by the cultists."

A fresh wave of whispers rippled through the crowd.

"One of them is infected by the Demon!"

"We can't let them in!"

"He'll infect the rest of us!"

Witchcraft stared at Marty in horror, as my heart began beating faster in response to my outrage.


"Then let him die! He's nearing the end of his life anyway!" One shouted.

"Yeah! Why does the rest of us need to suffer for an old man?! Think about the casualties!"

"Let him die! Let him die!"



My eyes widened in rage as I slowly got up, gripping my Draugr.

"Bastards... you're all just a bunch of... heartless... bastards..." I muttered deliriously, remembering how Achilles had taken June away.

How June had signed her life and body away to a man who was going to treat her like a mere sex object.

Did life just not matter anymore to you people?

Since when did life become something you all took for granted?


Let us die?

How about I make you all die?

I slowly lifted my handgun, but Marty grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

"Kid... Killing them... won't make the hate go away..."

"Marty, let me just..."

"Gotta... tell them."

"Tell what? Tell them yourself you delirious old fart! You're not dying!"

Marty smiled at me, as his eyes lost their shine.

"Keep fighting. Always."

The sounds of the crowd chanting became muffled.

Marty's hand went slack, as the wound on his side began racing up his face. And before I could even do anything, Marty's body crumpled to dust right in my arms.

Ironclad stared at Marty's ashes, his eyes wide.

"Marty... No..."

I slowly got to my feet, glaring at Witchcraft, who pursed her lips.

"That old man... his life was already compromised. We wouldn't have been able to-"

"And HOW would you know that?! Huh? Are you a doctor?"

"No! But... but even I could tell-"

"No. You wouldn't have been able to tell. But I could. I studied human anatomy. I did my certifications and qualifications test and I know a dead man when I see one and Marty could have lived if you fuckheads had taken him into ICU sooner! But none of you did! Did you?! What part of that wound looked fuckin' contagious to any of you? What part? Did the Apprentice and the Iron Maiden not give you dumbasses resistance to the Anti-Narrative?! Then what the fuck were you idiots so scared of?!"

The crowd went silent, as Ironclad shouldered his sword.

"Bethany... we must fight. This is who we are."

Witchcraft clenched her teeth, sobs wracked her body.

"It isn't... it isn't my fault... Marty McIntyre's death... it wasn't my fault!" She screamed.

I couldn't cause any more panic.

That was always the last thing I wanted to do when negotiating.

But right now...

Right now I couldn't give a single flying shit.

"Defender is coming to destroy Trion," I said, as Witchcraft stopped crying, and a fresh wave of silence filled the air.

"Wh- What did he just say?"

"But we were promised Sanctuary!"

"They promised!"

"She gave herself up... The Iron Maiden gave herself up!"

"He's bullshitting. He's coming up with bullshit to get free haven after leaving this place!"

"If I'm bullshitting... then why did those Cultists come? Where do you think those marks on the wall came from? The Iron Maiden made the deal to get captured in exchange for Trion's freedom, but she escaped. There's no reason for them to keep this place unharmed. Everything about Trion..."

I pointed my gun at the walls.

"Is free game for The Demon to use as ransom! You guys are all dead either way!"

Several screams of panic began to erupt within Trion, as Witchcraft turned her head wildly in response to the rising tension.





Witchcraft clenched her fists, trying to convince everyone to calm down, but no one was listening, as entire buildings started to get ransacked.

Fires broke out all over Trion and I could see the faint hints of smoke from the tall walls of the fortress.

"Why... why would you tell these people that?!" Witchcraft materialized before me, but I held my glare.

"The people will know. They will find out. One way or another."

I pointed in the distance, as Witchcraft's eyes widened.

The figure of the monsterized Defender, howling into the sky, carrying that statue of his wife in his arms so desperately. His long black hair dragged across the ground, and his walk so disturbingly uneven.

"Right now... that thing... your husband is inside it. His love for you still resonates deep within his subconsciousness; it's causing him to become so attached to that statue of you. You're the key to defeating that monster and bringing Defender back. But there's nothing we can do if you cannot face this head-on."

Ironclad approached us.

"Bethany, you are hurt. Seeing him hurts you. But right now, the superhero who once saved Millennium City is looking for someone to save him.

"He's looking for a superhero. Not a Gladiator. Not an Outer Shadow. Right here. Right now."

Defender screeched into the sky, emitting a shockwave that forced everyone down. The walls of Trion began cracking and crumbling, causing a fresh wave of screams to resonate from within the city.

Drogen put a hand on his fellow Champion's shoulder.

"Defender needs his superhero."

I could make out Sigurd and Loki trying to slow the monster down but to no avail.

Sigurd was blasting beams of light from her Decimators, while Loki was shooting crossbow bolts at every possible weak point it had.

Dainsleif. We have slowed the monster as much as we can while reducing damage to its body. Sigurd said through our neural link.

Another howl broke the winds, sending shockwave after shockwave at Trion's walls.

Witchcraft was the key to bringing Defender back.

But how was I going to do that?

There had to be a way.

Time was running out.

And we had lost enough people.

"Have a plan, Aaron?" Nora said, appearing by my side.

"I would have thought you would have a plan."

Nora scratched the back of her head.

"Nope. If it means saving Defender, I got nada. If we are talking about killing him, I have so many, more than I can count."

Sigurd leaped acrobatically from limb to limb, dodging a swipe from the monster and landing on the ground, skidding backward in response to the devastating shockwaves.

"Dainsleif... what's your plan?"

I glanced at Witchcraft, who remained frozen. Ironclad was trying his best to protect the civilians from falling debris.

"We gotta get Witchcraft to Defender somehow. I'm thinking we immobilize him again. Strike down his tendons and force him down."

"There's going to be Cultists everywhere, you know," Nora argued.

I clenched my fist.

There's a way.


"Sig. Top me up with a nanotech syringe."

"As you wish."

Annie pulled out a syringe and pressed it against the back of my neck.

"We need suppressing fire. To cover Witchcraft. Ironclad will be by her side. I'll veil the two with False Sword and disguise them as a DS35. Nora and Sig, you two focus on making the monster fall."

I turned to them.

"And under no circumstances, must any damage be dealt to that mask on his forehead."

The two nodded, as I approached Witchcraft, who still remained frozen.

"M- My... My husband..."


Witchcraft stared at me.


"The Maiden and my ally are going to distract Defender. I'll lay suppressing fire, but it's up to you to talk to Defender and see if you can get him to come out of that thing. Can you do that?"

"I don't know. I don't think I can look that monster in the face."

I beckoned Ironclad to come over.

"You won't be alone. Drogen will be there with you. I can take the two of you to his face."

Ironclad put an arm around his comrade.

"We're the only ones who can bring him back. We need to take that risk."


Another blast of wind smashed into us, but I held out my hand, summoning a DS35 which created a shield to deflect the pressure.

The nanomachines in Sigurd's syringe kept me from passing out.


Always keep fighting.

Those were Marty's last words.

I needed to honor that.

If only Robbie had been here... Robbie would have been the best option to help me provide cover fire as Soldier X8.

But Robbie was gone.

And I needed to do this without his help.

I willed the DS35 in front of me to transform into a hoverboard, stepping on top of it.

Convocatio - Turricalum Grand Fleet

My head twinged in pain as hundreds of red magic circles surrounded me.

"Air Raid Protocol"

The DS35's came together, forming several battalions of aerial fighters complete with machine guns and rocket launchers.

Glowing blue with chakra.

I ascended into the air, pointing my finger at Ironclad and Witchcraft.

Light Magic - False Sword

The two shimmered, transforming into a DS35.

"Whatever happens. You two need to reach Defender. He needs to see you, Bethany. You're the one he remembers."

I shot to the sky, as Defender howled at us, sending a massive blast of air pressure in our direction.

"Battalion Module 4: Streamline Protocol!"

Eight DS35's came to our aid, transforming and interlocking with one another to form a sharp pillar that split the air apart.

"Are you crazy?!" One of the superheroes shouted at us from below.

"You're entering that thing?! He'll kill you, Witchcraft! You're all that's left of Trion! We can't lose you too!"

"He's right! Stop listening to-"

"You lot..." I growled, glaring at the people: heroes and villains and normal people alike.

"If you're not gonna help, then get out of the way! We're going. Whether you like it or not. We'll do everything we can to bring Defender back. Wallow in your pity all you want, but don't ruin it for the rest of us!" I shouted as I forced my DS35 to plow through the winds.

Hundreds of black creatures began to emerge from Defender's flesh, but DS35's swarmed the entire vicinity of the monster, gunning the monsters down.

My chest began to ache, blood squirting from the corner of my mouth.

"Forward!" I yelled.

Defender howled again, blasting beams of black light at our position. Some of them breached the defenses of the DS35's, entering our dome.

But Ironclad drew his sword, slicing the beams apart.

"You will not hurt Witchcraft, Defender. I won't let you do something you'll regret!"

I aimed my Draugr and fired at whatever debris or projectile came our way.

"Forward!" I shouted at my DS35's, forcing us to push through the violent winds.

More and more monsters began to sprout out of Defender's monsterized flesh, screeching and squealing. And though my Grand Fleet was gunning them down, I started to see that they were being outnumbered.

The sheer size of Defender's monster form was at least several skyscrapers tall. Easily breaking past the clouds of Master Jun's world.

"We're almost there. Almost there, guys," I panted.

I needed to hold out, as long as we reached his face, we were good.

But this was a lot of surface area, and my DS35's were starting to get overwhelmed.

Another horde of monsters appeared, and among them, were Cultists.

"Breaching your narrative."

"Against Lord Sol's wishes."


"GRAAAH!" I yelled, assigning two of the DS35's that were responsible for streamlining the air blasts to pure offense. The two DS35's began gunning them down, but the reduction in our aerodynamic shield became costly as a blast of wind smacked me right in the stomach.

"GAH!" I coughed. A Cultist appeared above me, but a purple magic circle appeared in front of me, blasting the humanoid creature away with magical lightning.

Witchcraft continued chanting, creating magic circles all around us and protecting us from the air pressure.

"I will keep Defender's breaths from blowing us off course. You'll focus on the monsters in the distance, and Drogen will take down the ones who've breached our defenses."

We continued, but it was pretty clear that there was no way my firepower could hold them back for long.

And from what I can see on the ground, the DS35's were starting to get overwhelmed. Several of the Sanctuaries were torn to shreds in the horde of monsters coming out of Defender's skin.

I aimed my gun again, but doubled over, my vision getting blurry. We were so close!

"Sh- Shit..." I muttered, as my concentration broke, causing a huge ingress of monsters to shatter Witchcraft's shield. One of the Cultists grabbed Ironclad's sword and yanked us off course, causing the three of us to tumble onto the backside of Defender's nape.

I slowly got to my feet, as the Cultists and monsters surrounded us.

Witchcraft and Ironclad braced themselves, but it was pretty clear the only person who stood a chance was me.

And there was a limit as to how much endorphins Sigurd's syringe had given me.

I gripped my handgun, ready to fight, when suddenly, the crowd dispersed, parting for something in the distance.

Witchcraft narrowed her eyes and gasped.

"J- James... oh my god... oh my god!"

Ironclad bolstered his sword.

"James... is that you?"

A blackened and monsterized version of a humanoid Defender emerged from the crowd.

But he didn't say a single word, slowly lifting his hand and firing a blast of light.

I rushed forward and deflected it off the side of Draugr and returned fire, but the bullet bounced off Defender's armor.

"He's significantly stronger than the original Defender. Keep your distance. I'll hold him off while you go for the real-"

"Bethany..." Defender muttered as a chill ran down my spine.

The superhero tilted his head.

"Why are you crying..."

Witchcraft ran forward but was stopped by Drogen.

"Don't. It's too dangerous." Ironclad warned her.

Defender glared at Ironclad.

"This is between me and Bethany. It doesn't concern you, nor does it concern this Outer Shadow here."

A wave of force suddenly slammed into the two of us, sending us back until it was just Witchcraft and "Defender".

"Th- There's no way that's the real Defender, right?" I asked.

"No. That is him. I know him, and that thing over there, it's the real thing." Ironclad said, grimly.

"Join me... Bethany. We can be heroes together."

Bethany blinked.


Defender raised his hand.

"I've... seen the truth. Of our world. And now it is time to introduce you to it."

"What are you talking about? Introduce me to what?!"

Defender brought his hand down, but suddenly, something attached to it, beeped.

"Get down! Witchcraft!" I shouted as I triggered the explosive, sending Defender skidding back. I rushed forward, dodging the bullets of his minigun from his armor, and aimed my handgun, lodging bullets into the barrel and causing the module on his armor to explode.

Defender rushed forward, but I kicked him in the face, flipping in the air and summoning my Spitfire AX Shotgun, shooting him in the chest, then swapping to my Ironsight set to missile launcher mode, shooting dozens of rockets at the former superhero.

From the smoke and destruction, Defender remained standing. His armor was cracked but it was clear he still had plenty of fight left in him.

"Don't interfere, Outer Shad-"


Four modules on the ground opened up, sending an immense red electrical current through his armor, electrocuting him.

"GRAAAH!" Defender shouted, opening his unibeam, but before he could fire, I took aim with my Ironsight set back to sniper mode, and fired a round that pierced him right through the chink in his armor where the unibeam was about to fire, jamming it, and causing a huge explosion which sent the two of us back.

"Aaron!" Witchcraft said, but I held back my arm.

"Dammit, Defender! Snap the fuck out of it! You're a HERO! Why are you causing all this destruction?!"

Defender repositioned himself.

"My qualms aren't with you, Aaron. Get out of my way."

I pointed my gun at the superhero.

"Make me, bitch."

Defender growled, unleashing dozens of micro munitions at me.

Convocatio - Ammunition Summoning: Magnetism Round

I popped the bullet into my gun and fired into the air, causing the missiles to go off course, circling the projectiles as I aimed the barrel at Defender's chest.

Defender dodged the shot, but before he could say anything, the horde of missiles came flying toward him, slamming into the hero from behind.

I rushed forward, Draugr in hand.

"James Harmon the Fourth, right? You came from a long lineage of heroes! You're really gonna do your ancestors dirty by ending up like this?!"

"SILENCE! SHUT UP! You don't know... you can't possibly understand!"

Defender fired several beams at me, but I had already predicted it.

I already fully analyzed his fighting style.

And it sure as hell was full of openings.

I slid on the ground, commanding one of my DS35's to clad onto my legs and act as thrusters.

I flew to Defender's position causing him to leap in the air, but unbeknownst to him, an entire set of grenades were planted right around the vicinity and wrapped the warped hero in several energy bands.

I skidded to a stop.

"Matrix Formation!"

Four DS35's transformed into pillars, surrounding Defender and trapping him in a red energy web.

Witchcraft ran up to him.


James Harmon yelled, struggling against his binds.

I could feel the entire body of his monsterized golem begin to collapse.


"Must what?! Talk to me, James!" Bethany cried out.

But Defender continued screaming in agony.

"James, why are you doing this? You can talk to us. You've always been there for us. Let us be there for you!" Ironclad pleaded.

Defender slammed his fists against the red energy walls.

"That's... that's the thing... I... I can't."

"Why not?!" Witchcraft asked, desperately.

"Yes! Tell us why! Please!"

"I... I CAN'T!" Defender screamed as I stumbled back.

No way.


I turned to the sounds of fighting below us.

Sigurd and Nora were still doing their best to stop Defender's golem from swinging around, but the number of monsters that were still coming out of it was completely overwhelming everybody.

My DS35's... there was barely any left.


A massive explosion shattered the restraints of the Matrix Formation, sending Ironclad, Witchcraft, and I back.

Defender growled, foaming at his mouth. His signature blue and white helmet had cracked and fallen apart, revealing half of his face.

A face that was plagued with severe guilt and pain.

"If you don't leave me alone, then I'll have to kill you all! Starting with the ones who matter the most!"

Defender ran forward, charging straight at Witchcraft, who was frozen in terror.

Ironclad stepped in her path.

"I won't let you, old friend."


Defender kneed Ironclad in the midsection, causing him to cough out blood, then blasted him with a unibeam, sending him airborne in the direction of the blast.

Defender began approaching Witchcraft, who hesitantly brought her hands up to form a magic circle, but nothing was manifesting.

"No... I won't. I can't... you're..."

Defender continued marching forward.

"Do you truly want to know... what he made me see?"

"Dammit!" I growled, getting to my feet, but fell on my face. I spun around, to see several monsters emerging from the flesh, grabbing my foot.

"Let go, you damn extras!" I snapped.

Defender glanced at me.

"I always lived by a code. A code... to never take a life."

Ironclad struggled to his feet, but the unibeam had taken a lot out of him. Added to the beating he had taken from the cultists earlier. I had no idea how much longer he had left in him.

"James, we know. That... that is a quality we admire the most about you."

Defender clenched his teeth, as darkness rolled off his blue and white armor. Almost like little shadowy tendrils.

"Do you know why some stories about the perfect hero... never last?"

Confusion spread on Ironclad and Witchcraft's faces.

"What do you mean?" Ironclad asked.

Defender laughed gently, grasping his face with his hand.

"Because... a perfect hero, is boring. It... it leaves no room for improvement. For anything interesting. The narrative itself... there's no reason to keep it going."

I watched as Defender reached into his armor, taking out a bloodied teddy bear.

"James Harmon the IV. The owner of Harmon Industries. Chose to become a hero in response to the Battle of Detroit. I formed a superhero group of my own and became the poster boy of all superheroes in Millennium City and across the world. The Champions... the most famous super group ever."


Defender stared at the purple sky of Gasket's Realm.

"I never realized... just how perfect my life was... It really was a perfect type of narrative. And there is always a catch to these things."

A catch.

A perfect narrative.

The gears began to turn in my head.

Thoughts and inductions began to intertwine and form new connections.

"And the catch was just that. A life that was so perfect. So textbook. So... bland. It attracted him. The Demon."

So that was it.

Witchcraft's face turned pale.

"What... what are you saying? That we were the ones that brought the Demon here?"

"No..." Defender sobbed as he stared at his hands.

"I did. I am the reason Aran Sol stepped foot in our universe. I am the reason why we had to evacuate to Trion. I... I am the reason why our reality collapsed. I'm the reason."

The sounds of battle echoed throughout the silence.

"Surely not. Surely..." Ironclad muttered.

"You mentioned that Aran forced you to see something," I said as I stared at the bear in his hands.

Defender gripped the bear in his hands.

"This bear belonged to a girl named Bella. Aran didn't force me to see something. He got me to choose."

A gust of wind blew against Defender's destroyed armor, as the moon of Master Jun's realm caused purple lights to dance on the little bits of white that still remained on his suit.

"To choose to kill a little girl to change the narrative of my character, or to continue being a hero."

Defender looked at Witchcraft and Ironclad, tears streaming down his face.

"I couldn't... I couldn't take a life. I thought... I thought I could stop him. I thought I could stop Aran Sol. And so... I chose... to fight. And that day... that day, I was turned into this."

Defender spread his hands, revealing his horrifically disfigured body and armor.

"Hey... Bethany... please... please tell me... was the choice I made... the wrong choice?" The voice of the former superhero and role model of the Champions Universe broke.


You really are a Demon.

Defender did nothing wrong. He was as kind and good as it was.

Was being a kind person such a sin?

Did that warrant something to this extreme?

Defender fell to his knees.

"In the end... Bella died. Torn apart by the Cultists. The bear I kept in my armor to this day. So... I guess... the only way... the only way I can atone... is to no longer be perfect. Because I was so perfect and good and kind did everybody I care about and the world that I swore to protect end up this way? So surely... surely killing has to be a solution-"

"No." Witchcraft cut Defender off, grabbing his hands.

Eldritch energy began to course through the hero's body, purple lines arcing up his suit.

"None of us... blame you for the choice you made, James. Because that is just who you are. You are someone who doesn't kill. You are a hero. You were there for us, for all of us. So, please. Let us be there for you."


"He's right." A voice said as I turned around to see someone familiar.

A man in a helmet. With a familiar-looking crown on it.

Defender's eyes went wide.


Doctor Destroyer crossed his arms, as a horde of Destroids, heroes, villains, gangsters, civilians, everyone, had climbed on top of the fallen golem, surrounding us.

"Because that is just who you are. A hero. Always. Maybe I don't agree with the things you do. And maybe I find you to be absolutely repulsive. But if there is no Defender, there is no Doctor Destroyer. Conquering a world with no heroes is ultimately meaningless for me. And if it means spending the last moments of our existence doing battle, then so be it."

Destroyer walked up to Defender.

"Fool. Pick yourself back up. You are the reason this narrative is still going. Where would the heroes be without their annoying little role models to lead them? If Aran Sol believes this world is doomed, then that is his opinion. For the sake of preserving our precious reality, and who we are, we won't abide by the opinions of one. We will fight together."

The golem began dissolving, as Defender walked forward, the strings of darkness melted from his suit. As did the monsters that were latched onto me.

Defender took another step, but tripped, falling right into Destroyer's arms.

"Stupid hero. So pure that he would fall asleep in his arch nemesis' arms."

As the golem began to melt away, a wave of cheers erupted from within the masses of Trion's people.

Ironclad and Witchcraft stood together, as Doctor Destroyer tossed an unconscious Defender to the pair.

"Take him. Once we get out of this ordeal, I have much to do. Like destroying annoying pests like you. But right now, we have more urgent matters."

Witchcraft broke down into tears, grasping Defender in her arms. Ironclad joined into the hug.

"Awww, how wholesome," Nora said, appearing beside me.

"Geez! Don't scare me like that!" I yelped.

Nora laughed, as Sigurd landed on the ground next to me, pointing a finger at the God of Trickery.

"This isn't over between us, Loki. You may be my Outer Shadow's older sister, but you are still the enemy. And I will always devote myself to my Outer Shadow."

Nora raised her eyebrow.

"Kaaaaaay. Why don't you go clean up the battle, you washing machine?"

Sigurd's face turned red.


"Wait wait wait! Come on, guys. We just finished a battle here!" I said as I waved my hands frantically.

"Quit fighting over me!"

"HUH?!" Sigurd glared at me.

Even Nora gave me a look of pure disgust.

"Now listen here, kid. You and I may not be related by blood, but we are still foster siblings."

My ears suddenly turned pink.

"I- You- Oh..."

Nora laughed, as she slapped my back.

"Good lord, you never change, Aaron! An awkward kid back then, an awkward kid even now!"

"I'm not a kid! I'm nineteen! I'm gonna be turning twenty soon!"

"That's adorable! HAHA!"

"Quit laughing!"

Nora threw her head back and laughed even harder.

Even though my face was probably beet red...

Seeing my big sis laugh like that made my heart feel warm.

As if nothing seemed to matter. Even if Nora was a Vessel of Vala.

Right now...

I just wanted to take part in this joke. No matter how messed up it was. Just for a bit.

* * *

Shortly after the battle, we returned to Trion. Celebrations were held, but not before honoring those who lost their lives in the battle.

Many casualties were among us, both hero and villain.

I saw Kodiak and Kevin Poe crying next to each other over the fallen police officers and Purple Gang members.

"G- God dammit... why am I crying with a gorilla..." Kevin sniffled.

"Shut up! I'm not a gorilla! At least I have some fashion sense!"

"These threads are signature Purple Gang, you ape!"

"Quit it with the ape jokes you moron!"

I personally saw it fit to deliver the speech for Marty and to properly lay him to rest.

"Hey... old man. We... we did it. We stopped Defender and brought him back. I know I said some rude things to you back then. But... you know. I wanted to let you know I really appreciated those words you said to me. If it wasn't for you, I'd still be an emotional mess over Sarah's death. But you helped me out. And you always kept doing so. Just like you did so many years ago."

I sifted through my robe, taking out Kingston and putting the old firearm next to his gravestone.

"Together and forever, Marty. Just as those kids saw you as their hero back then, I think... I think I see it too. So consider it an honor, old man. The greatest marksman in the world looks up to ya! Haha!"

I put my hand on the gravestone, closing my eyes. Tears began to pepper the dirt.

Yet another person died for the cause.


Wherever you are... I will make you pay. I don't care how. I will.

And the same goes for all of the Vessels.

Especially you...

My mind flashed back to how Achilles grabbed June's wrist. How he had treated her like an object. And the look of emptiness in her eyes.


I will crush you to the ground. And even when you're on the ground, I'm not gonna stop swinging. I will keep swinging until I'm satisfied.

And I'm a hard guy to please when it comes to taking lives.


I turned around, to see Nora holding a beer to my face. And in between her fingers, were pieces of... something red.

"Red Candy?!"

"No. Just plain ol' licorice. I swiped em' from Witchcraft's candy bowl! It's good loot!"

I sighed, but a smile was on my face.

"Never change, sis."

I took the beer and candy and munched on it.

Nora chuckled, leaning back against a bench. The two of us looked out into the distance.

"I'm heading back to Diacus. They need me at The Citadel. I got a ton of explaining to do, but whateves. I can man-"

"Can we... not talk about this? Just tonight, just tonight let's just... be like we were before," I cut her off, my bottom lip quivering.

Nora turned to me.

"Miss your sis much?"

I dropped the licorice and wrapped my arms around Nora, my emotions flooding out and taking over my body.

Nora gently patted my back.

"Why... WHY. Why did you keep it secret... this entire time! This entire time, Nora! I... I felt so alone. When you and Will died! You... You were alive... why weren't you here for me... when I was running away from Avara? From Obi? From Rena? From Hermes? From Zeus? Poseidon? Frey?!"

Nora was silent, as I continued.

"I know... this experience molded me into what I am today. And that... that what I am now is what's needed on my side. But... if it means... if it means being with the people I love again, I would-"

"Give it all up? Aaron, you know in your heart, that if you lived your life with me the God-Eater wouldn't exist."

"I know... I KNOW! I... FUCKING KNOW!" I yelled, burying my face into Nora's shoulder.

Nora laughed gently, stroking my hair.

"What a silly little brother I have. And this hair... my god. Did you dye it or something? Watch too much Tokyo Ghoul and decide to start your emo phase at nineteen?"

I sniffled.

"No. My hair's turning grey. Don't worry about it. You idiot."

"Hoh? I'm the idiot? Who was the one who taught you all your little witty tricks, kid?"

Nora pulled away, putting her hands on my shoulders.

"A little bit banged up... what with the scars and greying hair, and the missing arm. But all in all. Not bad. I think I've raised a handsome-looking young man."

I looked away, pouting.

"Will helped too."

"Oh please. All that buffoon taught you was how to grow big muscles. You know some girls aren't into big muscular men? I wonder where that oaf got that idea from."

"Probably anime," we said at the same time, causing us to laugh.

Nora wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"So, still play Genshin?"

"How did you..."

"I just assumed."

Nora got up, stretching her arms.

"When you choose to raid Diacus, I will be there. And I will be your enemy."

I stared at my older sister.


Nora turned around, her body started to chip away.

"No. No! Nora! What are you saying? Just stay with me! Stay with us! I can protect you from Vala! We'll figure something out!"

Nora shook her head.

"I enjoyed our night together, a little catch-up. But ultimately, I'm still a Vessel for Vala. Fundamentally, we are still enemies, no matter what our past was. Your battle in Diacus will be up against all of us. Just a forewarning. Choose wisely, kid."

I got up, reaching out to Nora, but my hand passed right through her.

"But... for what it's worth... I can give you some piece of advice."

Nora winked at me.

"As we speak, Achilles has June locked in his chambers. Having rough se-"

"I don't need to know that!"

Nora laughed.

"Sorry, just felt like messing with you for a bit. But, June was always special, even among the Vessels. Maybe that's why some of us hate her so much. She gets away with so many things. And on paper, she's the greatest of all of us due to what she represents. If you want an edge, rescue her first. That's all I can say."

Nora faded away, but not before waving at me.

"When we meet again, we're going to be enemies. I hope this provides enough closure for you, tonight. See you.

"Little bro."

I was left standing in the barren wasteland of Master Jun's world.

Nora had left me alone again, and this time, she had put in perspective the sheer magnitude of what I had to do next.

Inside the Citadel of Diacus was The Omega Upgrade. With it, Sigurd could complete her ascension. I never asked why she would go this far, but I had a pretty good idea.

There was also the fact that if we had an Omega Sigurd on our side, she could completely disperse or at the very least free Master Jun's realm.

And maybe we could get some answers as to what happened to our Inner Shadow.

But as it was, it would mean fighting against the Vessels of Vala. One of which had fully awakened.

There was no one on my side who was SS Ranked other than me.

I couldn't just send these guys to their deaths, but at the same time, I needed allies.

I made my way back to the infirmary, where I was first dropped off by Marty.

The sounds of my gear and Sarah's cloak jingling with every footstep I made as I approached the body of my fiancee, who had her arms crossed.

But to my surprise, someone was at her side.


Annie had her hand on Sarah's forehead.

"Sarah... I'm so sorry," Annie muttered, before turning to me.

"Who did this?"

"Her sister. Sarina."

Sigurd made a fist.

"Without this Omega Upgrade, only more casualties will result in my incompetency."

"Annie, you can't blame yourself for what happened."

"I had chosen to go back to Master Jun's realm to grow stronger, without realizing the possibility that Inner Shadow Loyce had completely taken it over. You two came back for me. And Sarah..."

Sigurd ran her hand through her colleague's hair.

"Sarah, I wish I got to know you more. But you had your reasons to distance yourself from the rest of us. Yet..."

"Sarah knew. Before she died."

Sigurd looked at me, a tuft of her hair dropped by her ear.

"Knew what?"

"She knew. She knew we ultimately didn't hold any grudges against her. We... we welcomed her back with open arms. Bryce, Robbie, and I. And I think she knew you would do the same."

"I will bring her back."

I blinked.

"You- what? Annie now is seriously not an appropriate time to make jokes-"

"I will bring her back. I will bring your fiancee back from this. Sarah can't die. Not when her sister is on the loose. This was Aran's doing. And as long as Aran is involved, the Omega Upgrade has a chance to reverse it."

Sigurd glanced at Ygviil, which was propped up against the wall.

"Our team needs its Hero."

The two of us sat in silence for a bit. I continued smoothing out Sarah's hair.

"Annie... can I get an honest opinion? Of our chances?"

Sigurd closed her eyes.

"With Achilles awakening as Vala's Shield, that puts him in a High Tier SS Rank. Sarina is SS Rank. Jekyll is at least SS~ Rank from the way he was able to overpower you over and over again. Loki is even higher than that. As for June... I'm not sure. But against someone like you, she might well be the worst threat. Realistically, the chances of you surviving even with a stealth approach are less than 1%."

I gripped the amulet Witchcraft had given me.

"The other option is to abandon the Omega Upgrade," Sigurd said.

"Absolutely not."

My Auxiliary Shadow raised her eyebrows.


"This Omega Upgrade is important to you. And if there's a chance to fix this world, then we need to take it. The people of the Champions Universe didn't deserve any of this."

Sigurd looked like she was going to say something, but winced.

I glanced at her arm, which was still trying to reform, but it was clear she still needed repairs.

"Go back to Juryrig, Sig. You need that arm patched up."

Annie looked reluctant but stood up.

"If you need me, I will be here. Don't ever hesitate to ask me for assistance."

"I know."

And with that, my Auxiliary Shadow left me alone to formulate.

For hours, I sat on the balcony of Trion, at the top of the walls which protected the city.

But no strategy came to mind.

Every angle I was trying to come up with required me to outsmart Nora or to plow through Jekyll.

I wanted to save June first, and with her Jamming I might stand a chance.

But I had no idea how to even restrain Achilles.

June was loyal to Vala's Shield, meaning that alone put me at a disadvantage.

"Think," I muttered.

Multiple... multiple SS Ranked enemies.

I remembered how I had to struggle so hard to defeat a war-enhanced Bishamonten. He was only one SS~ Rank, and I needed the help of Dagrun and her Auxiliaries.


More hours passed, and the sky had turned dark.

But no plan came to mind.

I fell back, my head resting on the cement, staring at the sky.

This was... too big of a task.

It was too much.

Too much for me.

Too many burdens and emotional baggage on my shoulders... I was fighting an enemy too much for me to handle.

But if I didn't fight we were doomed.

I clenched my fist, closing my eyes tightly.

"Master Jun... if you're out there... please... someone... anyone..."


I can't do this alone.

I need someone strong.


I stared at Witchcraft's gem, which was vibrating against my chest.

My hand ran across the amulet, its light glowing against my skin.

Aaron... when you were in that state, you were delirious. You kept murmuring something over and over again.

What was that?

I will become a god.

If I stormed the place alone... like in that vision... was this amulet saying I could do it?

Yet... something felt wrong.

Something was wrong.

If I did what this gem instructed me, I would lose a part of myself.

A part of myself that made me fundamentally Aaron Hope.


Suddenly, my body detected a spike in pressure. I shot to my feet, trying to process what was going on.

"Guys-" I said, but to my disbelief, everyone was frozen.

Was this...

I turned around to see the clouds in the sky had also stopped moving.

What was I looking at?

If this was what I thought it was...

I clenched my fist.

"What... what do you want... LOYCE-"

"This isn't Loyce."

I spun around to see a tall man with a spiky white buzzcut and cold blue eyes.

My jaw dropped, as the man calmly leaned against the side of a wall.

"You are correct. The Aaron Hope before me, even with these allies will not be able to breach Diacus. Even if you sacrifice each and every single person here in Trion, a part of you will die. Where there is death, there is me."

Inner Shadow John Crassman raised an eyebrow.

"But that is assuming only Gasket's subordinates storm the Citadel."

Inner Shadow Reaper

"Full frontal assault. We will march toward The Citadel without stopping," I said to the people of Trion, who were crowded around the central building.

Witchcraft stared at me.

"I- I'm sorry? You're telling us to what?"

Several heroes shouted from the masses.

"After everything we did to bring Defender back you're telling us to go back out there?!"

Ironclad looked at me with bewildered eyes.

"S- Surely, there's a plan, right? A plan..."

I grimly turned to the masses, Sarah's cloak fluttering in the wind. Heroes, villains, and civilians alike.

These were the same people who were nearly slaughtered by Aran Sol the first time his forces had invaded Trion. The same people who had to deal with the trauma of losing a large portion of the superheroes they prayed to.

"This is going to be an all-out war. There is no strategy. We will give a full frontal assault heading straight to The Citadel."

(Four Hours Earlier)

"Lord Crassman, but why? Why are you here? I thought Loyce's forces eliminated the Black Legion!" I exclaimed.

John's coat fluttered with the wind.

"The Black Legion has always been highly secretive. And for good reason. I'm sure by now you've realized why."

I always had a vague idea. But ever since Loyce launched his assault against his old subordinates, it became crystal clear.

Everything needed to have layers of security, even amongst the organization's own members.

Confidentiality only rose up with higher ranks like a pyramid.

To this day I still had no idea who or what Lord Ginga was.

John regarded me.

"Those who serve Lord Ginga's ideal are of the most powerful entities to exist. From sheer, unstoppable might like Hakah, to beings of unfathomable intelligence like Jun and Loyce. If the decision to rogue ever arose, access to the Legion's ideal would be catastrophic."

"I... I see. But-"

"You are correct to question me, Hope. Right now, we are in a state where everything that Lord Ginga predicted has come to transpire. And so, in the state of the Black Legion, you have been granted some knowledge of our situation."

John smiled, pointing to the inside of the Watchtower.

"Mind if I join you for tea?"

The two of us sat across from each other at a table. A waitress nervously served us two cups of tea. I recognized this woman; she was always upbeat and smiling no matter the customer when Sarah and I used to visit her shop.

But the moment she made eye contact with Inner Shadow Reaper, her face turned pale, and all of her movements became laced with indecision and panic.

"Y- Your t-t-t-tea, sirs!"

John put his hands on the table.

"Thank you, dear. This tea looks lovely."

The waitress turned around and bonked her head against the side of a pillar, before clumsily making her way back into the staff room.

I glanced at the Inner Shadow, who took leisurely sips and crossed his legs.

His posture was full of openings, but void of them at the same time.

It was almost like it was daring anyone to try to take the opportunity to take him down. Knowing full well they wouldn't have the guts to no matter how convincing the opening seemed.

"You sure love to analyze, don't you, Dainsleif."

I gulped.

"How did you make Emily so scared of you?"

John eyed me from within the edges of the cup.

Even the steam of the tea was avoiding him as if he had some sort of aura that was pushing everything away.

"Miss Emily over there does not need to be involved with our conversation. My visit is unsanctioned. And so, everything I tell you now must be kept to yourself. The state of the Black Legion. And what we have all been up to this entire time. For you see,"

John slowly put the teacup down, lacing his fingers.

"My Outer Shadows have been assisting with the search. We now have all of the Akuma Grade Dogma Holders assembled for The Great Akuma's resurrection. Except for the Shakujin."

Another lump formed in my throat. I always knew resurrecting the Great Akuma was a priority, but I never put much thought into it. Was my ignorance of the state of our battle against Vala also intentional?

"The Shakujin... Marcela Greene?"

John angled his head, his blue eyes trailing the details of the mahogany table surface.

"Greene is dead. Loyce took care of that. He almost took out the Fujin as well. All because Auxiliary Shadow Tidalflame struck a deal with the Demon King to give them a new life. An act of mercy and satisfaction to his martyr complex perhaps. But a great inconvenience to us."

"Give Yeling a break, he's lost enough people already!" I blurted out, before putting a hand to my mouth in shock.

It- It came out again! Why was I being so careless with the things I said?!

I thought Kon had healed me with his Cosmic healing magic. But if I was still acting with little restraint... was my body going back to the way it was before?

John's eyes suddenly crept to mine.

"I don't know for sure what Loyce wanted with Yeling, but I have a good idea. After all, while he is unbound by the Dogma, his sister is. And with the ritual to bring about the Great Akuma's resurrection, would mean the death of all the Akuma Grade Dogma Holders. Hakah's death. And Jun Gasket's. You know this too, don't you? You've accepted it. But Yeling hasn't. And that is what makes him so unfit for The Black Legion."

I gritted my teeth, ignoring the pain in my chest.

Of course, I knew.

I knew all along when Master Jun had told me.

But I always set it aside, for the purpose of moving forward with The Black Legion, and for stopping Vala.

And John's gaze confirmed it.

"Loyce choosing to bring Yeling into our world was intentional. A loose cannon like him, with potential that could surpass the strongest Inner Shadow out of all of us. Someone like Auxiliary Shadow Tidalflame cannot be allowed to live."

The pain in my chest became even more tight.

What the hell... what the hell was Inner Shadow Crassman saying?

What did Yeling do to deserve this?

"S- So... what... what are we going to do with him?"

John rested his head against his hand.

"As I have said before. Only the Shakujin remains."

That pain suddenly felt like a tugging sensation. Like my heart falling to the ground.

Only the Shakujin was left.


My memory rewound back to that day I spoke to Hakah back at Jun's old barracks. What she had said.

There are some Inner Shadows out there who are very very dangerous. Not just in power alone. They say the Inner Shadow Reaper, who practices the Final Circle Style can kill anyone because his attacks literally target a person's soul. And then there's Inner Shadow Evangelion, the new Hinokami. We still don't know how powerful he is. Or... if he's even a human, to begin with.

"Inner Shadow Evangelion..." My voice trailed away, shakily.

John nodded.

"Inner Shadow Evangelion will be the one to destroy Auxiliary Shadow Tidalflame. The Fourteenth Hinokami will kill the Thirteenth Hinokami."



Yeling didn't deserve this!

A shadow cast over my face.

"Yeling isn't like any other Dogma Holders. He's a descendant of The Great Akuma herself. He's part Devil, who unlocked four stages without Ginga's blessing. He can't be killed by some replacement, even if he is an-"

"And Evangelion is the same. He is nothing like the conventional Dogma Holder. It is quite poetic that you are the one I can talk to about Evangelion because you are the only Outer Shadow who has encountered the Primordial Demons."

"What? What do the Primordials have to do with this?"

Crassman's smile contrasted with the light of his eyes.

"Evangelion was rebuilt from the remains of one."

A chill ran down my spine.

"You're shitting me."

"No. In fact, the threat you are battling right now, Aran Sol, is the same species as Evangelion

A Supreme Primordial Demon"

I watched as Crassman traced his finger against the table. Where his finger ran across, the dust and debris made way for him as if he had authority even on that scale.

"A Supreme Primordial Dogma Holder. It doesn't matter how prodigal Yeling is. There is no one who stands a chance against a monster like that. Evangelion is SS+ Ranked."

I stood up, slamming my hand against the table, and causing the dust to fly up into the air. Inner Shadow Reaper looked unfazed.

"Yeling doesn't deserve to be killed like this! He's helping us all the same! His enemy is the same as our enemy. We're both here to destroy Vala. Even Vala is afraid of him because of what he stands for! If we kill him, we're losing a valuable ally!"

"Can you really back this up when the time comes for Hakah to lay her life in the ritual? Do you think Yeling can just accept that?"

The Chakra Aura rolling off Crassman was making me lose the will to fight, as I found myself sinking back into my seat.

"Yeling killed his family for power. He lost his entire squad from when he worked under my Outer Shadow's organization. He fell in love with the Berserker girl and started a sibling bond with Shia Megumi and Shen, only to lose them too. In his eyes, he has lost everything, except for his little sister. She is all he has left. To give that last part of his soul up, would require insurmountable willpower that he simply does not have."

John wagged a finger at me.

"A man adamant on his black-pilled belief that he will never be loved. This is the type of man you are expecting will give his sister up for. You are smart, Aaron. I am a little disappointed that you let yourself be captivated to the point where your Hyperthought Processing has been shrouded."

I pursed my lips.

"Unlike Yeling, you still have people who worry about you. Let's focus on what needs to be done now."

I watched John finish his cup of tea, calling Emily over.

Emily squeaked and retrieved the cups.

"W- Was the tea to your l-l-liking...?"

"Yes, it was delicious. Would you like a tip?"

"No! No, no thank you! I-"

"Refusing a tip? You remind me so much of my wife."

John crossed his hands, smiling.

"How adorable."

Emily scurried back into the staff room with the dishes and cups, her face red like a tomato.

"That's harassment, you know," I grumbled.

John laughed lightly.

"My wife would have wanted our daughter to be like that. Modest, a little on the clumsy side. Innocent and adorable."

I didn't know John had a wife and kid. I guess it sort of made sense, considering he was in his early fifties.

But it always baffled me how some Shadows could be married and have a kid. After all, I remember Outer Shadow Magni mentioned his wife, Auxiliary Shadow Rimsix was his wife, and they had a kid. The thought of what happened to that family after Loyce's assault haunted me.

"My wife and daughter are dead," John said.

My eyes widened.

"S- Sorry. I didn't know. I'm so sorry."

"Mmm. They were killed."

"Killed? By who?"

John gripped the edge of the table.

"By Loyce Hal."

My heart skipped a beat as a breeze blew between us. I hadn't realized it before, but underneath Inner Shadow Reaper's clothes, was a heavily scarred chest. Full of old battle wounds.

"Loyce... I don't-"

"I had tried to warn you. Loyce is a threat too much for you to handle. And I know, because I was once like you. I had my suspicions about Loyce from the very beginning. A Demon Lord whose powers step over and beyond the realm of the Esoteric. A "Pretty Boy Conquerer" as Hellion puts it. When Loyce learned about me, he figured out my suspicions right away. He sent an Outer Shadow, a Subordinate Demon Lord to warn me about who I was messing with. And that my pregnant wife would suffer should I not learn my place. I was twenty-eight at the time. High Tier SS~ Ranked. I thought I was at the top of the world."

John turned to me, his empty eyes completely concealing the pain in his words. Not a single shred of pain in his gestures and his face. If it wasn't for the things he was saying, I would never know the tremendous burden that was on his shoulders.

"I threatened the Demon Lord. I was enraged when I found out that his army had taken my wife and our unborn child hostage. In a fit of rage, I slaughtered the entire Demon Lord's army instantly. A single glare was enough to disintegrate them all with my Emission Chakra. And when it came to the Demon Lord, I killed him in the slowest, most agonizing way possible. But Loyce knew. He always knew.

"Loyce knew what would happen the entire time. After all, there is no way to demand the complete allegiance of another unless through overwhelming power. And he needed to demonstrate it. And so, Loyce sent Demon Lord after Demon Lord after my family. I killed them all. I would have killed around forty-seven thousand Demon Lords in the span of two days until Loyce decided to come down himself."

I watched the light of the window dance across his face, casting shadows across it.

"And Loyce destroyed me. I had never fought such a one-sided fight before. My Chakra completely bypassed his Alogigenesis but it was still useless. I was facing the strongest Primordial Demon to ever exist. The King of all Demons. And while he had lost the ability to fight esoterically, he still overpowered me easily through conventional combat. And he forced me to watch. As he killed my wife right in front of my very eyes."

A bead of sweat went down my neck, entering my robe and into my shirt.


Loyce did that to John, and I had no idea.

John was able to keep going even after something like that.

Crassman regarded me.

"This is not a matter of revenge. I have come here to assist in Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd's ascension. We are running out of options. Inner Shadow Slipstream continues to fight against Loyce's immense super army of Demon Lords and their respective armies. Without Inner Shadow Gasket, we cannot launch any calculated assaults. We are on the defensive to secure the Shakujin. We have already lost too many members of this Organization. And you are taking too long in rescuing your Inner Shadow."

I wanted to say something snarky, but Crassman was right. We were taking way too long.

As of now, we had no idea if the Omega Upgrade would even fix this world, much less save our Master.

"The Cultists and the Vessels..."

"You only need to worry about saving the Jubilee. My Outer Shadows will lead the charge to battle Aran's followers. As for the Vessels..."

Inner Shadow Reaper drew a circle with his finger, and a black circle appeared, smoking and sparking with the scent of death.

"I will put them out of commission. Killing them will only make them stronger. The solution is to incapacitate them."

I felt my teeth gnash together. I should have felt relief from this. I definitely should have felt relief.

With Inner Shadow Reaper on my side, I no longer felt the insane burden that I was feeling earlier. This was what I was praying for, wasn't it?

But I didn't feel satisfied.

"Holding grudges has always been your flaw, Outer Shadow Dainsleif. Grudges against gods. Grudges against Avara. Grudges against Jekyll. Your chakra tells me you are not satisfied that I will be the one to dispose of the God of Warfare."

Reaper looked out into the distance.

"Contradiction is the first step to doing what is right."


"You heard me the first time, Outer Shadow. Your fear is of losing comrades. That is your greatest fear. But in this time of need, where you must overcome one of the greatest tests in your career, you must make a call that will feel so monumental that you couldn't possibly imagine yourself ever doing it. Am I wrong?"

"I don't understand what you are saying, Lord Crassman. Your Outer Shadows will-"

"My Outer Shadows are not as strong as what we are facing. This is a fact. I will be the one facing the Vessels of Vala, but the Outer Shadows of Demon Lord Loyce have now entered your realm of combat power. My subordinates are outclassed, and so the solution is to compensate with numbers."

"With numbers...? Wait, are you saying-"

Inner Shadow Reaper nodded.

"The people of Trion, the former heroes of the Champions Universe will also take part in this battle. But you must be the one to call upon their arms."

I blinked, silence filling the air for a few seconds.

"The people of Trion..."

My mind flashed back to Marty, who slowly succumbed to his wounds and died in my arms.

The old geezer... should have spent his last few days in a retirement home with his family.

But his insistence led to him dying in the most graphic way possible.

I remembered the terror of Trion's people, how terrified they were, to the point where they even went as far as to keep Ironclad from returning.

"I have an Outer Shadow, who is a veteran of war. She is an Amazon and will take care of these people. But she cannot lead an army if the army refuses to fight. I understand your reputation in the Champions Universe has been... less than favorable. But in this moment of crisis, you are the only one left who can stop Aran's forces, and save these people."

My hand slowly formed a fist.

Sending more people to die...

"To defeat Vala, that is what it means to be a Shadow to the Black Legion Organization. Those were your words. The tide of this battle can only be turned by you."

The tide of this battle depends on me.

Everything I have done, Vala and Loyce have a counter to.

After all, they knew everything that made Dainsleif of the Black Legion Organization tick.

This is the real deal. This is what you are getting yourself into. By facing me, you are doing what I want. But you don't have any choice. Just as Loki says. A human was never meant to defeat a Demon Lord.


You know full well what I am capable of.

Physically and intellectually.

Everything that has happened... it was to put me in a logical and emotional headspace where the only option I could possibly see would be what you wanted.

This was the intellect of the greatest Demon Lord to ever exist.

My whole life, I watched people die because of me.

I watched Will and Nora die in front of my eyes.

I watched Jessie kill herself in front of me.

I watched Jekyll shoot June in the head right before me.

Then I had Sarah die in my arms.

All because I chose to involve the people I cared about in my life.

All because they chose to fight alongside me.

The thought of sending more people to fight by my side...

Be it logically...



Everything about such a notion is unthinkable.

I looked at Inner Shadow Reaper once more.

His expressionless face was void of anything. But the aura he was giving off was enough for me to tell he knew what I was thinking.

To involve people in a battle...

To choose to bring them alongside me... despite everything that has happened.

Loyce knew I was one of the greatest strategists in the Black Legion.

And a strategist always thinks.

He had completely turned the tables on me, using my reasoning against me.

Logical and moral reasoning.

"Aaron Hope, do you think of yourself as a hero?" John asked.

"A hero?"

A breeze parted John's bangs, the white tufts of hair wafting in the wind.

"A hero is someone who would put their life on the line. By choice. But if the choice was never there... a hero would do it without hesitation. Without bitterness."

I examined the palm of my hand. Scars and old injuries laced all over it.

But it was the same hand that had been used to make the call to either my subordinates or allies.

To put their lives on the line.

"But someone who puts that hero in such a situation... could never be a hero... right?" I finished John's thought.

John laced his fingers together.

"Loyce is the type of enemy that cannot be defeated by reason and strength. Because he is the very pinnacle of that and beyond. His powers go beyond reason and order. You chose to defy him, and so you must carry that out. You have already tried battling such a foe through reason, and you have already tried battling Loyce through strength. Many have tried. All have failed. But the type of enemy who would throw all reason away, but also walk through the path of reason... this is the type of contradictory opponent Loyce cannot defeat. But such an opponent... has not once appeared. Not since his conception."

The Inner Shadow pointed his finger at me.

"But here sits before me a human who can kill a god. An Outer Shadow who has bested an Inner Shadow in combat. A boy who continued to live even after the traumatic death of his girlfriend, and found another loved one. Unorthodox as you may be, Aaron, your SS Rank isn't because of your intellect. Your position in the Dark Hexagram isn't your military power. Your alias in the Hexagram is The Joker. And a Joker is known for his unpredictability."

"A joke of an existence... that was what Loyce had said..." I muttered, remembering my conversation with the Demon Lord.

"Loyce hates you. Of all those in the Black Legion Organization, he hates you specifically. Because you embody the essence of something that is the opposite of reason and order. Auxiliary Shadow Tidalflame embodies the concept of exchange. To obtain power one must sacrifice. To be happy one must sacrifice. To obtain something means to give something away. But to Loyce, you possessed the profile of an SS Ranked Outer Shadow despite your notorious reputation. A jokester. A prankster. Each time you smile is an insult to Demon King Loyce's philosophy."

"I understand what you are saying, Lord Crassman. But... if I follow through with this, would I be able to live with myself?"

"Faith, Aaron."

"I'm sorry?"

John got up and gazed at the distance.

"That was what my wife used to tell me whenever I was uncertain about my future. My child was revealed to have a cyst in her brain, the doctors believed that there was a low risk of survival. I wanted to use my chakra to save her life, but I didn't know if I could. After all, I was known as The Reaper for a reason. And so... I had to have faith. That by allowing my wife to give birth to our baby she could survive with the cyst in her brain. If reason fails, Outer Shadow Dainsleif, one must have faith."


Sarah's voice resonated in my mind.

Aaron... we need to have faith that Sigurd is alive

My conversation with June reappeared in my mind.

We have no more options, Aaron. If you call on another spell, you might end up incapacitated and what good would that do for us? If I use more of my Jamming I don't know what effect that would have on me. Our only option is to have faith in those two. No matter what.

Do I have faith in what I'm about to do next?

Faith was the enemy of reason.

Because faith can do what reason cannot.

"And if everybody ends up dying?" I asked, my voice small.

John studied me from a distance.

"Then reason has won."


More shouting erupted from the masses.

"He's out of his mind!"

"Why are we listening to a nineteen-year-old kid?!"

"We're gonna die! No one is gonna listen to your shit!"

More and more jeering boomed throughout Trion, as Sigurd took a step forward angrily, but I pulled her back.


I cut her off with a glare.


Have faith.

I slowly made eye contact with Witchcraft. On her face was an expression I couldn't comprehend.

Was she angry? Shocked? Disappointed?

But to my surprise, her eyes... were not directed at me, but rather the amulet that was hanging on my neck.

Pulsating a purple.

Just like when I had gotten that vision, and when Inner Shadow Reaper had appeared.

"The Dovetail... it's... resonating..." Bethany muttered.

"Dovetail?" I asked.

"Why the hell did you give this boy our family heirloom?! Are you stupid?!" A woman yelped, breaking my concentration.

A woman wearing a black suit stepped forward, approaching me. I recognized her.

"Bethany?! Hello?!" Pamela Duquesne, "Talisman" jabbed a finger at my chest.

"Why did wimpy Bethany give you that? That's not yours!"

I blinked.


Bethany shoved her sister aside.

"I entrusted it to him."

"You are literally the Cleopatra of trusting men, aren't cha? You literally just gave The Dovetail to some teenager!"

"I gave it to him because I had faith that he could free our people, I didn't expect him to send us all to our deaths!"


The Dovetail began to vibrate again.

I clutched the gem, eyeing the sisters.

"This gem... it made me see things. It also attracted the attention of some visitors. What exactly is it?"

Witchcraft and Talisman gritted their teeth.

"We don't know. No one knows what it can do," Pamela said.

"For once, I agree with Pam. But what we do know, is that its magical properties are highly valuable. Which is why..."

Witchcraft stepped forward and reached out her hand, hovering it over the red amulet. But the Dovetail began reacting violently, emitting a repulsive force that pushed the mage away.

"Whatever choice you've made... for it to react this way... it has chosen you to be its master. If... by doing a suicidal rush for Diacus is what is needed..."

The color left Bethany's face.

"I'll do it," A man's voice said, causing everybody to turn around in surprise.

A man emerged from the crowd, wearing a familiar blue and white power armor.

"J- James...?!" Bethany whispered, along with whispers among the crowd.


"Defender is going?"

Defender flew to the top of the building and landed in front of me. The purple glint of Master Jun's moon reflected off the corners of his helmet.

"A full frontal assault on Diacus is what's needed to free these people, right?"

I blinked.

"Y- Yeah."

Defender gazed grimly at the distance, outside of the walls of Trion.

"Billions of Cultists are out there. Vessels of Vala, and the Demon himself. But if it's for these people, then I'll join in the charge."

"Defender, you can't be serious!" A superhero shouted from the masses.

"You JUST got back, after being turned into that monster! Yet you're-"

"How can you still wear that superhero costume?" Defender cut the hero off, turning to him.

James Harmon IV looked down at the hero from the top of the building.

"I recognize you, Shar. You're the one who has repeatedly thwarted Therakiel's return. Raiding his temple, and accomplishing incredible feats of skill and ability. Even amongst your peers, you are one of the best. The best of the best, and one of the most elite superheroes in the world. Even greater and more skilled than I ever will be."

Shar continued standing in his spot, while the crowd parted ways for him.

"You're right. I'm one of the best heroes here. Me and my friends... we were able to accomplish the most unthinkable feats you could imagine. Raiding that temple without any casualties in record time, holding the top ranking for every Cosmic Threat we ever stopped. We were the best. But even when we gave it our all against Aran's forces, we were slaughtered. We came back, each time, developing new strategies. New loadouts. New armor, new gear, new weapons, new powers. We trained and trained and we couldn't do anything."

Shar pointed at Defender.

"If even we stood no chance, what makes you think these people would? What makes you think you could-"

"Where's the Auction House?"

Shar blinked.

"What the hell? What kind of question is that? You-"

"Where's the Auction House? The place where you buy and sell stuff. That was the first thing you asked me when we met at Renaissance Centre. Not, 'what can I do to help', not even a 'how's it going'. Right to business it was for you. Maybe it was from that point did I suspect you would eventually become number one. Because you were always a no-nonsense type of person. But what you have become is just that. The best. But not a hero."

Shar was silent as Defender turned to everyone else.

"Maybe it was my fault that our world had turned that way. That everything had devolved into mere routine. The threats to this world had become procedural, whether it was containing Kigatilik, Qwyjibo, Teleiosaurus, or even the Eidolon of Destruction. Stopping Teleios. And to some of you, stopping Therakiel. Because we had all adapted to these threats. The definition of being a hero was no longer a matter of your heart and duty, but it was more of a matter of how well one could complete missions. How well we scored against such threats based on our performance. How fast we could raid a villain's lair with as few casualties as possible. How optimized our loadouts are."

Defender put a hand to his chest.

"Maybe it was because of that. Because we had lost the meaning of being a hero, everything turned out this way. I'm not blaming anyone for what's happened. But once we had encountered Aran, an enemy that eclipsed everything we had built up, the last bastion we ever had, the hero's spirit, crumbled. Because we no longer had it. It was long gone from years of peace and routine. What it meant to be a hero... we all lost it. I lost it."

Defender then looked at me, his gaze making contact with mine.

"When Aran attacked... the moment I fell, we all crumbled. Being a hero became just an afterthought. Survival has become our priority above all else."

The crowd started to quiet down.

"Villains of Trion, without heroes, you're just all troublemakers. And without villains, we heroes would be in the same state as we were before. Strength without duty is meaningless, just like how duty without strength is meaningless. But now, we have the help of The Black Legion Organization on our side. We have the strength, but what about our duty? What about our purpose? A hero's desire to protect. A villain's desire to destroy. Our desire to fight. To take back our world."

Defender's armor shone brightly, as the crowd began to turn.

"I was a fool. To think that being a hero was a crime. It's not. If Aran has a problem with it, then he's going to get what's coming to him. I will not live the rest of my life under Jun Gasket's care knowing the city I swore to protect is crumbling away to pieces. Whether or not you all rally behind us, I will go back all the same. Even if I became a monster the first time, I'm going back."

Defender and I stood together, face to face.

The glint of the white accents on his helmet reflected off of my black cloak.

"Aaron Hope. Never forget, that you're no longer a superhero of UNITY. But that doesn't mean we can't work together. If the choice to call upon us to storm Diacus is too much for Hangman of UNITY, then let Aaron Hope of the Black Legion make that choice. What you need are heroes to put their lives on the line. Let me play the role of the hero. Let me be the one to say that I'm okay with your call. There's nothing to feel guilty for."

Ironclad slowly approached Defender, putting his hand on his old friend's shoulder.

"I stand with Defender. And I stand with your choice, Hangman."

Witchcraft stood with the rest of the Champions until the Super Group was reassembled.

"If the Dovetail chooses you, it's for a reason. And... I made the choice to give the relic to you. I will make sure the Witchcraft who had chosen to trust you will be the one to fight by your side."

Silence filled the air until a young girl's voice echoed throughout the city.

"I'm joining too!"

My eyes widened as I focused on the voice's owner.

A small child, along with her father, ran after her.

"Lyla! What are you saying?! Do you have any idea what-"

"If Defender is going, I'm going! They need us!"

Lyla's father picked her up, as she continued kicking her feet and screaming.

Several heroes gnashed their teeth grimly.

Even if Defender gave such a speech...

It still wasn't enough to offset what these people were going to get themselves into.

And the words Lyla had given...

"Heroes save the day, but who's there to save THEM?!" Lyla shouted, causing Shar to stare at her.

"Who..." Shar muttered, as more whispers rippled throughout the masses.

"If we stay here forever... our home... our home will be doomed." One said.

"Our memories and our past... Trion may be our safehaven but Millennium City was where I met my husband."

"Are we really okay with living the rest of our lives like this? In fear?"

"With the Maiden's promise broken... we're just cattle... waiting to be slaughtered."

From the crowd, Shar clenched his fist, powering up until a golden halo appeared over his head. A look of pure terror spread on his face, as his mouth trembled.

"If Defender is gonna fight, then I have no excuse, do I... No excuses."

More and more heroes began to power up, their auras causing a strobe of flashing lights throughout the city.

"No excuses."

"This is our last chance."

"Die fighting or die waiting."

Sigurd raised her eyebrows.

"This... this is..."

More and more people began to put their hands in the air, their respective superpowers and weapons glinting. Heroes and villains alike.

Defender raised his fist and pointed it at me.

"This is our declaration. You have told us that Hope is the one thing we cannot count on. This is not a symbol of hope. This is our acceptance of our fate. We accept your request for arms, Dainsleif. To take back our home and free this world. We'll storm Diacus and get the Maiden to The Citadel. No matter what it takes."

I nodded grimly at the people of Trion.

Loyce Hal.

You put me through absolute hell.

Trying so hard to make me never want to drag anyone else again.

To never form alliances again.

To make me feel so guilty that the thought of making another ally would be so far off from the realm of logic, reason, and morality there was.

But you missed one thing.

I am the Joker of the Dark Hexagram.

I'm willing to do whatever it takes to win, to stop Vala.

If it means completely going against everything that I built myself up for, then I'm willing to do it.

To cast reason aside and fall on faith, then I'll do it.

Because you were the one who gave me the alias of the Joker.

And that unpredictability you labeled me... with full intention for it to be an insult.

I will use it as a weapon.

A weapon you unintentionally created for me.

I turned back to the people of Trion. A battle cry erupted from the masses. What was once words of scorn against me had now become a declaration to retake what was theirs.

I don't know the outcome of this battle.

I don't know if what I'm doing is right.

How many casualties would result?

There was no way to tell at this point. But even if we are all cut down...

We'll get back up.

Because where reason fails, faith flourishes.

Where you exist, Loyce, faith will always be your enemy.

I won't let reason cloud my judgment anymore.

I've come to take Master Jun's world back.

"Whether or not it was the right decision, this is the type of decision that will live with you for the rest of your life. The decision to send these people to their deaths. The willpower needed to live with this burden can only be carried by someone of immense caliber," John had said, as the Shadows warped him away from Trion.

And I remembered making eye contact with him, our chakra auras clashing.

"The responsibility of being a hero isn't mine. A Black Legion Shadow is not responsible for making the moral call. They're responsible for making whatever call is necessary to defeat our enemy."

John's smile of approval would be the last thing I would see.

The War for Diacus

"Outer Shadow Warpgate of the Black Legion Organization, reporting," A woman appeared from a portal before us.

Another Outer Shadow, a tall woman wearing Amazonian armor crossed her arms.

"Tell us, Warpgate, of our enemy."

Warpgate held out her hands.

A portal formed, as Shadows swirled around it. Even though I had been an Outer Shadow for years, it still didn't cease to amaze me how some of the Outers were able to use their Shadows in such creative ways.

Outer Shadow Warpgate was able to mask the signature of her portals using the Anti-Hope properties of the Shadows, to keep Vala's forces from tracking her down. This was how she was able to breach from place to place without being detected.

I, alongside a group of Lord Crassman's Outer Shadows huddled around the hologram.

"The Vessels of Vala surround the perimeter of The Citadel. In the skies, forces of Outer Shadow Frey populate around the dome of the structure," Warpgate observed.

"What about Achilles?" I asked.

"Achilles does not appear to be with the main forces. I was able to detect his power signature from within The Citadel along with former Auxiliary Shadow Jubilee," Warpgate answered.

I clenched my fist.

"They're luring me in. They know I'm gonna save Jubilee and have intentionally brought the opening to me."

The Amazonian Outer Shadow, Troia, looked at me.

"What do you propose?"

"If Lord Crassman is the one to distract the Vessels of Vala, he will be able to provide an opening around the perimeter. I suspect Empire's Outer Shadows will try to fill in the voids. That will be where we strike."

Another Outer Shadow put a hand to his chin.

"The Outer Shadows of Inner Shadow Empire have become significantly stronger due to Vala's blessing. Even if Master Crassman distracts the Vessels, fighting them will be a monumental task."

It would be...

But that was if they were all fighting at SS Rank.

"If I can recover Jubilee, she can reduce the fighting power of Loyce's Outer Shadows to enable you guys to take them head-on."

I pointed at the building.

"The first objective is to recover my Auxiliary Shadow. They're expecting me to storm The Citadel alone to obtain The Omega Upgrade. We save the reinforcements as a surprise."

Troia glanced at me.

"How certain are you that they will think you are to storm Diacus without the allies of Trion?"

My finger hovered over the Dovetail.

"They know I will. Because that is what I am going to do."

Just because I made the decision to recruit my allies didn't mean I was going to throw that trump card in right away.

Loyce had put me in a bind where I couldn't possibly recruit any more people after witnessing the people I loved die in my arms.

And he was partly right.

I couldn't possibly recruit any more people to fight a losing battle.

If I was going to use my resources, I had to use it wisely.

"Outer Shadow Warpgate, are you able to mask multiple people?" I asked.

Warpgate nodded.

"I can. But I cannot mask more than three people for any longer than 30 minutes. If you are suggesting a stealth operation to recover Jubilee, you will need to recover her within that timeframe. If we are detected, the charge will commence."

"That's fine."

I turned to Troia.

"The people of Trion are on standby. Once Warpgate makes the signal, you lead the charge. Got it?"

Troia nodded.

Achilles was expecting me to fight him, one-on-one. But as of now, I had no way of restraining him.

"Outer Shadow Dainsleif, what is your call?" Warpgate asked.

I glared at the building.

"Jubilee first. I will communicate the plan with you guys along the way. You all have an idea of the big picture. I will provide the details as we go along."

However, before I could head out, a sword suddenly manifested behind me, pointing at the back of my head.

"You-!" Sigurd snapped but stopped herself at the last minute.

Troia glared at me, her hand tightening on the hilt of the blade.

"Make no mistake. Outer Shadow Dainsleif. This alliance has been forged as per the wishes of our master. Lord Crassman's wishes are our wishes. But always remember. YOU are the reason this has happened. YOU are the reason for all of this. For Loyce's Outer Shadows attacking us. For all of it."

Tension filled the air, as I made eye contact with the rest of Reaper's Outer Shadows.

Venom laced most of their faces.

Troia held her glare.

"SS Rank or not, it is clear that your ranking does not reflect your judgment skills. Rather than killing Outer Shadow Onyx for treason, you spared her. Choosing to declare war against Inner Shadow Empire of all people. And now, we are learning of your Auxiliary Shadow's treason. And once again, rather than upholding our ideals, you choose to spare her again. Even if the heavens forgive you. Even if the gods forgive you. Even if my sisters and brothers in arms forgive you. I never will. For all the blood on your hands, for the blood of my Auxiliary Shadows on your hands, each smile you make is an insult to everybody who has fallen today."

I clenched my teeth.

"I understand."

* * *

Warpgate breached me into the ancient building of Diacus. As the surroundings around me distorted, memories of my time with my Auxiliary Shadows flooded my mind.

And when my surroundings regained form, I was met with the dark, cathedral-like architecture of The Citadel in all its glory.

I took a deep breath.

Aspectum - Full Radar

A red magic circle appeared before my eye, showing the outlines of the thousands upon thousands of Cultists that were in the structure, and one signature unlike the rest.

I reached behind me and took out my assault rifle, positioning it before me.

Aspectum - Quarter Radar

I reduced my Aspectum spell to 25% of its mana consumption, slowly making my way to Achilles' chambers.

I promise you, Achilles. You're gonna get everything that's coming to you.

I hid behind a structure, peeking out.

"Sixshot, can you take care of those two guardsman Cultists?" I asked.

Outer Shadow Sixshot knelt down next to me.

"Stealth is hardly the type of mission I would have accepted, but here goes."

The Outer Shadow concentrated, and a blue flame manifested from his hands as I watched the two guardsmen turn around and walk away.

"I've used the Aether to alter their thought processes."

The two of us made our way to the throne room. I used my tracking skills to pinpoint any enemies, avoiding magic at all costs, while Sixshot would dispatch them using his telepathy.

"Two more," Sixshot muttered, as we stopped at an entrance guarded by two enormous cult members.

However, before he could use his telepathy, I stopped him.

"Wait. No," I said.

"Why? I don't see-"

I pointed down the hall.

"Too many witnesses. There are no blindspots. As far as I can tell from my memory of The Citadel, Master Jun had designed it in a way where sneaking through it is practically impossible unless you follow a linear path. The moment you use the Aether on those guys we'll alert them. We'll end up wasting our element of surprise."

"Then what do you propose we do?"

I sat down, surveying the surroundings.

"When the guards move past the sentries, we use the sound of their footsteps to camouflage with our own. I'll use Invisbilis to squeeze through the guards."

We sat in silence for a few moments.

I had done missions with other Outer Shadows in the past.

But rarely did I ever work with Inner Shadow Crassman's Outer Shadows. There were many things I didn't know about them.

Not that it mattered anyway... since most of the Shadows in the Black Legion were now being hunted by Loyce.

But one thing definitely was bothering me. I was always someone who was cautious about things.

Especially now of all times.

Everybody in the room had given me a look of pure malice when Troia had said those things.

Everybody but Sixshot.

"Why did you... choose to help us? Knowing Jubilee..."

"Knowing the Black Legion's strict policy on treason?"

I nodded nervously.

Outer Shadow Sixshot rested his hands on his knees.

"Don't get me wrong, Outer Shadow Dainsleif. There are many of us who do not agree with the choice to help you. Especially after Auxiliary Shadow Jubilee's controversy as a mole."

My eyes wandered to the edges of the entrance.


Sixshot gazed at the distance.

"June meant a lot to you, didn't she? Almost like... family."

"I... I guess you could say that; she was a little sister to me," I admitted.

Sixshot scoffed.

"Haha. If she was really like a little sister to you, you two would be fighting day and night. That's what a real sibling bond is like. You'd be at each other's throats. Every little thing she does will piss you off. That's how siblings work."

"But... Troia is an Amazon. Surely her sisters must be different, right?"

"A sister for an Amazon is different. They're not really human to begin with. Their sense of family is more on duty. But for us humans, our sense of family is different. Maybe a little confusing, but very defined."

I looked at the Outer Shadow.

"You... have a sibling too, don't you?"

Sixshot smirked.

"An older brother. At least... I did."

"I'm sorry."

"He's not dead."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Really? What happened to him?"

Sixshot sighed, resting his back against the column.

"My name is Galeo Ixian. From the War World Tiamar. Does that provide enough background for you, Red-Eyed Detective of the Black Legion?"


Tiamar was a War World that was plagued by an eternal conflict that had lasted for almost forty-seven thousand years. During that timespan, an elite group of soldiers had been created to protect humanity.

The creation of the Space Marine species, an augmented, and heavily psychologically and biologically modified super soldier who boasted the strength to slay giants with their sheer might.

I looked at Galeo again.

"Your older brother..."

A sad smile appeared on his face.

"My brother is a Lieutenant there. He had long since abandoned the Ixian family name and became a Space Marine, swearing his life to eternal service. He's been in service for eight centuries."

I blinked.

"Eight centuries... but then that would mean you're-"

"Remus doesn't know I'm alive, if that's what you're asking. And yes, I'm over eight hundred years old."

I stared at the Outer Shadow.

"But... how? You're a human."

"A human with the powers of the Aether. In Tiamar, we are considered freaks. Both me and Remus. But unlike me, Remus rejected his nature and walked a path of duty. Even rejected his own brother. Even if he knows I am alive, I doubt he would be happy. If anything, I think he would shove that Bolt Carbine in my face and end me once and for all. After all, my existence is a reminder of what he has been scorned for being. I've used the Aether at times to peer into my brother's psyche. I know exactly what he's feeling. The memories he has of his old life are met with immense hatred. To hate anything outside of duty is what makes a Space Marine a Space Marine."

Galeo inspected the palm of his hand, which was heavily tattooed with the words:

Witch of Tiamar

"I always longed for the love of an older sibling. But the reality is... some sibling bonds just aren't as warm as you would make it out to be. Even if you find Auxiliary Shadow Jubilee, if she truly sees you as an older brother, how certain are you that this love she has for you is healthy? Whether it is feelings of hatred, as with the case of Lieutenant Remus, or the complete opposite end of the spectrum... her obsession for you, even she has admitted, will ultimately harm you."

"I believe in June."

Galeo turned back to the guards.

"Then we can only trust that reality is merciful. Because behind those guards, is where your Auxiliary Shadow is."

More silence pursued, but after a few moments, Galeo spoke once more.

"Answer me one question... before we enter that room."

"What is it?"

Outer Shadow Sixshot looked at me.

"What is duty to you?"


The Outer Shadow nodded.

"To my brother, duty meant death. To die for the Emperor. Though Inner Shadow Reaper had once asked me this question, I was never able to give an answer. We lived our lives under the protection of the Emperor's Angels. His Space Marines. But to them, duty meant death. I cannot abide by that. If I lose my brother... I cannot possibly accept that."

I sighed.

"Duty... huh. I guess... duty means... to do whatever you can... for the people you care about. That is what duty means to me. As an Outer Shadow with a couple of knuckle-brains for Auxiliary Shadows."

I looked at Sixshot.

"Because to me... true duty can never hurt a family."

Sixshot closed his eyes.

"Then... I suppose... saving Jubilee may be worth it after all. To me, at least."

"Damn straight."

Light Magic: Invisibilis

The two of us snuck past the guards, under the cover of the other guardsmen, and entered a large room.

Sitting in the middle, was a large man wearing a Spartan helmet.

Achilles slowly got up from the chair, turning around. The warrior towered over the two of us.

"I was told that you would come here first."

I gripped the edge of my jeans, keeping my rage from boiling out.

"And? What will you do, God-Eater? What elaborate plan have you come up against me?"

"Where is June?" I asked, my voice dripping with malice.

Achilles raised an eyebrow.

"You must have come here with some false pretenses. I never promised you anything. Coming here was on your own accord."

I watched as the Greek Legend pulled a spear from behind his back. The muscles lining his body left behind numerous shadows from the elevation of the room contrasting with the moon.

"No matter. I expected you to come here. After all, everything was according to what the Demon King had predicted. Whether or not I kill you, or you kill me, the outcome is the same. Now show me what you have veiled. Draw your weapon, Dainsleif of the Black Legion."

"Alright then," I replied, taking a step to the side, causing Achilles' face to contort in confusion.

"What are you doing?"


Achilles doubled over, as a blast of purple electricity slammed into the Vessel, paralyzing him on the spot.

"What is this? Are you not going to-"

I glanced at the Vessel.

"I will not be the one to fight you. He is."

Outer Shadow Sixshot appeared from the darkness, his hand outstretched, the tattoos on his arms glowing a fierce purple.

"You remind me so much of my brother. Both in name and in pride."

Achilles glared at Galeo with eyes filled with disgust.

"You dare pit me up against a mere A Rank Outer Shadow? Me?! To think you would still form allies after everything you've done. Yet your response was to send an A Rank weakling to fight an SS Rank General to Vala?!"

Sixshot continued his stream of telekinetic power, as I made my way to the veiled bed. To the figure of a girl who was sprawled on it.

My footsteps and the crackling electricity of Galeo's powers were the only sounds that filled the room.


My hand slowly approached the veil.

"June, let's get out of here," I said gently when suddenly, a chill ran down my spine. All the blood left my body as the realization hit me instantly.

There was no way this was happening.

There was no way.

Right from the very start...

I got played like a fool.

By the one person who, for certain, without question, was intellectually superior to me.

"How thoughtful you are to the people you care about. No matter how many daggers they pierce you with, you would still come back to their side like a dog. A valiant quality, if not for the fact that you live on a battlefield," A woman's voice said.

I quickly pulled out my Draugr, taking aim, causing Sixshot to stare at me in bewilderment.

"Dainsleif, what are you doing?!"

I fired the bullet, but it was too late, as June ripped the veil apart, leaping into the air and disarming me instantly.

I tried to call upon a magic circle, but the Vessel slammed me against the wall.

"How did you know?" Loki asked as the disguise disappeared.

I clenched my teeth.

"Her chakra..."

Loki smiled, turning to Achilles and Sixshot. Sixshot's expression was just as horrified as mine.

"Did I not tell you, Achilles? That my little brother would do exactly as I said he would?"

Achilles grimaced.

"How disappointing."

Sixshot kept his electricity up, but Loki took a step toward the Outer Shadow.

"Galeo Ixian of Tiamar, almost poetic how you are the one assigned to face Achilles of Thetis."

Galeo glared at Loki.

"There is nothing poetic about this. I am the only one who can restrain an opponent who is invincible."

"Alas, that is where you are wrong. And you know it."

I got to my feet.

Convocatio - Dra-

Loki held up a finger, causing my head to explode in pain.

"GAHHH!" I yelled, falling to my knees.

I clutched my temple, trying to resist the urge to scratch my scalp clean off.

This pain...

It was like my brain was about to explode!

It was almost as if Loki had pushed my brainpower to a level that was too much for it to handle.

A sensory overload...

I managed to force my head up until I was face to face with Galeo and the two Vessels of Vala.

I was still able to make out what they were saying.

"Why don't you enjoy what happens next?" Loki smiled.

I gnashed my teeth, seething angrily.

"N- Nora... What are you doing..."

Loki turned back to Galeo, who remained frozen.

"Look into Achilles' eyes. Can you really say that you are the perfect match for him?"

A bead of sweat ran down Sixshot's face.


Loki smiled.

"Look into his eyes, Galeo Ixian. At the warrior who was molded to become a heartless destroyer. Just like him. Exactly. Like. Him."

You manipulative bastard...!

Galeo's electricity began to falter, as Achilles managed to move a finger.

"My brother means nothing to me. We ceased our connection centuries ago. We have-"

"Your brother is dead, Galeo."

Galeo's electricity abruptly stopped, causing Achilles to relax.



I forced myself to my feet.

"Enough! Sixshot, get out of there! Shadows of John Crassman, take Sixshot out of there!"

Loki chuckled, glancing at the welling darkness by Galeo's feet.

"You are not going anywhere. After all, you don't want to, do you?"

"You are lying! My brother would not fall in battle so easily! He is one of the strongest warriors I've ever known!"

"Hyperbole... typical to a younger sibling. After all, I have one, sprawled on the ground right next to me as we speak."

Galeo's face turned white as a ghost.

"Remus... Remus... oh god..."

Loki chuckled, turning back to Achilles, who regarded Galeo with an empty expression.

"Why don't you tell him, Achilles."

Galeo stared at Achilles with a look of horror.

Achilles slowly took off his helmet and the red robe that covered his armor.

"I shall serve the Emperor. For my service is eternal."

Galeo took a step back, his bottom lip quivering.

"How do you know... how do you know the pledge...?!"

The Vessel towered over the younger brother, his red cloak falling to his feet.

And underneath the armor, was a familiar blue, red, and gold.

"Did you believe the legend of Achilles of Thetis would simply die out? For forty-seven thousand years, my name, like my pledge, the pledge of The Emperor's Angels forever remains eternal. Remus of the Space Marines..."

The Greek Legend smiled sinisterly.

"... and Achilles of the Space Marines."

I tried to get to my feet, but Nora was keeping me disoriented.

"Galeo... steady yourself! He's playing you! Numb yourself from your-"

Achilles threw his head back and laughed.

"For an Outer Shadow, you sure are psychologically stupid. To steel one's nerves. To let go of all weakness. That is the very fundamentals of a Space Marine! Galeo of Tiamar... you sure resemble the Space Marine I had slaughtered, but that fear on your face, most DEFINITELY resembled his during his final moments!"

"BASTARD!" Galeo screamed, pulling out a six-shot revolver from his belt and taking aim.

"May the chaos consume you. May the Aether destroy all before me. I shall avenge my brother!"


The bullet soared to Achilles' face, but Achilles took a step forward, the bullet glancing off his skin.

Galeo growled, unleashing another stream of telekinetic electricity at the Space Marine, but Achilles walked through it, grabbing the Outer Shadow by the face and slamming him through a wall, smashing it.

Outer Shadow Dainsleif, what has happened?! A voice shouted in my mind.

"Outer Shadow Troia... what's going on over there?"

Jubilee... Jubilee is here!

My heart sank to the ground, my eyes wide in horror as Loki smiled at me crazily.


You were set free...

With June out in the field, she had the ability to cancel the fighting prowess of the people she loved and cared about.

Meaning the forces of The Black Legion, our allies...

Her allies!

Hang in there, Dainsleif. I have dispatched Warpgate. We will take you back to the battlefield as soon as possible!

"No... don't!" I shouted, but it was too late.

Nora turned around, summoning a crossbow with her free hand.

"I sense a distortion in the air currents..."

"Troia! Tell Warpgate to fall back! Tell her to fall back now!" I screamed, but before I could say another word, a mass of darkness erupted from where Nora was standing.


Warpgate manifested, with a crossbow bolt embedded in her chest.

Blood spurted from her mouth, and her face was white as a ghost.

"Y- You... how did you... who I choose to warp... should have..."

Nora leaned in close, her hand brushing the side of Warpgate's head.

"My dear... you made no mistakes."

And with that, Nora chuckled, slitting the Outer Shadow's throat. I watched my comrade crumple to the ground, her lifeless body tumbling down the steps of The Citadel.

In the distance, I watched Achilles toss Galeo across the room, his body smashing against another wall and flopping on the ground.

Sixshot slowly raised his sword, but Achilles pulled a weapon from his back.

"Brother Remus had once died by chain. It is almost poetic that you will meet the exact same fate."

Achilles swung his Chainblade, the sounds of the chainsaw teeth creating a deafening grind against Sixshot's sword.

But despite the Aether empowering the Psychic, he was still no match in a contest of strength with the Space Marine.


I stared at the Dovetail, which began to pulsate purple again.

To my surprise, Nora took a step back, making a bewildered expression at the necklace.

"A god..." She muttered.

I had no idea what she was on about, but the influence she had early had momentarily dipped.

I stomped on the ground.


I brought my arm back.


Six Thompson Contenders appeared in all six of my arms, taking aim, and firing at Nora, who was startled at the gem, catching her in the chest and sending her out of the Citadel.

"SIXSHOT! FBG!" I shouted as I launched a flashbang grenade at Achilles, blinding him and yanking the heavily injured Outer Shadow away.

Galeo slowly opened his eyes, while I shouldered him and glanced out the window of the Citadel.

And the sight...

The sight was exactly what I did not want to see.

Troia was doing her best to rally the troops, her Auxiliary Shadows, the Amazons, in battle alongside the people of Trion, but it was clear that June was significantly dulling her abilities.

Countless bodies were strewn all over the battlefield.

The bloodied costumes of the superheroes and the shredded pieces of it littered the ground.

"We're... losing... aren't we..." Galeo muttered.

"Shut up, don't say that," I snapped, summoning a DS35, but before I could make another move, a black figure was flying in our direction.

"Annie...?!" I gasped, watching my Auxiliary Shadow leap into the room in front of us.

"There's no time. We need to proceed with the next phase," Sigurd said, urgently.

I gritted my teeth.

"But June-"

"Right now, our objectives are to prioritize my Omega Upgrade. We have infiltrated The Citadel. That prerequisite has been met."

Achilles got to his feet, glaring at all of us.

"You underestimate my power, foolish Auxiliary. If you think I will let you access that upgrade, then you are out of your mind."

Sigurd took a step forward when suddenly, a blast sent her flying through a wall.

"Annie!" I shouted, turning around and quickly shielding myself with my DS35 as fast as I could.

Just as I predicted, the same immense concussive force slammed into my shield, shattering the DS35 and sending me back. My head slammed against the wall, cracking it.

Galeo stood, petrified.

"Sixshot! Take cover!"

Achilles smiled, aiming his Bolt Carbide at the Outer Shadow.

"He can't. After all, everything about me is nostalgic to the older brother he always yearned for, but will never see again."


Advanced Lightning Magic - Cosmic Augmentus

I shot forward, pushing the Outer Shadow out of the way, but the projectile grazed my back, causing a lance of unbearable pain to rip through my body.

"GRAAAH!" I yelled, skidding to the ground.

I grabbed Galeo by the shoulders.

"Outer Shadow Sixshot, if you can't fight, then leave! You're a liability," I growled.

Galeo stared at me.

"D- Dainsleif..."

I spun around, taking aim with one of my Contenders and firing an Anti-Hope bullet, which sliced Achilles' Bolt Carbide projectile in half.

"Impressive. They don't call you the Greatest Gunman for nothing," Achilles mused.

From the rubble, Sigurd had managed to dig herself out, her Three Lives Precept kicking in.

I had to do something about Achilles, but that would mean leaving Sigurd to access the upgrade alone.

Completely vulnerable to any attack coming her way.

Outer Shadow Sixshot was in no condition to fight. And everybody was preoccupied on the battlefield.

Not to mention Nora...

"Your thinking has slowed, God-Eater," Achilles said, bringing his Chainblade up and positioning it to my head, but before he could swing down, the blade was intercepted by another.

"Galeo...?!" I choked, as the Psychic stood before me, sparks showering down on the both of us.

"I am... no liability..." Outer Shadow Sixshot seethed, fighting off the tremendous force of the strongest Space Marine.

Achilles laughed crazily.

"And what makes you think that?"

Sixshot growled, unleashing a telekinetic force that propelled Achilles back.

"If my older brother had the strength to become one of the Emperor's Angels, then I have no excuse. I must live, for him."

Achilles tilted his head.

"Your brother shunned you. For being weak. Yet-"

"And he had every reason to do so."

Galeo took out his revolver, dual-wielding it with his sword. Both weapons glowed with an ethereal blue flame.

"I have figured it out. What duty means to me."

Achilles grimaced, watching as Galeo powered up.

"I am not like you, Dainsleif. The family I have is dead. But... right now, the entirety of Lord Crassman's forces are battling Aran Sol. Even when their powers wane, we still fight. Warpgate, in her dying moments, died for our cause. For me... duty means..."

Achilles aimed his Bolt Carbide but hesitated, a wave of telekinetic pressure causing him to buckle.

"Wait, Galeo, you're summoning too much of the Aether-"

"That's fine," Galeo growled, as blood began to leak from his eyeballs.

"Because to me, duty means to do everything I can to not be a liability. To never stay weak. Brother Remus would have wanted that for me. Dainsleif. Sigurd."

Galeo turned to us, red cracks forming on his face from the overuse of the psychokinetic powers of the dimension that was now overloading his body.

"If the words of Achilles are lies... if my brother is alive... tell him... tell him Galeo Ixian gave his life to avenge the man who wronged him. Galeo Ixian fought the Strongest Space Marine to ever have lived!"

I reached out, but Sigurd quickly yanked me back, the pressure of Outer Shadow Sixshot's telekinesis causing the roof to collapse in on itself, and blocking us from Achilles and the younger brother.

"Galeo!" I shouted, but nothing was getting through.

Annie grabbed my arm.

"Aaron! We need to get to the Omega Upgrade. There's no telling where Nora is, or if she's coming after us. Lord Crassman's Outer Shadows cannot hold the forces of Aran for any longer! We need to go!"

We ran down the halls to the location where Annie was expecting the upgrade to be.

"The guards..."

"Warpgate. She killed them all."

I raised my eyebrows, keeping up her sprinting pace. Warpgate didn't just warp to my location... but she had done all of this beforehand?

"Warpgate killed all of the cultists in the Citadel?"

Annie gritted her teeth.

"I was surprised too. After everything Troia had said, I would never have expected her to do something like that. Perhaps... some part of her recognized the importance of family. Even if she was never close to us, June always left a long-lasting impression on all of us in The Black Legion. Even if she has been exposed to be a traitor... some of us responded to the shock with grief. After all... she was always different. The first Black Legion operative to stand for something other than death and destruction."

My face turned downcast.

Just like Galeo.


Keep moving.

We need to keep moving.

We stopped, Sigurd letting me catch my breath.

"The stamina syringe is running out, we need to give you some time to recover," Annie said.

"Plug me with another-"

"Absolutely not."

I stared at my Auxiliary.

"Huh? You refusing an order from your Outer-"

"You cannot handle any more of these artificial solutions. During times of crisis, we must remain calm. Everybody has played their role. Sacrifices have been made. Our job is to make sure the lives lost today don't go in vain. You of all people know this, Aaron."

I continued panting, my saliva turning thick in my mouth.

"This is... hard. Probably the hardest battle I've ever fought in my entire life," I muttered.

"We will push through, our potential has yet to fully awaken."

"That's not what I meant."

Sigurd tilted her head.

"Then... how so...?"

I slowly closed my eyes.

"I know you're trying to get this Omega Upgrade so you could achieve it. To achieve a level of power to fight by my side."


I smiled.

"You know, it sure is funny. Me constantly preaching about how I hate selflessness. Yet here I am not practicing what I preach. Being unable to open up and make new allies. Each time I do so, people die. It just makes me want to shoulder everything alone. This stupid Dovetail is seriously not helping, by sending me all these suggestive visions about how I could do it all alone. I just... I just don't like going in blind. Yet here I am. Doing everything like I have a blindfold on."

Sigurd sat down in front of me, her black hair shining from the lights of The Citadel.

"No matter what you say or do. No matter how many times you push me away, my order was, and always will be, to protect my Outer Shadow. To fight by his side. This isn't a matter of duty, precepts, or code. I am doing this... because I want to help a friend. Even if you did manage to storm The Citadel alone and make it out alive, a part of you will most certainly die."

I glanced at the darkness in the hallway. The path to the Omega Upgrade

"The Omega Upgrade has historically been one of Master Jun's most forbidden tech. No machine has ever been able to handle it. In his eons of working with the tech in his cyberspace... I'm really worried."

"I know."

Sigurd put a hand on mine.

"But for your sake. I will reach that level of power. Because I want to."

The two of us continued down the path. My assault rifle in my hand, and my DS35 in visor mode, targeting for any movements.

"Deja vu," I muttered.

"How so?" Annie asked.

"Don't you remember we did something similar to this? Last year?"

Sigurd frowned.

"Oh, yes. The Takofanes assassination mission, right?"

I smirked.

"Yeah. I still remember how I almost killed the mofo with a single sniper bullet!"

"I remember how you missed and ended up shooting me in the forehead by mistake."


Sigurd giggled, her voice sending warm currents into my body. Even amidst all the chaos happening...

I could still appreciate the value of laughter.

To Lose Oneself

(Three Years Ago)

"Master Jun," I said.


"Do you think... I could have upgrades installed onto my body?"


I nodded, looking out into the distance.

"If I became cybernetic, I could offset a lot of the physical abilities I'm lacking. Could give me a whole breadth of tactical options too."

Jun looked at me up and down.



"Request denied."

I spun around angrily.

"Why?! Don't you think being bionic would make me way stronger?! I could finally reach High Tier S+ Rank! Maybe even Elite Tier! Or maybe even SS Rank dude!"

"I'm not denying that your combat prowess would greatly increase, but do you understand the implications of becoming a cybernetic human?"

"What's there not to understand, though? You're Inner Shadow Jun Gasket, the greatest mind in The Black Legion Organization. There's nothing you can't do."

Jun chuckled.

"Say I turned you bionic. And you installed an implant, what do you think that's gonna do to your mind?"

"I... uh..."

Jun wiggled his fingers.

"Finger control. That's by your median nerve."

"Of course I know that, I'm well versed in human anatomy."

"Notice how you went straight to the subject of human anatomy. When I move my fingers... what do you imagine first? A fist? Or perhaps a gentle head pat, or a mother's touch?"

"I don't get it."

Jun sat down on his throne, overlooking his world.

"There's more to bionics than combat, Aaron. It's how you use it. How your brain reacts to it. How your mind reacts to it. Having these implants and being able to control them at an elevated wavelength is just as psychological as it is biological. A mom being able to hold her baby with her own arms for once... or someone being able to hold his or her boyfriend/girlfriend."

Jun ran his hand over the edge of his throne.

"I have an upgrade I've been working on. In cyberspace, the time I have had it developed amounts to almost forty-six eons. During that development phase, I've created countless machines and devices... every single permutation of components you could think of. Down to the subatomic and quantum level. Yet of all these combinations... not a single creation I have made has been able to withstand the upgrade. They all succumb to cyberdegradation."

"That upgrade must be pretty insane."

"Yes. If I successfully install it on a creation, their combat prowess can be pushed all the way up to Elite Tier S+ Rank."

My jaw dropped.

Jun put a hand to his chin.

"I am very close to figuring out why. That one piece of the puzzle, but the solution might not be something I can create. Not ever. I can create almost anything imaginable... but I cannot create human nature."

(Present Day)

Human nature. Something even Master Jun could not create with his vast intelligence.

Sigurd and I stood before a glowing white ball-like object, suspended in a massive tube in a huge spherical room.

The Omega Upgrade.

"We're... actually here," I muttered.

Sigurd inspected her hand.

"Whatever it takes. I will harness its power."

I quickly grabbed my Auxiliary Shadow's wrist.

"Annie, I-"

Annie looked at me, with an expression of reassurance.

"Have faith in me, just like you did with the people of Trion, Aaron."


I spun around, aiming my rifle at the entrance.

"Barricade Protocol," I commanded my DS35's as they rushed to the entrance and cladded the door.


"There's no time. Start the process," I ordered Sigurd. My Auxiliary obliged, stepping into the chamber.

"Auxiliary Shadow, Infiltration Unit Terraform Seventeen Female Variant, Reference Model: Elise Scarlet, on standby for serial upgrade."

The rings of the spherical upgrade lowered, surrounding Sigurd from head to toe, and emitting a transformer hum.

I watched grimly, as Annie faced me.

"I will free this world. By the time this is over, I will have the power to restore that annoying smile on your face again."

"Counting on it."


I spun around, Sarah's cloak fluttering behind me.

Each footstep I took getting closer at what was behind that barrier.

I slowly watched the DS35 matrix dismantle, shredded chunks of the barrier being ripped apart and skidding to a stop before my feet.

And as I slowly raised my head, I could make out the figure of a tall woman with a horned helmet standing before me.

"Good old Destreum, ol' Inner Shadow Gasket always went all out with his creations, didn't he?"

"Master Jun isn't dead."

"Not yet."

My hand reached behind me, summoning a blue magic circle and pulling out my Thompson Contender.

Nora reached behind her back and shouldered her crossbow.

"Let's be honest, Aaron. You can't beat me. If you couldn't even beat Jekyll, there's no way you could win against me in a battle of gunplay. And is this really what you want?"

I knew Nora was playing me, but I needed to buy time.

And she had a point. If I just duked it out with her, I was most certainly going to die.

This wasn't with Jekyll, where even if I was outclassed, I could last for a few minutes before his upper hand would overwhelm me.

I saw it with my own eyes, how dangerous Nora was in combat.

How she was able to overpower Jekyll so easily like that.

If I fought her, I would be defeated instantly if she felt like it.

"Is it really okay to leave your comrades to fight Inner Shadow Reaper on their own like that?" I asked.

Nora raised an eyebrow.

"What makes you think I cared about them for a second? Did it look like June cared about the Vessels of Vala, after all the physical and sexual abuse she suffered from them?"

I gritted my teeth.

I needed to buy time some other way, but Nora knew exactly what to say to tick me off.

"Say, you wouldn't happen to be trying to buy time, would you?"

"N- No..." My voice trailed away.

Nora smirked.

"If you really wanna buy time, then let's take a sneak peek at what's actually going outside?"

"Huh? What are you-"


Nora suddenly appeared in front of me, her finger on my forehead.

"AARON!" Sigurd shouted from within the Omega chamber.

"Just focus on the upgrade, Sig!" I shouted back.

"Yes, Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd, focus on getting your little Omega Upgrade..." Nora smiled sinisterly at my Auxiliary Shadow, whose hands were planted on the surface of the encapsulating chamber that was separating her from the surroundings.

I gritted my teeth, my sense of direction going haywire. I blinked, and suddenly, I was somewhere else.

"Wh- Where are we..." I muttered, in a daze.

"Outside of Diacus, of course, where the war is," Nora answered.


Superheroes were flung left and right, and a large mist filled the battlefield, likely from the dust of fighting.

I could make out thousands of energy blasts from the Champions, catching stray Cultists left and right.

"For a legion of cowards, they sure fight well against Aran's forces," Nora remarked.

But contrary to what she said, I could see it.

From the small details near the ground of the dust cloud...


Thousands and thousands of bodies of superheroes and supervillains alike littered the ground.

The faces of the people in Trion were constricted in terror, as monsters the size of skyscrapers ripped through the mist.

"Oh- Oh god... they're... they're just like Defender...! And there's hundreds of them!" A supervillain screamed, as one of the monsters howled into the sky, stepping on her and ending her screams abruptly.

Troia... where was Troia?!



Troia flew to the sky, pursued by Jekyll, who took aim with his rifle, and fired numerous bullets at the Outer Shadow, only for the bullets to freeze mid-air.

Suddenly, the figure of John Crassman appeared before him, his hands behind his back and his eyes emitting a tremendous aura.

"Tch," Jekyll muttered, as a force slammed him back into the ground.

Reaper landed before Jekyll and manifested a scythe.

"Come," John said.

Jekyll smiled crazily.

"With pleasure."


Jekyll flew in, shotgun in hand, but John slowed his movements with another wave of chakra, his hand on his chin.

Final Circle Style - Shadow Guillotine


A surge of blood erupted from the God of Warfare's nostrils, as several other Vessels tried to intercept him, but John turned around, spinning his scythe and sending them all back.

To see Jekyll and the Vessels be overpowered like this...

It was surreal, considering how hard I struggled to even put up a fight with Jekyll alone.

"These Inner Shadows sure are a different breed. I can see why Lady Vala was so hesitant on launching an assault against Lord Ginga, if this is the level of strength from one Inner Shadow," Nora remarked.

I looked back at Troia, who was now facing an enormous cultist, who managed to catch her in the back of the head, but before a fatal blow could be delivered, an Auxiliary Shadow, an Amazon, intercepted the swing with her sword, taking the fatal blow in Troia's stead.

"Phoebe!" Troia shouted.

Nora smiled.

"As for these cultists, it's always been intriguing. You would think those who accept the Anti-Narrative would just turn into monstrosities with little to no sense of self. But no. True followers of the Primordial Demon are given power beyond the limits of understanding. Surely, you've seen it too. On Everbreak Hill."

I remembered fighting that giant guy, whose body seemed to be made of rubber when I had tried to rescue June.

Nora was right. The variety of cultists, along with their strength, was beyond comprehension.

And one thing was for certain.

I watched as an enormous monstrosity the size of several football stadiums roared in the distance.

My eyes widened.

"No... no way. They need to fall back!" I gasped.

An array of lights had formed on its belly, breaking through the mist that shrouded its body.

Witchcraft flew into the air, looking at her comrades, then turning back to the monster.

"Fall... fall back! FALL BACK-"


Twelve beams of light blasted into the ground, shredding the entire battlefield and sending entire landslides in our direction.

The people of Trion screamed, engulfed, and ripped apart by the violent storm of rocks and debris.

To my horror, the landslides took on a reddish hue, confirming the deaths of thousands.

Such a sight...

Such a sight was beyond traumatizing.

"This was what you accepted was going to happen, right?" Nora asked.

I gritted my teeth, watching John spin around to see his Outer Shadows trying their best to rescue the people of Trion.

"PAY ATTENTION TO THE FIGHT, OLD MAN!" A Vessel sneered, trying to catch John off guard, but John blocked the strike without even turning around, then concentrated the palm of his hand on the Vessel's chest.

Level 1 Advanced Senkaku - Black Lancer


The Vessel vomited blood, flying backward.

Jekyll dodged his own ally and went in for the assault, but John simply glared at Jekyll's weapons, as if his mere presence alone was enough to parry all the blows.

"That's enough. You don't need to keep watching."

The vision shut down, as I stumbled forward until it was just me standing before Nora. Keeping her from getting to Sigurd.

Nora aimed her crossbow at me.

"Time to get to work."

I aimed my Contender.



Nora fired her crossbow bolt, and the bolt split in half by my Anti-Hope bullet.

I rushed forward, as Nora flipped in the air, delivering an axe kick.

Portalis - Switch Gamble

The two of us switched places, causing the shockwaves of Nora's kick to decimate the structure of the room in front of me, as opposed to hitting Sigurd.

"Clever use of Convocatio..." Nora muttered as I pressed the barrel of my assault rifle to her forehead.

Nora took aim with her crossbow behind her. The two of us fired, but we both dissipated, our illusions becoming undone.

In the air, I met Nora, spreading my DS35's out wide.

"Iron Maiden Protocol"

I took aim with my assault rifle, firing at eccentric angles, but Nora's eyes darted around, assessing the trajectory, and dodged every bullet and fired a crossbow bolt of her own, catching me in the leg.

"URK!" I gasped, falling on the surface of DS35 which caught me.

Convocatio - Grenade Summoning - OCTAGRAM OF DEMONS

Eight clones appeared, taking aim with their Caligas, but Nora smirked, spinning in mid-air and swapping the barrel of her crossbow with what looked like a flamethrower.

A torrent of flame eviscerated my clones, as Nora closed in on me amidst the chaos, kneeing me in the chin and sending me flying into the ceiling of the room, crashing into the ground.

"People like us have an inherent flaw. We suffer from tunnel vision. It's always in the middle of chaos, where our brain momentarily cannot capture all of the information, are we vulnerable. I thought I had taught you this back in the orphanage. Do you not remember?"

I coughed out blood, my DS35's crumbled to dust all around.

Loki stood before me, spherical objects which resembled my DS35's appeared from where they stood.

Of course... Nora would have something similar to my DS35's.

After all... the DS Sanctuary design was initially her idea when we were kids.

"Tell me, little Auxiliary Shadow, do you think what you are doing is helping your Outer Shadow in the slightest?" Nora turned around, grinning at Sigurd, who was frozen in a state of shock.

"Aaron..." Sigurd muttered.

"Don't look at me! Focus on the upgra-" I shouted before Nora slammed my head into the ground.

"That Omega Upgrade you are going to get... do you think the strength you will gain from it will offset all the people who have lost their lives to get here? Trade seems a little bit too much, don't you think?" Nora mused.

"Nora! Shut up! Shut-"


Blood leaked from my nostrils, as my vision became blurry.

"The Omega Upgrade, the one upgrade and greatest creation Inner Shadow Gasket had ever created, but could never implement. Because the prerequisite was ironically something he couldn't ever obtain. In any of his creations. You think that you possess that quality is the biggest joke of them all."

Several appendages embedded themselves into Sigurd's body, but her face was white as a ghost.

"You don't scare me, Loki-"

"You all know what that prerequisite is, don't you? That requirement." Nora asked.

I closed my eyes, recalling everything that had happened to Annie so far.

Of what made her so special even amongst the androids in Master Jun's legion of creations.

Of what she always yearned for.

Of what Jun had told me three years ago.

"Human nature," I answered.

Nora laughed.

"Annelise Scarlet, you think human nature means to be kind and compassionate. But you thinking that ironically contradicts everything you have done and is also fundamentally incorrect."

More and more parts of the upgrade began attaching themselves to Sigurd, but something was wrong.

The look on her face, the horror on her face, and the constrictions of her throat...

Sigurd began to retch, choking, her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"ANNIE! ANNIE HANG IN THERE!" I growled, trying to force myself to my feet, but Loki smiled at me, sending another wave of vertigo to my brain.

"Point one. Human nature. Let's have a crash course on what it really means to be human."

Loki held out her hand, showing an illusion of a battle, trenches everywhere, and the bodies of thousands of soldiers lying in the mud.

Bleeding to death in their own guts and feces.

"What... what is that..." Sigurd muttered.

I wanted to tell her to not look, but the nausea was keeping me from doing anything else.

"Did you really think human nature was about appreciating those little flowers in your garden back at Jun's barracks? Did you think human nature was loving and kind? Stupid girl. Human nature... true human nature is SELFISH. It's about doing anything that benefits yourself."

"YOU LIE. I have seen countless humans do good deeds. To do good deeds and to help others. That is human nature-"

"All for the satisfaction of helping someone else. Who wouldn't want the rush of satisfaction of doing the right thing? Of being appreciated? Take a man who donates to a charity. If that man had no money, and was in severe debt, do you think he would use that money that he found on the street to donate to the children in need? No. He would use it for himself. Because that is human nature. Human nature is about survival, in the end of it all."

"Love is not a means of self-satisfaction. To extend a helping hand, it's for the very act of kindness that one would do such a thing!"

Nora waved her hand, and this time, the vision changed, this time a young man curled up in his bathroom.

"Love... then consider this man. Donnie Martinez. Age twenty-seven. In about five minutes, he will get in that bathtub and slit his wrists. The only thing keeping him from doing this is to receive a text from the girl he likes. But here's the reality. That girl will never text him. No one will reach out to him."

Sigurd gritted her teeth, more and more pieces of the Omega Upgrade attached to her body, but her body wasn't accepting the upgrade like it always did whenever she received her upgrades.

Her body...

Her body was starting to reject it.

The absolute worst possibility that could happen.

"No one is obligated to help others. This is the reality of this society, and that is the reality of human nature. Donnie Martinez has been seen as a creep ever since high school. No women wanted him. And this upsetted him greatly. Women and men value personality, but who can blame poor Donnie, right? The circumstances he was in have shaped who he has become, and now he has lost the ability to talk to people. No one will take the sacrifice of being his partner, because it would mean the cost of their own mentality. And, would you look at that?"

"N- No... No...!" Sigurd gasped, her eyes wide in horror as Donnie's head bounced on the back of the tub, a pool of red filling the bathroom.

Nora smiled evilly.

"This is the human nature you wanted to see. Humans help others when it benefits them. Whether emotionally or physically. Human nature is selfish. It is wrought with contradiction and double standards. From the very beginning, that is what you have been trying to obtain. Can you really accept this is what you will become, can you really accept this upgrade? Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd?"


"ANNIE!" I shouted as a tear ran down Sigurd's face.

"I'm so sorry... what have I done...?" Sigurd muttered as a blast of white light sent me flying back.

"ANNIE! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! PLEASE!" I pleaded, but waves of energy pulsated from Sigurd's body, as white cracks ripped through her skin.

"Where were you when Robbie Fernandez delivered that kamikaze to try and stop Lady Vala, Annie?" Nora asked.

Annie screamed, her body convulsing.

"Ro- Robbie... Robbie is dead...?!" Annie cried out.

I opened my mouth, but no words were coming out.

Everything that could possibly have gone wrong...

Was going wrong.

"AAAAAAAAAGHHHH!" Annie screamed in despair, her body twitching and succumbing to cyber-psychosis.

Nora turned to me, with a blank look on her face.

"I'm a little disappointed that... despite everything that has happened to you so far, you would proceed with dragging more of your friends into this. Surely you've already learned your lesson. Or is this just some petty game of spite against Demon Lord Loyce?"

Nora slowly raised her crossbow to my forehead.

"You may be my little brother, Aaron. But gods don't feel any pain. After all, did you see me shed a single tear this entire time?"

The winds of Annie's cyber-psychosis slammed into me, my hair fluttering wildly.

My body was completely frozen in defeat.

"N- Nora..."

"No. My name is no longer Nora. It's Loki. The God of Trickery. And this entire time, that's what I have been doing. Little brother? Me looking out for little Aaron Hope from the orphanage? All of it was a lie. You should have seen this coming. Not once have I ever been on your side, Aaron. All of this has been a part of our plan from the start, but you naively let your emotions get the better of you to the point where you let even something so very obvious that an eight-year-old could pick up on it slide under your radar. Aran's Anti-Narrative is a real bitch."

This... this was it.

I had made my final mistake.

And this mistake was going to cost everything, absolutely everything that the Black Legion had been working for.

All because the responsibility of all existence was placed in the hands of some nineteen-year-old emotional idiot.


I closed my eyes when suddenly, the bolt froze in mid-air.

"Loki of Norse Mythology was always a coward. I see you are no different, Nora Angela."

Nora glared at the man behind me, as the folds of Inner Shadow John Crassman's cloak brushed against mine.

"Finished already? Took you long enough, Inner Shadow Reaper."

Reaper's eyes flashed white, as black tendrils sent Jekyll, Sarina, and several other Vessels sprawled on the ground before Nora.

"Lady Vala is an imbecile, to pit her main forces on The Black Legion's Outer Shadows, and assuming the Inner Shadows of The Black Legion would turn a blind eye. In the end, she lacks the resources to launch a full-scale attack and she knows it."

Nora cracked her neck.

"Come on, people. You're really making me work a lot harder than I need to. And really, Jekyll? I figured you wouldn't win against an Inner Shadow but to see you in such a pathetic state is almost nauseating. Looks like he beat you into a fish paste after all."

Jekyll grunted, forcing himself to his feet.

"This guy is unlike anything I have ever faced. His mere intimidation alone is enough to stop my attacks from landing."

Nora smiled crazily, making eye contact with Reaper's blank emotionless expression.

"Is that so?"

Reaper readied his scythe, as Nora disappeared, hundreds of illusions aimed for every blind spot imaginable.

Level 2 Advanced Shakujin - Gaia's Crown

Thousands of spikes ripped from the ground, tearing apart the illusions until only one remained. Reaper spun around, clashing with Loki and sending another shockwave that rippled across the Citadel.

"Outer Shadow Dainsleif, tend to your Auxiliary Shadow!" Reaper ordered.

I scrambled to my feet, running to Sigurd.

"Like hell I'd let that happen!" Jekyll growled, sprinting forward and kneeing me in the face. I flew to the other side of the Omega chamber.

But before Jekyll could land another blow, his movements began switching direction.

"What... the hell...?!"

Reaper glared at Jekyll while exchanging blows with Nora.

"Your fight is with me, God of Warfare."

Jekyll spun around angrily, taking out a sword and rushing Reaper.

"Then I will gladly carry out your execution, old man."

Reaper dodged and skidded backward, as Sarina joined the fray.

"With Loki on our side, this fight is no longer to your advantage. Inner Shadow Reaper, your biggest mistake was overestimating your abilities, just like you did when you fought Inner Shadow Empire!"

Reaper ignored Sarina's comment and appeared before her, slamming his fist into the top of her head and smashing her into the ground.

The other Vessels joined the fight until Reaper was fighting all of the Vessels in the chamber at once.

"I will not ask again... Outer Shadow Dainsleif. GO!" Reaper growled.

I forced myself to my feet, each step taking tremendous effort, but I needed to go to her.

No more Auxiliary Shadows needed to die because of this.

One step. Two steps. Three steps.

"By the way..." Nora seethed, as Reaper landed a blow right through her guard.

"That strategy you used to defeat Jekyll the first time... I know it too."

I stopped dead in my tracks, slowly turning around to see June in the corner, staring at John Crassman, who had now assumed the form of Aaron Hope.

"You- You bastard...!"

Nora smiled wickedly.

"Go on, Vala's Heart. Whether you want to or not, this image of Aaron Hope in your head, your powers have been unleashed."

Reaper's eyes widened, as Sarina appeared before the Inner Shadow and slashed wildly at his chest, blood exploding violently.

"JOHN!" I screamed.

Crassman stumbled back, as Jekyll drew his sword, impaling the Inner Shadow in the back, the blade tearing through his internal organs and leaving behind a pool of blood where he was standing.

Nora flew in firing a crossbow bolt which connected with Reaper's forehead. I watched as the Inner Shadow's body collapsed in itself, slamming through dozens of walls of the Citadel.

The Vessels turned to me, with Nora and Jekyll leading the group.

"Your services are no longer needed, Lucia," Nora said, as she took aim with her crossbow.

Do something.

Do something.


Move, you stupid body!


Nora's eyes went wide, as the arm that was holding the crossbow suddenly detached from her body.


Nora vomited blood, as she spun around crazily.

"You surely are one sturdy bastard, Inner Shadow Reaper! But what are you going to do now... with your arm like that?"

Reaper stumbled forward, gritting his teeth. His right arm was filled with bullet holes, and pieces of crossbow bolts embedded into the flesh.

"Matthew... Chapter five... verses 29 to 32. If your hand... even your stronger hand... causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell."

Jekyll stared at the Inner Shadow.

"You wouldn't..."

Reaper grabbed his scythe and pressed the blade into his shoulder, amputating his arm before everyone.


"Aaron... perhaps it is a little late to tell you these things. But advice from an older Shadow. Never stop. If what you must do exceeds what you are capable of, the trick is remembering where it all started. Doing so will bring you just a bit over your limit. But that will be enough."

John Crassman lifted his scythe, black chakra emanating from his body. June's influence still clearly affected him, but for some reason, something felt different.

"For my wife and daughter... that was where it all started for me. And now I have the momentum."

Reaper looked at me.

"The future... the future of the Black Legion rests on the shoulders of the next generation. I had my doubts at first... but after getting to know you more, Aaron. I have no more worries. I entrust the future to you. So as of now... run. Run as fast as you can. This fight is not yours. Not yet. Let this old dog handle this one."

"ENOUGH WITH YOUR MEANINGLESS WORDS," Jekyll roared, shooting forward and slashing his sword, which ripped through Reaper's chest, but John slammed his head into the god, flinging him into the air.

The other Vessels charged forward, this time landing more blows, but Reaper held his ground.

Was it stubbornness?

Was it resilience?

Whatever it was...

I could not let it go to waste.

"Dainsleif!" A man's voice shouted at me, forcing me to avert my attention to a heavily bloodied man limping toward me.

Surprise surged through me as I realized who it was.


Galeo lifted a staff in my direction, sending a concussive psychic explosion that blew a Vessel back.

"Lord Crassman is doing everything he can so you can get to Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd. If you can't reach her alive, all of this will be a waste."

"Where's Achilles?"

Right on queue, a large man in futuristic armor smashed through the walls of the Omega Chamber, causing Jekyll to turn around in surprise.

"Achilles?! How are you here?"

Achilles glared at Galeo.

"A mere Witch of Tiamar had a stroke of luck is all. The Warp Devil will not be lucky for long."

The two of us rushed toward Sigurd, but an explosion caught my attention at the last moment.

I turned around to see Jekyll standing over a defeated Reaper, a spear sprouting from his back and leaving behind a pool of blood.


Galeo clenched his fist.

"Lord Crassman... why do you go so far for this boy? After everything that has transpired?!"

"Outer Shadow Sixshot," Reaper forced himself to his feet, sending a wave of intimidation that repelled the attackers momentarily.

"Outer Shadow Dainsleif is SS Rank for a reason. Perhaps those reasons are beyond your understanding, but Lord Ginga knew what he was doing when he appointed that rank. My responsibility right now... is to hold off the forces of Vala's Vessels. Even if it kills me."

"No... No! Lord Crassman, that is absurd! I cannot accept it! Even if all of us were to stand here before you we would all say the same thing. Where would we be if you were not here to lead us?!" Galeo cried out.

Reaper turned to us, his cloak fluttering in the wind of the now-exposed Omega Chamber. The rays of light from Master Jun's realm shone from the outside.

"You have all been good Outer Shadows to me. Sixshot. I remember when I took you in, you were devastated at the loss of your brother, Remus. How he had shunned you and aimed that Bolt Carbide to your face. It wasn't a home that I ultimately gave all of you, it was the strength to keep moving forward. Having spoken to Outer Shadow Dainsleif, has his life not been a good example of that? The SS Rank that he holds isn't an indicator of his strength, because like me, and like you, he is human."

The Inner Shadow smiled, through the dozens of cuts and bruises on his face.

"But what puts him on that level of power is his strength to move forward. I have lived my life in fear of Inner Shadow Empire, so much that I had tried to keep Outer Shadow Dainsleif from doing what must be done and punishing the traitor for his treason against The Black Legion Organization. I believed that I saw myself in him and that if he challenged Loyce, he would meet with a fate just like I did."

Galeo's fist trembled.

"The deaths of your wife and child were not because of you, Inner Shadow Empire was-"

"No. They were. They were the cause of my overconfidence. But Aaron Hope's choice to battle Loyce and Vala... is from the sense of justice that is exactly what it means to be a Black Legion Shadow."

I turned back to Sigurd, who continued convulsing.

If I left Inner Shadow Reaper alone to fight the Vessels there was a possibility that he would die.



I clutched the Dovetail, its purple glow emanating from my amulet.

What did you want me to do?

You stupid Dovetail?

My responsibility right now... is to hold off the forces of Vala's Vessels.

My wife and daughter are dead.

Even if it kills me.

Not once did I ever consider the Inner Shadows as people. I always saw them as a pillar of strength and power and nothing more.

But even just sitting there in that coffee house with John Crassman, for once, I didn't see him as that.

John Crassman was a father.

A warrior.

A kind-hearted man, who, knowing full well of my Auxiliary Shadow's betrayal, still lent a helping hand.

Who, like Master Jun, had compassion for his Outer Shadows, and recognized the importance of moving forward.

Jekyll raised his blade, but a bullet shattered it, to the Inner Shadow's surprise.

"No more Shadows are dying today," I hissed.

Inner Shadow Reaper turned to me.


"I've lived by this code. To never throw my life away for others. To live for them. Because if you really truly love and care about someone, you would know better than to throw your life away for their sake."

That's right.

The Dovetail's pulses became stronger until its purple glow illuminated my red eyes.

"That chakra... Lord Crassman, that's the same chakra the Emperor had! How did you know Dainsleif had it?!" Galeo gasped.

Reaper closed his eyes.

"I suppose me sacrificing my life struck a nerve, didn't it?"

I glared at the Vessels of Vala, my chakra transforming me into my Yaksha Mode.

Memories of Jessie and Sarah appeared in my mind.

"Damn right, it did. This is who I am. This is the narrative of my character. A selfish little shit who hates people who sacrifice themselves for others. And no Anti-Narrative is gonna erase that. If you're gonna throw your life away for my sake, Inner Shadow or not, you can kiss my ass instead. Because there is no way I'm letting that happen."

Convocatio: Turricalum CROSSFORM

A DS35 cladded my missing right arm, transforming it into a cross that hovered over it.

"Galeo, the cyber-psychosis is localized once the Omega Upgrade is complete. But we won't let that happen. Once the upgrade reaches the last phase, rip her body out of there before it fully installs onto her body."

Sixshot blinked.

"But wouldn't that mean her upgrade will be incomplete?"

"Right now, she doesn't have the means to fully install it. We take all we can for now, and complete the upgrade once we've dealt with this threat."

Sigurd didn't have the means to fully accept the upgrade, because she was still missing something.

Leave it to Nora to ruin everything with her mind games.

But if it meant reaching my Auxiliary Shadow at the cost of someone else's life, this was something I could not accept.

"We're going to delay the upgrade. Until Inner Shadow and I hold off Vala's forces. Galeo, I leave my Auxiliary in your hands."

Galeo nodded grimly.

"Don't die on us, Aaron."

I turned back to the chaos, walking to Reaper's side until the two of us stood before Jekyll, Nora, Achilles, and the rest of the Vessels.

Sarina smiled cruelly.

"This is going to be a real treat. First I got to send my sister to hell, and now I get to send her fiancee."

Reaper held out his hand, summoning a scythe.

"Outer Shadow Dainsleif, on guard."

Convocatio - Gun Summoning: Ultimate Draugr

"Reporting for duty."

The Sword and The Reaper

Jekyll shot in, but Reaper intercepted his attacks, summoning a chain that wrapped around him, Nora, and Greziak.

"Leave the rest of the Vessels to me. Your priority is Jubilee."

I dodged a crossbow bolt from Nora, who tried to get to me but was interrupted by hundreds of shadowy specters of Crassman.

"Shadow clones? Really?" Nora grumbled.

I sprinted forward.

Aspectum - Huntsman Radar

"JUNE!" I roared, rushing in her direction, but June leaped into the air, acrobatically scaling the walls of The Citadel using the same moves I had taught her so many years ago.

Trigrams - Six Hands Combination Style

June flipped in the air, aiming her Glock at my location.

"You damn coal monkey!" I growled, assuming my form.

Trigrams - Six Hands Combination Style

The two of us took aim with our respective firearms.


Our bullets clashed, and the spiral movements added to its inherent spin, grinding and unleashing a powerful shockwave.

I landed on a chunk of the Citadel, now outside of the building thousands of feet in the air.

The whole structure was on fire, the smoke polluting the skies and the entire warzone.

"Even if the whole world burns over, I'm not gonna stop till I save you from this!" I yelled.

June aimed her gun at me again, her apathy unresponsive to anything I was saying.

I closed my eyes, the chakra around me interacting with my Yaksha Mode as I weaved through the bullet, responding with blank rounds of my own.

The rounds caught June in the chest and thigh, causing her to tumble and fall over, but not before regaining her posture.


I materialized in front of her, but not before a shadow cast above me.

I dodged at the last minute, narrowly missing Jekyll's strike with his machete.

"WHA-" I yelped, dodging a knife slash from Nora, until I was cornered on the edge of the collapsing building of The Citadel.

No way.

Those two lunatics really divided their forces against Crassman to get to me...?!

Jekyll rushed forward, slamming his machete against the side of my Cross, as Nora took to the air, taking aim with her crossbow and catching me in the shoulder.


June rushed in, tackling me to the ground, the two of us tumbling off the edge of the Citadel. My back slammed against a chunk of airborne debris, overlooking at the entire battlefield.

I felt June's body against mine, as she pushed the barrel of her Glock to my forehead.


"Nothing you say will change the outcome. I am a Vessel. That alone will not change no matter what you-"

"BLAH BLAH BLAH! You know what?! Screw you!" I shouted at my former Auxiliary Shadow, causing a look of surprise to plaster her face.

Frustration and anger finally exploded in me.

"I'm so sick and tired of trying to convince you that you aren't alone. No matter how much I try to be nice to you and welcoming to you. No matter how many times I forgive you. None of it matters if you cannot even take the initiative to help yourself. Is this what you wanted, you little BITCH?!" I roared, kicking June in the face.

June stumbled back, as Jekyll and Nora rushed to our location.

"That's quite the backbone you got, Aaron!" Nora laughed crazily, but before Reaper appeared before them, swinging his scythe at lightning-fast speed and sending the God of Trickery hurling into Jekyll.

I got to my feet, facing June.

"The only solution right now is for me to face you head-on. Because as long as you're with them, you're the ultimate trump card in this battle with your ability. But Nora had planned it all out such that it would be me to be the one who has to stop you, knowing our history. But there's one thing she underestimated. The Aaron Hope that she knew many years ago is not the Aaron Hope she sees today. Because the Aaron Hope that exists today is a troublemaker. A real..."

June frantically took aim with her Glock, but I swatted it aside, headbutting my former protege in the forehead.


June flipped in the air, delivering a roundhouse kick to my face. I let the blow land, withstanding the kick as I bit down on her leg, right through her jeans.

June screamed in pain.

"Aaron... you- how could you say these things... I-"

"Damn right! Damn right, I'm saying these things! You ungrateful little shit!"

I brought my fist back and slammed it against June's midsection, causing her to cough out blood.

Trigrams Six Hands Combination Style - DEAD EYE

I took aim with my Draugr, firing it at her Glock and disarming her instantly, as I rushed in, grabbing June by the neck and leaping off the airborne rubble, the two of us tumbling thousands of feet to the ground. Surrounded by chunks of The Citadel.

"Do you remember... do you remember what you asked me to do? When you were still my Auxiliary Shadow?" I shouted.

June gritted her teeth, trying to loosen my grip, but I wasn't letting go.

No way in hell.

"You asked me to make you tough. So you wouldn't be a liability. That was your request. And so, on every mission, you accompanied me. Not just as a friend. But as a comrade. One who wouldn't hold anyone back! To the point where you wanted to learn everything that made me tick. The Six Hands Combination style!"

June's head smashed against a chunk of rubble, but I wasn't letting go.

"So here's everything you ever wanted, June Lee Sung! My ultimate lesson! Delivered by the greatest degenerate The Black Legion has ever seen! A lesson on being tough!"

I hurled June against another airborne piece of rubble, her body smashing against the rock.

Convocatio - Gun Summoning: ULTIMATE CALIGA

Advanced Fire Magic: FIRE GOD IFRIT PILA

The glow of my barrel cast a demonic shadow on my figure as I took aim at the Vessel.

June held out her hand, silencing my fire magic, but it was not enough to fully stop the momentum of the Caliga shell.

The rifle shell whizzed past June's forehead as June got to her feet, glaring at me.

"You jerk..." She muttered as I hesitated.

The reality around me was shifting again.


I stumbled back, as June halted our fall, taking aim with her Glock. The pieces of rubble around me suddenly began circulating, orbiting June.

"You may not be the Aaron Hope who had humiliated me that day, but you're starting to get real close."

June fired, the bullet whizzing in my direction. I aimed my Draugr, instinctively, cutting the bullet in half, but dozens of debris suddenly came flying my way.

"Destreum Buckler!"

The DS35 transformed into a shield in front of me, blocking the rubble, but I was still sent flying back, as June appeared from the chaos, clenching her fist.

The Jamming deactivated, and I suddenly found myself in free fall once again, disorientation and nausea coming in waves across my body.

June took aim, again.


Hundreds of debris began changing direction, flying to me from every blind spot imaginable.


I raised my hand, summoning portals all around me. The debris flew into the Convocatio realm, as I smiled crazily at June.

"This magic... damn Ultear!" June growled, watching me resummon the portals, this time, firing the debris back at her.

June spun around and held out her hand.


I flew in, with her attention divided, my Draugr aimed right at her forehead.

I'll always be there for you. So be the boss that we all look up to. Kay? June's smile appeared in my mind, as I hesitated.

June spun around violently, kicking the gun out of my hands, and re-summoning her Glock.

"I hate you... I hate you!" June screamed, but before she could fire, the two of us slammed into the ground, our free-fall coming to an end.

"Dainsleif!" Troia shouted from the distance. Cuts and wounds covered her whole body, but she was still in fighting shape.

June shot to her feet, her arm and leg were a mangled mess, likely broken.

"Outer Shadow... Troia..." June muttered as Troia gripped her sword.

"Accursed traitor!" Troia sneered, but I held her back.

"Dainsleif, don't tell me you're going to defend your subordinate a second time-"


I glared at June.

"Auxiliary Shadow Jubilee will be my responsibility. I will be the one to eliminate her."

Troia took a step back.

"D- Dainsleif..."

June clenched her teeth.

"Yes. This is how it was always supposed to be. This is why I was created."

"If that's what you're going to insist on thinking, then you don't deserve all the support I've been giving you. From here on, I'll treat you as a threat for real. Best believe. Starting now, you're going to be fighting against The Sword of Jun Gasket."

June assumed her stance, as did I.



June began to jam my magic but clutched her head.

"What the hell is this... this isn't.. magic... or power..."

"It isn't. This is me."

I blasted forward, appearing in front of June with six arms aiming their respective Thompson Contenders at her at different angles.


Blood exploded from June's body, as she stumbled back, her mouth wide in shock.

June tried to retaliate, but I disappeared, spinning in the air.


June turned around, staring at the thousands of portals surrounding her.

"I can't... jam this many!" She gasped, as I quickly swapped to my M134 Minigun in each arm. Six miniguns fired a torrent of bullets through the portals.

The bullets appeared, randomly through the portals and shredded June's body.

June stomped on the ground.


The bullets became suspended, as her body tensed.

"Aaron... Aaron... AARON!" June roared, charging forward, her body glowing blue with power, tears streaming down her enraged face.

I dropped my miniguns and met her charge.

"JUNE!" I yelled in response, the two of us with our fists clenched and cocked back.

June swung her fist at me, catching my face as I returned with a volley of punches from my Asura Form.


June's body buckled from the strikes but responded with a kick to my chin. I flew into the air, momentarily taken aback at how much stronger her body had become.

I spun around, removing my Asura form and transforming into my Yaksha Mode, smiling crazily, and tossing dozens of Buzzsaw Orbs, which shredded June's body even further.

But June ignored the pain, pushing through and tackling me to the ground and pressing her Glock to my mouth, firing.

The taste of metal filled my mouth. Blood choking me from the inside.

But my Yaksha Form quickly jettisoned the blood out of my tract, releasing a wave of white energy that clashed with June's aura and sent her back.

"GRAAAAH!" I roared, quick-switching between my Caliga, then my Ironsight, then my Draugr, watching June's body flop in the air from the force of my weapons.

"Reign her in!" I shouted at my DS35's which circled my protege and pierced her with their tractor beams.

I took aim with my Ironsight, firing a sniper bullet that ripped through her midsection, before dropping the sniper rifle and switching to my Caliga, all of the chakras that had been sustaining my Yaksha Form entering the bullet of the rifle, forming a vortex of destruction which shook the entire world.

I pressed the trigger, and June's face snapped back up.


The bullet became suspended in mid-air, but the vibration of the projectile caused a massive divide in the world.

Air pressure shot outward violently, separating June and me, indicative of the immense pressure that our clash was generating.

"You think sacrificing yourself is gonna do anyone any good? You dumb bitch?!" I shouted.

"This is what it means to be a Vessel of Vala! How many times do I have to tell you this?!"

"And how many times do I gotta tell you how much I hate people who throw their lives away?! What exactly changed from the thirteen-year-old June Lee Sung compared to the sixteen-year-old June Lucia, huh?! What exactly changed?!"

"Sh- Shut up! SHUT UP!"

"You're not fooling anyone, coal monkey! You get stronger the more you love your opponent! You still being alive after me using Asura and Yaksha is enough proof of that!"

"I said SHUT UP!"

"Like hell, I will!"

The bullet began closing in on June's location, much to her shock.


"What the hell does that have to do with this?!"

"EVERYTHING! I was saving my Gasket Goodies on a huge ass bungeoppang party on the off-chance that I get you to see some common sense and return to my place! But I guess you're just too STUPID for it!"

"Stupid! You're so stupid!"

"Yeah! I AM! I'm so goddamn stupid! I'd spend my whole savings on a party for a girl who'd probably just show me up! Stupid me, right?! But you know who's even more stupid?! YOU ARE!"

The bullet exploded, sending June hurling back. I leaped into the air, tackling her and slamming her onto the ground, the two of us skidding to a stop.

The storms and winds dissipated until it was just the two of us, breathing heavily.

"Stupid girl... You stupid... stupid girl!" I roared, slamming my fist against her face over and over again.

This time, June was losing the ability to hold up, her face becoming bloodier and bloodier with each punch I landed on her. Her blood mixed with my tears.

"HOW THE HELL COULD YOU END UP LIKE THIS?!" I screamed as June stared at me, her ragged breathing causing her body to shudder.

"What the hell did I do wrong? I did everything I could to make you smile again. I did everything I could. Yet they still took you away from me. Yet you still couldn't smile. You still couldn't genuinely smile. All those things I bought for you. All those things I did for you. Why did I still lose you after everything I did..."

"You did... nothing wrong... you were just... unlucky... that the girl that ended up in your life... happened to be Vala's most important Vessel..."

I closed my eyes, tears streaming down my face.

"June... could Aran's Anti-Narrative remove the narrative of being Vala's Vessel?"

"Vala... is... eternal... no matter the narrative... she is... absolute. I am... her Vessel... always."

I aimed my Contender to her forehead.

"Then... this is goodbye. I guess."

June slowly lifted her hands, placing them on the sides of my head.

"I lied. When I said I hated you. Aaron... you made what little parts of my life that weren't influenced by Vala so much more worth living. So thank you."


June's body went limp, as I got to my feet, turning to Troia.

"Outer Shadow Troia, do the Amazons have any magical tools to contain a body and keep it from resurrecting?"

Troia nodded solemnly.

"Yes. We used it to contain Ares once. It will work with Jubilee."

I picked June up and handed her over to Troia.

"Then I entrust her fate to you. June cannot be killed, as she is a Vessel for Vala. But we can contain her. So she can't harm your Inner Shadow."

Troia looked at me.

"Dainsleif... about the things I said earlier-"

"Don't worry about it. We are still in battle, Amazon."

"I understand, but."

Troia grabbed my wrist, her initial expression of war and bloodlust had now disappeared, replaced with something I never saw before.


"Please. Please help our Inner Shadow. John... John means a lot to us. I beg you, Dainsleif. As the only SS Rank Shadow here... you're the only one who can fight alongside John and change his fate. I beg you... I beg you..."

I put my hand on Troia's shoulder.

"You don't need to beg. I was gonna head back up there anyway. I hate people who throw their lives away. I certainly won't be in the debt of two Inner Shadows before I die."

I turned around, summoning a DS35, and hopped on it, turning back and glancing at June one last time.

This was an outcome I never wanted to see. But it was something that had to happen.

"DS35: Leopard Protocol"


Several DS35's unlinked from my belt, cladding onto my feet and shoulders, unleashing their rocket engines and propelling me to the skirmish.

"John! Jubilee has been restrained! Jubilee has been-"


A chill ran down my spine.


Jekyll suddenly appeared in front of me, moving at the same speed as my thrusters.

"Why are you here...?!" I gasped.

"Isn't it obvious? Why would the forces of Vala be split? You were mentored by Nora, surely you can piece it together."

I aimed my Draugr, but Jekyll disarmed me, halting my momentum by grabbing my throat and tossing me back into the Citadel.

I crashed through several walls, slamming into the ground.

"What... happened... to Inner Shadow Reaper..." I muttered, blood leaking through my teeth.

Jekyll closed in, but I managed to use False Legacy to evade at the last moment, crashing through a wall and landing back into the Omega Chamber.

"Do the math, kid. Why else would the forces be split? It means Reaper's been dealt with. By someone who has more than enough power to take him out," Jekyll said.

I slowly raised my head, horror struck my face.

"Hello, Dainsleif," Loyce smiled, holding John's battered and bloody face in the palm of his hand.

"Fancy seeing you here."

The rest of the Vessels had fallen back, watching Loyce and John's confrontation.

Even Jekyll kept his distance, sheathing his weapons.

"Demon King Loyce, it is an honor to make your acquaintance," Jekyll said.

"Oh, don't you worry, God of Warfare. I had to step away from my business with Inner Shadow Slipstream, as I learned of another Inner Shadow's intervention in Vala's plans. Funny it would be you again, little Reaper."

Reaper glared at Inner Shadow Empire, his animalistic eyes no longer hiding his bloodlust.

"Demon Lord Loyce..."

Loyce tilted his head sadistically.

"Did you really think I was going to let you off the hook? Remember, it was you who believed you had the power to take me on, all those years ago. Was losing Taylor and your child not enough of a lesson for you?"

John gritted his teeth.

"Your sins will have consequences. To Lord Ginga, even your power shall not be enoug-"


John irked in pain, as Loyce broke one of Inner Shadow Reaper's legs.

"Are you of all people giving me threats? I see you have tried to take on a mentorship role for little Dainsleif over there. Ignorance breeds ignorance. You are the biggest failure of us all, Inner Shadow Reaper. Aside from that battle-crazed idiot Bishamonten, you were always the weakest. A mere human, a mere loser, who only got to where he was through stubbornness."

"You don't know a thing about Inner Shadow Crassman," I growled, but Loyce chuckled.

"I don't know a thing? I know everything, little Outer Shadow. How he came to be. What he has done, and continues to do. There is nothing the greatest Demon King in existence doesn't know."

Loyce glanced at the Vessels of Vala.

"Why don't you all take a break? This specter of mine shall be enough to deal with these two."

Jekyll bowed, along with the rest of the Vessels.

"Very well, Lord Hal."

Loyce dropped John, who crumpled to the ground and turned to me.

"Going for the Omega Upgrade, I see. Once again, another Auxiliary Shadow trying to throw her life for your sake, in spite of the philosophy you always preach. How does it feel to have no one heed your advice? Not even yourself?"

"Why... why are you here...?" I muttered, unable to come up with anything to say.

"Let's just say an unprecedented arrival from a familiar eyesore struck a nerve. Relax, little gunman. You are not my target. It was only a matter of time before I taught this failure of an Inner Shadow a final lesson. You may watch."

Loyce knelt in front of John, his hand hovering over the Inner Shadow's face.

Alogigenesis - Eternal Agony

John's body contorted in pain, as he roared. I heard the sounds of bones cracking.

"Lord Crassman!" Galeo shouted, but kept his distance, cradling Sigurd in his arms.

Loyce smiled maliciously, when suddenly, the contortions stopped, with Reaper blasting Loyce away with a wave of chakra.

Loyce skidded backward, a smile still on his face.

John got to his feet. He was missing an arm and an eye, but a scythe was still in his hand.

"As long as I am myself, no esoteric tricks will make me fall, Loyce. I have a responsibility to carry out."

"Is that so?"

I turned to Galeo, who was petrified.

"Inner... Inner Shadow Empire... no..."

"Galeo, you need to get Sig out of there. I'll help John."

"Are you serious? There's nothing we can do! There's-"

"As long as I'm standing, I won't let Loyce kill someone precious to you!"

"Words are mere words... surely you realize the extent of such a threat!"

"I do. I do more than anyone, Galeo. But I've already witnessed enough people in my life die because of my decisions. I don't need to have someone else experience that burden. Take Sigurd to Troia and the others! I swear, as Dainsleif of the Black Legion, I will do everything I can to assist Inner Shadow Reaper."

Loyce raised an eyebrow at Galeo.

"Well, little Witch? You heard the God-Eater. As I have said before, I came for Reaper. No one else. If Dainsleif chooses to dig his grave, it is his choice. But if you stick around, I have no guarantee of your survival."

Galeo looked at me one last time.

"Aaron Hope. Fight proud. We're entrusting the life of our Master to you."

Loyce watched Galeo leave with Sigurd while blocking a full frontal assault by Reaper.

"Final Circle Style, I see literally nothing has changed over the course of your fifty years."

Loyce stopped the momentum of my Anti-Hope bullet with his fingers.

Reaper leaped back, clutching his scythe.

"Dainsleif, return to Sigurd immediately. Empire is too much for you."

"You say that as if you stand a chance."

"My only objective is to buy time, you fool!"

"Oh zip it, you old geezer! I don't need to hear it from a guy who's pushing fifty on modern battle tactics!"

Loyce chuckled.

"Inner Shadow Reaper, Outer Shadow Dainsleif. Come."

Reaper blasted forward.

Level 2 Shakujin - Gaia's Shards

Advanced Light Magic: Final Eclipse

A massive beam of light shone around Loyce, blinding him, as Reaper released a bombardment of slashes with his scythe at supersonic speed.

Loyce lifted his finger, but John roared, his chakra completely bypassing Loyce's reality-warping and slicing the Demon Lord's hand straight off.

I took aim with my MP7, firing at Loyce's abdomen, but Loyce dodged at super speed, approaching me at a dangerous pace.

"Destreum Buckler-"

"That won't work on Hal, Dainsleif!" Reaper shouted, yanking me out of the way before Loyce could cut me in half with the palm of his hand.

"Spoiling the fun, aren't we, Inner Shadow Reaper?" Loyce mused.

John created a portal with Senkaku, shifting us in space and gaining distance.

"If you are insistent on fighting Loyce, you must remove all the doubts in your mind. The slightest bit of hesitation will spell disaster against this type of opponent. Do you understand?"

"Y- Yeah."

A breeze fluttered Loyce's coat. The smug bastard had his hands in his pockets.

"The only challenge that I had in overtaking this realm was Inner Shadow Gasket, but Aran has already dealt with him. Fighting the disgrace of the Inner Shadows and Gasket's idiotic Outer Shadow is as trivial as it gets."

My eyes widened in rage, but Reaper grabbed my shoulder.

"Don't fall to his mind games. Inner Shadow Gasket lives, his soul hasn't departed. But the Anti-Narrative has affected him greatly. Focus on this fight."

"Fighting him at range would make him target me," I said.


I turned to the Inner Shadow.

"What? But that doesn't make sense. It's obvious to go for the ranged opponent in a fight."

"I know. But Loyce came here for me. You are just a secondary objective for him."


Loyce appeared in front of Reaper, a smile on his face.

Supercosmic Fire Magic: WRATH OF ANTARES

SUPER Cosmic Level Magic?!

Was that even possible?!

Advanced Light Magic - False Legacy

I ported to the other side, but Reaper sliced through the literal sun that had manifested in the sky with his scythe.

"If it is me you want, then go ahead. But I will not fall, as long as Dainsleif stands!" John shouted.

"Such valiance! You truly are an ignorant little eyesore, aren't you, JOHN CRASSMAN?!" Loyce laughed, summoning a sword out of thin air and clashing with John's scythe, the two of them exchanging blows and sending explosions left and right all over Gasket's realm.

I was barely able to retain stability on my DS35, with occasional lightning strikes ripping through the ground and causing more chaos.

"RAAAAAH!" John shouted, charging forward and slashing through planet after planet-sized magic blasts from Loyce in the sky.

I narrowed my eyes, ripples of distortion were emanating from their clash.


It wasn't just distortion...

Reality itself was being torn apart.

This was the power of a clash between two Inner Shadows.

Reaper sliced at Loyce, who dodged and impaled the Inner Shadow through his shoulder.

"Don't stop! Follow through, Dainsleif!" Reaper growled.

My body instinctively went into action, flying in and scoping with my Ironsight at the opening that John had created for me.

"Oh dear, it looks like the two of you aren't as coordinated as you thought. When you created that opening, Dainsleif should have acted immediately. Calling it out is a red flag for discoordination."

I spun around with my MP7, but Loyce smirked, emitting a concussive force from his aura and sending me smashing into the roof of The Citadel.

Loyce's replica hovered above me, producing a purple vortex booming with lightning.

"Tell me, Outer Shadow. Why do you insist on fighting alongside this man? I have already made it a point. John Crassman is my only objective. You could easily have walked away from this and assisted your Auxiliary."

I shielded my eyes from the debris.

"John... John doesn't deserve to lose his life over something like this."

"How naive. How quickly you are to believe his stories."

From the distance, John swung his scythe, but Loyce dodged the attack, and followed through with his sword, cutting off the Inner Shadow's leg.

Loyce then opened the palm of his hand, blasting the Inner Shadow back and landing in front of me.

"You sure are overconfident of your chakra. John."

John glared at his missing leg, red tattoos appearing around his body as a black prosthetic formed around the wound.

Loyce hovered before the two of us, completely unscathed.

"It is true that chakra overrides my Alogigenesis and the Anti-Narrative of my subordinate Primordial Demon. But the affirmation of self does only that. Did you really feed that thought into Dainsleif that chakra alone would be enough to defeat me?"

John snarled, rushing forward with blinding speed, but Loyce caught the Inner Shadow's wrist, breaking it and sending Reaper flying back.

"Affirmation of self... you boast so much of your ability to stay true to yourself amidst a changing reality. Then let me turn the tables. Let's bring that out. In its entirety. You showed one side of yourself to Outer Shadow Dainsleif. But if you are so proud of your sense of self as you claim to be, then let us show him the entire picture."

"John-" I said before the Inner Shadow cut me off.

"Do not listen to him. Loyce is fooling us both. We must stay true to ourselves-"

"Is that not what I am doing? Come now. What is there to hide? Perhaps that little complex of yourself? Or the fact that all the connections you have made so far have been out of guilt. After all, you are the only true human to ever have the standing of an Inner Shadow. And a human is only human."

John gritted his teeth.

"My past is my past. And my faults are my own."

"Continue telling yourself that, but you know deep inside. That guilt is the only thing keeping you going. Time and time again I have offered to revive Taylor and Jennifer. You refuse each time. Perhaps it is because their fates were more than a mere ego spat between the thirty-year-old John Crassman and the Demon Lord he thought he could challenge."

Loyce knelt down, his grin dripping with malice.

"Do your Outer Shadows know? Do they know of your true relationship with Taylor? Of what you did to her? Do they know that the man they look up to is the biggest scum of them all?"

John clenched his teeth, eyeing the Inner Shadow with rage.



Loyce stepped on John's head, slamming him into the ground.

"Of all the Inner Shadows in The Black Legion, you were truly the weakest. Bishamonten may have fallen in battle to Dainsleif, but even he had his morals. He was no hypocrite. Jason Hellion is open to his lack of virtue, but you are the worst. To put yourself in a moral high horse."

I wanted to say something, but both of these Inner Shadows were out of my league.

There was nothing I could do.

Loyce glanced at me.

"Perhaps Dainsleif will be the first."

John's eyes suddenly went wide, as his movements became more frantic.

"Don't... don't show him... don't show him..."


Time Magic - Memory Freesia

"LOYCE!" John shouted, as my surroundings distorted, memories collapsing in on myself and the sounds of John Crassman's shouting becoming dim.

See for yourself.

This is the man you are fighting for.

John Crassman of The Black Legion

This was a vision.

I knew that much because I had no body.

And the scenery wasn't just away from Master Jun's realm.

It was a completely different timeline.

Detroit: 1991

I was standing in the street with an old view of America, before it had become Millennium City.

"Hey, where's the bag?" A man in a purple tuxedo said.

"Should have been in the trunk! We didn't just rob the bank for nothing!" The driver responded.

"Nah, you didn't. You robbed it for my debut!" A third voice said, causing the drivers to turn around in surprise.

"Shit! It's him!"

"The Millennium City Reaper!"

I stared at the young man who was crouched down on the roof of the car.

He had his hair clipped short...

Sandy hair... that resembled mine.

A pair of shades glinted in the sunlight, along with a huge grin. Something that I never imagined Inner Shadow Reaper would ever have on his face.

"Howdy, fellas. Why don't you smile at the camera? I gotta get my UNITY registration in-"

Outer Shadow Reaper! What are you doing?! A girl's voice shouted from a com unit.

One of the Purple Gang members blinked.

"What's an Outer Shadow?"

John fumbled with his coms device.

"Shit! Ah- Tina, just hang on there. I gotta do something real quick."

You're not doing your side job, are you? We're twenty minutes late to our meeting with Lord Ginga!

"Relax, he's not going to freak out. He already is expecting I'll be late anyway."

You idiot! Our reputation is already the worst in the entire Black Legion!

John turned off his coms device, leaning in.

"I wonder how hard I gotta hit to make people go into amnesia?"

What kind of hero was this?!

"Oh well. I guess I'll just hit y'all as hard as I can!" John grinned crazily, as the two gangsters began sweating profusely.

"Dear god..."

"Out of all the superheroes we could have gotten arrested by..."

You would have expected John to have high-tailed it to the meeting... but spoiler alert.

He never did.

"Yo! Johnny!" Several boys shouted at John, as John wrapped his arms around two of his classmates.

"What's good, Tony! Nico!"

"Wait, Johnny, didn't you say you had a meeting with your boss at your part-time gig?"

"Nah, it can wait. I wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world."

What opportunity was this idiot talking about?

The scene shifted to the three boys peeking through a peephole.

"The women's showers. Boys, have we all trained ourselves to engrave this moment in our memory?" John asked, his face determined.

This moron skipped a meeting with Lord Ginga to spy on the women's showers?!

"May I ask what you three are up to?" A girl asked.

"Voyeurism," John said proudly.

Don't say it so proudly!

"I see. Tony. Nico. I'd like to have a word with Mr. Crassman alone, please."

Tony and Nico nervously got up and booked it out of there as if they had the Suijin Dogma.

"What gives? You damn cockblock!" John turned around angrily, but not before having his face go pale.

"You have some nerve... Outer Shadow Reaper, to skip a meeting with Lord Ginga of all people to engage in voyeurism!" Tina snarled.

"Wait! Don't take me back! I still haven't got the image engrained in my mind-"


Moments later, Tina dragged John by the ear to their barracks, where John sat in his chair, before a group of Auxiliary Shadows.

"Ugh... I don't wanna do this," John grumbled.

"Do role call, you quack Outer Shadow!" Tina snapped.

"Fine. Auxiliary Shadow Slicer?"

"Present. No missions today. Cleaned the bathroom, as instructed."

"Auxiliary Shadow Kressler?"

"Present. One mission completed today - stopped a potential candidate from becoming a Vessel. Cleaned the kitchen, as instructed."

"Auxiliary Shadow Starline?"

"Present. Four missions were completed today - I'll send a report after the standup today. Cleaned the living room, as instructed."

"Auxiliary Shadow Terra?"

Tina crossed her arms.

"Present. Eight missions were completed. That's all."

John put down his clipboard.

"Huh? What about your other task?"

"Didn't do it."

"But I requested it."

A vein appeared on Tina's head, as she grabbed her Outer Shadow by the collar.

"Request all you want, but I'm not giving you samples of my little sister's panties! You disgusting Outer Shadow!"

John waved his hands.

"Wait! Th- That's not what I meant! I uh..."

The rest of the Auxiliary Shadows gave their boss an expression that bordered disgust and disappointment.

"Really, Johnny? That order was even more down bad than last week..." Kressler muttered.

Starlight spat out the window, glaring at her boss.

"You disgust me."

Johnny sank into his chair in defeat.

"Guys... you're supposed to treat me with respect... I'm literally the legendary Reaper of the Black Legion! The only SS Ranked Outer Shadow! It should be an honor to serve me!"

Tina sighed, as the rest of the Auxiliary Shadows left the room.

"Johnny, if you're that interested in my sister, why don't you spend more alone time with her?"

Johnny frowned.

"That's obvious, ain't it? Taylor is literally the perfect girl, with the most perfect grades, perfect athleticism, and popularity. She's even the perfect sister. She is literally out of my league."

Tina smirked.

"Damn right, she is."

"You know you're not helping, right?"

Johnny rested his chin on his hand.

"Would have been so much easier if I could just show her what I was truly capable of."

Crassman, an ethereal voice echoed in the distance.

He awaits.

"Oh. Perfect timing. Looks like we have a spicy mission on our hands. Shadows, take me to Lord Ginga."

If I had a mouth, it would have hung open.

Lord Ginga...

Lord Ginga? I was seriously going to see Lord Ginga for the first time.

Throughout my career, much of The Black Legion was shrouded in mystery, since confidentiality made up most of its operations.

And with each higher tier of power and rank, the level of confidentiality rose.

No one knew anything about Lord Ginga which had ever reached the level of an Outer Shadow.

Even I had no idea what Lord Ginga looked like... or what he even was.

The fact that John had reached that level of clearance despite being an Outer Shadow...

Must have spoke volumes to the degree of accomplishments he must have had at his age.

The scene shifted to the Outer Shadow kneeling before a dark black throne. The throne had to be at least the size of a skyscraper... and to say the sight was surreal was beyond an understatement.

The throne broke through the sky, forming a blinding white light at the top, illuminating the black clouds and sending rays of light that shone on John's figure.

I couldn't make out the person sitting on the throne, but he was ginormous, and I knew right away.

This was Ginga himself.

"Lord Ginga, I present myself to you. What shall be my task?"

Ginga was silent.

Suddenly, John's eyes widened in terror.

"But- But Lord Ginga, I-"

John's voice abruptly cut out, as he got to his feet.

"A- As you wish."

What... what did Ginga say to him?

That it would make such a goofball's face turn so pale?

John left the room, meeting up with Tina who was waiting outside. Her black leather jacket reflected the lights of the castle-like hallway.


"It's fine. Tina. I received the next mission. We're heading out."

Tina watched Johnny head to the exit, her hand slightly outstretched.


Johnny stopped in his tracks.

"What is it, Tina?"

Tina walked to John's side.

"Let's see sis."

Another shift in the scenery, this time, it was out in a field, the backyard of a massive mansion where I presumed Taylor lived.

"Tina! And Johnny!" Taylor waved happily, her brown frizzy hair tumbled to her shoulders like a tomboyish princess, unlike Tina's which was always tied back.

Johnny quickly got on his knees.

"What brings you here, gorgeous," Johnny said in a flirtatious tone when suddenly, Tina walloped her Outer Shadow over the head.

"She lives here, doofus!"

Taylor laughed.

"Want to go to the beach?"

I watched as Johnny, Tina, and Taylor played on the shore. Day by day.

I watched the memories go by.

Taylor, Johnny, and Tina spending their high school lives together.

The three of them, celebrating Halloween together, where Johnny would dress up as Tina with the most outlandish tomboy clothes, and Tina dressing up as Johnny, with the most comical pair of sunglasses imaginable, only for the two to get in a fight and Taylor breaking them up.

The three of them, celebrating Christmas together, where Johnny would gift Taylor a pair of earrings, and Tina a literal baseball bat.

"Oh? How convenient. A present I can use to kick your ass!" Tina snarled, causing Johnny to scream and hide behind Taylor.

I was someone who had the ability to read people, a skill that I obtained a long time ago and practiced for many years. And I understood the dynamic immediately.

Johnny would be the silly one. Tina would be the brash one, and Taylor would be the good-natured one who would break up the two's outbursts.

But at the end of it all, the three would end up always laughing.

Johnny, Taylor, and Tina lay on the sand, staring at the sky.

"Say... I have a question," Taylor said.

"As long as you're the one asking and not Johnny, I'm good," Tina remarked.

"Snide bitch!" Johnny grumbled.

Taylor giggled, causing Johnny to stare at her with a blush on his face.

"In ten years... do you think we can still visit this beach, laughing?"

"That's a weird question," Johnny remarked, before receiving another wallop to the face by her Auxiliary Shadow.

"I wouldn't mind beating up Johnny if it means we can have this moment even when we're old and gray," Tina smiled.

Johnny rubbed his head.

"Same here."

Johnny looked out into the distance.

"Same here..."

* * *

"Auxiliary Shadow Slicer?""

"Present. Three missions today. Cleaned the kitchen, as instructed."

"Auxiliary Shadow Kressler?"

"Present. Two missions were completed today. Obtained groceries, as instructed."

"Auxiliary Shadow Starline?"

"Present. One mission was completed today. Cleaned the basement, as instructed."

Johnny glanced at Tina, who looked away.

"Aight, roll call over. We are all good."

The Auxiliary Shadows filed away until it was just Outer Shadow Reaper and Auxiliary Shadow Terra.


"Don't talk to me."

"But you're still my Auxiliary Shadow, no matter what happens, we still gotta-"

"Auxiliary Shadow or not, I'll never forgive what you did. You lovestruck idiot. I'll never forgive you!" Tina snapped, as she jabbed her finger at Johnny's chest.

Why was Tina so mad? This wasn't her usual outbursts...

This rage was full of anger and hurt.

"Tell me why... tell me why you destroyed Taylor's school! Our home! Why did you destroy everything my sister had worked so hard for? Lived so much for?!"

The air turned tense, as Johnny clenched his fist.

"It was a request from Lord Ginga, Tina. The task was to send Taylor into despair."

Tina gnashed her teeth, tears streaming down her face.

"And you didn't once question yourself... not once. You-"


John's eyes widened as he grabbed Tina and pushed her to the ground.

"Get down!"

John spun around, to see dozens of silhouettes in the air, glowing blue with Vala's light.

"Where is the next Vessel? The Vessel of our Lady. Where is Taylor Hunt?"

Tina glared at the acolyte, her body glowing green.

Level 1 Shakujin - Stage Two: Gaia's Spear

"Stay away from my sister!" Tina shouted, launching a javelin at the nearest acolyte and impaling it.

Johnny got to his feet, taking out a baton from his waist and unleashing a polearm.

"We'll talk later. Right now, we fend these a-holes off!"

Johnny flew into the air, spinning the polearm with lightning-fast agility.

First Circle Style: Big Blade Rush

Hundreds of jabs rained down from the sky, disintegrating the acolytes instantly. John then sheathed his polearm, transforming it into two dual-wield swords.

"Move!" John shouted at Tina, as well as the rest of the Auxiliaries, as they worked in tandem to fight off the Acolytes.

SS Ranked Outer Shadow Reaper.

His mastery of those weapons was absurd.

It wasn't even a matter of experience or time... his ability to handle the Guandao surpassed even Ernest Wang.

His ability to handle swords surpassed Vicki Harriet's.

If Dainsleif was a master of ranged weaponry...

Then Reaper was a master of melee weaponry.

"Outer Shadow Reaper! We have this area contained, get to the Vessel candidate as soon as possible!" Another Outer Shadow shouted at Johnny, who removed his sword from the corpse of an Acolyte.

"Counting on you, Switch! Terra! With me!"

Tina joined John, and the two were engulfed by the Shadows, appearing outside the high school that I had first seen.

The entire place was in flames, destroyed beyond comprehension. Evidence of the slashes and damage clearly pointed to the weapons Reaper had displayed earlier.

"Tay-" Tina shouted, but not before Johnny put a hand to her mouth.


"MMF! WHY?!"

"Can't give out her location. We gotta find her ourselves. She can't draw any attention."

Tina shoved Johnny away.

"You have some nerve, taking everything we had together and squashing it! You wanted this all along, didn't you?! You wanted Taylor all along, didn't you?!"

"What the hell are you saying?! Why would I ever want that?"


Johnny fell backward, as the two were met by a large man in a white robe.

"I am the current Vessel for Vala's Eyes. Your quest to take Vala's Heart shall not see fruition. Taylor Hunt shall prevail. Her kindness shall not go unnoticed by the Lady of Hope."

Johnny pulled out his baton, summoning a spear.

"The God of Victory, huh? I've killed thousands of gods, enough to pad a resume full!"

The god narrowed his eyes.

"The God-Reaper. I see. So The Black Legion would task their strongest Outer Shadow for such a task... how surprising that their strongest Outer Shadow is a mere... human. With no powers whatsoever."

Level 1 Shakujin - Stone Blast

Tina launched a blast of earth at the Vessel, who stumbled back, as Reaper suddenly appeared before him, shimmering with a white light, a crazy grin on his face.

First Circle Style - Reaper's Maw


The Vessel crumpled to the ground.

"Let's go," Johnny said to Tina, as the two made their way around the school.

There, we found Taylor, her knees to her chin, trembling in terror at the bodies of her classmates that were strewn all over the floor. As well as the bloodied remains of Johnny and Tina's belongings.

"Sis... oh god! Oh my god! Sis, we're not dead! We're not!" Tina sobbed as John held her back.

"We can't. The slightest shred of hope will cause Taylor to get targeted... it..."

John made a fist, causing blood to leak from his finger crevices.

"It's what Lord Ginga wanted."

Months passed, as John and Tina continued their missions. Doing their best to avoid Taylor, and ensuring that she never had that sliver of hope that the two had survived.

After all those memories I witnessed the three friends' experience together...

It had all gone sour.

And as the despair deepened, the fateful day happened.

July 23, 1992.

Doctor Destroyer would lay siege on America to take it over.

The Battle of Detroit.

"Outer Shadow Reaper," A man said, as Johnny and Tina looked onward at the carnage delivered by Doctor Destroyer.

"Inner Shadow Bishamonten. To what do I owe this honor?" Johnny kneeled before the God of War.

Bishamonten regarded Johnny.

"One of our Inner Shadows have gone rogue. Lord Ginga has tasked you with the mission to eliminate the traitor, for he prophesizes that the Inner Shadow's fate is to be felled by a mortal's hands. A human mortal."

Tina clenched her fists.

"Lord Ginga is sending Johnny to fight an Inner Shadow? There's no way he could defeat such an enemy! Johnny's just a human, he doesn't even have any evos or meta abilities!"

Bishamonten narrowed his eyes.

"Do you question Lord Ginga, Auxiliary Shadow Terra?"

Tina took a nervous step back.

"N- No, Lord Bishamonten."

The Inner Shadow turned to Johnny, who, despite hiding his face from being on his knees, could not hide his nerves.

"You despair for the life that you had lost. Despair is good. It is the opposite of Hope. The opposite of Vala. Steel yourself. For once this Inner Shadow has her life reaped by a mortal's hands, her spot as an Inner Shadow shall go to you."

Tina blinked in disbelief.

"Wh- what...? Johnny will become an Inner Shadow?!"

Bishamonten walked in the other direction, surrounded by his Shadows, which took on the form of crows.

"No ordinary mortal possesses the strength to kill a god. And no ordinary Shadow possesses the strength to kill an Inner Shadow. By doing this, you will ascend to become the first human Inner Shadow in history. You have already accepted such a life when you chose to send the woman you loved into despair, did you not, Outer Shadow John Crassman? He will come to you. And there you will be given the tools to carry the task out. But know this, the path of an Inner Shadow will be rife with decisions just like the one you made for Taylor Hunt. Can you accept that?"

John's fingers clutched the cement, leaving behind blood trails.


Tina stared at her Outer Shadow with a mixture of horror and sadness.

Having realized that the days that she once longed for, the days spent with Taylor and Johnny would never be seen again.

"I accept."

The scene shifted again until it was just Johnny alone in his room. His shades were off, and in front of him was his baton.

"Auxiliary Shadow Terra, signing off," Tina said, but before she could leave, Johnny stopped her.


"What is it?"

Johnny grabbed her wrist, startling his Auxiliary.

"Johnny? What are you doing, you creep? I'm going to bed. We have a ton of preparations and-"

"I have an idea to bring Taylor back to us."

Tina hesitated, stopping herself from resisting.

"What are you talking about Johnny... you said it yourself, Lord Ginga wanted Sis to be so far from Hope that she couldn't possibly become a Vessel."

"I know. But... what if we can erase the narrative that she needs to feel despair?"

Tina sighed, sitting down on the bed across from her Outer Shadow.

"Johnny, please. We need to let this go. Taylor... Taylor isn't coming back to us. I know you still love her... but we need to accept-"


Johnny slammed his fist against his desk.

"I can do it. I have to do it. If Lord Ginga is entrusting an Outer Shadow like me to fight an Inner Shadow, there has to be something about me that is abnormal. With this abnormality, there's a chance that we can go against destiny and bring Taylor back! Think about it, Tina! To those days when the three of us used to goof off together! Do you not remember the conversation we had that night when the three of us were lying on the grass? That we could visit the beach ten years from then?!"


"We can do it. You and me. We can go rogue if we have to. The power to defy even the narrative of our destiny! I've lived my whole life honing down my First Circle Style to use my chakra, with it, my chakra has been able to accomplish the impossible. To fight against literal gods! The power to wield my own sense of self will be the power that can bring our memories back!"

"JOHNNY!" Tina screamed, stopping Johnny as tears peppered the blanket of his bed.

"Johnny... please... please stop. Nothing good comes from defying a destiny laid out by The Black Legion Organization... you of all people know this."

Johnny slowly lowered his hands, the smile on his face melting.


Tina looked up at her Outer Shadow, tears streaming down her face.

"I've already lost my little sis... I can't lose you too... Johnny, you're all that I have. And I'm all that you have! Even if it means bringing my sis back to our sides, I can't accept that if the risk involves losing you!"

Tina fell to her knees, sobbing. Johnny knelt down in front of her, wrapping his Auxiliary Shadow in a hug.

"Sorry. I'm sorry. Forget everything I said. Let's keep going forward with preparing for the mission, alright? I'll train extra hard. I won't say stuff like that anymore, alright?"

Tina rubbed her eyes.

"Idiot," She muttered, before getting up and leaving Johnny alone in his room.

Minutes passed, as I watched Johnny sit in front of his mirror, handling the baton in his hands.

The light of the room cast a dark shadow across Johnny's figure. The shades that he always wore had fallen to the ground, cracked from the scuffle that Johnny and Tina had earlier.

"The Dogma never lies. Tell me, Dogma of The Great Akuma, do I stand a chance against this Inner Shadow as I am right now?" Johnny muttered.

The baton began to glow, spreading demonic lettering all across the desk.

No way...

These were the runes for...

Outer Shadow John "God-Reaper" Crassman. How incredible your accomplishments are. The strongest man in the entire human race. But no man can kill an Inner Shadow. No matter how much training one undergoes.

"Even with the First Circle Style?"

The concept of your chakra operates similarly to The Great Akuma, but will never reach its narrative-bending properties. It will not offset your fate. You cannot do anything unless you embrace it.

John gritted his teeth.

"The Dogma of Equivalent Exchange. If I accept its Bargain... will it be able to break Taylor Hunt's fate as Vala's Heart?"

You seek a Bargain?

"I just want the woman I love to be by my side. If I become an Inner Shadow... will I have the power to change Taylor's destiny?"

The Dogma was quiet for a few seconds.

You seek the power to defeat this Inner Shadow. And you seek the change in Taylor Hunt's destiny as Vala's Heart. The exchange will be great. Can you accept this?

A bead of sweat ran down Johnny's neck.

"Tell me the exchange."

Very well. The exchange for the power to defeat the rogue Inner Shadow shall be the soul of Johnny Crassman.

Johnny's eyes widened.

"My soul?"

Do you accept?

"A soul... for a life with Taylor and Tina... as an Inner Shadow... If I become an Inner Shadow, I would live nonetheless, even if I give my soul in this exchange. Is that correct?"


Johnny looked at his reflection, and a grim expression appeared on his face.

"Then... I accept."

It shall be done. In exchange for Johnny Crassman's being, I shall bestow upon you...

Level 1: SENKAKU, the Lord of Shadows.

Level 2: SHAKUJIN, the Devil's Body.

Johnny's body contorted in pain, as the Outer Shadow doubled over.

"GAH!! GRRRK!!!" Johnny growled, tattoos ripping through his body. Red runic lettering covered his chest as his brown sandy hair started to turn white.

"Bear it... bear it Johnny! BEAR IT!"

Johnny threw his head back, yelling to the sky, as energy shunted from his body violently, ripping the barracks apart.


"Johnny?! Johnny! What's wrong?! Johnny!" Tina ran in, along with the rest of the Auxiliary Shadows.

"What the hell, is that a Dogma Bargain?!" Slicer yelped.

"Reaper, what did you do?! What was the exchange?" Starline shouted.

Johnny slammed his fist against the ground.

For the power to slay an Inner Shadow, the sacrifice is Johnny Crassman's soul. Everything that makes up your soul.

Johnny got to his feet, his eyes wide.

"What... what is this... I can't control my body!"

Tina stared at her Outer Shadow.

"No. He can't control his body! Everybody get down!"

Level 1 Senkaku - BLACK BLADE


Tina and the rest of the Auxiliary Shadows froze in mid-air, as the blade of a black projection sprouted from Starline's chest.

"J- Johnny...?!" Starline gasped, as the blade retracted. Starline's corpse crumpled to the ground, to the horror of everybody in the barracks.

"Wha- What the hell did you do to Rebecca?!" Kressler shouted at Johnny, who stumbled back, terror-stricken all over his face.

"Dogma... Dogma what are you doing?! I gave you my soul! Why did you take my Auxiliary Shadow's life?!"

The exchange was Johnny Crassman's soul. Outer Shadow Reaper without Johnny Crassman... will be an Outer Shadow Reaper without the things that made Johnny Crassman live. I shall take from you...



Tina stared at Johnny, tears running down her face.

"Johnny... what have you done...?"

"Run... RUN EVERYBODY! RUN!" Johnny screamed, as his body stomped on the ground.

Level 2 Shakujin - Gaia's Death Field

A wave of spikes erupted from the ground, impaling Kressler and Slicer, killing them instantly.

Level 1 Shakujin - Gaia's Fortress

Tina flew to the sky, narrowly escaping the spikes.

"Johnny! What was the exchange?! Tell me!"

"It... it was..." Johnny sobbed, as Tina narrowly evaded a Senkaku blade.

Tina hit the ground, making eye contact with the shattered shades of her Outer Shadow.

The grin that he once wore, just like these shades, no longer belonged to Johnny Crassman of The Black Legion.

"Johnny... you would go so far as to strike a deal with The Dogma to bring Taylor back..." Tina muttered as Johnny closed in.

"GET OUT OF HERE! YOU HAVE TO RUN! TINA!" Johnny yelled, tears in his eyes.

Tina threw her head back, staring at the sky.

"You of all people know we can't escape a Dogma Bargain. The deal was us, right? That was the exchange the Dogma tricked you into accepting."


Johnny stared in horror as his Senkaku blade impaled his last Auxiliary Shadow.

And the last of the trio he spent his days with.

Tina smiled weakly, slowly tracing her hand against Johnny's face.

"I don't blame you... I don't want my last memory of you to be filled with resentment... you did this for sis... thank you."

"No... no, I can still... maybe I can cancel these Bargains, I can cancel Senkaku and Shakujin! I don't want them! I don't-"

"Dogma... the reason why Johnny was given Shakujin... was because I won't be around anymore... right?"

Correct. With you gone, we will search for another vessel to hold Shakujin. And in exchange for the life of Taylor Hunt, the Vessel for Vala's Heart has now been shifted to another. That is the power I can bestow on behalf of The Great Akuma.

"TINA! TINA!!!!" Johnny screamed as Tina pressed her forehead against his.

"Promise me... one last thing... Johnny. If you ever become an Inner Shadow..."

Johnny gritted his teeth.

"What... what is it... I'll do anything for you."

"Make sure... no young hot-blooded Outer Shadows end up like you. This world has enough Johnny Crassman's."

Tina delivered one final dying smile, as her body turned limp, leaving Johnny's expressionless face staring into the void.

In exchange for the power to surpass an Inner Shadow...

And the life of Taylor Hunt...

The soul of Johnny Crassman shall be no more.

Starting today...

The Outer Shadow gripped his baton, which transformed into a new weapon.

A scythe.

"There is only John Crassman. The Reaper of The Black Legion."

* * *

For months, I watched John learn about his new abilities.

It was also then did I learned how he had obtained his Reaper-like death powers.

It wasn't just his personality that had changed...

That white chakra that was so full of life and happiness that he once had, that was so full of energy and power that he wielded to become an SS Ranked Outer Shadow had changed too.

It was dark.

Hopeless and bleak.

And overwhelming. The feeling of grief and overwhelming sadness would instantly cause someone to lose the will to fight.

A feeling of wishing for death.

That was the chakra that John Crassman now had.

And it was as if I was watching a ghost of a former self wander the streets of a destroyed Detroit.

It would have been three days since Doctor Destroyer had been defeated, and the city of Detroit was in absolute ruin. Though the heroes had claimed victory, those who actually lived in the city saw it differently.

Many had their lives destroyed, and even more suffered from homelessness and lack of society.

John walked in the rain, the sounds of his footsteps muddled by a shadowy aura of Senkaku which lined his body.


John stopped his movements, turning to the alleyway.

And my heart... if I had one anyway in this vision, would have stopped along with the Outer Shadow.

The sounds of the creaking had become more apparent as both John and I realized what was going on in that alley.

A hooker and her client.

The hooker had her face buried in her arms, a look of emptiness in her eyes as a wad of cash landed on the crate in front of her.

The client walked off, as the hooker leaned against the dirty wall of the alleyway, her white miniskirt stained with dirt and grime.

"Can I... get a second before I provide you with my services, sir..." The prostitute muttered.

"I am not here for that. Tell me your name," John answered.

The prostitute made eye contact with Crassman, her eyes listlessly wandering off. Signs of drug overdose. I had seen instances of pimps using certain drugs to keep their workers in line.

"My name... is Trina..."

"No, it's not."

John reached out, running his hand across the woman's frizzy hair.



My heart stopped, as John looked at the prostitute with an empty expression.

"Your name is Taylor Hunt."

Taylor stared at John.

"I don't... remember anything. All I remember was a chunk of debris hitting the back of my head during the Destroid invasion..."

"You don't believe me?"

"I don't see a reason to... my life has been nothing but hell. There's no reason for me to even continue living... but a part of me wants to."

"I feel the same way. A part of me knows... this was destined to happen."

John slowly wrapped Taylor in an embrace.

"Let me take you away from the Hopelessness that you've been feeling all these years. Serve me. From now on."

Taylor slowly buried her face in the Outer Shadow's shoulder.

"What is... your name?"

"My name is John Crassman."

"Johnny... huh? I suppose you knew me in a previous life?"

"I- I guess only you may refer me to that name. And yes. In our previous life...

"We were bound by fate."

And with that, the scene moved forward, months ahead.

To John Crassman's training, and his time spent with Taylor.

Taylor would watch John train and practice a new variant of his style, one that better matched his new chakra.

Early signs of his Final Circle Style.

John would spend his days with Taylor, taking her to the beach, the same beach that they once visited.

"Huh... why does... this feel... so familiar?" Taylor asked.

"This is where you asked me a question."


"If we could be together, on this beach, ten years into the future."

"And... has it been ten years?"

"No. Not yet."

Taylor looked back into the distance of the ocean, as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Why... why am I crying? I'm here with you... yet... it feels like we're missing something. Someone."

John wrapped an arm around Taylor.

"Taylor... I will keep you safe. Forever and ever. Even if it means sacrificing to the Dogma as much as I need to. I will keep you safe."

Is that so?

John instinctively put distance between the voice and his lover, as its owner broke through the clouds before them.

"YOU." Reaper snarled.

So you are the Outer Shadow who has been assigned to deal with me. I sense something demonic in you, you are not the same Reaper I was expecting.

The Inner Shadow hovered in the air, her wings outstretched.

No way.

Why was...

Was this who I thought it was?

But if this was true...

Then everything... from the very start...

What could this mean?

Perhaps it may be coincidence, that your lover would happen to be the furthest from perfection a human could ever be. A prostitute who has taken on multiple lovers. One who has mated with countless men for the purpose of mere currency. How truly REPULSIVE.

John summoned his scythe, which began brimming with dark energy.

Level 1 Senkaku - BLACK REAPER

"I will settle this fight. Shadows, take Taylor away."

As you wish, Outer Shadow Reaper.

Reaper faced the Inner Shadow, his battle stance ready.

"For your transgressions against The Black Legion, I have been assigned to take you down.

"Inner Shadow Avara, the Goddess of Fertility."

Where It All Started



Why was Avara here?

And above all else...

"Come. Outer Shadow Reaper," Avara drew her swords, as Reaper unleashed his chakra aura at its max power.

A massive vortex of wind surrounded the Outer Shadow, generating an overwhelming pressure that flattened every single car around the vicinity of the ruins of Detroit.

Advanced Emission Chakra: AURA OF DEATH

Reaper assumed his stance, a quick-draw position as his aura of death continued to grow, wilting and decaying everything around it.

A faint outline of a skull could be seen from within the folds of John's cloak, causing Avara to scowl in disgust.

"The smell of death. The complete opposite of fertility. I can see why you would be tasked to fight me, but that in itself is a double-edged sword. Because your very existence ANGERS ME."

Level 1 Senkaku: SHADOW DRAW


Avara's eyes widened as a quickdraw arc of black, shadowy energy suddenly appeared before her, barely missing one of her wings.

So fast!

This was probably one of the fastest quick-draw techniques I had ever seen in my life!

"Wide open, Inner Shadow Avara!" Reaper growled, stepping out of a shadow portal that the arc had suddenly transformed into.

Avara spun around, clashing against Reaper's scythe and generating a massive shockwave that destroyed several high-rise buildings.

"You dare try to mark me?! MORTAL?!"

Avara opened her wings, unleashing a blinding torrent of feathers the size of a continent.

Each feather began to grow, until a version of Avara filled the sky, their swords drawn.

"Pay for ever bearing your fangs to a god, mortal!" Avara sneered, as the army of winged warriors chased after John.

Level 2 Shakujin - Hand of Gaia

Several tattoos on John's arm glowed green. A hand shot out of the ground, engulfing the horde of clones.

"For the sake of The Black Legion, all traitors shall pay! I will not stop now, after everything that has happened!"

John made a fist, crushing the clones and causing blue powder to explode everywhere.

Avara closed her wings, blasting to John's location with speed rivaling Jay Hellion's.

A shockwave parted the clouds from where Avara last was, the sound of a sonic boom filling the air, followed by an explosion, marking the clash between the Outer Shadow of Death, and the Inner Shadow of Fertility.

John clenched his teeth, struggling to withstand the immense momentum Avara had delivered.

Empowerment Chakra - Dark Blood

The body of Reaper began taking on a darker tone as John stopped trembling, his mouth snarling with malice.

Avara's face returned with a look of outrage.

"You dare snarl at me like some untrained dog?! Fall already! Dogma or not! No man shall best a god! Especially not one who stands for something so innately human!"

"Perfection isn't human. Perfection is an ideal. And this world is far from ideal!" John roared, using the combined force of Avara and his clash to redirect the momentum, spinning Avara around and sending her through a building.

Level 1 Senkaku, Emission Chakra - REAPER'S CHAINS

Black chains shot from John's forearm tattoos, chasing after Avara, who took to the skies once more, passing right through the chains, to Crassman's surprise.

"Don't you dare put me on the same level as your filthy mortal realm. I am beyond your silly aspirations, Outer Shadow!"

Avara grabbed John and dragged him across the ground, flying at hypersonic speed and breaking multiple sound barriers.

John's face smashed into the Pacific Ocean, but Avara didn't stop, as she continued flying, circling the entire planet and dragging the Outer Shadow along for the ride.

Avara then took to the sky, tossing John's barely conscious body into the air.

"You who relish in taking the lives of others - enjoy watching yours be taken right before your very eyes!"


Avara sliced through John, leaving behind a trail of blood, then stopped, flying the other way and changing direction to kite John once more.

Over and over again.

Thousands and thousands of red lines filled the air, turning the sky red.

Avara appeared in front of John, who breathed heavily, blood splurting from his mouth.

"Do you enjoy taking lives so much? How can someone so narrow-minded like a killer ever understand the motives of a Goddess of Fertility?"

Avara grabbed John by the face and hurled the Outer Shadow into the ground, causing the entire tectonic plate to sink deeper, unleashing earthquakes all around.

John struggled to his feet, but not before having Avara appear in front of him, delivering a powerful front slash with one of her swords.

John flew backward, smashing into a mountain face with so much force that landslides propagated outward in multiple directions.

"I... Don't enjoy... taking lives..." John muttered as Avara appeared in front of him, her sword raised in the air.

Her glowing blue eyes and fluttering white hair eclipsing the moon.

And emitting a murderous intent.

"Then tell me. What was going through your head when you ruined the life of Taylor Hunt?"

John's eyes widened. Avara continued.

"She was the most perfect woman in the world. She embodied the ideal that I wish many more humans would embody. Kindness. Beauty. Lovingness. The desire to care for children. There was no flaw behind her character, but one day, you saw fit to end her world. She loved you, and you saw fit to end everything."

John tightened his grip on his scythe.

"If I didn't send her to despair, her life as Vala's Heart would be sealed. An egotistical goddess like you surely could see that."

Avara swung down, angrily, but John managed to barely escape, using his Shakujin Dogma to force the tectonics to hurl his body out of the way.

"If it only was the Heart, then let it be so! There are many other Vessels! There were many more we could have slain. But why... why did Lord Ginga choose to slay the Heart of Vala?! It would require all the Vessels to bring about the Hope Ancient's revival, we easily could have slain the Eyes of Vala! Or the Body of Vala! Or the Hands of Vala! Yet we chose... the one part of Vala that I as a goddess stood for!"

John clashed with Avara again, his chakra revitalizing his stamina, but blood was exploding all over his body.

He was nearing his limits.

"We don't question Lord Ginga. As an Inner Shadow, I am beyond disappointed that you of all people cannot fathom that!"

Avara gritted her teeth.

"And for that reason... the reason of duty, that you took it upon yourself, to defy your body even more with that disgusting Dogma's Bargains?"

John hesitated, before answering.


Avara raised an eyebrow, a smile forming on her face.


The goddess delivered a kick to John's midsection, startling the Outer Shadow, then jabbed her sword into his thigh, causing Reaper to howl in pain.

"You lie. I can sense it. In your soul. When it comes to Fertility, a man's love for a woman cannot be suppressed. Yes... your choice to take on not one, but TWO levels of the Great Akuma's offering, was because of her. Wasn't it?"

Reaper stumbled back, his chakra aura no longer as aggressive as it was before.

Avara smiled, dragging her sword against the ground.

"You chose to strike the bargain with the Dogma of Equivalent Exchange... because you wanted Taylor back by your side. No matter what. Because you saw an opportunity to break the narrative! To break destiny!"

The goddess threw her head back and laughed.

John simply stood before the Inner Shadow, his head hung low.


It was like his desire to fight had suddenly disappeared. The scythe reverted back into its baton form, clattering to the ground.

"Yes. And that is so. No matter how much strength you have amassed as an Outer Shadow, you are still a human. Lord Ginga saw it fit to dispatch a man of death to destroy a goddess of fertility, but perhaps he was the biggest fool of all. To have entrusted such a task to a man who had, in the beginning, been fuelled by his desire to be with the woman he loved. And where there is love, there is fertility. And where there is fertility, there is ME."

Avara kicked John in the face, sending the Outer Shadow skidding back into a mountain with so much force, that a canyon formed, splitting the landform into two halves.

"Beyond perfection. Lies love. Desire. And passion. Why am I an Inner Shadow, you say? Because the power of love trumps all. Love transcends all narratives. Even yours, Reaper of the Black Legion. Your love for Taylor has dulled your ability to fight. After all, the more you fight me, the deeper of a hole you've dug for yourself."

John got to his feet, but his movements had severely dulled, and this time, he was unable to react to Avara's attack.


A blast of blood exploded from John's chest, sending the Outer Shadow to his knees.

"No prodigy. No SS Ranked Outer Shadow. Shall punish ME of all people for acting on the very thing I stand for."

Avara stepped on John's head, sending him into the dirt.

"Your love for Taylor caused you to give up everything else you had in your life. Your love for Taylor caused you to kill her older sister, the only person you had left. And your love for Taylor may as well have killed her too - destroying her memories and everything that she once was. Are you happy? John Crassman? That woman who you wrap your arms around. That woman who will one day bear your children. That woman is not Taylor Hunt, the one who once dreamt of seeing the beach with her older sister and her best friend."

Advanced Empowerment Chakra: Embodiment of Death

John grabbed Avara's leg, causing it to corrode into black flesh.

"What are you-"

John got to his feet, a black hood forming around his head, his face disappearing into shadows. His hands were replaced by their skeleton variants.


"You repulsive creature! You dare say that you have no regrets at all-"


Reaper blasted Avara away, manifesting his scythe.

"Every day... I am reminded of Tina's death. Of Rebecca's death. Of Ian's death. Of Kressler's death. Of Taylor cowering on the ground, seeing the remains of her classmates and her family. Every night I have the same recurring dream. But it is because of my pledge to The Black Legion that I choose to move forward. I don't claim to be without flaws. My decision to initiate that Bargain had cost the lives of everybody I had left. I know that much."

Reaper glared at Avara, who stumbled back. A wave of chakra so immense that it would paralyze even a god.

"This is the power of a mortal. A power only mortals can possibly have because a perfect being like a god cannot possibly fathom. The weight of one's mistakes. The grief of one's poor decisions. The burdens that man must shoulder because of how inadequate and STUPID THEY ARE!"

John roared, combining his chakra with his two Dogma Bargains.



The world trembled, ripping apart before the Outer Shadow. Dirt swirled around John, mixing with his tears.

"The woman I love so much... can never be the Taylor I knew. No matter how many Shadows I take under my wing, none can replace Tina and the rest of my subordinates who died because of my mistakes. The only thing I can do... the only thing left..."

Reaper stomped on the ground, facing Avara, who was still frozen in fear from the wave of chakra that John was emitting. His skull illuminated through the skin of his face.


Avara gasped, clutching her throat, as her soul began ripping out of her body.

"No... you cannot... you- you cannot do this! I- I cannot die like this!"

John continued his glare, the soul of Avara entering his mouth.

"No... NO! I refuse! I... I will... even if it means... walking the Earth... in a lesser form..."

Avara screamed, ripping her wings out of her body, to John's shock.

"You wouldn't-"

"YOU REPULSIVE HUMAN! I shall... I shall... I shall purge all the humans! All those impure! For I am no longer bound by the rules of The Black Legion! Become an Inner Shadow for all I care! Take my position for all I care! All that matters... All that matters..."

A smaller version of Avara ripped out of her body, crumpling to the ground, before John absorbed the main body. The storms of his transformation cut out abruptly, causing the Outer Shadow to crumple to the ground.

This version of Avara...

Was the same Avara who would come for me and my foster siblings that fateful night.

Avara heaved, frantically, taking to the air, but her wings and her body were still heavily damaged in the fight, and standing before her...

"Have... have you come... to finish what Reaper had started..."

Avara made eye contact with another Inner Shadow.

"Father Bishamonten."

Bishamonten gazed at the goddess.

"Tell me, Avara. What will you do from here? As we speak, the forces of The Black Legion Organization shall come to collect your soul. You cannot run from us. You cannot run from Lord Ginga."

Avara gritted her teeth.

"As a fellow god... surely you understand. To corrupt and send good human mortals to despair... it will bring about the absolute offset to mankind. The scales of balance shall tilt beyond repair! Fertility... fertility will not continue-"

"The despair of a few will not offset the many, Avara."

"NO. I shall not accept... the imperfections of mankind... I cannot tolerate it any longer. Look at what said imperfections have done... look at how this Crassman boy turned out. How Taylor Hunt turned out. How much more shall suffer? How much-"

"One child from one orphanage."


"You may kill... only one orphan. I shall allow you to do that."

John suddenly, perked up, dragging his body to Bishamonten.

"Lord Bishamonten... what are you saying...?!"

Bishamon regarded the Outer Shadow.

"You have exceeded our expectations, Reaper. To have sent the Goddess of Fertility to this state. Especially given what you have done. We know about your Bargain, and that you tried to go against Lord Ginga's intentions to eliminate Miss Hunt. That internal love in your heart... knowing that, you still were able to defeat a goddess who drew power from that selfish love. And with that, you have been bestowed a new level of power. We welcome you.

"Inner Shadow Reaper."

Strength suddenly surged through John's body, mending his wounds and sending him to his feet. His brown eyes turned a cold familiar blue.

John breathed heavily, inspecting his hands, then turned back to Bishamonten.

"That orphanage, I still cannot-"

"One orphan. Inner Shadow John Crassman. That is all I am allowing Avara to kill."

"An orphan? This death is unnecessary! Avara's fault has been made clear with her defection from The Black Legion! We cannot allow-"

"I have chosen this orphan specifically. For a reason. Because by killing this particular orphan, and by having your approval, you will work toward realizing that promise you made to Tina Hunt those many years ago."

Make sure... no young hot-blooded Outer Shadows end up like you. This world has enough Johnny Crassman's.

"You claim that this orphan will follow a path similar to mine?" Crassman asked.

"Yes. Lord Ginga has forseen it. An Outer Shadow. To boast a power, to uphold a fighting prowess, strikingly similar to the prodigal Reaper of the Black Legion. A mere human no-less. You promised to Tina, did you not? To not let more fall victim to what you've done?"

John clenched his fists.

"I- I... I still... Even if the orphan is to be slain, you have fundamentally gone against Lord Ginga's wishes, Inner Shadow Bishamonten. This will spell your fate as well-"

"Then perhaps it will be so. Because Lord Ginga's prophecies never lie. In his words, he wrote: So shall the Goddess of Fertility fall in battle to a mortal of love. And be slain by the heresy's hands. All of his predictions have come true. Yet... part of me wishes it were not. And so, I would rather die by those of the Black Legion now, than wait for what happens next. For my fate has also been foretold."

John lowered his gaze.

"And what fate would that be?"

"This particular orphan... will be the one to kill me."

John gritted his teeth.

"I see."

Bishamonten made eye contact with John once more.

"He who Kills Gods as a Man. He shall also be the one to send The Black Legion into chaos. That is foretold as well. Now... knowing this, are you still against Avara killing this orphan?"

"If it is true that Lord Ginga's prophecies hold true, then nothing we do will work. And our fates and deaths will be sealed."

"But... an effort would still count... no? An effort to uphold Tina's promise."

John looked at Avara, who clutched her swords, trembling with rage.

"No more Johnny Crassman's. No more foolish idiots to walk my path. Then let us make that effort. I...

"I approve."

Bishamonten nodded at Avara.

"Shadows, take Avara to Amerada. And let her lust for perfection run loose. For the life of only one."

It shall be so... Lord Bishamonten.

John and Bishamonten watched Avara disappear in a flurry of crows.

"Inner Shadow Bishamonten."

"Yes, Inner Shadow Reaper?"

John turned to the God of War.

"What is this orphan's name?"

Bishamonten looked at Reaper grimly.

"His name... is..."

* * *

"Aaron Hope. Is it clear now?" Loyce asked as I stumbled forward. It felt like I had experienced an entire lifetime in those memories, but in reality, only a few seconds had passed.

The scene had returned, to the carnage of The Citadel.

A fifty-year-old John Crassman, sprawled on the ground, bleeding profusely. Missing a leg, and an arm, and an eye.

My bottom lip trembled, the realization hitting me like a goddamn truck.

"It was you..." I whispered to John, my eyes wide in rage.

John's defeated expression confirmed it.

"You're the one who let Avara into my world... you're the one who... who started it all... it was you."

John watched me grimly as I walked past Loyce, who smiled sadistically.

My body was no longer listening to any rationale. It was acting on pure impulse.

And that impulse...

Had me pressing the barrel of my Thompson Contender to Inner Shadow Reaper's forehead.

"You betrayed Tina. You betrayed Taylor. Then you went as far as to throw MY life under the bus to uphold an empty promise...?!"

John closed his eyes.

"It is exactly as you say. My promise... to my dear Auxiliary Shadow remains to this day. Every day I watch you, Outer Shadow Dainsleif... no. Aaron Hope, I am reminded of the way I was before. Every time you smile, every prank you ever pulled, every accomplishment you made, I saw Johnny Crassman behind it all. And that day you killed Bishamonten... that was when I realized..."

John reached for my barrel and pressed it harder against his skull.

"My fate has also been sealed. To have you die... was my way of trying to save you from ending up like me. Aaron. I am not asking for your forgiveness. But now you have witnessed the death of both Jessica Lane and Sarah Ultear. Seeing you suffer... seeing a good man go through the same mistakes I did without being able to do anything... that is a punishment beyond anything I could ever imagine."

My hand trembled violently, the barrel of my gun sliding against the Inner Shadow's head.

"And these Outer Shadows you have now... Galeo... Troia... Warpgate... Everyone... are they also a means to an end for you? To hide your guilt? To act as your substitute Tina?"

"No. These Outer Shadows... I value, like family. But they can never replace Tina. Or Starline, Kressler, or Slicer."

"Go on, Dainsleif. You know you want to. The man who started it all. It wasn't Avara. It wasn't even Bishamonten. It was him. And he had the audacity to hide it all from you. To mentor you of all things. I have said this already, and I will say it once more. I came for Reaper's head. But I certainly have no qualms with having a loyal Outer Shadow to The Black Legion Organization do it for me."

I gritted my teeth, tears running down my face.

"Did you know... how much I suffered... my whole childhood consisted of running away. From running away from literal GODS. John. It never stopped. My hatred for them, and their hatred for me. It never. Fucking. Stopped. Every single day. Every single hour. Every single minute. Every single. Fucking. Second. I was fearing for my life."

John slowly let go of the barrel.


"I will end up like you? What part of that was like you?! I NEVER got to experience a proper high school life. My GIRLFRIEND shot herself IN THE HEAD. My second girlfriend was IMPALED BY HER LITTLE SISTER. To turn out like Johnny Crassman?! Just because I cracked a few jokes?! You claiming that means you don't know JACK SHIT about me."

My hand dropped the gun and slowly went for Crassman's throat.

"Do you want to know why I make jokes? It's because if I didn't... all the trauma and pain... all of it would consume me. To have a smile on my face..."

Jessie's face flashed in my mind. Her smile.

Hard to imagine what you'll be like once the Jessie effect gets to you. After all, the longer you stay with me, the more like me you'll end up!

"It isn't just to give myself strength, John. It's to give everybody I love the strength to keep moving forward. My bonds were formed through trust and friendship. My Auxiliary Shadows are my friends. Not replacements. Not recruited through guilt. We aren't the same. Not in the slightest. So..."

I closed my eyes.

Light Magic - False Sword

The magic spell became undone, revealing the barrel of my Thompson Contender aimed at Loyce's face.

"What?!" Loyce gasped, as a smile appeared on my face.

"You don't have to worry about me turning out like Johnny Crassman. Because I am a FAR BETTER PRANKSTER than that CLOWN WOULD EVER BE. And the man I will grow up to be, will be far STRONGER than the Inner Shadow who got his ass beat in front of me will ever become!"

"You... you damn... general... PAIN IN THE ASS!" Loyce growled as I fired, sending him back.

"GALEO! TROIA! SIGURD! SUMMON EVERY DAMN SHADOW Y'ALL GOT! Send this filthy ass TRAITOR back to whatever filthy Demon hole he came from!"

The Shadows began to swirl around Loyce, a mixture of John's Shadows and Jun's Shadows.

Even you, are not exempt from the laws of The Black Legion and Lord Ginga, Demon King Loyce, John's Shadows whispered.

Dear god, give us a brea- er we mean, begone from this realm, Demon King Loyce! Jun's Shadows followed up.

Galeo and Troia gave Sigurd and me slightly confused and exasperated looks.

Sigurd looked like she was about to pass out from embarrassment.

"You stupid Shadows! At least put on a better act in front of Inner Shadow Reaper!" I squeaked.


Troia and Galeo turned around, as did I, to John, who had his hand over his mouth.

"Lord Crassman...?" Troia asked.

"PFFTAHAHAHAHAHA!" John Crassman laughed, throwing his head back.

"My word... I... I haven't laughed so hard in years... just what... just what did you subject Inner Shadow Gasket's Shadows to this entire time?!"

I scratched the back of my head nervously.

"Er... well... I guess... a number of things really," My voice trailed away.

Where would I even begin?

From getting them to accompany me on a practice driving test...

To having them appear at the wrong time whenever Sigurd would tackle me to the ground after embarassing her...

To getting them to take sexy pictures of Outer Shadow Frey's unitard for research purposes...

John clutched his head.

"I... I truly have... made quite the fool out of myself... I apologize... my dear Outer Shadows."

Troia blinked, slamming her head to the ground.



Troia stared at her Inner Shadow, who gently stroked her head.

"Troia... you look as lovely as ever... even after having been on the battlefield. Please... accept my sincerest apologies... your fallen brethren... I-"

"No! Please don't apologize! You're... you've always been..."

John wiped a tear from Troia's face.

"Outer Shadow Troia, will you continue... helping me?"

Troia sniffled.

"Yes. Yes, I will. By my sword, and by my decree as an Amazon. I will serve you with all my might. I, along with my sisters."

A crowd of Amazons rallied from behind the remains of the Citadel that had fallen apart, revealing us to be at the bottom floor, right on the ground, surrounded by the remains of the battle that had taken place in Diacus.

The people of Trion... and the Amazons of Outer Shadow Troia had won the battle to retake the city, and drive out Aran's Cultists.

John looked at Galeo, who had fallen to his knees.

"Master Crassman... our incompetency has put you in such a state. I will forever be ashamed of myself-"

"The fault is mine... for allowing myself to get injured, knowing full well the might of Loyce Hal. Build yourself back up, Galeo Ixian. For the day has yet to come... where you can reunite with Remus."

Galeo stared at John, his mouth hanging open.

"My brother... is alive?!"

John smiled.

"His soul does not wane. It still remains strong. As strong as a Space Marine can be."

I knelt down in front of John.

"Inner Shadow Reaper... let's fall back to Trion first. You're... you're really badly wounded."

"And what of the Omega Upgrade? Our battle is not finished. Aran Sol still remains a threat. And as for Loyce Hal... sending him away by Shadows is only a temporary solution. He will return."

I looked out in the distance.

"Guys, we need to evacuate back to Trion. Sig, can you activate Master Jun's defenses as you are now? We can prioritize all of Master Jun's tech into Trion in case Loyce does choose to strike. With the Citadel and Diacus in ruins, we can afford to reroute two cities' worth of tech to pad up Trion as much as possible."

Sigurd nodded.

"We can. I will try to get a bridge set up with this partial upgrade. Outer Shadow Sixshot, Outer Shadow Troia, I request your assistance."

"Very well, Auxiliary Shadow Sigurd, it shall be done," Troia said.

The three Shadows split up, as the people of Trion made their way to the warp location.

From the horde, I could make out Defender, Witchcraft, and Ironclad looking at me.

Defender had a smile on his face.

"Thank you, for freeing us, Aaron," Witchcraft mouthed.

Everybody left, until it was just me and Inner Shadow Reaper, sitting on a burnt-up piece of rubble.

I reached out and grabbed something in the chamber, a piece of white metal that occasionally hummed with power.

The last component of the Omega Upgrade.

The final ticket out of here, and to save my Inner Shadow.

"John," I said.

"What is it?"

"I was wondering... after all, since I peeked into your past..."

"If you have a question, you may as well ask me now, while it is just the two of us here."

I turned to Inner Shadow Reaper.

"What about Taylor made you fall in love with her?"

John tilted his head.

"An interesting question... no one really asked me this before."

"Well, no one really got the chance, I guess."

John smiled.

"Taylor was always patient with me. While I was busy skipping meetings with Lord Ginga and being an absolute fool in high school, Taylor not only tolerated that side of me... she also accepted it. The shades that I wore were a gift from her because she told me to always embrace the side of me that I was proud of. Whether it was to be a clown, or to be a warrior. She would accept me all the same. That was what sealed the deal."

My heart felt mushy.

What a wholesome response.

"Did you expect me to say that it was because Taylor was tall, blonde, and had a huge ass?"

I choked.

"Wha- Nah- You-"

John smirked.

"Well, that was also the reason. Taylor was very attractive. Pretty, and fit. Given, that she wasn't very tall or blonde... But she was known as the Queen of Senior Year for a reason!"

I chuckled, looking out into the distance.

This battle wasn't over yet.

It was far from over.

But maybe I could get some breathing room. For some reason, having John next to me made me feel something I never felt before.

"John... what will you do once this is over? You don't have a leg, an arm, hell, even your eye is missing. You look like someone had mashed Yeling and my disabilities together. And decided to go with the pirate leg."

John smiled, leaning back.

"If we get out of this ordeal alive... my plan is obvious. I will retire."

I spun around.

"Wait, what?! You can do that?! Retire? Just like that?"

"Well... yeah. I'm human, after all. Just like you. A human who could do the impossible. The 'God-Reaper', as the folks used to call me. Even I have limits. Though I won't be an Inner Shadow anymore, I cannot access my base. It will no longer be open to one such as I."

The moon of Gasket's world broke the horizon, forming pretty shades of orange and purple.

"If you're not gonna be an Inner Shadow anymore... why don't you come live with us?"

John blinked.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Live with us, John. I already have Hakah hanging around. What's one more Inner Shadow?"

John scoffed.

"Collecting Inner Shadows now, are we, Dainsleif? Your ridiculousness really knows no bounds."

"And I'll make sure... you will spend your days in my place. With Tina and Taylor."

Crassman was silent for a few moments.

"Are you sure you can make that promise?"

"I'll carry it out. It wasn't just Loyce who took Taylor away from you. It was Vala. I'll find a way... after all, with the Omega Upgrade, the Anti-Narrative will be in Siggy's hands. We might be able to find a loophole... and bring them back. My gift to you. After everything you've done to help me. From teaching me Chakra... to helping me today. If it wasn't for you, I would have stormed Diacus alone or got everybody killed... I know there are a lot of casualties... but who knows how bad it would have been if I didn't have you act as a mentor to me."

A warm smile appeared on John's face, wrinkles forming over his weathered expression.

"To visit the beach with both Tina and Taylor... even when I'm so old and wrinkly..."

"That was what Taylor always wanted, right? Ten years from then, to visit the beach. Er... granted, it has been WAY longer. But still."

John looked at me.

"I was wrong. You really are different from me. You are no Johnny Crassman."

"Damn right I'm not."

"You are someone greater. Far greater. A troublemaker... with the biggest heart, a heart bigger than Johnny could ever have. Thank you."

John put his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, for saving me, Aaron. But you have done more than enough."

"Heh? John? What are you doing? Wait-"

John got to his feet, his black prosthetics returning.

"You have given me renewed vigor. From now on, you have the protection of Inner Shadow Reaper. I will protect you... from what happens next."

"What happens next...? What are you talking about-"


Sigurd and the others stared at us in horror.

"No... no way... but... we sent him away...!"

Galeo rushed forward, but a wave of force sent him flying back, his head smashing against a nearby piece of rubble and knocking him unconscious.


"JOHN! WE NEED TO-" My voice cut off, as Reaper stood before an anomaly that was growing larger and larger by the second.

"Aaron... you don't need to go through the trouble of bringing Tina and Taylor back to me. I will be seeing them soon. Do you not remember...?"

"REMEMBER WHAT?! JOHN!" I screamed, as the forces of the anomaly knocked me off balance.

John smiled, drawing his scythe as Loyce Hal emerged from the crack, in reality, his face full of hatred and anger.

"Those who try to defy Lord Ginga are met with their end. This is where my road ends. But it will end knowing that the person I worried the most... will end up just fine."

"Final words now? How fitting for a COWARD of the Inner Shadows!" Loyce snarled, ripping reality apart and reaching out to John, who zipped back, swinging his scythe.

Loyce materialized out of reality, shifting and phasing and landing a knee strike right at John's chin, sending the Inner Shadow airborne at frightening speeds.

But John held his ground.

Loyce then turned to us, pointing his finger.

"Ah... I did say I came here for Reaper. But you little bugs chose to get involved. You shall now suffer the consequences."

Alogigenesis - Anti-Will

The people of Trion stopped evacuating, as their movements reversed, walking backward.

Towards Loyce.

"LOYCE! YOU BASTARD!" I growled, stomping on the ground.


Chakra was the key to combating his Alogigenesis.


"DO NOT WASTE YOUR CHAKRA, AARON," John shouted, as I looked up to the sky.

Troia gasped.

"What... what is that...?!"

Galeo fell back.

"A black angel... just like the Emperor... no... even greater than he...!"


Loyce laughed crazily.


Loyce blasted into the air, magic circles surrounding him.



John and Loyce yelled their battle cries, clashing in the sky and shattering the very fabric of Jun's reality.

And it was then did I realize...

John's form was not that skeleton he once had. One that embodied the victim of death.

He was now an angel.

Protecting the dreams and futures of those who could continue on.

"Tina... Taylor... I hope you are watching..." John muttered, as the scythe in his hands suddenly transformed, into a familiar-looking polearm.

Uncertainty washed over Loyce's face.

"This isn't your Final Circle Style...?!"

John reached into his coat, putting on the pair of shades gifted to him by the most important woman in his life.

A grin plastered all over his face, reaching from corner to corner.

"Damn, right. Sucker. This is my return."

First Circle Style

Level 1 Advanced Senkaku, Level 2 Advanced Shakujin


Loyce exploded into white light, disbelief all over his face as Johnny Crassman appeared from the mess, a battle-crazed smile on his face.

"Bring it on, Demon Lord! I'm in my prime right now! HAHA!" Johnny laughed maniacally.

"YOU CRAZY BOTTOM FEEDER INNER SHADOW! I SHALL MAKE YOU PAY!" Loyce snarled, trying to send magic spell after magic spell Reaper's way only to have it completely go off.

The attacks Loyce was sending to Crassman weren't landing...

Because the chakra was influencing not just Loyce's magic, but Loyce himself.

The opposite of order and that of a king.

But that of a warrior. Of chaos.

Of a true Reaper.

Aaron... I'm sorry I won't be able to enjoy a trip to the beach with Tina and Taylor in your world. But I will enjoy a trip nonetheless. For I shall see them soon enough.


This may be the end of the road for me... but I will do more than just agitate Loyce. He has expended a third of his very essence, his very concept to fight me. For he battles both Hellion and I, along with the influence of Aran Sol. So before I die, I will reduce him down, to 66% of his original battle power. This is the best I can do. The rest, I leave up to you youngsters.

"JOHN! JOOOHNNNN!" I shouted as another explosion rocked the entire world.

"If esoteric means do not work on you, then I will use other means. You still face the greatest Primordial Demon to ever exist! You are just a human! A human failure who failed both the woman you loved and all of your Auxiliary Shadows that day!" Loyce snarled.

"Fine by me! You shall be humiliated... by that same failure! How does it feel to have your power reduced by the failure who got everybody he loved killed because he was such a lovestruck idiot!" John retorted, slicing Loyce's face, only for Loyce to retaliate, slashing his sword and ripping out John's other eye, blinding the Inner Shadow completely.

Something... I needed something. Anything.


"Aaron!" Sigurd shouted as a massive gust of wind ripped into my cloak. From the distance, I could make out Annie running to me.

"Sig! Get to the warp! We need to get to Trion while Inner Shadow Reaper holds Loyce off!"

"Reaper may not have much time left. My sensors don't lie. That form he has assumed... it's a suicidal transformation that pushes his body past its limits. He's fighting at 900 times his limit. He doesn't have much time left before his entire body ceases to exist from the overuse of that soul-channeling chakra technique!"

Johnny laughed crazily, his shades were now cracked, revealing one of his blinded eyes. Blood trailed and sprayed everywhere from his body.

"I'm literally the legendary Reaper of the Black Legion! The only SS Ranked Outer Shadow! It should be an honor to serve me!"

"You have lost your mind!" Loyce shouted as the two clashed violently.

Narrative... anti-narrative...


Chakra was a counter to reality warping effects.

And was the perfect counter to the anti-narrative.

Was it because it was immune?

Or rather...

I looked at Sigurd's new implants. Three modules appeared on her stomach, depicting the incomplete installation of the Omega Upgrade's anti-narrative modules.

"Annie, can you channel the Anti-Narrative?"

Annie blinked.

"I... I may try. But..."

"Annie. Please. For me."

Sigurd's face flashed with determination.

"As you wish, Outer Shadow Dainsleif. For your sake, I shall follow your orders, without question."

Auxiliary Shadow TX7F brought her hands together, as the modules began to glow. I held the remaining upgrade to my face, imagining a world where John could enjoy a meal with his wife and kid.

With Tina, their kid's aunt, arguing with John.

Jennifer and her mother, Taylor, laughing.

This life.

Is it really a sin to want this kind of life?



It isn't a sin.

Your version of Hope is NOT eternal.

We will change it.

We will change this narrative.

"I... I summoned it. Aaron! I KYA-" Annie yelped, as I bumped into her, the Anti-Narrative coursing through me, the remaining piece of the Omega Upgrade, and the Thompson Contender that I was aiming right at Loyce Hal.

My mind flashed back to the past. Of Avara slaughtering the orphans. Of my run. To my declaration of war. To Jun taking me in.

This will not be my grave.

Nor will it be John's.

Nor will it be the grave for any dreams.

The narrative I see before me...

"Shatter! And rewrite one where John is happy! You mofo's have been enjoying this narrative for way to long! FUCK YOU ARAN! AND FUCK YOU VALA!"



Reach him.

Reach that sunavabitch!

Loyce grabbed a defeated Reaper by the throat.

"You've laughed your last laugh, fool. To think a nine hundred times multiplier would be enough to stand against a Primordial Demon. I have yet to-"

Loyce spun around, his eyes wide.




"Dainsleif! Get down!" Sigurd shouted, tackling me over as the explosion lit up the entire sky.

"Galeo! Get John!" I shouted.

Galeo grimaced.

"Fool! What do you think I've been doing this entire time!"

A shield suddenly took form from within the smoke, as Troia leaped into the air.

"Lord Crassman!"

I narrowed my eyes at the body of John floating down, reaching us.

"By the gods... by the gods! Please! Lord Crassman! Live!" Troia cried out, desperately.

Sigurd pressed her hand against Inner Shadow Reaper's chest.

"He has a pulse."

Troia buried her face in John's chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

I turned back, making my way to the ruins, limping with what little strength I had left.

There was still one thing left.

I stood before the defeated specter of Loyce Hal, who was staring at the sky.

"I really... lost... huh," Loyce muttered.

"Shut up. Some Great Demon King you are. Getting your ass beat by two humans!" I taunted.

Loyce closed his eyes.

"You defeated a specter, that was only a third of what I am capable of."

"Who cares. A win is a win. Get fucked, asshole."

Loyce chuckled.

"I suppose... a win is a win. And a loss is a loss. Then perhaps... this path... is the right one all along."

My smirk melted from my face.


Loyce looked at me with a sense of... longing...?

"All... of this... is to get what I want. Did I not tell you? Long ago? That by the end of this, you would be begging not to press the barrel of your gun to my head? Never forget. This battle... is just a confirmation for me."

"And what's that?"

Loyce began to disappear, his body turning black and fading away.

"That... I can be stopped."

I gritted my teeth, watching a third of Loyce Hal disappear from existence.

You cheeky bastard.

Even despite everything that had happened... you still got what you wanted, huh?

Forever a GPITA

"Inner Shadow Reaper! Oh gods! You had us so worried! Warpgate... Adriana is... she's.... WAAAAAH!" Troia sobbed, burying her head into John's shoulder.

"Troia... don't cry..."

"I can't help it! I'm so glad... but so sad! I... I know it is shameful for a warriorress to shed tears but... but!"

"I know, but that is not what I meant. I am injured. And I am in a LOT of pain!"


Where the hell was my crying girl?

I turned to Sigurd, who frowned at me.

"Here's your ice pack."


"GOW! You rusting bitch! I'm injured too!"

Sigurd turned around, crossing her arms.

"Sorry," She muttered.

Galeo sat across from me.

"Our battle is far from over. But... now that I know Remus lives... perhaps I may want to visit him. I don't want to hope though."

"Nah, you're fine."

"How so?"

I smiled.

"Cuz... our version of hope, is different from Vala's. Ours is GENUINE."

* * *

John rested his head against his bedframe.

"Aaron, you truly are an unfair little Outer Shadow."

"HUH?! What do you mean? I saved your old wrinkly ass!"


John sighed.

"I was going to see Tina and Taylor. In the afterlife. But now... you... you denied that..." John's voice broke, as for the first time in my life...

Inner Shadow Reaper began to cry.

"What in the world is this old idiot bawling for?" A woman's voice said, causing John to stop abruptly.

"....what?" John said, shakily.

"OH GOD! JOHNNY! YOUR EYES! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Another woman screamed, rushing up to Inner Shadow Reaper and crushing him in a hug.

"J- Johnny...? What... who's... who's speaking?! I cannot see! I cannot!" John said, frantically.

The first woman sighed, sitting on the other side of the bed.

"So even after all that. So many years. Becoming an Inner Shadow, I see Johnny Crassman is still a complete dumbass."

Level 1 Shakujin - Gaia's Renewal

A green energy trailed the bed, wrapping around John's empty eye sockets and restoring his eyesight.

John blinked at the two women who were in front of him.

"Am... am I dead?"

Taylor screamed, crushing John in a hug again, crying profusely.

Tina sighed, crossing her arms.

"No. But it would have been better if we all met in the afterlife. Look at me! Fifty and aging! Not everybody gets better with age!"

Johnny stared at Tina.

"But... how could you expect to look youthful when you're angry all the time?"

"SAY WHAT?! YOU WANNA SAY THAT AGAIN YOU QUACK INNER SHADOW?!" Tina growled, wrestling with John in front of me.

John looked at me, in surprise.

"Later," I mouthed, smiling as I closed my eyes.

The Black Legion General Pain in the Ass needed a break from all this bullshit.

* * *

"Damn, so you mean to tell me Tina was only able to restore your eyes?" I grumbled.

"Yes... unfortunately, that was all the remaining Shakujin the Dogma allowed her to use. I'm guessing that Anti-Narrative bullet you fired at Loyce caused a chain reaction with HIS anti-narrative abilities to bring both Tina and Taylor back?"

"I dunno. I just... imagined what it would be like to see you happy is all."

John smiled.

"You really are perplexing. After realizing everything I had done... you still helped me... and not only that... you saved me. I cannot be any more in your debt, or else I'll die for real."

"Please don't joke about dying."

The Inner Shadow laughed.

"Once this is over... I will take you up on your offer."

"That so?"

"Mmm. I hope your place has a private house for us. After all, Jenny wants to play with as many toys as she can get her hands on."

"Y'all are pretty picky for a couple of people who's asses I literally just saved with my awesomeness."

Reaper rested his chin on his hand.

"So. As of now, the only challenge up ahead is completing the Omega Upgrade... and dealing with Primordial Demon Aran."

"The dude's only a Supreme Primordial. We beat an Ultimate Primordial. Got that shit in the bag. All good."

John held back a laugh.

"Perhaps the fate of the Black Legion... is in good hands after all. I look forward to seeing the things you do. Outer Shadow Dainsleif. In the meantime, I will enjoy some quality time with my wife and sister-in-law. Hopefully, Tina doesn't rip my head off. Keep us safe in the meantime."

I waved John off until it was just me.

"Master Jun... I will save you. This was proof. I have the means to save even Inner Shadows. As a man. There's no excuse for not saving you. The same goes for you too... Sarah. And Saki."

I made a fist with my hand.

"I'll stop at nothing to see you both in my arms. Erm... arm. I mean."

A breeze blew past me.

A breeze...

That suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

My eyes widened as I spun around, stumbling back.

A breach...?!

No way.

I know John and Loyce had clashed at pretty much full power, but was it enough to create a dimensional rip to allow outsiders to access Master Jun's realm?!

I summoned my Draugr and quickly took aim, firing, but the bullet was instantly deflected by another.

"A gunner?! Who the hell are you!" I shouted, contemplating calling the others.

But everybody was recovering.

I couldn't risk getting Sigurd into combat after she had just pulled that Anti-Narrative trick with questionable parts.

I needed to deal with this threat.

"I won't ask again... tell me who you are! DS35's!"

A DS35 flew in, transforming into a blade, but the blade was met with another.

A flaming blade...

A Hinokami flame.

My jaw hung open.

"YELING?! YELING is that you?!" I exclaimed.

"No. Not Yeling," A gruff man's voice responded, as I quickly took a defensive position.

"What? This wasn't Yeling?"

The gears in my head turned.


This couldn't be.


A pair of boots emerged from the rift, followed by a long black cloak, complete with a pair of military pants and a grey tank top.

A large, burly, muscular middle-aged man stepped through.

"I have finally found you. After all this time. I've finally found you."

My eyes slowly widened.

"You've gotta be shitting me... is that you...?"

The man lowered Tatsu, and in his other hand, was the firearm that the man used to expertly deflect my bullet a moment ago.

"Yeah. It's been a while. Twenty years actually.


* * * END OF PART 1 * * *