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*Rave Vs Negative Rave
*Rave Vs Negative Rave
=='''Man Creates God''' The Infinite Void==
===Code-X: The Helios Biblios Star Map===
Mankind wants to test what is at the end of the universe. But they cannot travel their themselves. So they create an AI. They will launch this AI who will travel the galaxy, To find, what they are looking for. Rave is against this idea because it reminds him of his own god.
==Global Warming and Mars==
===Smart People BSing each other===
In library. Wiki is angry at Rave. She says, "Arrrgh. What is with you?! You rule an entire planet and still all I do is sleep and spread myelf for you." Rave replies, "Oh, I don't rule the entire planet. Not yet." Wiki explains, "You practically do. I'm tired of being a princess. I want to help people as a Queen." Rave says "Well, I have been more than selfish. You more than earned it. And I have been keeping you back." He asks her, "Tell me Wiki. Why is I capital if he and she is not?" She immediately changes her moody face to a smile and Wiki replies, "Are you trying to out smart me? That is easy. I is capitalized to retain it's presence. If I didn't raise it's head as high as possible it would not stand a chance amongst they." Rave replies, "So I is not selfish?" Wiki says, "No. I am not. I realizes the burden and toughens up to survive. In a way, If he died then they cannot exist." He says, "Oh come here you smart *." They kiss.
Rave says, "I really thought mankind was evil but I realized y'all really just stupid and nothing else. It's hard to blame people for stupidity. But stupidity in you reaches a dangerous level. That ignorant smile on you faces like some kinda village idiots." He continues, "If I was god what would I do with y'all? I know the answer cannot be violence but I cannot stop thinking of it every second with you. I really don't blame god for rapturing mankind. I would do the same."
He spreads out his wives to rule over different parts of the planet Earth. They have been overseeing thing for a while now. But he finally gave them Queen status.
== '''The Death of Death ''' Biblical Revelation==
===Monsters of the Ice===
Rave and Aeon Musk invents the immortality pill.
Increased frequency of Kaiju attacks in the North lead us to discover they not coming from the sea but from the ice. This lead us to discover the ice is melting much faster than usual.
===In Conference===
Want to take this chapter slow a bit before any major bosses. Give us time to just enjoy the lore and characters. PSYCHE!!!! THE ******* GRIM REAPER IS GOING TO ATTACK ROMAN RAVE!!!! This ain't no romance. We want action!!!
Scientist discovers that in a few short months the Ozone Layer will be completely depleted with catastrophic consequences of radiation and flooding. Greatest and Smartest heroes of Earth pull a conference to address the situation.
Rave says to the people of Earth, "The use of recent weapons from your government has weakened the Ozone Layer. The Immortal Legion does not use these primitive weapons." ZUCCbat sits there blinking with his android looking face. Rave continues, "To fix this problem they created we will begin construction of the miniature Dyson Sphere around the planet. It will be the ultimate source of clean energy while protecting the planet of harmful rays. This sphere cannot be seen from the ground with the naked eye but any ships entering Earth will need clearance passes. We will solve the immediate problem by sending excess ice to Mars. This will result in water on the planet for human colonization. We must first sign a treaty with my son Emperor. He is the new king of Mars now that Hated has taken up mantle as the new ruler of Hell. My princess Ariel has been at the North pole all this time. Her confinement keeps the world from drowning. As the polar caps should of been worst than is. She's happy to know her curse saved mankind as it now buys us time." Rave looks like a ever promising leader for the people of Earth. Rave is close to world domination through the hearts of humanity. Musk says, "We must hurry before there is no more time." Kobain explains the ships that will pump the water with diagrams. They must also take some ice chucks to prevent the dilution of the ocean.
Rave says, "The creator wants to tell me something. And I wish to tell others but it's so fuzzy I cannot perfect the exact will as yet."
===Underneath The Ice===
'''South Pole, Antarctica'''
Human immortality MIGHT also bring about the Final Apocalypse. The Earth Realm shall be new hell. It was written, mankind will beg for death but realize they are unable to die... Maybe... We don't know. Lord Rave goes against your fears. We don't believe in your doomer prophecies.
We see the giant machines cultivate huge clunks of ice.
Rave says, "I have a stronger spiritual connect in wisdom based on what I found. Even if you don't believe in a creator remember they are your ancestors. You should honor the good nature in them. Honor the good, honor the brave, honor the warrior, respect his sacrific."
We find something baffling hidden deep within the frozen ice. A giant spaceship. Rave and [[Aeon Musk]] enters to check it out. He already expects this might mean consequences buts it's already thawing out. The hologram Ava says, "This technology resembles Primordial Earth. But it is so advanced like mine."
The machine woman, Automina is awaken. She Instantly paralyzes Rave as he glitch out. Musk flies to attack her. But his suit is metallic and he is held as well. She hooks up to him and downloads their information.  She allows Rave to speak. Rave says, "You are a Demon Automaton! Why now!" She couldn't of chosen a worst time to show up. Automina has powers to shut down tech. She shut down the ships working on the water pumps. She sets her sit to halt work that is being done on the Dyson Sphere as they speak. Rave struggles move but she holds him tighter. Suddenly she crushes Musk's lower body in him suit. Rave shouts, "Musk! Nooo!" You can see Rave shakes with anger. He shouts, "Ava! Hold on!" Rave thinks, "I'm mostly cybernetic when she has dominance of tech. But how?! Not even I is able to metal bend Ava with my technomancer powers!"
Prophecy foretold embellished in truth. All of the world appears undead under Legion powers. But we are okay.
=='''Ophanim''' Movement Of The People==
[[Image:Openedawake.jpg|500px|thumb|center| Here is your flaming ring with many eyes]]
'''Legion Base'''
Uriel says, 'You rallied the humans against the gods? You defeated Micheal! I now call upon the Ophanim.' He replies, "Anu gave me permission to rule! You and Tiamat Imprisoned the lord in hell and you took over! I was gifted the force of Metatron, Erra the destroyer, Utu has strengthen my light!' She shouts, "Fool, Anu is using you to escape! He is the devil!" He replies, "No! He is our father! Tiamat is the one who is wrong!" Uriel continues, 'You! I sent you to hell when you died. But somehow you still exist. You have become an anomaly so hard to kill and a pain in my side ever since!'
Back at Legion lab. A completely human body from Rave comes out of a pod. Cherry Bludnurse assesses. Rave says, "A Demon Automaton is holding me captive. She has dominance over technology. For all I know she could already be in the mainframe. Ready Legion, Ready the Primal Sector." As he storms out of the room. Cherry says, "You might want to put on some clothes first." He completely forgot he is nude. Rave usually uses his powers to cover himself.
Uriel now realizes the fight with Rave and the Immortal Legion has only been a distraction. Suspecting earth is a trap, the people of earth are evacuated from the planet to hide from the angels. No longer can gods pray on humanity.
Rave is wearing white Legion paramilitary gear. All the soldiers are dressed in white to blend onto the snow. Koi says, "Rave, you smell like a human man." She bite her lips and rubs her index on his chin up to the side of his lips. Rave replies, "This body is just another copy. Disposable as any other. Don't get any ideas." The Primal Sectors are Martains, Trolls, Orc and anybody who doesn't depend on technology. They gather to lunch and assault on Automina. Rave says, "The flesh part of biomechanical ships can withstand some form of her control. But I advise we approach secretly till we are safely on the ground."
At this point Uriel realizes she has completely lost. She falls to her knees ready to accept death. Rave picks her up by her hair. She says, "Just do it... Kill me! You demon, I said end my existence for good!" Rave replies, "No, I need you. Remember when all this started I told you you will bow to me. It has happened and now you will become one of mines. You and all of heaven will come to server me. Today's I am god." She replies, "No." He pulls her her and shouts, "Beg for your life. Tell me you will serve me and only me!" She shouts, "No, If you don't I'll will so it myself." Rave says, "Idiot you know what happens to suicide victims." Fidelle shows up with axe on her shoulder. She says, "Goddamit Uriel! Just accept him already!" Fidelle grabs Uriel by the shoulder and says to Rave, "Give her to me. We don't have much time here. I'll make her submit." Rave replies, "Right we have to move." Uriel looks at Fidelle in amazement. She recognized that Fidelle gas grown stronger and is much more commanding than the unsure clone she raise her to be. As the scene closes a glimpse in Uriel eyes recognizes that maybe serving Rave is such a bad option. But she takes it with a massive hit to her pride. Such an uptight angel brought down by a simple man.
Back on the ship after long thought Uriel comes to tell Rave her decision. She says, "You can have me, but you have to promise me one thing. Not without a ring. Rave replies, "Good. Smart choice. It was going to happen weather you like it or not. But only problem is since we are still on the run we kinda have to rush our wedding. It's really not the thing I would want for such a monumentous prize like yourself." She says, "You don't need to rub it in." He says, "I haven't fully forgiven you for what you did to Chastity's memories. You don't get to speak to me like that. From now your speech is a privilege you have to earn." She looks at him disheartened but not wanting to say something that might upset him so she stay quiet. He pause it let the awkwardness of her humbled silence set in. He then says, "Good. Your are a quick learner." He asks, "Would you like to meet the girls?" She replies, "Yes... my lord."
Ship fly to Antarctica. The garrison advances through the snow on foot.
Fidelle admits to Rave it's her first time being with a man since she was created hundreds of thousands of years ago. Rave says, "I know you are a lesbian Uriel don't lie." Uriel replies, "Or pure. I'm bi, Lord Roman. I never acted on it. It was a sin for angels to engage in such primal acts. I knew the others did it I'm secret but I would of never do such a thing. That's why the mother put me in charge." Rave says, "It's not over for you Uriel, once my souls bonds with your you will be stronger with me. I'll have you keep your same sense of leadership if you or prove me loyal." She replies, "Yes. I want to be your woman. I seen how you made the other girls stronger. I must admit that I am jealous they could exercise their freedom so willingly." She continues, "Now after thousands of years I am giving myself to a demon lord. Not because I have to but because I want to. I want to help you with your goals, my king." She embraces him. Under her breath she whispers, "Forgive me Tiamat. I am a woman just like you to Anu."
A small team with one Doctor, Cherry and Rave sneak into her ship using Black Martian cloaks. She has taken him and Ava to another room while musk is left dying on the floor. Rave checks Musk's vitals. Cherry injects musk's with a serum to stabilize him. This is highly advance medical work. Cherry says, "We can't move him." Rave says, "You can't stay here either. Move out." The man carry him out.
We speed pass through the graphic parts of the love making. But that moment is magical and worth mention. Remember intimacy with Rave is a psychedelic trip. Chastity is there on the bed with them. Her goal is to help Fidelle through this new experience knowing she too struggled with intimacy for years. Rave souls now shares memories of such an ancient powerful angel Uriel. Its like he witnesses the beginning of time through her mind. It's also a know your enemy moment for Chastity. Right now she is being intimate with the woman that erased her memories. Basically the woman now with her man is her arch nemesis.
Rave alone goes the opposite direction after Automina. He arrives at a room seeing lights coming from the slightly opened door. He can here electronics sounds. He sees Automina's back turn to him as she is on top of the paralyzed ghost Rave. She is grinding on him. The human Rave blast a shot gun cap in her back. She turns around smiling. She laughs and says, "You really think that can hurt me?" He asks her, "What are you doing?" She says, "I'm stealing your powers." He cranks the gun again. She knocks the gun into him. And then buried a pile of heavy metallic objects on him. She says, "Two is fun but I only need one." As she turns her attention back to the paralyzed ghost Rave. All of a sudden! Boom! Human Rave punches her off the the bed. She screams, "How?! I crushed you!" Rave replies, "I'm taking it old school! Super Soldier, Baby!" She replies, "That is still not enough to defeat me. I lived through this ice. I survived the end of the dinosaurs!"  She advances to attack him with a blast. He shouts, "Wait!" He stands up and says, "I just want to talk!" She replies, "So you chat after *. How romantic." He asks, "Where is Ava?" Automina points the cannon at him. She says, "Asking about another girl! Wrong question!!" He dives out of the way as the blast blows through the haul. She says, "Ask again." Rave asks, "Okay. What where you? How did you become a Demon Automaton?" She says, "Is that what you call it? I was a reptile person. Your till your human gods decided to cleanse Earth of us so that your people could survive." He says, "Okay. So now you want to cleanse the world of humanity." She says, "You are smart. Don't worry. Our children will repopulate this planet." He asks, "And your powers. Where did it come from?" She says, "Like I would tell YOU that. I just might have to kill you. You're to smart honey." She blast at him again. He dives through the haul of the first blast. She comes down looking for him angry. She cannot find him. You can see her eyes is is now similar to his.
Fidelle looks a little depressed. Rave afterwards feels a little bad for not only what he did to her but for the burden she has tasked to uphold heaven and earth till gods return. He says to her, "I understand your burdens are heavy but I know share your load. Uphold your promise and we will fix things together." Not even Uriel can believe she fallen in love with Rave. She hesitates to look him in the eye. Looking down at the bed shit she rolls her eyes before looking up at him. Uriel says to Rave, "Maybe this is what Tiamat must of wanted. She is yin to the lords yang. She has the future vision of the Inanna's. She must of put me, a woman, in charge of heaven. Knowing that we would of gotten over thrown eventually throw all circumstance. Maybe she wanted me to be with you knowing this is the only way heaven would survive." She continues, "Roman I must help you defeat the rest of heaven. This war is the only way we'd fine peace." Rave replies, "Make peace with your god all you want woman. Tell yourself all these dirty thoughts of me and you in your mind is what your creator wants." Rave slaps her face lightly and her cheeks turns red. She says, "You can't guilt trip me... I am your wife." He wrestles with her in play and they laugh it off. The she breaks down in tears. Rave says, "Uriel I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to make you sad." She replies, "Know I am happy. That was the first time I genuinely laughed with someone. It feel good to share the strain of leadership. After thousands of years I can finally let someone else handle it."
Automina goes outside to see the evacuating Legion Ships flying away. She flies closer and bends the metal in the Legion ships causing the living ships great pain. As she is about to pull them down. She is basted in the back. It is Ava super soldier human Rave is piloting her. Ava retreats into the air. Automina darts after her. The Power Armor flies face from Automina's ship. Rave jumps out if the suit and directly into Automina. When a male is out of the Ava suit it retakes Female shape. Automina and Rave fall in the snow while Ava escapes.  Automina says, "Maybe you aren't so smart after all. Both of you still cannot defeated me. And now you are in the open." Rave says, "You are right. I can't. But the other me already knows how to defeat you. I'm in your mainframe." She screams, "My Ship!" She blasts human Rave with a lazer through his heart. He falls on the side of his face. This body dies in the snow.
And just when you think they were in love. Rave breaks Uriel's neck right their in the bed that they just done it. No just kidding, Uriel's supposed murder was a future vision from Chastity. Rave was going to fuse Uriel and Fidelle in one body but he changed his mind. He wants Uriel to remain her unique self. And Rave thinks to himself, "I was going to get revenge for Chastity but now I trust her. How evil would of been to betray Uriel like that, take her innocence then kill her. I am not that evil." Rave says to Uriel, "I love your fine arse, you better not betray me." Uriel who doesn't what Rave conspired says innocently, "I would never my lord. Maybe a clone. But not me." Rave says to Chastity, "Uriel is one of us now and I truly believe she is genuine. We have to forgive her." Chastity confused explains, "Okay... Uriel I really wanted to sack you but I don't even remember what I supposed to be angry about." Uriel says, "Oh that was me. Chastity I'm so sorry for what I done to you. I know I can never make it right We can blame the gods for this one?" Chastity says confused, "I * hate the gods." Uriel says in joke, "I * hate the gods too. * God. Rave is my lord and savior." And she laughs. Chastity laughs too. Uriel feels that acting blasphemous will get them to accept her. Rave is pleased by her wording.
Ava flies back to her ship. Ghost Rave is not on the bed she left him. She looks up at the ceiling. Boom! Her ship is hit with the planetary destroying weapon, Bigwig's orbital cannon. She comes out damaged but still alive. She flies up to space. We see parts of the Dyson's Sphere being constructed and hovering in orbit. She is stop by Rave who calls into her. Ghost Rave fuses with Ava X transforming them to Rave X.
Chastity have forgiven Uriel now remembers some of her memories. She got them back through moments of intimacy. She tell Rave and the are all happy about it.
Automina says, "You upgraded? Meh. I liked the all black better." Rave X says, "Your metal bending will not work on us. We have evolved."
=='''God Returns''' Riding On A Cloud==
===God Must Die Forever===
Because Rave has killed death a powerful class of angels is sent after him. He realized these angels are not the ones who was present in during the Bloodborn war. It is the god Enlil who has returned. He was looking rather young and pompous. Shirtless wearing a golden crown and wrapped briefs.
Automina says, "No matter I already stolen enough of your power to shut down the entire planet!" Rave sees lights all over the globe going out. Planes and cars crash and what not. Rave X says, "This is for Aeon!" A mechanical flower opens behind them. "Aeon Legion Star Blasted!" Automina thrust to move. But the flower is locked on her movement no matter where she goes. It is over. Automina is consumed in the blast.
[[File:God Enlil Armor.png|400px|thumb|center| Enlil]]
Rave is confronted by Enlil. Enlil says, "Is it god you searched for? I am the god of the deluge. I am the god who divided Babylon. You went and built another towers in my absence? Well I can cut it down." Rave replies, "Absence. What more can we expect from a god? It's my world now." Rave is more annoyed by the arrogance of the god but rightfully so. Uriel looks upon Enlil with shame in her eyes. She has fallen from leader of the Angels and now serves their enemy Rave. She says, "My lord..." Enlil tells hers, "Uriel, I always knew you were to weak to lead heaven. Just like Babylon fell in the days of Inanna leader ship you have ran us to the ground. And now Babylon will fall again." Uriel replies, "I wasn't speaking to you Enlil. You are not my god. You abandoned us without direction. I was speaking to Rave. I swear on your grave Lord Roman will have your head. And all the heavens will know my king Roman is god." Rave chuckles as he just stands there watching his opponent silently. Enlil says, "You let the women do all your talking demon? Or are you going to make them fight for you too." Rave replies, "No this is personal."
'''Legion Lab'''
A reptile woman comes from a pod. It is [[Huntress Xiala]]. Rave says, "Automina. I have stripped you of your powers and places you soul into a body that resembles the previous you. The only reason you are alive is because you have knowledge of the past that will be useful to me." She sits on the bed. She replies, "Okay then. What kind of torture awaits me? I can hardly wait." He says, "No torture. You will be my personal servant. If you do well you will rank amongst my wives." She says, "I would prefer torture." He walks away. She calls unto him. He looks back. She says, "Roman? My name is Xiala." Roman smiles.
The fight beginnings. Imagine the rain.
This alien looking Lizard girl make an excellent addition to Rave's space adventures.
The Orphanim persue upon the evacuated human ships but Legion keeps them at bay. They wait for The out come of Rave and Enlil battle to decide who remains victorious.
'''Kobain goes to see Rave in his private quarters'''
The Bludhouse Mother Ship is the station it is installed. And just as we predicted. Earth under Roman Rave will become a form of Heaven and Hell. Rave has created this all with all the sciences he combined over the years. Soldiers who die soul gets reupload to the hive mind. And back into a body of choice. They are living undead of both tech and flesh.
The all attractive lizard girl Xiala crawls out if bed. Stretches, yawns and skip across the room in a little skirt as she he leaves. Rave yawns, "Boy, that little snake torso of hers can move." Kobain says, "Rave. You've lost it. You told me you need information from her. If her powers revert who know what she will do. You where lucky to outsmart her once. The second time you might just lose." Rave replies, "Might. I trust the love making would persuade her from evil." Kobain laughs and says, "Of course. Now it's much too obvious why you saved her. You're the only man crazy enough to go after the most dangerous women in the Galaxy" Rave says, "Tell me what you want Kobain but live my business out if it." Kobain says, "Ight. Check this out."
Enlil says to Rave, "Why blame me?! It's your favorite Enki who change his name to Jesus Christ. Walking around in earth and misguided the humans." Rave says, "You are the lord. You weren't there. Now you come around like a comet hoping to destroy everything. I will not let you have rapture!" Enlil laughs replies, "You think I want to rapture mankind?! That is a joke. The earth is a prison for souls. Why would I destroy the thing we keep our very own existence off. We the gods loves the earth your immortal souls give us power!" Rave replies, "Then I must destroy the earth..." Enlil laughs and says, "No you wouldn't, there are still people left behind and it would only prove you are no different a god than me. I wipe out mankind with rain when it got to heavy for me and you would do the same. You don't deserve to be no god."
'''Legion Sickbay'''
Ava is keeping Musk company in the hospital. Super soldier serum was used among other things. Rave, Dekota and Proxi enters the room. Musk says, "I feel great. We should start handing out these kind of medication. To the public." Ava says, "That will just level up the common mook. Then everybody will be going around smashing stuff." Rave says, "You are right. But even though. I feel like it's selfish to keep such power to just Legion." Dekota says, "Then increase drafts by promising them power. That what you can have a better handle into the transition."
[[Image:God Enlil dragon.jpg|400px|thumb|center| Enlil's Heavens]]
===Colonization of Mars===
The fight continues and Enlil turns into endless storms clouds of dragon with the eye for the storm as his head. Rave morphs into his dragon form of dark matter. Hovering in grey sky the dimensional riffs of the ethereal become one with reality like before.
'''Large Space Ship, Legion Base'''
Heaven, surrounded by seemingly endless cloud of Enlil body. Rain drops froze in time. Not because of the altitude but they stop falling because gravity no longer exist where they were. Suddenly brief silence, all raindrops point at Rave then dart at him like bullets from every direction. They sound like little pellets cutting the air in the sound of iron.
Rave adjusts Xiala suit collar. He kisses her. They ship clearing for take off. At the Exosphere control towers open the gates of the Dyson Solar panels. They where already expecting Lord Roman to pass through.  We are off to Mars. Rave goes into the helm. One of his oldest sons, Elite, is Admiral of this ship.
[[Image:Geno dragon morph.jpg|450px|thumb|center| Rave's Dragon Morph
Rave evades in flight so fast it creates a sonic boom that repel water bullets away. Rave turns back and charges a sonic blast. A bright blue light fills his jaws. Simultaneously Enlil clouds grew even larger and grey to blast out yellow lightening. Boom! Forces collide are thunder so loud deafening to the human ear.
'''Blue Mars?'''
They land on Mars. Some Martians live above ground now in techno Greek/Roman styled cities.
The fight grows so intense they start to rip a portal into an unstable realm of chaos.
Such a beautiful thing to witness. Red soil and blue oceans. At night a comet flashes over the black canyon of stars.
Kobain says, "It's a pity. All of this is really just a fight between father and son." Proxi says, "True Rave has serious daddy issues and blame us girls like he's so special." Kimbra shouts, "Proxi shut up! You are not to talk of him like that." Proxi replies, "You are not the boss of me gargoyle, I earned my right to express myself with Rave." Dekota interrupts, "Girls not on my ship. If we die today we aren't going down arguing." The ship receives fire. Dakota shouts, "What the hell! Back to * work Goddamit!" On the other part of the Baby is having a panic attack. She goes down and exclaims, "This is really bad, what are we thinking fighting god. I'm just a human, if Rave loses this we get deleted from existence. I can't do this maybe we should repent!" Sofia says, "Are your serious? Now is not the time for jokes." Baby continues, "No way I can't die in space, if we die in space our souls gets lost in the endless cosmos. Rave will never find us." Synthrax sedates Baby with a gas and she falls asleep. Synthrax says, "I was getting sick of her." Genie adds, "Seriously no character growth at all. She was the weakest from the start, immediately gets injured and step down on every mission and she still goes through endgame asleep."
Rave teenage son Emperor meets with him. He is with his older Brother Jonathan. Rave is extremely happy to see his sons. Emperor is the teenage ruler of all this land. He is the second king of Mars after Hated. Before that the highest rank was queen. Emperor has a squad of young female Martian servants attend to them. Elite puts his mechanical arms on his brothers heads and says, "Little punks." Elite is the most human amongst the boys but not the weakest. His arms are weapons he installed to be on par with them. Alongside various super soldier enhancements.
Enlil says to Rave, "Your life was never that bad, all the gifts of man and still you hate the gods." Rave says, "That's the difference in us, it's not just about me. Countless dead with no direction and those that follow believe in your lies! I see the only way to kill you is to nuke the planet." Enlil says, "You stupid, You nuke the earth you might depower me, yes you'd free all the souls but you'd never find your mom's. Only earth has the net to map the zodiac which can find her place in the afterlife." Rave says, "You're the fool, you tell me all the supernatural secrets." Enlil says, "Maybe I will nuke the earth instead just to ensure you lose."
Inside Jonathan girls girlfriends who are the Charmillion twins says, "Hi. Mr. Rave." Charmillion twins powers very much resembles those of the black Martains who no longer inhabit this land.
Suddenly the guns are silent.
Stoonk Hooma approaches Rave. Rave prepare to fight. Emperor says, "That's not necessary dad. She attack us for a coup before. But I went and made her one of my princesses." Hooma picks up Rave and hugs him. She says, "Just because I'm loving your son doesn't mean I wouldn't crush you." Rave says to Emperor, "Did she hit her head? I don't know her as the type to submit to any king. If I remember clearly she had big agenda to become queen." Emperor says, "Dad. You're not the only one who can convince evil women to settle down." Rave laughs.
Rave kills Enlil. Rave kills the literal god that is god. Rave says, "What have I done? My god is Anu and Enki the Nazarene. My love is Inanna. My god is Enlil. God never wanted to give us forgiveness... He wanted us to forgive him. We dwell some much on the past we fail to realize the new covenant. How are we to learn from hating our fathers if this is the answer."
Emperor show his father around. Emperor is a pretty chill ruler.
So Rave takes over heaven as god of the heavens and the earth.
The next project is finding out best locations that guarantee the success of trees. For this Rave has brought Gaia.
Rave says, "We must find Nazarene and get him to unlock his Lucifer state. We have to reclaim the dead ones."
" Why do you think this is a good idea. He told you that once he enters his Lucifer state his old memories will return and he would become someone else. Enki might not be pleased to hear what you done."
Gaia reveals to them she has brought their brother Malic. Malic is a cybernetic metal orb with the power to bend Earth.
== Ophanim ==
'''Rave has a new goal to find the realm in which dead love ones are kept. He just might see his mum again.'''
A powerful class of angels is sent after Rave. The Angel realize Rave has stolen resurrection technology.
And then he understands the meaning of the word orphanim. It's when the children of a planet kisses the mother (earth), goodbye.
The Bludhouse Mother Ship is the station it is installed. And just as we predicted. Earth under Roman Rave will become a form of Heaven and Hell. Rave has created this all with all the sciences he combined over the years. Soldiers who die soul gets reupload to the hive mind. And back into a body of choice. They are living undead of both tech and flesh.
=='''Rave Vs Negative Rave''' To Fight Oneself ==
Blue Eye Rave, Red Eye Rave and Gina Rave all separate into their own entities. When trying to fuse back Negative Rave is Born. He comes from an alternate universe where Rave has killed everything.
So the Ophanim falls upon Legion. Rave recognizes there circular shape to that of the Evil Eye robot he fought in earlier days. Rave says, "So the angels will not give us time to recover from battle. They must be desperate. However smart."
His stillness. But aura. Blurry. Black.
'''Rave has a new goal to find the realm in which dead love ones are kept. He just might see his mum again.'''
== The Death of Death ==
Normal Rave looked across to the inverted color version of himself. The skin bleach white and hair pitch black, eyes red. Rave looking into this clones eyes and saw evil far beyond the feral minded ness of Red Rave.
Rave and Aeon Musk invents the immortality pill.
Negative Rave for now just wants to talk.
Want to take this chapter slow a bit before any major bosses. Give us time to just enjoy the lore and characters. PSYCHE!!!! THE ******* GRIM REAPER IS GOING TO ATTACK ROMAN RAVE!!!! This ain't no romance. We want action!!!
It is Between the Three Raves they start to enter the 9th Dimension of awakening.
Human immortality MIGHT also bring about the Final Apocalypse. The Earth Realm shall be new hell. It was written, mankind will beg for death but realize they are unable to die... Maybe... We don't know. Lord Rave goes against your fears. We don't believe in your doomer prophecies.
[http://primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=GenoRave_Act_9.99#Ultimate_Knowledge Read]
== Rave Vs Negative Rave ==
Blue Eye Rave, Red Eye Rave and Gina Rave all separate into their own entities. When trying to fuse back Negative Rave is Born.
Negative blows off GoldTooth upper chest and right arm which exposed his bones and beating heart. Now, Gold is a big guy so it takes a while for him to drop. It happened so fast. Standing in disbelief GoldTooth watches his only remaining left hand with his blood on it. GoldTooth looks at Negative and then looks at his arm again. GoldTooth sees his hand is grey like Rave's arm. When GoldTooth looks up again he is Rave. Rave used a replacement jutsu to save him. GoldTooth drops to the floor on his both arms. While the blown up Rave regenerates back his own arm. GoldTooth even though saved coughs up blood and vomit. Rave portal GoldTooth away to fight negative one on one. GoldTooth still cannot process just what happened. It was like Rave is so powerful he rewrote the script right under him.
Normal Rave looked across to the inverted color version of himself. The skin bleach white and hair pitch black, eyes red. Rave looking into this clones eyes and saw evil far beyond the feral minded ness of Red Rave.
Big epic fight with self.
Big epic fight with self.
'''(Rave learns it was during Act 6 of the Mitsodome v Zealot fight that Negative Rave was born. This was his own fault.)'''
[http://primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=GenoRave_Act_3.13#Eyes_Nailed_Shut Flashback]
Rave says to Negative, "The Shadow Vine has made you a coward. You attack people much below your power level. I'm too good for that so it would be a shame on me when I scrape the floor with you." Many demonic voices of Negative replies, "GIRLS! GIRLS! WE SHOULD GO FOR THE GIRLS!" then continues, "Ah, you are no saint... You always fought dirty. I am you!!!" Rave replies, "You are desperate." Negative replies, "You! Will not win."
In slow motion, As negative dashes towards Rave he tears the fabric of existence into white shock waves of nothingness behind him. Rave dodges but part white clips his hand erasing it. Rave pulls back and regenerates but notices it taking longer than usual. Rave shouts, "I am the creator!"  As he blasts matter back at him.
In a double tomb stone undertaker style Rave has Negative by his throat. Rave squeeze and separates the Shadow Vine from Negative in the form of Hurexateaz. We hear Hurexateaz and all his demons scream in anguish. Rave finally vanquishes Hurexateaz for good by choking him down into the nothingness below his feet to be erased. Ensuring he squeezes every last breath from his his neck to the very end.
Contemplating mercy, Negative Rave says, "In the end nothing really matters. We're all 'was, is, might and never will be' happening simultaneously, forever."
Rave looks at Negative Rave but instead of reabsorbing him. Rave chokes his former self down into the nothingness below as well. This shows how much Rave has grown.
=='''Blackholes''' Conquering The Universe==
We are in a spaceship in orbit. At this time all the Rave characters are looking really power and techno godlike. We look apon the towers of Babylon extended to space. And Lord Roman look upon his work and thought that it was good.
Space and time, all illusions of our mind. When we look upon the stars of the night sky we are really just looking at millions of years into the past. So where does the future lie. If there is no such thing as straight lines. No matter how far you go into the universe. You are really just moving long the curb. It's like the horizon which appears straight but from a higher perspective turns. Our gravity pulls us down into it like a prison. So time being the illusion created by gravity means we can become immortal by conquering free space.
Understand that our reality is not real. Nor is time or shape and size. When we look at space we are looking at the smallest molecules within our own collective consciousness. For a long time the monotheistic god have been trying to prevent us from understand what the galaxy really is. And a million times over I been telling you Lucifer is the second brightest star in our sky. That's means god to the ancient was the sun. Regardless still, I realize that it is more than just a static object because without the sun there would be no life on our planet.
The Greeks use to say that gods after death becomes stars. This is why I tell you that heaven is in space. I have understood what dreams are. When our minds are left inactive for a long time it self reactivates.
I have deconstructed the Nine Dimensions. Parallel, to realization, sounds and vibration.
No one can escape this dimension but... Harnessing the power of tiny blackholes we can teleport through the universe. It takes millions of seers guided with the all seeing eye of Rave to navigate through the blackholes.
Rave says, "The Nazarene, Je/Zeus' is the sun of god. The cross is not just a device used to track the seasons by location the sun. It's a map. Only by following the sun of god we can find our destiny."
Chastity says, "Everything Rave says is extremely dangerous." And Lucky adds, "Even with all of our concentrated abilities you are dealing with forces we just tiny atoms too."
Kobain explains, "Not even a genius couldn't solve the philosophies Rave has brought to us. Rave is true god consciousness."
America adds, "Well, we've been dancing on the end of the world so many times it's bound to happen eventually." Yela says, "Who ever thought I, a prostitute could become the consort and holy mother of god. We will follow Rave to death under the guidance of the begatten sun."
Rave steps from his throne and says, "Look upon the infinite heads of Brahma and see that all returns to him. I Je/Zeus the anointed assimilation of god. Son of my father has become, all! Through the powers bestowed upon me. In the name of Amun, it will be so! For I have brought you everlasting life!"
And at that time religion of the world is changed. The holy books rewritten to accommodate the times of changing philosophies. Holy returns to it's orginal state of the Helios Biblios. A guide to following the suns of god.
Our universe which seems to be forever expanding is inside of a black hole while this is the same blackhoke at the center of it. Could it be? Is this what is meant by as above so below? The blackhole at the center of the universe is just lives us inside an infinite ring? If you think the universe being donut shaped sounds to implausible then think oroboros or the sign of infinity. The universe swallows it's on tale in a neverending cycle.
Uriel of heaven now working under Legion. She says to Rave, "We were extracting gold from Earth to keep Nibiru burning, it was a heaven for the primordial spirits. Later we decide we could use that gold to fuel the sun. No other metal element is so pure to keep the fire burning."
"You want to build spaceships with an endless fuel source you have to convert gold."

Latest revision as of 18:11, 17 May 2024

Act 9 Rave Vs Heaven, Again

  • The Death of Death
  • A New Earth/Earth is the new Heaven
  • Rave Vs Negative Rave


Man Creates God The Infinite Void

Code-X: The Helios Biblios Star Map

Mankind wants to test what is at the end of the universe. But they cannot travel their themselves. So they create an AI. They will launch this AI who will travel the galaxy, To find, what they are looking for. Rave is against this idea because it reminds him of his own god.

Rave says, "I really thought mankind was evil but I realized y'all really just stupid and nothing else. It's hard to blame people for stupidity. But stupidity in you reaches a dangerous level. That ignorant smile on you faces like some kinda village idiots." He continues, "If I was god what would I do with y'all? I know the answer cannot be violence but I cannot stop thinking of it every second with you. I really don't blame god for rapturing mankind. I would do the same."

The Death of Death Biblical Revelation

Rave and Aeon Musk invents the immortality pill.

Want to take this chapter slow a bit before any major bosses. Give us time to just enjoy the lore and characters. PSYCHE!!!! THE ******* GRIM REAPER IS GOING TO ATTACK ROMAN RAVE!!!! This ain't no romance. We want action!!!

Rave says, "The creator wants to tell me something. And I wish to tell others but it's so fuzzy I cannot perfect the exact will as yet."

Human immortality MIGHT also bring about the Final Apocalypse. The Earth Realm shall be new hell. It was written, mankind will beg for death but realize they are unable to die... Maybe... We don't know. Lord Rave goes against your fears. We don't believe in your doomer prophecies.

Rave says, "I have a stronger spiritual connect in wisdom based on what I found. Even if you don't believe in a creator remember they are your ancestors. You should honor the good nature in them. Honor the good, honor the brave, honor the warrior, respect his sacrific."

Prophecy foretold embellished in truth. All of the world appears undead under Legion powers. But we are okay.

Ophanim Movement Of The People

Here is your flaming ring with many eyes

Uriel says, 'You rallied the humans against the gods? You defeated Micheal! I now call upon the Ophanim.' He replies, "Anu gave me permission to rule! You and Tiamat Imprisoned the lord in hell and you took over! I was gifted the force of Metatron, Erra the destroyer, Utu has strengthen my light!' She shouts, "Fool, Anu is using you to escape! He is the devil!" He replies, "No! He is our father! Tiamat is the one who is wrong!" Uriel continues, 'You! I sent you to hell when you died. But somehow you still exist. You have become an anomaly so hard to kill and a pain in my side ever since!'

Uriel now realizes the fight with Rave and the Immortal Legion has only been a distraction. Suspecting earth is a trap, the people of earth are evacuated from the planet to hide from the angels. No longer can gods pray on humanity.

At this point Uriel realizes she has completely lost. She falls to her knees ready to accept death. Rave picks her up by her hair. She says, "Just do it... Kill me! You demon, I said end my existence for good!" Rave replies, "No, I need you. Remember when all this started I told you you will bow to me. It has happened and now you will become one of mines. You and all of heaven will come to server me. Today's I am god." She replies, "No." He pulls her her and shouts, "Beg for your life. Tell me you will serve me and only me!" She shouts, "No, If you don't I'll will so it myself." Rave says, "Idiot you know what happens to suicide victims." Fidelle shows up with axe on her shoulder. She says, "Goddamit Uriel! Just accept him already!" Fidelle grabs Uriel by the shoulder and says to Rave, "Give her to me. We don't have much time here. I'll make her submit." Rave replies, "Right we have to move." Uriel looks at Fidelle in amazement. She recognized that Fidelle gas grown stronger and is much more commanding than the unsure clone she raise her to be. As the scene closes a glimpse in Uriel eyes recognizes that maybe serving Rave is such a bad option. But she takes it with a massive hit to her pride. Such an uptight angel brought down by a simple man.

Back on the ship after long thought Uriel comes to tell Rave her decision. She says, "You can have me, but you have to promise me one thing. Not without a ring. Rave replies, "Good. Smart choice. It was going to happen weather you like it or not. But only problem is since we are still on the run we kinda have to rush our wedding. It's really not the thing I would want for such a monumentous prize like yourself." She says, "You don't need to rub it in." He says, "I haven't fully forgiven you for what you did to Chastity's memories. You don't get to speak to me like that. From now your speech is a privilege you have to earn." She looks at him disheartened but not wanting to say something that might upset him so she stay quiet. He pause it let the awkwardness of her humbled silence set in. He then says, "Good. Your are a quick learner." He asks, "Would you like to meet the girls?" She replies, "Yes... my lord."

Fidelle admits to Rave it's her first time being with a man since she was created hundreds of thousands of years ago. Rave says, "I know you are a lesbian Uriel don't lie." Uriel replies, "Or pure. I'm bi, Lord Roman. I never acted on it. It was a sin for angels to engage in such primal acts. I knew the others did it I'm secret but I would of never do such a thing. That's why the mother put me in charge." Rave says, "It's not over for you Uriel, once my souls bonds with your you will be stronger with me. I'll have you keep your same sense of leadership if you or prove me loyal." She replies, "Yes. I want to be your woman. I seen how you made the other girls stronger. I must admit that I am jealous they could exercise their freedom so willingly." She continues, "Now after thousands of years I am giving myself to a demon lord. Not because I have to but because I want to. I want to help you with your goals, my king." She embraces him. Under her breath she whispers, "Forgive me Tiamat. I am a woman just like you to Anu."

We speed pass through the graphic parts of the love making. But that moment is magical and worth mention. Remember intimacy with Rave is a psychedelic trip. Chastity is there on the bed with them. Her goal is to help Fidelle through this new experience knowing she too struggled with intimacy for years. Rave souls now shares memories of such an ancient powerful angel Uriel. Its like he witnesses the beginning of time through her mind. It's also a know your enemy moment for Chastity. Right now she is being intimate with the woman that erased her memories. Basically the woman now with her man is her arch nemesis.

Fidelle looks a little depressed. Rave afterwards feels a little bad for not only what he did to her but for the burden she has tasked to uphold heaven and earth till gods return. He says to her, "I understand your burdens are heavy but I know share your load. Uphold your promise and we will fix things together." Not even Uriel can believe she fallen in love with Rave. She hesitates to look him in the eye. Looking down at the bed shit she rolls her eyes before looking up at him. Uriel says to Rave, "Maybe this is what Tiamat must of wanted. She is yin to the lords yang. She has the future vision of the Inanna's. She must of put me, a woman, in charge of heaven. Knowing that we would of gotten over thrown eventually throw all circumstance. Maybe she wanted me to be with you knowing this is the only way heaven would survive." She continues, "Roman I must help you defeat the rest of heaven. This war is the only way we'd fine peace." Rave replies, "Make peace with your god all you want woman. Tell yourself all these dirty thoughts of me and you in your mind is what your creator wants." Rave slaps her face lightly and her cheeks turns red. She says, "You can't guilt trip me... I am your wife." He wrestles with her in play and they laugh it off. The she breaks down in tears. Rave says, "Uriel I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to make you sad." She replies, "Know I am happy. That was the first time I genuinely laughed with someone. It feel good to share the strain of leadership. After thousands of years I can finally let someone else handle it."

And just when you think they were in love. Rave breaks Uriel's neck right their in the bed that they just done it. No just kidding, Uriel's supposed murder was a future vision from Chastity. Rave was going to fuse Uriel and Fidelle in one body but he changed his mind. He wants Uriel to remain her unique self. And Rave thinks to himself, "I was going to get revenge for Chastity but now I trust her. How evil would of been to betray Uriel like that, take her innocence then kill her. I am not that evil." Rave says to Uriel, "I love your fine arse, you better not betray me." Uriel who doesn't what Rave conspired says innocently, "I would never my lord. Maybe a clone. But not me." Rave says to Chastity, "Uriel is one of us now and I truly believe she is genuine. We have to forgive her." Chastity confused explains, "Okay... Uriel I really wanted to sack you but I don't even remember what I supposed to be angry about." Uriel says, "Oh that was me. Chastity I'm so sorry for what I done to you. I know I can never make it right We can blame the gods for this one?" Chastity says confused, "I * hate the gods." Uriel says in joke, "I * hate the gods too. * God. Rave is my lord and savior." And she laughs. Chastity laughs too. Uriel feels that acting blasphemous will get them to accept her. Rave is pleased by her wording.

Chastity have forgiven Uriel now remembers some of her memories. She got them back through moments of intimacy. She tell Rave and the are all happy about it.

God Returns Riding On A Cloud

God Must Die Forever

Because Rave has killed death a powerful class of angels is sent after him. He realized these angels are not the ones who was present in during the Bloodborn war. It is the god Enlil who has returned. He was looking rather young and pompous. Shirtless wearing a golden crown and wrapped briefs.


Rave is confronted by Enlil. Enlil says, "Is it god you searched for? I am the god of the deluge. I am the god who divided Babylon. You went and built another towers in my absence? Well I can cut it down." Rave replies, "Absence. What more can we expect from a god? It's my world now." Rave is more annoyed by the arrogance of the god but rightfully so. Uriel looks upon Enlil with shame in her eyes. She has fallen from leader of the Angels and now serves their enemy Rave. She says, "My lord..." Enlil tells hers, "Uriel, I always knew you were to weak to lead heaven. Just like Babylon fell in the days of Inanna leader ship you have ran us to the ground. And now Babylon will fall again." Uriel replies, "I wasn't speaking to you Enlil. You are not my god. You abandoned us without direction. I was speaking to Rave. I swear on your grave Lord Roman will have your head. And all the heavens will know my king Roman is god." Rave chuckles as he just stands there watching his opponent silently. Enlil says, "You let the women do all your talking demon? Or are you going to make them fight for you too." Rave replies, "No this is personal."

The fight beginnings. Imagine the rain.

The Orphanim persue upon the evacuated human ships but Legion keeps them at bay. They wait for The out come of Rave and Enlil battle to decide who remains victorious.

The Bludhouse Mother Ship is the station it is installed. And just as we predicted. Earth under Roman Rave will become a form of Heaven and Hell. Rave has created this all with all the sciences he combined over the years. Soldiers who die soul gets reupload to the hive mind. And back into a body of choice. They are living undead of both tech and flesh.

Enlil says to Rave, "Why blame me?! It's your favorite Enki who change his name to Jesus Christ. Walking around in earth and misguided the humans." Rave says, "You are the lord. You weren't there. Now you come around like a comet hoping to destroy everything. I will not let you have rapture!" Enlil laughs replies, "You think I want to rapture mankind?! That is a joke. The earth is a prison for souls. Why would I destroy the thing we keep our very own existence off. We the gods loves the earth your immortal souls give us power!" Rave replies, "Then I must destroy the earth..." Enlil laughs and says, "No you wouldn't, there are still people left behind and it would only prove you are no different a god than me. I wipe out mankind with rain when it got to heavy for me and you would do the same. You don't deserve to be no god."

Enlil's Heavens

The fight continues and Enlil turns into endless storms clouds of dragon with the eye for the storm as his head. Rave morphs into his dragon form of dark matter. Hovering in grey sky the dimensional riffs of the ethereal become one with reality like before.

Heaven, surrounded by seemingly endless cloud of Enlil body. Rain drops froze in time. Not because of the altitude but they stop falling because gravity no longer exist where they were. Suddenly brief silence, all raindrops point at Rave then dart at him like bullets from every direction. They sound like little pellets cutting the air in the sound of iron.

Rave's Dragon Morph

Rave evades in flight so fast it creates a sonic boom that repel water bullets away. Rave turns back and charges a sonic blast. A bright blue light fills his jaws. Simultaneously Enlil clouds grew even larger and grey to blast out yellow lightening. Boom! Forces collide are thunder so loud deafening to the human ear.

The fight grows so intense they start to rip a portal into an unstable realm of chaos.

Kobain says, "It's a pity. All of this is really just a fight between father and son." Proxi says, "True Rave has serious daddy issues and blame us girls like he's so special." Kimbra shouts, "Proxi shut up! You are not to talk of him like that." Proxi replies, "You are not the boss of me gargoyle, I earned my right to express myself with Rave." Dekota interrupts, "Girls not on my ship. If we die today we aren't going down arguing." The ship receives fire. Dakota shouts, "What the hell! Back to * work Goddamit!" On the other part of the Baby is having a panic attack. She goes down and exclaims, "This is really bad, what are we thinking fighting god. I'm just a human, if Rave loses this we get deleted from existence. I can't do this maybe we should repent!" Sofia says, "Are your serious? Now is not the time for jokes." Baby continues, "No way I can't die in space, if we die in space our souls gets lost in the endless cosmos. Rave will never find us." Synthrax sedates Baby with a gas and she falls asleep. Synthrax says, "I was getting sick of her." Genie adds, "Seriously no character growth at all. She was the weakest from the start, immediately gets injured and step down on every mission and she still goes through endgame asleep."

Enlil says to Rave, "Your life was never that bad, all the gifts of man and still you hate the gods." Rave says, "That's the difference in us, it's not just about me. Countless dead with no direction and those that follow believe in your lies! I see the only way to kill you is to nuke the planet." Enlil says, "You stupid, You nuke the earth you might depower me, yes you'd free all the souls but you'd never find your mom's. Only earth has the net to map the zodiac which can find her place in the afterlife." Rave says, "You're the fool, you tell me all the supernatural secrets." Enlil says, "Maybe I will nuke the earth instead just to ensure you lose."

Suddenly the guns are silent.

Rave kills Enlil. Rave kills the literal god that is god. Rave says, "What have I done? My god is Anu and Enki the Nazarene. My love is Inanna. My god is Enlil. God never wanted to give us forgiveness... He wanted us to forgive him. We dwell some much on the past we fail to realize the new covenant. How are we to learn from hating our fathers if this is the answer."

So Rave takes over heaven as god of the heavens and the earth.

Rave says, "We must find Nazarene and get him to unlock his Lucifer state. We have to reclaim the dead ones."

" Why do you think this is a good idea. He told you that once he enters his Lucifer state his old memories will return and he would become someone else. Enki might not be pleased to hear what you done."

Rave has a new goal to find the realm in which dead love ones are kept. He just might see his mum again.

And then he understands the meaning of the word orphanim. It's when the children of a planet kisses the mother (earth), goodbye.

Rave Vs Negative Rave To Fight Oneself


Blue Eye Rave, Red Eye Rave and Gina Rave all separate into their own entities. When trying to fuse back Negative Rave is Born. He comes from an alternate universe where Rave has killed everything.

His stillness. But aura. Blurry. Black.

Normal Rave looked across to the inverted color version of himself. The skin bleach white and hair pitch black, eyes red. Rave looking into this clones eyes and saw evil far beyond the feral minded ness of Red Rave.

Negative Rave for now just wants to talk.

It is Between the Three Raves they start to enter the 9th Dimension of awakening.



Negative blows off GoldTooth upper chest and right arm which exposed his bones and beating heart. Now, Gold is a big guy so it takes a while for him to drop. It happened so fast. Standing in disbelief GoldTooth watches his only remaining left hand with his blood on it. GoldTooth looks at Negative and then looks at his arm again. GoldTooth sees his hand is grey like Rave's arm. When GoldTooth looks up again he is Rave. Rave used a replacement jutsu to save him. GoldTooth drops to the floor on his both arms. While the blown up Rave regenerates back his own arm. GoldTooth even though saved coughs up blood and vomit. Rave portal GoldTooth away to fight negative one on one. GoldTooth still cannot process just what happened. It was like Rave is so powerful he rewrote the script right under him.

Big epic fight with self.

(Rave learns it was during Act 6 of the Mitsodome v Zealot fight that Negative Rave was born. This was his own fault.) Flashback

Rave says to Negative, "The Shadow Vine has made you a coward. You attack people much below your power level. I'm too good for that so it would be a shame on me when I scrape the floor with you." Many demonic voices of Negative replies, "GIRLS! GIRLS! WE SHOULD GO FOR THE GIRLS!" then continues, "Ah, you are no saint... You always fought dirty. I am you!!!" Rave replies, "You are desperate." Negative replies, "You! Will not win."


In slow motion, As negative dashes towards Rave he tears the fabric of existence into white shock waves of nothingness behind him. Rave dodges but part white clips his hand erasing it. Rave pulls back and regenerates but notices it taking longer than usual. Rave shouts, "I am the creator!" As he blasts matter back at him.

In a double tomb stone undertaker style Rave has Negative by his throat. Rave squeeze and separates the Shadow Vine from Negative in the form of Hurexateaz. We hear Hurexateaz and all his demons scream in anguish. Rave finally vanquishes Hurexateaz for good by choking him down into the nothingness below his feet to be erased. Ensuring he squeezes every last breath from his his neck to the very end.

Contemplating mercy, Negative Rave says, "In the end nothing really matters. We're all 'was, is, might and never will be' happening simultaneously, forever."

Rave looks at Negative Rave but instead of reabsorbing him. Rave chokes his former self down into the nothingness below as well. This shows how much Rave has grown.

Blackholes Conquering The Universe

We are in a spaceship in orbit. At this time all the Rave characters are looking really power and techno godlike. We look apon the towers of Babylon extended to space. And Lord Roman look upon his work and thought that it was good.

Space and time, all illusions of our mind. When we look upon the stars of the night sky we are really just looking at millions of years into the past. So where does the future lie. If there is no such thing as straight lines. No matter how far you go into the universe. You are really just moving long the curb. It's like the horizon which appears straight but from a higher perspective turns. Our gravity pulls us down into it like a prison. So time being the illusion created by gravity means we can become immortal by conquering free space.

Understand that our reality is not real. Nor is time or shape and size. When we look at space we are looking at the smallest molecules within our own collective consciousness. For a long time the monotheistic god have been trying to prevent us from understand what the galaxy really is. And a million times over I been telling you Lucifer is the second brightest star in our sky. That's means god to the ancient was the sun. Regardless still, I realize that it is more than just a static object because without the sun there would be no life on our planet.

The Greeks use to say that gods after death becomes stars. This is why I tell you that heaven is in space. I have understood what dreams are. When our minds are left inactive for a long time it self reactivates.

I have deconstructed the Nine Dimensions. Parallel, to realization, sounds and vibration.

No one can escape this dimension but... Harnessing the power of tiny blackholes we can teleport through the universe. It takes millions of seers guided with the all seeing eye of Rave to navigate through the blackholes.

Rave says, "The Nazarene, Je/Zeus' is the sun of god. The cross is not just a device used to track the seasons by location the sun. It's a map. Only by following the sun of god we can find our destiny."

Chastity says, "Everything Rave says is extremely dangerous." And Lucky adds, "Even with all of our concentrated abilities you are dealing with forces we just tiny atoms too."

Kobain explains, "Not even a genius couldn't solve the philosophies Rave has brought to us. Rave is true god consciousness."

America adds, "Well, we've been dancing on the end of the world so many times it's bound to happen eventually." Yela says, "Who ever thought I, a prostitute could become the consort and holy mother of god. We will follow Rave to death under the guidance of the begatten sun."

Rave steps from his throne and says, "Look upon the infinite heads of Brahma and see that all returns to him. I Je/Zeus the anointed assimilation of god. Son of my father has become, all! Through the powers bestowed upon me. In the name of Amun, it will be so! For I have brought you everlasting life!"

And at that time religion of the world is changed. The holy books rewritten to accommodate the times of changing philosophies. Holy returns to it's orginal state of the Helios Biblios. A guide to following the suns of god.

Our universe which seems to be forever expanding is inside of a black hole while this is the same blackhoke at the center of it. Could it be? Is this what is meant by as above so below? The blackhole at the center of the universe is just lives us inside an infinite ring? If you think the universe being donut shaped sounds to implausible then think oroboros or the sign of infinity. The universe swallows it's on tale in a neverending cycle.

Uriel of heaven now working under Legion. She says to Rave, "We were extracting gold from Earth to keep Nibiru burning, it was a heaven for the primordial spirits. Later we decide we could use that gold to fuel the sun. No other metal element is so pure to keep the fire burning."

"You want to build spaceships with an endless fuel source you have to convert gold."