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This is the book of Roman.
Mother carry me.
Sing us to sleep.
We could use your voice.
Still you cannot teach us no more.
But your are not invalid
Because there is love
Mother of all creation!
She pushes out her uterus while I'm breathing in the universe.
Life! Glory perverse.
Death! Born in a hearse.
I been down in depression. I rodder, I rot, I suspend disbelief. Never say anything. Responses received just worsen sh*t. I try to summon the will power or words to find peace. But crush down by the deeps darkest void of gravity rendering all point obsolete.
The bigger they are!
The harder they fall!
We stumble and crawl!
Then put up a wall!
I could be in a room full of copies of myself and still be the odd one out. The me you knew is dead. I was replaced by someone else. Yes I am a clone. And nothing feels right. Yes nothing feel right. Alone I feel the ease of all worldly tension. I never complain. I say everything is fine but simply shut down. Cosmic entities pull me apart as I pull away from reason. A heart frozen by someone else betrays a cry for help but only longing to be revived.
Hardest part is being fully aware of my condition. I would describe it like a silent eruption. It stretches through out the galaxy with no beginning or end. I'm every yet no where at all. So I often daydream and that is how I think of stories. My mind has become to aware of this other world that is matrix. I know I will not feel better because the pain keeps me in stasis.
The roots of procrastination that have been planted is growing use to my dark corner. People feels like a chore to entertain. This song isn't meant to make you dance like Nirvana means no pain. I wouldn't say that I don't like people when all paths lead to the same ending. Alone am fine and with other people I fade. I am becoming the animal.
===A Daydream===
Daydream A nights walk to see the blue fireflies rising on the wind blown grass. The moon covets creation screaming at clouds. She draws water that fall upward as spirits ascend and lifting the fog to see me naked. I am the darkness that dwell in shadow. Ready to face my opponent. We fight battles no one else will see. Come wait for morning she cries. I leave the earth because the universe was meant for me. In euphoria am free. And you don't know me too much.
It makes not deference where I go as long as I can float for an eternity. To sleep beneath the waves where I sing to the growl. Into a portal of sea that ripple with touch. Reflect to replace reality. Inspect conflicting perceptions.
Sigma Colors Introvert the alphas end. My being stretched thin to cover the mosh. Eyes closing to narrow view of a balcony like a sad plant. Cropped perfectly to incept a larger meaning. Flowers to my skeleton unburied. Biting all hands pushing me down. But in chasm so perfectly.
Eyes close to stare at the sun. So beautiful but I am blind. Mood calm down to breach to skyline. Giants looking over mountains awaiting love lost to the sea. Talking at ghosts just to clear head. A cold chill that keeps us awake. I'm screaming don't morn for me yet. I left you behind. You can feel me in trees. I'm scattered it seems. I left beyond and lost repeat in time some ages ago in miles away I left and had to let you go. Some ages ago.
I know it's cold but that's just the way it is. Perhaps our stories will never be told.
===Cooperate Rock===
A body harvest!
I built this house upon a burial ground
Dead things will come up when I sing this song
You want to dance?
Can't dance around me
I killed your fathers
I'll kill your brothers
I'm not you boyfriend
I'm hardly a man
Am only human
How dear these bastards describe everything I am with one word!
You must bouillon!
We're all god children
Forget the father
Betray your brothers
And _ your girlfriends
We're burying them
We're burying them
So I'm just grooving a path
Like I'm moving my feet
Cause in down in a rot
I lay them down in a hole
I rest in peace in this b***h
(Oh putzit dive in a ditch)
Her body count on?!
Cost of loving
Count on nothing
A cream goblin
No one will hear you screaming
She's buried beneath the rocks in mouth
My teeth like abscess smile you'd to see
That tattoo face to hide the the peeling
Gangrene lord my pocket reflect the skin
So grinding my teeth
6 to 9 let us eat
So from the ceiling I hung
And saw the world upside down
And turn in circles
My chest is hollow
I do not follow
Yet I do well
You say welcome to hell
I say welcome me home
Like the ghost that lingers here
A body harvest!
I built this house upon a burial ground
Dead things will come up when I sing this song
You want to dance?
Can't dance around me
I killed your fathers
I'll kill your brothers
I'm not you boyfriend
I'm hardly a man
Am only you man
So I'm just grooving a path
Like I'm moving my feet
Cause in down in a rot
I lay them down in a hole
I rest in peace in this b***h
(Oh putzit dive in a ditch)
Lay them down in a ditch
Lay them down in a ditch
Lay them down in a ditch
I carried my crosses
I repelled the dark forces
I yet I'm struck dumb like Solomon to what lust is
There are no good girls left
Angel not, They lied
You some evil w**** with red eyes
You hide the devil inside
You're hungry, hunting, wanting, washed up
But still can't wash away the sin from thick skin
Your mother always prayed
So you wouldn't confess on judgment
(But I don't judge)
Now contrast me to your god
Don't blame it on satan
Decay begins at eighteen, You were 14 when you started wanting
Big things, nothing pretty
You're ugly, thirty, 40, 50 with everybody and lonely
Fake a smile like some television blue ****
But you looked better with your clothes on
Put that verse to your head like a loaded gun
Put em up if you your onlyfan, number one with them bodies on you hand
Real! Simp a self! Don't! Cheap! Yourself!
But one thing for me is that! This s*** could render you headless! Knock your head off if your neck remains! Keep your nosey walk bougie stupid focus looking up, Then the sky came down and my b***h remains, bury every f****** chick alive!
Toxic isn't love!
That's not love, a nose bleed!
I hit her she beat off!
Right now! young dumb
But say your preys!
Single mothers Christmas list are guys they use to reject!
First you would of aborted (Dying Fetus Baby eject!)
Then she fought with court cases!
She want the motel money! She won the alimony!
(Forgive them our debt)
'Help' you 'help' everything and I haven't 'done' yet
She sold her ex's houses and she's bought a pink Corvette
She back it up I smash it and now the paint a wreck
She left you with my children
But that girl will get to fresh I'll leave her with a dissin
Dam your big a** nose too high
Like you trying not to smell your breath
Keep your rotten eggs frozen
And your cobra tears hills have eyes
Skin like crocodile seen some miles
Jerry that is not your child
Jesus help me cannot see
Joseph and Mary on Maury like it's blasphemy!
You don't really want me for an enemy
No body wants to go to heaven
It's a prison boring, Hell is seasoned
She had resurrect a plan
To get it all but cannot keep a good man
Like the samaritan, they follow me like stan
If Jesus took her wheel he was Asian
So she crashland, Radiation, explosion! (boom!)
I burn you black
You'll need a skin graph that'll have you looking like a scrotum sack

Latest revision as of 17:27, 4 November 2022

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