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== Contents ==
== Killian, Monkey War Act ==
'''WARNING: This Is a very violent unapologetic story. If you have other preferences just click a different page.'''
We start with a new monkey man leader in the Middle East. His daughter Rebecca Black. Mother is a human Arabian lady. Kinda funny how he hates humans. Well he had her mother executed when she was very young.
== Ghost Hunter Special ==
Of somewhere around Saudi Arabia. Killian Grew into an terror activist for non human kind. Believing he could then rise monkey to the main race of Earth after segregation.
A ghosts white bald head pops from a mansion floor. It looks like Rave but ugly. From the back of the head is meant to trick the audience to believe it was Rave. But with the face eventually revealed he is pale like nosferatu. It is chased and shot till it is captured in a box. It is clear this agency is training to catch Rave.
Killian was born a normal monkey. Killian He is a powerful telepath with a generic hatred for humanity. His powers never worked on humans as strong until he unlocked parts of the human gene. His daughter followed in his path but she was then convinced she had to stop him. She is a astral conjurer.
We are now at a next seen in space. A short thick girl stands with her legs acute. She wears a high cut swimsuit with long sleeves and various archer tech. One hand holding the wall as she balances on the tiny ledge. She makes her balance and the loads an arrow. It materializes from nowhere and radiates a green glow. While flying by the space ring the arrow flies past Rave who was overseeing some ships in Bigwigs orbit. He dodges it as he looks on the the green light radiating from it. As it flys closer to him it is magnetized towards him. He feels it's energy will hurt him so he eye beams it out of flight. He traces the direction it came from to find a girl holding the bow. She is so attractive he doesn't attack her with force. He pins her down by her throat. Staring into her eyes he is unable to enter her mind or read her thoughts. Her iris is a black burnt shadow and the pupil radiates a faint green glow. "What are you, why can't I read your mind", he asks angrily. She groans but does it seductive tone, "Ow, let me go and I'll tell you. I can't breathe." She says. He looks at her mouth slightly perched. He realizes she is not fighting back. She says, "Please don't hurt me. I'm a ghost hunter. I have to find my sister. I'll do anything if you let me go." Rave takes his hand off her neck, "You have all the weapons to put a hit on me and you think I'm gonna just let you go?" He says. She puts out a tiny smile then changes her face back to serious. If he wasn't able to see in slow motion he would of missed it. He replays the meaning of her lips in his mind. "Are there others like you? Where did you get your tech? Who do you work for?" He asks her. She replies, "We are a small group. We trap ghosts and release them into another plain. All we do is help them cross between worlds. My sister was killed by a ghost 15 years ago and I saw her spirit taken to a bad place. She was young I know that she wasn't meant to be there. I need to get her back but I'm not strong enough to fo into the ghost world alone. There are really bad monsters in there. I cannot think of my sister going there same place." Then she begins to cry. Rave said, "So you expect me to help you look for her? You think I'd just jump into you ghost world like a fool. How do I know this is not a trap?" She answers, "I will come with you. If I lie to you I be right there for you to kill me yourself. Why would I trap myself with you?" Rave looks at her. She continues, "You don't need to do it now. You can think it over. But please. My sister." She kiss him passionately. The ghost part of his being struggles to resist. He pushes her off and stand up from the ground. She fall back, he reaches to help her to her feet by one hand. "I'm not going to your base but you are coming with me. I need to find out more." He says. There she goes with the 1 second smile again. "My name is Rachel but they call me Plasma. My sister is Suno we have to find her."
She escaped meeting with the Kamikaze twin. When Killian found out he put a retrieve bounty on her. Those bounty hunters where slain by Rave. But Rave recognized Rebecca and took her prisoner for her safety. Rave meet the Kamikaze Twins in the past, they are friends of his.
They stop in a room on Raves satellite. "How much do you know about me? You are tell me less than you know. You didn't just come here by accident. You did your research." He says. She replies, "I'm only one girl with an archery pack and you are twice my height and can move faster than I can see. Your not afraid are you?" He replies, "You mistake common sense, caution and proficiency for fear. Well that reminds me..." Then he removed all her gear and unzips the back of her suit. Her gear is sent to analyze while he spends the time with her. After she says, "So it is true what they say about you. You're a hero with no subjection. Then you will help me?" He replies, "I guess so." She continues, "That look in your eyes, so soulless. I'm guessing you didn't have as much fun as I did?" He replies, "Doesn't it hurt you to think maybe you are not as perfect as you thought? I live with that feeling everyday. It's better to not catch feelings. At least when you kill me you'll know I was bored the whole time." Then she replies holding the sheet up to cover herself, "Even for a monster that's a cruel thing to say to anyone. I would kill you right know if I had my bow. You take that back and admit that I'm not boring." He leave the room and that makes her really mad. She thinks, "Oh so you want to play psychological games with me." As she gets dressed. She shouts at him, "We are going I to that f-ing ghost zone right now! I cannot stand another second with you. Give me my weapons!" He replies, "And if I just throw them away and leave? Have you any idea who I am? I'll put you on a small shuttle back to Earth. Tell your hunter friends to send somebody with less body and more personality. Maybe a redhead next time? Or you know what maybe I'm not done with you. You will end up in my dungeon. It's a cosy little room to house the female sex like yourself. When you are ready we will give your friends a call." He brings her back to Earth and locks her up in a room. It is a nice stay but still a captive.
Rave brought her back to her father in her birth lands. She tried several times to convince him not too. Rave secretly doing investigations found Killian to be a much greater threat than he thought. Rave put up a great fight breaking Killian's telepathy several times using share will power. They Exchange bolts. Rebecca aided using her telepathy to fight against her father. Rave took Rebecca and tactically withdrew.
After some time spent alone he came to visit her. The argument lead to love. She says, "You know what you are such a terrible lier. You say that I am nothing yet you lock me in a room and take care of me. I'm trying to kill you but you are still trying to win me over." She sits across him, "You have to help me. My sister really is a ghost. They have her. Please understand that they are using me to get to you or they will hurt her. I had no choice." Rave turn her on her back and slowly tighten his grip on her throat. He says, "You know I told you would kill you if you lied to me?" She explains as she runs out of air, "They are developing weapons that could take out stronger opponents like yourself. My job was to let you put your gaurd down and bring you to them. Please I just want my sister back." He lets go of her neck to say, "Well I did lie to you too. You are kinda impressive." She ask, "How did you know I was lying at first?" He replies, "Oh, I think that everyone is lying. I make a habit of shaking it out of them. Regardless."
Killian vowed to kill Rebecca. When Killian vows to kill Rebecca he tells her "You are just like your mother. I loved her so much, sheee went and betraaaayed me! You are jus like herrrrr. Why I, keep you around for so long. You know I always thought I made a mistake by killing herrrr. But you just like her!" He proceeds to do a telekenetic choke " Now I'll have to strangle you too just Iike I did that little h..." ***POW!*** Rave punches his face. An important big reveal to add sauce to the story. Kill recovers and they teleport away.
Rave launches an assault on X Corp. At base the X Corp people are playing on thier computers and such. One guys reports that something fast has entered base. Fast enough to be a missile but it is quite. When he watches the monitor again he says the green bloop multiplying. They gasp, "Roman Rave is on the premises! All available hands to stations!!!" Rave and Plasma stands on the roof while about 50 clones circle the air. They drop flight all over base. Corp agents start to fire. Rave simply phases through objects that nullifies the gun fire. Their own attack shot up thier base. Rave phases out of the ground or walls to hit them dead. Plasma show Rave the portal machine to her sister. Rave thinking this might be a trap decided to wait. He has legion soldier occupy this previous X Corp base so be can enter the portal when he is ready.
She had never been more terrified of someone in her life. She told him of Onaga Prime, Killians arch nemesis. They travelled to his lands. The wheels of war was in slow rotating. Rave saw that he could Prevent loss of so many lives with a plan. They had to distract Killian not a easy task. Onaga taught Rave ways of discipline, this helped in breaking through Killian's deceptions.
Plasma mentions, "I lied, they didn't have my sister. They told me they will help me find her if I helped them catch you. So I joined them. I was really trying to kill you but that was before I knew you. You made love to me and I knew then that I couldn't let them have you. So you destroyed them. I wanted you to win because I was routing for you the whole time. My sister is still lost in the ghost world. And it's alright if you want to kill me now. I will try to find her in the next world. Even if I'm dead." Rave replies,"You understand that some of those people I killed were innocent ghost hunters probably just trying to clean up ghost right? Even if they were after me I'm not a good man. Then they were all innocent do gooders. I'm not angry. But from today you are my property. You don't s**t! You don't blink if I don't tell you too!" She cries as she speaks, "Okay. Yes. But I have to find my sister. You promised to help me. And I did what you wanted. But you would not believe me." He replies, "It's okay. Stop crying" as he embraces her. He thinks about how he watched her murder 10 women with a single shot torrent of arrows before they could even speak to her.
They kicked Killian around a bit. Rebecca was forcefully teleported out before Killian's death. Onaga beat Killian but Rave killed him. See Rave doesn't believe in second chances. Onaga disappointed in Rave understood. Rebecca not technically a princess but someone of high status in her land. With Rave's help she can develop her country and reform her people. Rave Empire grows.
A day after they enter ghost world together. It is much more stable than Rave's dimension which is under constant bad weather. They find her sister Suno and being her back to Earth. Suno has the same hair color as Rachel. They are nearly the same age. But Suno is trapped as a toddler. 15 years in the ghost world make Suno very grim. She is quite with an erie stare. Suno looks very depressed most of the time. She looks at the was Rachel interacts with Rave. Suno is really moody and misbehaves all the time. She says that she wants to grow up or rather go back into the ghost world. A robot body is made for her to reflect her true age. Suno uses the ghost powers to put her soul into the robot. Rave was the one who designed her body. He considers himself an expert of the female form. The artificial skin was graphed from her sister Rachel. She is a year younger but much more grown up mentally than Plasma or anyone really. Rave appointments her to over see the Anti-Vax Generation. These are a team of rag tag orphans who lost their parents to war. They will spend there time working for Rave and what not.  
== Rave Takes Over the World ==
But the story doesn't end there. That was only one branch of X Corp. They now have enough information to create the Anti Rave weapon. Rave says to Plasma, "For every moment I can't read your minds I still don't trust you. Just remember I have your sister too. So what you dont feel you would for her." Plasma says, "After all this time you still think I'm on long drawn out suicide mission to get you? Well I don't believe you'd do anything to SuSu. You like her to much." He replies, "That's exactly what a play on my emotions sound like. The ultimate checkmate." Plasma replies, "You're impossible. With all the things you've done you're just paranoid you time might come." Rave looks a Plasma. She replies, "Oh no. Rave I didn't mean it. I made a bad joke." He slaps her and she falls down. Roman says, "Don't get up till I come back." And he walks out if the room. She sobs silently for a bit then she starts breathing heavy with anger. Her nails scratch the floors as she folds her hand into a fist. His actions has pushed her against him. Suno asks softly, "You hit my sister. You shouldn't do that to women. We're not as strong as you." Rave says, " Suno I love two things in life. One is women and the other are machines. Women are like old machines. A little tap sometimes get them functioning right again. She's lucky is just a tap. If she was a man she'd be dead. You know. I'm beginning to think you are playing me." Suno says, "Why would I." She convinced him with love making.
The recent wars has set the stage and motives for Rave to take over the planet. The Legion Was training soldier for months that went undetected but world governance. See Rave acquired enough land and facility to accommodate what he wanted and go unnoticed. And surprise, surprise all of the domestic robots made by Rave industries all of the world had a protocol that made them to Legion soldiers. They had been military grade all along. This was something Roman promised to not do in laws for building robots. An ultimate betrayal. Rave has spread his forces all over the world undetected for so long.
A few days after X Corp launched an assault on a legion base. When Rave showed up they hit him with a weapon he never seen before, an Anti-Rave EMP middle. It shutdown most of Legion weapons and communications in the process as well. The first shot but him and he went down. He felt his body unable to phase or fly or even move. The second one put him in pain. He let of a horror growl so terrifying some of the enemies dropped their weapons and ran away. They brought in another weapon that sucked him from the three girls that was with him. They captured Kobain, Meredith, Synthrax, Sixx and Proxi to study them. X Corp agent alert the seen immediately as back up was arriving. They drew Rave from them and locked him in a holder. There was other copies of him from the other girls. He managed to recover Gaia who was hiding below ground with MetalSlug.
Rave hijacks the planet. He starts with the US. He appoints a dancer known as America as the president. America is a super soldier type mutant who is known for her patriotic bikini and uses guns. Hence the all American Bikini President. She tell him she is not cut out for this. He says it's temporary he believes no one else is to be trusted. It creates this uproar from the people yet the perious leaders have all been purged by Orange and war. Meanwhile in the middle east a war veteran known as Commander Killian comes into power. Killian turn out to be a deadly telepath. Now we have this no nonsense super strength hot girl as leader of the country appointed by her side is Kimbra Colt45. It creates a weird dynamic game world where things that shouldn't make sense just does. She is the president so she give like missions and stuff. The stress of the job makes her more fiery than normal and is just destroying. Kimbra is an expert shooter with the best back up. Rave doesn't even leave in the US. Roman sends out a message, "Citizens of Earth do not revolt. Do not be afraid. We are here to unit the world under one peaceful government. Time of injustice is over. Everyone will share the planet equally." Legion soldier match in the streets.
First thing Rave did was go to Dollhouse where most of the girls waited him in a room. He said, "We were attacked. It's no longer safe for all of you to be in one place together. Legion Island got hit pretty bad. So stupid! Why did I depend so much on tech!" Rave went to see Plasma and Suno who was in their room. They denied knowing anything of the attack. Suno goes to hold Rave. With her robot hands she zaps him with a hidden integrated weapon. Suno on the bed pulls her boss from under the cover and fires at him while he is frozen. Ghost of Raves come from the girls. But fall go the ground glitching. Suno is running a frequency jammer hidden in her robot body. Chastity looks at the love sisters. Chastity says, "Yoooou! The two of you are behind this." Hellebore says, "So you really think we'd let you take Roman like this." She gets up to fight them along with the others. Just then they heard a bomb and explosions outside. Raves robot girls like Poison fall down and go offline. Sai says, "All of our tech are fried. Kimbra says, "Then let's go old school!" America pulls out her longest machine gun and start firing after X Corps agents outside the windows. Sai holds up to big pistols on the Love sisters. Sai says, "Chastity you are our best sniper find your *** in a window now! I'll watches these..." Kimbra toss Chastity a rifle while holding another. Kimbra cranks her weapon. Genie runs up to the roof with even bigger machine gun. Frozen on the ground Suno sees tears running down Raves eyes. Suno says to Plasma, "We have to stop this we made a mistake." Plasma says, "No he will kill us." Suno says, "I can't." She disabled the frequency jammers. And Rave is reactivated. Plasma say, "Goddamit you are so soft Suno! Rave, you have to make the girls take out the jammers with their guns before you go outside. Shot the trebuchets machines." Slug tunnels under the. With her worms and sink them. Plasma says "Their is another one in the helicopter overhead!" Boom! It goes down with a rocket from Gaia. Rave sends out multiple ghost to sweep the battle field with a land slide victory.
He is doing this because he thinks he can save the world by controlling it. Everyone in the world saw him die and confused to his existence. First order of business he recruits forces to the new Immortal Legion by giving them adequate power boost and high tech weaponry. Soon the Legion was doing swat work and policing. Their all black and grim appearance made people worry. Yes people revolt and riot but his forces are stronger than the average and grows in numbers. Several heroes are in disbelief of his actions but hell not to long ago they saw him survive an atom bomb explosion. Very few want to go up against him. They think as long as his motives are good. During a public conference they had a failed assassination attempt on America. She was shot with a hand gun but she is bullet proof to a lesser degree. Kimbra shoots the perp dead with energy from her finger gun while taking cover. Rave's administration party gains a few upvotes when people see how cool they are. Several different heroes tried to stop Rave in the US but that is a long story. Rave decided to give people a false sense of democracy. But he would rig the elections and win anyway. He is now like a rising war general. He was building up on his secluded island that he lived to accommodate homes to all those who joined Legion. There was plenty free land to support 10s of thousands of homes. Rave was looking pretty Castro. The island generated a smoke that could be seen miles off shore. Airships and machinery went to and from night and day. All the little people worked like ants. It was his island out of US jurisdiction. When most of the work was done the smoke cleared. And any Legionnaire loved him. They said, "We built a home for our people in a land free of crime under the watchful eye of our lord, All hail Roman the Legion. All hail the Legion. We Are One, We are Many. We are Legion." Advance technology contrasted the plant life that expertly grew around. This land was beautiful and clean with white brick and steel. Glass houses that shaded black or blurry for privacy. Clean water flowed all over through rivers and streams that was properly walled. Bridges spanned from everywhere on the outside with glass railings. All you could see was white, green, blue or rich brown soil. Giant machinery spawned clean green energy. This was the plan Rave set in mind to adopt the rest of the world. But Rave then learnt he can save the day all he wants but he cannot change mankind's mindset. Yet he promised to beat the gods at saving humanity. Legion colonization stalled to just the island alone for some time because not everyone was willing to go Legion. It was also the end of Doll House Club for the girls. He had the all islands of Bahamas occupated as Legion Islands. He no longer need Doll House as a secret base.
After the fight he confronted the Love sisters. Plasma says, "It was a suicide mission to get you once and for all. X Corp promises me they would find my sister if I followed through with the mission. They said if I died my ghost would be with Suno. But then I fell in love with you. I never seen a man who could do the things you do. I believed you wasn't a bad person but then you became abusive so I went back to them. It didn't matter I betrayed them. As an X Corp soldier we're all collateral." Suno says, "The feelings were real. We just made a mistake." Rave stands up saying, "I didn't think it would be you." As he did he was not angry. He says, "I'm going kill them. Ask for you and your sister. You really hurt me far beyond any weapon. But I'm still not ready to let go of this fantasy of you in love with me. I would never of hurt you. I wouldn't be able too even if you stab me in the heart a million times again." Then he leaves. Plasma says to Suno, "A mistake..." They run after Rave. They say, "We can tell you where to find them but you cannot go. It's a trap. You need another plan." Suno explain where the base is. Rave says, "That checks out. That region is low in telecommunications signals. They know all my weaknesses." Hellebore outbursts, "All of this is those stupid skanks fault. You should do away with them Rave. You don't need them." Rave shouts, "No one is to touch the Love sisters. They are still mine and anyone who has a problem with it has a problem with me!" Hellebore says, "Okay. I'm sorry I said anything... So what do we do?"
He had to be tough. Failure to adhere to Legion laws will result in immediate absorption. But still he didn't want to rule by fear. He wanted people to do good out of their on will. Back home he was already legally a king by marriage to to foreign princesses Sakura 'Sixx' Nguyen and Rebecca Black. All his others began to be treated more like princesses free to roam this beautiful land without fear.
At X Corp Meredith Says to a scientist that studies her, "X Corp is gonna be X Corpses soon if y'all don't let us go." Sixx adds, "Big mistake. Rave is gonna come for you when does you'll be sorry." As they interrogated Kobain he was already conducting an escape plan. He knew if he spoke to soon they would not believe him. He let them beat him up then threaten him by claiming to hurt the girls if he doesn't tell them how to kill Rave. He gave them plans for a teleporter. But this was the flawed one that lead to Monster Island into the Champions Universe. He told that it would lead them to the source of Roman's immortality. They took the bait.
When Rave decided he would expand to space. Building the fire fly space ship from designs for the old Vindicator ship. He had built massive private satellites that help him travel around the world faster. Giant chains or ropes or whatever could be seen shooting up from the island and chained to these satellites in their earlier stage. Smaller spaceship flew upwards along this bridge chains to the satellites. Then he said aye, I want to build a mobile defence planet but where would I get the materials. He had Kobain boy genius on scene, kobain did most of the blue prints of what Rave was to build if it was to work properly. Rave being a technopath didn't at all mean what he build could just break the laws of physics if he wanted too. If his machines was to fail would result in many casualties.
Back at Legion base Rave is furious. He has called in all forces. Rave shouts, "They took my boy! Those ****** ******* try to take my women! They come to my house and take my girls! They are dead!"
At this time I will introduce Aeon Musk Again. Rave first met Aeon at first house party. They plan to work together to end world hunger and do some space related stuff. Kobain asks, "So you had a party you met Aeon Musk and I wasn't invited. How is any of this fair?" Rave replies, " I could make up for that. I need you to work personally as a Rave Industries representative with Space X. The job is non profit but you'd be generating millions before it's over. I'm talking decimal numbers that haven't even been invented yet."
Over at Space Station Restaurant, Nayomi puts a bullet in the chest of one supreme leader under the others of Roman Rave. She had dressed up like a waiter and went unnoticed. The supreme leader didn't recognize her at first but she was in his army years ago before she joined Roman. One silent shot and it was to late. This was her revenge for many years of mistreatment.
Approaching X Corp he they noticed a field nullifier. Big Wig starts blasting near the region. The Earth shakes. An X goon reports, "Sir, they're are using Big Wig." The Leader explains, "So he found us. This is just a bluff. We have his girls. He would not risk it. Ready the EMP disrupters." Clank. The machines rallying outsiders the walls of X Corp as the Legion Approaches in high numbers. Rave walks way ahead of the legion. An X soldier panics but the Sergeant says, "So the devil is at the front of him army. He must be suicidal." They fire and EMP and Rave freezes. All of a sudden a Legion soldier walk in line with Rave. The legion power up their weapons. The X Corp leader starts to panic. He say, "Why the hell is it working that should be jammed. Rave says, "Now I understand why they use medieval style weapons. Rachel's bow, the trebuchets and Lazer swords. All adapted to work in the presence of the EMP." Rave shouts, "YOU FOOLS I AM THE GOD OF TECHNOLOGY! NO ONE! TOUCHES MY WIVES!" In that very moment the X Corp Commander turn around to see another Rave jumping down behind him with a punch. He punches the guy face clean off. At that moment the other Rave growls, "REAAAAADY!!! OPEN FI-AAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The Legion releases a stream of heavy fire that just wipe out Corp's defenses like a wave. Bullet break through walls like waffers. Tin shouts while shooting for Legion, "FOR LEGIOOOON! CHOP THEIR ******* HEADS OFFFFF!" The Leader of X Corp watches from a TV Screen as Rave looks up at the camera. Legion storms the base. Yakamoto says, "So you figured out how to best the EMP." He stands up and Rave has teleported behind him in his safe room.
Infin8te comes after Rave. Infin8te says, "Rave how could you do this? I trusted you. I thought you were making a change to be a hero. Now I'm afraid I have to fight you." Rave replies, "No you wouldn't." Rave shows him a screen of video footage from his domestic robots. Rave says, "I have robots in every home of innocent mothers and children. You raise on fist at me I start killing a percentage. Killing me would active a murder spree protocol and those poor innocent will be the first thing they see." Infin8te says, "You're a mad monster. I promise you will pay for this." Rave says, "Just move aside and let me save the world the way I can. And no one has to get hurt. If they do it's on you." Infin8te asks, "just one thing. Why is Musk working with you in a time like now. Rave replies, "Simple Musk understands that to save the world their must be sacrifices. The world doesn't stop because you are having a bad day." Infin8te looks at him then says, "I will not fight you now but other heroes will rally against you. You gonna start killing people then? If so I have no problem in coming after you." Then he flies away.
Meanwhile in the battle outside America is Print Materializing tanks like crazy to crush her enemy. Another Rave gets angry. Rave shouts, "America what the hell, stop wasting my tanks! They are not drop bombs!" Annoyed America says, "I'm doing my job! Would you let me fight in my own style." Rave says, "Fine. Your going to pay oof those resources. Make it count."
The Earth stay under seige for 3 months. And just as Infin8te pridicted heroes war against Rave's forces. Rave loses a fine number of robot soldiers simply because he didn't want to kill off good superheroes.
Back in the safe room The X leader put down his cat. Rave says, "Your agent Plasma left a Bow with me. I was wondering why it still worked as it did when all my soldiers weapons got fried. It wasn't hard for me to replicated your technology. Where are my wives?!" The X leader says, "I have been following you for a very long time Mr. Rave. Call me Yakamoto. NothingFace, Japan? That was my Agent. You will get your wives. But by this time I will be long gone." "Meow" the cat says. But suddenly it's head expands and explodes. Blood splatters on Yakamoto's white suit. Yakamoto says, "All but unnecessary. You'd think I'd go up against you if I couldn't. KILL YOU!!" Yakamoto goes in for a punch. Rave force blasts him to the wall and he spits blood. Yakamoto smiles unnervingly. Rave steps on his balls as he laid up against the wall. Rave says, "I could give a rats *** what they call you. You're all but a **** stain under my boot. I want my girls and I promise to be finish with you in a week. Don't cooperate. I'll have fun with you for a couple months." Yakamoto says, "I am the absence of pain." Yakamoto phases flipping back through the wall. Ghost hunters do carry some basic ghost abilities. Kimbra and Plasma join up with Rave. He chases after Yakamoto. As Rave Phases through the wall. Yakamoto blast Rave with stun electricity. Two more copies of Rave spawn from the girls. Yakamoto says, "I've know you so long Rave. I'm the GUY. I have the leverage. I have your wives. I say the word and they're dead. You should be thanking me." Yakamoto tries to run away as he realizes his ghost abilities isn't as strong as Raves. Rave says, "You threaten me? You just brought yourself an eternity of torture. So you know why I haven't killed you yet? I keep a special place I my heart reserved for opponents like you. You might be the guy but I'm the man." Yakamoto runs to a helicopter on the roof Rave pulls is foot for the chopper. Yakamoto tries to hold on as it takes off. Rave punches him in the butt so hard he phases his hand through his insides and rips out Yakamoto's spine through the hole that was his bum. blood sprinkles like rain from the chopper that then explodes. Rave says as he walks away, "Looks like you just got off easy. Yakamoto."
Aeon Musk and Kobain under Rave complete building Raves first Satalite, a second artificial moon, Big Wig 0. This moon is seen in the sky bearing Raves logo. It fills the heroes with dread as it comes into range of the Earth. He had been hiding it behind the real moon this whole time. Unexpectedly Rave forfeits his conquest of Earth. Another reason is his wives asked him to stop. Rave now believes it's easier to just build a planet for those who want to join his legion. The end results in a fine number of corrupted world leaders dead. World armies nuked to nothing by Legion. Legion is still strongest current protecter of Earth. Infin8te see this and leaves Rave alone. The world who once thought of Rave a a hero now sees him as a villain or unpredictable mad god. At a curtain distance giant tubes are seen running from the Legion Islands to the artificial moon in space. Rave had the moon built around Vindicators mega planetery destroying ship. In that moon is Rave's new weapon.
Meanwhile Kobain tricks the group of X Corp who had Suno and Rave's DNA into teleporting themselves to Monster Island in this alternate universe. ''This will lead the the birth of Stacy Rave, Arc Angel, in the Champions Universe.'' Kobain frees the captured Rave girls. The girls kick the buts of the rests of X Corp. And they reunite with Rave. Rave says to Kobain, "I knew you wouldn't let me down!" The remaining X Corp surrender. Rave executes them anyway. The trap Rave is reunited with the rest where he goes back into the girls. All of X Corps technology is taken by the legion what's left is burnt.
== '''Rave vs Infin8te''' ==
Just when Rave powered down to his human looking self Yakamoto comes back as a ghost for a final showdown. Electricity spawn front the portal as he arrives. Yakamoto says, "You think I was saving this technology for some random soldier like Angent Plasma! This technology is mine!" Yakamoto rips wires from his ghostly body. Yakamoto is now big, light blue and buff. He continues, "For years I have studied you Rave! I have followed you across the globe. I have perfected your powers and upgraded them even better! I've died before Rave. Now this time I will eliminate you!" Yakamoto let's over a mega pulse that eats the ground below him. Raves shield himself and legion with forcefields. Rave says, "Of course... It's never that easy." He thinks, "Now how do I even kill this guy? He did say he is the better version of me. Well I'll have to test that out. Anyone of my weaknesses might do. But which ones." Rave looks up and shouts out, "I'm sick of fighting all these goddam ******* immortals!!! God Dammit! Why wouldn't anybody just die!!!!" Everyone goes silent after hearing that. Rave is punched through the crowd of his soldiers but before he hits the other side he is a black ghost again. 3 Raves come out from the ground and blast Yakamoto from behind with Lazer arms. Yakamoto reflects the Lazer into the crowd. The next Rave that was punched at first sneak up and punches back Yakamoto so hard it let of a blast wave the rocked the Legion soldier. At the moment of the punch Rave saw his own face on Yakamoto's body. Rave uses his other hand to grab his oppenents face. Rave growls, "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU! YOU ARE NOT ME! I'M RAVE. I'M GOD OF IMMORTALS!!!" Yakamoto grown as waves of energy blasts out Frome Rave's body. Rave's face begins to warp to look like the Genos that he destroyed while fighting Infin8te. Rave burns off Yakamoto's face permanently. Rave with the Genos mouth begins to bite and consume Yakamoto. The legion hears a loud growl from Rave as his eyes turn red. He turns around and looks at his wives. "What's happening." Tin asks as the earth shakes. Sai answers, "Its the evil Roman! The one with red eyes!" Rave hold his head as his body warps to get buff like the Yakamoto ghost. Rave raws up to the heavens and a white beam blasts from his mouth and is seen all the way up to space. It releases a pulse that shakes the ground even harder. Everyone hold on to something. Rave sees himself in an all white room. He sees the angel from Chastity's memories. Rave says, "Chastity no! I'm sorrrrrrrrrry! I can control my powers!" Rave glows a punch from his hand. The angels runs to him. Angel voices says, "The oracle - the grey one has the oracle!" That angel voice was Uriel in her business suit. Rave punches his own head off destroying the Genos face. Later he spawns again from Chastity. He ask her, "What happened?" She replies, "One of your clones was going psycho then it punched it's head off!" Rave says, "The angels from your memories. I saw them. They spoke to before I snapped myself out of it. They know I have you."
Rave murders everybody from his home town by firing squad. He said, "The only reason you people survived so long is wanted to show you I could do it." Infin8te tracks Rave down. He finds Rave sitting on his throne and all his girls around him. Rave says, "So this is it, Infin8te. One of us isn't going to leave here alive." Chastity ask, "Raaaave? What's going on?" Infin8te says, "It's over Roman. Roman has slaughtered the entired home town of Jamaica by firing squad then he dropped an nuke on it incased anybody escaped. He's so sick he left it obvious for me to catch him." Chastity says, "Oh no. Tell me you didn't do it Romam it's not true." Roman stays silent. America says, "Is that why you brought us here? You knew Infin8te would come here. You were waiting for him." Infin8te says, "Leave the girls out of it Roman. You know what this is." Infin8te punches a hike through Roman and he disappears. Roman reappear a slit second after. Rave says, "Infinite. You know me better than that. To kill me you are going to have to kill my women. I dont think you'd do it." Rave brings Proxi infront him. Rave says, "Go ahead. Blow her brains out. Get rid of me for once and for all. Or prove to the world your much better than me and just die!" Rave luanches a blast at him. Infin8te dodges. Infin8te says, "Hiding behind an innocent girls? You are just a coward. Fight me like a man!" Rave says, "I'm not lying Infin8te the girls are the bodies which I manifest from. I have brought you every single one of them since I became a ghost and was planting my seed so wildly. You come to learn that for the greater good innocents die. But who is really innocent? You know how much people I've gotten them to kill bad or what not?" Proxi says, "Rave you're scaring me. I want to go." Kimbra tell holds her and says, "Don't that's not Rave." Rave's blue eye glow red for the first time. She continues, "He has been consumed by his demons." Rave says, "But infin8te. You know why I killed them? My father was a foreigner. White man. My mother a back local girl. I never met him. I was never anywhere. Not street enough. Not smart enough. Not dumb enough. I was never white or black enough. Just in between and never anywhere. By the time I learned what I needed to get by it was always to late. By the time I was considered cool enough to fit in it never meant anything to me. I taught myself to only way to survive was to become something I'm not. So there you have it I'm a murderer." Infin8te says, "If it's help you need just come with me. I can help you." Rave reaches out his hand as Infin8te comes closer he fakes and punches Infin8te in the face with the other. Infin8te gets mad and charges at him. Rave says, "Wait. Wait. Wait." Rave calls the Genos. And dives at him they break throw the wall. Rave and Infinite now properly matched. After they punch up each other. Infin8te says, "This battle isn't going to be won by brute force. Maybe I'm not the one to fight you. But I'm going to fight you until one of us dies. People will see what you have done and they will abandon you. You'll never have the Earth because your a villian and villians always lose eventually." During the fight Infin8te body shows signs of worm. But Rave Genos takes damage as well.
===Magic or Science?===
Rave walks into a lab where Cameila and Sai are working. Rave walks in and asks, "What are my sexy science girls up too?" Sia says, "Oh Rave we decoded some of the missing pieces of information from my Agency with some of what was gathered from X Corp. It says that the internet is the first level of heaven!" Chastity says, "My god. The angels are robots." Rave says, "Some type of robots. Well it makes sense. Their bio technology of far beyond what we can understand on Earth. Who new cyberspace would be the gateway to all these realms?" '''With the information Rave gathers he learns to soul steal. That is, there is a short period after death her can capture souls before they travel to the next world and bring them back.''' Kobain studies the notes. He says, "So magic must be some type of genetic coding. Triggered by suitable bodies that it may be limited to candidate but learnable once you have the proper imprint." Ravs replies, "Yes! **** magic! In your face Cameila!" Cameila says, "All you did is explains how magic works. That doesn't mean it's not real." Rave says, "Nope. It's practically science." Kobain says, "Well. Both of you are right I guess. For simple magic the equation is complex but simple. You add and multiply. In forms of alchemy and dark magic you minus and divide."
== Daughter of Rave X Corp ==
What Rave does is hold Infin8te in place till Big Wig blast them Both with an orbital Cannon. Infinite dies from this and the Genos body is also no more. Infin8te lost because he was to much of a hero to take out the girls that hosted Rave soul. After Genos and Infin8te were completely vaporized Rave only respawned another copy of himself. He drops to his knees still effected by the previous blast and his eyes turned blue again. He says, "So this is emptiness." Chastity cries saying, "Rave how could, this is to much. Why would you show me this. What is wrong with you. You want to punish yourself you can't." She walks, "I don't love you anymore. You've gone to far. You better kill me because I don't want you in my head anymore. If any of those girls can live with what you done and look at you like a hero?... A great man?... It just sick! And we helped you. Those people are dead because of us." He replies, "Thank you for being honest. It's not your fault I did all this because I wanted to." He sits down and look at the stars. She grabs his collar and screams, "You're a frickin demon! I hate you!" He replies all emotionlessly, "That makes to of us." He lies on his back and Says, "Can't you see. I'm not the one who is evil. Over and over again I tried to save them and took the fall each time. For nothing. They hated me regardless. I got sick of apologizing for doing nothing wrong. From the moment they destroyed Sky City I knew I was going to kill them. Even before when I joined the military. I wanted to be stronger so that I wouldn't fight anymore and now it is over." Chastity lies on him and cries, "It's doesn't need to always be about you Rave." The girls gather around him. He says, "I can't feel anything. A soul who's lost emotions doesn't sound like a victim in a cry for help. So I stop crying since I was a little boy. Now I'm a man I'm always desperate for your emotions. You cry because I can't. When you smile and I remember what it was to be happy. Your pain, your lust it makes me remember I was once like you. Even now it's sick how I'm using your tears to punish myself. I can't let you go because I love you all. I snapped. That was once. I can't promise but I'll try not to do it again. Just for you."
About 16 to 20 years Later
Body count: Infinite
X Corp branch had a side project. They created a child using Rave's fluids. Collected by one Suno. The child was created in test tube to perfect Rave powers. They added in DNA of the Angels element. And this one was the only successful to develop.
Ending song (Starts at 12:22):
[[http://primusdatabase.com/index.php?title=Arc_Angel Stacy X Rave the Arc Angel]]
== Spy Dilemma ==
Night time in the  city of tall buildings and dim neon lights. Rave wonders, "EMP weapons are lately getting a crazy over misuse. Lucky they are only jammers and not the bad kind. I fear what a friers could do to my robot girls. We are only lucky thus far." Magazine says to Sai, "Much espionage is on a rise again." Sai replies, "Yes there is a lot of interest in information wars."
We now see Chastity as a sniper stationed on a roof. Looking through her scope into the building across the way. She sees nothing but the vague outline of a dark skin girl moving through the darkness. Bam, a silent bullet darts across the way. Lucky dodges or a miss. Chastity exclaims, "What?! There's no way that could of missed? What is she?" Sai says through the coms, "Come on Chastity, you've missed before." Chastity gets vexxed.
Chastity decides to glide across to the other building. Sai says, "What are you doing?! What till Rave hears about this... Rave! Chastity is leaving her position, that's not the plan." It appears Chastity it's going in for point blank sniping, maybe even a brawl. Rave sighs in the background of the com, "Chastity you're lucky I'm locked out by this emp field. We just need to hack this and soon we're done."
''Flashback, Just moments ago Rave and Sai uploaded there souls I to a flashdrive. Chastity then shot them across into the build to hack the security codes from the inside. Chastity then notice at the same time another unknown person was snooping around in the building as well. That turns out to be Lucky.''
Chastity relays to Rave, "If this person got in then I can as well." Chastity uses her future vison to avoid setting off any security alarms. Rave says to Chastity, "If you want to fight this girl, You better impress me." Sai says, "She's gonna blow this, I'll work on trying to deactivate the alarm, You use your powers to find the files inside here in cyberspace."
Rave says to Sai, "I want the Kamikaze twins on the roof. If the alarm goes off and I'm not in she'll need back up." Sai nods, she relays the message as she flys into a different part of cyberspace.
| artist = Dust For Life
| artist = Yoshino Fujimal
| track = Burn
| track = Natsu No Onna
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/lfiKlLRW9aA
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/qRF0aAGnJOw
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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== Big Wig Zero New Recruits ==
Chastity vs Black Ace Lucky. Lucky has extreme luck and dodge everything. But Chastity pushes her future vision to full potential. The two hold each other at a stalemate match. The Kamikaze twins arrive to aid Chastity. Magazine starts blasting. But a due to Lucky's luck powers a ricocheting bullet almost hot Chastity. The fight leads into a room full of melee weapons showcased on the wall. Massacre picks up a swords and suddenly a three way sword fight between them. But lucky seems untouchable the way she effortlessly evades.
Lucky downloads the file from the computer but Rave's hand come from the screen and grabs her wrist. "Caught" Sai is standing behind him on screen as well. They had entered cyberspace and was waiting for her to get close. Looks like Sai successful deactivate the Emp fields. Rave has the files.
The alarms suddenly go off, a set of masked up cyber super soldiers enter the room. Lucky fights along side Rave and the other girls to escape. Yela brings the helicopter around and evacuate them out of the building. Rave wants to blast the build over know they are out. Chastity stops him, she says, "Rave! There could be innocent people just working there, You can't just throw down a build when you feel like it." He replies, "*, who's gonna stop me you?" She says softly, "Rave please." Rave changes his mind. Lucky notices how Rave and Chastity interact. She sees their emotional connection.
Lucky almost won. Till her luck started losing against Rave. When he caught her. She asked, "I don't know how this could of happened. It's not possible for me to lose." Rave replies, "Don't you get it? Meeting me is the luckiest thing that will ever happen to you in your life." Lucky stretches her lips and says, "What do you mean like that? You think I like you? Your not getting lucky. Not me." He lets her go. She tries to hide the fact that she has just fell for him but it's obvious on her face. He pretends to leave. She stops him. Now she wants to go with him. Rave says, "Your Lost, I'm going back to my private island." She follows him, she asks, "Wait, you have a private island?"
'''Legion Island '''
Lucky ask Chastity, "You love him?" Chastity replies, "I hate him. He thinks he owns us. It's our fault for letting he do what he wants with us. Not like would could match the power creep." Lucky says, "Oh. So he's seeing all of you...?" Chastity looks at her sligh, Chastity says, "Oh no. don't tell me your thinking about doing that with him... Whatever... Your ability is pretty OP. I'm sure he would enjoy having you around." Luck says, "You love me, And he definitely cares about you. I saw it on the flight home."
Sai enters the room in her in her physical body. Sai says, "Everytime I go into cyberspace by body always feel so stiff when I come back. I don't have no body like Rave. I swear one of the girls plays pranks on me while I'm out of it." Chastity asks, "Where is Rave." Sai replies, "He went to XD." Chastity explains, "New girl over here wants to be a Rave girl." Lucky asks, "What's a Rave girl? I didn't say that? I only asked you if you were dating." Sai explains, "It okay. Rave is really powerful and there is a lot of hims more than all of us can take." Yela comes in, "I dun trus her. She wanted the files. And she another black girl. I cyan't hav that." Chastity agrues, "We should initiate her. You know, she want to join the sorority. We can bad things to her in the process. We can find out her secrets." Sai says with a smile, "Chastity, you are evil. Of course we should probably lock her up till Rave gets back."
Bam, blind shot from no where. America Knocks out Lucky with a clubber to the head. Lucky wakes up in chains. Lucky says, "What the hell, since I meet this Rave figure my luck has been really working against. My presence in your Rave is messing with my powers. I would never had gotten caught twice before." Kimbra explains, "You luck is giving what best for you. You don't know it yet but this is want your inner conscious wants." Sunami laughs, "Her inner conscious wants to be in chains. What a loser." Proxi smiles as if she picks up on the plot but she's not even smart enough to understand the joke. Chastity comes in smiling looking at Lucky chained up behind bars.
Rave returns to the girls putting Lucky through trials. Rave shakes his head and sighs. He says, "I don't even want to know." Yela says, "We were preparing she for yuh." Rave scratches his head, "Me? How so?" Chastity says, "She wants to be a Rave girl. Lucky shouts, "Let me go." And shakes herself free from Chastity who was putting weight on her? Yela stupes and sighs, "Your new girlfren Rave." As Lucky steps closer to Rave leaving the girls in the background. Rave says smugly, "Well, you've met the cast of colorful characters." Lucky adds, "A little to colorful... Your girlfriends are gay asf." Rave says, "Don't be like that, I'm sure they they was just being friendly." Lucky looks up at Rave with a little guilt. She's rather ashamed and intrigued. Rave says, "Okay girls that's enough, I will talk to Lucky alone from here." As the girls leave,  Proxi says in joke, "Ou, he's going to talk to her." Kimbra adds, "Alone." Sunami still sitting there with a smile and her hand in lap. Rave says, "K, get out." Sunami leaves. Rave says, "Yela stay." Rave knows she might be able to relate to someone of her ethnicity a little easier.
| artist = Massive Attack
| track = Daydreaming
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/JG9CXQxhfL4
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| artist = Miki Matsubara
| track = Neat Na 3PM
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/xoYjq-yC14Q?si=jp5qDOwQeY_ELxdS
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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| artist = Junko Yagami
| track = Mizuiro No Ame
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/vUS4aQv0woU?si=5Zd62K8GYxHw4VEJ
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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== Big Wig Zero New Recruits (Ladies)==
Before we start with the recruits let's talk about how Roman's current girls and the rest of the world takes what he has done. He is now classified as a highly dangerous criminal. Different agencies plans ways to stop him. But he doesn't usually just attack people, Roman is rather chill, so he roams freely and unchallenged. Anybody that knows him would 's*** a brick' in his presence. His girls still love, respect and follow him. They believe it was his evil ghost side that took over his body when he was stressed that pushed him to commit such a crime against humanity. Anyone who is not Legion doesn't like the idea of that death Moon he was built.
Because Romans ghost is cybernetic Big Wig Zero orbiting the Earth gives Rave more distance he can travel from the girls that carry his soul. It provides a signal that allows his copies to not break mental link with the others at anywhere in the world. The signal can also focus to regions with bad reception that he couldn't travel too before.
Rave is in the middle East with [[Rebecca Black]] and [[Tatted Tantrum (Sharon Haze)]]. They are the princess to see over that region of his empire in his absence. He is about to leave for Legion Island. Rebecca follows him angrily ranting, she says, "I don't love you. You think you can just pop up around here whenever you want push people around then leave. You're a bigger monster than my father ever was. Just a bully that every one is too afraid to stand up too. But I don't love you and I not afraid of you!" He replies, "Good. The more you resent me the more I want you too. Show me that I still need to remind you ladies who the boss be. Kisses." Then he teleports away. Sharon says, "You must like inspiring him to hurt you."
We are marveled by the success of Big Wig, the Moon. Rave the tyrant dictator of former Bahamas, now Legion Island, Two ladies in uniform join him as he walks to a room. First officer [[Poison]] reports, "Sir. Your frequent teleportations are serging to a 25% increase in your energy levels. I suggest less clones when not necessary." [[Sky Fall]] aka Nibblez reports from Intel on database. She says, "From the ladies you hand picked from the recruits, Sir." Rave looks at the tablet saying, "These women don't appear strong enough." Poison says, "It's the best I could do given your description. Besides I've already discussed with these ladies and they are willing to except your terms of agreement."
Weighing stats, Kobain explains, "Given the estimated mass of Nibiru compared to Earth I don't think BW0 would be able to defect Nibiru if it returns. But we could evacuate a few thousand people." Rave replies, "Godammit Kobain! What is the point of all you technicians! What is the point of a planetary weapon if it can only take on dwarf planets?!" Kobain says, "It's an estimate, there is no possible way of knowing if Nibiru is even real. We don't know if it's defended or not or if it is even a threat." He then smirks, "Unless you want to blow up Mars or Venus for practice." Sai says, "Absolutely not?! Why would you do that?" Rave growls, "Nonsense, tell the astrologist to keep a close eye!"
[[GoldTooth]] and [[Alice]] enters the Room. Gold says, "Hey Rave look who I found." Alice claps saying, "I can't believe you've ******* done it! You nuked our home town clean out of existence! I was locked up in asylum when it hit me. I was almost dead and if I wasn't a werewolf I would be. Thank the old merciful savior I can regenerate." Rave hardly looks at him or show signs of remorse only a cold voice that says, "Oh. Sorry I guest I forgot about you. But if you are here to fight me then you will lose. I have surpassed your power level." Alice says, "No I'm not here to fight you. I just came to see my sister then I'll be on my way all out of your path." Rave replies, "I'll have Nibblez escort you to her. You'll have to understand that she is mine. And if you try anything it wouldn't end well for you." Alice's says, "Sheesh. Where is the sense of family love... My brother in law?" Alice gives him a really forced crooked annoyed smile.
Alice talks to Braille. She wears a white dress. He says, "I've never seen you look this beautiful. What happened to the cutlass, apron and bloodstains?" She replies, "I'm a princess now. I can't go with you." Alice replies, "I'm not here for you. I just wanted to know if you're still alive. You already choose your family. You left me two die in asylum not once but twice." Braille replies, "I though you needed help. I didn't know what Rave would of do. I guess I was scared to think about it so I blocked you out. I mourned you with the island." Alice says, "I'm happy for you. At least Rave can protect you. I guess that makes him family." He walks away saying, "I'll keep in touch." He walks out with one hand in pocket and one up. She asks, "Where you going?" Alice replies, "I need to build my own family. It's clear that you love your man more than your own blood. Oh yeah... While your boyfriend was shooting people down in the streets. Pyrex got me out just in time. The only other one that survived." Braille looks down with guilt as he leaves. Rave appears to talk to Braille, "I already told you it was an accident. It's not about good or evil. I have to stop anyone who stands in my way. This is for the good of humanity." It's clear that Rave is brainwashing them. He did it because he wanted to and isn't sorry.
Back to the new recruits. We have Dominique Now the Orb Weaver [[Orb Weaver Now]], [[Baby]], Sofia Garcia the [[EbonyRider]] and [[Lt Piggs]] otherwise known as Peppa. Rave says, "I have expanded in Legion bases beyond my ability to maintain. You soldier were brought here today because I need more wives. I'm afraid I have been to busy to sit around in the dating world. You accept my proposal. You do it for Legion and the love of this country. Our planet. You are here so obviously it's a yes. I'm interested in taking some time to learn why you joined The Immortals and How I can help you." Now says jokingly, "Perfect just the way I imagined meeting my first husband." Sofia adds, "I know right. Words to sweep you off your feet." Rave pause for a while then he laughs. He says, "So we all agree... To the lounging area those in favor say 'I'." "I - I, Captain." They follow him.
Now's Spider is a robot Rave built for her specifically. He meet the others briefly before because they are in his army. He took one look at these four and inquired their profile. ''Flashback. Sai asked Rave, "You made the spider to spy on the Orb Weaver girl didn't you? Why don't you just ask her to join us." Rave explains, "Not spy. I wanted to insure she didn't get hurt." Cameila adds, "You don't want her to get hurt because you like her. Oh god Rave. You're transparent as ever." Cameila continues, "You need more girls!" Sai explains, "She's right we're feeling a bit over worked with this expansion." Rave says, "Fine. I'll get you some freshman to boss around." End flashback.'' The spider name is UwU. It has pet level understand and only serves to protect Now. It can't speak.
'''Rave re-established his base in Florida to be closer to Legion Islands. As well as ones in different parts of America and the world.'''
In the room Dekota and Tati is there waiting. Dekota asks, "Rave... Tell me you didn't just promote us to house sitter." Rave says, "You know the deal. I'm freezing up more often. On of these days I'm gonna glitch at a very important moment and all of this empire will be lost. You ladies keep your end of the bargain. It's promise land for all. And what of you workaholic? Aren't you happy to be in a house where something doesn't have the probability of exploding fir once?" Tati says, "I guess we can see this like a vacation. A very long one." Dekota says, "Vacation? Haven't you met his wives. There just as crazy and destructive as him." Tati adds, "Assuming this bunch would be the same." Dekota chase after Now saying, "What are you doing. No giant robot spiders in the house!"
Later the girls sit around the coffee table in their pajamas. Now asked Sofia why she joined, "She says. I needed money. And I guess I was tired of being on the losing side. I just didn't know I'd ever get so close to the king. Legionnaires got it made. But how about you?" Now says, "Roman is like the devil. He comes to you and ask do this for me and I will save you. What we don't know is how chaotic everything really is on the field. But as to why I'm here. I'm a psychotic spider alien who has infiltrate your planet. My goals are to procreate an unstoppable army of alien spider offspring with Earth's strongest." Dekota takes off her glasses saying, "You're kidding right?" Now laughs, "Of course I am silly. My race was enslaved by monsters who used our energy web for war. I got out just in time only thing. All I know how to do is war." Piggs clear her throat saying, "I just followed Officer Garcia. It's whatever. Imo." Dekota asks, "How about you... Um... Baby? That's all I have on the form. Is that your real name?" Baby answers, "Guess I just joined as well. It's better to be the hunter than the hunted. My family was really poor." Tati adds, "So the three of you where form around the latin US, LA district. I heard it's really rough out there." Baby adds, "True. You're either a cop or you're owned by LAs drug cartels."
Meanwhile Rave discusses his terms with world governments. They say, "Roman Rave has a planetary destroying weapons. Yet he killed Infin8te and all other attempts at him. We a slightly at his mercy." Rave says, "I all ask is I be regarded as a world power. Legion, my wives be treated as royalty and with respect. I will not use the weapons. Nor will I use the Legion army to force anyone. Those who are willing to join me are free I'd they please. We only seek to improve a better quality of life."
Dekota calls Rave. She says, "I feel sorry for the women out there. There is hardly anything we can do." Rave explains, "I'll look into it. Legion has received a slow of recruits lately. Another factor is other factions are tightening up. It's possible that IL inspired other groups to pair up. It's not going to be easy. Here this. Stop stressing yourself. Worrying doesn't fix anything over night. I'll will see you all in a few hours."
Sixx and Nayomi enter the house carrying their toddlers. As they put them down Lead's son and Sixx's daughter run of to play. Rave appears after the girls. He tells them to get some rest. Sixx says, "Rest. No way. I want to meet my new sister." Nayomi says, "Speak for yourseld princess. My son is far more stressful than your girl. I'm going to take a nap first." Rave appears in the house. Rave is in bed with now. He says, "I'm glad you girls accepted the terms of our agreement." Now says, "Actually I didn't have a choice. Nibblez specifically said, I could decline if I wanted but then that would mean I believed that I was too good for you. And if I was to good for you she'd have to kick my butt because that would also means I believed I was better than her." Rave replies, "Chri**. I specifically told them not to use force." Now says, "It's okay. I joined because of her. What she said was kinda hot." Rave sighs.
Next morning. One of the most beautiful even seen. Rave spawns before everyone wakes up as usual. He does not sleep but just go to the cybernetic realm to recharge. Rave realized himself like a ghost that haunts this silent house. He recognizes every vase, every tile, tile every pillar, so abstract yet so beautiful. Now comes down wearing Rave's big t-shirt only. She asks him, "What do we do?" He says, "Nothing really. You are royalty now. Just enjoy it before conflicts reassert themselves."
The girls go to the shooting Range for practice. These girls are nothing to mess with. They were truly top class in the Legion recruits. All of these basic soldiers can use Weapon Print because of there more human DNA. The girls Print guns of choice. Baby's smiles and jokey playful nature would never tell you how viscous she can be. She makes a mess with the pistol she holds. While Now wears her passive aggression on her face as she shoots a perfect bullseye to the head with a rifle. Sofia one up her by drawing a tool with bullet holes on the crotch. Rave notices. He says, "Sometimes I feel some of y'all imagine me when you shoot your enemies." Rave shoots down in a line to add more Lenght. Now laughs saying, "Sofia was the one that said it out loud. I shot you in the head." Rave says, "You girls are the biggest monsters disguised by a pretty face." Suddenly the salvo of two SMG firing turns their attention to Piggs tearing a paper to shreds. Rave says, "That's not target. But effective." Chastity the best shooter is heard coming from a distance. She is talking loudly to the other girls with her. You already know she is going to grill Rave about the new girls. But he called her here to train them.
Then they go into another room. Now asks, "You talk to him like that?" Chastity says, "I'm not afraid of Rave. Don't let him bully you." Rave says, "Bad advice. When the doctor holds your hand. You know better than to fear the needle. But you'll feel the edge under your skin. For that moment you'll know your are completely under my mercy. And when you pass out. You might just wake up as something else. The difference is, my good side earns you the anesthetic. Regardless you will draw blood." After Piggs hears that she looks as Chastity and says, "Girl you crazy?! I'm not doing EH-Ne-thing! You're not gonna get me in trouble" Sixx says, "Right, she has a comedic immunity that non of us has." Nayomi adds, "If we spoke like that we'll get stretch out to dry like a wet coth." Sixx adds, "We better give y'all tips on surviving him."
Rave and Genie is in the garage. Chastity and Sofia comes in from patrolling on motorcycles. Sofia original bike is a stolen police issue. She stole it when she left the police force. Rave is fascinated by how it transforms into the tanky female robot Babylonia. Genie says, "Just who we wanted to see. Sofia! Your owner wants you!" Rave turns Genie's pink vespa into a robot girl too with his technomancer powers. He says, "I'll just call you [[Vaspa]]." Genie asks, "She a girl now?" Rave says, "I gave her sentience. Now she can transform back and forth and forth." Genie says, "You're like a wizard." Rave says, "Science. I simple copied the formula off Babylonia." Chastity says, "And it had to be another girl?! Is there one moment you are not thinking about women?!" Rave says, "Well I would prefer a red paint." Vaspa and Babylonia interacts. Rave says, "Amazing. I will these two more robotic for obvious reasons. But I wonder if I could make them give birth." Chastity says sassily, "Omg. What is your problem?!" Rave places his arm around her back and up under her chest in front. She says nothing as he holds her. He continues, "No not like that. Science. I went a step further and gave them the ability to procreate. If it who work is up to time." Sofia says, "Where are the male robots?" Rave laughs. Chastity says, "I have a science idea. Make a clone and * yourself."
== Basketball Episode ==
Hot sun! We are in the ghetto on a basketball court. Rave is letting the girl get some exercise. He is in human form. Now's pet robot spider is there. Rave says, "Alright I want Now, Inertia, Lemonade, Sofia and Merlo that's is team shorts against Baby, Nayomi, Meredith, Consuela and Tati that is team skirts. The teams are 5 on 5." Dekota sits on the bench near the cool with a file note in her hand. Consuela points on Dekota and says, "And what does she do." Rave says, "She is a coach she doesn't need to play." In a practice throw. Baby with a smile leans very much forward bounces the ball and she misses the hoop by a long short. She covers her mouth, laughs and walks of frantically. Nayomi sighs. Rave says, "Alright. Who ever touches the back board with the ball also counts as a point." Meredith raised her hand. Rave says, "Yes Meredith. What is it?" Meredith asks, "What's a backboard?" Rave pauses. Lemon bounces another ball so hard it loses. Rave sighs. He says, "You are the most fadas women I ever seen." Baby says, "You recruited me to fight remember. I dont know no basketball ball." Rave says, "How you come from LA and don't know basketball." Now does a three pointer. Now says, "I know basketball." Now and Inertia with the cat agility is creaming the other side. Rave says, "Okay I'll play for skirts." Inertia shouts, "Hey no fair!" Rave brings back the score balance but the game is a mess. Rave shouts, "LemonAde, what are you doing you are passing the ball to your oppenents!" LemonAde shouts, "Sorry. I didn't know!" Rave shouts, "She is wearing a skirt!" Meredith with the ball crashes into Nayomi. Rave shouts, "Nevermind." Baby sits center court with a smile. Rave says, "Baby. Get off the field! Go drink some juice! Just go sit somewhere else." Sixx comes to meet them. Rave says, "Sixx your on team skirts." Rave goes back to spectating. Sixx's leg acrobatics make her good at the sport. She does some hurricane spins to the goal she creates a trail of fire behind her. She dunks on Merlo but Merlo block her face instead of trying to get the ball. Rave continues, "Merlo! You're useless! Juice! Go drink some juice!" Merlo says, "Are you kidding me. The ball had fire on it." Rave shouts, "Dekota your Shorts! Go!" Dekota says, "Me?!" Rave says, "Yes you! Leave the files!" Rave sits on the floor Baby sits on the bench above him playing her hand on his head. She says, "Wanna go to the back of the bleachers and makeout?" Rave says to her, "No! For using your laps to control me. I'm gonna make you run laps. Three circles around the court right now!" She sucks her teeth and does a very slow walk. Merlo looks at him, she says, "I'm still drinking my juice." And starts sipping it extremely slow so she doesn't get laps.
Sun was setting. All the girls sat on the court in a circle as they spoke. A group of apparent thugs came to play. A ball rolled into the group. Rave stood up. A guy ask, "Y'all done patty-cakin around. The court is for planning basketball!" Rave says, "We are not done. Use the other court." Rave picks up the ball and throws it back so hard the thug is knock to his butt. Rave says, "Now it looks like you are also playing patty-cake but with men." The thugs get angry. Baby stands up. Rave tells her to sit down. She does. Rave tells the thugs, "Maybe if you ask politely. We were close to leaving anyways." They make a step. Rave says, "I don't think you want to do that." He point at the benches. The robot spider has two sub machine gun fangs locked in them. Rave says, "When I come around here you boys going to remember my name, Roman Rave! I use to run the underground before I became a war general. I don't need no ****** army to dissect you fools!" The thugs beg for forgiveness. Rave says, "Don't ever step to me again. Not to me not to my women. Go play your game. Girls, time to go home. I could have nukes dropped on your Mama's house." A bummy guy comments, "Oh no! He went to they Mama's house. That Roman Rave is one cold as ice bullet in you as... suckers." Thug says, "Man, shut up." The guy replies, "Don't step to me. Step to Mr. Rave! Fool!"
As Rave is about to leave someone tosses a basketball at him. Rave catches it while not looking. A guys shouts, "Hey! Throw back the ball." The guy does some movements with his hands walks up to Rave a bit. The guy says, "They call me Easy Rick the [[Ricochet]], Okay!" Rave tosses back the ball. Ricochet asks, "I saw how you handled those guys back there. You a super?" Rave says, "Depends..." Ricochet says, "Watch this!" He bounces the ball of a post it bounces around on different places and lands in the hoop. Rave says, "Tricks?" Ricochet replies, "They use to sports before super powers arrived. Now all everyone care about is fighting. Those guys may be thugs but they are not such bad guys. Here in the ghetto it is about survival!" Rave says, "You want a survival tip. Don't go after bigger fish." Ricochet says, "You come around here with your fancy ride and all your women acting like you run things. But I'm gonna tell you this." Rave folds his arms. Ricochet continues, "I challenge you to a one on one game of B-Ball! Winner rules the court from here and all the way up to Easton Drive!" Rave sighs, "god. What is this? I already had enough sports for one day." Ricochet tosses the ball at him!. Rick says, "Scared you'll get owned!" Rave accepts the challenge. A thug says, "Aye. Easy Rick just challenged the drug lord Roman Rave!" Spectators gather.
Rick left Rick Right Rick dunk on Rave. Ricochet is extremely good so good Rave decides it time to cheat. Boof! Rave turns into the 8 foot tall black form. Ricochet says, "Cheating will no help you. No matter how tall you get." Rave replies, "Your using your powers. I use mine." Rave brings up the score. Rave even passes to a clone of himself. Rick is allowed to bring in two 4 other thugs. Rave Fakes a throw as three dudes come rushing after the ball. Three thugs are sent flying in one direction of the court. Rave snatches the ball and dance around a guy so fast he breaks his ankle. The bone flys out and he screams, "Bawk!" A stretcher picks him up. Ricochet says, "It's not always impossible to tell between those that are good, evil, wicked or just misguided." Ricochet breaks out his special ability. 100% accuracy focus. Rave realizes he is playing even better when he closes his eyes. The game is drawn with 10 more  seconds on the clock. Ricochet has the ball. Ricochet dives for a jump shot. Rave makes three Copies to hold him back. Ricochet closes his eyes. He bounces the ball of a dumb thugs head. The ball bounces around so fast it catches fire and blow up the backboard on impact. Ricochet say, "I win." Rave says, "Dafaq you talking about. That wasn't a goal. The game was draw before you destroyed the thing." Rick says, "Exactly!" The audience was so amazed they didn't care. A thug says, "Mr. Rave that was just about the coolest thing I ever seen. You are welcome on our court any time." The girls cheer and hug Rave. Ricochet asks, "Is it the money or the power you possess?" Rave says, "Idk. It must be the 50% sex machine in my mutation." Ricochet laughs and says, "Your all right Rave. What's the other 50%?"...
Ricochet pregnant girl comes to see what he is up too. She is an 18 year old japanese school girl. Ricochet invites Rave and the girls to barbeque. Ricochet says, "My wife Lela. I'm having barbeque back at my place. Just me and the wife. It's nothing fancy." Rave sees that they already have another daughter. They sit on the floor. Ricochet tells him the story of his time in Japan. Rick says, "So there I was alone. Bouncing bullets of walls against and army of Japanese mob. And in comes Lela with a katana. I feel in love the moment I saw her... That reminds me... I didn't tell you the one about my mum. She was murdered my that mob while pregnant with me. But I caught the blade with my bare hands. My mom had witness so much Japanese crime. I was already a Martial Arts master before I even left the womb." Rave says, "Nooo. You're kidding?" Rick replies, "No I'm not. Watch this. Marcella judo kick!" For Lela's stomach a baby foot prints a kick. Rick continues, "We decided to name our daughter Marcella. Even my other 5 year old daughter, Anaise, knows karate." Ricks daughter makes a fighting stance. Rave says, "Well I've see it all and I can die now." Rave pushes back his plate and stretches his belly. Rave says, "No matter how big I get I keep returning to the ghetto." They all slept at Ricochet's.
The next morning they went to Sunami's dojo. She teaches toddlers martial arts. Rave says, "My Sumani." Ricochet asks, "Another one? How are they allowimg you to do this?" Sunami replies, "Rave is no longer human. He has broken the forth wall of this plane. There for achieving complete domination of our lesser souls." Rave adds, "She's right. Think of this reality as a game. If it's not real then I broke it. Yet I don't know how. I just thought of VR and something..."
===Team G (G-Unit)===
The sun is setting. Rave, Hellebore and SoNeko is helicoptered into his location by Legion Ops. They are Bludhouse branch. The two girls and one op slide down zip cords. Rave manifest on the ground. The op slide back up and the chopper leaves.
You see Rave meet Ricochet on the ground. Ricochet shouts, "A little dramatic for the hood, isn't it?" Rave says, "Nah. It's just routine training." They are to meet other ghetto avengers. We are gathering at Street Oni's gym.
Rave is introduced to [[Jumbee]] Akatsuki, [[Street Oni]], [[Nero]] by Ricochet. Jumbee jutsu in riding on a big growing branch. Street Oni says, "Argh! Everytime! Do you need to break the pavement with your vines!" Jumbee says, "The pavement is artificial. The road belongs to mother nature." Oni replies, "I'm gonna make you eat some dirt. 1st ceal! Raz..." Jumbee shouts, "Wait!" and reaches for a seed in his fanny pack. Ricochet breaks it up. He says, "Guys, we have guests." Ricochet continues, "Rave I'm sorry about how they look. They are usually colder than they look." Jumbee says, "Hey!" Rave says, "Nah don't worry about it. My team is girls." SoNeko says, "Heeeey!"
Three black motorcycles pull up. The drivers are Chastity, Genie and Wiki. Genie takes of her helmet and says, "Chastity is getting really good at this."
Nero is late as usual. Nero says, "You mean I could have sexy demon chics all this time? What the hell is Mordecai doing with my body? He evil for nothing, man."
Jumbee with his stupid cloak and hand expressions says to Rave, "You a scientist? * Don't do science my *. But logic, the fundamentals, that's where it's at." Jumbee takes a bean from the fanny pack and continues, "See these beans? They could open up your mind my guy. Not just if you eat them your head will explode. But these beans. They got me up there in gaint land ma man." Rave ignores him. Nero says, "Hey Jumbee give me one of those sleeping beans." Jumbee reaches for another and says, "Um this is the sleeping bean. Or this this the one that makes your head explode?" Nero eats both of them. Jumbee says, "Nah, It would be fine." Boom! Nero is seen as Mordecai when the explosion smoke clears from his big smiling mouth. He hair stands up pink and his face is tatted all over. Mordecai says, "Finally! Who's been keeping this fool awake for so long." Ricochet says, "Hey Mordecai. We Gon need you to not do some * this time around." Mordecai laughs evily and runs to mess with Street Oni. Wiki says, "Waw. A complete 180." SoNeko says, "Ikr. The other one was practically asleep." Rave says, "Interesting. Non of those was sleeping seeds. The explosion knocked him out cold. While the sleep demon preventes him from dying. So if I knock him out again I guessing he'll revert back to his normal self. But will he be asleep?" Jumbee says, "What y'all don't understand man! One version is awake all the time! He up and sleep all the time man. All the time."
Night Run WiP
Nero fights with demonic louges in a slow motion torpedoes while staring at his target expressionlessly. The way he twirles while horizontal.
Energy waves radiate from Oni's face making his mask blurry.
Their mission is to oversee a Black Lives Matter protest. Genie breaks the forth wall and says, "The writer is really doing this?" Boom! Explosion. Some tyrant gang distrupts the protest with deadly force against the cops. Genie breaks it again to say, "I supposed because I'm blue. I supposed to make a Blue Lives joke here right? Well no. Get back to the action."
Rave girls move spec ops. His ghost stealth shared helps them a lot. Rave have them use rubber bullets. This is a problem because the opponents have real weapons. The good guys take cover. Rave just standing in the open says, "Well I really don't want to show off." Bullets hit him and he doesn't even bother to shield himself. SoNeko says, "Rave is too powerful. He'll just break everything and kill everyone if he gets involved. So he provides support instead." Chastity says, "Shields, Stealth, transportation. I'm just getting exercise." Hellebore adds, "As if. You're fat, lazy and hardly does anything." Chastity replies, "We are the same size, Queen. Tell me what you do again?" Hellebore stands up and shoots at the enemies. She shouts, "Her is what I do!" Chastity joins her. Chastity shouts, "I'm going to shoot way more baddies than you! Lich." Wiki says, "Those bullets are useless." She earth bends and breaks the ground under the gang. Hellebore says, "Real neat. Your are destroying the museum. And Rave will have to pay for that." Hellebore says, "Let's just run up to them and kick theirs butts!" Rave says, "You have my shields." The girls runs except for Chastity walks slowly behind. She sobs, "Why is it always running." Bullets bounce of their shields from Rave. Hellebore blood bends a few shooters. Genie wacks one over the head with a gatling gun she pulled from her cleavage. SoNeko charges as a fox, dives then transform into human to land her heavy self on the enemy. The boys sit back and watch. Oni says, "Shouldn't we be helping." Jumbee says, "I know." Mordicai shouts, "Fools! Impressed by a few girls!"
Ricochet boys Join the fight. Jumbee knock down the enemy while riding some ranches. Oni jump of the branch and hit them with a red moon ball at melee range. Ricochet shot guys in the butts by skiiong bullets off the street. Chastity says, "How come he gets a real gun?" Ricochet says, "Haha! That's because I DhOWn miss!" Chastity hit them with cross magic that spin around disorient and group the foe up. And Jumbee tie the rest with plants.
After Rave sees them in action. He says, "You guys are way to powerful for the ghetto. You're wasting your time with this *." Ricochet looks at Rave disappointed. Ricochet says, "The ghetto is our home man? You expect us to move out like you? Then who gonna protect the people like us who don't have powers?" Wiki angrily replies, "No! He means you can save the day on a grander scale than what you do here." Oni says, "Easy Ricky, Rave girls look like they want to kill you. I wouldn't mess with that silent one over there with the dark eyes." Genie rolls her eyes. Rave says, "You are right. I trained them to maim lesser folk who talk at me." Chastity says, "Trust me. You prefer a beating from me than Rave any day." In joke Oni says, "Big talk!" Ricochet says, "I'll take the lesser folk as a lack of a better word."
Rave says to Nero, "Nero you might want to sit down for this but I think Mordecai might be gay." Nero says, "What! I'm my body?!" Jumbee touches Nero shoulder and shakes his head. Jumbee says, "Rough. Literally and figuratively." Nero says, "Nah. It's cool. He did come from a succubus. I know he is bi. Curacao was crazy man." Nero gives them the sleepy laugh. Oni says, "Well this is our family."
They are playing basketball in the gym.
Jumbee dunks on Nero. Jumbee says loudly, "That's what get for being Lazy AsF! That's what get for being Lazy AsF! Bwoy!"
==Game of Life==
Story begins. Centipede, a zombie samurai girl, is katana fighting on a speeding train with Rook, a bird night avenger. She best him and blow up the train. Later we find out Centipede was the good one who only blow up the train to stop it from reaching it's destination with the bombs Rook implanted in it.
Rook just fail at one of is evil scheme. One of his Henchmen, A lady ninja comes in acting smug. Rook punches her so hard one of her eye fly out. She immediately change her attitude to scream and cry. He simply goes back to polishing his sword. Later she returns with a cybernetic thing where her right eye use to be and an attitude adjustment. For now she is just lucky he didn't kill her.
Ricochet and Street Oni catches a flight to Japan with Rave. It is a private ship. Ricochet says, "Man y'all rich dude got it made. But I got my riches right here." As Ricochet kisses his girl Lela. When they land the guys for their own ways.
Japan traditional private estate. Bedroom. Three Raves, Nayomi, Meredith, Sixx, Shelle Belle, Luna Tides, Cameila, Chastity, Calypso, Ariel, Mei, Now And SoNeko. It's a rainy day outside. Sky overcast. The girls are wearing bikinis under light see through clothing.
Chastity says, "Welcome to the evil man adventures. Staring captain Dorko and the Wonder Blunders. It's the great show where we just lay around all s
day." Shelle replies, "Why are you so mean?" Floor Rave sitting between Cameila and Shelle says, "She's our nemesis Lady Weasel." Chastity replies, "Oh oh ohhh..." The Rave reading some documents says, "Chastity. What do you even want from me? I have a few hundred people depending on me including the world. I am a universal king, scientist and inventor. If I tell you to lay down. You lay down." The other Rave coming from outside without a shirt picks her up and put she on the bed. He continues the other ones rant, "I got three of me here, one is working, one is relaxing and this one is to deal with you." He looks in her eyes. She replies softly, "Okay." As the air pulls from her lungs. He kisses her. Ariel climbs next to her. We see the real reason Chastity is angry, Calypso is four months due. Rave say, "I almost forgot. Chastity I got you something." He takes off her sundress through the head. He pulls a crop top from the draw and puts it on her. She reads the print. It says 'Rave Industries' at the back and 'Intellectual Property' on the front. She says, "Hahaha, very funny Rave." He takes a pen and signed his name under. Calypso asked, "Since we're getting dressed, are we going out?" Rave says, "Yes. And Chastity is wearing that shirt." Work Rave gets on the bed with his table watching blue prints whatever. Nayomi climbs on the bed. You can see that she, Sixx and Meredith are already tired from their kids. She says, "I'm staying this Rave."  Meredith and Sixx says, "Well stay too." Sixx says, "Just imagine when the others get make theirs. Rave's life will be over." Rave is suddenly struck by the realization of it and replies, "I'm never going to have all that kids running around." Calypso replies, "I bet you didn't think about how it would be when it adds up." Ariel adds, "Maybe this will keep him off us." Rave says, "Gaude. This harem might of been a horrible mistake. I don't have the stamina for this. I'll just go offline more often is all." Chastity says, "Men" Rave replies, "Don't gang up on me." Orb Weaver Now petting kitsune SoNeko adds, "I told him from day one to many women in one house was a bad idea." Rave shouts, "Whatever! Let's got to the beach!"
| artist = Washed Out
| track = All Feels Right
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/A9j9AksVWJw
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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They take his private party tour bus. When they stop Ariel, Calypso and Chastity goes one way with a Rave. Now, SoNeko, Luna, Cameila, Mei and Shelle a next way with a Rave. Mei in red high heals twirls with a clear plastic umbrella. Rave says, "Luna's group will hit the beach. Calypso's gonna. Heck out the super market. We'll bring you guys food."
Meanwhile Rave's young sons Ringworm, Elite and Haru sneak off to the store from home. The boys appear 8 and under but they don't grow normally. Ringworm is this oldest.
Haru wonders off and find cops fighting Centipede. The boys decides to use there powers to save the day. They are not at her level. Centipede beats them up. She almost wins till Rave shows up and knocks her on her butt. Centipede explains, "You've got this wrong. The criminal mastermind Rook had me framed. He is rich and powerful enough to own the corrupted cops." Rave takes a second look at her. She does look very evil but he knows better than to judge a book by the cover. He says, "Stay still. I'm going to read you." He stares into her eyes but the mind read doesn't work. He adds, "If you lie to me don't expect mercy.' While standing up Centipede suddenly trips Ringworm with her foot and cuts Rave in half. She runs off. Ringworm on the floor shouts, "Why me lady!" The boys gear up to chase her.
Rave spawns again. He says, "Sorry boys, she above training. Go home." Calypso runs a few steps and sonic screeches after her. But then she feels a contraction. Rave says, "You too. Sit this one out."
Ariel ice skates after them. Chastity says, "Yah no. Why'd it have to be running?" Another Rave spawns. He picks up Chastity in his arms and they fly after them. Rave over takes them. Centipede looks back at the. While running backward and still avoiding obstacles in her way. Rave say, "Okay I'm impressed." In jealousy Chastity says, "By her? Give me a gun!" Rave replies, "Just Print a motorcycle, I designed an angelbike for you waiting." Chastity shouts, "Code:7777, Angelbike, Print!" Voooom! The bike materializes on the road in motion. Rave tosses her from his arms unto it.
Chastity groans, "You like tossing me all over the place. Don't you boss?!" Rave replies, "You're a big girl. You can take it. The bike has automatic weapons by the brakes. Use your future vision to not crash." She nods yes. She wheelies ahead to Ariel who is ice skating and shooting ice after Centipede. Centipede is really fast and dodges everything. She world wind spirit blades at them. They dodge. Rave flies ahead to break up the ground in front of Centipede causing obstacles of destruction.
Meanwhile Haru asks Calypso, "Can we at least come to the beach?" Calypso replies, "No." Haru Elite says, "Oh, Come on!" Ringworm says, "Why?!" Calypso explains, "I can't tell you why. The beach is for adults. You have kiddies time when ever." Ringworm says, "Screw this." Elite shouts, "Run! Before she summons dad!" They all run away. Calypso shouts, "Boys wait!" As she's about so scream Rave she feels another contraction. The boys escape. Calypso summons a ninja toad. She says, "Yanco, Rave boys have escaped! Find them or we're in big trouble." Yanco nods, "Yes mi lady."
Rave meets Jada from Anti-Vax. Because Rave learns that [[Jada]] Long is in love with Rook. Rave goes to Rook's company. They are to have civilized discussion. He sits in ordinary business clothes.
Pregnant America sits on her tablet. Kimbra sits next to her. She leans on her shoulder. Kimbra then kisses her on the lips. Rave calls Kimbra. America better sit this one out.
Rave says, "The crown of Macedonia is said to be forged by indestructible metal." Kimbra raises her hand. She asks, "If it's indestructible, how did they forge it?" Hellebore adds, "Maybe it waited for them to forge it and after it got back indestructible." Rave shouts, "Enough about how it was forge?! I'm just reading the thing! May I continue?!"
In a serious moment they girls get dressed for action. Now. Hellebore. Kimbra. Chastity. Luna. Leather. Straps. Guns. The girls walk to the jet in slow motion. Rave is not visible then pull the back of Chastity's outfit. Has she comes back he gives her a light tap on the backside. Chastity pauses, exhales and look up. She says, "Omg Rave. You are like the most annoying ghost ever." Then he giggles in a funny hunting tone. 'Ooo hoo hoo hoo hoo' She then burst out in laughter. She says, "I'm angry at you." He appears and she taps him on the chest. While she flirts with Rave. Kimbra looking at them underneath and a bit pissed off smacks Chastity's backside has hard as she can. Chastity screams so loud it is heard over the jet engines by the others who were ahead of them. Kimbra says, "Now that's a smack!"
| artist = Nightcore
| track = I Hate Everything About You
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/uIbhJHH-Mfc
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On the jet flight. Chastity cannot sit and still rubs the pain away. Rave says, "Kimbra you almost rendered Chastity unfit for the mission! That was awesome." Kimbra laughs. Chastity says, "I'm going to get the two off you. You will not know where. You will not know when. But till that day comes. I will devote my life to finding revenge."
They go to a temple and below it a tomb.
It is dark. Shoot out against Rook's henchmen. Street Oni and Centipede engages in a sword fight with Rook.
Out of no where Rave daggers at Rook. All Room sees is Raves face coming through the wall. Rave tears Rook in half. But somethings is wrong. Rook is not dead.
Rook obtains The Crown of Alexander. He now commands the undead army of Macedonia. Rave calls legion into action but it will take a while to get here. So he counters by making many copies as possible.
It is good that they are indoors of the tombs because it's prevents the army from swarming them in the narrow corridors. Rave makes force fields to keep them out of the main room and the girls defend against lose ones that get in.
Rave is busy Fighting undead Rook.
Now blast an undead. It turns to dust the reforms. Luna shouts, "What are those things!"  Kimbra says, "Apparently, dust." Chastity sends out cross magic to surround and drag it out of the room. Hellebore shouts, "Okay girls it's time to fight smarter. Kimbra uses martial arts and her phasing powers to bury undead in the ground and walls. Now turns up her blaster to pulse. She shoot a crowd it explodes a d reforms to one big monster of many parts. Now shouts, "*! I'm useless here!" The monster towers over her. Hellebore jumps and smash it in the head with her living sword. The blade absorbs it. Hellebore shouts, "Stay behind me. Be my eyes in tha back!"
Rook hypnotized Centipede to fight for him. Centipede confronts Kimbra. But Kimbra lost her gun picks up a katana. Centipede shows of her sword skills by spinning two blades. Kimbra says, "Oh * this." Drops the katana and runs away.
Cornered Kimbra blasts Centipede with a finger gun. Centipede didn't know she could do that.
The large army push at the walls and the structure comes weak. Debris fall. Rave tells Rook, "Call off the army or the tomb would bury them alive. Rook doesn't listen. Rave shouts, "I'm holding up the tomb right now! I don't have the energy to hold it longer!!!"
The underground tomb collapses. A large stone crushes Rook. Rave phases the girls out including Centipede and Jada. Up in the temple. But something is wrong. The Macedonian army swarm them.
Now in the open the Macedonian army seems too much for Rave to handle. More he blast them them more that reappears. Rook appears above ground. Rook says, "As long as I where this crown I am one with the undead." Rave runs out of energy and disappears leaving the girls to fend for themselves. Legion is close but has to blast through many undead Macedonians to get to them.
Kimbra is impaled in the stomach by Rook and blood flies everywhere. She is about to bleed to death as she drops to her knees.
'''Kimbra gains new powers.''' Remember her ghoul form is a symbiotic seductress. Her blood turns black and little black gargoyle demon bats with green eyes start forming from it. Gargoyles fly out from her stomach and swarms Room. He dodges but more appear and soon he is consumed by Kimbra. She turns to a swarm of tiny demons that pull the crown of Rook's head. The Macedonian army turns turns to dust.
Gargoyles flock and turns back to Kimbra. She kicks Rook in the balls. He leans over. She slams down on his back. Now runs towards them then torpedo kick Rook off the throne platform. As Kimbra is about to bit him the death blow. Rave catches her hand. Swings a punch at Rave with her other hand and knees him twice. He just takes in and holds her arms down. She screams, "You almost let me, die!" He says, "Deep breaths. Don't let the seductress take over you." She calms down. They hug and kiss.
Rook is arrested by Legion soldiers. Luna asks, "No murder? Since when?" Chastity explains, "Because Jada loves him stupid." Hellebore adds, "Believe or not Rave is a passionate guy when it comes to these things." Now asks Rave, "You really think you can rehabilitate him?" Rave says, "No." He points at Jada. Rave continues, "She will."
After many tests it's determined Kimbra can only do the gargoyle thing in near death situations. For now.
The magic crown that controls zombies of ancient warriors is a bit generic imo. What is unique about this one is Rave and Rook has to be appear to be playing a type of high stakes chess.
== The Aliens Amoung Us ==
'''Big Wig'''
'''Dekota point out to Rave that Now might be an alien something she said in joke that lead a suspicion.''' Rave investigates while digging deep into her mind it turns out to be true. The first piece of memories show her training on planet Arachna. It cause Rave quite the scare. Orb Weaver LT Now turns out to be an alien spy but she doesn't know. She hit her head when landing causing her to forget her mission. Now tries to escape from Rave because he doesn't believe her. But with him in her head she couldn't get far. Rave says, "Even if you did manage to escape from my entire base, all the soilders and took a ship then evaded air space. You forget running from me is like running from your own tail?" She is captured. Second piece of memory shows that Now wasn't sent to Earth on a mission but escaped her duties as an Arachna soldier. She accidentally found and crash landed on Earth. '''Nows personality changes a little when she gets back her memories. Now is some how bent on using Rave to raise super soldier spider offspring.''' Rave is too blinded by his lust and intends to keep taking chances with her. ''Now back story leads to Legion vs Arachna in future.''
After Rave deals with Now. He says to [[Tati]], "I thought we had a red alert on our hands. But still now I know there is an entire planet of Spider soldiers this is going to be a problem for Earth I'd they find us. I sure am happy to have you in Intel step sis." Tati replies, "Sure thing step bro." '''Rave doesn't have a step sister. Tati is a powerful mind alien that effortlessly tricks everyone. And manipulated their memories. Flashback shows the succubus alien flying in space to Earth. But is distracted by the artificial moon. She changes route to descend to it.''' Tati sits on Rave desk. She yawns provocatively and says, "What do you want to do bro?" Rave squints his eyes. Suddenly agitated he replies as yanking up his nose, "Why you saying it like that?!" She replies, "Saying what like what?" The she yawns again. Rave says, "See just there. That thing you did. What is that?" She explains, "What? I yawned. I'm just a little bored." He says, "No. No that wasn't a yawn. She says, "Remember you promise me a movie? Well I'm cashing that check now." Rave replies, "Nah * * get a boyfriend. Get out of here! Keeping walking *." As he tries to brush her off his desk. She says, "But Rave. Remember when mom died. You would what a movie with me every night till I fell asleep." She looks down sad and Rave frowns. Rave says, "Okay. Whatever!" She says, "My place. Just me and you. Yours has too much girls."
They go to Tati's place. Big Wigs has rooms internally like a spaceship. Rave brags, "Big wig has done amazing things. I can roam further from the girls. But I didn't anticipate this unwanted side effect." Tati dims the lights and puts on the TV in her room. Rave enters the doorway and sees her making the bed. Rave says, "Wtf is this???! I though we where watching a movie?!" She says, "Yes, the TV is one isn't it?" Rave shouts, "In going home! Stop being weird!" She starts to fake cry. He pauses and comes back in. She immediately gets back happy and says, "Just one minute. You start. I'm going to take a shower." Rave lays on the bed like a stale bread as she takes a bath. He flips through Getflix bored. She comes out in matching silk shorts pijamas and lays next to him. Rave says, "I hate you." She replies, "Just shut up and tell me what I missed." He says, "I haven't played anything. They're all boring!" She puts on a romances. Rave sighs, "Christ." Minutes in there is a love scene. Rave says, "Well... This is normal." She replies, "Need more popcorn." Rave says, "I'll get it. Anything. Just rid me of this plane of existence." He leaves. He comes back a s she's laying on her stomach faceing front. She gets up, takes the popcorn and hugs him. She says, "Thank you so much. Not just for the popcorn. For the job and being here when I need you." He doesn't hug back. She kisses his cheek. He sits on the far edge of the bed to avoid her for the rest of the film. Later he leave the room. He gets a thought that he brushes off seconds after. It never once occured to him he doesn't have a sister.
Months Cameron the telepath and Tati meet. Cameron is get a funny feeling but is still fooled by Tati as well but not [[Xerxes]]. Xerxes tell Rave the truth. Rave confronts her as he tries to break free from her mind games. She fight back to change his memories. He acivates super perception to see beyond her deceitfulness. He pulled her with telekenesis and she couldn't escape his grip. She is not a physical type. He shouts, "What is your mission alien!!!" She begs, "I have no mission. I just wanted to have fun." Rave replies, "You entered by head and corrupted not just my deepest memories. But everyone on a monumental just so you can have fun?!!!" He says, "Why am I even wastimg time with you. Each second is a chance that you might win." He goes to kill her with a single punch but pauses. For some reason her just couldn't. The memories felt too real. Tati begged, "Roman please. I'm harmless. I haven't hurt anyone. I will not. I ended up liking you. For a moment I actually believed I was you family and you cared about me. That's why I couldn't bring myself to calling it off." Xerxes shouts, "No Rave shes too dangerous! Bop her!" Rave thinks. He saw that Tati had absolutely zero physical fighting abilities. He wipes the tears under her eyes with his other thumb. He says, "I can't believe I'm letting you go free. Another mind game I presume?" She persuaded him that she was harmless. First she hugs him and smiles nervously. She asks, "Cool. Will you still be my step bro?" Rave smiles back politely. Xerxes jumps into the camera screen to interrupt this moment. He angrily tells you the audience, "Here you! You there?! What is your problem?! Get outta here! Keep on walking! You some kinda wise guy or something?!" Then scratches the screen dark. End of program.
==Zero Oxygen Terrorist==
===Air Raid Zero Oxygen===
Intro. Taquilla Diamond and Nayomi aka Lead Lead in jungle. Nayomi opens hatch of Mungus Watt. Rave is offline. Taquilla explains to Nayomi, "I never depend on Rave." Nayomi says, "Right. He can't possess you."
A legion ship flying over jungle. Camera pans up from the trees to see huge legion ships crashed in the distance. Everyone is disoriented and confused. Trying to regroup.
In a different distance. Synthrax get up from the mud. She shouts, "What the hell was that." America says, "Something just hit us."
Kimbra uses her goggles to scout. Metalslug standing in a swamp readjusts her head. With an Asian accent, "If you wanna make this video, the mud in my pants is gonna cost you extra." Kimbra replies, "You eat dirt all the time." Metalslug shouts, "I'll teach you to eat dirt!" Kimbra says, "Sssh, I need to focus."
American says, "Rave is still not responding?"
===Sleeping Killer Zero Oxygen===
Plot. A hidden atomic bomb that will not destroy but spread chemicals into the air in a matter of hours that will convert all oxygen to nitrogen.
Foe. Paramilitary. Turns out to be robots. Sentient Robot Powers are behind this.
Nero the laid back junkie who in sleep gets possessed by a psychopath demon who completely change his personality. Sit with Rave's team to discuss.
At sunset. Rave successfully finds the trigger and sends it into the Lost Dimension in a matter of seconds left.
But it is to late. He and the girls have been fighting decoys.
The gas spread and he can see it an off light green when others can't. He creates force fields around the girls.
He cannot save everybody. He is forced to make almost a thousand copies of himself.
Before we start with the reciuts let's talk about how Romans current girls and the rest of the world takes what he has done. He is now classified as a highly dangerous criminal. Different agencies plans ways to stop him. But he doesn't usually just attack people, Roman is rather chill, so he roams freely and unchallenged. Anybody that knows him would 's*** a brick' in his presence. His girls still love, respect and follow him. They believe it was his evil ghost side that took over his body when he was stressed that pushed him to commit such a crime against humanity. Anyone who is not Legion doesn't like the idea of that death Moon he was built.
He forces close proximity residents into hyper sleep to conserve energy.
We are marveled by the success of Big Wig, the Moon. Rave the tyrant dictator of former Bahamas, now Legion Island, has hand picked a few ladies from the Legion recruites for a promotion. First officers Poison and Sky Fall aka Nibblez report from Intel on database. Rave says, "These women don't appear strong enough." Poison says, "It's the best I could do given your description. Besides I've already discussed with these ladies and they are willing to except your terms of agreement."
It will not suffocate them immediately but he has very little time to find a solution.
Goldtooth and Alice enters the Room. Gold says, "Hey Rave look who I found." Alice claps saying, "I can't believe you've ******* done it! You nuked our home town clean out of existence! I was locked up in asylum when it hit me. I was almost dead and if I wasn't a werewolf I would be. Thank the old mercyful savior I can regenarate." Rave hardly looks at him or show signs of remorse only a cold voice that says, "Oh. Sorry I guest I forgot about you. But if you are here to fight me then you will lose. I have surpassed your power level." Alice says, "No I'm not here to fight you. I just came to see my sister then I'll be on my way all out of your path." Rave replies, "I'll have Nibblez escort you to her. You'll have to understand that she is mine. And if you try anything it wouldn't end well for you." Alice's says, "Sheesh. Where is the sense of family love... My brother in law." Alice gives him a really forced crooked annoyed smile.
Alice talks to Braille. She wears a white dress. He says, "I've never seen you look this beautiful." She replies, "I'm a princess now. I can't go with you." Alice replies, "I'm not here for you. I just wanted to know if you're still alive. You already choose your family. You left me two die in asylum not once but twice." Braille replies, "I though you needed help. I didn't know what Rave would of do. I guess I was scared to think about it so I blocked you out. I mourned you with the island." Alice says, "I'm happy for you. At least Rave can protect you. I guess that makes him family." He walks away saying, "I'll keep in touch." He walks out with one hand in pocket and one up. She asks, "Where you going?" Alice replies, "I need to build my own family. It's clear that you love your man more than your own blood. Oh yeah... While your boyfriend was shooting people down in the streets. Pyrex got me out just in time. The only other one that survived." Braille looks down with guilt as he leaves. Rave appears to talk to Braille, "I already told you it was an accident. It's not about good or evil. I have to stop anyone who stands in my way. This is for the good of humanity." It's clear that Rave is brainwashing them. He did it because he wanted to and isn't sorry.
Nero goes titan form. Everytime he turns larger his right hand always goes bigger first giving him a hunchback posture. He throws Rave so hard into the side of a mountain but instead of a crashing into it Rave instantly restructure the inner mountain into a cave base with his powers landing to sit comfortably on a street turned sofa. Nero jumos to his location. The titan hand and monsterous eye peeks into the hole made. He turns back small and enters.
== Next Episode==
== Next Episode==

Latest revision as of 16:10, 17 August 2024

Act 3 Rise of Immortal Empire

  • The purge of world leaders
  • Killian Monke War Act
  • Space X
  • Rise of Immortal Legion
  • Rave takes over the World but gives it back a bit
  • Rave wants to build his own planet
  • Construction of Bigwig Zero Plus New Recruits
  • Rave vs Infin8te

Act 3.5 Smaller Stories

  • World Fighting Tournament
  • X Corp, Plasma Ghost Hunter

WARNING: This Is a very violent unapologetic story. If you have other preferences just click a different page.

Ghost Hunter Special

A ghosts white bald head pops from a mansion floor. It looks like Rave but ugly. From the back of the head is meant to trick the audience to believe it was Rave. But with the face eventually revealed he is pale like nosferatu. It is chased and shot till it is captured in a box. It is clear this agency is training to catch Rave.

We are now at a next seen in space. A short thick girl stands with her legs acute. She wears a high cut swimsuit with long sleeves and various archer tech. One hand holding the wall as she balances on the tiny ledge. She makes her balance and the loads an arrow. It materializes from nowhere and radiates a green glow. While flying by the space ring the arrow flies past Rave who was overseeing some ships in Bigwigs orbit. He dodges it as he looks on the the green light radiating from it. As it flys closer to him it is magnetized towards him. He feels it's energy will hurt him so he eye beams it out of flight. He traces the direction it came from to find a girl holding the bow. She is so attractive he doesn't attack her with force. He pins her down by her throat. Staring into her eyes he is unable to enter her mind or read her thoughts. Her iris is a black burnt shadow and the pupil radiates a faint green glow. "What are you, why can't I read your mind", he asks angrily. She groans but does it seductive tone, "Ow, let me go and I'll tell you. I can't breathe." She says. He looks at her mouth slightly perched. He realizes she is not fighting back. She says, "Please don't hurt me. I'm a ghost hunter. I have to find my sister. I'll do anything if you let me go." Rave takes his hand off her neck, "You have all the weapons to put a hit on me and you think I'm gonna just let you go?" He says. She puts out a tiny smile then changes her face back to serious. If he wasn't able to see in slow motion he would of missed it. He replays the meaning of her lips in his mind. "Are there others like you? Where did you get your tech? Who do you work for?" He asks her. She replies, "We are a small group. We trap ghosts and release them into another plain. All we do is help them cross between worlds. My sister was killed by a ghost 15 years ago and I saw her spirit taken to a bad place. She was young I know that she wasn't meant to be there. I need to get her back but I'm not strong enough to fo into the ghost world alone. There are really bad monsters in there. I cannot think of my sister going there same place." Then she begins to cry. Rave said, "So you expect me to help you look for her? You think I'd just jump into you ghost world like a fool. How do I know this is not a trap?" She answers, "I will come with you. If I lie to you I be right there for you to kill me yourself. Why would I trap myself with you?" Rave looks at her. She continues, "You don't need to do it now. You can think it over. But please. My sister." She kiss him passionately. The ghost part of his being struggles to resist. He pushes her off and stand up from the ground. She fall back, he reaches to help her to her feet by one hand. "I'm not going to your base but you are coming with me. I need to find out more." He says. There she goes with the 1 second smile again. "My name is Rachel but they call me Plasma. My sister is Suno we have to find her."

They stop in a room on Raves satellite. "How much do you know about me? You are tell me less than you know. You didn't just come here by accident. You did your research." He says. She replies, "I'm only one girl with an archery pack and you are twice my height and can move faster than I can see. Your not afraid are you?" He replies, "You mistake common sense, caution and proficiency for fear. Well that reminds me..." Then he removed all her gear and unzips the back of her suit. Her gear is sent to analyze while he spends the time with her. After she says, "So it is true what they say about you. You're a hero with no subjection. Then you will help me?" He replies, "I guess so." She continues, "That look in your eyes, so soulless. I'm guessing you didn't have as much fun as I did?" He replies, "Doesn't it hurt you to think maybe you are not as perfect as you thought? I live with that feeling everyday. It's better to not catch feelings. At least when you kill me you'll know I was bored the whole time." Then she replies holding the sheet up to cover herself, "Even for a monster that's a cruel thing to say to anyone. I would kill you right know if I had my bow. You take that back and admit that I'm not boring." He leave the room and that makes her really mad. She thinks, "Oh so you want to play psychological games with me." As she gets dressed. She shouts at him, "We are going I to that f-ing ghost zone right now! I cannot stand another second with you. Give me my weapons!" He replies, "And if I just throw them away and leave? Have you any idea who I am? I'll put you on a small shuttle back to Earth. Tell your hunter friends to send somebody with less body and more personality. Maybe a redhead next time? Or you know what maybe I'm not done with you. You will end up in my dungeon. It's a cosy little room to house the female sex like yourself. When you are ready we will give your friends a call." He brings her back to Earth and locks her up in a room. It is a nice stay but still a captive.

After some time spent alone he came to visit her. The argument lead to love. She says, "You know what you are such a terrible lier. You say that I am nothing yet you lock me in a room and take care of me. I'm trying to kill you but you are still trying to win me over." She sits across him, "You have to help me. My sister really is a ghost. They have her. Please understand that they are using me to get to you or they will hurt her. I had no choice." Rave turn her on her back and slowly tighten his grip on her throat. He says, "You know I told you would kill you if you lied to me?" She explains as she runs out of air, "They are developing weapons that could take out stronger opponents like yourself. My job was to let you put your gaurd down and bring you to them. Please I just want my sister back." He lets go of her neck to say, "Well I did lie to you too. You are kinda impressive." She ask, "How did you know I was lying at first?" He replies, "Oh, I think that everyone is lying. I make a habit of shaking it out of them. Regardless."

Rave launches an assault on X Corp. At base the X Corp people are playing on thier computers and such. One guys reports that something fast has entered base. Fast enough to be a missile but it is quite. When he watches the monitor again he says the green bloop multiplying. They gasp, "Roman Rave is on the premises! All available hands to stations!!!" Rave and Plasma stands on the roof while about 50 clones circle the air. They drop flight all over base. Corp agents start to fire. Rave simply phases through objects that nullifies the gun fire. Their own attack shot up thier base. Rave phases out of the ground or walls to hit them dead. Plasma show Rave the portal machine to her sister. Rave thinking this might be a trap decided to wait. He has legion soldier occupy this previous X Corp base so be can enter the portal when he is ready.

Plasma mentions, "I lied, they didn't have my sister. They told me they will help me find her if I helped them catch you. So I joined them. I was really trying to kill you but that was before I knew you. You made love to me and I knew then that I couldn't let them have you. So you destroyed them. I wanted you to win because I was routing for you the whole time. My sister is still lost in the ghost world. And it's alright if you want to kill me now. I will try to find her in the next world. Even if I'm dead." Rave replies,"You understand that some of those people I killed were innocent ghost hunters probably just trying to clean up ghost right? Even if they were after me I'm not a good man. Then they were all innocent do gooders. I'm not angry. But from today you are my property. You don't s**t! You don't blink if I don't tell you too!" She cries as she speaks, "Okay. Yes. But I have to find my sister. You promised to help me. And I did what you wanted. But you would not believe me." He replies, "It's okay. Stop crying" as he embraces her. He thinks about how he watched her murder 10 women with a single shot torrent of arrows before they could even speak to her.

A day after they enter ghost world together. It is much more stable than Rave's dimension which is under constant bad weather. They find her sister Suno and being her back to Earth. Suno has the same hair color as Rachel. They are nearly the same age. But Suno is trapped as a toddler. 15 years in the ghost world make Suno very grim. She is quite with an erie stare. Suno looks very depressed most of the time. She looks at the was Rachel interacts with Rave. Suno is really moody and misbehaves all the time. She says that she wants to grow up or rather go back into the ghost world. A robot body is made for her to reflect her true age. Suno uses the ghost powers to put her soul into the robot. Rave was the one who designed her body. He considers himself an expert of the female form. The artificial skin was graphed from her sister Rachel. She is a year younger but much more grown up mentally than Plasma or anyone really. Rave appointments her to over see the Anti-Vax Generation. These are a team of rag tag orphans who lost their parents to war. They will spend there time working for Rave and what not.

But the story doesn't end there. That was only one branch of X Corp. They now have enough information to create the Anti Rave weapon. Rave says to Plasma, "For every moment I can't read your minds I still don't trust you. Just remember I have your sister too. So what you dont feel you would for her." Plasma says, "After all this time you still think I'm on long drawn out suicide mission to get you? Well I don't believe you'd do anything to SuSu. You like her to much." He replies, "That's exactly what a play on my emotions sound like. The ultimate checkmate." Plasma replies, "You're impossible. With all the things you've done you're just paranoid you time might come." Rave looks a Plasma. She replies, "Oh no. Rave I didn't mean it. I made a bad joke." He slaps her and she falls down. Roman says, "Don't get up till I come back." And he walks out if the room. She sobs silently for a bit then she starts breathing heavy with anger. Her nails scratch the floors as she folds her hand into a fist. His actions has pushed her against him. Suno asks softly, "You hit my sister. You shouldn't do that to women. We're not as strong as you." Rave says, " Suno I love two things in life. One is women and the other are machines. Women are like old machines. A little tap sometimes get them functioning right again. She's lucky is just a tap. If she was a man she'd be dead. You know. I'm beginning to think you are playing me." Suno says, "Why would I." She convinced him with love making.

A few days after X Corp launched an assault on a legion base. When Rave showed up they hit him with a weapon he never seen before, an Anti-Rave EMP middle. It shutdown most of Legion weapons and communications in the process as well. The first shot but him and he went down. He felt his body unable to phase or fly or even move. The second one put him in pain. He let of a horror growl so terrifying some of the enemies dropped their weapons and ran away. They brought in another weapon that sucked him from the three girls that was with him. They captured Kobain, Meredith, Synthrax, Sixx and Proxi to study them. X Corp agent alert the seen immediately as back up was arriving. They drew Rave from them and locked him in a holder. There was other copies of him from the other girls. He managed to recover Gaia who was hiding below ground with MetalSlug.

First thing Rave did was go to Dollhouse where most of the girls waited him in a room. He said, "We were attacked. It's no longer safe for all of you to be in one place together. Legion Island got hit pretty bad. So stupid! Why did I depend so much on tech!" Rave went to see Plasma and Suno who was in their room. They denied knowing anything of the attack. Suno goes to hold Rave. With her robot hands she zaps him with a hidden integrated weapon. Suno on the bed pulls her boss from under the cover and fires at him while he is frozen. Ghost of Raves come from the girls. But fall go the ground glitching. Suno is running a frequency jammer hidden in her robot body. Chastity looks at the love sisters. Chastity says, "Yoooou! The two of you are behind this." Hellebore says, "So you really think we'd let you take Roman like this." She gets up to fight them along with the others. Just then they heard a bomb and explosions outside. Raves robot girls like Poison fall down and go offline. Sai says, "All of our tech are fried. Kimbra says, "Then let's go old school!" America pulls out her longest machine gun and start firing after X Corps agents outside the windows. Sai holds up to big pistols on the Love sisters. Sai says, "Chastity you are our best sniper find your *** in a window now! I'll watches these..." Kimbra toss Chastity a rifle while holding another. Kimbra cranks her weapon. Genie runs up to the roof with even bigger machine gun. Frozen on the ground Suno sees tears running down Raves eyes. Suno says to Plasma, "We have to stop this we made a mistake." Plasma says, "No he will kill us." Suno says, "I can't." She disabled the frequency jammers. And Rave is reactivated. Plasma say, "Goddamit you are so soft Suno! Rave, you have to make the girls take out the jammers with their guns before you go outside. Shot the trebuchets machines." Slug tunnels under the. With her worms and sink them. Plasma says "Their is another one in the helicopter overhead!" Boom! It goes down with a rocket from Gaia. Rave sends out multiple ghost to sweep the battle field with a land slide victory.

After the fight he confronted the Love sisters. Plasma says, "It was a suicide mission to get you once and for all. X Corp promises me they would find my sister if I followed through with the mission. They said if I died my ghost would be with Suno. But then I fell in love with you. I never seen a man who could do the things you do. I believed you wasn't a bad person but then you became abusive so I went back to them. It didn't matter I betrayed them. As an X Corp soldier we're all collateral." Suno says, "The feelings were real. We just made a mistake." Rave stands up saying, "I didn't think it would be you." As he did he was not angry. He says, "I'm going kill them. Ask for you and your sister. You really hurt me far beyond any weapon. But I'm still not ready to let go of this fantasy of you in love with me. I would never of hurt you. I wouldn't be able too even if you stab me in the heart a million times again." Then he leaves. Plasma says to Suno, "A mistake..." They run after Rave. They say, "We can tell you where to find them but you cannot go. It's a trap. You need another plan." Suno explain where the base is. Rave says, "That checks out. That region is low in telecommunications signals. They know all my weaknesses." Hellebore outbursts, "All of this is those stupid skanks fault. You should do away with them Rave. You don't need them." Rave shouts, "No one is to touch the Love sisters. They are still mine and anyone who has a problem with it has a problem with me!" Hellebore says, "Okay. I'm sorry I said anything... So what do we do?"


At X Corp Meredith Says to a scientist that studies her, "X Corp is gonna be X Corpses soon if y'all don't let us go." Sixx adds, "Big mistake. Rave is gonna come for you when does you'll be sorry." As they interrogated Kobain he was already conducting an escape plan. He knew if he spoke to soon they would not believe him. He let them beat him up then threaten him by claiming to hurt the girls if he doesn't tell them how to kill Rave. He gave them plans for a teleporter. But this was the flawed one that lead to Monster Island into the Champions Universe. He told that it would lead them to the source of Roman's immortality. They took the bait.

Back at Legion base Rave is furious. He has called in all forces. Rave shouts, "They took my boy! Those ****** ******* try to take my women! They come to my house and take my girls! They are dead!"


Approaching X Corp he they noticed a field nullifier. Big Wig starts blasting near the region. The Earth shakes. An X goon reports, "Sir, they're are using Big Wig." The Leader explains, "So he found us. This is just a bluff. We have his girls. He would not risk it. Ready the EMP disrupters." Clank. The machines rallying outsiders the walls of X Corp as the Legion Approaches in high numbers. Rave walks way ahead of the legion. An X soldier panics but the Sergeant says, "So the devil is at the front of him army. He must be suicidal." They fire and EMP and Rave freezes. All of a sudden a Legion soldier walk in line with Rave. The legion power up their weapons. The X Corp leader starts to panic. He say, "Why the hell is it working that should be jammed. Rave says, "Now I understand why they use medieval style weapons. Rachel's bow, the trebuchets and Lazer swords. All adapted to work in the presence of the EMP." Rave shouts, "YOU FOOLS I AM THE GOD OF TECHNOLOGY! NO ONE! TOUCHES MY WIVES!" In that very moment the X Corp Commander turn around to see another Rave jumping down behind him with a punch. He punches the guy face clean off. At that moment the other Rave growls, "REAAAAADY!!! OPEN FI-AAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The Legion releases a stream of heavy fire that just wipe out Corp's defenses like a wave. Bullet break through walls like waffers. Tin shouts while shooting for Legion, "FOR LEGIOOOON! CHOP THEIR ******* HEADS OFFFFF!" The Leader of X Corp watches from a TV Screen as Rave looks up at the camera. Legion storms the base. Yakamoto says, "So you figured out how to best the EMP." He stands up and Rave has teleported behind him in his safe room.

Meanwhile in the battle outside America is Print Materializing tanks like crazy to crush her enemy. Another Rave gets angry. Rave shouts, "America what the hell, stop wasting my tanks! They are not drop bombs!" Annoyed America says, "I'm doing my job! Would you let me fight in my own style." Rave says, "Fine. Your going to pay oof those resources. Make it count."

Back in the safe room The X leader put down his cat. Rave says, "Your agent Plasma left a Bow with me. I was wondering why it still worked as it did when all my soldiers weapons got fried. It wasn't hard for me to replicated your technology. Where are my wives?!" The X leader says, "I have been following you for a very long time Mr. Rave. Call me Yakamoto. NothingFace, Japan? That was my Agent. You will get your wives. But by this time I will be long gone." "Meow" the cat says. But suddenly it's head expands and explodes. Blood splatters on Yakamoto's white suit. Yakamoto says, "All but unnecessary. You'd think I'd go up against you if I couldn't. KILL YOU!!" Yakamoto goes in for a punch. Rave force blasts him to the wall and he spits blood. Yakamoto smiles unnervingly. Rave steps on his balls as he laid up against the wall. Rave says, "I could give a rats *** what they call you. You're all but a **** stain under my boot. I want my girls and I promise to be finish with you in a week. Don't cooperate. I'll have fun with you for a couple months." Yakamoto says, "I am the absence of pain." Yakamoto phases flipping back through the wall. Ghost hunters do carry some basic ghost abilities. Kimbra and Plasma join up with Rave. He chases after Yakamoto. As Rave Phases through the wall. Yakamoto blast Rave with stun electricity. Two more copies of Rave spawn from the girls. Yakamoto says, "I've know you so long Rave. I'm the GUY. I have the leverage. I have your wives. I say the word and they're dead. You should be thanking me." Yakamoto tries to run away as he realizes his ghost abilities isn't as strong as Raves. Rave says, "You threaten me? You just brought yourself an eternity of torture. So you know why I haven't killed you yet? I keep a special place I my heart reserved for opponents like you. You might be the guy but I'm the man." Yakamoto runs to a helicopter on the roof Rave pulls is foot for the chopper. Yakamoto tries to hold on as it takes off. Rave punches him in the butt so hard he phases his hand through his insides and rips out Yakamoto's spine through the hole that was his bum. blood sprinkles like rain from the chopper that then explodes. Rave says as he walks away, "Looks like you just got off easy. Yakamoto."

Meanwhile Kobain tricks the group of X Corp who had Suno and Rave's DNA into teleporting themselves to Monster Island in this alternate universe. This will lead the the birth of Stacy Rave, Arc Angel, in the Champions Universe. Kobain frees the captured Rave girls. The girls kick the buts of the rests of X Corp. And they reunite with Rave. Rave says to Kobain, "I knew you wouldn't let me down!" The remaining X Corp surrender. Rave executes them anyway. The trap Rave is reunited with the rest where he goes back into the girls. All of X Corps technology is taken by the legion what's left is burnt.

Just when Rave powered down to his human looking self Yakamoto comes back as a ghost for a final showdown. Electricity spawn front the portal as he arrives. Yakamoto says, "You think I was saving this technology for some random soldier like Angent Plasma! This technology is mine!" Yakamoto rips wires from his ghostly body. Yakamoto is now big, light blue and buff. He continues, "For years I have studied you Rave! I have followed you across the globe. I have perfected your powers and upgraded them even better! I've died before Rave. Now this time I will eliminate you!" Yakamoto let's over a mega pulse that eats the ground below him. Raves shield himself and legion with forcefields. Rave says, "Of course... It's never that easy." He thinks, "Now how do I even kill this guy? He did say he is the better version of me. Well I'll have to test that out. Anyone of my weaknesses might do. But which ones." Rave looks up and shouts out, "I'm sick of fighting all these goddam ******* immortals!!! God Dammit! Why wouldn't anybody just die!!!!" Everyone goes silent after hearing that. Rave is punched through the crowd of his soldiers but before he hits the other side he is a black ghost again. 3 Raves come out from the ground and blast Yakamoto from behind with Lazer arms. Yakamoto reflects the Lazer into the crowd. The next Rave that was punched at first sneak up and punches back Yakamoto so hard it let of a blast wave the rocked the Legion soldier. At the moment of the punch Rave saw his own face on Yakamoto's body. Rave uses his other hand to grab his oppenents face. Rave growls, "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU! YOU ARE NOT ME! I'M RAVE. I'M GOD OF IMMORTALS!!!" Yakamoto grown as waves of energy blasts out Frome Rave's body. Rave's face begins to warp to look like the Genos that he destroyed while fighting Infin8te. Rave burns off Yakamoto's face permanently. Rave with the Genos mouth begins to bite and consume Yakamoto. The legion hears a loud growl from Rave as his eyes turn red. He turns around and looks at his wives. "What's happening." Tin asks as the earth shakes. Sai answers, "Its the evil Roman! The one with red eyes!" Rave hold his head as his body warps to get buff like the Yakamoto ghost. Rave raws up to the heavens and a white beam blasts from his mouth and is seen all the way up to space. It releases a pulse that shakes the ground even harder. Everyone hold on to something. Rave sees himself in an all white room. He sees the angel from Chastity's memories. Rave says, "Chastity no! I'm sorrrrrrrrrry! I can control my powers!" Rave glows a punch from his hand. The angels runs to him. Angel voices says, "The oracle - the grey one has the oracle!" That angel voice was Uriel in her business suit. Rave punches his own head off destroying the Genos face. Later he spawns again from Chastity. He ask her, "What happened?" She replies, "One of your clones was going psycho then it punched it's head off!" Rave says, "The angels from your memories. I saw them. They spoke to before I snapped myself out of it. They know I have you."

Magic or Science?

Rave walks into a lab where Cameila and Sai are working. Rave walks in and asks, "What are my sexy science girls up too?" Sia says, "Oh Rave we decoded some of the missing pieces of information from my Agency with some of what was gathered from X Corp. It says that the internet is the first level of heaven!" Chastity says, "My god. The angels are robots." Rave says, "Some type of robots. Well it makes sense. Their bio technology of far beyond what we can understand on Earth. Who new cyberspace would be the gateway to all these realms?" With the information Rave gathers he learns to soul steal. That is, there is a short period after death her can capture souls before they travel to the next world and bring them back. Kobain studies the notes. He says, "So magic must be some type of genetic coding. Triggered by suitable bodies that it may be limited to candidate but learnable once you have the proper imprint." Ravs replies, "Yes! **** magic! In your face Cameila!" Cameila says, "All you did is explains how magic works. That doesn't mean it's not real." Rave says, "Nope. It's practically science." Kobain says, "Well. Both of you are right I guess. For simple magic the equation is complex but simple. You add and multiply. In forms of alchemy and dark magic you minus and divide."

Daughter of Rave X Corp

About 16 to 20 years Later

X Corp branch had a side project. They created a child using Rave's fluids. Collected by one Suno. The child was created in test tube to perfect Rave powers. They added in DNA of the Angels element. And this one was the only successful to develop.

[Stacy X Rave the Arc Angel]

Spy Dilemma


Night time in the city of tall buildings and dim neon lights. Rave wonders, "EMP weapons are lately getting a crazy over misuse. Lucky they are only jammers and not the bad kind. I fear what a friers could do to my robot girls. We are only lucky thus far." Magazine says to Sai, "Much espionage is on a rise again." Sai replies, "Yes there is a lot of interest in information wars."

We now see Chastity as a sniper stationed on a roof. Looking through her scope into the building across the way. She sees nothing but the vague outline of a dark skin girl moving through the darkness. Bam, a silent bullet darts across the way. Lucky dodges or a miss. Chastity exclaims, "What?! There's no way that could of missed? What is she?" Sai says through the coms, "Come on Chastity, you've missed before." Chastity gets vexxed.

Chastity decides to glide across to the other building. Sai says, "What are you doing?! What till Rave hears about this... Rave! Chastity is leaving her position, that's not the plan." It appears Chastity it's going in for point blank sniping, maybe even a brawl. Rave sighs in the background of the com, "Chastity you're lucky I'm locked out by this emp field. We just need to hack this and soon we're done."

Flashback, Just moments ago Rave and Sai uploaded there souls I to a flashdrive. Chastity then shot them across into the build to hack the security codes from the inside. Chastity then notice at the same time another unknown person was snooping around in the building as well. That turns out to be Lucky.

Chastity relays to Rave, "If this person got in then I can as well." Chastity uses her future vison to avoid setting off any security alarms. Rave says to Chastity, "If you want to fight this girl, You better impress me." Sai says, "She's gonna blow this, I'll work on trying to deactivate the alarm, You use your powers to find the files inside here in cyberspace."

Rave says to Sai, "I want the Kamikaze twins on the roof. If the alarm goes off and I'm not in she'll need back up." Sai nods, she relays the message as she flys into a different part of cyberspace.

Yoshino Fujimal
Natsu No Onna

Chastity vs Black Ace Lucky. Lucky has extreme luck and dodge everything. But Chastity pushes her future vision to full potential. The two hold each other at a stalemate match. The Kamikaze twins arrive to aid Chastity. Magazine starts blasting. But a due to Lucky's luck powers a ricocheting bullet almost hot Chastity. The fight leads into a room full of melee weapons showcased on the wall. Massacre picks up a swords and suddenly a three way sword fight between them. But lucky seems untouchable the way she effortlessly evades.

Lucky downloads the file from the computer but Rave's hand come from the screen and grabs her wrist. "Caught" Sai is standing behind him on screen as well. They had entered cyberspace and was waiting for her to get close. Looks like Sai successful deactivate the Emp fields. Rave has the files.

The alarms suddenly go off, a set of masked up cyber super soldiers enter the room. Lucky fights along side Rave and the other girls to escape. Yela brings the helicopter around and evacuate them out of the building. Rave wants to blast the build over know they are out. Chastity stops him, she says, "Rave! There could be innocent people just working there, You can't just throw down a build when you feel like it." He replies, "*, who's gonna stop me you?" She says softly, "Rave please." Rave changes his mind. Lucky notices how Rave and Chastity interact. She sees their emotional connection.

Lucky almost won. Till her luck started losing against Rave. When he caught her. She asked, "I don't know how this could of happened. It's not possible for me to lose." Rave replies, "Don't you get it? Meeting me is the luckiest thing that will ever happen to you in your life." Lucky stretches her lips and says, "What do you mean like that? You think I like you? Your not getting lucky. Not me." He lets her go. She tries to hide the fact that she has just fell for him but it's obvious on her face. He pretends to leave. She stops him. Now she wants to go with him. Rave says, "Your Lost, I'm going back to my private island." She follows him, she asks, "Wait, you have a private island?"

Legion Island

Lucky ask Chastity, "You love him?" Chastity replies, "I hate him. He thinks he owns us. It's our fault for letting he do what he wants with us. Not like would could match the power creep." Lucky says, "Oh. So he's seeing all of you...?" Chastity looks at her sligh, Chastity says, "Oh no. don't tell me your thinking about doing that with him... Whatever... Your ability is pretty OP. I'm sure he would enjoy having you around." Luck says, "You love me, And he definitely cares about you. I saw it on the flight home."

Sai enters the room in her in her physical body. Sai says, "Everytime I go into cyberspace by body always feel so stiff when I come back. I don't have no body like Rave. I swear one of the girls plays pranks on me while I'm out of it." Chastity asks, "Where is Rave." Sai replies, "He went to XD." Chastity explains, "New girl over here wants to be a Rave girl." Lucky asks, "What's a Rave girl? I didn't say that? I only asked you if you were dating." Sai explains, "It okay. Rave is really powerful and there is a lot of hims more than all of us can take." Yela comes in, "I dun trus her. She wanted the files. And she another black girl. I cyan't hav that." Chastity agrues, "We should initiate her. You know, she want to join the sorority. We can bad things to her in the process. We can find out her secrets." Sai says with a smile, "Chastity, you are evil. Of course we should probably lock her up till Rave gets back."

Bam, blind shot from no where. America Knocks out Lucky with a clubber to the head. Lucky wakes up in chains. Lucky says, "What the hell, since I meet this Rave figure my luck has been really working against. My presence in your Rave is messing with my powers. I would never had gotten caught twice before." Kimbra explains, "You luck is giving what best for you. You don't know it yet but this is want your inner conscious wants." Sunami laughs, "Her inner conscious wants to be in chains. What a loser." Proxi smiles as if she picks up on the plot but she's not even smart enough to understand the joke. Chastity comes in smiling looking at Lucky chained up behind bars.

Rave returns to the girls putting Lucky through trials. Rave shakes his head and sighs. He says, "I don't even want to know." Yela says, "We were preparing she for yuh." Rave scratches his head, "Me? How so?" Chastity says, "She wants to be a Rave girl. Lucky shouts, "Let me go." And shakes herself free from Chastity who was putting weight on her? Yela stupes and sighs, "Your new girlfren Rave." As Lucky steps closer to Rave leaving the girls in the background. Rave says smugly, "Well, you've met the cast of colorful characters." Lucky adds, "A little to colorful... Your girlfriends are gay asf." Rave says, "Don't be like that, I'm sure they they was just being friendly." Lucky looks up at Rave with a little guilt. She's rather ashamed and intrigued. Rave says, "Okay girls that's enough, I will talk to Lucky alone from here." As the girls leave, Proxi says in joke, "Ou, he's going to talk to her." Kimbra adds, "Alone." Sunami still sitting there with a smile and her hand in lap. Rave says, "K, get out." Sunami leaves. Rave says, "Yela stay." Rave knows she might be able to relate to someone of her ethnicity a little easier.

Massive Attack

Miki Matsubara
Neat Na 3PM

Junko Yagami
Mizuiro No Ame


Big Wig Zero New Recruits (Ladies)

Before we start with the recruits let's talk about how Roman's current girls and the rest of the world takes what he has done. He is now classified as a highly dangerous criminal. Different agencies plans ways to stop him. But he doesn't usually just attack people, Roman is rather chill, so he roams freely and unchallenged. Anybody that knows him would 's*** a brick' in his presence. His girls still love, respect and follow him. They believe it was his evil ghost side that took over his body when he was stressed that pushed him to commit such a crime against humanity. Anyone who is not Legion doesn't like the idea of that death Moon he was built.

Because Romans ghost is cybernetic Big Wig Zero orbiting the Earth gives Rave more distance he can travel from the girls that carry his soul. It provides a signal that allows his copies to not break mental link with the others at anywhere in the world. The signal can also focus to regions with bad reception that he couldn't travel too before.

Rave is in the middle East with Rebecca Black and Tatted Tantrum (Sharon Haze). They are the princess to see over that region of his empire in his absence. He is about to leave for Legion Island. Rebecca follows him angrily ranting, she says, "I don't love you. You think you can just pop up around here whenever you want push people around then leave. You're a bigger monster than my father ever was. Just a bully that every one is too afraid to stand up too. But I don't love you and I not afraid of you!" He replies, "Good. The more you resent me the more I want you too. Show me that I still need to remind you ladies who the boss be. Kisses." Then he teleports away. Sharon says, "You must like inspiring him to hurt you."

We are marveled by the success of Big Wig, the Moon. Rave the tyrant dictator of former Bahamas, now Legion Island, Two ladies in uniform join him as he walks to a room. First officer Poison reports, "Sir. Your frequent teleportations are serging to a 25% increase in your energy levels. I suggest less clones when not necessary." Sky Fall aka Nibblez reports from Intel on database. She says, "From the ladies you hand picked from the recruits, Sir." Rave looks at the tablet saying, "These women don't appear strong enough." Poison says, "It's the best I could do given your description. Besides I've already discussed with these ladies and they are willing to except your terms of agreement."

Weighing stats, Kobain explains, "Given the estimated mass of Nibiru compared to Earth I don't think BW0 would be able to defect Nibiru if it returns. But we could evacuate a few thousand people." Rave replies, "Godammit Kobain! What is the point of all you technicians! What is the point of a planetary weapon if it can only take on dwarf planets?!" Kobain says, "It's an estimate, there is no possible way of knowing if Nibiru is even real. We don't know if it's defended or not or if it is even a threat." He then smirks, "Unless you want to blow up Mars or Venus for practice." Sai says, "Absolutely not?! Why would you do that?" Rave growls, "Nonsense, tell the astrologist to keep a close eye!"

GoldTooth and Alice enters the Room. Gold says, "Hey Rave look who I found." Alice claps saying, "I can't believe you've ******* done it! You nuked our home town clean out of existence! I was locked up in asylum when it hit me. I was almost dead and if I wasn't a werewolf I would be. Thank the old merciful savior I can regenerate." Rave hardly looks at him or show signs of remorse only a cold voice that says, "Oh. Sorry I guest I forgot about you. But if you are here to fight me then you will lose. I have surpassed your power level." Alice says, "No I'm not here to fight you. I just came to see my sister then I'll be on my way all out of your path." Rave replies, "I'll have Nibblez escort you to her. You'll have to understand that she is mine. And if you try anything it wouldn't end well for you." Alice's says, "Sheesh. Where is the sense of family love... My brother in law?" Alice gives him a really forced crooked annoyed smile.

Alice talks to Braille. She wears a white dress. He says, "I've never seen you look this beautiful. What happened to the cutlass, apron and bloodstains?" She replies, "I'm a princess now. I can't go with you." Alice replies, "I'm not here for you. I just wanted to know if you're still alive. You already choose your family. You left me two die in asylum not once but twice." Braille replies, "I though you needed help. I didn't know what Rave would of do. I guess I was scared to think about it so I blocked you out. I mourned you with the island." Alice says, "I'm happy for you. At least Rave can protect you. I guess that makes him family." He walks away saying, "I'll keep in touch." He walks out with one hand in pocket and one up. She asks, "Where you going?" Alice replies, "I need to build my own family. It's clear that you love your man more than your own blood. Oh yeah... While your boyfriend was shooting people down in the streets. Pyrex got me out just in time. The only other one that survived." Braille looks down with guilt as he leaves. Rave appears to talk to Braille, "I already told you it was an accident. It's not about good or evil. I have to stop anyone who stands in my way. This is for the good of humanity." It's clear that Rave is brainwashing them. He did it because he wanted to and isn't sorry.

Back to the new recruits. We have Dominique Now the Orb Weaver Orb Weaver Now, Baby, Sofia Garcia the EbonyRider and Lt Piggs otherwise known as Peppa. Rave says, "I have expanded in Legion bases beyond my ability to maintain. You soldier were brought here today because I need more wives. I'm afraid I have been to busy to sit around in the dating world. You accept my proposal. You do it for Legion and the love of this country. Our planet. You are here so obviously it's a yes. I'm interested in taking some time to learn why you joined The Immortals and How I can help you." Now says jokingly, "Perfect just the way I imagined meeting my first husband." Sofia adds, "I know right. Words to sweep you off your feet." Rave pause for a while then he laughs. He says, "So we all agree... To the lounging area those in favor say 'I'." "I - I, Captain." They follow him.

Now's Spider is a robot Rave built for her specifically. He meet the others briefly before because they are in his army. He took one look at these four and inquired their profile. Flashback. Sai asked Rave, "You made the spider to spy on the Orb Weaver girl didn't you? Why don't you just ask her to join us." Rave explains, "Not spy. I wanted to insure she didn't get hurt." Cameila adds, "You don't want her to get hurt because you like her. Oh god Rave. You're transparent as ever." Cameila continues, "You need more girls!" Sai explains, "She's right we're feeling a bit over worked with this expansion." Rave says, "Fine. I'll get you some freshman to boss around." End flashback. The spider name is UwU. It has pet level understand and only serves to protect Now. It can't speak.

Rave re-established his base in Florida to be closer to Legion Islands. As well as ones in different parts of America and the world.

In the room Dekota and Tati is there waiting. Dekota asks, "Rave... Tell me you didn't just promote us to house sitter." Rave says, "You know the deal. I'm freezing up more often. On of these days I'm gonna glitch at a very important moment and all of this empire will be lost. You ladies keep your end of the bargain. It's promise land for all. And what of you workaholic? Aren't you happy to be in a house where something doesn't have the probability of exploding fir once?" Tati says, "I guess we can see this like a vacation. A very long one." Dekota says, "Vacation? Haven't you met his wives. There just as crazy and destructive as him." Tati adds, "Assuming this bunch would be the same." Dekota chase after Now saying, "What are you doing. No giant robot spiders in the house!"

Later the girls sit around the coffee table in their pajamas. Now asked Sofia why she joined, "She says. I needed money. And I guess I was tired of being on the losing side. I just didn't know I'd ever get so close to the king. Legionnaires got it made. But how about you?" Now says, "Roman is like the devil. He comes to you and ask do this for me and I will save you. What we don't know is how chaotic everything really is on the field. But as to why I'm here. I'm a psychotic spider alien who has infiltrate your planet. My goals are to procreate an unstoppable army of alien spider offspring with Earth's strongest." Dekota takes off her glasses saying, "You're kidding right?" Now laughs, "Of course I am silly. My race was enslaved by monsters who used our energy web for war. I got out just in time only thing. All I know how to do is war." Piggs clear her throat saying, "I just followed Officer Garcia. It's whatever. Imo." Dekota asks, "How about you... Um... Baby? That's all I have on the form. Is that your real name?" Baby answers, "Guess I just joined as well. It's better to be the hunter than the hunted. My family was really poor." Tati adds, "So the three of you where form around the latin US, LA district. I heard it's really rough out there." Baby adds, "True. You're either a cop or you're owned by LAs drug cartels."

Meanwhile Rave discusses his terms with world governments. They say, "Roman Rave has a planetary destroying weapons. Yet he killed Infin8te and all other attempts at him. We a slightly at his mercy." Rave says, "I all ask is I be regarded as a world power. Legion, my wives be treated as royalty and with respect. I will not use the weapons. Nor will I use the Legion army to force anyone. Those who are willing to join me are free I'd they please. We only seek to improve a better quality of life."

Dekota calls Rave. She says, "I feel sorry for the women out there. There is hardly anything we can do." Rave explains, "I'll look into it. Legion has received a slow of recruits lately. Another factor is other factions are tightening up. It's possible that IL inspired other groups to pair up. It's not going to be easy. Here this. Stop stressing yourself. Worrying doesn't fix anything over night. I'll will see you all in a few hours."

Sixx and Nayomi enter the house carrying their toddlers. As they put them down Lead's son and Sixx's daughter run of to play. Rave appears after the girls. He tells them to get some rest. Sixx says, "Rest. No way. I want to meet my new sister." Nayomi says, "Speak for yourseld princess. My son is far more stressful than your girl. I'm going to take a nap first." Rave appears in the house. Rave is in bed with now. He says, "I'm glad you girls accepted the terms of our agreement." Now says, "Actually I didn't have a choice. Nibblez specifically said, I could decline if I wanted but then that would mean I believed that I was too good for you. And if I was to good for you she'd have to kick my butt because that would also means I believed I was better than her." Rave replies, "Chri**. I specifically told them not to use force." Now says, "It's okay. I joined because of her. What she said was kinda hot." Rave sighs.

Next morning. One of the most beautiful even seen. Rave spawns before everyone wakes up as usual. He does not sleep but just go to the cybernetic realm to recharge. Rave realized himself like a ghost that haunts this silent house. He recognizes every vase, every tile, tile every pillar, so abstract yet so beautiful. Now comes down wearing Rave's big t-shirt only. She asks him, "What do we do?" He says, "Nothing really. You are royalty now. Just enjoy it before conflicts reassert themselves."

The girls go to the shooting Range for practice. These girls are nothing to mess with. They were truly top class in the Legion recruits. All of these basic soldiers can use Weapon Print because of there more human DNA. The girls Print guns of choice. Baby's smiles and jokey playful nature would never tell you how viscous she can be. She makes a mess with the pistol she holds. While Now wears her passive aggression on her face as she shoots a perfect bullseye to the head with a rifle. Sofia one up her by drawing a tool with bullet holes on the crotch. Rave notices. He says, "Sometimes I feel some of y'all imagine me when you shoot your enemies." Rave shoots down in a line to add more Lenght. Now laughs saying, "Sofia was the one that said it out loud. I shot you in the head." Rave says, "You girls are the biggest monsters disguised by a pretty face." Suddenly the salvo of two SMG firing turns their attention to Piggs tearing a paper to shreds. Rave says, "That's not target. But effective." Chastity the best shooter is heard coming from a distance. She is talking loudly to the other girls with her. You already know she is going to grill Rave about the new girls. But he called her here to train them.

Then they go into another room. Now asks, "You talk to him like that?" Chastity says, "I'm not afraid of Rave. Don't let him bully you." Rave says, "Bad advice. When the doctor holds your hand. You know better than to fear the needle. But you'll feel the edge under your skin. For that moment you'll know your are completely under my mercy. And when you pass out. You might just wake up as something else. The difference is, my good side earns you the anesthetic. Regardless you will draw blood." After Piggs hears that she looks as Chastity and says, "Girl you crazy?! I'm not doing EH-Ne-thing! You're not gonna get me in trouble" Sixx says, "Right, she has a comedic immunity that non of us has." Nayomi adds, "If we spoke like that we'll get stretch out to dry like a wet coth." Sixx adds, "We better give y'all tips on surviving him."

Rave and Genie is in the garage. Chastity and Sofia comes in from patrolling on motorcycles. Sofia original bike is a stolen police issue. She stole it when she left the police force. Rave is fascinated by how it transforms into the tanky female robot Babylonia. Genie says, "Just who we wanted to see. Sofia! Your owner wants you!" Rave turns Genie's pink vespa into a robot girl too with his technomancer powers. He says, "I'll just call you Vaspa." Genie asks, "She a girl now?" Rave says, "I gave her sentience. Now she can transform back and forth and forth." Genie says, "You're like a wizard." Rave says, "Science. I simple copied the formula off Babylonia." Chastity says, "And it had to be another girl?! Is there one moment you are not thinking about women?!" Rave says, "Well I would prefer a red paint." Vaspa and Babylonia interacts. Rave says, "Amazing. I will these two more robotic for obvious reasons. But I wonder if I could make them give birth." Chastity says sassily, "Omg. What is your problem?!" Rave places his arm around her back and up under her chest in front. She says nothing as he holds her. He continues, "No not like that. Science. I went a step further and gave them the ability to procreate. If it who work is up to time." Sofia says, "Where are the male robots?" Rave laughs. Chastity says, "I have a science idea. Make a clone and * yourself."

Basketball Episode


Hot sun! We are in the ghetto on a basketball court. Rave is letting the girl get some exercise. He is in human form. Now's pet robot spider is there. Rave says, "Alright I want Now, Inertia, Lemonade, Sofia and Merlo that's is team shorts against Baby, Nayomi, Meredith, Consuela and Tati that is team skirts. The teams are 5 on 5." Dekota sits on the bench near the cool with a file note in her hand. Consuela points on Dekota and says, "And what does she do." Rave says, "She is a coach she doesn't need to play." In a practice throw. Baby with a smile leans very much forward bounces the ball and she misses the hoop by a long short. She covers her mouth, laughs and walks of frantically. Nayomi sighs. Rave says, "Alright. Who ever touches the back board with the ball also counts as a point." Meredith raised her hand. Rave says, "Yes Meredith. What is it?" Meredith asks, "What's a backboard?" Rave pauses. Lemon bounces another ball so hard it loses. Rave sighs. He says, "You are the most fadas women I ever seen." Baby says, "You recruited me to fight remember. I dont know no basketball ball." Rave says, "How you come from LA and don't know basketball." Now does a three pointer. Now says, "I know basketball." Now and Inertia with the cat agility is creaming the other side. Rave says, "Okay I'll play for skirts." Inertia shouts, "Hey no fair!" Rave brings back the score balance but the game is a mess. Rave shouts, "LemonAde, what are you doing you are passing the ball to your oppenents!" LemonAde shouts, "Sorry. I didn't know!" Rave shouts, "She is wearing a skirt!" Meredith with the ball crashes into Nayomi. Rave shouts, "Nevermind." Baby sits center court with a smile. Rave says, "Baby. Get off the field! Go drink some juice! Just go sit somewhere else." Sixx comes to meet them. Rave says, "Sixx your on team skirts." Rave goes back to spectating. Sixx's leg acrobatics make her good at the sport. She does some hurricane spins to the goal she creates a trail of fire behind her. She dunks on Merlo but Merlo block her face instead of trying to get the ball. Rave continues, "Merlo! You're useless! Juice! Go drink some juice!" Merlo says, "Are you kidding me. The ball had fire on it." Rave shouts, "Dekota your Shorts! Go!" Dekota says, "Me?!" Rave says, "Yes you! Leave the files!" Rave sits on the floor Baby sits on the bench above him playing her hand on his head. She says, "Wanna go to the back of the bleachers and makeout?" Rave says to her, "No! For using your laps to control me. I'm gonna make you run laps. Three circles around the court right now!" She sucks her teeth and does a very slow walk. Merlo looks at him, she says, "I'm still drinking my juice." And starts sipping it extremely slow so she doesn't get laps.

Sun was setting. All the girls sat on the court in a circle as they spoke. A group of apparent thugs came to play. A ball rolled into the group. Rave stood up. A guy ask, "Y'all done patty-cakin around. The court is for planning basketball!" Rave says, "We are not done. Use the other court." Rave picks up the ball and throws it back so hard the thug is knock to his butt. Rave says, "Now it looks like you are also playing patty-cake but with men." The thugs get angry. Baby stands up. Rave tells her to sit down. She does. Rave tells the thugs, "Maybe if you ask politely. We were close to leaving anyways." They make a step. Rave says, "I don't think you want to do that." He point at the benches. The robot spider has two sub machine gun fangs locked in them. Rave says, "When I come around here you boys going to remember my name, Roman Rave! I use to run the underground before I became a war general. I don't need no ****** army to dissect you fools!" The thugs beg for forgiveness. Rave says, "Don't ever step to me again. Not to me not to my women. Go play your game. Girls, time to go home. I could have nukes dropped on your Mama's house." A bummy guy comments, "Oh no! He went to they Mama's house. That Roman Rave is one cold as ice bullet in you as... suckers." Thug says, "Man, shut up." The guy replies, "Don't step to me. Step to Mr. Rave! Fool!"

As Rave is about to leave someone tosses a basketball at him. Rave catches it while not looking. A guys shouts, "Hey! Throw back the ball." The guy does some movements with his hands walks up to Rave a bit. The guy says, "They call me Easy Rick the Ricochet, Okay!" Rave tosses back the ball. Ricochet asks, "I saw how you handled those guys back there. You a super?" Rave says, "Depends..." Ricochet says, "Watch this!" He bounces the ball of a post it bounces around on different places and lands in the hoop. Rave says, "Tricks?" Ricochet replies, "They use to sports before super powers arrived. Now all everyone care about is fighting. Those guys may be thugs but they are not such bad guys. Here in the ghetto it is about survival!" Rave says, "You want a survival tip. Don't go after bigger fish." Ricochet says, "You come around here with your fancy ride and all your women acting like you run things. But I'm gonna tell you this." Rave folds his arms. Ricochet continues, "I challenge you to a one on one game of B-Ball! Winner rules the court from here and all the way up to Easton Drive!" Rave sighs, "god. What is this? I already had enough sports for one day." Ricochet tosses the ball at him!. Rick says, "Scared you'll get owned!" Rave accepts the challenge. A thug says, "Aye. Easy Rick just challenged the drug lord Roman Rave!" Spectators gather.

Rick left Rick Right Rick dunk on Rave. Ricochet is extremely good so good Rave decides it time to cheat. Boof! Rave turns into the 8 foot tall black form. Ricochet says, "Cheating will no help you. No matter how tall you get." Rave replies, "Your using your powers. I use mine." Rave brings up the score. Rave even passes to a clone of himself. Rick is allowed to bring in two 4 other thugs. Rave Fakes a throw as three dudes come rushing after the ball. Three thugs are sent flying in one direction of the court. Rave snatches the ball and dance around a guy so fast he breaks his ankle. The bone flys out and he screams, "Bawk!" A stretcher picks him up. Ricochet says, "It's not always impossible to tell between those that are good, evil, wicked or just misguided." Ricochet breaks out his special ability. 100% accuracy focus. Rave realizes he is playing even better when he closes his eyes. The game is drawn with 10 more seconds on the clock. Ricochet has the ball. Ricochet dives for a jump shot. Rave makes three Copies to hold him back. Ricochet closes his eyes. He bounces the ball of a dumb thugs head. The ball bounces around so fast it catches fire and blow up the backboard on impact. Ricochet say, "I win." Rave says, "Dafaq you talking about. That wasn't a goal. The game was draw before you destroyed the thing." Rick says, "Exactly!" The audience was so amazed they didn't care. A thug says, "Mr. Rave that was just about the coolest thing I ever seen. You are welcome on our court any time." The girls cheer and hug Rave. Ricochet asks, "Is it the money or the power you possess?" Rave says, "Idk. It must be the 50% sex machine in my mutation." Ricochet laughs and says, "Your all right Rave. What's the other 50%?"...

Ricochet pregnant girl comes to see what he is up too. She is an 18 year old japanese school girl. Ricochet invites Rave and the girls to barbeque. Ricochet says, "My wife Lela. I'm having barbeque back at my place. Just me and the wife. It's nothing fancy." Rave sees that they already have another daughter. They sit on the floor. Ricochet tells him the story of his time in Japan. Rick says, "So there I was alone. Bouncing bullets of walls against and army of Japanese mob. And in comes Lela with a katana. I feel in love the moment I saw her... That reminds me... I didn't tell you the one about my mum. She was murdered my that mob while pregnant with me. But I caught the blade with my bare hands. My mom had witness so much Japanese crime. I was already a Martial Arts master before I even left the womb." Rave says, "Nooo. You're kidding?" Rick replies, "No I'm not. Watch this. Marcella judo kick!" For Lela's stomach a baby foot prints a kick. Rick continues, "We decided to name our daughter Marcella. Even my other 5 year old daughter, Anaise, knows karate." Ricks daughter makes a fighting stance. Rave says, "Well I've see it all and I can die now." Rave pushes back his plate and stretches his belly. Rave says, "No matter how big I get I keep returning to the ghetto." They all slept at Ricochet's.

The next morning they went to Sunami's dojo. She teaches toddlers martial arts. Rave says, "My Sumani." Ricochet asks, "Another one? How are they allowimg you to do this?" Sunami replies, "Rave is no longer human. He has broken the forth wall of this plane. There for achieving complete domination of our lesser souls." Rave adds, "She's right. Think of this reality as a game. If it's not real then I broke it. Yet I don't know how. I just thought of VR and something..."

Team G (G-Unit)

The sun is setting. Rave, Hellebore and SoNeko is helicoptered into his location by Legion Ops. They are Bludhouse branch. The two girls and one op slide down zip cords. Rave manifest on the ground. The op slide back up and the chopper leaves.

You see Rave meet Ricochet on the ground. Ricochet shouts, "A little dramatic for the hood, isn't it?" Rave says, "Nah. It's just routine training." They are to meet other ghetto avengers. We are gathering at Street Oni's gym.

Rave is introduced to Jumbee Akatsuki, Street Oni, Nero by Ricochet. Jumbee jutsu in riding on a big growing branch. Street Oni says, "Argh! Everytime! Do you need to break the pavement with your vines!" Jumbee says, "The pavement is artificial. The road belongs to mother nature." Oni replies, "I'm gonna make you eat some dirt. 1st ceal! Raz..." Jumbee shouts, "Wait!" and reaches for a seed in his fanny pack. Ricochet breaks it up. He says, "Guys, we have guests." Ricochet continues, "Rave I'm sorry about how they look. They are usually colder than they look." Jumbee says, "Hey!" Rave says, "Nah don't worry about it. My team is girls." SoNeko says, "Heeeey!"

Three black motorcycles pull up. The drivers are Chastity, Genie and Wiki. Genie takes of her helmet and says, "Chastity is getting really good at this."

Nero is late as usual. Nero says, "You mean I could have sexy demon chics all this time? What the hell is Mordecai doing with my body? He evil for nothing, man."

Jumbee with his stupid cloak and hand expressions says to Rave, "You a scientist? * Don't do science my *. But logic, the fundamentals, that's where it's at." Jumbee takes a bean from the fanny pack and continues, "See these beans? They could open up your mind my guy. Not just if you eat them your head will explode. But these beans. They got me up there in gaint land ma man." Rave ignores him. Nero says, "Hey Jumbee give me one of those sleeping beans." Jumbee reaches for another and says, "Um this is the sleeping bean. Or this this the one that makes your head explode?" Nero eats both of them. Jumbee says, "Nah, It would be fine." Boom! Nero is seen as Mordecai when the explosion smoke clears from his big smiling mouth. He hair stands up pink and his face is tatted all over. Mordecai says, "Finally! Who's been keeping this fool awake for so long." Ricochet says, "Hey Mordecai. We Gon need you to not do some * this time around." Mordecai laughs evily and runs to mess with Street Oni. Wiki says, "Waw. A complete 180." SoNeko says, "Ikr. The other one was practically asleep." Rave says, "Interesting. Non of those was sleeping seeds. The explosion knocked him out cold. While the sleep demon preventes him from dying. So if I knock him out again I guessing he'll revert back to his normal self. But will he be asleep?" Jumbee says, "What y'all don't understand man! One version is awake all the time! He up and sleep all the time man. All the time."

Night Run WiP

Nero fights with demonic louges in a slow motion torpedoes while staring at his target expressionlessly. The way he twirles while horizontal.

Energy waves radiate from Oni's face making his mask blurry.

Their mission is to oversee a Black Lives Matter protest. Genie breaks the forth wall and says, "The writer is really doing this?" Boom! Explosion. Some tyrant gang distrupts the protest with deadly force against the cops. Genie breaks it again to say, "I supposed because I'm blue. I supposed to make a Blue Lives joke here right? Well no. Get back to the action."

Rave girls move spec ops. His ghost stealth shared helps them a lot. Rave have them use rubber bullets. This is a problem because the opponents have real weapons. The good guys take cover. Rave just standing in the open says, "Well I really don't want to show off." Bullets hit him and he doesn't even bother to shield himself. SoNeko says, "Rave is too powerful. He'll just break everything and kill everyone if he gets involved. So he provides support instead." Chastity says, "Shields, Stealth, transportation. I'm just getting exercise." Hellebore adds, "As if. You're fat, lazy and hardly does anything." Chastity replies, "We are the same size, Queen. Tell me what you do again?" Hellebore stands up and shoots at the enemies. She shouts, "Her is what I do!" Chastity joins her. Chastity shouts, "I'm going to shoot way more baddies than you! Lich." Wiki says, "Those bullets are useless." She earth bends and breaks the ground under the gang. Hellebore says, "Real neat. Your are destroying the museum. And Rave will have to pay for that." Hellebore says, "Let's just run up to them and kick theirs butts!" Rave says, "You have my shields." The girls runs except for Chastity walks slowly behind. She sobs, "Why is it always running." Bullets bounce of their shields from Rave. Hellebore blood bends a few shooters. Genie wacks one over the head with a gatling gun she pulled from her cleavage. SoNeko charges as a fox, dives then transform into human to land her heavy self on the enemy. The boys sit back and watch. Oni says, "Shouldn't we be helping." Jumbee says, "I know." Mordicai shouts, "Fools! Impressed by a few girls!"

Ricochet boys Join the fight. Jumbee knock down the enemy while riding some ranches. Oni jump of the branch and hit them with a red moon ball at melee range. Ricochet shot guys in the butts by skiiong bullets off the street. Chastity says, "How come he gets a real gun?" Ricochet says, "Haha! That's because I DhOWn miss!" Chastity hit them with cross magic that spin around disorient and group the foe up. And Jumbee tie the rest with plants.

After Rave sees them in action. He says, "You guys are way to powerful for the ghetto. You're wasting your time with this *." Ricochet looks at Rave disappointed. Ricochet says, "The ghetto is our home man? You expect us to move out like you? Then who gonna protect the people like us who don't have powers?" Wiki angrily replies, "No! He means you can save the day on a grander scale than what you do here." Oni says, "Easy Ricky, Rave girls look like they want to kill you. I wouldn't mess with that silent one over there with the dark eyes." Genie rolls her eyes. Rave says, "You are right. I trained them to maim lesser folk who talk at me." Chastity says, "Trust me. You prefer a beating from me than Rave any day." In joke Oni says, "Big talk!" Ricochet says, "I'll take the lesser folk as a lack of a better word."

Rave says to Nero, "Nero you might want to sit down for this but I think Mordecai might be gay." Nero says, "What! I'm my body?!" Jumbee touches Nero shoulder and shakes his head. Jumbee says, "Rough. Literally and figuratively." Nero says, "Nah. It's cool. He did come from a succubus. I know he is bi. Curacao was crazy man." Nero gives them the sleepy laugh. Oni says, "Well this is our family."

They are playing basketball in the gym.

Jumbee dunks on Nero. Jumbee says loudly, "That's what get for being Lazy AsF! That's what get for being Lazy AsF! Bwoy!"

Game of Life


Story begins. Centipede, a zombie samurai girl, is katana fighting on a speeding train with Rook, a bird night avenger. She best him and blow up the train. Later we find out Centipede was the good one who only blow up the train to stop it from reaching it's destination with the bombs Rook implanted in it.

Rook just fail at one of is evil scheme. One of his Henchmen, A lady ninja comes in acting smug. Rook punches her so hard one of her eye fly out. She immediately change her attitude to scream and cry. He simply goes back to polishing his sword. Later she returns with a cybernetic thing where her right eye use to be and an attitude adjustment. For now she is just lucky he didn't kill her.

Ricochet and Street Oni catches a flight to Japan with Rave. It is a private ship. Ricochet says, "Man y'all rich dude got it made. But I got my riches right here." As Ricochet kisses his girl Lela. When they land the guys for their own ways.

Japan traditional private estate. Bedroom. Three Raves, Nayomi, Meredith, Sixx, Shelle Belle, Luna Tides, Cameila, Chastity, Calypso, Ariel, Mei, Now And SoNeko. It's a rainy day outside. Sky overcast. The girls are wearing bikinis under light see through clothing.

Chastity says, "Welcome to the evil man adventures. Staring captain Dorko and the Wonder Blunders. It's the great show where we just lay around all s day." Shelle replies, "Why are you so mean?" Floor Rave sitting between Cameila and Shelle says, "She's our nemesis Lady Weasel." Chastity replies, "Oh oh ohhh..." The Rave reading some documents says, "Chastity. What do you even want from me? I have a few hundred people depending on me including the world. I am a universal king, scientist and inventor. If I tell you to lay down. You lay down." The other Rave coming from outside without a shirt picks her up and put she on the bed. He continues the other ones rant, "I got three of me here, one is working, one is relaxing and this one is to deal with you." He looks in her eyes. She replies softly, "Okay." As the air pulls from her lungs. He kisses her. Ariel climbs next to her. We see the real reason Chastity is angry, Calypso is four months due. Rave say, "I almost forgot. Chastity I got you something." He takes off her sundress through the head. He pulls a crop top from the draw and puts it on her. She reads the print. It says 'Rave Industries' at the back and 'Intellectual Property' on the front. She says, "Hahaha, very funny Rave." He takes a pen and signed his name under. Calypso asked, "Since we're getting dressed, are we going out?" Rave says, "Yes. And Chastity is wearing that shirt." Work Rave gets on the bed with his table watching blue prints whatever. Nayomi climbs on the bed. You can see that she, Sixx and Meredith are already tired from their kids. She says, "I'm staying this Rave." Meredith and Sixx says, "Well stay too." Sixx says, "Just imagine when the others get make theirs. Rave's life will be over." Rave is suddenly struck by the realization of it and replies, "I'm never going to have all that kids running around." Calypso replies, "I bet you didn't think about how it would be when it adds up." Ariel adds, "Maybe this will keep him off us." Rave says, "Gaude. This harem might of been a horrible mistake. I don't have the stamina for this. I'll just go offline more often is all." Chastity says, "Men" Rave replies, "Don't gang up on me." Orb Weaver Now petting kitsune SoNeko adds, "I told him from day one to many women in one house was a bad idea." Rave shouts, "Whatever! Let's got to the beach!"

Washed Out
All Feels Right

They take his private party tour bus. When they stop Ariel, Calypso and Chastity goes one way with a Rave. Now, SoNeko, Luna, Cameila, Mei and Shelle a next way with a Rave. Mei in red high heals twirls with a clear plastic umbrella. Rave says, "Luna's group will hit the beach. Calypso's gonna. Heck out the super market. We'll bring you guys food."

Meanwhile Rave's young sons Ringworm, Elite and Haru sneak off to the store from home. The boys appear 8 and under but they don't grow normally. Ringworm is this oldest.

Haru wonders off and find cops fighting Centipede. The boys decides to use there powers to save the day. They are not at her level. Centipede beats them up. She almost wins till Rave shows up and knocks her on her butt. Centipede explains, "You've got this wrong. The criminal mastermind Rook had me framed. He is rich and powerful enough to own the corrupted cops." Rave takes a second look at her. She does look very evil but he knows better than to judge a book by the cover. He says, "Stay still. I'm going to read you." He stares into her eyes but the mind read doesn't work. He adds, "If you lie to me don't expect mercy.' While standing up Centipede suddenly trips Ringworm with her foot and cuts Rave in half. She runs off. Ringworm on the floor shouts, "Why me lady!" The boys gear up to chase her.

Rave spawns again. He says, "Sorry boys, she above training. Go home." Calypso runs a few steps and sonic screeches after her. But then she feels a contraction. Rave says, "You too. Sit this one out."

Ariel ice skates after them. Chastity says, "Yah no. Why'd it have to be running?" Another Rave spawns. He picks up Chastity in his arms and they fly after them. Rave over takes them. Centipede looks back at the. While running backward and still avoiding obstacles in her way. Rave say, "Okay I'm impressed." In jealousy Chastity says, "By her? Give me a gun!" Rave replies, "Just Print a motorcycle, I designed an angelbike for you waiting." Chastity shouts, "Code:7777, Angelbike, Print!" Voooom! The bike materializes on the road in motion. Rave tosses her from his arms unto it.

Chastity groans, "You like tossing me all over the place. Don't you boss?!" Rave replies, "You're a big girl. You can take it. The bike has automatic weapons by the brakes. Use your future vision to not crash." She nods yes. She wheelies ahead to Ariel who is ice skating and shooting ice after Centipede. Centipede is really fast and dodges everything. She world wind spirit blades at them. They dodge. Rave flies ahead to break up the ground in front of Centipede causing obstacles of destruction.

Meanwhile Haru asks Calypso, "Can we at least come to the beach?" Calypso replies, "No." Haru Elite says, "Oh, Come on!" Ringworm says, "Why?!" Calypso explains, "I can't tell you why. The beach is for adults. You have kiddies time when ever." Ringworm says, "Screw this." Elite shouts, "Run! Before she summons dad!" They all run away. Calypso shouts, "Boys wait!" As she's about so scream Rave she feels another contraction. The boys escape. Calypso summons a ninja toad. She says, "Yanco, Rave boys have escaped! Find them or we're in big trouble." Yanco nods, "Yes mi lady."


Rave meets Jada from Anti-Vax. Because Rave learns that Jada Long is in love with Rook. Rave goes to Rook's company. They are to have civilized discussion. He sits in ordinary business clothes.


Pregnant America sits on her tablet. Kimbra sits next to her. She leans on her shoulder. Kimbra then kisses her on the lips. Rave calls Kimbra. America better sit this one out.

Rave says, "The crown of Macedonia is said to be forged by indestructible metal." Kimbra raises her hand. She asks, "If it's indestructible, how did they forge it?" Hellebore adds, "Maybe it waited for them to forge it and after it got back indestructible." Rave shouts, "Enough about how it was forge?! I'm just reading the thing! May I continue?!"

In a serious moment they girls get dressed for action. Now. Hellebore. Kimbra. Chastity. Luna. Leather. Straps. Guns. The girls walk to the jet in slow motion. Rave is not visible then pull the back of Chastity's outfit. Has she comes back he gives her a light tap on the backside. Chastity pauses, exhales and look up. She says, "Omg Rave. You are like the most annoying ghost ever." Then he giggles in a funny hunting tone. 'Ooo hoo hoo hoo hoo' She then burst out in laughter. She says, "I'm angry at you." He appears and she taps him on the chest. While she flirts with Rave. Kimbra looking at them underneath and a bit pissed off smacks Chastity's backside has hard as she can. Chastity screams so loud it is heard over the jet engines by the others who were ahead of them. Kimbra says, "Now that's a smack!"

I Hate Everything About You

On the jet flight. Chastity cannot sit and still rubs the pain away. Rave says, "Kimbra you almost rendered Chastity unfit for the mission! That was awesome." Kimbra laughs. Chastity says, "I'm going to get the two off you. You will not know where. You will not know when. But till that day comes. I will devote my life to finding revenge."

They go to a temple and below it a tomb.

It is dark. Shoot out against Rook's henchmen. Street Oni and Centipede engages in a sword fight with Rook.

Out of no where Rave daggers at Rook. All Room sees is Raves face coming through the wall. Rave tears Rook in half. But somethings is wrong. Rook is not dead.

Rook obtains The Crown of Alexander. He now commands the undead army of Macedonia. Rave calls legion into action but it will take a while to get here. So he counters by making many copies as possible.

It is good that they are indoors of the tombs because it's prevents the army from swarming them in the narrow corridors. Rave makes force fields to keep them out of the main room and the girls defend against lose ones that get in.

Rave is busy Fighting undead Rook.

Now blast an undead. It turns to dust the reforms. Luna shouts, "What are those things!" Kimbra says, "Apparently, dust." Chastity sends out cross magic to surround and drag it out of the room. Hellebore shouts, "Okay girls it's time to fight smarter. Kimbra uses martial arts and her phasing powers to bury undead in the ground and walls. Now turns up her blaster to pulse. She shoot a crowd it explodes a d reforms to one big monster of many parts. Now shouts, "*! I'm useless here!" The monster towers over her. Hellebore jumps and smash it in the head with her living sword. The blade absorbs it. Hellebore shouts, "Stay behind me. Be my eyes in tha back!"

Rook hypnotized Centipede to fight for him. Centipede confronts Kimbra. But Kimbra lost her gun picks up a katana. Centipede shows of her sword skills by spinning two blades. Kimbra says, "Oh * this." Drops the katana and runs away.

Cornered Kimbra blasts Centipede with a finger gun. Centipede didn't know she could do that.

The large army push at the walls and the structure comes weak. Debris fall. Rave tells Rook, "Call off the army or the tomb would bury them alive. Rook doesn't listen. Rave shouts, "I'm holding up the tomb right now! I don't have the energy to hold it longer!!!"

The underground tomb collapses. A large stone crushes Rook. Rave phases the girls out including Centipede and Jada. Up in the temple. But something is wrong. The Macedonian army swarm them.

Now in the open the Macedonian army seems too much for Rave to handle. More he blast them them more that reappears. Rook appears above ground. Rook says, "As long as I where this crown I am one with the undead." Rave runs out of energy and disappears leaving the girls to fend for themselves. Legion is close but has to blast through many undead Macedonians to get to them.

Kimbra is impaled in the stomach by Rook and blood flies everywhere. She is about to bleed to death as she drops to her knees.

Kimbra gains new powers. Remember her ghoul form is a symbiotic seductress. Her blood turns black and little black gargoyle demon bats with green eyes start forming from it. Gargoyles fly out from her stomach and swarms Room. He dodges but more appear and soon he is consumed by Kimbra. She turns to a swarm of tiny demons that pull the crown of Rook's head. The Macedonian army turns turns to dust.

Gargoyles flock and turns back to Kimbra. She kicks Rook in the balls. He leans over. She slams down on his back. Now runs towards them then torpedo kick Rook off the throne platform. As Kimbra is about to bit him the death blow. Rave catches her hand. Swings a punch at Rave with her other hand and knees him twice. He just takes in and holds her arms down. She screams, "You almost let me, die!" He says, "Deep breaths. Don't let the seductress take over you." She calms down. They hug and kiss.

Rook is arrested by Legion soldiers. Luna asks, "No murder? Since when?" Chastity explains, "Because Jada loves him stupid." Hellebore adds, "Believe or not Rave is a passionate guy when it comes to these things." Now asks Rave, "You really think you can rehabilitate him?" Rave says, "No." He points at Jada. Rave continues, "She will."


After many tests it's determined Kimbra can only do the gargoyle thing in near death situations. For now.


The magic crown that controls zombies of ancient warriors is a bit generic imo. What is unique about this one is Rave and Rook has to be appear to be playing a type of high stakes chess.

The Aliens Amoung Us

Big Wig

Dekota point out to Rave that Now might be an alien something she said in joke that lead a suspicion. Rave investigates while digging deep into her mind it turns out to be true. The first piece of memories show her training on planet Arachna. It cause Rave quite the scare. Orb Weaver LT Now turns out to be an alien spy but she doesn't know. She hit her head when landing causing her to forget her mission. Now tries to escape from Rave because he doesn't believe her. But with him in her head she couldn't get far. Rave says, "Even if you did manage to escape from my entire base, all the soilders and took a ship then evaded air space. You forget running from me is like running from your own tail?" She is captured. Second piece of memory shows that Now wasn't sent to Earth on a mission but escaped her duties as an Arachna soldier. She accidentally found and crash landed on Earth. Nows personality changes a little when she gets back her memories. Now is some how bent on using Rave to raise super soldier spider offspring. Rave is too blinded by his lust and intends to keep taking chances with her. Now back story leads to Legion vs Arachna in future.

After Rave deals with Now. He says to Tati, "I thought we had a red alert on our hands. But still now I know there is an entire planet of Spider soldiers this is going to be a problem for Earth I'd they find us. I sure am happy to have you in Intel step sis." Tati replies, "Sure thing step bro." Rave doesn't have a step sister. Tati is a powerful mind alien that effortlessly tricks everyone. And manipulated their memories. Flashback shows the succubus alien flying in space to Earth. But is distracted by the artificial moon. She changes route to descend to it. Tati sits on Rave desk. She yawns provocatively and says, "What do you want to do bro?" Rave squints his eyes. Suddenly agitated he replies as yanking up his nose, "Why you saying it like that?!" She replies, "Saying what like what?" The she yawns again. Rave says, "See just there. That thing you did. What is that?" She explains, "What? I yawned. I'm just a little bored." He says, "No. No that wasn't a yawn. She says, "Remember you promise me a movie? Well I'm cashing that check now." Rave replies, "Nah * * get a boyfriend. Get out of here! Keeping walking *." As he tries to brush her off his desk. She says, "But Rave. Remember when mom died. You would what a movie with me every night till I fell asleep." She looks down sad and Rave frowns. Rave says, "Okay. Whatever!" She says, "My place. Just me and you. Yours has too much girls."

They go to Tati's place. Big Wigs has rooms internally like a spaceship. Rave brags, "Big wig has done amazing things. I can roam further from the girls. But I didn't anticipate this unwanted side effect." Tati dims the lights and puts on the TV in her room. Rave enters the doorway and sees her making the bed. Rave says, "Wtf is this???! I though we where watching a movie?!" She says, "Yes, the TV is one isn't it?" Rave shouts, "In going home! Stop being weird!" She starts to fake cry. He pauses and comes back in. She immediately gets back happy and says, "Just one minute. You start. I'm going to take a shower." Rave lays on the bed like a stale bread as she takes a bath. He flips through Getflix bored. She comes out in matching silk shorts pijamas and lays next to him. Rave says, "I hate you." She replies, "Just shut up and tell me what I missed." He says, "I haven't played anything. They're all boring!" She puts on a romances. Rave sighs, "Christ." Minutes in there is a love scene. Rave says, "Well... This is normal." She replies, "Need more popcorn." Rave says, "I'll get it. Anything. Just rid me of this plane of existence." He leaves. He comes back a s she's laying on her stomach faceing front. She gets up, takes the popcorn and hugs him. She says, "Thank you so much. Not just for the popcorn. For the job and being here when I need you." He doesn't hug back. She kisses his cheek. He sits on the far edge of the bed to avoid her for the rest of the film. Later he leave the room. He gets a thought that he brushes off seconds after. It never once occured to him he doesn't have a sister.

Months Cameron the telepath and Tati meet. Cameron is get a funny feeling but is still fooled by Tati as well but not Xerxes. Xerxes tell Rave the truth. Rave confronts her as he tries to break free from her mind games. She fight back to change his memories. He acivates super perception to see beyond her deceitfulness. He pulled her with telekenesis and she couldn't escape his grip. She is not a physical type. He shouts, "What is your mission alien!!!" She begs, "I have no mission. I just wanted to have fun." Rave replies, "You entered by head and corrupted not just my deepest memories. But everyone on a monumental just so you can have fun?!!!" He says, "Why am I even wastimg time with you. Each second is a chance that you might win." He goes to kill her with a single punch but pauses. For some reason her just couldn't. The memories felt too real. Tati begged, "Roman please. I'm harmless. I haven't hurt anyone. I will not. I ended up liking you. For a moment I actually believed I was you family and you cared about me. That's why I couldn't bring myself to calling it off." Xerxes shouts, "No Rave shes too dangerous! Bop her!" Rave thinks. He saw that Tati had absolutely zero physical fighting abilities. He wipes the tears under her eyes with his other thumb. He says, "I can't believe I'm letting you go free. Another mind game I presume?" She persuaded him that she was harmless. First she hugs him and smiles nervously. She asks, "Cool. Will you still be my step bro?" Rave smiles back politely. Xerxes jumps into the camera screen to interrupt this moment. He angrily tells you the audience, "Here you! You there?! What is your problem?! Get outta here! Keep on walking! You some kinda wise guy or something?!" Then scratches the screen dark. End of program.

Zero Oxygen Terrorist

Air Raid Zero Oxygen

Intro. Taquilla Diamond and Nayomi aka Lead Lead in jungle. Nayomi opens hatch of Mungus Watt. Rave is offline. Taquilla explains to Nayomi, "I never depend on Rave." Nayomi says, "Right. He can't possess you."


A legion ship flying over jungle. Camera pans up from the trees to see huge legion ships crashed in the distance. Everyone is disoriented and confused. Trying to regroup.

In a different distance. Synthrax get up from the mud. She shouts, "What the hell was that." America says, "Something just hit us."


Kimbra uses her goggles to scout. Metalslug standing in a swamp readjusts her head. With an Asian accent, "If you wanna make this video, the mud in my pants is gonna cost you extra." Kimbra replies, "You eat dirt all the time." Metalslug shouts, "I'll teach you to eat dirt!" Kimbra says, "Sssh, I need to focus."

American says, "Rave is still not responding?"

Sleeping Killer Zero Oxygen

Plot. A hidden atomic bomb that will not destroy but spread chemicals into the air in a matter of hours that will convert all oxygen to nitrogen.

Foe. Paramilitary. Turns out to be robots. Sentient Robot Powers are behind this.

Nero the laid back junkie who in sleep gets possessed by a psychopath demon who completely change his personality. Sit with Rave's team to discuss.

At sunset. Rave successfully finds the trigger and sends it into the Lost Dimension in a matter of seconds left.

But it is to late. He and the girls have been fighting decoys.

The gas spread and he can see it an off light green when others can't. He creates force fields around the girls.

He cannot save everybody. He is forced to make almost a thousand copies of himself.

He forces close proximity residents into hyper sleep to conserve energy.

It will not suffocate them immediately but he has very little time to find a solution.

Nero goes titan form. Everytime he turns larger his right hand always goes bigger first giving him a hunchback posture. He throws Rave so hard into the side of a mountain but instead of a crashing into it Rave instantly restructure the inner mountain into a cave base with his powers landing to sit comfortably on a street turned sofa. Nero jumos to his location. The titan hand and monsterous eye peeks into the hole made. He turns back small and enters.

Next Episode
