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(Quantum Caveman)
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The Legion eliminate and indoctrinate remaining Troll and Orcs into their ranks. This causes the legion to grow into a hybrid human race if stronger people. Troll as well as Orc bodies made perfect spouses for the large monsterous soldiers of the Legion. The Legion took it all. 10000 strong, 100000 civilians. He gave Oolga lightening based screaming dragon armor as uniform. Off days her large size was used to intimidate the other girls in his harem. That was the off days other than that she became another general in is army. She oversee larger battalions and lead the war against the Ogre people who was like orc but far more powerful. And the Legion was victorious. No more time travel was done Rave found that the knew Earth was even more interesting to explore. Nothing significantly changed about the people he already knew.
The Legion eliminate and indoctrinate remaining Troll and Orcs into their ranks. This causes the legion to grow into a hybrid human race if stronger people. Troll as well as Orc bodies made perfect spouses for the large monsterous soldiers of the Legion. The Legion took it all. 10000 strong, 100000 civilians. He gave Oolga lightening based screaming dragon armor as uniform. Off days her large size was used to intimidate the other girls in his harem. That was the off days other than that she became another general in is army. She oversee larger battalions and lead the war against the Ogre people who was like orc but far more powerful. And the Legion was victorious. No more time travel was done Rave found that the knew Earth was even more interesting to explore. Nothing significantly changed about the people he already knew.
== '''Quantum Caveman And Monolith''' ==
== '''Quantum Caveman And Monolith''' ==
'''Gore Warning, Extremely Violent and Controversial, Sexual Themes'''
'''Gore Warning, Extremely Violent and Controversial, Sexual Themes'''
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The story starts meat roasting on a night fire. The Quantum caveman has just slaughtered an entire tribe. Men, women and children included. They were a tribe of cannibals who messed with the wrong stranger. The remaining women he rested to procreate with. In the morning he was on his way. They ask him to follow but he says no. He doesn't know where he'll go. He is a wanderer who travels the Earth, alone. For the first time in his life he had direction. He saw fire fall from the sky. He wants to see where it landed.
The story starts meat roasting on a night fire. The [[Quantum Caveman]] has just slaughtered an entire tribe. Men, women and children included. They were a tribe of cannibals who messed with the wrong stranger. The remaining women he rested to procreate with. In the morning he was on his way. They ask him to follow but he says no. He doesn't know where he'll go. He is a wanderer who travels the Earth, alone. For the first time in his life he had direction. He saw fire fall from the sky. He wants to see where it landed.
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Archeologist discover pre historical man frozen in ice. The ice block is cut and brought to the US where it can be studied. They keep the ice refrigerated. The caveman eyes blink but they do not notice.  Meanwhile the caveman grows angrier. He doesn't understand the people observing him. He had been awake for more than 12000 years just staring at the frozen underground.
[[Monolith]] Archeologist discover pre historical man frozen in ice. The ice block is cut and brought to the US where it can be studied. They keep the ice refrigerated. The caveman eyes blink but they do not notice.  Meanwhile the caveman grows angrier. He doesn't understand the people observing him. He had been awake for more than 12000 years just staring at the frozen underground.
The scientist notice the ice starting to defrosted regardless of the refrigeration.  They decide to turn the temperature below freezing. That night a gaurd came to check in it and saw it had defrosted. No body was there. The guard called the scientist. When they search they saw the caveman hiding under the sink, afraid and cold. The scienctist try to establish communication. The caveman stood up and shadowed the scientist in height. The scientist said, "Remarkable. Do you know what this is. This is beyond noble prize. This is the history of mankind." The caveman touch the scientist curly hair. Then the others started to take pictures and man calls. All this excitement confused the caveman so badly. While petting the scientist head he just rooted out the top of his skull. Then a female scientist screamed as the mutilated one dropped to his knees screaming to the horror of his gone top of head. Caveman picks up an attractive lady scientist. All the scream cause the caveman to release a pulse of energy that blasted the people surrounding him to burnt meaty bone. He realizes he just blown the lady scientist to pieces. The explosion triggered alarms. And soon downtown learned there was a caveman on the lose.
Three years ago another archeologist by the name of Henry Clide found a strange silver monolith in Australia. It shot a beam of light into space. A compelling force made him walk towards it. When he woke up the mololith was gone. He soon found out that he had gotten astral conjuring and super strength powers. From that day on he fought crime under the alias Monolith. Henry was the closest one on the scene to the active incident. So Henry power up to Monolith and follows the trail of destruction. Bluh Blah! Boom! The caveman attack anything mechanical including the cars and crane on the port. Monolith flies to get a closer view. Monolith says, "I understand that you don't... understand. But I must subdue you." The caveman sees Monolith and flight and trys to do it too. To his surprise he can fly as well using his quantum power. Monolith flies and punches Caveman in the face. Spits fly back in slow motion. Quantum draws back a quantum punch at him. Monolith is sent crashing through a building. Monolith says, "Hmm, Maybe holding back isn't best choice." Monolith fly back at him and hits him an undercut in his stomach. 'Blurck' Caveman gasp. Caveman head buts Monolith. Monolith hits him again in the gut. He jabs Monolith down. Monolith blocks part of the damage with astral. Caveman puts his hands together and quantum blasts Monolith below him. Monolith counters with a Psy blast. The blast contacts create and explosion. Caveman is sent upwards. Monolith down but kick of the ground and delivers a series of punches to Caveman till they are in space. They can both hold their breath in space. Caveman is disoriented by the recent heavy blows to the head. But Caveman is so stupid that being disoriented cannot stop him. Disoriented is his normal state of function. Caveman punches Monolith but Monolith dodges and grabs his arm. Monolith realizes Caveman is just swinging wildly. Caveman lost his sense of up and down. Monolith head butts him in the face then elbow, then uppercut. Caveman puts a pain angry face. Trapped he starts charging to explode. Monolith draws his strength into a epic punch. The collision causes an epic explosion. When it settles Monolith pulls Caveman's unconscious body back down to earth. Caveman is taken to a superpower holding facility so experts can study. 
They understand it is not Caveman fault. He is a relic of his time and confusion. In time caveman learns to control his rage and powers.
== '''Guy Stupid''' ==
[[Guy Stupid]], top power strength and flight superhero that is so stupid he just wrecks everything and accidentally kills everybody he try to help.
Introduce [[Norseman]]
Massive meteorite is coming. On no we are all going to die. Further research suggests that this meteor is the remains of planet Nibiru.
Guy Stupid punches the meteorite that causes many smaller meteorites to hit all over the globe.
Rave meets Quantum Caveman and Monolith. We discuss the stupid problem. He has more physical strength and speed than all of us.
Chastity has a vision. We learn that was not the meteorite but a piece of it.
Norseman says, "The universe spins around itself in a cycle, the great Norse say if you now the future you would know the past. Revelation is based on the return of the age of Aquarius who pours out his bowl. The return of a great astroid like Saturn who reshape the world. And as the people evacuate we might sail through black space and becomes the new gods of the sky."
The meteorite is so large it pulls it's own gravity on the sea cause tidal waves and floods all over the world.
Rave goes into meditation. He channels all his energy trying to open up a portal to Lost Dimension large enough to swallow it. But it is very slow process. Rave runs out of time. The meteor hits the portal. The portal breaks and vanishes. On no we are doomed again! No one can stop it!
Rave is having moral conflict. He only has time to save his wives and Anti-Vax by teleporting them to Lost- dimension. Everyone notices Rave teleporting his people out. And other heroes get mad at for his pending escape. Rave says, "I'll get Rune to act. Well time travel or something. But I'll made a promise to never let my people die. And my women come first." Genie adds, "Rave. Time travel sucks. This is plot breaking. I hate it." Chastity says to Rave, "I though you said you destroyed the Travel Disk." Rave stays silent. Yela says, "What will we eat? XD is unstable. Only you can survive that environment." Rave says, "From there I will go into Qliphoth and you will eat Deelihla's monsters." Chastity yank up her nose. She says, "You haven't answered me on the time disk." Rave replies, "And you talk too much. You need some kind of talking privilege restrictions or something." Chastity sassily replies, "Talking privilege? You're gonna fight me on that? The world is ending I don't care." Rave tells her, "Stay away from me till this is over. I need to think not listen to your empty head ping around."
The girls feel bad about abandoning ship. Rave says, "I told y'all. If some of us survive we can think of something but if we all die then that the end off it." But Guy Stupid has an idea he tell no one.
He flies up to slow the impact.
Guy Stupid is crushed by the meteorite while saving the world by slowing it down from impact just in time.
== '''Haunted''' ==
X-Corp lowers Rave into a diversion. They then offer an alliance. Rave replies, "Why on Earth will hw ever work with is enemies?" They show him that they have the ghost of his past friend Vale. Rave gets extremely angry and immediately starts to kill. Rave stops when they convince him if they die he will not get her soul. Rave shouts, "What's stopping me from killing all of you! Give me her now and I promise to my word." They give Rave Vale's spirit. He technomances a body for her. Vale's spirit inhabits her new robot body. But Rave sees her as she soul. She moans, "Rave? Am I not dead?" He replies, "I made a mistake years ago. I cannot let it happen again." She tries to walk away saying, "We were never lovers." Rave grabs Vale from behind reaches around and kisses her as he raises his hand under her Ribcage. He can feel the bones of her side. She spins her around him a magical haze. "I am not your girlfriend." she says softly. He replies with another kiss. She says, "we have to talk about this." He kisses her again and says, "After." Then she gives in. He teleports her to bed and they made love. After they stayed touching and kissing for about an hour but then Vale bagan to ask questions. Vale says, "If we can't make this anymore awkward. I always considered you like a brother. What am I to do now? You and all those women." Rave replies, "Don't worry about other women. Did you not get what was yours?" Rave gets up like he is leaving. Vale asks, "You said we would talk. Don't run out now." He replies, "I was never good at that. You stay here and I'll come back later." Kimbra enters the room. Kimbra asks, "Is that her? Hi am Kimbra. I suppose to keep you company." Vale says to Rave, "You poor thing. You entrapped all these girls because of me. Didn't you?" Rave says, "Time has changed Vale. My word is law. If I tell you to stay in this room you stay here." She says, "No way. You can't work that evil master thing on me. I remember you as a nerd." Kimbra says, "Really... he is definitely trying to escape the awkwardness." Rave grunts, "I'm not! If you want me to chat so badly. Don't be surprised if I treat you different. Kimbra get out!" Kimbra puts her hand on he hips and says, "I'm here already. I have to hear this!" Rave grabs both Kimbra and Vale by the waists. Vale mouth stay open as she says, "That came with a warning." Kimbra says, "Get use to it. Our lord does what he wants." Vale says, "What? You a lord now." Rave replies, "I plan to replace god. You have to worship me." Vale says, "No way. I are you sure you are Roman?" Kimbra explains, "Roman is himself. He is only enhanced by the god aura which makes him bad." Rave replies, "I had you before all this power." Rave kisses Kimbra then nogged her to kiss Vale. Kimbra says, "You see. He doesn't want to chat. Slaves must obey their masters." After Vale says with a curious smile, "I'm still angry at you Rave. I'd I remember you stopped talking to me and I died without knowing you. You owe me so much more." Rave explains, "Later. I have to help X-Corp. I was going to kill them regardless but being with you changed my mind."
X-Corp says, "As you know. We found out how to reach souls beyond the afterlife. The problem is to being them back we have to pay souls in equal value."
== '''Gwo Sickness''' ==
This is a little time after Rave returns from Mars.
The Gwo mutation spreads to the city. Amongst those are bratty kids. Despite the involvement of kids this story will feature a lot of people exploding. And will be extremely bloody.
A kid is at his home playing video games. He is frustrated that he keeps losing. He says to his friend on mike, "Y'all are straight bustas! One more loss and I will report all you out of spite." His gamer toxicity was at an all time high. His fat pasty mom began to complain. She was upset about how he spent more time on the game than helping her with her new born child. She call on to him, "Anvoll for the last time get of the game and assist me with the child." Anvoll screamed, "I had it with you mom! It's not my ******* child!" The mom runs into the room furiously she opens the door saying, "Who you talking to like that." But went she looks at anvil he is red and swollen. Veins are bursting from his face. Anvil looks at his mother with foam coming from his mouth. She scream in fear, "Oh Lord. You are a demooooon!" She starts to pray. Suddenly the mother in her white nighty is seen yeeted through the window. Glass fly everywhere. Boom! A big pinkish monster tears a hole into the wall as it leaps out. The mother on the grass looks up and faints.
Rave is on the scene working alongside the police and detectives. The women says, "Will you find my child. He turned into a monster but he is a good boy!" Police says, "We have no idea of his where abouts but I'm sure he will come up. He wrecked half the city and simply disappeared." Rave says, "Eight foot monsters don't just vanish." Inertia says, "Maybe he turned back to a child? I'll do my best to search the city." She skates off with her speed. Rave says to ..., "Hmm. A swollen headed muscular monster. Where have I seen this before?" Sharon Haze come from his car. She is wearing an ordinary dress with a side bag. The police says, "Mama this is a crime scene." Rave says, "Nah. She's with me." They let her in. Rave stares in her direction but lost in a thought. He remembers how they meet. Rave says, "Hasifio." Sharon asks, "Are we going back to Arabia?" The thing about Sharon Haze aka Tatted Tantrum is that she does wear a costume but usually as little as possible. Her tattoo manipulation powers required her skin to show. More often her gimmick is just a bikini top and daisy dukes. But as you can see Rave doesn't use her much to fight why she entered looking like a normal woman.
We now see a different copy of Rave in Africa. On the bed Orio summons him. The first thing Rave says is, "Orio I told you stop summoning me for nothing. You have all the other girls to play with. Why you always wasting my energy." Orio says, "Your other copy has landed." He turns to walk but she seductively pulls on his arm." Rave explains, "After..." They walk outside through the big African palace. Rave looks at his own copy awkwardly for a few seconds. They both sigh. Merlo says, "I think their minds are downloading to each other." Sharon says hi to the other girls and go with them. Venus twirls her hair and shake her hips at Rave while mouthing inaudible words. Rave looks up at the very high palace ceilings. Another Rave takes Centauri and Rubi on route to Hasifio in Arabia.
The aircraft lands in Arabia. Centauri's lower body transform into a robotic centaur. Rubi mounts her. Rave says, "I'm not going to ride on her back. That's weird." Rave technomances his one dark robot horse.
Hasifio says, "It wasn't me. Since our fight I have never given any blood to the Americans."
Meanwhile more rage monsters pop up in the US. The Anti-Vax is first on the matter. Cavort Witch calls Rave when she realizes this is more than them alone can handle. Rave arrives on the scene with the girls. Rave says, "This is the GWO sickness. If it's anything like before these people could explode." Rave contacts himself in Africa. It's like a brain cell phone thing. Rave decides he could use some big ladies to help fight these big rage monsters. Later he arrives with Rubi, Centauri, Liga, Venus, Cameila with a new Gangrene Muscle mutation.
| artist = Obituary
| track = Suffocation
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/XwkUSQIB3PQ
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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The GWO is susceptible to anyone but mostly kids. These GWOs rampage the city. America tries to calm down a GWO. Boom! It explodes and blood squirt in her face and chest. Kimbra standing behind her is not wetted as her. America asks, "Why is it always me?" Kimbra shrugs and shakes blood of her hands.
Some of the GWOs explode horrifyingly.
Kobain catches the GWO sickness. Rave says, "S***." As he sees Kobain flaring up a little. Kobain asks, "Am I gonna die. No Rave please don't let me die." Cavort and Millennia kiss his cheeks at the same time in pity. With x-ray eyes Rave recordnises his heart rate slowed down for a bit. Rave says to Kobain, "All the super power in the world is nothing if we can't cure a disease. Kobain you have time before you turn. I need you to work on a cure before time elapses on us." Sharon Haze asks, "Isn't work the opposite of what you should do when you are stressed?!" Rave says, "I know. That why you are going to entertain him. A little table dance while he works." Rave helps her until the table. Sharon continues, "You are goin to get y'all selves in a lot of trouble." Kobain says, "I'm feeling better already." Rave says, "Not to much. You need to maintain a moderate heart level." Rave mind chats to Sharon. He says, "If this kid dies it's on my hands. He is under my care."
''DollHouse LA'''
Rave enter is dark layer all manically. He sits on his throne to meditate. Across the room he see a vase of flowers. Rave shouts, "Proxi! Did you do this! Did you put a vase of pink flowers my evil layers!" Proxi says, "Not me. It was Yuki." He asks Yuki, *Why would you put flowers in an evil layer!" Yuki says, "I thought it was a bit too dark. I just wanted to lighten up the place a bit." Rave says, "It's an evil layer. It's supposed to be dark. You don't put bloody daffodils in an evil layer." Yuki frowns and says, "But those are cosmos." Rave says, "Who cares what they are?!... Okay. Just this one and no more."
The advance woman only civilization of Haiti defends against an attach of savage men. The savage men charge the wall. The female gaurd says, "They would never get over the wall." As the hard moves closer. One leaps into the air and 30 foot wall. They recognize, "These aren't beastmen. Those are werewolves." A ton of werewolves jump over the barrier. The women start firing but are quickly over ran. The women gaurds are being slaughter. Werewolves run through the city. Back up come but they get slaughtered as well. A wolf does what no beastman done before. He tells the women of negotiation.
Alice and Pyrex shoe their faces. Alice learned about the beasts of Haiti and when there to spread werewolfism to the small brained beastmen. Alice wants to build his empire. He wants to reintegrate men back into their society under his rule. The women might oppose but have no choice for now but to agree.
Whitewolf joined Alice pack. Nero vs White wolf.
=='''The Templar Order'''==
Zhealot is a deranged group of religious extremist believes that to be like their god they must kill and torture others into submission. They are descendants of the Templar Knight's who went into secrecy after King Philip and the Pope ordered the execution of the Order for falsified heresies.
Storages facilities. Ricochet bounces bullets off the wet gound. The water lightly black tells that there have been blood spilt then hosed off recently. He advances as Lela catches up with him. She holds her katana at the side. He shot the lock on one of the storage units.
Finally out in the news. Super heroes crucified for being not of god by this mysterious group still in shadows. Bodies are hung from bridges and street lamps.
Rave gets a call from Ricochet. Rave says, "I'm seeing it." Rave thinks, "It would have to take a powerful group to murder all these heroes." Rave calls up Team Spectrum.
Rave pulls a team of Stellar and Chastity, Lulu, Islamoon and Eclipse. Nero, Jumbee and Ricochet group 2.
Investigating the matter we find out they are backed by the secret Hecatoncheires machine.
The machine sits with hundreds of drone heads and many arms. It's sizes alone brings an eerie feeling. And orange light protrude from every eye, grim.
Rave is too late. The Zhealot's high priest just activated the Hecatoncheires.
The Hecatoncheires finally awoken as a hive mind it stretches out it's arms wide. The high priest who stands at its feet raises his hand to behold. He saws, "My lord I have risen you save us!" The Hecatoncheires looks down at him. The Hecatoncheires silently compares it's arms raise to that of the human priest. Boom! The high priest is instantly crushed by to of the machines arms. Rave grunts. Lulu covers her mouth in shock. Chastity says, "What abs idiot." Stellar sees the giant approaching. She wants to run away. She says, "Do I really need to be hear? You guys obviously have this covered. " Rave spawns another copy next to her. He asks, "Better?"
| artist = Mortal Skuld
| track = Metal Church (Cover)
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/RfZuZh_pymY
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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Rave prepares to fight. The girls take ranged positions to assist.
Hated and Nero arrive as back up. All we see is Nero beenie hat sent flying as he transforms to Mordecai. Nero has already initiated. He with fights with demonic louges in a slow motion torpedoes while staring at his target expressionlessly. The way he twirles while horizontal.
Nero goes titan form and so does Hated. Hthe two giants wrestling the Hecatoncheires but it is very strong with many arms. They are shocked it is out wrestling them both.
== Next Episode ==

Latest revision as of 16:15, 17 August 2024

Act 4.5 Rave Sent Back to Ancient Time

  • Mythical Races

Fan And Zamora

Fanceen and Zamora. They are from the past and time travelled into future.

PAST, What happened when Rave got sent back in time:

Rave wakes up in a cave to a cave girl named Umh. She is eating raw meat. Humans are cave people at that time and other races dominate the Earth as top species. Amongst these are the Trolls, Orcs, Dwarves and Elves. The Dwarves technology was so advance they left Earth on spaceships leaving behind their robots. The Elves got jealous of the Dwarves and gained technology from Angels who favored them. But the Elves used that technology to surpass Angels in immortality so they were banished from Earth.

Umh lives alone away from her people because she turns into blood thirsty dinosaurs when angry. She leads Rave to the abandoned Dwarven lands. She does this simply because she recognizes his technomancy powers are similar to a thingy she had seen before. He discovers the abandoned robot girl named Rune and reactivates her with his powers. Her hands and feet are not completed but just poles. He find unfinished research of time travel left behind by the Dwarves. Rave thinks if he can fix this he can get back to present day. Rave would of slowly died if he hadn't found Dwarven technology. Rave powers was severely nerf due to lack of technology in ancient past. The machines he found and modified revitalized his strength. He possessed Rune to manifest in her to recover. He couldn't possess Umh, she had dinosaur when it kicked in he was somehow forced out if her mind.

She leads him to the Rising Orc empire. Rave cannot helped be side quested by something he sees. Two girls from the neck fused Down half to share a body. Their names are Fanceen and Zamora. Fan the Orc daughter of Ringo and Zamora the daughter of Troll Tara. A spell that was meant for Ringo backfired on their daughters. Causing them to fuse down the middle with two separate heads. Ringo banished them for how they looked. He killed Tara's original Troll husband now he banished their daughters. Ringo was on a mad quest to take over Middle Earth. Humans he enslaved. Rave had to do something about it.

Rave, Umh, Rune, Fanceen and Zamora was now a travel team. What happened was Ringo was killed by Tara. Tara had taken over. She was influenced by herself from the far future who had become a powerful Hag sorceress. She manipulated the Orcs. Hag Tara had learned time magic in search of her daughters but instead used it to come back in time to plague Ringo. Hag Tara knew Recognize Rave. He was clueless and didn't know what she was talking about. She told him they fought before. Just when Hag Tara's magic seemed to powerful young Tara sacrificed herself to destroy the powerful future her. The girls lost their mother knowing her heart was still good. Days after, Rave completeled the Dwarven time machine, it was runic and half required magic that Zamora provided. They follow Rave back to present day Mars. They believed he could some how fix them if they stayed with him. In present time it took months for him to get ways for them to control their powers. Fan and Z can now separate and reattach at will. This makes them stronger together. They spectate the last half of the Mars war and go to Earth with him.


PRESENT, What happen After the Legion Mars War on return to Earth:

Immediately after the war Rave returns to a ruined home base. With no mercy the Legion goes straight to the Orc bases. The Orc of modern they are far more advanced than those he fought in the past. Still The Immortal Legion was superior with technology. So it was a massacre. Immortal Legion firing squad flatten mountains in seconds! The Orcs and their petty medieval weapons didn't stand a chance. Rave ran through their stronghold. He flew a head of the army to find who is in charge of all this.

During battle Rave hovered into a room and exploded 2 Orc men with his mind. The third was Oogla, he did not kill her because she was fascinated by her. He trapped her in a bubble and brought her back to his quarters. (Let me cut crap here) He told her the only reason she still alive because he usually take trophies to remember every land conquered. The orcs forced back into stronghold. That eve of war she saw Rave blow up 3 other men soldiers standing next to her with only his mind. Then he stopped to look at her covered in their blood. "Hmm, I have never seen you before he said softly." he said. She paused confused and struck with fear. "Just kill me!' she screamed while holding her axe and backing into the wall. She breathed heavy as he hovered closer. Her ankle hit the wall and she lounge towards him with her axe but he caught her in mid air with telekinesis and disarmed her. He took her armor off and inspected as she float helplessly. Her armor was more fancy the the common soldiers meaning she had some sort of high rank. "What do you want from me?" She asked. He said, " The only reason you are alive is because you are pretty and I have decided to take you as a trophy. "I will never submit to you!", She cried out. But she knew it was hopeless for her. He put her down, "Suppose I let you embarrass yourself. Prove to how much you want to survive..." he laughed. He challenged he to a duel to toy with her. She hit him till her knuckles bleed and right hand broke but he didn't even flinch and felt nothing. He grabbed grabbed her left hand mid punch and broke her wrist. She screamed out in pain and anger. Spinning her around like a ball dance and then man punched her in the face while still holding her arm in his other hand. She fell to her knees silently and slowly blacked out looking up at his emotionless face as her view faded to black. He was clearly holding back. She didn't even fall to the ground because he was still holding her up by one hand. When she was out cold she was lifted back to his quarters. She was being cared for by faceless robots. Her hands were immediately tended to. Orc women viewed their defeat as attraction. Oolga told he where to find their leader and it was Hag Tara. On her defeat she escaped back in time. Rave didn't worry about this. He knew that the past she was going to was her inevitable defeat anyways.

The Legion eliminate and indoctrinate remaining Troll and Orcs into their ranks. This causes the legion to grow into a hybrid human race if stronger people. Troll as well as Orc bodies made perfect spouses for the large monsterous soldiers of the Legion. The Legion took it all. 10000 strong, 100000 civilians. He gave Oolga lightening based screaming dragon armor as uniform. Off days her large size was used to intimidate the other girls in his harem. That was the off days other than that she became another general in is army. She oversee larger battalions and lead the war against the Ogre people who was like orc but far more powerful. And the Legion was victorious. No more time travel was done Rave found that the knew Earth was even more interesting to explore. Nothing significantly changed about the people he already knew.

Quantum Caveman And Monolith

Gore Warning, Extremely Violent and Controversial, Sexual Themes

12000 B.C.

"It's time to kill. I'll start with death! And when we're closing. There'll be more death!" He grunts frustration. Nothing in head. He only thinks of dead. And when his not killing he is doing the sex. A brutal caveman. Death in the flesh. A killing machine. He achieves success.

The story starts meat roasting on a night fire. The Quantum Caveman has just slaughtered an entire tribe. Men, women and children included. They were a tribe of cannibals who messed with the wrong stranger. The remaining women he rested to procreate with. In the morning he was on his way. They ask him to follow but he says no. He doesn't know where he'll go. He is a wanderer who travels the Earth, alone. For the first time in his life he had direction. He saw fire fall from the sky. He wants to see where it landed.

He heads north to cross over into snowy regions. He arrives at a cliff looking down. The crater below emanate an orange glow. It pulses like never seen before. He goes to look at it and falls into the crevasse. Snow then falls untop of him. The caveman is frozen in time underneath the ice.


Monolith Archeologist discover pre historical man frozen in ice. The ice block is cut and brought to the US where it can be studied. They keep the ice refrigerated. The caveman eyes blink but they do not notice. Meanwhile the caveman grows angrier. He doesn't understand the people observing him. He had been awake for more than 12000 years just staring at the frozen underground.

The scientist notice the ice starting to defrosted regardless of the refrigeration. They decide to turn the temperature below freezing. That night a gaurd came to check in it and saw it had defrosted. No body was there. The guard called the scientist. When they search they saw the caveman hiding under the sink, afraid and cold. The scienctist try to establish communication. The caveman stood up and shadowed the scientist in height. The scientist said, "Remarkable. Do you know what this is. This is beyond noble prize. This is the history of mankind." The caveman touch the scientist curly hair. Then the others started to take pictures and man calls. All this excitement confused the caveman so badly. While petting the scientist head he just rooted out the top of his skull. Then a female scientist screamed as the mutilated one dropped to his knees screaming to the horror of his gone top of head. Caveman picks up an attractive lady scientist. All the scream cause the caveman to release a pulse of energy that blasted the people surrounding him to burnt meaty bone. He realizes he just blown the lady scientist to pieces. The explosion triggered alarms. And soon downtown learned there was a caveman on the lose.

Three years ago another archeologist by the name of Henry Clide found a strange silver monolith in Australia. It shot a beam of light into space. A compelling force made him walk towards it. When he woke up the mololith was gone. He soon found out that he had gotten astral conjuring and super strength powers. From that day on he fought crime under the alias Monolith. Henry was the closest one on the scene to the active incident. So Henry power up to Monolith and follows the trail of destruction. Bluh Blah! Boom! The caveman attack anything mechanical including the cars and crane on the port. Monolith flies to get a closer view. Monolith says, "I understand that you don't... understand. But I must subdue you." The caveman sees Monolith and flight and trys to do it too. To his surprise he can fly as well using his quantum power. Monolith flies and punches Caveman in the face. Spits fly back in slow motion. Quantum draws back a quantum punch at him. Monolith is sent crashing through a building. Monolith says, "Hmm, Maybe holding back isn't best choice." Monolith fly back at him and hits him an undercut in his stomach. 'Blurck' Caveman gasp. Caveman head buts Monolith. Monolith hits him again in the gut. He jabs Monolith down. Monolith blocks part of the damage with astral. Caveman puts his hands together and quantum blasts Monolith below him. Monolith counters with a Psy blast. The blast contacts create and explosion. Caveman is sent upwards. Monolith down but kick of the ground and delivers a series of punches to Caveman till they are in space. They can both hold their breath in space. Caveman is disoriented by the recent heavy blows to the head. But Caveman is so stupid that being disoriented cannot stop him. Disoriented is his normal state of function. Caveman punches Monolith but Monolith dodges and grabs his arm. Monolith realizes Caveman is just swinging wildly. Caveman lost his sense of up and down. Monolith head butts him in the face then elbow, then uppercut. Caveman puts a pain angry face. Trapped he starts charging to explode. Monolith draws his strength into a epic punch. The collision causes an epic explosion. When it settles Monolith pulls Caveman's unconscious body back down to earth. Caveman is taken to a superpower holding facility so experts can study.

They understand it is not Caveman fault. He is a relic of his time and confusion. In time caveman learns to control his rage and powers.

Guy Stupid

Guy Stupid, top power strength and flight superhero that is so stupid he just wrecks everything and accidentally kills everybody he try to help.


Introduce Norseman

Massive meteorite is coming. On no we are all going to die. Further research suggests that this meteor is the remains of planet Nibiru.

Guy Stupid punches the meteorite that causes many smaller meteorites to hit all over the globe.

Rave meets Quantum Caveman and Monolith. We discuss the stupid problem. He has more physical strength and speed than all of us.

Chastity has a vision. We learn that was not the meteorite but a piece of it.


Norseman says, "The universe spins around itself in a cycle, the great Norse say if you now the future you would know the past. Revelation is based on the return of the age of Aquarius who pours out his bowl. The return of a great astroid like Saturn who reshape the world. And as the people evacuate we might sail through black space and becomes the new gods of the sky."

The meteorite is so large it pulls it's own gravity on the sea cause tidal waves and floods all over the world.

Rave goes into meditation. He channels all his energy trying to open up a portal to Lost Dimension large enough to swallow it. But it is very slow process. Rave runs out of time. The meteor hits the portal. The portal breaks and vanishes. On no we are doomed again! No one can stop it!

Rave is having moral conflict. He only has time to save his wives and Anti-Vax by teleporting them to Lost- dimension. Everyone notices Rave teleporting his people out. And other heroes get mad at for his pending escape. Rave says, "I'll get Rune to act. Well time travel or something. But I'll made a promise to never let my people die. And my women come first." Genie adds, "Rave. Time travel sucks. This is plot breaking. I hate it." Chastity says to Rave, "I though you said you destroyed the Travel Disk." Rave stays silent. Yela says, "What will we eat? XD is unstable. Only you can survive that environment." Rave says, "From there I will go into Qliphoth and you will eat Deelihla's monsters." Chastity yank up her nose. She says, "You haven't answered me on the time disk." Rave replies, "And you talk too much. You need some kind of talking privilege restrictions or something." Chastity sassily replies, "Talking privilege? You're gonna fight me on that? The world is ending I don't care." Rave tells her, "Stay away from me till this is over. I need to think not listen to your empty head ping around."

The girls feel bad about abandoning ship. Rave says, "I told y'all. If some of us survive we can think of something but if we all die then that the end off it." But Guy Stupid has an idea he tell no one.

He flies up to slow the impact.

Guy Stupid is crushed by the meteorite while saving the world by slowing it down from impact just in time.



X-Corp lowers Rave into a diversion. They then offer an alliance. Rave replies, "Why on Earth will hw ever work with is enemies?" They show him that they have the ghost of his past friend Vale. Rave gets extremely angry and immediately starts to kill. Rave stops when they convince him if they die he will not get her soul. Rave shouts, "What's stopping me from killing all of you! Give me her now and I promise to my word." They give Rave Vale's spirit. He technomances a body for her. Vale's spirit inhabits her new robot body. But Rave sees her as she soul. She moans, "Rave? Am I not dead?" He replies, "I made a mistake years ago. I cannot let it happen again." She tries to walk away saying, "We were never lovers." Rave grabs Vale from behind reaches around and kisses her as he raises his hand under her Ribcage. He can feel the bones of her side. She spins her around him a magical haze. "I am not your girlfriend." she says softly. He replies with another kiss. She says, "we have to talk about this." He kisses her again and says, "After." Then she gives in. He teleports her to bed and they made love. After they stayed touching and kissing for about an hour but then Vale bagan to ask questions. Vale says, "If we can't make this anymore awkward. I always considered you like a brother. What am I to do now? You and all those women." Rave replies, "Don't worry about other women. Did you not get what was yours?" Rave gets up like he is leaving. Vale asks, "You said we would talk. Don't run out now." He replies, "I was never good at that. You stay here and I'll come back later." Kimbra enters the room. Kimbra asks, "Is that her? Hi am Kimbra. I suppose to keep you company." Vale says to Rave, "You poor thing. You entrapped all these girls because of me. Didn't you?" Rave says, "Time has changed Vale. My word is law. If I tell you to stay in this room you stay here." She says, "No way. You can't work that evil master thing on me. I remember you as a nerd." Kimbra says, "Really... he is definitely trying to escape the awkwardness." Rave grunts, "I'm not! If you want me to chat so badly. Don't be surprised if I treat you different. Kimbra get out!" Kimbra puts her hand on he hips and says, "I'm here already. I have to hear this!" Rave grabs both Kimbra and Vale by the waists. Vale mouth stay open as she says, "That came with a warning." Kimbra says, "Get use to it. Our lord does what he wants." Vale says, "What? You a lord now." Rave replies, "I plan to replace god. You have to worship me." Vale says, "No way. I are you sure you are Roman?" Kimbra explains, "Roman is himself. He is only enhanced by the god aura which makes him bad." Rave replies, "I had you before all this power." Rave kisses Kimbra then nogged her to kiss Vale. Kimbra says, "You see. He doesn't want to chat. Slaves must obey their masters." After Vale says with a curious smile, "I'm still angry at you Rave. I'd I remember you stopped talking to me and I died without knowing you. You owe me so much more." Rave explains, "Later. I have to help X-Corp. I was going to kill them regardless but being with you changed my mind."

X-Corp says, "As you know. We found out how to reach souls beyond the afterlife. The problem is to being them back we have to pay souls in equal value."



Gwo Sickness


This is a little time after Rave returns from Mars.

The Gwo mutation spreads to the city. Amongst those are bratty kids. Despite the involvement of kids this story will feature a lot of people exploding. And will be extremely bloody.


A kid is at his home playing video games. He is frustrated that he keeps losing. He says to his friend on mike, "Y'all are straight bustas! One more loss and I will report all you out of spite." His gamer toxicity was at an all time high. His fat pasty mom began to complain. She was upset about how he spent more time on the game than helping her with her new born child. She call on to him, "Anvoll for the last time get of the game and assist me with the child." Anvoll screamed, "I had it with you mom! It's not my ******* child!" The mom runs into the room furiously she opens the door saying, "Who you talking to like that." But went she looks at anvil he is red and swollen. Veins are bursting from his face. Anvil looks at his mother with foam coming from his mouth. She scream in fear, "Oh Lord. You are a demooooon!" She starts to pray. Suddenly the mother in her white nighty is seen yeeted through the window. Glass fly everywhere. Boom! A big pinkish monster tears a hole into the wall as it leaps out. The mother on the grass looks up and faints.

Rave is on the scene working alongside the police and detectives. The women says, "Will you find my child. He turned into a monster but he is a good boy!" Police says, "We have no idea of his where abouts but I'm sure he will come up. He wrecked half the city and simply disappeared." Rave says, "Eight foot monsters don't just vanish." Inertia says, "Maybe he turned back to a child? I'll do my best to search the city." She skates off with her speed. Rave says to ..., "Hmm. A swollen headed muscular monster. Where have I seen this before?" Sharon Haze come from his car. She is wearing an ordinary dress with a side bag. The police says, "Mama this is a crime scene." Rave says, "Nah. She's with me." They let her in. Rave stares in her direction but lost in a thought. He remembers how they meet. Rave says, "Hasifio." Sharon asks, "Are we going back to Arabia?" The thing about Sharon Haze aka Tatted Tantrum is that she does wear a costume but usually as little as possible. Her tattoo manipulation powers required her skin to show. More often her gimmick is just a bikini top and daisy dukes. But as you can see Rave doesn't use her much to fight why she entered looking like a normal woman.

We now see a different copy of Rave in Africa. On the bed Orio summons him. The first thing Rave says is, "Orio I told you stop summoning me for nothing. You have all the other girls to play with. Why you always wasting my energy." Orio says, "Your other copy has landed." He turns to walk but she seductively pulls on his arm." Rave explains, "After..." They walk outside through the big African palace. Rave looks at his own copy awkwardly for a few seconds. They both sigh. Merlo says, "I think their minds are downloading to each other." Sharon says hi to the other girls and go with them. Venus twirls her hair and shake her hips at Rave while mouthing inaudible words. Rave looks up at the very high palace ceilings. Another Rave takes Centauri and Rubi on route to Hasifio in Arabia.

The aircraft lands in Arabia. Centauri's lower body transform into a robotic centaur. Rubi mounts her. Rave says, "I'm not going to ride on her back. That's weird." Rave technomances his one dark robot horse.

Hasifio says, "It wasn't me. Since our fight I have never given any blood to the Americans."

Meanwhile more rage monsters pop up in the US. The Anti-Vax is first on the matter. Cavort Witch calls Rave when she realizes this is more than them alone can handle. Rave arrives on the scene with the girls. Rave says, "This is the GWO sickness. If it's anything like before these people could explode." Rave contacts himself in Africa. It's like a brain cell phone thing. Rave decides he could use some big ladies to help fight these big rage monsters. Later he arrives with Rubi, Centauri, Liga, Venus, Cameila with a new Gangrene Muscle mutation.


The GWO is susceptible to anyone but mostly kids. These GWOs rampage the city. America tries to calm down a GWO. Boom! It explodes and blood squirt in her face and chest. Kimbra standing behind her is not wetted as her. America asks, "Why is it always me?" Kimbra shrugs and shakes blood of her hands.

Some of the GWOs explode horrifyingly.

Kobain catches the GWO sickness. Rave says, "S***." As he sees Kobain flaring up a little. Kobain asks, "Am I gonna die. No Rave please don't let me die." Cavort and Millennia kiss his cheeks at the same time in pity. With x-ray eyes Rave recordnises his heart rate slowed down for a bit. Rave says to Kobain, "All the super power in the world is nothing if we can't cure a disease. Kobain you have time before you turn. I need you to work on a cure before time elapses on us." Sharon Haze asks, "Isn't work the opposite of what you should do when you are stressed?!" Rave says, "I know. That why you are going to entertain him. A little table dance while he works." Rave helps her until the table. Sharon continues, "You are goin to get y'all selves in a lot of trouble." Kobain says, "I'm feeling better already." Rave says, "Not to much. You need to maintain a moderate heart level." Rave mind chats to Sharon. He says, "If this kid dies it's on my hands. He is under my care."

DollHouse LA'

Rave enter is dark layer all manically. He sits on his throne to meditate. Across the room he see a vase of flowers. Rave shouts, "Proxi! Did you do this! Did you put a vase of pink flowers my evil layers!" Proxi says, "Not me. It was Yuki." He asks Yuki, *Why would you put flowers in an evil layer!" Yuki says, "I thought it was a bit too dark. I just wanted to lighten up the place a bit." Rave says, "It's an evil layer. It's supposed to be dark. You don't put bloody daffodils in an evil layer." Yuki frowns and says, "But those are cosmos." Rave says, "Who cares what they are?!... Okay. Just this one and no more."



The advance woman only civilization of Haiti defends against an attach of savage men. The savage men charge the wall. The female gaurd says, "They would never get over the wall." As the hard moves closer. One leaps into the air and 30 foot wall. They recognize, "These aren't beastmen. Those are werewolves." A ton of werewolves jump over the barrier. The women start firing but are quickly over ran. The women gaurds are being slaughter. Werewolves run through the city. Back up come but they get slaughtered as well. A wolf does what no beastman done before. He tells the women of negotiation.

Alice and Pyrex shoe their faces. Alice learned about the beasts of Haiti and when there to spread werewolfism to the small brained beastmen. Alice wants to build his empire. He wants to reintegrate men back into their society under his rule. The women might oppose but have no choice for now but to agree.

Whitewolf joined Alice pack. Nero vs White wolf.

The Templar Order


Zhealot is a deranged group of religious extremist believes that to be like their god they must kill and torture others into submission. They are descendants of the Templar Knight's who went into secrecy after King Philip and the Pope ordered the execution of the Order for falsified heresies.

Storages facilities. Ricochet bounces bullets off the wet gound. The water lightly black tells that there have been blood spilt then hosed off recently. He advances as Lela catches up with him. She holds her katana at the side. He shot the lock on one of the storage units.

Finally out in the news. Super heroes crucified for being not of god by this mysterious group still in shadows. Bodies are hung from bridges and street lamps.

Rave gets a call from Ricochet. Rave says, "I'm seeing it." Rave thinks, "It would have to take a powerful group to murder all these heroes." Rave calls up Team Spectrum.

Rave pulls a team of Stellar and Chastity, Lulu, Islamoon and Eclipse. Nero, Jumbee and Ricochet group 2.

Investigating the matter we find out they are backed by the secret Hecatoncheires machine.


The machine sits with hundreds of drone heads and many arms. It's sizes alone brings an eerie feeling. And orange light protrude from every eye, grim.

Rave is too late. The Zhealot's high priest just activated the Hecatoncheires.

The Hecatoncheires finally awoken as a hive mind it stretches out it's arms wide. The high priest who stands at its feet raises his hand to behold. He saws, "My lord I have risen you save us!" The Hecatoncheires looks down at him. The Hecatoncheires silently compares it's arms raise to that of the human priest. Boom! The high priest is instantly crushed by to of the machines arms. Rave grunts. Lulu covers her mouth in shock. Chastity says, "What abs idiot." Stellar sees the giant approaching. She wants to run away. She says, "Do I really need to be hear? You guys obviously have this covered. " Rave spawns another copy next to her. He asks, "Better?"

Mortal Skuld
Metal Church (Cover)

Rave prepares to fight. The girls take ranged positions to assist.

Hated and Nero arrive as back up. All we see is Nero beenie hat sent flying as he transforms to Mordecai. Nero has already initiated. He with fights with demonic louges in a slow motion torpedoes while staring at his target expressionlessly. The way he twirles while horizontal.

Nero goes titan form and so does Hated. Hthe two giants wrestling the Hecatoncheires but it is very strong with many arms. They are shocked it is out wrestling them both.

Next Episode
