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Act 1
Act 1.7
'''Usual Mature Content, Fighting Gore Warning'''
'''Usual Mature Content, Fighting Gore Warning'''
==Vindicator Special==
While Rave was in Florida.
While Rave was in Florida.
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Rave immediately hacks back this transmission and the whole thing is broadcasted. Rave said, "Malt, Malt, Malt you are not going to blow up the Earth. See that little ball of dirt through your little computer screen. Take a good look at it. Me and my friend live down there. And I'm going to fight you and I garantee you it will be the last thing you see before you die." Malt pauses as he was about to hit the planetary destroying weapon button and covers it back. Poison his robot assistant tells him, "Sir. The Earth is to be destroyed immediately we will be behind schedule." Poison is a short thick African girl with blue hair. She wears a similar uniform to him. Malt replies, "We did a scout a few years ago and the Earth was destined to destroy themselves in war anyway. We didn't know the Earth apposed challengers. If he can hack my ship then I will fight them." Malt turn back on the intermission. He says the world was seconds away from being destroyed but he changed his mind. He challenges all the heroes of Earth to fight him for Earth's fate. The presidents around the world broadcast to heroes be them to assist. It's wasn't hard to get heroes as well as  villains to rally against this new threat. If the Earth was blown up then it was game over. Poison tells Malt, "All this because the grey one insulted your pride? Now you risk the mission and my rank. I would report you to HQ but you'd kill me before and after I get the chance. So good luck. Just don't die out there." "I won't.", He replies in his deep voice. And jumps from the ship onto Earth. He lands between desert Texas and Mexico creating a massive creator. Social media picks this up and heroes swarm to Texas. On the news they ask, "But who is this grey hero? - Will he show up to fight? - He was the one who gave the planet a chance to fight." Malt's suit collects power from the yellow sun. On Earth he feel top shape. Now Malt is really power. Infin8te being Earth's fastest and strongest but Malt was like three times that with his suit on. Before the fight even begins we already know a ton of heroes are going to die.
Rave immediately hacks back this transmission and the whole thing is broadcasted. Rave said, "Malt, Malt, Malt you are not going to blow up the Earth. See that little ball of dirt through your little computer screen. Take a good look at it. Me and my friend live down there. And I'm going to fight you and I garantee you it will be the last thing you see before you die." Malt pauses as he was about to hit the planetary destroying weapon button and covers it back. Poison his robot assistant tells him, "Sir. The Earth is to be destroyed immediately we will be behind schedule." Poison is a short thick African girl with blue hair. She wears a similar uniform to him. Malt replies, "We did a scout a few years ago and the Earth was destined to destroy themselves in war anyway. We didn't know the Earth apposed challengers. If he can hack my ship then I will fight them." Malt turn back on the intermission. He says the world was seconds away from being destroyed but he changed his mind. He challenges all the heroes of Earth to fight him for Earth's fate.
This guy is big. He holds two sups that charge him and crush their head under his arms. The boy is fast all they can see is the light that trails him and by time they see it then it is already too late. Heroes drop like flies. We had to slow it down to unsdertand what was going on. But you rather not see Earth's Defenders fall so horribly in slow motion. The new goes, "OMG! Do you see what I'm seeing. The Vindicator just finished of the first wave in less than a minute! He seems to have picked up the Blue Bullet by the chest! What is he saying to him!" Vindicator is asking Malt for Rave but the Bullet doesn't know of him. Suddenly the Vindicator tears him in half. To the shock of the news camera crew the Malt strikingly turns at them. A light powers up on his chest and a beam hit the news crew and the cameras go black. He jumps infront another news crew and he screams, "WHERE IS THE GREY HERO!!!" into the camera. Then he beats them to death with it. The the bloody cameras and to be cut off.
===Rave Vaguely Exposed===
Now that images of the grey ghost is finally in the light officers Murdok and Jane are on exposing him. The officers take a ship to Miami. Jane has worked really hard tracking down this Rave. It appears they struck a partnership deal with the US government for information about the military girl America.
Rave sends back a transmission, Rave ask Malt, "Is that blood on your shirt? Didn't your mother alway tell you never to leave the house with a tampax stayfree. You must eager to die Mr. Malt. Why don't you stop wasting your time with little fish. I will be there to kill you soon enough." Mult replies, "Big talk from a little man. From what I've seen. I'm starting to believe you're bluffing." Then he flicks his cape, fold his arms and flies up into his ship. He and the girls are on there way in a small ship. Kimbra say, "JC, Rave I really hope you can fight this guy." Rave says, "I was bluffing. I have no idea what this guy can do. But if I can't stop him then we're all dead anyways." Chastity adds, "At least you bought us time to say our prays." The scene is gloomy. Rave smiles saying, "Don't go doubting me just yet. There is no way I'm the strongest one on Earth but there is a higher probability there is others."
===Coming Battle===
World leaders around the globe broadcast to heroes be them to assist. It's wasn't hard to get heroes as well as  villains to rally against this new threat. If the Earth was blown up then it was game over. Poison tells Malt, "All this because the grey one insulted your pride? Now you risk the mission and my rank. I would report you to HQ but you'd kill me before and after I get the chance. So good luck. Just don't die out there." "I don't need luck. I won't.", He replies in his deep voice. Malt puts on his helmet and jumps from the ship onto Earth. He lands between desert Texas and Mexico creating a massive creator. Social media picks this up and heroes swarm to Texas. On the news they ask, "But who is this grey hero? - Will he show up to fight? - He was the one who gave the planet a chance to fight." Malt's suit collects power from the yellow sun. His helmet feeds information to him on the visor. Now Malt is really powerful and on Earth he is in top shape. Infin8te being Earth's fastest and strongest but Malt was like three times that with his suit on. Before the fight even begins we already know a ton of heroes are going to die.
This guy is big. He holds two sups that charge him and crush their head under his arms. The boy is fast all they can see is the light that trails him and by time they see it then it is already too late. Heroes drop like flies. We had to slow it down to understand what was going on. But you rather not see Earth's Defenders fall so horribly in slow motion. The new goes, "OMG! Do you see what I'm seeing. The Vindicator just finished of the first wave in less than a minute! He seems to have picked up the Blue Bullet by the chest! What is he saying to him!" Vindicator is asking Malt for Rave but the Bullet doesn't know of him. Suddenly the Vindicator tears him in half. To the shock of the news camera crew the Malt strikingly turns at them. A light powers up on his chest and a beam hit the news crew and the cameras go black. He jumps infront another news crew and he screams, "WHERE IS THE GREY HERO!!!" into the camera. Then he beats them to death with it. The the bloody cameras and to be cut off.
===Flight To Texas===
Rave sends back a transmission, Rave ask Malt, "Is that blood on your shirt? Didn't your mother alway tell you never to leave the house with a tampax stayfree. You must eager to die Mr. Malt. Why don't you stop wasting your time with little fish. I will be there to kill you soon enough." Mult replies, "Big talk from a little man. From what I've seen. I'm starting to believe you're bluffing." Then he flicks his cape, fold his arms and flies up into his ship. He and the girls are on there way in a small ship. Kimbra say, "JC, Rave I really hope you can fight this guy." Rave says, "I was bluffing. I have no idea what this guy can do. But if I can't stop him then we're all dead anyways." Chastity adds, "At least you bought us time to say our prayers." The scene is gloomy. Rave smiles saying, "Don't go doubting me just yet. There is no way I'm the strongest one on Earth but there is a higher probability there is others."
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===Filler Rumble===
Meanwhile the Malt send down lesser Vindicators for round two of the rumble. They are not as strong as he but still strong. Surprise, it's the well renounce superhero, Florida Man! Florida Man flies in to save the day. Just when the heroes think they were winning Malt comes down and kills his weak crew mates as well as the other heroes. Florida Man punches Malt to look up and see the 8 foot man looking down at him unphased. Florida Man is lifted up and face planted so hard. He is buried in the hole created when he is planted. The battlefield is littered with bodies.
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===Never Fear Rave Is Here===
Rave just arrives on the battle ground in his ship. Cameras follow his every move from a far distance. They see the girls unpacking. Rave turns the ships into a small bunker. He goes inside it and secretly drills several metres underground. MetalSlug aids him with the drilling work using her pet worms. Then Rave returns to the surface he only perched his lips and put a face at sun when looking up at Malt's ship casting a great shadow. Rave says, "I'm not as strong in the sun light but at least we have shade."
From their ship Poison informs Malt the the grey hero has arrived. She says that she can't miss this and flys down with him to watch. Malt and Poison both wear their helmet and full suit. All the girls go underground in his bunker except for Chastity that follows him out. So far she has the quickest response time due to future sight and he will shield her with force. They walk closer to Malt and Poison. Rave says to the girls on mindcom, "I wish I had more time to prepare. If I knew something about this guy then I could create a weapon or trap or something. But we are going in hot. I could at least stall him long enough to find his weakness. Everyone has one" When in ear range he shouts to Malt, "I really must thank you for allowing he a second to prepare. I'm hoping we will handle this like gentlemen regardless of the outcome." Malt says, "Alright hero. Your home your rules." As he smiles. Rave explains, "We leave the girls out of this no sneak shots or dirty tricks." Malt says, "Find but who ever is victor. Then she must go with them." Poison says, "What?! no way!" Rave looks at Chastity to say, "Fine. If I lose my girls will go with you." Rave says to her on mindcom, "If I fall go with him immediately. His guard will be down. His suit will be off. You can kill him. It might be the only way." Chastity nodes in agreement. "So. How we starting this?" Rave ask. Malt replies, "I didn't come here to chat. Hero." Rave says, "Oh. I almost forgot. I'm no hero." Vumm! Malt runs through him at light speed. Rave separated in two in time to dodge it. He has to copies. Malt keeps running into the other direction. "Where is he going?" Chastity asks. Rave looks at his bunker in the distance. Rave says, "Well SoAB. He is playing dirty." Voop! Voop! Voop! Three Rave copies fly out from bunker to intercept his course.
Chastity gasps as Poison flinches. Poison laughs says, "Relax, I'm just hear to spectate. You're Malt's prize why would I hurt you." Chastity replies, "It's Rave that will be having you. I'll make sure I soften you up first." Rave telepathically says to Chastity, "Don't worry I got my eyes on her."
Slow motion. Vindicator barrels toward him. Rave sees that Vindicator is moving much faster than him. They intercept Rave distracts him while another copy try to teleport him to Lost Dimension. Vindicator releases a power up charge that blows of Rave. Vindicator says, "You think I'd ever sit still long enough for a spectre to grab a hold of me?!" Another Rave comes from the ground. He goes to grab Malt's ankles. Malt jumps into the air. Punching the Rave down killing him. A Rave copy says, "*, he writes us off with a single hit." Rave looks at Vindicator in slow motion. Vindicator moves out if the way before a slugworm come up under him. So far all attempts for Rave to ambush him from the ground fails. Rave analyses and thinks, "Is he really that fast!"
Cameila says to another Rave down in the bunker, "Sai is in their system. It's the helmet he can read our positions!" Rave replies, "So our bunker is made. Halt plans for a while." Braille comes off the drill seat. Rave says, "Maybe if I get the helmet off. I might be able to catch him in a death stare. Everything of this guy is like a normie hitting a metal wall."
Malt flies into the air. He looks down and through his HUD sees many giant worms under ground adjacent to the bunker. He flies down and smashes the ground. It cause a tremor. It is felt in Raves bunker. Rave says, "Those worms cause earthquakes. That's not going to hurt them." Malt replies, "Well I'm curious to your little plan. Why are you drilling the ground? Are you trying to escape?" Rave says, "Oh, where just getting started."
Rave and Malt rise in flight while facing each other. Blue energy radiates from Rave while yellow-gold radiates from Malt. Malt flies at Rave. Rave forces to hold him back with telekinesis. Malt eases of as is is shocked by this power reveal. While distracted Rave pulls him forward. Malt uses Rave pull to punch through Rave's torso. The dying Rave says, "Gotcha!" As Malt hands through his stomach Rave holds Malt shoulder.
They teleport to Lost Dimension. Poison gasps as Rave and Malt disappeared. Poison shouts to Chasity, "What is this!" The news casters scratch their heads. Chastity says to Poison... Cut to lighten and blue lighted world. The impaled Rave stepped on by Vindicator and and poofs to dust (dies). Another Rave Rises from beyond a platform. Rave says, "Witness! You are now, Victim! Welcome to, the Lost, Your are I'm my world now." Malt folds his fist to lounge at Rave. But the ground underneath his feet breaks. A force pulls him down beyond several floating stone platforms. Vindicator looks at the light on his chest. A secret he doesn't reveal is that without sunlight he powers fade. Rave comes back to the real world next to Chastity. Rave says, "Malt is lost. Poison is my prize." Poison grunts, "That's impossible! It can be!" Poison makes a move to act as she pulls her gun. Chastity pulls her gun and shouts at her, "Stand down! What you stronger than the Vindicator now?! You gonna fight Rave?!"
"HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The voice of Vindicator says. He suddenly returns from XD. It grabs Raves Attention. Rave says, "How? No one escapes XD!" Malt laughs, "It's was to easy to trace. Your sequence. We Vindicators travel all over the galaxy! You think simple teleportation isn't something we mastered ages ago. If I want know I could be in your bunker. What's stopping me from killing those little friends of yours." Rave says, "They are not as powerful. But they own skills though to be some of the best this planet has to offer. If you kill them you lose excellent recruits."  Malt looks at Poison. Malt says, "Why don't we let the girls fight. To prove that. If your night priestess can defeat Poison maybe I'll consider it. But look out she just a version of me." Malt smiles. Rave says to Chastity telepathically, "Don't worry. We'll cheat."
Poison fires at Chastity. Chastity dodges and roles in the sand. Chastity says, "Awe. I getting dirty." Poison runs at her. Chastity shoots while on the ground. Chastity rolls back to evaded gun fire and Rave boosts her up with telekinesis. Chastity flys back and shoots at Poison. Poison gasps as the bulls heads straight for her head in slow motion. Malt catches the bullet. Rave says, "Cheater!" Malt replies, "And you think I don't see you pull your girl back with your Telekinesis?" Rave explains, "how you sure it was me? She could have that power too. You don't know her." Malt says, "Useless. But I wouldn't kill her. The red head would make an excellent servant." Chastity shouts, "Servant! Loser! I can see the future. I'm not going to clean your * room!" Malt says, "Hmm. They might be useful after all."
Malt presses a few codes on his gauntlet. Rave is paralyzed and Poison falls on her face. All other equipment like the news camera cut off. Malt slow walks up to Rave. Chastity says, "What is this. Raaave? Cameila..." She realizes she loses telepathic communications with the other girls. Cameron DGelli talks to all of them with her telepathic powers, she says, "Looks like Rave out." Cameila is on her knees in the bunker. Cameila says, "My mechanical parts stopped working. Relay me to Sai in the other hideout." Xerxes proudly explains, "We can do more than that. I can relay all the mistress of Rave." Sai shouts, "It's an EMP. It's coming from the massive ship!
... Deelihla take me up there, I'll cybercrawl through there systems and see if I can disable it." Deelihla says, "Your powers are tech based are you sure they will work." Sai replies, "It doesn't work now but I'm sure a ship that uses an EMP as a weapon has a barrier to protect itself from shutting down. I'll see what I can do once where inside. Deelihla portals Sai and herself away. Siren says, "Me and Koi will create a storm." Voom. The sunny day turns to Strong winds. Voom. Inertia snatches Chastity to safety. Malt says to the paralyzed Rave, "You have a fast one too? I suppose one of yours is causing the storm. I'm impressed but can she fight." Pew. Malt darts after darts after Inertia. Poison is left with the paralyzed Rave feels a tremor shaking the ground. She realizes this is because Rave is angry. Poison takes off her helmet and stares into his blue cosmic eyes almost. Rave is paralyzed but he enters her mind.
So Malt darts to capture the fleeing Rave girls. Chastity uses her oracle sight, the yellow eyes blur in the speed. She scream, "Look out Malt is after us!" Inertia screams, "Deelihla get us out!" Malt is just about to grab the girls as he is clearly faster. Deelihla ports them. Inertia and Chastity crash and tumble into Qliphoth. Malt is there to, hovering maniacally. Inertia stands up and gets ready to fight. Chastity says, "Inertia no. Don't try to fight him." Malt laughs. He says, "What is this strange place? Another dimension?" Deelihla comes from no where shouting, "Qliphoth *!" Boom a big monster Bursts from the ground and grabs Malt with a tentacle. It is strong and holds his arms down. He summon all hos strength. To break freeze. Malt takes the monster by its tentacle and tosses it go. More Qliphoth monsters large and small rush toward him. Malt darts to grab Deelihla. As he goes to touch her. Rave appears in front Deelihla in a jump scare manner. Rave grabs Malt hand. Rave says, "Surprise MFer. Your machine is in a next dimension." Rave uses telekinesis for extra strength to wrestle with Malt. Malt blast Rave with his chest beam. As Rave fly back another blasts Malt with telekinesis. You can see the Qliphothic ground break with Rave's rage.
Back to the other Rave that is with Poison right on Earth. Rave has enter her mind. She let's of a anguished moan. Her vision is created by Rave. She wants to resist but her has a hold on her.
Cyberspace. Sia as soon as Sia reached stealthily inside the Vindicator Ship. Sia and Rave enter cyberspace to turn of the EMP. They try to hack the Vindicator ship but it is complicated alien technology beyond their level of knowledge.
Rave says to Poison, "What you need that tight suit for." Poison sees herself in the mirror wearing a night dress. Rave appears to her in human mode. Rave says, "I take you higher in one night than years of working in this awful Federation. I'm going to have you anyway. Why not now. In the end what do you get? You're just a number in a suit. To add you're a robot. You wouldn't even be buried or acknowledged for your achievements... Undo this machine that is holding me." Poison says, "No! Get out of my head!" A child runs and pull on her dress. The child says, "Mama." Poison replies, "I'm not your mother! Who is this!" Rave explains, "It's not me. It's your fantasy. You always wanted to be a real girl. Deep inside you stay up at night wishing their was more meaning to your existence." The child pull on Poison's dress. It says, "Up-up." Rave picks up the child and put in Poison's arms. Rave says, "It is ours. Undo my binding. Help me help you." Poison gantlet sudden appears on her hand. She says, "But this is not real. My child?" Rave explains, "As soon as I defeat you Commander." She presses the code. In real life she is pressing the code as well. The EMP turns off. Power is restored.
Sia and Rave in cyberspace sees that the EMP is suddenly disabled. Braille relays back to them, "The only dog got to the blue haired robot chick." Rave takes Poisons wrist. She is a bit confused. Braille tells her, "Come we will take you back to base."
Back in Qliphoth. Malt is held by Deelihla's giant monster and Rave telekinesis together. This makes it very hard for him to break free. Inertia in front tries to make Malt head explode with her Vibration. The metal of the helmet is very hard. Malt will not stay still long enough. Another Rave from behind tries to force the helmet off. Rave shouts, "God dammit! It's like magnets!" He head butts Inertia back. Chastity shoots the visor of Malts helmet. Chastity shouts, "Take this!" But the bullet stops at his eye. Chastity says to Deelihla, "His eye. The bullet couldn't even penetrate his eye." Rave says, "Ah screw this, Pharaohs Fall! Heaviest Matter in the Universe!" A portal into XD appears. A giant black pyramid appears over Malts head comes out. It slowly descends. another Rave and Synthrax is on top the flat end. The point facing down should pierce Malt like cheese on a stick. Malt is overwhelmed but the amount of Deelihla's monsters. Malt teleports back to the Earth battle field. Rave ground Rave ports out with the girls.
Malt sees Rave holding Poison's hand. Poison gasps and pulls away. Poison shouts, "Don't touch me you veil..." The Rave with Synthrax teleports the pyramid to earth it is still falling directly over Malt. Rave holds Malt with Telekinesis. Rave thinks, "Funny, I could bearly hold him before now he cannot fight it. He must be tiring." Rave sees the emblem on Malts chest pulling in light. Malt breaks free. Boom the pyramid crashes on the ground and Malt moves just in time. This wrecks the whole battle field.
News caster says, "We don't know what just happened but we're back just in time to catch this amazing attack by the grey hero."
Malt lands and takes off his helmet. He says, "My Helmet only comes off when I take it off." Poison goes to stand next to Malt. By staring in Rave's eyes she says some to him. Malt looks at Poison in the corner of his eyes. Poison says, "Commander. I have the helmet. Your suit is pretty wrecked." Malt asks, "Why is the Nullification off?" Poison says, "I don't know. There are many Earth heroes." Malt looks up at his ship. Poison says, "You should rest." Malt replies, "Rest. I'm just getting started. Malt rips the shirt part of his suit off to Reveal. The emblem is not part off his suit but is a cybernetic implant. Like we know before it absorbed the light that gives him strength.
Malt collects a punch to the face by copy 1. Bam! Copy 2 hits him a jab. Wot-Tang! 3 slams his face into the ground and rides him as he eats dirt. Mult gets up and turns around. Wam! 3 is slammed into the ground exploding. Baw! Ground Rave gives him an uppercut. Woop-Paw! Ground Rave is split in half. All other Rave lounge at the Vindicator.
During the wrestle Rave ask, "My bunker why? What did you know?" Malt replies, "You don't seem like the type to travel with company unless your really need them. You are too strong. I think that bunker is your source of power!" Rave replies, "Pff... That old thing. What if I just really really really like girls?... I don't suppose you'll tell me what makes you tick." Rave ghosts swam Malt one after the other they are trying to enter his mind by catching him in a death stare.
It is like a horror scene. But they get zapped away each time by malts chest cannon. Malt is stronger than Rave quicker too but Rave has his clones. Raves clones are get torn apart, he's losing because the Vindicator is immune to all Rave attacks! Rave punches Malt in the manhood! Holy hell! Malt goes down! Rave says, "Aye-a, that blood hurt didn't it you bastard." Malt tries to call for backup but no response. He looks up to see an explosion under his ship. Rave says, "You think this fight is about me! It's about your ship. I'm already on it with the Genos. Most of the other heroes knew we couldn't fight you so I decided to play distraction. You idiot why you think I'm the only one here! I was late because I made some new friends along the way." Boom! Another explosion happens. Malt looks on too see Poison on the ground with her helmet off. Kimbra, America and Chastity holds her surrounded at gunpoint. His helmet too had been pulled of by Rave. All the cloned was just to keep him from watching up. Malt flies to return to ship angrily. Raves follow and grabs his feet to slow him down. Malt says, "This planet is done!" Rave shouts, "Hole up a sec!" Malt kicks Rave in the face. Rave huddles back to Earth.
''Rave's ship heading to The Vindicator battle docks to refuel. They bounce up with some government people that bring heroes together under a shelter for planning. Womz see Rave. Womz says, "This man is a villian! You cannot let him join our ranks." Rave replies, "Easy botox. It's not like you have a choice. If the planet is destroyed there will be nothing left for any of us." A hero names Infin8te says, "He is right. Right now we need all the help we can get. You can go back to your little fights after the problem at hand is dealt with." One adds, "Sure thing. Grey hero... When this is over we are gonna get you." Infin8te see the Rave girls misbehaving behind him he says, "Mr. Famous. So you're the grey hero? And you brought an entourage." Rave replies, "Yes. My cheerleaders. I use them for sex. Nothing more." They get a break alone. To the girls Rave says, "I was throwing them off if my enemies found out how much I need you it makes you a target. Also it seems like my hack stunt brought a little too much attention to myself. It's a good thing I keep this scarf over my face. My Identity remains secret." Womz says, "That Rave character is such a pig." Rave says, "Goddamit she's so obsess with me!" Kimbra says, "Rave I think she likes you." Rave says, "Pass! Too annoying!" They laugh. Womz mad. Infin8te says, "That's enough socializing. We all know why we are here." All heroes gather. Rave thinks, "So he is the big man on campus. Wonder if he'll be a problem.
Slip waves at Rave. He says, "Ravey-poo! Don't let Womz bother you. I'll let you slide anytime." Rave replies, "Dude shut up before I smack you." And gives slip a soft smack on the face cheek. Rave says, "Yah you liked that didn't you. Little..." Slip just stares at him with his eyes and mouth open.  Rave tells Slip, "I don't care about your sexuality. Gay, straight if any of you get I'm my way I'll kill all of you." Slip says, "Your even hotter when your murderous. I see it now. Heroic twink meets the criminal bad boy. We're perfect for each other." Rave replies a sullen, "No." Kimbra says, "Idk Rave. Opposites attract." Rave squints, "I not into guys! Now quit bothering me I'm trying to here what they are saying." Rave gives his verse.
'''Flashback Over'''
===Fight In Space===
GenoRave reports, "Little Birdy returning to nest. Every one get in the ship and embrace for impact. He is going to help us destroy it." Rave says, "Infin8te if you live your little hero friends. Go! Now!" Infin8te flys punch Malt's face. Malt grabs him and flies through the ship causing an explosion. Other lesser Vindicators charge out to defend against the heroes that storm the ship. GenoRave is in the control room just admiring the ship. Genos says, "Such a beautiful girl, I'm sorry we have to do this to you. As I hack you I can almost feel myself inside you. You are crying out to me to save you." As he caress the dashboard. Proxi sees him taking to the ship. She is is host manifest in space. "Rave?" She asks but he is losing his mind hacking the ship. Infin8te wrestles with Malt while he intercoms Rave, "Rave you alright in there, take it away from Earth!" Rave snaps out of it and shifts the ships controls to the sides. Rave girls see the ship moving from the ground. Genos moans, "I'm becoming one with the ship!" A portal opens up as he hacks more into the ship's systems. He doesn't know how he is doing it but he is pulling the ship into the Lost Dimension. It's a big ship and it takes some time. "Yes I can feel you entering me!" Genos shouts in a demonic voice. Genos shouts, "The power is mine! This ship is mine!" Heros start to bale the ship. Infin8te relays a punch in Malt's face. Bam! The force cause ripples. Mult lunches back one, boom. Suddenly they are distracted by the ship breaking up in space. Infin8te says, "WTF. Rave! Are you doing this!" Malt shouts, "No! My ship! My suit! My powers are fading." He punches Infin8te but fractures his hand. Mult blast Infin8te with his chest beam one last time. While distracted he flys to Earth. Malt zips across to collects Poison and flys off. The Rave girls are stunned that he didn't attack. In the sky the see the ship being eaten by a portal, Rave's portal. Infin8te flys back to see the last the ship being swallowed. When the portal closes. Proxi and Rave pops out after a mere second after not wearing the Genos. The surviving heroes rejoice and cheer as Rave appears. Rave flies to Infin8te. "His corpse? Is he dead?" Rave asks. Infin8te says, "I lost him when the ship was going crazy. I never seen anything like this." Rave replies, "You fool! Now the SoAB could be anywhere." Infin8te ask, "What about the ship Rave where did you put it? I don't think you destroyed it." Rave shouts at him all crazy, "I put it up my ... Is where I put it! The Genos body went crazy! I just left it in cool down. You can fly faster than me take us to Earth now! We have to track The Vindicator."
Rave appears on the battle ground in the ship. Cameras follow his every move from a far distance. They see the girls unpacking. Rave turns the ships into a small bunker. He goes inside it and secretly drills several metres underground. MetalSlug aids him with the drilling work using her pet worms. Then Rave returns to the surface he only perched his lips and put a face at sun when looking up at Malt's ship. Poison informs Malt the the grey hero has arrived. She says that she can't miss this and flys down with him to watch. All the girls go underground in his bunker except for Chastity that follows him out. So far she has the quickest response time due to future sight and he will shield her with force. They walk closer to Malt and Poison. Rave says to the girls on mindcom, "I wish I had more time to prepare. If I knew something about this guy then I could create a weapon or trap or something. But we are going in hot. I could at least stall him long enough to find his weakness. Everyone has one" When in ear range he shouts to Malt, "I really must thank you for allowing he a second to prepare. I'm hoping we will handle this like gentlemen regardless of the outcome." Malt says, "Alright hero. Your home your rules." As he smiles. Rave explains, "We leave the girls out of this no sneak shots or dirty tricks." Malt says, "Find but who ever is victor. Then she must go with them." Poison says, "What?! no way!" Rave looks at Chastity to say, "Fine. If I lose my girls will go with you." Rave says to her on mindcom, "If I fall go with him immediately. His gaurd will be down. His suit will be off. You can kill him. It might be the only way." Chastity nodes in agreement. "So. How we starting this?" Rave ask. Malt replies, "I didn't come here to chat. Hero." Rave says, "Oh. I almost forgot. I'm no hero." Vumm! Malt runs through himat light speed. Rave separated in two in time to dodge it. He has to copies. Malt keeps running into the other direction. "Where is he going?" Chastity asks. Rave looks at his bunker in the distance. Rave says, "Well SoAB. He is playing dirty." Voop! Voop! Voop! Three Rave copies fly out from bunker to intercept his course. "I knew it!" Vindicator says. While distract another Rave comes from the ground and grabs Malt foot malt loses balance. Boom! Malt collects a punch to the face by copy 1. Bam! Copy 2 hits him a jab. Wot-Tang! 3 slams his face into the ground and rides him as he eats dirt. Mult gets up and turns around. Wam! 3 is slammed into the ground exploding. Baw! Ground Rave gives him an uppercut. Woop-Paw! Ground Rave is split in half. All other Rave lounge at the Vindicator. During the wrestle Rave ask, "My bunker why? What did you know?" Malt replies, "You don't seem like the type to travel with company unless your really need them. You are too strong. I think that bunker is your source of power!" Rave replies, "Pff... That old thing. What if I just really really really like girls?"
===Search For Malt===
On Earth at the bunker, Infin8te tells Rave, "I told you he was losing his powers in space. He punch me and broke his hand. I believe the suits power source was linked to the ship. I will track him." On the highway Malt just lost the ability to fly. The light in the emblem on his chest went out. Poison said, "You lost you should of left me with the grey man like you promised. Now what are we going to do?" A police bike was passing on the long road. Seem like Poison ditched her suit too. The two cops saw a half naked girl trying to hitch a ride so they hit full brake. Malt ambushed them and Poison shot the other. The stole the officers clothes and bike. Probably worth mentioning that the pants of the officer couldn't fit Poison so she cut off the legs like a skirt. The drive off then run out of gas. But they have reached a train station they get on it living the bike. They board the train. Jane and Murdok stare at Vindicator and Poison right next to them on the train. They no better than to let the Vindicator know he has been spotted. On a small screen TV news recognizes the grey hero as Roman Rave a small time gangster how turned his life around to save the day after getting super powers. From that point they try to dig and expose Rave life of crime. The train TV zooms out to  Rave is watching the same news back at Doll House Florida. Rave says, "Great. Fame. Now my cover is blown. The goddam media is going to dig me." The. That start to talk about the girls he had bay his side. They say that they are his girlfriends. Rave shouts, "What are you hearing this how are they getting this!" Proxi explains, "Umm.. We might have of spoken the media when you was in space." Rave sees Proxi Kimbra and the whole gang on TV. Kimbra says, " They were calling you Grey Hero. We wanted to put you on the map."  Rave replies, "And you spoke about Dollhouse to?! You gave away our secret base?! Now we will have to change the name and move. Thanks a lot guys." America replies, "Why are you so dramatic? No one is going to come after the man who soloed the Vindicator. Just let them try and come on here." Rave replies, "The ignorance of you girls I admire. I wish I could live in sunshine lala land like you but you never understand how dangerous everything is. I'm straining away with a hundred eyes protect you all the time. And you get to sit around and eat Froyo. Talking about your stupid feelings and combing each other's hair and ...!" The girls laugh at his rant. Froxy say, " Rave you sound really stressed. Is it because Malt got away? I can help you." She massages his shoulders. Rave says, "Malt that's Right. He is bound to come here. Where else would he go?" They see on the news, the superhero Florida Man in full cast making a recovery in the hospital.
The next morning Malt showed up at the outside of the club. Malt said to Rave, "I didn't come here to fight you. I came to die. I cannot go back to the Federation after this loss." Rave says, "Sa no more fool. Hand over the blue haired robot! I'll get all the information I need from her." Poison goes to Rave. Rave says, "get on the ground hallow. I'll have to check you for traps. And after I'm finished running through your system there will be nothing you can hide from me." Rave raise a fist to punch a hole through Malt. Infin8te appears flying over them. He says, "You cannot kill this prisoner Rave. A judge will decide his fate." Rave replies, " F your judge. I am judge, executioner and jury! You'd let this man live so he can come back and fight us in a few years time?" Rave punches Malts heart clean out of his chest before Infin8te could react to stop him. Malt falls to the ground and dies. MetalSlug licks the blood on his arm. Infin8te replies, "What kinda freak show you running here Rave?."  Rave says, "I caught this man trespassing. Now. Get off my property before I punch you next." Infin8te replies as he hovers in the air, "I haven't step foot on your property. And I wouldn't be so easy to go down." Rave shouts, "Then you're crowding my air space!" Infin8te looks at him then flies away. They bring Poison inside to convert her to Legion. If you know what I mean. A slugworm swallows malts body in the ground.
Rave appears on the battle ground in the ship. Cameras follow his every move from a far distance. They see the girls unpacking. Rave turns the ships into a small bunker. He goes inside it and secretly drills several metres underground. MetalSlug aids him with the drilling work using her pet worms. Then Rave returns to the surface he only perched his lips and put a face at sun when looking up at Malt's ship. Poison informs Malt the the grey hero has arrived. She says that she can't miss this and flys down with him to watch. All the girls go underground in his bunker except for Chastity that follows him out. So far she has the quickest response time due to future sight and he will shield her with force. They walk closer to Malt and Poison. Rave says to the girls on mindcom, "I wish I had more time to prepare. If I knew something about this guy then I could create a weapon or trap or something. But we are going in hot. I could at least stall him long enough to find his weakness. Everyone has one" When in ear range he shouts to Malt, "I really must thank you for allowing he a second to prepare. I'm hoping we will handle this like gentlemen regardless of the outcome." Malt says, "Alright hero. Your home your rules." As he smiles. Rave explains, "We leave the girls out of this no sneak shots or dirty tricks." Malt says, "Find but who ever is victor. Then she must go with them." Poison says, "What?! no way!" Rave looks at Chastity to say, "Fine. If I lose my girls will go with you." Rave says to her on mindcom, "If I fall go with him immediately. His guard will be down. His suit will be off. You can kill him. It might be the only way." Chastity nodes in agreement. "So. How we starting this?" Rave ask. Malt replies, "I didn't come here to chat. Hero." Rave says, "Oh. I almost forgot. I'm no hero." Vumm! Malt runs through him at light speed. Rave separated in two in time to dodge it. He has to copies. Malt keeps running into the other direction. "Where is he going?" Chastity asks. Rave looks at his bunker in the distance. Rave says, "Well SoAB. He is playing dirty." Voop! Voop! Voop! Three Rave copies fly out from bunker to intercept his course. "I knew it!" Vindicator says. While distract another Rave comes from the ground and grabs Malt foot malt loses balance. Boom! Malt collects a punch to the face by copy 1. Bam! Copy 2 hits him a jab. Wot-Tang! 3 slams his face into the ground and rides him as he eats dirt. Mult gets up and turns around. Wam! 3 is slammed into the ground exploding. Baw! Ground Rave gives him an uppercut. Woop-Paw! Ground Rave is split in half. All other Rave lounge at the Vindicator. During the wrestle Rave ask, "My bunker why? What did you know?" Malt replies, "You don't seem like the type to travel with company unless your really need them. You are too strong. I think that bunker is your source of power!" Rave replies, "Pff... That old thing. What if I just really really really like girls?... I don't suppose you'll tell me what makes you tick." Rave ghosts swam Malt one after the other they are trying to enter his mind by catching him in a death stare. It is like a horror scene. But they get zapped away each time by malts chest cannon. Malt is stronger than Rave quicker too but Rave has his clones. While wrestling Malt. He looks up to see an explosion under his ship. Rave says, "You think this fight is about me! It's about your ship. I'm already on it with the Genos. Most of the other heroes knew we couldn't fight you so I decided to play distraction. You idiot why you think I'm the only one here! I was late because I made some new friends along the way." Boom! Another explosion happens. Malt looks on too see poison on the ground with her helmet off. Kimbra and Chastity holds her at gun point. He to helmet had been pulled of by Rave. All the cloned was just to keep him from watching up. Malt flies up. Raves follow and grabs his feet to slow him down.
Jane, Murdok and US special branch looks at Dollhouse from a far. Jane and Murdok are offered jobs in the CIA. Jane says, "We'll take the deal but I'm done with this. I found your ghost. The CIA will handle the rest." Murdok says, "Smart thing. This guy is way above our pay grade."
Genos reports, "Little Birdy returning to nest. Every one get in the ship and embrace for impact. He is going to help us destroy it." Rave says, "Infin8te if you live your little hero friends. Go! Now!" Infin8te flys punch Malt's face. Malt grabs him and flys through the ship causing an explosion. Other lesser Vindicators charge out to defend against the heroes that storm the ship. GenoRave is in the control room just admiring the ship. Genos says, "Such a beautiful girl, I'm sorry we have to do this to you. As I hack you I can almost feel myself inside you. You are crying out to me to save you." As he caress the dashboard. Proxi sees him taking to the ship. She is is host manifest in space. "Rave?" She asks but he is losing his mind hacking the ship. Infin8te wrestles with Malt while he intercoms Rave, "Rave you alright in there, take it away from Earth!" Rave snaps out of it and shifts the ships controls to the sides. Rave girls see if moving from the ground. Genos moans, "I'm becoming one with the ship!" A portal opens up as he hacks more into the ship's systems. He doesn't know how he is doing it but he is pulling the ship into the Lost Dimension. It's a big ship and it takes sometime. "Yes I can feel you entering me!" Genos shouts in a demonic voice. Genos shouts, "The power is mine! This ship is mine!" Heros start to bale the ship. Infin8te says, "WTF. Rave! Are you doing this!" Malt shouts, "No! My ship! My suit! My powers are fading." He pushes of Infin8te and flys to Earth. Malt zips across to collects Poison and flys off. The Rave girls are stunned that he didn't attack. In the sky the see the ship being eaten by a portal, Rave's portal. Infin8te flys back to see the last the ship being swallowed. When the portal closes. Proxi and Rave pops out after a mere second after not wearing the Genos. The surviving heroes rejoice and cheer as Rave appears. Rave flies to Infin8te. "His corpse? Is he dead?" Rave asks. Infin8te says, "I lost him when the ship was going crazy. I never seen anything like this." Rave replies, "You fool! Now the SoAB could be anywhere." Infin8te ask, "What about the ship Rave where did you put it? I don't think you destroyed it." Rave replies, "I put it up my ... Is where I put it. The Genos body went crazy! I just left it in cool down. You can fly faster than me take us to Earth now! We have to track The Vindicator."
Surprise ending. Rave didn't just rip out Malts heart. He took the damaged emblem right off his chest too. Rave implants Malts emblem into Poison. It was easy seeing that she is a robot and he is a technomancer. This new upgrade makes her extremely resistant. Rave soul now inside her. He doesn't believe she can use it against him. Now in term of raw strength she is as strong as Infin8te. Rave touches it and it retracts into her body. This emblem now hidden inside her body. Rave says, "The time will come when you will use this weapon. You will do it for me wouldn't you sweetheart?" She replies, "Yes master, I now understand you are my god."
On Earth at the bunker, Infin8te tells Rave, "I told you he was losing his powers in space. He punch me and broke his hand. I believe the suits power source was linked to the ship." On the high way Malt just lost the ability to fly. The light in the emblem on his chest went out. Poison said, "You lost you should of left me with the grey man like you promised. Now what are we going to do?" A police bike was passing on the long road. Seem like Poison ditched her suit too. The two cops saw a half naked girl trying to hitch a ride so they hit full brake. Malt ambushed them and Poison shot the other. The stole the officers clothes and bike. Probably worth mentioning that the pants of the officer couldn't fit Poison so she cut off the legs like a skirt. The drive of and reach a train station they get on it living the bike that ran out of gas. On the train the TV news recognizes the grey hero as Roman Rave a small time gangster how turned his life around to save the day after getting super powers. From that point they try to dig and expose Rave life of crime. Rave is watching the same new back at Doll House Florida. Rave says, "Great. Fame. Now my cover is blown. The goddam media is going to dig me." The. That start to talk about the girls he had bay his side. They say that they are his girlfriends. Rave shouts, "What are you hearing this how are they getting this!" Proxi explains, "Umm.. We might have of spoken the media when you was in space." Rave sees Proxi Kimbra and the whole gang on TV. Kimbra says, " They were calling you Grey Hero. We wanted to put you on the map."  Rave replies, "And you spoke about Doll House to?! You gave away our base?! Now we will have to change the name and move. Thanks a lot guys." America replies, "Why are you so dramatic? No one is going to come after the man who soloed the Vindicator. Just let them try and come on here." Rave replies, "The ignorance of you girls I admire. I wish I could live in sunshine lala land like you but you never understand how dangerous everything is. I'm straining away with a hundred eyes protect you all the time. And you get to sit around and eat Froyo. Talking about your stupid feelings and combing each others hair and ...!" The girls laugh at his rant. Froxy say, " Rave you sound really stressed. Is it because Malt got away? I can help you." She massages his shoulders. Rave says, "Malt that's Right. He is bound to come here. Where else would he go?"
==Government Assault on Rave==
Act 1.8
The next morning Malt showed up at the Club. Malt said to Rave, "I didn't come here to fight you. I came to die. I cannot go back to the Federation after this loss." Rave says, "Sa no more fool. Hand over the blue haired robot! I'll get all the information I need from her." Poison goes to Rave. Rave says, "get on the ground hallow. I'll have to check you for traps. And after I'm finished running through your system there will be nothing you can hide from me." Rave raise a fist to punch a hold through Malt. Infin8te appears flying over them. He says, "You cannot kill this prisoner Rave. A judge will decide his fate." Rave replies, " F your judge. I am judge, executioner and jury! You'd let this man live so he can com back and fight us in a few years time?" Rave punches Malts heart clean out of his chest before Infin8te could react to stop him. Malt falls to the ground and dies. MetalSlug licks the blood on his arm. Infin8te replies, "What kinda freak show you running here Rave?."  Rave says, "I caught this man trespassing. Now. Get off my property before I punch you next." Infin8te replies as he hovers in the air, "I haven't step foot on your property. And I wouldn't be so easy to go down." Then Infin8te flies away. They bring Poison inside to convert her to Legion. As a slugworm swallows malts body.
Act 1.9
That's all fokes.
Some time after space vampires tried to harvest humans for blood:

Latest revision as of 20:48, 10 December 2022

Act 1.7

Usual Mature Content, Fighting Gore Warning

Vindicator Special


While Rave was in Florida.

A giant aircraft casts a dark shadow over the sky. Every device on Earth is hacked as the Vindicator takes the screen. He says, "People of Earth. This is Vindicator (alien term for Officer) Malt Zegier from the Galactic Federation UPA. Your planer has been schedule for termination under code C-Delta-14-7-6-9 BrRavo 7-9 effective immidiately. Thank you and have a great day."

Rave immediately hacks back this transmission and the whole thing is broadcasted. Rave said, "Malt, Malt, Malt you are not going to blow up the Earth. See that little ball of dirt through your little computer screen. Take a good look at it. Me and my friend live down there. And I'm going to fight you and I garantee you it will be the last thing you see before you die." Malt pauses as he was about to hit the planetary destroying weapon button and covers it back. Poison his robot assistant tells him, "Sir. The Earth is to be destroyed immediately we will be behind schedule." Poison is a short thick African girl with blue hair. She wears a similar uniform to him. Malt replies, "We did a scout a few years ago and the Earth was destined to destroy themselves in war anyway. We didn't know the Earth apposed challengers. If he can hack my ship then I will fight them." Malt turn back on the intermission. He says the world was seconds away from being destroyed but he changed his mind. He challenges all the heroes of Earth to fight him for Earth's fate.

Rave Vaguely Exposed

Now that images of the grey ghost is finally in the light officers Murdok and Jane are on exposing him. The officers take a ship to Miami. Jane has worked really hard tracking down this Rave. It appears they struck a partnership deal with the US government for information about the military girl America.

Coming Battle

World leaders around the globe broadcast to heroes be them to assist. It's wasn't hard to get heroes as well as villains to rally against this new threat. If the Earth was blown up then it was game over. Poison tells Malt, "All this because the grey one insulted your pride? Now you risk the mission and my rank. I would report you to HQ but you'd kill me before and after I get the chance. So good luck. Just don't die out there." "I don't need luck. I won't.", He replies in his deep voice. Malt puts on his helmet and jumps from the ship onto Earth. He lands between desert Texas and Mexico creating a massive creator. Social media picks this up and heroes swarm to Texas. On the news they ask, "But who is this grey hero? - Will he show up to fight? - He was the one who gave the planet a chance to fight." Malt's suit collects power from the yellow sun. His helmet feeds information to him on the visor. Now Malt is really powerful and on Earth he is in top shape. Infin8te being Earth's fastest and strongest but Malt was like three times that with his suit on. Before the fight even begins we already know a ton of heroes are going to die.

This guy is big. He holds two sups that charge him and crush their head under his arms. The boy is fast all they can see is the light that trails him and by time they see it then it is already too late. Heroes drop like flies. We had to slow it down to understand what was going on. But you rather not see Earth's Defenders fall so horribly in slow motion. The new goes, "OMG! Do you see what I'm seeing. The Vindicator just finished of the first wave in less than a minute! He seems to have picked up the Blue Bullet by the chest! What is he saying to him!" Vindicator is asking Malt for Rave but the Bullet doesn't know of him. Suddenly the Vindicator tears him in half. To the shock of the news camera crew the Malt strikingly turns at them. A light powers up on his chest and a beam hit the news crew and the cameras go black. He jumps infront another news crew and he screams, "WHERE IS THE GREY HERO!!!" into the camera. Then he beats them to death with it. The the bloody cameras and to be cut off.

Flight To Texas

Rave sends back a transmission, Rave ask Malt, "Is that blood on your shirt? Didn't your mother alway tell you never to leave the house with a tampax stayfree. You must eager to die Mr. Malt. Why don't you stop wasting your time with little fish. I will be there to kill you soon enough." Mult replies, "Big talk from a little man. From what I've seen. I'm starting to believe you're bluffing." Then he flicks his cape, fold his arms and flies up into his ship. He and the girls are on there way in a small ship. Kimbra say, "JC, Rave I really hope you can fight this guy." Rave says, "I was bluffing. I have no idea what this guy can do. But if I can't stop him then we're all dead anyways." Chastity adds, "At least you bought us time to say our prayers." The scene is gloomy. Rave smiles saying, "Don't go doubting me just yet. There is no way I'm the strongest one on Earth but there is a higher probability there is others."

Mr. Infin8te prime up for a battle then flies across the Earth very quickly. You'd think camera crews would evacuate the scene after witnessing the live killings of other station reporters. But no, the ratings on this showdown is one of centuries. Even people are out their in the desert with their devices recording.

Filler Rumble

Meanwhile the Malt send down lesser Vindicators for round two of the rumble. They are not as strong as he but still strong. Surprise, it's the well renounce superhero, Florida Man! Florida Man flies in to save the day. Just when the heroes think they were winning Malt comes down and kills his weak crew mates as well as the other heroes. Florida Man punches Malt to look up and see the 8 foot man looking down at him unphased. Florida Man is lifted up and face planted so hard. He is buried in the hole created when he is planted. The battlefield is littered with bodies.

[Would like to place in some side character stories during this fight.]


Never Fear Rave Is Here


Rave just arrives on the battle ground in his ship. Cameras follow his every move from a far distance. They see the girls unpacking. Rave turns the ships into a small bunker. He goes inside it and secretly drills several metres underground. MetalSlug aids him with the drilling work using her pet worms. Then Rave returns to the surface he only perched his lips and put a face at sun when looking up at Malt's ship casting a great shadow. Rave says, "I'm not as strong in the sun light but at least we have shade."

From their ship Poison informs Malt the the grey hero has arrived. She says that she can't miss this and flys down with him to watch. Malt and Poison both wear their helmet and full suit. All the girls go underground in his bunker except for Chastity that follows him out. So far she has the quickest response time due to future sight and he will shield her with force. They walk closer to Malt and Poison. Rave says to the girls on mindcom, "I wish I had more time to prepare. If I knew something about this guy then I could create a weapon or trap or something. But we are going in hot. I could at least stall him long enough to find his weakness. Everyone has one" When in ear range he shouts to Malt, "I really must thank you for allowing he a second to prepare. I'm hoping we will handle this like gentlemen regardless of the outcome." Malt says, "Alright hero. Your home your rules." As he smiles. Rave explains, "We leave the girls out of this no sneak shots or dirty tricks." Malt says, "Find but who ever is victor. Then she must go with them." Poison says, "What?! no way!" Rave looks at Chastity to say, "Fine. If I lose my girls will go with you." Rave says to her on mindcom, "If I fall go with him immediately. His guard will be down. His suit will be off. You can kill him. It might be the only way." Chastity nodes in agreement. "So. How we starting this?" Rave ask. Malt replies, "I didn't come here to chat. Hero." Rave says, "Oh. I almost forgot. I'm no hero." Vumm! Malt runs through him at light speed. Rave separated in two in time to dodge it. He has to copies. Malt keeps running into the other direction. "Where is he going?" Chastity asks. Rave looks at his bunker in the distance. Rave says, "Well SoAB. He is playing dirty." Voop! Voop! Voop! Three Rave copies fly out from bunker to intercept his course.

Chastity gasps as Poison flinches. Poison laughs says, "Relax, I'm just hear to spectate. You're Malt's prize why would I hurt you." Chastity replies, "It's Rave that will be having you. I'll make sure I soften you up first." Rave telepathically says to Chastity, "Don't worry I got my eyes on her."

Slow motion. Vindicator barrels toward him. Rave sees that Vindicator is moving much faster than him. They intercept Rave distracts him while another copy try to teleport him to Lost Dimension. Vindicator releases a power up charge that blows of Rave. Vindicator says, "You think I'd ever sit still long enough for a spectre to grab a hold of me?!" Another Rave comes from the ground. He goes to grab Malt's ankles. Malt jumps into the air. Punching the Rave down killing him. A Rave copy says, "*, he writes us off with a single hit." Rave looks at Vindicator in slow motion. Vindicator moves out if the way before a slugworm come up under him. So far all attempts for Rave to ambush him from the ground fails. Rave analyses and thinks, "Is he really that fast!"

Cameila says to another Rave down in the bunker, "Sai is in their system. It's the helmet he can read our positions!" Rave replies, "So our bunker is made. Halt plans for a while." Braille comes off the drill seat. Rave says, "Maybe if I get the helmet off. I might be able to catch him in a death stare. Everything of this guy is like a normie hitting a metal wall."

Malt flies into the air. He looks down and through his HUD sees many giant worms under ground adjacent to the bunker. He flies down and smashes the ground. It cause a tremor. It is felt in Raves bunker. Rave says, "Those worms cause earthquakes. That's not going to hurt them." Malt replies, "Well I'm curious to your little plan. Why are you drilling the ground? Are you trying to escape?" Rave says, "Oh, where just getting started."

Rave and Malt rise in flight while facing each other. Blue energy radiates from Rave while yellow-gold radiates from Malt. Malt flies at Rave. Rave forces to hold him back with telekinesis. Malt eases of as is is shocked by this power reveal. While distracted Rave pulls him forward. Malt uses Rave pull to punch through Rave's torso. The dying Rave says, "Gotcha!" As Malt hands through his stomach Rave holds Malt shoulder.

They teleport to Lost Dimension. Poison gasps as Rave and Malt disappeared. Poison shouts to Chasity, "What is this!" The news casters scratch their heads. Chastity says to Poison... Cut to lighten and blue lighted world. The impaled Rave stepped on by Vindicator and and poofs to dust (dies). Another Rave Rises from beyond a platform. Rave says, "Witness! You are now, Victim! Welcome to, the Lost, Your are I'm my world now." Malt folds his fist to lounge at Rave. But the ground underneath his feet breaks. A force pulls him down beyond several floating stone platforms. Vindicator looks at the light on his chest. A secret he doesn't reveal is that without sunlight he powers fade. Rave comes back to the real world next to Chastity. Rave says, "Malt is lost. Poison is my prize." Poison grunts, "That's impossible! It can be!" Poison makes a move to act as she pulls her gun. Chastity pulls her gun and shouts at her, "Stand down! What you stronger than the Vindicator now?! You gonna fight Rave?!"

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The voice of Vindicator says. He suddenly returns from XD. It grabs Raves Attention. Rave says, "How? No one escapes XD!" Malt laughs, "It's was to easy to trace. Your sequence. We Vindicators travel all over the galaxy! You think simple teleportation isn't something we mastered ages ago. If I want know I could be in your bunker. What's stopping me from killing those little friends of yours." Rave says, "They are not as powerful. But they own skills though to be some of the best this planet has to offer. If you kill them you lose excellent recruits." Malt looks at Poison. Malt says, "Why don't we let the girls fight. To prove that. If your night priestess can defeat Poison maybe I'll consider it. But look out she just a version of me." Malt smiles. Rave says to Chastity telepathically, "Don't worry. We'll cheat."

Poison fires at Chastity. Chastity dodges and roles in the sand. Chastity says, "Awe. I getting dirty." Poison runs at her. Chastity shoots while on the ground. Chastity rolls back to evaded gun fire and Rave boosts her up with telekinesis. Chastity flys back and shoots at Poison. Poison gasps as the bulls heads straight for her head in slow motion. Malt catches the bullet. Rave says, "Cheater!" Malt replies, "And you think I don't see you pull your girl back with your Telekinesis?" Rave explains, "how you sure it was me? She could have that power too. You don't know her." Malt says, "Useless. But I wouldn't kill her. The red head would make an excellent servant." Chastity shouts, "Servant! Loser! I can see the future. I'm not going to clean your * room!" Malt says, "Hmm. They might be useful after all."

Malt presses a few codes on his gauntlet. Rave is paralyzed and Poison falls on her face. All other equipment like the news camera cut off. Malt slow walks up to Rave. Chastity says, "What is this. Raaave? Cameila..." She realizes she loses telepathic communications with the other girls. Cameron DGelli talks to all of them with her telepathic powers, she says, "Looks like Rave out." Cameila is on her knees in the bunker. Cameila says, "My mechanical parts stopped working. Relay me to Sai in the other hideout." Xerxes proudly explains, "We can do more than that. I can relay all the mistress of Rave." Sai shouts, "It's an EMP. It's coming from the massive ship! ... Deelihla take me up there, I'll cybercrawl through there systems and see if I can disable it." Deelihla says, "Your powers are tech based are you sure they will work." Sai replies, "It doesn't work now but I'm sure a ship that uses an EMP as a weapon has a barrier to protect itself from shutting down. I'll see what I can do once where inside. Deelihla portals Sai and herself away. Siren says, "Me and Koi will create a storm." Voom. The sunny day turns to Strong winds. Voom. Inertia snatches Chastity to safety. Malt says to the paralyzed Rave, "You have a fast one too? I suppose one of yours is causing the storm. I'm impressed but can she fight." Pew. Malt darts after darts after Inertia. Poison is left with the paralyzed Rave feels a tremor shaking the ground. She realizes this is because Rave is angry. Poison takes off her helmet and stares into his blue cosmic eyes almost. Rave is paralyzed but he enters her mind.

So Malt darts to capture the fleeing Rave girls. Chastity uses her oracle sight, the yellow eyes blur in the speed. She scream, "Look out Malt is after us!" Inertia screams, "Deelihla get us out!" Malt is just about to grab the girls as he is clearly faster. Deelihla ports them. Inertia and Chastity crash and tumble into Qliphoth. Malt is there to, hovering maniacally. Inertia stands up and gets ready to fight. Chastity says, "Inertia no. Don't try to fight him." Malt laughs. He says, "What is this strange place? Another dimension?" Deelihla comes from no where shouting, "Qliphoth *!" Boom a big monster Bursts from the ground and grabs Malt with a tentacle. It is strong and holds his arms down. He summon all hos strength. To break freeze. Malt takes the monster by its tentacle and tosses it go. More Qliphoth monsters large and small rush toward him. Malt darts to grab Deelihla. As he goes to touch her. Rave appears in front Deelihla in a jump scare manner. Rave grabs Malt hand. Rave says, "Surprise MFer. Your machine is in a next dimension." Rave uses telekinesis for extra strength to wrestle with Malt. Malt blast Rave with his chest beam. As Rave fly back another blasts Malt with telekinesis. You can see the Qliphothic ground break with Rave's rage.

Back to the other Rave that is with Poison right on Earth. Rave has enter her mind. She let's of a anguished moan. Her vision is created by Rave. She wants to resist but her has a hold on her.

Cyberspace. Sia as soon as Sia reached stealthily inside the Vindicator Ship. Sia and Rave enter cyberspace to turn of the EMP. They try to hack the Vindicator ship but it is complicated alien technology beyond their level of knowledge.

Rave says to Poison, "What you need that tight suit for." Poison sees herself in the mirror wearing a night dress. Rave appears to her in human mode. Rave says, "I take you higher in one night than years of working in this awful Federation. I'm going to have you anyway. Why not now. In the end what do you get? You're just a number in a suit. To add you're a robot. You wouldn't even be buried or acknowledged for your achievements... Undo this machine that is holding me." Poison says, "No! Get out of my head!" A child runs and pull on her dress. The child says, "Mama." Poison replies, "I'm not your mother! Who is this!" Rave explains, "It's not me. It's your fantasy. You always wanted to be a real girl. Deep inside you stay up at night wishing their was more meaning to your existence." The child pull on Poison's dress. It says, "Up-up." Rave picks up the child and put in Poison's arms. Rave says, "It is ours. Undo my binding. Help me help you." Poison gantlet sudden appears on her hand. She says, "But this is not real. My child?" Rave explains, "As soon as I defeat you Commander." She presses the code. In real life she is pressing the code as well. The EMP turns off. Power is restored.

Sia and Rave in cyberspace sees that the EMP is suddenly disabled. Braille relays back to them, "The only dog got to the blue haired robot chick." Rave takes Poisons wrist. She is a bit confused. Braille tells her, "Come we will take you back to base."

Back in Qliphoth. Malt is held by Deelihla's giant monster and Rave telekinesis together. This makes it very hard for him to break free. Inertia in front tries to make Malt head explode with her Vibration. The metal of the helmet is very hard. Malt will not stay still long enough. Another Rave from behind tries to force the helmet off. Rave shouts, "God dammit! It's like magnets!" He head butts Inertia back. Chastity shoots the visor of Malts helmet. Chastity shouts, "Take this!" But the bullet stops at his eye. Chastity says to Deelihla, "His eye. The bullet couldn't even penetrate his eye." Rave says, "Ah screw this, Pharaohs Fall! Heaviest Matter in the Universe!" A portal into XD appears. A giant black pyramid appears over Malts head comes out. It slowly descends. another Rave and Synthrax is on top the flat end. The point facing down should pierce Malt like cheese on a stick. Malt is overwhelmed but the amount of Deelihla's monsters. Malt teleports back to the Earth battle field. Rave ground Rave ports out with the girls.

Malt sees Rave holding Poison's hand. Poison gasps and pulls away. Poison shouts, "Don't touch me you veil..." The Rave with Synthrax teleports the pyramid to earth it is still falling directly over Malt. Rave holds Malt with Telekinesis. Rave thinks, "Funny, I could bearly hold him before now he cannot fight it. He must be tiring." Rave sees the emblem on Malts chest pulling in light. Malt breaks free. Boom the pyramid crashes on the ground and Malt moves just in time. This wrecks the whole battle field.

News caster says, "We don't know what just happened but we're back just in time to catch this amazing attack by the grey hero."

Malt lands and takes off his helmet. He says, "My Helmet only comes off when I take it off." Poison goes to stand next to Malt. By staring in Rave's eyes she says some to him. Malt looks at Poison in the corner of his eyes. Poison says, "Commander. I have the helmet. Your suit is pretty wrecked." Malt asks, "Why is the Nullification off?" Poison says, "I don't know. There are many Earth heroes." Malt looks up at his ship. Poison says, "You should rest." Malt replies, "Rest. I'm just getting started. Malt rips the shirt part of his suit off to Reveal. The emblem is not part off his suit but is a cybernetic implant. Like we know before it absorbed the light that gives him strength.


Malt collects a punch to the face by copy 1. Bam! Copy 2 hits him a jab. Wot-Tang! 3 slams his face into the ground and rides him as he eats dirt. Mult gets up and turns around. Wam! 3 is slammed into the ground exploding. Baw! Ground Rave gives him an uppercut. Woop-Paw! Ground Rave is split in half. All other Rave lounge at the Vindicator.

During the wrestle Rave ask, "My bunker why? What did you know?" Malt replies, "You don't seem like the type to travel with company unless your really need them. You are too strong. I think that bunker is your source of power!" Rave replies, "Pff... That old thing. What if I just really really really like girls?... I don't suppose you'll tell me what makes you tick." Rave ghosts swam Malt one after the other they are trying to enter his mind by catching him in a death stare.

It is like a horror scene. But they get zapped away each time by malts chest cannon. Malt is stronger than Rave quicker too but Rave has his clones. Raves clones are get torn apart, he's losing because the Vindicator is immune to all Rave attacks! Rave punches Malt in the manhood! Holy hell! Malt goes down! Rave says, "Aye-a, that blood hurt didn't it you bastard." Malt tries to call for backup but no response. He looks up to see an explosion under his ship. Rave says, "You think this fight is about me! It's about your ship. I'm already on it with the Genos. Most of the other heroes knew we couldn't fight you so I decided to play distraction. You idiot why you think I'm the only one here! I was late because I made some new friends along the way." Boom! Another explosion happens. Malt looks on too see Poison on the ground with her helmet off. Kimbra, America and Chastity holds her surrounded at gunpoint. His helmet too had been pulled of by Rave. All the cloned was just to keep him from watching up. Malt flies to return to ship angrily. Raves follow and grabs his feet to slow him down. Malt says, "This planet is done!" Rave shouts, "Hole up a sec!" Malt kicks Rave in the face. Rave huddles back to Earth.


Rave's ship heading to The Vindicator battle docks to refuel. They bounce up with some government people that bring heroes together under a shelter for planning. Womz see Rave. Womz says, "This man is a villian! You cannot let him join our ranks." Rave replies, "Easy botox. It's not like you have a choice. If the planet is destroyed there will be nothing left for any of us." A hero names Infin8te says, "He is right. Right now we need all the help we can get. You can go back to your little fights after the problem at hand is dealt with." One adds, "Sure thing. Grey hero... When this is over we are gonna get you." Infin8te see the Rave girls misbehaving behind him he says, "Mr. Famous. So you're the grey hero? And you brought an entourage." Rave replies, "Yes. My cheerleaders. I use them for sex. Nothing more." They get a break alone. To the girls Rave says, "I was throwing them off if my enemies found out how much I need you it makes you a target. Also it seems like my hack stunt brought a little too much attention to myself. It's a good thing I keep this scarf over my face. My Identity remains secret." Womz says, "That Rave character is such a pig." Rave says, "Goddamit she's so obsess with me!" Kimbra says, "Rave I think she likes you." Rave says, "Pass! Too annoying!" They laugh. Womz mad. Infin8te says, "That's enough socializing. We all know why we are here." All heroes gather. Rave thinks, "So he is the big man on campus. Wonder if he'll be a problem.

Slip waves at Rave. He says, "Ravey-poo! Don't let Womz bother you. I'll let you slide anytime." Rave replies, "Dude shut up before I smack you." And gives slip a soft smack on the face cheek. Rave says, "Yah you liked that didn't you. Little..." Slip just stares at him with his eyes and mouth open. Rave tells Slip, "I don't care about your sexuality. Gay, straight if any of you get I'm my way I'll kill all of you." Slip says, "Your even hotter when your murderous. I see it now. Heroic twink meets the criminal bad boy. We're perfect for each other." Rave replies a sullen, "No." Kimbra says, "Idk Rave. Opposites attract." Rave squints, "I not into guys! Now quit bothering me I'm trying to here what they are saying." Rave gives his verse.

Flashback Over

Fight In Space

GenoRave reports, "Little Birdy returning to nest. Every one get in the ship and embrace for impact. He is going to help us destroy it." Rave says, "Infin8te if you live your little hero friends. Go! Now!" Infin8te flys punch Malt's face. Malt grabs him and flies through the ship causing an explosion. Other lesser Vindicators charge out to defend against the heroes that storm the ship. GenoRave is in the control room just admiring the ship. Genos says, "Such a beautiful girl, I'm sorry we have to do this to you. As I hack you I can almost feel myself inside you. You are crying out to me to save you." As he caress the dashboard. Proxi sees him taking to the ship. She is is host manifest in space. "Rave?" She asks but he is losing his mind hacking the ship. Infin8te wrestles with Malt while he intercoms Rave, "Rave you alright in there, take it away from Earth!" Rave snaps out of it and shifts the ships controls to the sides. Rave girls see the ship moving from the ground. Genos moans, "I'm becoming one with the ship!" A portal opens up as he hacks more into the ship's systems. He doesn't know how he is doing it but he is pulling the ship into the Lost Dimension. It's a big ship and it takes some time. "Yes I can feel you entering me!" Genos shouts in a demonic voice. Genos shouts, "The power is mine! This ship is mine!" Heros start to bale the ship. Infin8te relays a punch in Malt's face. Bam! The force cause ripples. Mult lunches back one, boom. Suddenly they are distracted by the ship breaking up in space. Infin8te says, "WTF. Rave! Are you doing this!" Malt shouts, "No! My ship! My suit! My powers are fading." He punches Infin8te but fractures his hand. Mult blast Infin8te with his chest beam one last time. While distracted he flys to Earth. Malt zips across to collects Poison and flys off. The Rave girls are stunned that he didn't attack. In the sky the see the ship being eaten by a portal, Rave's portal. Infin8te flys back to see the last the ship being swallowed. When the portal closes. Proxi and Rave pops out after a mere second after not wearing the Genos. The surviving heroes rejoice and cheer as Rave appears. Rave flies to Infin8te. "His corpse? Is he dead?" Rave asks. Infin8te says, "I lost him when the ship was going crazy. I never seen anything like this." Rave replies, "You fool! Now the SoAB could be anywhere." Infin8te ask, "What about the ship Rave where did you put it? I don't think you destroyed it." Rave shouts at him all crazy, "I put it up my ... Is where I put it! The Genos body went crazy! I just left it in cool down. You can fly faster than me take us to Earth now! We have to track The Vindicator."

Search For Malt

On Earth at the bunker, Infin8te tells Rave, "I told you he was losing his powers in space. He punch me and broke his hand. I believe the suits power source was linked to the ship. I will track him." On the highway Malt just lost the ability to fly. The light in the emblem on his chest went out. Poison said, "You lost you should of left me with the grey man like you promised. Now what are we going to do?" A police bike was passing on the long road. Seem like Poison ditched her suit too. The two cops saw a half naked girl trying to hitch a ride so they hit full brake. Malt ambushed them and Poison shot the other. The stole the officers clothes and bike. Probably worth mentioning that the pants of the officer couldn't fit Poison so she cut off the legs like a skirt. The drive off then run out of gas. But they have reached a train station they get on it living the bike. They board the train. Jane and Murdok stare at Vindicator and Poison right next to them on the train. They no better than to let the Vindicator know he has been spotted. On a small screen TV news recognizes the grey hero as Roman Rave a small time gangster how turned his life around to save the day after getting super powers. From that point they try to dig and expose Rave life of crime. The train TV zooms out to Rave is watching the same news back at Doll House Florida. Rave says, "Great. Fame. Now my cover is blown. The goddam media is going to dig me." The. That start to talk about the girls he had bay his side. They say that they are his girlfriends. Rave shouts, "What are you hearing this how are they getting this!" Proxi explains, "Umm.. We might have of spoken the media when you was in space." Rave sees Proxi Kimbra and the whole gang on TV. Kimbra says, " They were calling you Grey Hero. We wanted to put you on the map." Rave replies, "And you spoke about Dollhouse to?! You gave away our secret base?! Now we will have to change the name and move. Thanks a lot guys." America replies, "Why are you so dramatic? No one is going to come after the man who soloed the Vindicator. Just let them try and come on here." Rave replies, "The ignorance of you girls I admire. I wish I could live in sunshine lala land like you but you never understand how dangerous everything is. I'm straining away with a hundred eyes protect you all the time. And you get to sit around and eat Froyo. Talking about your stupid feelings and combing each other's hair and ...!" The girls laugh at his rant. Froxy say, " Rave you sound really stressed. Is it because Malt got away? I can help you." She massages his shoulders. Rave says, "Malt that's Right. He is bound to come here. Where else would he go?" They see on the news, the superhero Florida Man in full cast making a recovery in the hospital.


The next morning Malt showed up at the outside of the club. Malt said to Rave, "I didn't come here to fight you. I came to die. I cannot go back to the Federation after this loss." Rave says, "Sa no more fool. Hand over the blue haired robot! I'll get all the information I need from her." Poison goes to Rave. Rave says, "get on the ground hallow. I'll have to check you for traps. And after I'm finished running through your system there will be nothing you can hide from me." Rave raise a fist to punch a hole through Malt. Infin8te appears flying over them. He says, "You cannot kill this prisoner Rave. A judge will decide his fate." Rave replies, " F your judge. I am judge, executioner and jury! You'd let this man live so he can come back and fight us in a few years time?" Rave punches Malts heart clean out of his chest before Infin8te could react to stop him. Malt falls to the ground and dies. MetalSlug licks the blood on his arm. Infin8te replies, "What kinda freak show you running here Rave?." Rave says, "I caught this man trespassing. Now. Get off my property before I punch you next." Infin8te replies as he hovers in the air, "I haven't step foot on your property. And I wouldn't be so easy to go down." Rave shouts, "Then you're crowding my air space!" Infin8te looks at him then flies away. They bring Poison inside to convert her to Legion. If you know what I mean. A slugworm swallows malts body in the ground.

Jane, Murdok and US special branch looks at Dollhouse from a far. Jane and Murdok are offered jobs in the CIA. Jane says, "We'll take the deal but I'm done with this. I found your ghost. The CIA will handle the rest." Murdok says, "Smart thing. This guy is way above our pay grade."


Surprise ending. Rave didn't just rip out Malts heart. He took the damaged emblem right off his chest too. Rave implants Malts emblem into Poison. It was easy seeing that she is a robot and he is a technomancer. This new upgrade makes her extremely resistant. Rave soul now inside her. He doesn't believe she can use it against him. Now in term of raw strength she is as strong as Infin8te. Rave touches it and it retracts into her body. This emblem now hidden inside her body. Rave says, "The time will come when you will use this weapon. You will do it for me wouldn't you sweetheart?" She replies, "Yes master, I now understand you are my god."

Government Assault on Rave

Act 1.8



Act 1.9

Some time after space vampires tried to harvest humans for blood:
