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(Created the Reldin box for the page)
(22 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
| header = #FFFFFF
| header = #FFFFFF
Line 10: Line 11:
| cell2 = #B7CEEC
| cell2 = #B7CEEC
| name = Maiiel
| name = Maiiel
| player = @Rhundas
| player = [[user:Rhundas | @Rhundas]]
| image =  
| image = MaiielMain.png
| caption =  
| caption =  
| class_focus = Melee/Ranged DPS
| class_focus = Melee/Ranged DPS
Line 18: Line 19:
| realname = Maiiel Deveros
| realname = Maiiel Deveros
| alias = Stormclutz
| alias = Stormclutz
| gender = Female
| gender = Female  
| species = Tytarian Elf
| species = Tytarian Elf
| ethnicity = Tytarian Mainlander
| ethnicity = Tytarian Mainlander
Line 25: Line 26:
| relatives = None known
| relatives = None known
| age = Uncertain, closest estimate in human years equates to between 19-25
| age = Uncertain, closest estimate in human years equates to between 19-25
| height =  
| height = Approx. 5'3"
| weight =  
| weight = Approx. 102lbs
| eyes = Blue, with pitch black sclera
| eyes = Blue, with pitch black sclera
| hair = Auburn
| hair = Auburn
Line 39: Line 40:
| occupation = None
| occupation = None
| education = Unknown, seems decently educated
| education = Unknown, seems decently educated
| marital = Dating
| marital = Single
| powers = Lightning-based magic
| powers = Lightning-based magic
| paraphernalia = A Laser Sword
| paraphernalia = A Laser Sword
| strength = 2
| strength = 2
| endurance = 4
| endurance = 4
| agility = 1
| agility = 3
| speed = 2
| speed = 2
| fighting = 3
| fighting = 3
Line 55: Line 56:
| charisma = 2
| charisma = 2
[[File:Maiiel_Skills.png|200px|thumb|left|1.21 GIGAWATTS?!]]
[[File:Maiiel_Sword.png|200px|thumb|left|Apply pointy end to bad guy.]]
[[File:Maiiel_Walking.png|200px|thumb|left|Lost in a strange new world...]]
<br><center>Allow me to open this page by thanking you, the reader, for stopping by to read what I've written. I hope that you appreciate the time and effort put into this page and have as much fun reading it as I did making it.
<br>So yes, thank you.</center><br>
='''''About Maiiel'''''=
Maiiel is an extradimensional elf, from a land closeby, but far away. Despite being only a recent arrival to this plane of existence, Maiiel has left her mark in the defence of Millennium City, and in the affections of the one who took it upon themselves to make sure a shy and uncertain elf girl wasn't so lost far away from home. While her actions upon her arrival may have saved lives, Maiiel is either quite unaware, or quite happy in the knowledge that no one's made a big deal out of it. Attention, ugh, who wants it.
Maiiel is a rather reclusive personality, shy and uncertain of herself and her abilities. Typically she tends to avoid crowds and gatherings of people, preferring to socialise in small groups of friends, if at all. For the most part, she's an introvert, quite happy to be left alone to her devices, and uncomfortable outside of a very small comfort zone.
While awkward and shy, Maiiel does care for others, though it may take some time for her to pluck up the courage to make a pointed effort to help people in need. Maiiel is always aware of the fact that she can fail, and often finds herself caught up in the dilemma of whether or not her attempts to help would make things worse if she messed up.
None of this is to say that Maiiel is a pushover in the slighest, while it might take a long while to push it, the girl does have a temper and pushing her past that generally isn't pretty for either party. Thankfully, she's almost always non-violent, but she can throw quite the childish tantrum if prodded enough. Her slaps hurt, too, all lightning-infused and everything.
The word "clutz" does not even begin to describe Maiiel. While not the type to always be botching things up, when things do go wrong - which they do more often than not, sometimes - oh, do they go wrong. Maiiel has somewhat of a habit for falling places, even if there doesn't seem to be anywhere she could've conceivably fallen from. Her entrances are usually heralded by a long, drawn-out yell of surprise, followed by a heap of an elf landing somewhere in the close vicinity in varying degrees of discomfort or pain.
Left to her own devices, Maiiel is a more than a bit of a geek. While not a mechanic by any stretch of the term, she does enjoy poking around things and working out how they work. Leave Earth tech nearby unattended at your own risk, for it may be returned to you in pieces or in a slightly different arrangement from what you left it as.
Ignore the big apologetic eyes, pouted lip and mumble of "... I broke it.".
For the most part, Maiiel appears as she is in-game. What skin she shows is free of blemishes or scars, instead being smooth and soft to the touch - if she'd ever let you get that close.
Curiously, Maiiel's [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sclera sclera] is pitch black, showing little but the viewer's reflection at any attempt to discern any details. The shape of Maiiel's eyes are equally hard to accurately gauge, given how averse she is to be too close to somebody, and the colouration of her face.
Maiiel's hair is nothing special. It's hair, auburn, smooth and falls wherever it pleases, typically across her eye. She doesn't seem to mind, however, and it's evidently thin enough to see through, given that Maiiel has at least some basic form of depth perception.
She quite often gets referred to as cute. She's got no idea why, but she just tends to roll with it these days.
<br><br><span style="color:white">she has a penis</span><br>
='''''Skills, Powers & Equipment'''''=
Despite being clumsy, shy and awkward, Maiiel does have a few tricks up her sleeve. Granted, she may occasionally fumble and drop them when she tries to get them out from up there, and if it's her magic, you'd better make sure you get clear before she really drops the ball and electrocutes everything nearby.
=='''Lightning-Based Magic'''==
Magic? It doesn't exist!
Well, yes. It does. While most of the populace on Earth still think of magic as tricks of the mind and the like, Maiiel's magic is far from it. While she claims that actually her grasp on her power isn't all that great, it seems to be somewhat of a self-enforced delusion. By Tytarian standards, what magic Maiiel knows is adequate, and as a mage she's entirely competant, though her repertoire is rather limited. She tends to mistake her lack of variation in spells as a lack of competence.
As far as her range of spells goes, Maiiel can:
<li>Project directed lightning from her palms.</li>
<li>Project undirected lightning from her general person.</li>
<li>Charge herself with energy, closing small, superficial wounds.</li>
Occasionally, Maiiel may lose control over a spell for varying reasons, either resulting in an effect far stronger, or far weaker than intended. This can potentially be dangerous for both herself and whatever target she may have, as Tytarian spells are specifically limited due to the effect that immense amounts of Tytarian magic can have on living beings.
=='''Laser Sword'''==
At Maiiel's left hip typically sits an odd, T-shaped device. What this actually is would be the hilt and grip of her laser sword. The effectiveness of the sword isn't hugely above that of a typical Earth variation. The blade slices through most materials with ease, though thicker and sturdier materials put up more of a resistance, causing the beam to bend and swipe across the surface, rather than cut through - though this can still leave some rather nasty burns on organic material.
Maiiel displays a decent amount of skill with the blade, able to perform a rather impressive light show, and a somewhat maybe impressive series of strikes with it. She typically strikes wielding with two hands, bringing the beam of the blade down with as much strength as she can muster in strong attacks with long pauses consisting of ducking and avoiding retaliation between them. Despite, or perhaps because of, her small frame and clumsy disposition, Maiiel is quite agile in combat, though nowhere near on the level of a properly trained martial artist. She tends to dodge away or under strikes, or meets them with her sword in a parry with which she typically makes a follow up riposte from.
=='''Bad Luck'''==
While not exactly a power in itself, Maiiel's clumsiness and bad luck somehow gives her an edge in certain situations, be it tripping up and avoiding a bullet, or falling off a ledge onto a would-be assailant. As far as Maiiel is concerned, she can only ever see the negative side of this, focusing on how she messed up, regardless of the outcome. It ties back in with her self-depreciation and her constant awareness of her own failure, leading her to want to cease it being a thing, even though it may sometimes even be a positive.
Her clumsiness often factors more directly into her combat, as well, potentially throwing her enemies off with fumbled strikes and unpredictable spells.
Maiiel's homeland is known as Tytaria, a land linked to Earth via an interdimensional nexus that Maiiel managed to fall through by accident.
Astronomically, Tytaria is a world smaller than Earth, although the denizens of the planet have not yet acquired a means of comparison through space travel. The technology level of Tytaria is rather incomparable to Earth's, as technology there evolved alongside a very different kind of magic, and the fact that superpowers weren't a thing.
=='''Departure from Tytaria'''==
Maiiel's departure from Tytaria was less than intentional.
<br>While exploring through a series of ancient and mystical ruins, Maiiel and her small group happened across a large, open chamber of which the floor had collapsed. While crossing around the outside of the chamber, Maiiel slipped and fell, passing through the collapsed floor and into a previously inert portal below. This portal linked through to the interdimensional nexus known as the "Dimension Gate", a place where any and all dimensions were accessible from. As far as Maiiel was concerned, she fell for minutes through nothingness until she finally exited the Gate through a different portal.
=='''Next Stop: Millennium City'''==
Maiiel picked a rather interesting time to appear out of thin air in Millennium City, and just as interesting a location. In the middle of a particularly violent assault from Destroyer's Destroids, Maiiel found herself dangling from her wrist out of a hole in the sky, somehow being held onto from a friend from her own world. Observing the rather odd spectacle was another offworlder, who, while originally confused, quickly became sympathetic for one who'd suffered a seemingly similar fate to her own.
The hand gripping Maiiel failed, dumping the elf onto her ass, alone and rather in shock from her little journey. The offworlder approached Maiiel, got the elf on her feet and dragged a rather disoriented Tytarian around Downtown Millennium City while the two of them avoided the bulk of the fighting, but chipped in wherever they could.
Since then, the two have become close and currently live together in a penthouse that the offworlder may or may not have tricked a compensation/reconstruction effort into allowing them to stay in for the time being until they get alternative accommodation.
[[Category:Magic User]]
[[Category:Laser Sword]]

Latest revision as of 11:45, 25 September 2016

Player: @Rhundas
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee/Ranged DPS
Power Level: Street level (30ish ingame as time of writing)
Research & Development: N/A
Biographical Data
Real Name: Maiiel Deveros
Known Aliases: Stormclutz
Gender: Female
Species: Tytarian Elf
Ethnicity: Tytarian Mainlander
Place of Birth: Tytaria
Base of Operations: Nowhere as of now
Relatives: None known
Age: Uncertain, closest estimate in human years equates to between 19-25
Height: Approx. 5'3"
Weight: Approx. 102lbs
Eyes: Blue, with pitch black sclera
Hair: Auburn
Complexion: Pale, smooth skin
Physical Build: Petite
Physical Features: Pitch black sclera, pointed ears
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Lawful Neutral

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Identity: Known
Years Active: >1
Citizenship: Tytarian
Occupation: None
Education: Unknown, seems decently educated
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Lightning-based magic
Equipment and Paraphernalia
A Laser Sword
ReldinBox Template

Apply pointy end to bad guy.
Lost in a strange new world...

Allow me to open this page by thanking you, the reader, for stopping by to read what I've written. I hope that you appreciate the time and effort put into this page and have as much fun reading it as I did making it.
So yes, thank you.

About Maiiel

Maiiel is an extradimensional elf, from a land closeby, but far away. Despite being only a recent arrival to this plane of existence, Maiiel has left her mark in the defence of Millennium City, and in the affections of the one who took it upon themselves to make sure a shy and uncertain elf girl wasn't so lost far away from home. While her actions upon her arrival may have saved lives, Maiiel is either quite unaware, or quite happy in the knowledge that no one's made a big deal out of it. Attention, ugh, who wants it.


Maiiel is a rather reclusive personality, shy and uncertain of herself and her abilities. Typically she tends to avoid crowds and gatherings of people, preferring to socialise in small groups of friends, if at all. For the most part, she's an introvert, quite happy to be left alone to her devices, and uncomfortable outside of a very small comfort zone.

While awkward and shy, Maiiel does care for others, though it may take some time for her to pluck up the courage to make a pointed effort to help people in need. Maiiel is always aware of the fact that she can fail, and often finds herself caught up in the dilemma of whether or not her attempts to help would make things worse if she messed up.

None of this is to say that Maiiel is a pushover in the slighest, while it might take a long while to push it, the girl does have a temper and pushing her past that generally isn't pretty for either party. Thankfully, she's almost always non-violent, but she can throw quite the childish tantrum if prodded enough. Her slaps hurt, too, all lightning-infused and everything.


The word "clutz" does not even begin to describe Maiiel. While not the type to always be botching things up, when things do go wrong - which they do more often than not, sometimes - oh, do they go wrong. Maiiel has somewhat of a habit for falling places, even if there doesn't seem to be anywhere she could've conceivably fallen from. Her entrances are usually heralded by a long, drawn-out yell of surprise, followed by a heap of an elf landing somewhere in the close vicinity in varying degrees of discomfort or pain.

Left to her own devices, Maiiel is a more than a bit of a geek. While not a mechanic by any stretch of the term, she does enjoy poking around things and working out how they work. Leave Earth tech nearby unattended at your own risk, for it may be returned to you in pieces or in a slightly different arrangement from what you left it as.

Ignore the big apologetic eyes, pouted lip and mumble of "... I broke it.".


For the most part, Maiiel appears as she is in-game. What skin she shows is free of blemishes or scars, instead being smooth and soft to the touch - if she'd ever let you get that close.

Curiously, Maiiel's sclera is pitch black, showing little but the viewer's reflection at any attempt to discern any details. The shape of Maiiel's eyes are equally hard to accurately gauge, given how averse she is to be too close to somebody, and the colouration of her face.

Maiiel's hair is nothing special. It's hair, auburn, smooth and falls wherever it pleases, typically across her eye. She doesn't seem to mind, however, and it's evidently thin enough to see through, given that Maiiel has at least some basic form of depth perception.

She quite often gets referred to as cute. She's got no idea why, but she just tends to roll with it these days.

she has a penis

Skills, Powers & Equipment

Despite being clumsy, shy and awkward, Maiiel does have a few tricks up her sleeve. Granted, she may occasionally fumble and drop them when she tries to get them out from up there, and if it's her magic, you'd better make sure you get clear before she really drops the ball and electrocutes everything nearby.

Lightning-Based Magic

Magic? It doesn't exist!

Well, yes. It does. While most of the populace on Earth still think of magic as tricks of the mind and the like, Maiiel's magic is far from it. While she claims that actually her grasp on her power isn't all that great, it seems to be somewhat of a self-enforced delusion. By Tytarian standards, what magic Maiiel knows is adequate, and as a mage she's entirely competant, though her repertoire is rather limited. She tends to mistake her lack of variation in spells as a lack of competence.

As far as her range of spells goes, Maiiel can:

  • Project directed lightning from her palms.
  • Project undirected lightning from her general person.
  • Charge herself with energy, closing small, superficial wounds.

Occasionally, Maiiel may lose control over a spell for varying reasons, either resulting in an effect far stronger, or far weaker than intended. This can potentially be dangerous for both herself and whatever target she may have, as Tytarian spells are specifically limited due to the effect that immense amounts of Tytarian magic can have on living beings.

Laser Sword

At Maiiel's left hip typically sits an odd, T-shaped device. What this actually is would be the hilt and grip of her laser sword. The effectiveness of the sword isn't hugely above that of a typical Earth variation. The blade slices through most materials with ease, though thicker and sturdier materials put up more of a resistance, causing the beam to bend and swipe across the surface, rather than cut through - though this can still leave some rather nasty burns on organic material.

Maiiel displays a decent amount of skill with the blade, able to perform a rather impressive light show, and a somewhat maybe impressive series of strikes with it. She typically strikes wielding with two hands, bringing the beam of the blade down with as much strength as she can muster in strong attacks with long pauses consisting of ducking and avoiding retaliation between them. Despite, or perhaps because of, her small frame and clumsy disposition, Maiiel is quite agile in combat, though nowhere near on the level of a properly trained martial artist. She tends to dodge away or under strikes, or meets them with her sword in a parry with which she typically makes a follow up riposte from.

Bad Luck

While not exactly a power in itself, Maiiel's clumsiness and bad luck somehow gives her an edge in certain situations, be it tripping up and avoiding a bullet, or falling off a ledge onto a would-be assailant. As far as Maiiel is concerned, she can only ever see the negative side of this, focusing on how she messed up, regardless of the outcome. It ties back in with her self-depreciation and her constant awareness of her own failure, leading her to want to cease it being a thing, even though it may sometimes even be a positive.

Her clumsiness often factors more directly into her combat, as well, potentially throwing her enemies off with fumbled strikes and unpredictable spells.



Maiiel's homeland is known as Tytaria, a land linked to Earth via an interdimensional nexus that Maiiel managed to fall through by accident.

Astronomically, Tytaria is a world smaller than Earth, although the denizens of the planet have not yet acquired a means of comparison through space travel. The technology level of Tytaria is rather incomparable to Earth's, as technology there evolved alongside a very different kind of magic, and the fact that superpowers weren't a thing.

Departure from Tytaria

Maiiel's departure from Tytaria was less than intentional.
While exploring through a series of ancient and mystical ruins, Maiiel and her small group happened across a large, open chamber of which the floor had collapsed. While crossing around the outside of the chamber, Maiiel slipped and fell, passing through the collapsed floor and into a previously inert portal below. This portal linked through to the interdimensional nexus known as the "Dimension Gate", a place where any and all dimensions were accessible from. As far as Maiiel was concerned, she fell for minutes through nothingness until she finally exited the Gate through a different portal.

Next Stop: Millennium City

Maiiel picked a rather interesting time to appear out of thin air in Millennium City, and just as interesting a location. In the middle of a particularly violent assault from Destroyer's Destroids, Maiiel found herself dangling from her wrist out of a hole in the sky, somehow being held onto from a friend from her own world. Observing the rather odd spectacle was another offworlder, who, while originally confused, quickly became sympathetic for one who'd suffered a seemingly similar fate to her own.

The hand gripping Maiiel failed, dumping the elf onto her ass, alone and rather in shock from her little journey. The offworlder approached Maiiel, got the elf on her feet and dragged a rather disoriented Tytarian around Downtown Millennium City while the two of them avoided the bulk of the fighting, but chipped in wherever they could.

Since then, the two have become close and currently live together in a penthouse that the offworlder may or may not have tricked a compensation/reconstruction effort into allowing them to stay in for the time being until they get alternative accommodation.