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GenoRave Act 2.5
The Anti-Vax Generation
*The purge of world leaders
*Rave finds The Anti-Vax Generation (Children of War)
*Rave takes over the World but gives it back a bit
*Kobain's Harem Quest
*Killian Monke War Act
*Not kids anymore (Rook goes solo)
*Happy Team Buster
In the coming episode Rave hijacks the planet. He starts with the US. He appoints a dancer known as America as the president. America is a super soldier type mutant who is known for her patriotic bikini and uses guns. Hence the all American Bikini President. She tell him she is not cut out for this. He says it's temporary he believes no one else is to be trusted. It creates this uproar from the people yet the perious leaders have all been purged by Orange and war. Meanwhile in the middle east a war veteran known as Commander Killian comes into power. (I already wrote of Killian story few pages ago but not of the temporary US siege.) Killian turn out to be a deadly telepath. Now we have this no nonsense super strength hot girl as leader of the country appointed by her side is Kimbra Colt45. It creates a weird dynamic game world where things that shouldn't make sense just does. She is the president so she give like missions and stuff. The stress of the job makes her more fiery than normal and is just destroying. Kimbra is an expert shooter with the best back up. Rave doesn't even leave in the US and after decides maybe he will build his own planet instead.
'''Major Gore and Mature Don't Content Warning. If this upsets you just click a different page. Please note Acts 2.5 and 2.6 events are after Polaris and also closer to the beginning of and during Act 3 particularly in line with the X Corp Saga.'''
== Children of War ==
| artist = Flaw
| track = Whole
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/uvQMPagkFPA
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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White clouds, Sliver gowns and golden halls. Flawless is beauty where halos crown. Up in heaven after witnessing the war. A young angel Gabe decides to speak out against his higher ups. Gabe says, "Yet again we watch mankind destroy themselves while we hang back and do nothing." The head angel, Uriel replies, "And what do you propose? Angels are to remain true to the code. If we reveal ourselves to man they may lose themselves even faster before the creator returns. You should know this. Be careful Gabriel you are entering dangerous territory." Gabe says, "And what I'd the creator never returns. Y'all are just going to sit around here in wasting your time." Uriel replies, "You begin to question the code and creator? You are on the road to becoming a fallen angel Gabriel. I have no choice but to demote you till penance." Gabe replies, "Forget it. I quit. I'm done with you." Uriel replies, "You leave here and where will you go? Do I need to arrest you?!" Gabe says, "I out rank you. You can't arrest me. And that's non of your concern." Gabe leaves the Angels because he doesn't agree with their policies. At her desk Uriel shouts, "Gabriel! You are making a terrible mistake! Get back here! Don't let me send Michael after you!!" Gabe walk out without another word.
== Killian, Monkey War Act ==
We start with a new monkey man leader in the Middle East. His daughter Rebecca Black. Mother is a human Arabian lady. Kinda funny how he hates humans. Well he had her mother executed when she was very young.
| artist = Flaw
| track = All The Worst
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/evjdkNy1hG0
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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Of somewhere around Saudi Arabia. Killian Grew into an terror activist for non human kind. Believing he could then rise monkey to the main race of Earth after segregation.
At the mall with the girls Rave sees a teen in a joggers hoodie and sweatpants. But the aura radiating from him is angelic something like Chastity. Under the hoodie Gabe make eye contact with Rave. Gabe also sees Rave while he was invisible. Rave says to the girls, "That kid, he looked right at me! His power level is through the roof. I have never seen that much chakra in anyone!" Cameila says, "Here we go again. You are going to try to contact him out of paranoia. Then somehow you are going to end up fighting." Rave follows him outside the mall. He turns around and asks, "You! Why are you following me?!" Rave replies, "Isn't it obvious. Your power level is off the chart. I need to fight you!" Gabe says, "Sadly I don't use my powers to train pups. Specially not to satisfy your ego." Rave says, "Fine. Then I'll just attack you." Chastity shouts, "Rave! You are going to lose!" Rave says, "No I'm not!" Chastity explains, "I saw it. You where going to try a sneak attack then attack with this copy and both of you where gonna get blasted over there by holy magic. Remember you can fully replicate holy and magic powers." Rave says, "What?! Well use your future vision again! Just tell me when I defeat him!" Chastity shouts, "My powers are not fot your games!" Gabe says, "Future vision?!?!?! The oracle!!!!! Tell me Rave... What is the oracle doing with the likes of you?! A presume a bad guy. Is she your slave?! You have her dressed like a sex puppet but do you know she lose her powers with that?!" Chastity  shouts, "Slave?! Puppet?! What's wrong with my outfit?! I designed it myself!" Gabe says, "Regardless she belongs in Heaven." Rave says, "If you think you are taking her from me you must be mad!" Chastity shouts, "Stop talking about me like am a thing. I'm not a MacGiffin! I'm a girl with feelings. And right now I choose to stay with Rave!" Rave says, "See. The lady chose." Chastity says, "This is not good Rave. If he know where I am then the Angels will find me." Gabe says, "I'm not with the Angels. At least no longer." Merlo walks up to Rave holding SoNeko in Kitsune form. She says, "Hold her. My arms are tired." Rave shouts, "Put her down. Can't you see in about to fight this dude!" Gabe says, "You look bad. But I don't think you are. Not with these type of girls around you." Rave shouts, "See what you guys did! You ruined my chance to fight this guy! Not only that but now he's calling me soft. Think I'm gonna let them get Chastity, no way!" Rave dives at Gabe. Rave shouts, "Show me your true form!!!" Rave force replies against Gabe's light magic causing a big explosion. Rave fly back. Rave says, "Incredible! He didn't even move! How will I ever fight the gods!!!!" Gabe says, "You want to fight the gods?! That makes two of us. But tell me? Look at the explosion you caused. Is it worth it when innocent lives get caught up in your actions." Rave looks around to see the crowds of people. Rave replies, "I don't care. I'll kill every innocent man, woman or child if your Angels come after my woman!" Chastity says, "First off. Flattered but your are so not killing children over me! Angel dude can we talk this out." Rave grabs Chastity hand and another copy stands Infront her. Rave says, "No funny business. I plan to keep you alive." Gabe says, "Yah, we can chat."
Killian was born a normal monkey. Killian He is a powerful telepath with a generic hatred for humanity. His powers never worked on humans as strong until he unlocked parts of the human gene. His daughter followed in his path but she was then convinced she had to stop him. She is a astral conjurer.
The other girls go with the other copy of Rave while Rave, Soneko and Chastity goes to Gabe's hideout. It is not a fancy place but rundown and reassemble that of an edgy teenager. Gabe says, "I am the Angel Gabriel. Left hand of god. There are seven of us, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Saraqael, Raguel, and Remiel. All of which makes up the body." Rave says, "I knew it. You're an Arch! Too powerful to be just a kid. So my pride stays in tack! Now you telling me there are 6 more like you." Gabe asks, "You always do all this bad guy monologuing?" Gabe continues, "Maybe I will not bring back the Oracle. But why do you need her?" Rave replies, "I made a promise to protect her. To me she is not the oracle as you say. She is just a woman that I care about. I say to you Gabriel you better kill me now or if you get in my way I'll have to kill you too." It is now 5:36PM and SoNeko turns back into a woman. A rather voluptuous one. Gabe notices and has a thought. He begins to question Raves judgement but doesn't mention it.
She escaped meeting with the Kamikaze twin. When Killian found out he put a retrieve bounty on her. Those bounty hunters where slain by Rave. But Rave recognized Rebecca and took her prisoner for her safety. Rave meet the Kamikaze Twins in the past, they are friends of his.
Gabe is the angel that shows Rave the effects of war. Gabe says to them, "Stand still." The room blows away to ash and they end up in arctic mountains. Rave holds Chastity waist as the moving background makes her dizzy. Chastity asks, "Teleportation?" Rave says, "No a hologram. My eyes tell me we are still in the room." Gabe says, "Ah ha. Sharp perception Rave. But I need you to focus on the visuals I want to show you. Just don't knock anything over." Rave says, "What is there to knock over. In this pigsty? Everything is already on the ground!" Chastity adds, "Yeah Gabe. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Isn't it?" Gabe says, "I keep this place as part of my persona. I don't need you to grill me on it!" Rave says, "I recognize this place. It's the path we fought the Atom Bomb. The snow was so thick many hero bodies were lost and still lie here." Chastity adds, "It's sad. After the battle we searched for Rave till we started to freeze. Other heroes don't have that type of dedicated love ones."
Rave brought her back to her father in her birth lands. She tried several times to convince him not too. Rave secretly doing investigations found Killian to be a much greater threat than he thought. Rave put up a great fight breaking Killian's telepathy several times using share will power. They Exchange bolts. Rebecca aided using her telepathy to fight against her father. Rave took Rebecca and tactically withdrew.
Killian vowed to kill Rebecca. When Killian vows to kill Rebecca he tells her "You are just like your mother. I loved her so much, sheee went and betraaaayed me! You are jus like herrrrr. Why I, keep you around for so long. You know I always thought I made a mistake by killing herrrr. But you just like her!" He proceeds to do a telekenetic choke " Now I'll have to strangle you too just Iike I did that little h..." ***POW!*** Rave punches his face. An important big reveal to add sauce to the story. Kill recovers and they teleport away.
| artist = Flaw
| track = Best I Am
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/fnKCrI6VZjE
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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She had never been more terrified of someone in her life. She told him of Onaga Prime, Killians arch nemesis. They travelled to his lands. The wheels of war was in slow rotating. Rave saw that he could Prevent loss of so many lives with a plan. They had to distract Killian not a easy task. Onaga taught Rave ways of discipline, this helped in breaking through Killian's deceptions.
Rave asks, "Tell me about the archangels." Gabe says, "Their was many before but some is elsewhere or have died. The seven Arch are Uriel, Micheal, Gabriel, Raphael, Jophiel, Camael and me Gabriel. You may have of hear of others like Azrael and Samael who had been corrupted." Rave says, "So you're tell me you can be killed?"
They kicked Killian around a bit. Rebecca was forcefully teleported out before Killian's death. Onaga beat Killian but Rave killed him. See Rave doesn't believe in second chances. Onaga disappointed in Rave understood. Rebecca not technically a princess but someone of high status in her land. With Rave's help she can develop her country and reform her people. Rave Empire grows.
Gabe shows them all the cities that was burnt by Orange. Rave says, "Why are you showing me this! I was there! I've seen it. I died again fighting Atom! How many times must I die for humanity? This is the job of your gods, not mine!" Gabe says, " If you do chose to go against them I will help you."
== The Anti-Vax Generation ==
== Rave Take Over the World ==
'''Don't be confused by the Timeline number  Act 2.5 this takes place after Orange Event and is closer to Act 3.1'''
Upon the siege of the US presidency, Rave put a girl there one he can dictate when he wants. He is doing this because he thinks he can save the world by controlling it. Everyone in the world saw him die and confused to his existence. First order of business he recruits forces to the new Immortal Legion by giving them adequate power boost and high tech weaponry. Soon the Legion was doing swat work and policing. Their all black and grim appearance made people worry. Yes people revolt and riot but his forces are stronger than the average and grows in numbers. Several heroes are in disbelief of his actions but hell not to long ago they saw him survive an atom bomb explosion. Very few want to go up against him. They think as long as his motives are good. During a public conference they had a failed assassination attempt on America. She was shot with a hand gun but she is bullet proof to a lesser degree. Kimbra shoots the perp dead with energy from her finger gun while taking cover. Rave's administration party gains a few upvotes when people see how cool they are. Several different heroes tried to stop Rave in the US but that is a long story. Rave decided to give people a false sense of democracy. But he would rig the elections and win anyway. He is now like a rising war general. He was building up on his secluded island that he lived to accommodate homes to all those who joined Legion. There was plenty free land to support 10s of thousands of homes. Rave was looking pretty Castro. The island generated a smoke that could be seen miles off shore. Airships and machinery went to and from night and day. All the little people worked like ants. It was his island out of US jurisdiction. When most of the work was done the smoke cleared. And any Legionnaire loved him. They said, "We built a home for our people in a land free of crime under the watchful eye of our lord, All hail Roman the Legion. All hail the Legion. We Are One, We are Many. We are Legion." Advance technology contrasted the plant life that expertly grew around. This land was beautiful and clean with white brick and steel. Glass houses that shaded black or blurry for privacy. Clean water flowed all over through rivers and streams that was properly walled. Bridges spanned from everywhere on the outside with glass railings. All you could see was white, green, blue or rich brown soil. Giant machinery spawned clean green energy. This was the plan Rave set in mind to adopt the rest of the world. But Rave then learnt he can save the day all he wants but he cannot change mankind's mindset. Yet he promised to beat the gods at saving humanity. Legion colonization stalled to just the island alone for some time because not everyone was willing to go Legion.
===Giant Kaiju Attack===
He had to me tough. Failure to adhere to Legion laws will result in immediate absorption. But still he didn't want to rule by fear. He wanted people to do good out of their on will. Back home he became a king. And the girls were like princess free to roam this beautiful land without fear.
| artist = KANA-BOON
| track = Silhouette
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/dlFA0Zq1k2A
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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When Rave arrives with Gaia he sees the Anti-Vax fighting it.
When Rave decided he would expand to space. Building the fire fly space ship from designs for the old Vindicator ship. He had built massive private satellites that help him travel around the world faster. Giant chains or ropes or whatever could be seen shooting up from the island and chained to these satellites in their earlier stage. Smaller spaceship flew upwards along this bridge chains to the satellites. Then he said aye, I want to build a mobile defence planet but where would I get the materials. He had Kobain on scene, kobain did most of the blue prints of what Rave was to build if it was to work properly. Rave being a technopath didn't at all mean what he build could just break the laws of physics if he wanted too. If his machines was to fail would result in many casualties.
| artist = Erra
| track = Lights City
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/LZPhrc6G1mg
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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Team dive shot. Rave uses Gaia to plant bend some big trees to knock it out and capture it. Millennia and Cavort immediately takes a liking to Rave. He feels like they are to young for him but he'd be nice anyways. ZUCCbat doesn't like Rave at first nor the teams idea to take him to their hideout. It is an abandoned house under an overpass. Rave meets Kobain building a Mecha in the garage area. Kobain doesn't like Rave at first either. ''Kobain starts to like Rave when he sees the different hot girls that always with him.''
When Rave turned he left his new girl Suno with them. Suno is a ghost girl possessing a robot body Rave built.
Goldtooth scratches his ass as he leaves the garage to go inside. Camera pans to Sumo in flight wrestling with Cavort And Millennia over something they are not supposed to be playing with. Millennia let's it go.
Suno crashes into a shelf. On the floor she looks up and says, "Fine I'm telling Rave"
Millennia as she comes closer, "Wait what? You're telling Rave? No no no no... Don't tell Rave."
Cavort smirks, "Oh my god I'm so scared... what ever will he do to us"
Suno replies to the mockery as she catches on, "Would you stop that. He is too old for you."
Cavort, "I'm 19..."
Suno dials his number...
Dragon Butterfly as she rolls her neck with sassy lying untop a shelf, "I think she just wants him for herself" the tone comes from the background.
Cavort smiles, "Yeah do you see the way her eye light up when she talks to him. LoL. She's doing it know..."
Noticing them all smiling at her Suno hangs up the call and says, "It's not like that... He is not interested in me that way..."
Kobain hanging upsidedown with a blow touch in his hand,
"What!? Rave this. Rave that. If I hear one more thing about your Stoopid boyfriend... What is it with this guy!?"
"He is not!" The Three girls screamed in unisen. DB's eyes open wide in shock, "Umm hmm???..."
Phone rings Suno exclaims, "Oh no he is calling back what do I do!?"
Cavort, "Quick! shoot it! Shoot the phone."
Millennia, "Tell him you miss dialed"
Before they could answer Rave appears behind them, "Hi."
Startled they all shout, "Rave!!!" Kobain falls from height and bumps his head.
ZUCCbat and Yaniko is in the background. They were working on a ZUCC's bike, Zucc says, "Look at those morons..."
Camera shows Yaniko face with tears in his eyes and a clutched fist marvelled at Rave. Millennia faints.
Zucc says, "I'm surrounded by Idiots" he tosses a rag over his shoulder and leaves the room."
Camera pans to the buildings sky view. As Host drives out. Jada is seen lounging on the roof with shades.
== Kobain's Harem Quest ==
This story also takes place During Act 3 that is when Suno is introduced
== Zucc goes Solo ==
Zuck gets Z U C C E D !
'''ZUCCbat is a night avenger parody who believes he has plot armor'''
Clark Zuckerberg created a night avenger suit using information he gathered from his social media site.
Zucc says, "You are my enemy Rave I'm going to get stronger and kill you." Rave replies, "You take me for some kinda funny character. I'm not going to give you the opportunity to kill me. I'm going to kill you now!" Rave slowly walks up to him. ZUCCbat does some funny ninja thing. Rave just looks at him. Rave punches him in the chest so hard he tears a hole through it. Zucc falls to the ground his vision fade.
Zucc wakes up in the hospital section of Rave lab. Hellebore and Cherry Bludnurse watch over him. Hellebore says, "Congratulations. You had your first kiss." Cherry continues, "Rave killed you but then he made Hellebore bite your neck. You were able to recover using your new vampire mutation." ZUCC smiles at Hellebore. Rave entired the room. Rave says, "Don't get to anxious. That thick pale b**** is mine. I didn't want to fight you. But you are an annoying whiny little b****. I had to teach you a lesson. At least you are stronger now with the new vampire powers..." Hellebore says, "Jesus Rave, Do you need to swear so much." He slaps Hellebore on her butt and she leaves the room a bit insulted (but she would never admit it.) Clark ask, "Powers what powers." Cherry says, "You are now a vampire." Clark says, "You mean I'll explode in the sun?!" Rave shouts, "Calm down! When was the last time you left your house if it wasn't for superheroing any way. The vampire persona will suit you fine. Plus you got your tech and Money to rely on." Cherry says, "You will not explode in the sun. Rave created medications to prevent that. You might feel a slow burn." Rave continues, "I want you to look at me kid. You wanna fight me again I'll give you all the time you need to recover. Just don't die before I get the chance to kill you again." Clark feels anger for Rave actions but he also reflects on it. When Clark leaves Cherry ask Rave, "You where being a little harsh. I'm still amazed Anti-Vax forgave you." Hellebore re-enters the room. Rave says, "I am toughening them up. Zucc would of died solo at least now he can heal himself. If I push him to hate me further he will learn better himself... But that kid... His eyes are so Soulless. I may have created one of my greatest enemies yet." Hellebore says, "All he wants is to be loved. To feel liked. I get he is kind of a dork but he is like you Rave. A tech guy who doesn't translate well with others." Rave says, "Oh boo hoo. I almost cried with that one." Hellebore replies, "You are being really impossible today." Rave says, "I'm just playing with you. Y'all girls getting softer. I'm actually too nice with you." Hellebore just looks a Rave at bit steamed. Rave goes to hug her and calm her down. Rave says, "Hey! What you mad about? Only I am allowed to talk to you that way. Understand me." Fade...
== Prosthetic Head ==
We start of with some break through prosthetic developed by a doctor named (). Owa, a paralyzed girl is the first test subjects. Her father is the inventor of this tech. The tech is being tested but proven to dangerous of commercial used. It gives her water bending powers. Her father realizes his greatest creation yet has to be scrapped because if fallen in the wrong hands could be deadly. But he is more happy to she his daughter able to move again.
Rave appears on the site with Calyso, Ariel and Chastity.
Owa accidentally waters bends a town of people in a flood causing them to rip, tear or explode at various regions. The tsunami turn red with blood. Hellebore says, "Dam. I'm jealous." (Referencing Hellebore's abilities to blood bend.) Rave slaps Hellebore's thigh a few times. She says, "Aw. Stop!" He says, "Behave yourself." Her pale skin show the red mark of the hand print. She says, "You know what that looks like? Know I'm walking around in public with a hand print on my thighs."
Rave confronts Owa. He says, "So you decided to join the bad guys, Murder." Owa says, "It was an accident. I can't just make it stop..." Rave flys down to her. He says, "It's okay. You can try to save people but many of them will die regardless." Calypso asks, "Don't you have a tech guy that can fix this stuff. Ariel asks, "Who? Kobain?" Rave says, "Nah I have someone else in mind."
Rave goes to get ZUCCbat to fix her tech. Rave recognizes ZUCCbat falls for Owa while working with her. But has no game to shoot his shot. Rave tells him, "What are you doing. Ask her out!" Zucc finds the courage. She agrees. It makes sense because Clark Zuckerberg has no skill and she is paralyzed from the waist below.
Chastity says, "Ah! Rave is playing matchmaker."
== Natives ==
Nightfall. Desert. Radioactive fall out is diverted to the Native American lands. One man survived while all others of his tribe became fossils, Whitewolf. Whitewolf became The Osseous Stone when his body was severely mutated by the fallout but his spirit guide kept him alive. Painfully Whitewolf's bones expand out of his body becoming a massive skeletal titan. With all his squishy organs on the inside. When the fossil hardens he comes crawling out of it guts and the process could begin again. Green waste run through the valleys. Whitewolf perched on a cliff looking down says, "The white devil that has followed me has become my spirit animal. My people are a fossil of their time and I am now free to exact my vengeance." He jumps of the cliff. He hits the ground as a skeletal titan. It legs are crushed on impact but he walks off in human form leaving behind the dead shell.
| artist = Alice In Chains
| track = Stone
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/9KmYFY5oOvM
| trackimage = Liath_MusicBlue.png
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Daytime. Rocks. Testing. Grading. Testing.  We see people in hazmat putting rocks into containers with holding apparatuses. One of those person's unzips her suit. Cleavage fly out. We see that it is Kimbra. America says, "Hazmat suits are for your health it's not supposed to look sexy." Kimbra says, "I'm hot, literally. Besides I'm also immune to radiation remember?" As she fans her chest. Rave says, "You just made a big mistake Kimbra now I'm going to have to scrub you down extra hard. And you just sabotage valuable equipment. Go back to the lab and get cleaned up immediately." Kimbra shrugs. She says, "Might as well be a win win." America says, "If all she needed to do was take off the suit to be done. Then why am I still here? Heay where is Proxi?" Rave turns around to see Proxi sunbathing in a bikini. Rave shouts, "Proxi! What the hell are you doing this is radiation not Lagoona Beach!" Proxi flies up! Rave says, "At least I found my first test subject." Taking her back to the lab we see her synthetic skin  hardening. Rave says, "The material used for your robot skin is closer to living tissue than plastic. I'll have to remove all your skin while it's still soft. And replace it with a new one so I may finish study this one... Dammit Proxi you're costing me a fortune." Young Kobain says, "I knew this project was too good for girls." Chastity says, "What is he? Like 5." Rave says, "Well Chastity. He behaves like you. At least he has an excuse. You're the oldest child I know." Chastity says, "Old?! Don't caPicking up rocks? That's boring! Call me when the fighting starts. I'm gonna take a paracetamol and lie down." Kobain says, "Don't sleep to hard. You might turn into a stone." Chastity asks, "He's kidding right? Oh great now I'll never get any rest!" Rave says, "It's mid day you don't need no rest. I'll just put you on night watch." Chastity says, "Fine. You're like my dam father!"
Rave studies show. The chemicals attack the red blood cells first crystalizing it. Where it becomes trapped in the smaller blood vessels or the bone marrow. Subjects are set to painfully evolve into a living fossil where they may die of starvation. He shows some fossilized birds he collected from the ravine and some mice they test.
Kimbra says to Rave, "I'm surprised y'all got work done. That little kid keeps watching me." Rave says, "So what. You are beautiful he is a guy. You girls ever stop to think off the amount of dudes to have blasted one or two in your honor? It's not only him." Kobain shouts, "Facts! Now if you'll excuse me ladies. I'm going to take a leak!" America says, "What the hell Rave." She looks at Kobain. She asks, "I hope you wash your hands." Kobain laughs. Kimbra says, "He is like a miniature Rave but more rude and more annoying." Kobain comes back and says, "Rave hired me because on my resume next to science. I ticked hot girl and Hugh Mungus." Rave laughs. He says, "Well I think that's it for today. Not much left to do but eat and enjoy the sun set."
Nightfalls. Big foot steps wake up Chastity who was asleep on guard duty. She screams, "Rave!" And he appears. Rave says, "Oh I feel them! Let's go check it out." Chastity shouts, "Finally!" Rave sees a 25 foot robust skeleton in the dark distance. Rave says, "A golem! In the distance. I thought the radiation kills everything it touches." Chastity says, "A what? I can't see. Let's go closer." She continues, "Wan me to shoot it? I'm going to shoot it." Rave says, "No you can't shoot it we don't know if it's a hostile." Suddenly it recognizes them and attacks. Bone projectile launched a Rave. Chastity asks, "Shoot it now?" Rave says, "No not yet. I need it alive." Chastity aims down her gun. She shouts, "Dammit!" Rave grabs Chastity and goes invisible. It still fires at them. Rave says, "It can our signatures." Rave uses telekinesis to drop a rock on it. When he checks it out he see it not moving and some guts outside. Chastity says, "You killed it Rave." Rave replies, "No I see foot steps." Chastity looks. She says, "Lead the way. I see literally nothing." Rave loses the path but he sees the spirit of a single wild wolf sitting. He follows it was it gets up and walk. Leaping off a rock an Indian man ambushes them wielding two tomahawks. Rave catches him and send him off in the other direction. Chastity says, "Why you ignoring me?! I'm in the fight too." The man replies, "You are just a girl. I don't fight girls." Rave says, "A bit moral go a bandit? How much do you think she is worth? What's the price on her?" Chastity says, "I don't have to take this. I'm going back to base." The man says, "I am Whitewolf of the ..... People. I have no interest in your woman." Chastity asks, "So why'd you attack us?" Whitewolf says, "You are entering sacred lands. The bodies of my people lie here frozen in stone. I cannot let you destroy it, raiders." Rave says, "We are not raiders. We are scientists. I here to figure out how to fix this place." Rave looks at the spirit wolf walking alongside Whitewolf. Rave asks, "Your pet?" Whitewolf explains, "Spirit guides are not pets but great beings. I started seeing mine when I was about to die. He saved my life." Rave says yes, "To see spirits it is believe one must first have a near death experience or die completely as I have."
Whitewolf take them to his lonely camp. He says, "Your people diverted chemicals here that cause my people to turn to stone. Then they send there scientist to mess with our corpses." Rave says, "Those are not our people. I don't work for the government. And speaking of stone. We were following footsteps that came from a rock skeleton monster. Do you know of anyone else here?"  Whitewolf says, "The thing you saw was me. I'm no monster. Like I told you. You got too close and I had to prevent you from destroying them." Rave replies, "You aim to revive your people. I can see your spirit animal but I do not feel their spirits in these stones. I don't think that is possible. They are already gone. I don't know of any magic that can bring back anyone after the ghost has moved on." Whitewolf gets angry at what Rave said. Whitewolf hit his tomahawks in the ground. He shouts, "Dammit! I'm going to kill every last one of the white devils!" Whitewolf storms off. Chastity asks, "Rave, aren't you going to do something." Rave says, "Well no. It's his people. If I interfere it's like stopping a wolf from catching it's pray. The wolf might starve to death." Chastity says, "You really are evil. I'm going to talk him out of it." Rave see the spirit wolf again. Rave says, "Hey can you tell him. Innocent people might get hurt as a result and what not." The wolf just leaves. Rave says, "It's not my job to babysit this friggin planet." Rave follows Chastity.
Whitewolf goes titan and leaps out of sight. Rave says, "Oh well! At LEAST we tried! We should probably go to bed now." Chastity crosses her arms like an angry baby as Rave picks her up with telekinesis to return to base. She says, "How dare you even think of sleep in a time like this. I'm going to tell the rest of the girls you initiates a monster attack." Rave says, "I did no such thing. He would of eventually!" Chastity says, "In no talking to you." Rave says, "See you're just a big baby! I'll go stop the stone."
| artist = Obituary
| track = Set In Stone
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/FWqa3-L0ljc
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We arrive at a region with lab facilities laid to waste. Smoke is in the air and a frew scientist and soldiers on the ground. Stone is punching a hole in the side of a building. Rave hesitates as he watches the titan squash a scientist to death. Chastity fires a bullet that collects the the of the titan. It does nothing but stick in the skull. He looks for the shooter enraged but Rave pulls them to a hiding spot. Chastity shouts. "Rave! I need a bigger gun!" Rave just looks at her. Rave says, "Chastity, This is not our fight." She turns her attention to Rave and comes closer to him. Rave calmly asks, "What are you going to do? You thinking out hitting me? Go ahead." She aims her gun at Rave and cocks it. She fires three shots but her moves so fast he was behind her before is recognized he dodged it. Chastity says, "Please stop him and I'll do anything." Rave says, "I can already make you do anything I want. How is that and offer." She replies, "Then I'll stop. I hate you. And I'll leave you. You can't just keep doing this to me!!!" She breathes heavily. He just watches her emotionlessly. Rave says, "No you can't do anything really. But guest what. I'll help anyway." He holds her. She hold his and pushes it away. She says, "Dont touch me!" Rave hold her with his other hand. She tries to wrestle with him. She shouts, "You like seeing me in peril, Don't you?! I said don't touch me!" Rave says, "Well I guess this really isn't worth having you mad at me. Come." Her eyes filled with water and she doesn't want to follow him. Rave sighs, "Christ." He walks up to her. She says, "What you going to hit me now?" He replies, "No. I'm quite rarely met with disobedience. Especially from somebody who know what I do." The titan shakes the building they are in. Apparently it hear the guns shots. Rave continues, "We will continue this later." Chastity wipes under her eye.
| artist = Obituary
| track = Turned To Stone
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/H4Kf6af3gCk
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The titan bust a hole in the building and reaches for them. The dive backwards. Rave moves back forward force punches it's closed fist. Rave flys out of the building. He notices Chastity no longer wants to participate in the fight. He shouts, " Chastity get on the roof! The building might come down!" He pulls her out and places her on top a different building. she says, "Leave me alone. My bullets don't work and you clear can do everything. Just fight him okay." Rave technomances her rifle bigger. He says, "I don't have time for this. You only shoot when I tell you." He taps her on the nose and goes back to the fight. She fires a wild shot that almost hit him. She clearly done that on purpose. He looks back at her. She says, "Sorry accident. But flips him a bird and curses under her breath. Rave spawns another copy/clone that appears behind her. She looks back to see is face furious. He puts his hand on her back. He says, "When I'm done here I'm going to straighten you." She looks forward. Then she realizes it's not just Titan shaking the place but Raves anger causing a telekinesis induced buzzing. She nervously explains, "I was kidding." He says, "Um-Huh." She thinks, "I am so dead."
Rave flies around the titan. Rave notices his physical blasts cannot crack it's shell. His X-Tray eyes sees it's internals. He gives it an upset stomach. Vomits Whitewood out and dies. Whitewolf says, "You cannot kill me Roman! I have tried to end my life before! I just go from titan to human and over again!" Rave replies, "I do not want to kill you we are in the same side. I just want to talk. Whitewolf goes to except his negotiation. Suddenly Chastity shoot Whitewolf in the head. Rave shouts, "Goddamit Chastity!" The copy turns her around and pins her on the ledge of the roof. She says, "Rave stop. It was a mistake." Rave says, "You are such a bad lier! You don't make mistakes or miss!" They see Whitewolf old body turning into a new titan. Rave says, "He really is immortal!" The other Rave and titan starts back to fight over the misunderstanding Chastity purposefully created. More government soldier come to the scene. Titan is hit by a tank where a human him falls out of the titan. To prove Rave was on his side Rave crushed the tanks and soldiers with telekenesis. Chastity asks, "Why are you killing them?!" Rave says, "Do you want to be an enemy of the state again?! If any of them talk they will blame me for all this." The guys escaped to talk. Rave tells Whitewolf, "The government will come after you." Whitewolf says, "Then I'll keep running. Don't worry they can't kill me. At least not yet." Whitewolf and his spirit wolf runs off into the night. Rave looks at Chastity.
Rave takes Chastity back to their base. She is in a room with Kimbra and Rave appears. Rave asks Kimbra to leave and go far from the door. Kimbra looks at Chastity in second thought. Chastity shouts, "Wait Kimbra no." But Kimbra runs down the hall. Rave says, "Be quiet. I haven't started yet... I still don't know how to feel about your constant defiance. Maybe I'm to slack with some of you." She starts to breath heavy. She says, "I need to use the bathroom." Rave says, "No no no. Sit." She does. He just looks at her in a deep thought he leans on a drawer. She hears him lock the door with telekinesis and accidentally wets the bed when Rave leans of the drawer. Kimbra bust open Cameila's door. She shouts, "I think Rave is going to beat Chastity!" All the girl stand up. Cameila says, "I always tell her stop trying to provoke him but she never listens." All the girls go to the room Chastity and Rave is in. She shouts for Cameila to hear her. Cameila pounds on the door and Rave let them in. Chastity says to Rave, "See what you did. I want to talk to Cammy. Omg. Rave don't do this." Rave says, "Okay that's enough." Rave goes to get Cameila. Chastity says as he walks out, "Does it make you feel like a big strong man knowing I can do anything." Rave doesn't return to the room. Kimbra says, "Sorry I couldn't says anything Chastity. I immediately went to get the others." Cameila explains, "Rave is just concerned about you. Maybe he believes your disobedience might get you killed." Chastity says, "Why are we always making excuses for him. He acts nice until he doesn't get his way and then he turns into a monster. Any of us so rarely asks him to stop he doesn't even know what to do." Cameila asks, "Think about the good times. Do you still like him?" Chastity says, "No... Well I guess so. I'm still angry at him."
Kobain and Rave on the roof cooling out. Rave says, "I hate fighting with her but what am I to do? She makes the others believe they can get away with anything." Kobain says, "I don't know Rave. Usually I give science advice and you give me advice on girls. But you can have respect or fear. Respect is appreciation, fear makes you an antagonist. Don't confuse fear with love." Rave says, "Crap! What do I even want... Now I really gotta make this right." Back on Chastity and Kimbra in the room. They are startled by the sound of explosions outside. Cameila says, "Rave is outside probably just blowing off steam." America says, "Boy. You really made him mad." Cameila shouts, "Shut up! She just finished..." America, "Okay." Proxi says, "Fireworks." They go to the roof and she Rave is making fireworks as he lets off emotion. Kobain says, "Rave likes y'all? But I'd love to see people he hate." America slaps Kobain behind the head. She says, "Shut the hell up!" They watch the fireworks.
| artist = Blink-182
| track = Natives
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Oh, we still have one more day at the site. No one got any sleep. Some officials question Rave about last night. The agent says, "A few camps were hit but a giant monster last night. I'm must inquire? There are foot steps close to your camp but everything her seems intact." Chastity come in and says, "I was on gaurd duty last night. This will make Rave angry but is fell asleep and I missed it. We heard nothing, okay." The agents leave. Rave tried to hug up Chastity but she acts cold towards him. He kissed her neck several times. He held her face and kiss her on the lips. She takes it but doesn't react much. While making he coffee Chastity asks, "What type of coffee should I drink. Clearly my opinions don't matter. I'm a sex puppet and I own nothing. Not even my autonomy." All the girl quite. Camiela says, "Gaude Chastity. He was wrong for not considering you, fine. We have your back but at least consider us. Non of us want to do this here." Kimbra says, "Do you really thing any of us can stop him when he flips out?" America explains, "Maybe not. But if we ban together he will have no choice but to stop." Kimbra says, "Because it's more fun to have our butts handed to us together right?" Kobain wakes up from sleeping on the couch. He is with his smug smile as usual. All the girls just watch him. He talks a glass from Chastity's brew. America says, "What did you hear!" Kobain replies, "Oh nothing. Just a couple of girls plotting against a certain psychopath." Kobain sips, cross his legs and says, "I could keep this a secret! But you'd have to do something for me first." America walks toward him seductively. The she says, "Let's just beat the living shot out of him." She shake him off the chair. Kobain falls down. Proxi says, "We wasn't saying anything bad! We was just talking about sticking together as women. It's not like we can hide our thoughts from Rave!" America picks up Kobain like a baby. She says, "Listen you little shot! I just about had enough from you!" Rave walks in. America puts Kobain down. Rave asks, "Everything alright." Kobain says, "Yeah. I was rocking the chair and fell. Texas picked me up. I didn't realize she as a mommy..." America slaps him behind the head. Kobain correct himself, "I mean woman. A strong woman." Rave says, "Due to last nights episode. I thought we'd lighten up today. We are going to see the Natives."
They go to Whitewolf ex camp. Rave says, "I would of never found these. Bodies if Whitewolf didn't lead us here." Proxi almost breaks a fossilized corpse. Rave continues, "And already I'm regretting bring you here." Rave says to Chastity, "Imagine getting frozen like this while we where in the bedroom." Chastity doesn't laugh but does a fake smile and then goes back to ignoring him. Not even Proxi laugh. She goes to Chastity. Rave ask Kobain, "WTF? Did I bomb?" Kobain answers, "No, that was funny. But if feel it's because you turned your girls slightly against you."  Rave says, "Ah. Together against me. That's fair. You know I like that." Kobain says to Rave, "Do you even understand the context of what you did to the Chastity girl? Dude I'm 13 I shouldn't be telling you this." Rave says, "I know. It's so bad I'm thinking of doing a memory wipe on all of them. But I guess I deserve it. I rather we all grow from this experience. But if they don't what are they going to do? Leave me." Rave walks of angry to be by himself. Proxi says to the girls sadly, "Oh no. I don't like this plan. I'm going to talk to Rave." Cameila says, "Proxi stop being a baby. You don't even own yourself. All we have against him is our attention. He will understand soon enough." America says, "Well some of us don't mind him correcting us. I'm here for Chastity." Proxi raises her hand. Kimbra says, "No Proxi domestic abuse is not hot." Proxi puts down her hand. Chastity says, "See what he does! He normalized it to make believe it's supposed to be like that. He is not your father!" Kimbra looks at her confused. Cammy says, "I don't want to sound insensitive because I'm totally here with you but apart of this is because you and him never really done it. I think both of you bottle up strong emotions for each other and it makes you faustrated. On the other her with any other girl a lot of shot is resolved in the bedroom but that method doesn't really work for you." Kimbra says, "She's right. What she's saying is he gets away with most because of his bed side manner." Alone Rave looks out at the canyon. He says, "Ah. The silent treatment." Rave returns to them. He says, "I'm pulling my clones from your bodies and returning home. You are all free to leave when you want." He really extracts all his spirits from them. Chastity says, "Don't be stupid. You will die. At least wait for when you go home." Rave replies, "It doesn't matter. Maybe the world doesn't need a monster like me. Why are we even hear anyways. It's not our job to fix everything." Rave starts to walk back to the camp. Chastity says, "I can't even believe he is doing this. It just shows how selfish is really is." Cameila says, "Maybe he is bluffing. It might be a counter to get is to give in." Proxi runs after Rave. Rave tells her to get lost. And she starts to cry. Chastity shouts after Rave while throwing a rock that misses because she doesn't have that type of throwing strength. She says, "You A word! No one care about you. You're just the jerk we live off." Rave continues walking. Kobain says, "I'd love to stand my ground with you ladies but that's my ride." Kobain says, "Rave wait up." Kimbra ask, "What now?" Cameila says, "It's double or nothing. We stay out here. He will not leave without us beside he can't." The spend the entire day outside. The sun starts to set and they tie up Proxi so she doesn't go back to Rave. Rave goes to them. Chastity says, "Ready to make changes?" Rave replies, "No. Im only her to tell you to much exposure to this land might fossilize you." Chastity replies, "Oh don't worry about us. Maybe the coyotes will get us first. Go back to your stupid camp. We don't need you." Rave replies, "How about I don't punish you. How about I just hit... Proxi. While the rest of you watch. Will that strength your Alliance." Chastity says, "You're such a monster." America says, "No you will not. Proxi is the only one I never seen you punish thus far. You told me you don't even like to talk to her rough." Cameila says, "I'm sorry Rave just leave us alone." Rave leaves and they cheer. Cameila says to them, "I can't believe that worked. I was so scared I thought he was gonna flip out." Kimbra is not talking to anyone then out of no where Kimbra finally shouts, "Y'all are so stupid. Proxi is the only one smart enough to see this isn't a good idea!" She has water in her eyes when she says this. America says, "We know. But want other options we have."
Rave comes back a second time as night falls. You can she is aura burning black. Rave says annoyed but calmly, "Get your ***es back to camp before I lose it. I'm not joking." They all dropped what ever they where doing and followed him. Proxi whispers, "What's happening? Did we lose?" Rave says angrily, "No you didn't lose. And I'm not mad. Let's just go home and forget about it." Chastity says, "No. Not before you admit you were wrong." Rave says, "I wasn't wrong. And if I have to. I'll correct you again. And if all of you want to get yours be happy to join in." Chastity stops walking. Rave turns back. He says, "Why are we even fighting about this." Chastity says, "Because you believe you can do anything and we have no rights!" Rave continues, "Okay. Let's discuss this inside." They talk. Neither sides is willing to cave. Rave still believes he is right and has no other options. Chastity says, "Why is it so hard for you to listen to someone else for once. We are not as strong as you by ourselves. You live inside us! We support everything you do. And you show us no support when it's not your idea!" Rave shouts, "Gaude Chastity! I'll listen to you and even when you are wrong I'll listen to you. And then we will fail and we would do it my way eventually." Cameila says, "Oh Gaude. This is good enough! Can we stop please." Kimbra says, "For the record I have no problem in the little lashes he does. But in terms of full on physical violence it's too much." Rave says, "Okay. By show of hands let's vote. You want Chastity for leader Knowing you won't listen to her of do you prefer me who has kept this good thus far." All the girls vote for Rave. Chastity says, "Oh come on. Y'all are back stabbers!" Proxi says, "Sorry Chastity. Rave is rough for a purpose." Rave says, "Chastity is partly right. I love her for all the things she puts up with. Especially between she and Calypso and me." Rave gets on his knees hold her hand and says, "I'm not just you lover I want to be your father figure. I can't be if you don't let me or I'm not gonna do it." Chastity says, "Well okay. You're allowed to be angry in the moment but no contemplated punishment." Rave says, "You know I don't usually do **** like that." Cameila says, "That's only because you are never told no. You don't even ask for shots you just put us in position and start firing away." Chastity claps. Cameila spoke out for the first time. Rave says, "What I thought you girls loved that." Chastity says, "Really, a little warning would nice now and then." Kobain says, "This a civil warning." America ask, "What is he even doing here?" Rave replies, "Who Kobain? He is my lawyer." Kobain says, "Yah. But we got nothing done. We are going to have to stay at the camp another day." Everyone sighs. Rave says, "Ah shocks. I wouldn't call it nothing. We learnt a lot today." Rave slips Kobain a hefty check. Kobain says like he is reading lines, "Dam. That's really mature of you. You really grown, Rave." America sighs. Rave says, "No. I'm really happy y'all gave me a second chance. When I looked out at that canyon I felt like crying. All I though of is how much I kinda deserve to be hitted back by someone much larger than me." Chastity looks at Rave and says, "You're such an idiot." They laughs.
| artist = Alice In Chains
| track = No Excuses
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/r80HF68KM8g
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== Happy Team Buster ==
===Part 1===
'''Dark Mansion'''
We begin with a young blonde girl knife murdering her rich family while they sleep. She suddenly goes crazy and starts to laugh. Ornaments and paints on the wall take the face of demons in the darkness. Her face covered in blood she only continues to laugh on the floor.
'''CIA Los Angeles'''
Latin American woman Ramona Santiago is an agent of the CIA placed on the study of the criminal mastermind Roman Rave. She is a expert at planning. Along with the extremely bright Native American, Dekota Law. We learn that Dekota was sent as a sleeper agent to infiltrate Rave Industries. But she soon confessed without conflict simply because she believe in his ideologies. Rave converted her to his side and she now works for Rave Industries. That is a major slap in the face to the CIA. The girl was a genius. Ramona is now on edge with the government as well. Ramona knows that the government has pushed radioactive fall out into the Native American lands and part of the Latin people felt it as well. '''But what that really made Ramona angry is that Dekota was her girlfriend before she left her for Rave. Ramona blames the CIA for separating them causing this to happen. SAUCE!!!''' The two girls are bi not gay.
Alone at home Ramona gets so angry she puts on a tight purple latex suit she had in her closet for whatever reason and fashion herself into a punisher of vengeance. With her wipe and gun she plot to topple the CIA. Ramona knew she was just a normal human so one night with her inside Intel she freed an imprisoned behemoth to help her, The Henchman. The Henchman name is not based on gender. They are a seven foot tall muscular person. Face in gas mask and upper body covered in a black leather top and a pink tutu. The body shape is plus size and we are unable to tell weather they are male or female. But it does not matter because the Henchman mind is like that of a toddler which is easily manipulated by bad people into crime. The Henchman is so strong it is bullet proof. With the Henchman by her side they knock back the guards and escape. The next day Ramona comes back to work like normal. She could not believe her crappy costume worked as a proper disguise.
Ramona immediately goes back home after work to check on Henchman. She locked him in her basement but he wrecked the place. Ramona thinks, "What do villains do next. I think I'll need money. Not to sure for what yet but I'll have it just in case I need more things that come up." She decides to rob a mansion before trying any armed bank robbery. They break in to a seemingly uninhabited mansion they are confronted by a blonde teen with a knife and a wicked smile. It is rather dark and poorly lit. Henchman rus at her she stabs him but the knife breakes. He captures the girl and holds her. Phantom says, "Don't hurt her she is just a girl." The girl says, "Who you calling girl? I'm Queenie Royale, last remaining heir to this entire estate. You don't know the amount of people I killed to get to this position because of you knew you'd kill me at once before I get back at you. And you two must be the dumbest criminals ever!" Queen starts to go crazy as she smile. A light fire flame coming from no where rests on her face. Phantom says, "What's happening." They see a shadow of a horned demon reflected on the wall. It's stand menacingly, twitches it's fingers and starts to walk. As Queenie turns her head towards phantom she sees the shadows walking at her. Phantom shouts, "She is a goddam supe!" Phantom dodges behind a cupboard where the shadow cannot pass. Henchman tosses Queenie and punches the wall where the shadow is. Queenie gets up and looks at Henchman. The shadow jumps on his shadows back. He begins to wrestle with it. Phantom punches Queenie out cold while she is distracted. When Queenie wakes Phantom proposes, "I was going to rob this place but that was before I knew who you were. I need your help." Queenie agrees to join the team. Queenie says, "I have all the money I want. Maybe it's time to make a name for myself. Obviously I will provide what we need as well." Queenie adopts a red skin tight latex demon costume. She says, "I can make shadow on surfaces that attack my opponents shadows causing them real physical harm. What can you do?" Phantom says, "Nothing. I'm Smart I guess." Queenie says, "Then we will need another person."
Queenie takes them to a creepy surgeon place. She says, "I want to introduce you to my doctor." He comes from pulling slightly see through curtains wearing a leather strap suit with blades sticking out all over him. He says, "I am the Juxtapus Jugulator!" Queenie says, "Good you are already in costume." Juxtapus is a rather elderly man with a feminine physic. With is creepy surgeon utensils he has stolen parts form young women to appear more feminine. But the medication he used on his body gave him the ability to stick back and heal after being cut and that ruined his transformation to a woman. Juxtapus then stick blades unto his bones and uses crazy depraved acrobatics to become a human weapon.
They rob a bank but didn't need any money. They just injured a few people. And then released the money into the street where people took it. The news called them Happy Team Buster. Phantom says, "That a stupid named. Queenie adds, "But because of your little speech your name is in the title." (Over time Queenie and Phantom has a slight buttheads over who is the leader of the team. Juxtapus backs Queenie but the cannot rival Henchman who has Phantom's back. If there is one thing Queenie always want is to have all control and top status.) Juxtapus says, "At least they got all your names right. They called me RazorMouth! I'm going to murder them at thay news outlet. Just after I make them broadcast my name correctly." Phantom replies, "We are not going to kill innocent people. That is not our point." In secret RazorMouth says to Queenie, "You are the Red Queen. You should be the leader. Why are we taking orders from a powerless human. We should kill her." Queenie says to Henchman, "We cannot take down her protector but I can deal with her by other means. Don't worry about it, I will handle her."
RazorMouth shouts at Phantom, "You are wasting our time with your petty crimes! Where is our big hit?! They will never take us seriously." Phantom tells the team, "I want put a hit on Roman Rave. Razor shouts, "Are you crazy! Time an time again this man brought down the government and so many supers. You don't even have powers!" Henchman growls as RazorMouth snapped at Phantom. RazorMouth says, "I'm not afraid you, you abomination!" And leaves.
Queenie asks, "Why." Phantom says, "He has my girlfriend." Queenie says, "I didn't know you where a lesbian. I am as well." Phantom says, "I'm bi but okay. Are you telling me that you are interested? Because my heart belongs to someone." Queenie says, "that doesn't mean we cannot fool around." The girls make love. Queenie who was planning to poison Phantom grows feelings for her. At the next meet RazorMouth says, "Why is she still alive? You incompetent morons." Queenie says, "We will not kill Ramona. We can get her locked up and her monster to help us. Because he is not going to find out we are behind it." RazorMouth asks, "You called her Ramona for the first time. Don't tell me the two if you are dating! This is a nightmare and I'm one step away from just going solo!" Queenie attacks RazorMouth with shadows. She says, "I'm the mind behind all this you bow down and recognize your Queen!" She slap him and he liked it so much he bowed.
'''Halloween Party'''
Kimbra in the limo says, "That is so funny. How can you dress as yourself." Rave closes the door and walks across the street. We see Rave is in his normal human form but covered in black paint. He is at the ATM booth with Yuki and Chastity. Yuki is infront of him wearing a white shirt and black skirt with a police hat and a whip. She is dress as an officer. Chastity is wearing a shiny light green swimsuit with gems and fairy wings. She is dresses as a forest nymph. Chastity says, "We didn't do anything. It just started malfunctioning and asking to scan the owner." (Mind you this is not a normal ATM it is highly advance AI that does every teller does and more.) The ATM steals Raves first card. Yuki puts in the second one and it breaks down. It says, "Please wait for further instructions." Rave gets angry and goes grey mode. Rave shouts, "I'm a friggin millionaire. There is nothing wrong with my account. I shouldn't even be at at an ATM!" Yuki smiles and does a dance 3 second hip dance to cheer Rave up. He is still frowning. Chastity kisses her on the lips. An old lady next in line frowns at then in the both. Rave laughs at that. Yuki continues her dance with her back against him. Chastity rolls her eyes. She says, "I don't get it... Everytime we travel." The ATM comes back only and starts flirting with Rave. Rave says to the ATM, "You are doing this on purpose, Lady! I can see through you. Give me back my card!" The ATM gasps. It says, "How dear you look through me?!" It spits out his cards. It tries to lock the door when they are to step out. Rave says, "Open the door or I'll break you." It let's them out. It says, "Call me. I have your info." Yuki laughs saying, "That ATM wanted a night." Rave replies, "That's actually kinda scary knowing these type of machines go crazy like that." As he goes back to the limbo. The bank explodes.
Rave calls up his new girl Dekota. She is in bed. He says, "I'm having problems with all my accounts. How fast can I get you to LA?" We see Dekota fly up from bed and dressing. She replies, "I'm already on a plane!" The camera pans out to a private jet in the sky. Rave asks, "Am I there?" She looks a copy of Rave on the bed in the background. Rave asks, "Can I please speak to myself." Rave says to himself, "You SoaB! We said we wasn't going to do it!" Rave shouts back at himself, "Nah! You don't tell me what to do. I decided what to do!" Rave say to himself, "Shut the hell up before I come through this phone and punch you. She was a family friend. You went and make her family!" Plane Rave says, "It was Genie's idea. Not mine. Genie said she liked her. What was I to do?" We see Genie clipping her toenails on the bed. She shouts, "And Sai is here too!" Ground Rave puts Shaq face. He says to himself, "You don't need to tell me our minds will fuse when we are in Range." Plane Rave hangs up. Ground Rave says, "So this is what I sound like. Eh. I see why Chastity cannot stand me.'
The plane arrives. Car. hotel with Raves. Rave says to Dekota, "I'm so sorry about myself. One side of me really wanted to keep you as a friend." Dekota says, "Does any of this really matter when I chose work such a dangerous job anyways. I just want to have fun while I always under the constant possibility of dying." Genie says, "Sorry Rave I told her that she was a background character and now she gained plot armor from sleeping with you. The test scene activists are so going to be on your butt about this. Something about taking advantage of your workers and what not. Dynamic of power. That's if The Women's Rights Association doesn't figure you out first. And the Board of Representation always want something for everybody to add, your writer doesn't always portray us chics in the best light." Rave squints, "What-What are you talking about?" Plane Rave says with a smile, "It's this neat thing she does. I think she's breaking the forth wall." Genie continues, "Nevermind. People really shouldn't look toward fantasy worlds for realism. I'll tell yah that." Rave still confused continues, "You are not only here because of the bank accounts but I also believe someone is trying to kill me... More than usual. They might as well be the same ones who hack my account." Sai says, "So they had the ATM stall you but your charisma got you out in time? I see. I see."  Rave continues, "Who ever did this knows an awful lot about me." Sai says, "Well I'm ready to begin some work." Rave says to himself as they walk out, "You jackalope. I can't get any of these chicks to work because I got personal with them and now you ruined my best Intel agent. She's gonna slack off and I can't say anything because the WRA and BoR is gonna have my butt." Sai asks, "Where you going?" Rave says, "I have a Halloween party to go too. Y'all better know something by the time I get back. Or you will all face serious consequences." Sai says, "He doesn't really mean that." Dekota says, "We should start regardless. I don't want to disappoint him."
Sai and Dekota finds recent news about a bank heist where the robbers gave away the money. Dekota looks at Phantom Buster on video. Dekota says, "That one looks familiar but I cant place a finger on where I've seen it before." Rave says, "Excellent. I can leave you girls alone and come back to find results."
''''Happy Scheming'''
Queenie set Ramona up to get caught by the CIA. Her identity now known she goes to hideout at Queenie's. Queenie says, "Now that you are under my roof. It's only right I become the leader. Your last plan failed." Ramona figures out. She says, "You did this. You set me up... for power?" Queenie says, "It doesn't matter now. You belong to me Ramona." Queenie uses her shadow to hold Ramona captive. Queenie kisses her. Ramona doesn't feel the ting. Queenie says, "Oh I forgot. You still love that other girl. I'm going to kill her. Then you'll have to love me." Ramona says, "You cannot do it without Henchman. He will know you did something to me and stop you." Queenie says, "Your so smart." She rips off Phantoms costume. RazorMouth brings in a dead identical looking girl. He say, "Like my plastic surgery?" Queenie says, "I will tell your monster Dekota did it. If Rave kills him after. It's a win win for us."
The sight of Phantom body made Henchman so angry. He almost defeated RazorMouth. Queenie convinces him. She said, "Phantom went after Roman on her own. She was killed by Dekota. Dekota did it. We have to kill her." They lead Henchman to Dekota by tracking Raves account. Dekota was on a fancy date where they are attacked. The screams of people at the sight of Henchman alert. Her in advance. She is charged. Roman puts a forcefield around her. But the impact still knocks her down because she is a normal human but however she did receive extra stamina and durability from 'being' with Rave. Dekota pulls out a gun strapped between her legs. Rave hovers. He says, "No need for that. This will only take a second." RazorMouth looking at Queenie both hiding above shouts, "No! He will kill it to early!" Queenie says, "Then distract him!" RazorMouth looks at her. Queenie says, "You are immortal you can face him! Just don't let him capture you." She pushes RazorMouth into the fight. He talks from the roof. We already know the restaurant getting wrecked. Rave is distracted by RazorMouth and Henchman while Queenie attacks Dekota with shadows. This is a challenge to Rave because telekinesis and force fields doesn't work against shadows on the wall. Dekota is dragged off by her hair. Rave try to pull her back but it only causes much pain on her scalp. Rave is forced to let go. Rave shouts, " One thing you should of know about me is I don't date on singles." Chastity runs in blasting her angelic light pistols at the shadows pulling Dekota. The shadows disperse. Genie shouts, "There is a shadow manipulator in this room! I feel the dark magic!" Rave wrestling with Henchman looks about and just sees a bunch of civilians running around. Rave shouts at Genie, "Find them!" Dekota and Chastity shoots at RazorMouth. Genie does hand and eye magic. Shesays, "I can't anything." Rave shouts, "Chastity give a future sight, Genie cover her!" Chastity shouts, "A red suit. Up in the roof!" Queenie shouts, "****! I'm made!" Rave is about to break Henchman's neck. Suddenly Phantom appears. She is wearing a back up suit. Phantom shouts, "No don't kill him. He is just a child!" Rave Raises Henchman and slams him down in his neck WWE style. Rave says, "That thing is not a child." As he approaches Phantom. Rave says, "The Phantom Buster. I been looking to fight you." In person Dekota immediately notices Ramona as Phantom Buster because she know this costume and the body shape. Dekota says, "Ramona? Is that you?" Rave says, "You know her?" Dekota says, "I bought us that suit." Chastity says, "Us? This is some Jerry Springer ****." Phantom says, "I'm not here to fight you I'm here to help. This other girl fell in love with me now she wants to kill you." Genie says, "Okay now. It's some Jerry Springer ****."
Rave says, "She must be our shadow manipulator. She is in the roof. I wouldn't let her get away!" Phantom checks Henchman's pulse. Rave chases Queenie and RazorMouth untop of the 20 Story hotel. RazorMouth mouth says, "See what you did! We are trapped!" Rave slowly walks towards them. RazorMouth charges Rave. Rave just squashes him and blows him up with telekinesis. Queenie is shook. She sends Shadow at Rave feet Rave looks into her eye with a mind stare. Her shadow stab Rave but he doesn't flinch. He stays with the shadows claws in his body. Dekota and Phantom joins them up stares. Queenie backs onto the ledge. Dekota says, "Queenie. Come to us. Rave is a good man. He will accept you." Phantom says, "Even if you made mistakes. All of us makes mistakes." Queenie perches her lips. She says, "You've moved on." Queenie sends out several shadows. Some to fake an attack on  the girls because they stop half way. Rave realizes she is trying to force him to kill her. Not much time to think. She looks at Phantom, perched her lips and jumps to her death. Rave make an effort to catch her but the shadow fake attacking the girls if Rave moved. Chastity and Genie fires at the shadows but it is too late. Queenie falls 20 stores to her death. The shadows fade. Rave says, "I lost. I couldn't stop her attacks and I lost." Phantom takes off the mask and cries. Cops come on the scene. Rave would expect the body to splatter on the ground but her skin is just cracked. She is confirmed dead. Rave asks Phantom, "You really are just a normal human? I thought you had ghost powers." Rave vouches for Phantom. Remember the government afraid of Mr Roman Rave. Henchman is taken back to proper facility.
===Part 2===
Queenie goes to hell and is sent back to Earth. She wake up in the morg. The cracks on her skin radiated hellfire. Pale as an undead and nude she kills who ever is working there.
Rave ends up sleeping with Dekota and Santiago. For some reason Santiago catches ghost powers for real. I don't care if that not how it works, who cares?! She gets a new purple suit with a purple to green and black gradient fade going down. The design is meant to make her lower legs look like is is fading.
Ramona explained it was a mistake and she doesn't want to stay with Rave. She no longer fancies this life of these wild sexual encounters. Rave explains, "You will lose your powers if I live you. Not to mention the withdrawal is much worst than the implementation period. I will not stop you from being happy but understand that you might die." She agrees. Rave says, "I've never had a normal human withdrawal before." When she stop sleeping with him they had her stay to care for her transition. The pain was worst than child birth. Ramona Santiago died. But then she woke up again still able to use her ghost powers. Unlike Rave she is bounded to her own body. She cannot make clones but can phasd through objects, fly and go invisible. Phantom leave Raves to follow her own path. She goes to the morg to see Queenie one last time.
Queenie goes to the place RazorMouth died. Pigeons are feasting on his tiny chunks from find to time. She does magic that pulls together his body.
Phantom goes back to Rave to warn him of Queenie's resurrection. She is with this girl called PowerKatt. Rave says, "I gave you everything you wanted and the girl of your dreams. When you got it all you still felt incomplete. Come back to me." Phantom says, "Rave I can't. I told your your life is too much for me." Rave says, "Then I cannot work with you. As it causes me great pain. I will send one of my best." Rave issues Goldtooth to help her out. '''I removed the part about Golftooth dating Ramona. This is no longer cannon.''' Rave asks, "The girl with you? Who is your friend?" Phantom says, "That's PowerKatt. My girlfriend. She's gonna help us out." Rave says, "She's attractive." Phantom says, "Don't even think about it." PowerKatt says, "I think the two of you should get back together." Phantom explains, "She is just after your money." Phantom screams at PowerKatt, "I told you not to open your mouth. Obviously, It was a mistake bringing you here." Rave says, "Ramona if you need money. You don't need to ask me. I'll give you anything." Phantom says, "We are going fine! We don't need your money." Phantom looks at PowerKatt speaking to Rave with facial expressions. Phantom says, "If you so much as talk to him it's over between us. Infact stop looking at him." PowerKatt says, "Gaude. Okay. You might not need money but I need it. You said he is a nice guy. Why cant we stay with him?!" Rave says, "It's like you are still angry at me over Dekota. This is about Dekota, isn't it." Phantom says, "Well yes. She gave all her time to you. I don't want to feel second in any relationship ever again."
Phantom Buster tells Rave, "There is a Dianna De La Muerte in Mexico. She can wipe out entire towns just by walking through them. Seems like your kind of thing. And she's hot." 
Goldtooth hits Queenie with a fire breath that consumes her. She is burnt but fine.
Phantom will go back to Rave with her new girlfriend. He will set up a section for them to live in Legion House.
| artist = Type O Negative
| track = My Girlfriend's Girlfriend
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/KgkBWZXVLyk
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=='''I Love Mexico'''==
===Yaniko's Milk Advertisement===
Yaniko being a neko boy gets a brand deal to advertise milk. So the goofy advertisement plays. Now is Latin America.
Behind the scenes Yaniko says, "This is bs, both the Japanese and Latin countries are fighting over me, I'm Italian I don't know no Spanish. Now they want to to speak what?" Mei just stand there frustrated in her uni goggle. Sai replies, "We set you up with a gig. Just shut up and make your own money." Mei looks at her phone and says. "He sounded terrible, we will voice over."
===Tank Girls===
So now Rave has this other story to 'ship' off too. We're going to Mexico to check out this Lady of the Dead. Rave takes Meredith, Sharon Haze, Genie, Shelle Belle, Foxy, Braille Butcher and Lily Redwood. Because Mexico's boarders is not far from LA, they take a big land cruisers tank thing. Braille load cooking supplies. Rave says this is not furnished like my other vehicles. Your all gonna get hot, sweaty and sick off each other in a day." Shelle says, "What that mean?" Sharon replies, "Less clothes." Meredith says, "Dude, just make an air-conditioner." Redwood asks, "What's an air-conditioner." Genie replies, "And ruin the natural atmosphere of the episode, I think not."
Rave says, "I'm getting tired of splitting up into copies. Every time I do I get myself into crap at a faster rate."
| artist = Megadeth
| track = Super Collider
| tracklink = https://youtu.be/tqHsTET4Ot8
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Big trailer tanker rolling in the sun. Tanning on the roof. Sitting with their guns.
'''There are two scary looking Archangels on Rave's track. The follow him unseen.''' The heat wave burns on the angels red face as he prays upon a rock in hand.
They were already running out of water because the girls was wasting it to get clean. Rave came he said, "What the hell are y'all doing? How long has this been going on? Now your gonna die of thirst." So the sun is hot and now they have to ration the rest of the water. Lucky the see a building in the distance.
Foxy weapons print three ATVs. She, Shelle and Genie uses them to scout ahead in the desert heat.
'''In Mexico Rave finds an abandoned convent. Rave says, "It's free real estate." They immediately start fixing and cleaning it up. This convent becomes a permanent base.''' It has a small church, a few classrooms, kitchen, toilet baths and whatever. Meredith finds a room full of schoolgirl outfits much to small for any of them. And yet they all said 'Let us wear them anyways.' Genie looks at the camera and says, "Where is the writer going with this?" The girl pose with guns in the desert heat. Rave send out a message to himself to have the available others occupy this base.
His signal is low so he glitches. Paralyzed he rotates at the center of the ceiling. When he walks he skips that looks like teleportation. Some demonic looking. Rave says, "To fix this I'll need parts. I could technomanced something but the desert doesn't have the right elements."
Chastity arrives with some others. The bring parts for Rave to set up satellite devices. The girls hold a ceremony to promote Chastity as Den Mother. It's a real pappyshow story. '''One of the angels are Raphael the other is Camael.''' As night falls they look upon the Convent from a distance. They are not happy with what Rave is doing with those girls. Camael says, "This is mockery. We should kill him. One blast from my hand and I erase this place of sin." Raphael says, "Now. Now. You don't fire upon  a holy place. Besides our orders are not to kill the ghost. Not yet."
The Angels reveal themselves. Rave makes a few copies in preparation. Chastity says to a different copy telepathically, "Rave. Those are Archangels. If they find me. They will take me away." Rave says, "I'm gonna crush them." Genie replies,"Buddy - Duuude - My Guy - Don't be foolish you cannot fight them. What makes you think you can fight an Archangel?" Chastity says, "It's the Egyptian gods all over again. But these ones prefer to be clean."
Raphael asks Rave, "I am looking for the angel Gabriel who has gone rogue." Rave says, "Ah. So that's all you want? Well I don't know where he has gone."
Chastity explains to Rave, "The last time they saw me is as a child. I don't think they know who I am. They specially will not expect the oracle to look as dirty as me. And I would definitely not be hanging with people like y'all. No offense." Rave replies, "Non taken. Now act like a common sex slave." She actually exposes herself a bit. Rave tears her clothes more. '''The two archangels look directly at chastity and doesn't recognize her as the oracle. If they did things would of gone a lot differently.''' Rave says, "They are trying to not look at you. I can't believe this is working because I could smell virgin all over you. These boys must not know what dash is." Chastity says, "I'm going to slap you. Don't dodge it! And DON'T block my hand." Rave says, "No. Keep character." She try to wrestle him but he makes out with her. Rave says to the rest of the girls, "Everyone. Go to work. We need to make you so dirty they would be force to erase your memory for their heads or risk temptation." The Angels got sick of seeing their charade.
The plan almost worked till Camael told Rave how not pleasant he was. Rave gets angry and propose to end it with a fight.
Raphael say to Rave, "You plot to kill us but you yourself are one of the worst gods I've ever seen. Not for a second you pick up your head but are forever indulged in human women flesh."
The the Angels live Rave shouts, "JC! That was ***** intense. They **** ****** ***** ****** like a ******* ****** in my shoes. ***** heaven and **** ***!" As he throws a finger to the sky and spins around. He continues, "Those ****less ******* ********* ******** ***** ****** *****!!! ********!!!! *******!!!! Etc..." Camael looking back says, "Please... Just let me hurt him a little." He and Raphael continues flying away. Camael enraged fires a tiny dot into the far desert region. The blast turns the sky black and white. The Convent is hit by force winds from the explosion. Rave stays quiet. Camael smirks as they fly out of site. Raphael says, "You know Uriel is going to caution you about that." Camael says, "Worth it. Better than flying around neutered."
Chastity grills Rave, "You moron almost got us killed by * angels! What you planning to do when you find the Lady of the Dead?! You better not think about it! I wish she sends your *** straight to hell! Rave, stop ignoring me!" Rave screams out, "* dam ANGELS!!!!"
===The Search Begins===
Rave arrives to the first Mexican town to see the dead celebration in effect. There is a parade.
'''Rave learns that the Mexican region is a hotspot for demons along with Rome and Africa.''' The demons like the hot regions mostly. Other than that the local are very hush-hush when Rave asks about Dianna De La Muerte. Genie asks, "Rave, Don't let us sleep in this town. I hate it." Sharon says, "Nah you're just scared." They travel back to the Convent. Chastity says, "It's a smart thing you made a church our base, Rave. We can use it to surveillance this region." Rave says, "Was that a complement I heard?... But I don't trust sacred ground alone. You, Cameila and Genie are going to set up enchantment to keep evil spirits out. An extra Barrier." Chastity stretch her lips, stand up, stretches and taps Genie on her lap. She says, "Less go-a!" They goes to work on it. Rave says, "Who would of thought making these chicks practice magic would come in handy. Magic is... stupid." SoNeko keeps Rave up all night.
The next day, while throw away leftovers behind the base for stray coyotes. She in the sun. Braille sees a sad face engrave in a rock flat on the ground. She scream in a high pitch e. Rave comes to look at with his extra eyes to see inside it squishy. Of course he says, "Let's excavated it." All the girls said he'll no. Expect for Hellebore who have seen worst all her life. Still a a little hesitant. They pull out out the hole. What seemed like an oval fossil. Proxi pours a bottle of water on its face as joke. The lips lick it self. They scream. It asks for more. Rave puts it in a dirty tubs of water outside. As it soak it swells up to be a human lad. He says, "My name is eco. I can adapt to any atmosphere but I accidentally turned myself to a stone when I fell a sleepy. Dried up by the sun I lost my ability to change back. For days I waited. No rain." Rave asks, "So your weakness I fire... I see." Eco says, "Yes. Practically I only need water to survive." Rave says, "So you're not immortal?" Eco says, "Idk? I been stuck here for 7 years." The girls scream what. Rave asks, "Any idea what happened to the girls of this convent. All the stuff left here seem pretty fresh." Eco says, "A strange demon lady came I took them. I believe she was once an orphan girls of this place."
Eco is from the super soldier project. And escaped during the same time Rave revolted against the facility. He has a more biological version of Rave powers. Eco cannot adapt to technology while Rave can only make bastardize versions of biological life.
Mexico convent location. Rave wakes up on the sand to the brightest sunlight. Under him is water. He sits up to see Shakti ([[Dragon Butterfly]]) and Genie playing in the wet sand in there schoolgirl uniform. They sit on there knees trying not to get wet. He says, "What what happened? Where did this lake come from?" Shakti replied, "You don't remember? You made this lake artificially with a hydrogen bomb." Genie adds, "She had to fish you out of the water. Apparently when one copy of you trip so those the others." Rave asks, "Trip." Shakti explains, "You were tripping balls starring at the sun. You mumbled away how it was trying to tell you something." Cameron and Sixx call onto Rave from further up. They also where their pappyshow uniforms. He says, "Are you sure this is not heaven?" He leave they girls playing in the sand to talk to Sixx. Rave says, "I never realized how identical you two look. Cameron is only Spanish, bigger and more tanned. And Sixx is just a little smaller, whiter and more Asian. Yet you look like sisters. This should play out in my fantasies well." Sixx says, "More Asian?... What?... Rave you need to think before you speak. Okay?" Rave continues, "Hmmm. It's the swollen looking lips and and wide hips." He looks on to see the other girls in the distance playing light sports like tennis. Cameron says, "They are really treating this like a real school." Genie walks up and says, "When did we become a highschool anime?" Millennia and Cavort Witch come up to them also wearing these uniforms. Cavort says, "Rave, I think I need to permanently transfer here." Millennia explains, "I don't think Rave wants us learning from his wives." Shakti adds, "Unless you plan to be one." There is a silence. Kobain and Yaniko now joins them. Yaniko says, "This hydrogen bomb technology is amazing! Coolest explosion I've ever seen and I've seen a shit ton of explosions!" Kobain explains, "I believe we can use this place water on Mars."
A sink hole appears draining the lake. On investigation we discovered a tunnel system underground
[[Image:Mayan astronaut.jpg|500px|thumb|center| Mayan Astronaut, Mayan Emperor and an Igigi Angel]]
We follow the tunnel down. We discover underground worlds under Mexico.
Black Scorpion
===Love And Death===
To people tell a story a sentence each. They are male and female. A puppet girl enters the room with a gun. She throws the gun in the floor and sits next to the story tellers. The story tells is much disbelief and think it's scripted. The girl says one more line in joke. The puppet moves a bit as if reaching for the gun. It appears the puppet next actions is based on how the story is told.
Rave makes Dianna a Rave girl. The other girls and audience get accustomed to her presence on the team.
===Mission Failed Successfully===
Dianna powers is spirit based making it harder for Rave to control.
On a mission Dianna loses control of her powers. The sky turns black. She accidentally causes a crowd of innocent people to drop dead. They then get again as undead zombies controlled by plants growing inside of them. The people scream but have no control of their bodies. It seems to be messing with their mind and fusing it with the plant.
Rave looks into the eyes of a plant zombie to see Dianna's skeleton grow around carnivorous plants that virally infected all of humanity like a pandemic. The planets grows from the inside of human and eat everyone alive. Human skeletons laying in beds of creeping flowers. Survivor are farmed to be eaten regularly. The humans start to worship Dianna and offer her human sacrifices to keep her from eating them randomly. Rave says, "You want farm humans. The plant that I see now resembles and ancient evil known as Eden, your cause of demon an angel snake." Cameila shouts, "This is worst than a zombie outbreak. If she grows to wide there will be no way to quarantine the tbe plant if it escapes."
Rave and Dianna are now locked in a mind battle as the vines overtake his outer body. The rest of the girls are forced to evacuate. Rave shouts, "Ancient demon!  I don't believe I can contain this one! It is far more malignant!" Rave takes Chastity's rifle to transform it into a flaming sword that he and use. The plant screech when it feels the flames. Rave shouts, "Your soul requires conflagration! Burn!" Blue light tears a whole in the black sky as blue flames rain down on her. Dianna screams. Rave shouts, "Dianna, I cleanse you. I may free you soul in me as your god!"
Rave has no choice but to kill Dianna on the spot to stop her form growing even more unstoppable. She stabs her in the heart with the sword. As she falls back she embraces her. His telekinetic energy pulls back the vines within her body. Contrast to her first trying to devour him. Her wraps his whole self around her as they disappear. Yela says, "I'm so sick of all dis satanic ish. I'm giving my life to Christ." Chastity replies, "Its far to late for god to save us. I believe Rave is our only hope no."
This shock is not only the first time Rave loses a girl but changes the out look of the story. It's shows that Rave may not be so perfect as he thought and adds the question that any of the others girls could fall into a similar fate.
He still sees her ghost in the lost dimension as if she is trying to tell him something but everytime he gets close she's just out of reach. He nonchalantly stares at her image in the distance or when he feels her just behind him close enough to whisper in his ear but as he turns around she is not there. But Rave is smart, he never sees anguish in her expression so it leaves him with a microscopic sense of hope.
=='''Just Like Lucifer'''==
Rave vs Archs.
Raphael says, "What a peculiar demon the Roman is? He latches his souls unto others. There must be hundreds of him... Can we kill him?" Uriel replies, "Find out."
Rave is middle east with Rebecca, Chastity and Mongrel. He is trying to avoid the sun. But it is very bright and hot yet the clouds gray. Quickly three lights fly up like missiles in the distance. Bright but their aura creates a negative darkness around this light. They as to bright to stare at for long but inside it creates 3 shadows as they move. They disappear behind the clouds. Rave sees through ethereal vision and suddenly his opponents are more clear. Angels.
Camael, Raphael.
Raphael explains, "We are here because you Roman Rave now house the powerful demon Dianna De La Muerte into your pantheon of *."
Rave thinks telepathically to his crew, "I saw three shadows. Where is the third light." Rebecca puts herself in Super Sidereal 4th Dimension mode to help Rave. She shouts, "Perfect Intuition." Rebecca says to Pappy Mongel, "Three against one. Ishum go. Teleport. Go find help. Or we are dead." He asks, "What? You called me Ishum? And another thing... Are you not fighting." Rebecca says, "Not now dog go. Not even Rave can beat them. My intuition speaks." She whispers in Mongrel's ear and he replies, "Sheesh monkey." But nods and disappears.
Chastity is panics but Rebecca reassures her telepathically. Rebecca says, "You have the vision I have the wisdom. If we try we can we can win this." Meanwhile Rave is still just quiet and stoic as he analyzes his opponents. He know this doesn't look to good for him.
Camael says, "Rave, you've gained power and turned into Genghis Khan." Rave replies, "How dear you compare me to others? I am the savior of mankind and yours is the anti-christ." Camael replies, "Interesting concept. But you are mad!" Rave screams, "Lier!"
Then Michael suddenly makes himself known. Rave immediately feels his strength is beyond the others. For his aura burns the brightest.
Epic move. Rave us nailed down by crosses rain. He is impaled on his side my Archangel Michael. This weapon does soul damage and is felt universally. Rave contrast himself to Nazarene being crucified. Now this is not an ordinary attack. This is permanent damage to his soul and spirit. This is meant to leave him wounded. Rave frees himself but feel the pinch in his side. He funnels soul energy but it doesn't permanently fill the gap. Rave realizes, "Not like this. I cannot fall to them. Not yet. I will fight through this pain."
WiP, Fight
Rave falls to the ground paralyzed with cracks of yellow light on him that prevent regeneration. He resembles a living broken figuring. Chastity screams, "Stop! You don't have to kill him take me instead." Raphael replies and why would we want you?" Chastity explains. "Because I'm the..." But before she could finish. Mongrel shows up with Gabriel and Hasifio/Samael to help Rave. Rebecca calls Hasifio, "Gabriel, Samael." Everyone gasps at the realve of Hasifio's true name. Hasifio asks, "What how did you know?"
Michael laughs mocking Rave, "Your devil is wounded. Leave him suffer." The Angels fly away avoiding further conflict.
Chastity says, "Oh shit boy Rave. You just got rolled on by the Angels." Rave replies, "And still am here... Help me you dumb *." Genie says, "Chastity, Now is not the time for jokes, what is that on him?" Chastity replies, "Standard holy magic. I can fix it... maybe." Genies confirms, "good, Heal him?!"

Latest revision as of 20:05, 5 August 2024

The Anti-Vax Generation

  • Rave finds The Anti-Vax Generation (Children of War)
  • Kobain's Harem Quest
  • Not kids anymore (Rook goes solo)
  • Happy Team Buster

Major Gore and Mature Don't Content Warning. If this upsets you just click a different page. Please note Acts 2.5 and 2.6 events are after Polaris and also closer to the beginning of and during Act 3 particularly in line with the X Corp Saga.

Children of War


White clouds, Sliver gowns and golden halls. Flawless is beauty where halos crown. Up in heaven after witnessing the war. A young angel Gabe decides to speak out against his higher ups. Gabe says, "Yet again we watch mankind destroy themselves while we hang back and do nothing." The head angel, Uriel replies, "And what do you propose? Angels are to remain true to the code. If we reveal ourselves to man they may lose themselves even faster before the creator returns. You should know this. Be careful Gabriel you are entering dangerous territory." Gabe says, "And what I'd the creator never returns. Y'all are just going to sit around here in wasting your time." Uriel replies, "You begin to question the code and creator? You are on the road to becoming a fallen angel Gabriel. I have no choice but to demote you till penance." Gabe replies, "Forget it. I quit. I'm done with you." Uriel replies, "You leave here and where will you go? Do I need to arrest you?!" Gabe says, "I out rank you. You can't arrest me. And that's non of your concern." Gabe leaves the Angels because he doesn't agree with their policies. At her desk Uriel shouts, "Gabriel! You are making a terrible mistake! Get back here! Don't let me send Michael after you!!" Gabe walk out without another word.

All The Worst

At the mall with the girls Rave sees a teen in a joggers hoodie and sweatpants. But the aura radiating from him is angelic something like Chastity. Under the hoodie Gabe make eye contact with Rave. Gabe also sees Rave while he was invisible. Rave says to the girls, "That kid, he looked right at me! His power level is through the roof. I have never seen that much chakra in anyone!" Cameila says, "Here we go again. You are going to try to contact him out of paranoia. Then somehow you are going to end up fighting." Rave follows him outside the mall. He turns around and asks, "You! Why are you following me?!" Rave replies, "Isn't it obvious. Your power level is off the chart. I need to fight you!" Gabe says, "Sadly I don't use my powers to train pups. Specially not to satisfy your ego." Rave says, "Fine. Then I'll just attack you." Chastity shouts, "Rave! You are going to lose!" Rave says, "No I'm not!" Chastity explains, "I saw it. You where going to try a sneak attack then attack with this copy and both of you where gonna get blasted over there by holy magic. Remember you can fully replicate holy and magic powers." Rave says, "What?! Well use your future vision again! Just tell me when I defeat him!" Chastity shouts, "My powers are not fot your games!" Gabe says, "Future vision?!?!?! The oracle!!!!! Tell me Rave... What is the oracle doing with the likes of you?! A presume a bad guy. Is she your slave?! You have her dressed like a sex puppet but do you know she lose her powers with that?!" Chastity shouts, "Slave?! Puppet?! What's wrong with my outfit?! I designed it myself!" Gabe says, "Regardless she belongs in Heaven." Rave says, "If you think you are taking her from me you must be mad!" Chastity shouts, "Stop talking about me like am a thing. I'm not a MacGiffin! I'm a girl with feelings. And right now I choose to stay with Rave!" Rave says, "See. The lady chose." Chastity says, "This is not good Rave. If he know where I am then the Angels will find me." Gabe says, "I'm not with the Angels. At least no longer." Merlo walks up to Rave holding SoNeko in Kitsune form. She says, "Hold her. My arms are tired." Rave shouts, "Put her down. Can't you see in about to fight this dude!" Gabe says, "You look bad. But I don't think you are. Not with these type of girls around you." Rave shouts, "See what you guys did! You ruined my chance to fight this guy! Not only that but now he's calling me soft. Think I'm gonna let them get Chastity, no way!" Rave dives at Gabe. Rave shouts, "Show me your true form!!!" Rave force replies against Gabe's light magic causing a big explosion. Rave fly back. Rave says, "Incredible! He didn't even move! How will I ever fight the gods!!!!" Gabe says, "You want to fight the gods?! That makes two of us. But tell me? Look at the explosion you caused. Is it worth it when innocent lives get caught up in your actions." Rave looks around to see the crowds of people. Rave replies, "I don't care. I'll kill every innocent man, woman or child if your Angels come after my woman!" Chastity says, "First off. Flattered but your are so not killing children over me! Angel dude can we talk this out." Rave grabs Chastity hand and another copy stands Infront her. Rave says, "No funny business. I plan to keep you alive." Gabe says, "Yah, we can chat."

The other girls go with the other copy of Rave while Rave, Soneko and Chastity goes to Gabe's hideout. It is not a fancy place but rundown and reassemble that of an edgy teenager. Gabe says, "I am the Angel Gabriel. Left hand of god. There are seven of us, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Saraqael, Raguel, and Remiel. All of which makes up the body." Rave says, "I knew it. You're an Arch! Too powerful to be just a kid. So my pride stays in tack! Now you telling me there are 6 more like you." Gabe asks, "You always do all this bad guy monologuing?" Gabe continues, "Maybe I will not bring back the Oracle. But why do you need her?" Rave replies, "I made a promise to protect her. To me she is not the oracle as you say. She is just a woman that I care about. I say to you Gabriel you better kill me now or if you get in my way I'll have to kill you too." It is now 5:36PM and SoNeko turns back into a woman. A rather voluptuous one. Gabe notices and has a thought. He begins to question Raves judgement but doesn't mention it.

Gabe is the angel that shows Rave the effects of war. Gabe says to them, "Stand still." The room blows away to ash and they end up in arctic mountains. Rave holds Chastity waist as the moving background makes her dizzy. Chastity asks, "Teleportation?" Rave says, "No a hologram. My eyes tell me we are still in the room." Gabe says, "Ah ha. Sharp perception Rave. But I need you to focus on the visuals I want to show you. Just don't knock anything over." Rave says, "What is there to knock over. In this pigsty? Everything is already on the ground!" Chastity adds, "Yeah Gabe. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Isn't it?" Gabe says, "I keep this place as part of my persona. I don't need you to grill me on it!" Rave says, "I recognize this place. It's the path we fought the Atom Bomb. The snow was so thick many hero bodies were lost and still lie here." Chastity adds, "It's sad. After the battle we searched for Rave till we started to freeze. Other heroes don't have that type of dedicated love ones."

Best I Am

Rave asks, "Tell me about the archangels." Gabe says, "Their was many before but some is elsewhere or have died. The seven Arch are Uriel, Micheal, Gabriel, Raphael, Jophiel, Camael and me Gabriel. You may have of hear of others like Azrael and Samael who had been corrupted." Rave says, "So you're tell me you can be killed?"

Gabe shows them all the cities that was burnt by Orange. Rave says, "Why are you showing me this! I was there! I've seen it. I died again fighting Atom! How many times must I die for humanity? This is the job of your gods, not mine!" Gabe says, " If you do chose to go against them I will help you."

The Anti-Vax Generation

Don't be confused by the Timeline number Act 2.5 this takes place after Orange Event and is closer to Act 3.1

Giant Kaiju Attack


When Rave arrives with Gaia he sees the Anti-Vax fighting it.

Lights City

Team dive shot. Rave uses Gaia to plant bend some big trees to knock it out and capture it. Millennia and Cavort immediately takes a liking to Rave. He feels like they are to young for him but he'd be nice anyways. ZUCCbat doesn't like Rave at first nor the teams idea to take him to their hideout. It is an abandoned house under an overpass. Rave meets Kobain building a Mecha in the garage area. Kobain doesn't like Rave at first either. Kobain starts to like Rave when he sees the different hot girls that always with him.

When Rave turned he left his new girl Suno with them. Suno is a ghost girl possessing a robot body Rave built.

Goldtooth scratches his ass as he leaves the garage to go inside. Camera pans to Sumo in flight wrestling with Cavort And Millennia over something they are not supposed to be playing with. Millennia let's it go.

Suno crashes into a shelf. On the floor she looks up and says, "Fine I'm telling Rave"

Millennia as she comes closer, "Wait what? You're telling Rave? No no no no... Don't tell Rave."

Cavort smirks, "Oh my god I'm so scared... what ever will he do to us"

Suno replies to the mockery as she catches on, "Would you stop that. He is too old for you."

Cavort, "I'm 19..."

Suno dials his number...

Dragon Butterfly as she rolls her neck with sassy lying untop a shelf, "I think she just wants him for herself" the tone comes from the background.

Cavort smiles, "Yeah do you see the way her eye light up when she talks to him. LoL. She's doing it know..."

Noticing them all smiling at her Suno hangs up the call and says, "It's not like that... He is not interested in me that way..."

Kobain hanging upsidedown with a blow touch in his hand, "What!? Rave this. Rave that. If I hear one more thing about your Stoopid boyfriend... What is it with this guy!?"

"He is not!" The Three girls screamed in unisen. DB's eyes open wide in shock, "Umm hmm???..."

Phone rings Suno exclaims, "Oh no he is calling back what do I do!?"

Cavort, "Quick! shoot it! Shoot the phone."

Millennia, "Tell him you miss dialed"

Before they could answer Rave appears behind them, "Hi."

Startled they all shout, "Rave!!!" Kobain falls from height and bumps his head.

ZUCCbat and Yaniko is in the background. They were working on a ZUCC's bike, Zucc says, "Look at those morons..."

Camera shows Yaniko face with tears in his eyes and a clutched fist marvelled at Rave. Millennia faints.

Zucc says, "I'm surrounded by Idiots" he tosses a rag over his shoulder and leaves the room."

Camera pans to the buildings sky view. As Host drives out. Jada is seen lounging on the roof with shades.

Kobain's Harem Quest

This story also takes place During Act 3 that is when Suno is introduced


Zucc goes Solo

Zuck gets Z U C C E D !

ZUCCbat is a night avenger parody who believes he has plot armor

Clark Zuckerberg created a night avenger suit using information he gathered from his social media site.

Zucc says, "You are my enemy Rave I'm going to get stronger and kill you." Rave replies, "You take me for some kinda funny character. I'm not going to give you the opportunity to kill me. I'm going to kill you now!" Rave slowly walks up to him. ZUCCbat does some funny ninja thing. Rave just looks at him. Rave punches him in the chest so hard he tears a hole through it. Zucc falls to the ground his vision fade.

Zucc wakes up in the hospital section of Rave lab. Hellebore and Cherry Bludnurse watch over him. Hellebore says, "Congratulations. You had your first kiss." Cherry continues, "Rave killed you but then he made Hellebore bite your neck. You were able to recover using your new vampire mutation." ZUCC smiles at Hellebore. Rave entired the room. Rave says, "Don't get to anxious. That thick pale b**** is mine. I didn't want to fight you. But you are an annoying whiny little b****. I had to teach you a lesson. At least you are stronger now with the new vampire powers..." Hellebore says, "Jesus Rave, Do you need to swear so much." He slaps Hellebore on her butt and she leaves the room a bit insulted (but she would never admit it.) Clark ask, "Powers what powers." Cherry says, "You are now a vampire." Clark says, "You mean I'll explode in the sun?!" Rave shouts, "Calm down! When was the last time you left your house if it wasn't for superheroing any way. The vampire persona will suit you fine. Plus you got your tech and Money to rely on." Cherry says, "You will not explode in the sun. Rave created medications to prevent that. You might feel a slow burn." Rave continues, "I want you to look at me kid. You wanna fight me again I'll give you all the time you need to recover. Just don't die before I get the chance to kill you again." Clark feels anger for Rave actions but he also reflects on it. When Clark leaves Cherry ask Rave, "You where being a little harsh. I'm still amazed Anti-Vax forgave you." Hellebore re-enters the room. Rave says, "I am toughening them up. Zucc would of died solo at least now he can heal himself. If I push him to hate me further he will learn better himself... But that kid... His eyes are so Soulless. I may have created one of my greatest enemies yet." Hellebore says, "All he wants is to be loved. To feel liked. I get he is kind of a dork but he is like you Rave. A tech guy who doesn't translate well with others." Rave says, "Oh boo hoo. I almost cried with that one." Hellebore replies, "You are being really impossible today." Rave says, "I'm just playing with you. Y'all girls getting softer. I'm actually too nice with you." Hellebore just looks a Rave at bit steamed. Rave goes to hug her and calm her down. Rave says, "Hey! What you mad about? Only I am allowed to talk to you that way. Understand me." Fade...

Prosthetic Head

We start of with some break through prosthetic developed by a doctor named (). Owa, a paralyzed girl is the first test subjects. Her father is the inventor of this tech. The tech is being tested but proven to dangerous of commercial used. It gives her water bending powers. Her father realizes his greatest creation yet has to be scrapped because if fallen in the wrong hands could be deadly. But he is more happy to she his daughter able to move again.

Rave appears on the site with Calyso, Ariel and Chastity.

Owa accidentally waters bends a town of people in a flood causing them to rip, tear or explode at various regions. The tsunami turn red with blood. Hellebore says, "Dam. I'm jealous." (Referencing Hellebore's abilities to blood bend.) Rave slaps Hellebore's thigh a few times. She says, "Aw. Stop!" He says, "Behave yourself." Her pale skin show the red mark of the hand print. She says, "You know what that looks like? Know I'm walking around in public with a hand print on my thighs."

Rave confronts Owa. He says, "So you decided to join the bad guys, Murder." Owa says, "It was an accident. I can't just make it stop..." Rave flys down to her. He says, "It's okay. You can try to save people but many of them will die regardless." Calypso asks, "Don't you have a tech guy that can fix this stuff. Ariel asks, "Who? Kobain?" Rave says, "Nah I have someone else in mind."

Rave goes to get ZUCCbat to fix her tech. Rave recognizes ZUCCbat falls for Owa while working with her. But has no game to shoot his shot. Rave tells him, "What are you doing. Ask her out!" Zucc finds the courage. She agrees. It makes sense because Clark Zuckerberg has no skill and she is paralyzed from the waist below.

Chastity says, "Ah! Rave is playing matchmaker."


Nightfall. Desert. Radioactive fall out is diverted to the Native American lands. One man survived while all others of his tribe became fossils, Whitewolf. Whitewolf became The Osseous Stone when his body was severely mutated by the fallout but his spirit guide kept him alive. Painfully Whitewolf's bones expand out of his body becoming a massive skeletal titan. With all his squishy organs on the inside. When the fossil hardens he comes crawling out of it guts and the process could begin again. Green waste run through the valleys. Whitewolf perched on a cliff looking down says, "The white devil that has followed me has become my spirit animal. My people are a fossil of their time and I am now free to exact my vengeance." He jumps of the cliff. He hits the ground as a skeletal titan. It legs are crushed on impact but he walks off in human form leaving behind the dead shell.

Alice In Chains

Daytime. Rocks. Testing. Grading. Testing. We see people in hazmat putting rocks into containers with holding apparatuses. One of those person's unzips her suit. Cleavage fly out. We see that it is Kimbra. America says, "Hazmat suits are for your health it's not supposed to look sexy." Kimbra says, "I'm hot, literally. Besides I'm also immune to radiation remember?" As she fans her chest. Rave says, "You just made a big mistake Kimbra now I'm going to have to scrub you down extra hard. And you just sabotage valuable equipment. Go back to the lab and get cleaned up immediately." Kimbra shrugs. She says, "Might as well be a win win." America says, "If all she needed to do was take off the suit to be done. Then why am I still here? Heay where is Proxi?" Rave turns around to see Proxi sunbathing in a bikini. Rave shouts, "Proxi! What the hell are you doing this is radiation not Lagoona Beach!" Proxi flies up! Rave says, "At least I found my first test subject." Taking her back to the lab we see her synthetic skin hardening. Rave says, "The material used for your robot skin is closer to living tissue than plastic. I'll have to remove all your skin while it's still soft. And replace it with a new one so I may finish study this one... Dammit Proxi you're costing me a fortune." Young Kobain says, "I knew this project was too good for girls." Chastity says, "What is he? Like 5." Rave says, "Well Chastity. He behaves like you. At least he has an excuse. You're the oldest child I know." Chastity says, "Old?! Don't caPicking up rocks? That's boring! Call me when the fighting starts. I'm gonna take a paracetamol and lie down." Kobain says, "Don't sleep to hard. You might turn into a stone." Chastity asks, "He's kidding right? Oh great now I'll never get any rest!" Rave says, "It's mid day you don't need no rest. I'll just put you on night watch." Chastity says, "Fine. You're like my dam father!"

Rave studies show. The chemicals attack the red blood cells first crystalizing it. Where it becomes trapped in the smaller blood vessels or the bone marrow. Subjects are set to painfully evolve into a living fossil where they may die of starvation. He shows some fossilized birds he collected from the ravine and some mice they test.

Kimbra says to Rave, "I'm surprised y'all got work done. That little kid keeps watching me." Rave says, "So what. You are beautiful he is a guy. You girls ever stop to think off the amount of dudes to have blasted one or two in your honor? It's not only him." Kobain shouts, "Facts! Now if you'll excuse me ladies. I'm going to take a leak!" America says, "What the hell Rave." She looks at Kobain. She asks, "I hope you wash your hands." Kobain laughs. Kimbra says, "He is like a miniature Rave but more rude and more annoying." Kobain comes back and says, "Rave hired me because on my resume next to science. I ticked hot girl and Hugh Mungus." Rave laughs. He says, "Well I think that's it for today. Not much left to do but eat and enjoy the sun set."

Nightfalls. Big foot steps wake up Chastity who was asleep on guard duty. She screams, "Rave!" And he appears. Rave says, "Oh I feel them! Let's go check it out." Chastity shouts, "Finally!" Rave sees a 25 foot robust skeleton in the dark distance. Rave says, "A golem! In the distance. I thought the radiation kills everything it touches." Chastity says, "A what? I can't see. Let's go closer." She continues, "Wan me to shoot it? I'm going to shoot it." Rave says, "No you can't shoot it we don't know if it's a hostile." Suddenly it recognizes them and attacks. Bone projectile launched a Rave. Chastity asks, "Shoot it now?" Rave says, "No not yet. I need it alive." Chastity aims down her gun. She shouts, "Dammit!" Rave grabs Chastity and goes invisible. It still fires at them. Rave says, "It can our signatures." Rave uses telekinesis to drop a rock on it. When he checks it out he see it not moving and some guts outside. Chastity says, "You killed it Rave." Rave replies, "No I see foot steps." Chastity looks. She says, "Lead the way. I see literally nothing." Rave loses the path but he sees the spirit of a single wild wolf sitting. He follows it was it gets up and walk. Leaping off a rock an Indian man ambushes them wielding two tomahawks. Rave catches him and send him off in the other direction. Chastity says, "Why you ignoring me?! I'm in the fight too." The man replies, "You are just a girl. I don't fight girls." Rave says, "A bit moral go a bandit? How much do you think she is worth? What's the price on her?" Chastity says, "I don't have to take this. I'm going back to base." The man says, "I am Whitewolf of the ..... People. I have no interest in your woman." Chastity asks, "So why'd you attack us?" Whitewolf says, "You are entering sacred lands. The bodies of my people lie here frozen in stone. I cannot let you destroy it, raiders." Rave says, "We are not raiders. We are scientists. I here to figure out how to fix this place." Rave looks at the spirit wolf walking alongside Whitewolf. Rave asks, "Your pet?" Whitewolf explains, "Spirit guides are not pets but great beings. I started seeing mine when I was about to die. He saved my life." Rave says yes, "To see spirits it is believe one must first have a near death experience or die completely as I have."

Whitewolf take them to his lonely camp. He says, "Your people diverted chemicals here that cause my people to turn to stone. Then they send there scientist to mess with our corpses." Rave says, "Those are not our people. I don't work for the government. And speaking of stone. We were following footsteps that came from a rock skeleton monster. Do you know of anyone else here?" Whitewolf says, "The thing you saw was me. I'm no monster. Like I told you. You got too close and I had to prevent you from destroying them." Rave replies, "You aim to revive your people. I can see your spirit animal but I do not feel their spirits in these stones. I don't think that is possible. They are already gone. I don't know of any magic that can bring back anyone after the ghost has moved on." Whitewolf gets angry at what Rave said. Whitewolf hit his tomahawks in the ground. He shouts, "Dammit! I'm going to kill every last one of the white devils!" Whitewolf storms off. Chastity asks, "Rave, aren't you going to do something." Rave says, "Well no. It's his people. If I interfere it's like stopping a wolf from catching it's pray. The wolf might starve to death." Chastity says, "You really are evil. I'm going to talk him out of it." Rave see the spirit wolf again. Rave says, "Hey can you tell him. Innocent people might get hurt as a result and what not." The wolf just leaves. Rave says, "It's not my job to babysit this friggin planet." Rave follows Chastity.

Whitewolf goes titan and leaps out of sight. Rave says, "Oh well! At LEAST we tried! We should probably go to bed now." Chastity crosses her arms like an angry baby as Rave picks her up with telekinesis to return to base. She says, "How dare you even think of sleep in a time like this. I'm going to tell the rest of the girls you initiates a monster attack." Rave says, "I did no such thing. He would of eventually!" Chastity says, "In no talking to you." Rave says, "See you're just a big baby! I'll go stop the stone."

Set In Stone

We arrive at a region with lab facilities laid to waste. Smoke is in the air and a frew scientist and soldiers on the ground. Stone is punching a hole in the side of a building. Rave hesitates as he watches the titan squash a scientist to death. Chastity fires a bullet that collects the the of the titan. It does nothing but stick in the skull. He looks for the shooter enraged but Rave pulls them to a hiding spot. Chastity shouts. "Rave! I need a bigger gun!" Rave just looks at her. Rave says, "Chastity, This is not our fight." She turns her attention to Rave and comes closer to him. Rave calmly asks, "What are you going to do? You thinking out hitting me? Go ahead." She aims her gun at Rave and cocks it. She fires three shots but her moves so fast he was behind her before is recognized he dodged it. Chastity says, "Please stop him and I'll do anything." Rave says, "I can already make you do anything I want. How is that and offer." She replies, "Then I'll stop. I hate you. And I'll leave you. You can't just keep doing this to me!!!" She breathes heavily. He just watches her emotionlessly. Rave says, "No you can't do anything really. But guest what. I'll help anyway." He holds her. She hold his and pushes it away. She says, "Dont touch me!" Rave hold her with his other hand. She tries to wrestle with him. She shouts, "You like seeing me in peril, Don't you?! I said don't touch me!" Rave says, "Well I guess this really isn't worth having you mad at me. Come." Her eyes filled with water and she doesn't want to follow him. Rave sighs, "Christ." He walks up to her. She says, "What you going to hit me now?" He replies, "No. I'm quite rarely met with disobedience. Especially from somebody who know what I do." The titan shakes the building they are in. Apparently it hear the guns shots. Rave continues, "We will continue this later." Chastity wipes under her eye.

Turned To Stone

The titan bust a hole in the building and reaches for them. The dive backwards. Rave moves back forward force punches it's closed fist. Rave flys out of the building. He notices Chastity no longer wants to participate in the fight. He shouts, " Chastity get on the roof! The building might come down!" He pulls her out and places her on top a different building. she says, "Leave me alone. My bullets don't work and you clear can do everything. Just fight him okay." Rave technomances her rifle bigger. He says, "I don't have time for this. You only shoot when I tell you." He taps her on the nose and goes back to the fight. She fires a wild shot that almost hit him. She clearly done that on purpose. He looks back at her. She says, "Sorry accident. But flips him a bird and curses under her breath. Rave spawns another copy/clone that appears behind her. She looks back to see is face furious. He puts his hand on her back. He says, "When I'm done here I'm going to straighten you." She looks forward. Then she realizes it's not just Titan shaking the place but Raves anger causing a telekinesis induced buzzing. She nervously explains, "I was kidding." He says, "Um-Huh." She thinks, "I am so dead."

Rave flies around the titan. Rave notices his physical blasts cannot crack it's shell. His X-Tray eyes sees it's internals. He gives it an upset stomach. Vomits Whitewood out and dies. Whitewolf says, "You cannot kill me Roman! I have tried to end my life before! I just go from titan to human and over again!" Rave replies, "I do not want to kill you we are in the same side. I just want to talk. Whitewolf goes to except his negotiation. Suddenly Chastity shoot Whitewolf in the head. Rave shouts, "Goddamit Chastity!" The copy turns her around and pins her on the ledge of the roof. She says, "Rave stop. It was a mistake." Rave says, "You are such a bad lier! You don't make mistakes or miss!" They see Whitewolf old body turning into a new titan. Rave says, "He really is immortal!" The other Rave and titan starts back to fight over the misunderstanding Chastity purposefully created. More government soldier come to the scene. Titan is hit by a tank where a human him falls out of the titan. To prove Rave was on his side Rave crushed the tanks and soldiers with telekenesis. Chastity asks, "Why are you killing them?!" Rave says, "Do you want to be an enemy of the state again?! If any of them talk they will blame me for all this." The guys escaped to talk. Rave tells Whitewolf, "The government will come after you." Whitewolf says, "Then I'll keep running. Don't worry they can't kill me. At least not yet." Whitewolf and his spirit wolf runs off into the night. Rave looks at Chastity.

Rave takes Chastity back to their base. She is in a room with Kimbra and Rave appears. Rave asks Kimbra to leave and go far from the door. Kimbra looks at Chastity in second thought. Chastity shouts, "Wait Kimbra no." But Kimbra runs down the hall. Rave says, "Be quiet. I haven't started yet... I still don't know how to feel about your constant defiance. Maybe I'm to slack with some of you." She starts to breath heavy. She says, "I need to use the bathroom." Rave says, "No no no. Sit." She does. He just looks at her in a deep thought he leans on a drawer. She hears him lock the door with telekinesis and accidentally wets the bed when Rave leans of the drawer. Kimbra bust open Cameila's door. She shouts, "I think Rave is going to beat Chastity!" All the girl stand up. Cameila says, "I always tell her stop trying to provoke him but she never listens." All the girls go to the room Chastity and Rave is in. She shouts for Cameila to hear her. Cameila pounds on the door and Rave let them in. Chastity says to Rave, "See what you did. I want to talk to Cammy. Omg. Rave don't do this." Rave says, "Okay that's enough." Rave goes to get Cameila. Chastity says as he walks out, "Does it make you feel like a big strong man knowing I can do anything." Rave doesn't return to the room. Kimbra says, "Sorry I couldn't says anything Chastity. I immediately went to get the others." Cameila explains, "Rave is just concerned about you. Maybe he believes your disobedience might get you killed." Chastity says, "Why are we always making excuses for him. He acts nice until he doesn't get his way and then he turns into a monster. Any of us so rarely asks him to stop he doesn't even know what to do." Cameila asks, "Think about the good times. Do you still like him?" Chastity says, "No... Well I guess so. I'm still angry at him."

Kobain and Rave on the roof cooling out. Rave says, "I hate fighting with her but what am I to do? She makes the others believe they can get away with anything." Kobain says, "I don't know Rave. Usually I give science advice and you give me advice on girls. But you can have respect or fear. Respect is appreciation, fear makes you an antagonist. Don't confuse fear with love." Rave says, "Crap! What do I even want... Now I really gotta make this right." Back on Chastity and Kimbra in the room. They are startled by the sound of explosions outside. Cameila says, "Rave is outside probably just blowing off steam." America says, "Boy. You really made him mad." Cameila shouts, "Shut up! She just finished..." America, "Okay." Proxi says, "Fireworks." They go to the roof and she Rave is making fireworks as he lets off emotion. Kobain says, "Rave likes y'all? But I'd love to see people he hate." America slaps Kobain behind the head. She says, "Shut the hell up!" They watch the fireworks.


Oh, we still have one more day at the site. No one got any sleep. Some officials question Rave about last night. The agent says, "A few camps were hit but a giant monster last night. I'm must inquire? There are foot steps close to your camp but everything her seems intact." Chastity come in and says, "I was on gaurd duty last night. This will make Rave angry but is fell asleep and I missed it. We heard nothing, okay." The agents leave. Rave tried to hug up Chastity but she acts cold towards him. He kissed her neck several times. He held her face and kiss her on the lips. She takes it but doesn't react much. While making he coffee Chastity asks, "What type of coffee should I drink. Clearly my opinions don't matter. I'm a sex puppet and I own nothing. Not even my autonomy." All the girl quite. Camiela says, "Gaude Chastity. He was wrong for not considering you, fine. We have your back but at least consider us. Non of us want to do this here." Kimbra says, "Do you really thing any of us can stop him when he flips out?" America explains, "Maybe not. But if we ban together he will have no choice but to stop." Kimbra says, "Because it's more fun to have our butts handed to us together right?" Kobain wakes up from sleeping on the couch. He is with his smug smile as usual. All the girls just watch him. He talks a glass from Chastity's brew. America says, "What did you hear!" Kobain replies, "Oh nothing. Just a couple of girls plotting against a certain psychopath." Kobain sips, cross his legs and says, "I could keep this a secret! But you'd have to do something for me first." America walks toward him seductively. The she says, "Let's just beat the living shot out of him." She shake him off the chair. Kobain falls down. Proxi says, "We wasn't saying anything bad! We was just talking about sticking together as women. It's not like we can hide our thoughts from Rave!" America picks up Kobain like a baby. She says, "Listen you little shot! I just about had enough from you!" Rave walks in. America puts Kobain down. Rave asks, "Everything alright." Kobain says, "Yeah. I was rocking the chair and fell. Texas picked me up. I didn't realize she as a mommy..." America slaps him behind the head. Kobain correct himself, "I mean woman. A strong woman." Rave says, "Due to last nights episode. I thought we'd lighten up today. We are going to see the Natives."

They go to Whitewolf ex camp. Rave says, "I would of never found these. Bodies if Whitewolf didn't lead us here." Proxi almost breaks a fossilized corpse. Rave continues, "And already I'm regretting bring you here." Rave says to Chastity, "Imagine getting frozen like this while we where in the bedroom." Chastity doesn't laugh but does a fake smile and then goes back to ignoring him. Not even Proxi laugh. She goes to Chastity. Rave ask Kobain, "WTF? Did I bomb?" Kobain answers, "No, that was funny. But if feel it's because you turned your girls slightly against you." Rave says, "Ah. Together against me. That's fair. You know I like that." Kobain says to Rave, "Do you even understand the context of what you did to the Chastity girl? Dude I'm 13 I shouldn't be telling you this." Rave says, "I know. It's so bad I'm thinking of doing a memory wipe on all of them. But I guess I deserve it. I rather we all grow from this experience. But if they don't what are they going to do? Leave me." Rave walks of angry to be by himself. Proxi says to the girls sadly, "Oh no. I don't like this plan. I'm going to talk to Rave." Cameila says, "Proxi stop being a baby. You don't even own yourself. All we have against him is our attention. He will understand soon enough." America says, "Well some of us don't mind him correcting us. I'm here for Chastity." Proxi raises her hand. Kimbra says, "No Proxi domestic abuse is not hot." Proxi puts down her hand. Chastity says, "See what he does! He normalized it to make believe it's supposed to be like that. He is not your father!" Kimbra looks at her confused. Cammy says, "I don't want to sound insensitive because I'm totally here with you but apart of this is because you and him never really done it. I think both of you bottle up strong emotions for each other and it makes you faustrated. On the other her with any other girl a lot of shot is resolved in the bedroom but that method doesn't really work for you." Kimbra says, "She's right. What she's saying is he gets away with most because of his bed side manner." Alone Rave looks out at the canyon. He says, "Ah. The silent treatment." Rave returns to them. He says, "I'm pulling my clones from your bodies and returning home. You are all free to leave when you want." He really extracts all his spirits from them. Chastity says, "Don't be stupid. You will die. At least wait for when you go home." Rave replies, "It doesn't matter. Maybe the world doesn't need a monster like me. Why are we even hear anyways. It's not our job to fix everything." Rave starts to walk back to the camp. Chastity says, "I can't even believe he is doing this. It just shows how selfish is really is." Cameila says, "Maybe he is bluffing. It might be a counter to get is to give in." Proxi runs after Rave. Rave tells her to get lost. And she starts to cry. Chastity shouts after Rave while throwing a rock that misses because she doesn't have that type of throwing strength. She says, "You A word! No one care about you. You're just the jerk we live off." Rave continues walking. Kobain says, "I'd love to stand my ground with you ladies but that's my ride." Kobain says, "Rave wait up." Kimbra ask, "What now?" Cameila says, "It's double or nothing. We stay out here. He will not leave without us beside he can't." The spend the entire day outside. The sun starts to set and they tie up Proxi so she doesn't go back to Rave. Rave goes to them. Chastity says, "Ready to make changes?" Rave replies, "No. Im only her to tell you to much exposure to this land might fossilize you." Chastity replies, "Oh don't worry about us. Maybe the coyotes will get us first. Go back to your stupid camp. We don't need you." Rave replies, "How about I don't punish you. How about I just hit... Proxi. While the rest of you watch. Will that strength your Alliance." Chastity says, "You're such a monster." America says, "No you will not. Proxi is the only one I never seen you punish thus far. You told me you don't even like to talk to her rough." Cameila says, "I'm sorry Rave just leave us alone." Rave leaves and they cheer. Cameila says to them, "I can't believe that worked. I was so scared I thought he was gonna flip out." Kimbra is not talking to anyone then out of no where Kimbra finally shouts, "Y'all are so stupid. Proxi is the only one smart enough to see this isn't a good idea!" She has water in her eyes when she says this. America says, "We know. But want other options we have."

Rave comes back a second time as night falls. You can she is aura burning black. Rave says annoyed but calmly, "Get your ***es back to camp before I lose it. I'm not joking." They all dropped what ever they where doing and followed him. Proxi whispers, "What's happening? Did we lose?" Rave says angrily, "No you didn't lose. And I'm not mad. Let's just go home and forget about it." Chastity says, "No. Not before you admit you were wrong." Rave says, "I wasn't wrong. And if I have to. I'll correct you again. And if all of you want to get yours be happy to join in." Chastity stops walking. Rave turns back. He says, "Why are we even fighting about this." Chastity says, "Because you believe you can do anything and we have no rights!" Rave continues, "Okay. Let's discuss this inside." They talk. Neither sides is willing to cave. Rave still believes he is right and has no other options. Chastity says, "Why is it so hard for you to listen to someone else for once. We are not as strong as you by ourselves. You live inside us! We support everything you do. And you show us no support when it's not your idea!" Rave shouts, "Gaude Chastity! I'll listen to you and even when you are wrong I'll listen to you. And then we will fail and we would do it my way eventually." Cameila says, "Oh Gaude. This is good enough! Can we stop please." Kimbra says, "For the record I have no problem in the little lashes he does. But in terms of full on physical violence it's too much." Rave says, "Okay. By show of hands let's vote. You want Chastity for leader Knowing you won't listen to her of do you prefer me who has kept this good thus far." All the girls vote for Rave. Chastity says, "Oh come on. Y'all are back stabbers!" Proxi says, "Sorry Chastity. Rave is rough for a purpose." Rave says, "Chastity is partly right. I love her for all the things she puts up with. Especially between she and Calypso and me." Rave gets on his knees hold her hand and says, "I'm not just you lover I want to be your father figure. I can't be if you don't let me or I'm not gonna do it." Chastity says, "Well okay. You're allowed to be angry in the moment but no contemplated punishment." Rave says, "You know I don't usually do **** like that." Cameila says, "That's only because you are never told no. You don't even ask for shots you just put us in position and start firing away." Chastity claps. Cameila spoke out for the first time. Rave says, "What I thought you girls loved that." Chastity says, "Really, a little warning would nice now and then." Kobain says, "This a civil warning." America ask, "What is he even doing here?" Rave replies, "Who Kobain? He is my lawyer." Kobain says, "Yah. But we got nothing done. We are going to have to stay at the camp another day." Everyone sighs. Rave says, "Ah shocks. I wouldn't call it nothing. We learnt a lot today." Rave slips Kobain a hefty check. Kobain says like he is reading lines, "Dam. That's really mature of you. You really grown, Rave." America sighs. Rave says, "No. I'm really happy y'all gave me a second chance. When I looked out at that canyon I felt like crying. All I though of is how much I kinda deserve to be hitted back by someone much larger than me." Chastity looks at Rave and says, "You're such an idiot." They laughs.

Alice In Chains
No Excuses

Happy Team Buster

Part 1

Dark Mansion

We begin with a young blonde girl knife murdering her rich family while they sleep. She suddenly goes crazy and starts to laugh. Ornaments and paints on the wall take the face of demons in the darkness. Her face covered in blood she only continues to laugh on the floor.

CIA Los Angeles

Latin American woman Ramona Santiago is an agent of the CIA placed on the study of the criminal mastermind Roman Rave. She is a expert at planning. Along with the extremely bright Native American, Dekota Law. We learn that Dekota was sent as a sleeper agent to infiltrate Rave Industries. But she soon confessed without conflict simply because she believe in his ideologies. Rave converted her to his side and she now works for Rave Industries. That is a major slap in the face to the CIA. The girl was a genius. Ramona is now on edge with the government as well. Ramona knows that the government has pushed radioactive fall out into the Native American lands and part of the Latin people felt it as well. But what that really made Ramona angry is that Dekota was her girlfriend before she left her for Rave. Ramona blames the CIA for separating them causing this to happen. SAUCE!!! The two girls are bi not gay.

Alone at home Ramona gets so angry she puts on a tight purple latex suit she had in her closet for whatever reason and fashion herself into a punisher of vengeance. With her wipe and gun she plot to topple the CIA. Ramona knew she was just a normal human so one night with her inside Intel she freed an imprisoned behemoth to help her, The Henchman. The Henchman name is not based on gender. They are a seven foot tall muscular person. Face in gas mask and upper body covered in a black leather top and a pink tutu. The body shape is plus size and we are unable to tell weather they are male or female. But it does not matter because the Henchman mind is like that of a toddler which is easily manipulated by bad people into crime. The Henchman is so strong it is bullet proof. With the Henchman by her side they knock back the guards and escape. The next day Ramona comes back to work like normal. She could not believe her crappy costume worked as a proper disguise.

Ramona immediately goes back home after work to check on Henchman. She locked him in her basement but he wrecked the place. Ramona thinks, "What do villains do next. I think I'll need money. Not to sure for what yet but I'll have it just in case I need more things that come up." She decides to rob a mansion before trying any armed bank robbery. They break in to a seemingly uninhabited mansion they are confronted by a blonde teen with a knife and a wicked smile. It is rather dark and poorly lit. Henchman rus at her she stabs him but the knife breakes. He captures the girl and holds her. Phantom says, "Don't hurt her she is just a girl." The girl says, "Who you calling girl? I'm Queenie Royale, last remaining heir to this entire estate. You don't know the amount of people I killed to get to this position because of you knew you'd kill me at once before I get back at you. And you two must be the dumbest criminals ever!" Queen starts to go crazy as she smile. A light fire flame coming from no where rests on her face. Phantom says, "What's happening." They see a shadow of a horned demon reflected on the wall. It's stand menacingly, twitches it's fingers and starts to walk. As Queenie turns her head towards phantom she sees the shadows walking at her. Phantom shouts, "She is a goddam supe!" Phantom dodges behind a cupboard where the shadow cannot pass. Henchman tosses Queenie and punches the wall where the shadow is. Queenie gets up and looks at Henchman. The shadow jumps on his shadows back. He begins to wrestle with it. Phantom punches Queenie out cold while she is distracted. When Queenie wakes Phantom proposes, "I was going to rob this place but that was before I knew who you were. I need your help." Queenie agrees to join the team. Queenie says, "I have all the money I want. Maybe it's time to make a name for myself. Obviously I will provide what we need as well." Queenie adopts a red skin tight latex demon costume. She says, "I can make shadow on surfaces that attack my opponents shadows causing them real physical harm. What can you do?" Phantom says, "Nothing. I'm Smart I guess." Queenie says, "Then we will need another person."

Queenie takes them to a creepy surgeon place. She says, "I want to introduce you to my doctor." He comes from pulling slightly see through curtains wearing a leather strap suit with blades sticking out all over him. He says, "I am the Juxtapus Jugulator!" Queenie says, "Good you are already in costume." Juxtapus is a rather elderly man with a feminine physic. With is creepy surgeon utensils he has stolen parts form young women to appear more feminine. But the medication he used on his body gave him the ability to stick back and heal after being cut and that ruined his transformation to a woman. Juxtapus then stick blades unto his bones and uses crazy depraved acrobatics to become a human weapon.

They rob a bank but didn't need any money. They just injured a few people. And then released the money into the street where people took it. The news called them Happy Team Buster. Phantom says, "That a stupid named. Queenie adds, "But because of your little speech your name is in the title." (Over time Queenie and Phantom has a slight buttheads over who is the leader of the team. Juxtapus backs Queenie but the cannot rival Henchman who has Phantom's back. If there is one thing Queenie always want is to have all control and top status.) Juxtapus says, "At least they got all your names right. They called me RazorMouth! I'm going to murder them at thay news outlet. Just after I make them broadcast my name correctly." Phantom replies, "We are not going to kill innocent people. That is not our point." In secret RazorMouth says to Queenie, "You are the Red Queen. You should be the leader. Why are we taking orders from a powerless human. We should kill her." Queenie says to Henchman, "We cannot take down her protector but I can deal with her by other means. Don't worry about it, I will handle her."

RazorMouth shouts at Phantom, "You are wasting our time with your petty crimes! Where is our big hit?! They will never take us seriously." Phantom tells the team, "I want put a hit on Roman Rave. Razor shouts, "Are you crazy! Time an time again this man brought down the government and so many supers. You don't even have powers!" Henchman growls as RazorMouth snapped at Phantom. RazorMouth says, "I'm not afraid you, you abomination!" And leaves.

Queenie asks, "Why." Phantom says, "He has my girlfriend." Queenie says, "I didn't know you where a lesbian. I am as well." Phantom says, "I'm bi but okay. Are you telling me that you are interested? Because my heart belongs to someone." Queenie says, "that doesn't mean we cannot fool around." The girls make love. Queenie who was planning to poison Phantom grows feelings for her. At the next meet RazorMouth says, "Why is she still alive? You incompetent morons." Queenie says, "We will not kill Ramona. We can get her locked up and her monster to help us. Because he is not going to find out we are behind it." RazorMouth asks, "You called her Ramona for the first time. Don't tell me the two if you are dating! This is a nightmare and I'm one step away from just going solo!" Queenie attacks RazorMouth with shadows. She says, "I'm the mind behind all this you bow down and recognize your Queen!" She slap him and he liked it so much he bowed.

Halloween Party

Kimbra in the limo says, "That is so funny. How can you dress as yourself." Rave closes the door and walks across the street. We see Rave is in his normal human form but covered in black paint. He is at the ATM booth with Yuki and Chastity. Yuki is infront of him wearing a white shirt and black skirt with a police hat and a whip. She is dress as an officer. Chastity is wearing a shiny light green swimsuit with gems and fairy wings. She is dresses as a forest nymph. Chastity says, "We didn't do anything. It just started malfunctioning and asking to scan the owner." (Mind you this is not a normal ATM it is highly advance AI that does every teller does and more.) The ATM steals Raves first card. Yuki puts in the second one and it breaks down. It says, "Please wait for further instructions." Rave gets angry and goes grey mode. Rave shouts, "I'm a friggin millionaire. There is nothing wrong with my account. I shouldn't even be at at an ATM!" Yuki smiles and does a dance 3 second hip dance to cheer Rave up. He is still frowning. Chastity kisses her on the lips. An old lady next in line frowns at then in the both. Rave laughs at that. Yuki continues her dance with her back against him. Chastity rolls her eyes. She says, "I don't get it... Everytime we travel." The ATM comes back only and starts flirting with Rave. Rave says to the ATM, "You are doing this on purpose, Lady! I can see through you. Give me back my card!" The ATM gasps. It says, "How dear you look through me?!" It spits out his cards. It tries to lock the door when they are to step out. Rave says, "Open the door or I'll break you." It let's them out. It says, "Call me. I have your info." Yuki laughs saying, "That ATM wanted a night." Rave replies, "That's actually kinda scary knowing these type of machines go crazy like that." As he goes back to the limbo. The bank explodes.

Rave calls up his new girl Dekota. She is in bed. He says, "I'm having problems with all my accounts. How fast can I get you to LA?" We see Dekota fly up from bed and dressing. She replies, "I'm already on a plane!" The camera pans out to a private jet in the sky. Rave asks, "Am I there?" She looks a copy of Rave on the bed in the background. Rave asks, "Can I please speak to myself." Rave says to himself, "You SoaB! We said we wasn't going to do it!" Rave shouts back at himself, "Nah! You don't tell me what to do. I decided what to do!" Rave say to himself, "Shut the hell up before I come through this phone and punch you. She was a family friend. You went and make her family!" Plane Rave says, "It was Genie's idea. Not mine. Genie said she liked her. What was I to do?" We see Genie clipping her toenails on the bed. She shouts, "And Sai is here too!" Ground Rave puts Shaq face. He says to himself, "You don't need to tell me our minds will fuse when we are in Range." Plane Rave hangs up. Ground Rave says, "So this is what I sound like. Eh. I see why Chastity cannot stand me.'

The plane arrives. Car. hotel with Raves. Rave says to Dekota, "I'm so sorry about myself. One side of me really wanted to keep you as a friend." Dekota says, "Does any of this really matter when I chose work such a dangerous job anyways. I just want to have fun while I always under the constant possibility of dying." Genie says, "Sorry Rave I told her that she was a background character and now she gained plot armor from sleeping with you. The test scene activists are so going to be on your butt about this. Something about taking advantage of your workers and what not. Dynamic of power. That's if The Women's Rights Association doesn't figure you out first. And the Board of Representation always want something for everybody to add, your writer doesn't always portray us chics in the best light." Rave squints, "What-What are you talking about?" Plane Rave says with a smile, "It's this neat thing she does. I think she's breaking the forth wall." Genie continues, "Nevermind. People really shouldn't look toward fantasy worlds for realism. I'll tell yah that." Rave still confused continues, "You are not only here because of the bank accounts but I also believe someone is trying to kill me... More than usual. They might as well be the same ones who hack my account." Sai says, "So they had the ATM stall you but your charisma got you out in time? I see. I see." Rave continues, "Who ever did this knows an awful lot about me." Sai says, "Well I'm ready to begin some work." Rave says to himself as they walk out, "You jackalope. I can't get any of these chicks to work because I got personal with them and now you ruined my best Intel agent. She's gonna slack off and I can't say anything because the WRA and BoR is gonna have my butt." Sai asks, "Where you going?" Rave says, "I have a Halloween party to go too. Y'all better know something by the time I get back. Or you will all face serious consequences." Sai says, "He doesn't really mean that." Dekota says, "We should start regardless. I don't want to disappoint him."

Sai and Dekota finds recent news about a bank heist where the robbers gave away the money. Dekota looks at Phantom Buster on video. Dekota says, "That one looks familiar but I cant place a finger on where I've seen it before." Rave says, "Excellent. I can leave you girls alone and come back to find results."

'Happy Scheming

Queenie set Ramona up to get caught by the CIA. Her identity now known she goes to hideout at Queenie's. Queenie says, "Now that you are under my roof. It's only right I become the leader. Your last plan failed." Ramona figures out. She says, "You did this. You set me up... for power?" Queenie says, "It doesn't matter now. You belong to me Ramona." Queenie uses her shadow to hold Ramona captive. Queenie kisses her. Ramona doesn't feel the ting. Queenie says, "Oh I forgot. You still love that other girl. I'm going to kill her. Then you'll have to love me." Ramona says, "You cannot do it without Henchman. He will know you did something to me and stop you." Queenie says, "Your so smart." She rips off Phantoms costume. RazorMouth brings in a dead identical looking girl. He say, "Like my plastic surgery?" Queenie says, "I will tell your monster Dekota did it. If Rave kills him after. It's a win win for us."

The sight of Phantom body made Henchman so angry. He almost defeated RazorMouth. Queenie convinces him. She said, "Phantom went after Roman on her own. She was killed by Dekota. Dekota did it. We have to kill her." They lead Henchman to Dekota by tracking Raves account. Dekota was on a fancy date where they are attacked. The screams of people at the sight of Henchman alert. Her in advance. She is charged. Roman puts a forcefield around her. But the impact still knocks her down because she is a normal human but however she did receive extra stamina and durability from 'being' with Rave. Dekota pulls out a gun strapped between her legs. Rave hovers. He says, "No need for that. This will only take a second." RazorMouth looking at Queenie both hiding above shouts, "No! He will kill it to early!" Queenie says, "Then distract him!" RazorMouth looks at her. Queenie says, "You are immortal you can face him! Just don't let him capture you." She pushes RazorMouth into the fight. He talks from the roof. We already know the restaurant getting wrecked. Rave is distracted by RazorMouth and Henchman while Queenie attacks Dekota with shadows. This is a challenge to Rave because telekinesis and force fields doesn't work against shadows on the wall. Dekota is dragged off by her hair. Rave try to pull her back but it only causes much pain on her scalp. Rave is forced to let go. Rave shouts, " One thing you should of know about me is I don't date on singles." Chastity runs in blasting her angelic light pistols at the shadows pulling Dekota. The shadows disperse. Genie shouts, "There is a shadow manipulator in this room! I feel the dark magic!" Rave wrestling with Henchman looks about and just sees a bunch of civilians running around. Rave shouts at Genie, "Find them!" Dekota and Chastity shoots at RazorMouth. Genie does hand and eye magic. Shesays, "I can't anything." Rave shouts, "Chastity give a future sight, Genie cover her!" Chastity shouts, "A red suit. Up in the roof!" Queenie shouts, "****! I'm made!" Rave is about to break Henchman's neck. Suddenly Phantom appears. She is wearing a back up suit. Phantom shouts, "No don't kill him. He is just a child!" Rave Raises Henchman and slams him down in his neck WWE style. Rave says, "That thing is not a child." As he approaches Phantom. Rave says, "The Phantom Buster. I been looking to fight you." In person Dekota immediately notices Ramona as Phantom Buster because she know this costume and the body shape. Dekota says, "Ramona? Is that you?" Rave says, "You know her?" Dekota says, "I bought us that suit." Chastity says, "Us? This is some Jerry Springer ****." Phantom says, "I'm not here to fight you I'm here to help. This other girl fell in love with me now she wants to kill you." Genie says, "Okay now. It's some Jerry Springer ****."

Rave says, "She must be our shadow manipulator. She is in the roof. I wouldn't let her get away!" Phantom checks Henchman's pulse. Rave chases Queenie and RazorMouth untop of the 20 Story hotel. RazorMouth mouth says, "See what you did! We are trapped!" Rave slowly walks towards them. RazorMouth charges Rave. Rave just squashes him and blows him up with telekinesis. Queenie is shook. She sends Shadow at Rave feet Rave looks into her eye with a mind stare. Her shadow stab Rave but he doesn't flinch. He stays with the shadows claws in his body. Dekota and Phantom joins them up stares. Queenie backs onto the ledge. Dekota says, "Queenie. Come to us. Rave is a good man. He will accept you." Phantom says, "Even if you made mistakes. All of us makes mistakes." Queenie perches her lips. She says, "You've moved on." Queenie sends out several shadows. Some to fake an attack on the girls because they stop half way. Rave realizes she is trying to force him to kill her. Not much time to think. She looks at Phantom, perched her lips and jumps to her death. Rave make an effort to catch her but the shadow fake attacking the girls if Rave moved. Chastity and Genie fires at the shadows but it is too late. Queenie falls 20 stores to her death. The shadows fade. Rave says, "I lost. I couldn't stop her attacks and I lost." Phantom takes off the mask and cries. Cops come on the scene. Rave would expect the body to splatter on the ground but her skin is just cracked. She is confirmed dead. Rave asks Phantom, "You really are just a normal human? I thought you had ghost powers." Rave vouches for Phantom. Remember the government afraid of Mr Roman Rave. Henchman is taken back to proper facility.

Part 2

Queenie goes to hell and is sent back to Earth. She wake up in the morg. The cracks on her skin radiated hellfire. Pale as an undead and nude she kills who ever is working there.

Rave ends up sleeping with Dekota and Santiago. For some reason Santiago catches ghost powers for real. I don't care if that not how it works, who cares?! She gets a new purple suit with a purple to green and black gradient fade going down. The design is meant to make her lower legs look like is is fading.

Ramona explained it was a mistake and she doesn't want to stay with Rave. She no longer fancies this life of these wild sexual encounters. Rave explains, "You will lose your powers if I live you. Not to mention the withdrawal is much worst than the implementation period. I will not stop you from being happy but understand that you might die." She agrees. Rave says, "I've never had a normal human withdrawal before." When she stop sleeping with him they had her stay to care for her transition. The pain was worst than child birth. Ramona Santiago died. But then she woke up again still able to use her ghost powers. Unlike Rave she is bounded to her own body. She cannot make clones but can phasd through objects, fly and go invisible. Phantom leave Raves to follow her own path. She goes to the morg to see Queenie one last time.

Queenie goes to the place RazorMouth died. Pigeons are feasting on his tiny chunks from find to time. She does magic that pulls together his body.

Phantom goes back to Rave to warn him of Queenie's resurrection. She is with this girl called PowerKatt. Rave says, "I gave you everything you wanted and the girl of your dreams. When you got it all you still felt incomplete. Come back to me." Phantom says, "Rave I can't. I told your your life is too much for me." Rave says, "Then I cannot work with you. As it causes me great pain. I will send one of my best." Rave issues Goldtooth to help her out. I removed the part about Golftooth dating Ramona. This is no longer cannon. Rave asks, "The girl with you? Who is your friend?" Phantom says, "That's PowerKatt. My girlfriend. She's gonna help us out." Rave says, "She's attractive." Phantom says, "Don't even think about it." PowerKatt says, "I think the two of you should get back together." Phantom explains, "She is just after your money." Phantom screams at PowerKatt, "I told you not to open your mouth. Obviously, It was a mistake bringing you here." Rave says, "Ramona if you need money. You don't need to ask me. I'll give you anything." Phantom says, "We are going fine! We don't need your money." Phantom looks at PowerKatt speaking to Rave with facial expressions. Phantom says, "If you so much as talk to him it's over between us. Infact stop looking at him." PowerKatt says, "Gaude. Okay. You might not need money but I need it. You said he is a nice guy. Why cant we stay with him?!" Rave says, "It's like you are still angry at me over Dekota. This is about Dekota, isn't it." Phantom says, "Well yes. She gave all her time to you. I don't want to feel second in any relationship ever again."

Phantom Buster tells Rave, "There is a Dianna De La Muerte in Mexico. She can wipe out entire towns just by walking through them. Seems like your kind of thing. And she's hot."

Goldtooth hits Queenie with a fire breath that consumes her. She is burnt but fine.

Phantom will go back to Rave with her new girlfriend. He will set up a section for them to live in Legion House.

Type O Negative
My Girlfriend's Girlfriend

I Love Mexico

Yaniko's Milk Advertisement

Yaniko being a neko boy gets a brand deal to advertise milk. So the goofy advertisement plays. Now is Latin America.

Behind the scenes Yaniko says, "This is bs, both the Japanese and Latin countries are fighting over me, I'm Italian I don't know no Spanish. Now they want to to speak what?" Mei just stand there frustrated in her uni goggle. Sai replies, "We set you up with a gig. Just shut up and make your own money." Mei looks at her phone and says. "He sounded terrible, we will voice over."

Tank Girls

So now Rave has this other story to 'ship' off too. We're going to Mexico to check out this Lady of the Dead. Rave takes Meredith, Sharon Haze, Genie, Shelle Belle, Foxy, Braille Butcher and Lily Redwood. Because Mexico's boarders is not far from LA, they take a big land cruisers tank thing. Braille load cooking supplies. Rave says this is not furnished like my other vehicles. Your all gonna get hot, sweaty and sick off each other in a day." Shelle says, "What that mean?" Sharon replies, "Less clothes." Meredith says, "Dude, just make an air-conditioner." Redwood asks, "What's an air-conditioner." Genie replies, "And ruin the natural atmosphere of the episode, I think not."

Rave says, "I'm getting tired of splitting up into copies. Every time I do I get myself into crap at a faster rate."

Super Collider

Big trailer tanker rolling in the sun. Tanning on the roof. Sitting with their guns.

There are two scary looking Archangels on Rave's track. The follow him unseen. The heat wave burns on the angels red face as he prays upon a rock in hand.

They were already running out of water because the girls was wasting it to get clean. Rave came he said, "What the hell are y'all doing? How long has this been going on? Now your gonna die of thirst." So the sun is hot and now they have to ration the rest of the water. Lucky the see a building in the distance.

Foxy weapons print three ATVs. She, Shelle and Genie uses them to scout ahead in the desert heat.

In Mexico Rave finds an abandoned convent. Rave says, "It's free real estate." They immediately start fixing and cleaning it up. This convent becomes a permanent base. It has a small church, a few classrooms, kitchen, toilet baths and whatever. Meredith finds a room full of schoolgirl outfits much to small for any of them. And yet they all said 'Let us wear them anyways.' Genie looks at the camera and says, "Where is the writer going with this?" The girl pose with guns in the desert heat. Rave send out a message to himself to have the available others occupy this base.

His signal is low so he glitches. Paralyzed he rotates at the center of the ceiling. When he walks he skips that looks like teleportation. Some demonic looking. Rave says, "To fix this I'll need parts. I could technomanced something but the desert doesn't have the right elements."


Chastity arrives with some others. The bring parts for Rave to set up satellite devices. The girls hold a ceremony to promote Chastity as Den Mother. It's a real pappyshow story. One of the angels are Raphael the other is Camael. As night falls they look upon the Convent from a distance. They are not happy with what Rave is doing with those girls. Camael says, "This is mockery. We should kill him. One blast from my hand and I erase this place of sin." Raphael says, "Now. Now. You don't fire upon a holy place. Besides our orders are not to kill the ghost. Not yet."


The Angels reveal themselves. Rave makes a few copies in preparation. Chastity says to a different copy telepathically, "Rave. Those are Archangels. If they find me. They will take me away." Rave says, "I'm gonna crush them." Genie replies,"Buddy - Duuude - My Guy - Don't be foolish you cannot fight them. What makes you think you can fight an Archangel?" Chastity says, "It's the Egyptian gods all over again. But these ones prefer to be clean."

Raphael asks Rave, "I am looking for the angel Gabriel who has gone rogue." Rave says, "Ah. So that's all you want? Well I don't know where he has gone."

Chastity explains to Rave, "The last time they saw me is as a child. I don't think they know who I am. They specially will not expect the oracle to look as dirty as me. And I would definitely not be hanging with people like y'all. No offense." Rave replies, "Non taken. Now act like a common sex slave." She actually exposes herself a bit. Rave tears her clothes more. The two archangels look directly at chastity and doesn't recognize her as the oracle. If they did things would of gone a lot differently. Rave says, "They are trying to not look at you. I can't believe this is working because I could smell virgin all over you. These boys must not know what dash is." Chastity says, "I'm going to slap you. Don't dodge it! And DON'T block my hand." Rave says, "No. Keep character." She try to wrestle him but he makes out with her. Rave says to the rest of the girls, "Everyone. Go to work. We need to make you so dirty they would be force to erase your memory for their heads or risk temptation." The Angels got sick of seeing their charade.


The plan almost worked till Camael told Rave how not pleasant he was. Rave gets angry and propose to end it with a fight.

Raphael say to Rave, "You plot to kill us but you yourself are one of the worst gods I've ever seen. Not for a second you pick up your head but are forever indulged in human women flesh."


The the Angels live Rave shouts, "JC! That was ***** intense. They **** ****** ***** ****** like a ******* ****** in my shoes. ***** heaven and **** ***!" As he throws a finger to the sky and spins around. He continues, "Those ****less ******* ********* ******** ***** ****** *****!!! ********!!!! *******!!!! Etc..." Camael looking back says, "Please... Just let me hurt him a little." He and Raphael continues flying away. Camael enraged fires a tiny dot into the far desert region. The blast turns the sky black and white. The Convent is hit by force winds from the explosion. Rave stays quiet. Camael smirks as they fly out of site. Raphael says, "You know Uriel is going to caution you about that." Camael says, "Worth it. Better than flying around neutered."

Chastity grills Rave, "You moron almost got us killed by * angels! What you planning to do when you find the Lady of the Dead?! You better not think about it! I wish she sends your *** straight to hell! Rave, stop ignoring me!" Rave screams out, "* dam ANGELS!!!!"

The Search Begins

Rave arrives to the first Mexican town to see the dead celebration in effect. There is a parade.

Rave learns that the Mexican region is a hotspot for demons along with Rome and Africa. The demons like the hot regions mostly. Other than that the local are very hush-hush when Rave asks about Dianna De La Muerte. Genie asks, "Rave, Don't let us sleep in this town. I hate it." Sharon says, "Nah you're just scared." They travel back to the Convent. Chastity says, "It's a smart thing you made a church our base, Rave. We can use it to surveillance this region." Rave says, "Was that a complement I heard?... But I don't trust sacred ground alone. You, Cameila and Genie are going to set up enchantment to keep evil spirits out. An extra Barrier." Chastity stretch her lips, stand up, stretches and taps Genie on her lap. She says, "Less go-a!" They goes to work on it. Rave says, "Who would of thought making these chicks practice magic would come in handy. Magic is... stupid." SoNeko keeps Rave up all night.

The next day, while throw away leftovers behind the base for stray coyotes. She in the sun. Braille sees a sad face engrave in a rock flat on the ground. She scream in a high pitch e. Rave comes to look at with his extra eyes to see inside it squishy. Of course he says, "Let's excavated it." All the girls said he'll no. Expect for Hellebore who have seen worst all her life. Still a a little hesitant. They pull out out the hole. What seemed like an oval fossil. Proxi pours a bottle of water on its face as joke. The lips lick it self. They scream. It asks for more. Rave puts it in a dirty tubs of water outside. As it soak it swells up to be a human lad. He says, "My name is eco. I can adapt to any atmosphere but I accidentally turned myself to a stone when I fell a sleepy. Dried up by the sun I lost my ability to change back. For days I waited. No rain." Rave asks, "So your weakness I fire... I see." Eco says, "Yes. Practically I only need water to survive." Rave says, "So you're not immortal?" Eco says, "Idk? I been stuck here for 7 years." The girls scream what. Rave asks, "Any idea what happened to the girls of this convent. All the stuff left here seem pretty fresh." Eco says, "A strange demon lady came I took them. I believe she was once an orphan girls of this place."

Eco is from the super soldier project. And escaped during the same time Rave revolted against the facility. He has a more biological version of Rave powers. Eco cannot adapt to technology while Rave can only make bastardize versions of biological life.


Mexico convent location. Rave wakes up on the sand to the brightest sunlight. Under him is water. He sits up to see Shakti (Dragon Butterfly) and Genie playing in the wet sand in there schoolgirl uniform. They sit on there knees trying not to get wet. He says, "What what happened? Where did this lake come from?" Shakti replied, "You don't remember? You made this lake artificially with a hydrogen bomb." Genie adds, "She had to fish you out of the water. Apparently when one copy of you trip so those the others." Rave asks, "Trip." Shakti explains, "You were tripping balls starring at the sun. You mumbled away how it was trying to tell you something." Cameron and Sixx call onto Rave from further up. They also where their pappyshow uniforms. He says, "Are you sure this is not heaven?" He leave they girls playing in the sand to talk to Sixx. Rave says, "I never realized how identical you two look. Cameron is only Spanish, bigger and more tanned. And Sixx is just a little smaller, whiter and more Asian. Yet you look like sisters. This should play out in my fantasies well." Sixx says, "More Asian?... What?... Rave you need to think before you speak. Okay?" Rave continues, "Hmmm. It's the swollen looking lips and and wide hips." He looks on to see the other girls in the distance playing light sports like tennis. Cameron says, "They are really treating this like a real school." Genie walks up and says, "When did we become a highschool anime?" Millennia and Cavort Witch come up to them also wearing these uniforms. Cavort says, "Rave, I think I need to permanently transfer here." Millennia explains, "I don't think Rave wants us learning from his wives." Shakti adds, "Unless you plan to be one." There is a silence. Kobain and Yaniko now joins them. Yaniko says, "This hydrogen bomb technology is amazing! Coolest explosion I've ever seen and I've seen a shit ton of explosions!" Kobain explains, "I believe we can use this place water on Mars."


A sink hole appears draining the lake. On investigation we discovered a tunnel system underground

Mayan Astronaut, Mayan Emperor and an Igigi Angel

We follow the tunnel down. We discover underground worlds under Mexico.

Black Scorpion

Love And Death

To people tell a story a sentence each. They are male and female. A puppet girl enters the room with a gun. She throws the gun in the floor and sits next to the story tellers. The story tells is much disbelief and think it's scripted. The girl says one more line in joke. The puppet moves a bit as if reaching for the gun. It appears the puppet next actions is based on how the story is told.

Rave makes Dianna a Rave girl. The other girls and audience get accustomed to her presence on the team.

Mission Failed Successfully

Dianna powers is spirit based making it harder for Rave to control.

On a mission Dianna loses control of her powers. The sky turns black. She accidentally causes a crowd of innocent people to drop dead. They then get again as undead zombies controlled by plants growing inside of them. The people scream but have no control of their bodies. It seems to be messing with their mind and fusing it with the plant.

Rave looks into the eyes of a plant zombie to see Dianna's skeleton grow around carnivorous plants that virally infected all of humanity like a pandemic. The planets grows from the inside of human and eat everyone alive. Human skeletons laying in beds of creeping flowers. Survivor are farmed to be eaten regularly. The humans start to worship Dianna and offer her human sacrifices to keep her from eating them randomly. Rave says, "You want farm humans. The plant that I see now resembles and ancient evil known as Eden, your cause of demon an angel snake." Cameila shouts, "This is worst than a zombie outbreak. If she grows to wide there will be no way to quarantine the tbe plant if it escapes."

Rave and Dianna are now locked in a mind battle as the vines overtake his outer body. The rest of the girls are forced to evacuate. Rave shouts, "Ancient demon! I don't believe I can contain this one! It is far more malignant!" Rave takes Chastity's rifle to transform it into a flaming sword that he and use. The plant screech when it feels the flames. Rave shouts, "Your soul requires conflagration! Burn!" Blue light tears a whole in the black sky as blue flames rain down on her. Dianna screams. Rave shouts, "Dianna, I cleanse you. I may free you soul in me as your god!"

Rave has no choice but to kill Dianna on the spot to stop her form growing even more unstoppable. She stabs her in the heart with the sword. As she falls back she embraces her. His telekinetic energy pulls back the vines within her body. Contrast to her first trying to devour him. Her wraps his whole self around her as they disappear. Yela says, "I'm so sick of all dis satanic ish. I'm giving my life to Christ." Chastity replies, "Its far to late for god to save us. I believe Rave is our only hope no."

This shock is not only the first time Rave loses a girl but changes the out look of the story. It's shows that Rave may not be so perfect as he thought and adds the question that any of the others girls could fall into a similar fate.

He still sees her ghost in the lost dimension as if she is trying to tell him something but everytime he gets close she's just out of reach. He nonchalantly stares at her image in the distance or when he feels her just behind him close enough to whisper in his ear but as he turns around she is not there. But Rave is smart, he never sees anguish in her expression so it leaves him with a microscopic sense of hope.

Just Like Lucifer

Rave vs Archs.

Raphael says, "What a peculiar demon the Roman is? He latches his souls unto others. There must be hundreds of him... Can we kill him?" Uriel replies, "Find out."

Rave is middle east with Rebecca, Chastity and Mongrel. He is trying to avoid the sun. But it is very bright and hot yet the clouds gray. Quickly three lights fly up like missiles in the distance. Bright but their aura creates a negative darkness around this light. They as to bright to stare at for long but inside it creates 3 shadows as they move. They disappear behind the clouds. Rave sees through ethereal vision and suddenly his opponents are more clear. Angels.

Camael, Raphael.

Raphael explains, "We are here because you Roman Rave now house the powerful demon Dianna De La Muerte into your pantheon of *."

Rave thinks telepathically to his crew, "I saw three shadows. Where is the third light." Rebecca puts herself in Super Sidereal 4th Dimension mode to help Rave. She shouts, "Perfect Intuition." Rebecca says to Pappy Mongel, "Three against one. Ishum go. Teleport. Go find help. Or we are dead." He asks, "What? You called me Ishum? And another thing... Are you not fighting." Rebecca says, "Not now dog go. Not even Rave can beat them. My intuition speaks." She whispers in Mongrel's ear and he replies, "Sheesh monkey." But nods and disappears.

Chastity is panics but Rebecca reassures her telepathically. Rebecca says, "You have the vision I have the wisdom. If we try we can we can win this." Meanwhile Rave is still just quiet and stoic as he analyzes his opponents. He know this doesn't look to good for him.


Camael says, "Rave, you've gained power and turned into Genghis Khan." Rave replies, "How dear you compare me to others? I am the savior of mankind and yours is the anti-christ." Camael replies, "Interesting concept. But you are mad!" Rave screams, "Lier!"


Then Michael suddenly makes himself known. Rave immediately feels his strength is beyond the others. For his aura burns the brightest.

Epic move. Rave us nailed down by crosses rain. He is impaled on his side my Archangel Michael. This weapon does soul damage and is felt universally. Rave contrast himself to Nazarene being crucified. Now this is not an ordinary attack. This is permanent damage to his soul and spirit. This is meant to leave him wounded. Rave frees himself but feel the pinch in his side. He funnels soul energy but it doesn't permanently fill the gap. Rave realizes, "Not like this. I cannot fall to them. Not yet. I will fight through this pain."

WiP, Fight

Rave falls to the ground paralyzed with cracks of yellow light on him that prevent regeneration. He resembles a living broken figuring. Chastity screams, "Stop! You don't have to kill him take me instead." Raphael replies and why would we want you?" Chastity explains. "Because I'm the..." But before she could finish. Mongrel shows up with Gabriel and Hasifio/Samael to help Rave. Rebecca calls Hasifio, "Gabriel, Samael." Everyone gasps at the realve of Hasifio's true name. Hasifio asks, "What how did you know?"

Michael laughs mocking Rave, "Your devil is wounded. Leave him suffer." The Angels fly away avoiding further conflict.

Chastity says, "Oh shit boy Rave. You just got rolled on by the Angels." Rave replies, "And still am here... Help me you dumb *." Genie says, "Chastity, Now is not the time for jokes, what is that on him?" Chastity replies, "Standard holy magic. I can fix it... maybe." Genies confirms, "good, Heal him?!"