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Latest revision as of 04:30, 20 March 2018

Thilisk Female.png
Thiliskian female
Government Type:
Illuminated Technocracy
Moxmuna System
Intentions Toward Humanity:
Propulsion Tech Level:
Void Cutter
Military Tech Level:
Technologically Advanced
Medical Tech Level:
Earthlike Near Future
Computer Tech Level:
Extremely Advanced
Superpowered Population Level:
Physical Description:
Coldblooded, Reptiles

(WIP note)

Thiliskians, an intergalactic race of small reptilian humanoids that have a fascination for technology.


The Thiliskians resemble small humanoid reptiles. They are omnivores that lean towards carnivore lifestyles. Short in statue standing on their hind legs at around 4-5 feet tall. the thiliskians have powerful hind digitigrade legs that allow them to walk bipedal, and run quadrupedal. They usually have a long tail that acts as their balance in both stances. It is worth to note that these tails are prehensile and if idle can use these tails to manipulate objects and hold them. They have a variety of eye colors ranging from Cyan, to gold and emit a soft glow. The Thilisks have a super sense of hearing which is given away by thier large ears. Groups call them in all due respect as "Space Kobolds". Usually when the term is used they are referring to the Thiliskian People in good humor.

The Thiliskian gestation process is the usual reptilian sort. They lay eggs in which they watch carefully as a mated pair. The eggs laid range from just one or two eggs per clutch. These nests are usually protected by whatever residence the couple have occupied. Is is noted that the Thiliksians are indeed cold-blooded.

Thiliskian clothing often consists of loose-fitting outfits with a mix of armor and resilient materials to protect thier already hardened scales from sparks and other hazardous objects that they use in their daily routines. Usually with technological constructions and repairs. The Thilisks do not wear any form of footwear to utilize their claws in both mobility and grasping objects like a hand, usually they employ some sort of article of outfit that protects thier legs down to their actual toes. They also have a form of earrings they wear that dangle an article of cloth down to thier necks, this varies in color. Females usually wear a turban that hangs to the back of their neck.

Female Thiliskians are hard to tell apart from males, however they can be told apart by a fin that exists on their tail, and a narrower snout. They are usually smaller than the males, but it has been worth to note that some females can get larger than their male counterparts.

Elethisk and Society/Culture

Elethisk is the planet of origin of the Thiliskian people. A desert planet that is situated in orbit of a binary star system somewhere in the Scutum-Crux Arm of the Milkyway galaxy. UNTIL has little information on the planet, usually given by Thiliskian immigrants and agents that operate around and about Earth. Elethisk was once a lush desert world that had exotic life, untill the heavy industrialization of the planet had led the planet to become polluted.

Thiliskian politics are relativly harmless, the race is peaceful, however they can antagonize technologically advanced civilizations by salvaging their satellites or debris. Scrappers scour the galaxy in search of technology they can manipulate, reverse engineer, or simply sell for profit. Earth has no official diplomatic status with the Elethiskian Academy State. However contact between Humans and Thiliskians has been mutually beneficial and peaceful. Save for the occasional Scrapper who tries to snag an earthling satellite now and then.

Elethisk was solely thiliskian claimed, as their homeworld, they only recently started to clean up their environment. However the damage had been done as many thiliskians have already spread across the galaxy to call homes elsewhere.

The culture of the Thiliskians is recorded to be, carefree. They live in small communities brought together by their combined desire for knowledge. Despite their appearance and behavior, some of the brightest minds in the Galaxy are known to be Thiliskian. They retain a strong cultural unity with each other and continue to seek new ways to acquire technology.

The Elethiskian Academy State

Elethisk models itself as an Illuminated Technocracy. Opening their doors to many races around the galaxy to learn of technology, science, and to harness technomancy itself. The Academy State is a liberal Dictorial state, which is led by a Unitary. In a sense the Academy State is a mix of Dictorial and Oligarchic ways of government. Their technological process has been considered extremely advanced with thier discovery and use of the Void Cutter Engine. Using this engine, they were able to travel almost anywhere in the galaxy within weeks at the most.

The Unitary is ruler of Elethisk for life, until their death or ousting. When this happens, the State's brightest minds meet to negotiate who will become the new Unitary. A process that has strangly been effective and prosperous for the existence of Elethisk.

Regarding the Consortium of Galactic Civilizations, the Thiliskians are aware, and have submitted an application to join their alliance. They feel that their technological prowess and scavenger lifestyle could benefit the alliance. The Unitary has openly supported their cause and banding together would ensure their survival.

Notable Thiliskians
