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Latest revision as of 01:15, 6 April 2015




Cou’ra yawned and smiled sleepily as she all but collapsed onto her bed.

“Night Sar. Hah…that sounds like a…like a...” she started

Cou’ra jerked her head back slightly, her face twisting into an expression of confusion as she searched for the right word. Her older sister, Sarah, stood in the doorway with a hand on her hip; still dressed in her combat gear as she waited for her younger sister to speak. An amused expression appeared on her face as she heard Cou’ra utter a word that was a horrible mix of English and Xenian.

“Go to sleep Cou’ra, you’re tired.” she smirked.

“Yeah…mk’rasu…night Sparkleface…” she grinned, and yawned once more.

Sarah smiled as she bid her younger sister good night, rolling her eyes at the mention of her nickname. Sarah slid her finger across the nearby panel, dimming the lights until they switched off. She stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her and continued onwards, briefly checking in on the few students who were temporarily staying within the mansion. Sarah paused as she saw Sai’edra’s door open ever so slightly; a blue hue seemed to fill the room and shone through the crack in the door, casting an eerie glow into the hallway. Sarah frowned, contemplating whether to check up on Sai’edra or not. She resolved to walk on but instantly thought better and knocked on the door.


She waited a few seconds and after no response she curled her fingers around the door, pushing into it as it swung open. Sarah stopped as she stepped into the room to see Sai’edra standing by the window, staring out into the cyan haze that encased the entire building. Sai’edra’s physical form had faded sufficiently that it as if she was becoming intangible and Sarah walked forwards.

“Sai’edra, you okay?” she asked.

As she came closer, Sarah reached out to touch Sai’edra, her hand slowly passed through Sai’edra’s shoulder. She pulled her hand back, raising her voice as she spoke out again.


The raised voice seemed to shake Sai’edra out of her reverie and she turned around, a shocked expression on her face as she saw Sarah looming over her. The blue hue affecting the room, caused by the light from her energy, faded quickly as Sai’edra’s body solidified.

Sarah raised an eyebrow as everything about Sai’edra in that moment seemed genuinely confused, including her expression; her mouth attempted a smile but the rest of her face showed that she had something weighing on her mind, her brows knitting together in concern.

“Sorry…I was…just thinking.” Sai’edra sighed.

Sarah nodded and pulled the desk chair towards her and sat down; her hands reaching up to remove the clip in her hair. She shook her head from side to side, allowing her hair to be hand combed as she looked up to Sai’edra. Sai’edra looked as if she had something to say and Sarah sighed.

“I’m not usually one for chats but I’ll do my best. So…what were you thinking about that had you so concerned you could have phased through the floor?” asked Sarah.

“I-I think Ed’ran’s hiding something from us. I think he knows more than he’s letting on, I think he knows what has happened to Mentella.” Sai’edra explained.

“I’m not going to pretend like I’ve been comfortable with what’s been going on lately either. I haven’t seen or heard from Mentella in weeks and he’s been getting more and more wound up. But he’s been extremely vague about Mentella’s situation and this whole Psychic Coven threat…” nodded Sarah.

“Yeah, he’s been acting really strange. When he kicked us out of the mansion…he was contacting me every other minute asking me if I was okay, and then…well when you came back, thankfully he saw reason before you two managed to level the mansion and the surrounding area. I don’t think we should put up with this…I’m going to talk him.” Sai’edra mused.

“Remind me how the last ‘talk’ you had with him turned out? I think we had an entire army of robots fixing the place, in fact, I think a couple are still around.” she grinned.

“…Shut up.”

Sarah chuckled lightly and shook her head at Sai’edra, who was now attempting to supress a smile at the memory.




Psion sighed deeply from his position on the couch as he slotted one book back into its original place and beckoned the next book from off the shelf; the book floated towards him, sheathed in his cyan telekinetic aura, soon setting itself in his lap as he looked it over.

“The handbook of Individual Therapy, seventh Edition, edited by Dryden, Reeves and Robinson. THAT sounds incredibly boring. There has to be something here…” he mused.

He lazily flicked his wrist, dismissing the book, placing it back on the shelf as he selected a smaller book on the fifth shelf. The book flew towards him, once it had rested itself in his lap he smiled.

“Hmm. Revisiting the science of evil, on empathy and the origins of cruelty by Simon Baron Cohen and Mentella Summerstone. Interesting.” he mused.

He opened the book somewhat eagerly, flicking past the acknowledgements section and began reading the first chapter. Psion stern expression quirked into that of mild surprise as he reached the topic of empathy erosion; he paused as he brought a piece of a purple and green fruit to his lips and then continued his reading as he bit into it. He smiled to himself, as he looked out of the window, frowning as countless spots of bright white appeared, dotting his telekinetic shield for moments at a time as it began to rain on the shield. He ignored the slight sensation he felt as the rain hit his shield and continued reading.




Fifteen minutes later, Sarah and Sai’edra entered; they scanned the room briefly, their eyes landing on Psion who was sitting opposite the fire place. Sensing their arrival, Psion rolled his eyes and shut the book, placing it on the couch as he turned to see them approaching.

“We need to have a discussion.” Sai’edra frowned, as she gestured openly.

“I’m fairly confident you can have a discussion between yourselves without my input.” Psion drawled.

“Well fortunately for you, we want you to be a part of the discussion. So sit tight.” replied Sarah.

Psion’s eyelids drooped as his expression showed intense boredom, he sighed as waved his hand at them both.

“Alright, what could you possibly want to talk to me about?” he sighed, silently wishing for someone to attack the shielded mansion so he could get out of this conversation.

“I recall you mentioning the Psychic Coven were a threat to us, we need to know more. Everyone already knows what you told Sai’s team mates but we need more information. If it’s going to affect us directly we need to be prepared.” Sarah stated.

“The Psychic Coven has no business with anyone on this planet aside from Mentella and me. I am convinced their intention is to kill Mentella and myself as ‘punishment’ for destroying a large portion of their high power psychics.” Psion responded.

“How does that exclude the rest of us?” asked Sai’edra.

“Were you not listening to what I just said? The Psychic Coven’s sole aim from what I have been able to understand is to destroy Mentella and to destroy me. Not you, the rest of the Sisterhood or your team members. Therefore it does not concern you. At. All. Normally I would not consider it a threat but when I last faced them, I had Mentella…now…ahem…whilst her body is safe, I am unsure of her psychic location.”

“Wait…Mentella’s here?” gasped Sai’edra.

Before Psion could respond, a small, hovering disc entered the room and the holographic display popped up, the spinning logo of ForceTech Industries appeared and soon vanished as J’asira came into view.

“Hi guys! Sorry I can’t be there in person…working on something at the mo-.” started J’asira.

Psion turned and nodded at J’asira, acknowledging her before turning his attention back to Sai’edra and Sarah. Psion interrupted her as he responded to Sai’edra.

“Of course she is here. Do you really think I would lock down an entire building to protect only myself?!” he spat.

Sarah was unusually quiet as she glared at Psion. Sai’edra took a cautionary few steps back and even J’asira’s hologram moved away from Sarah. Hoping that she could diffuse the rising tension and avoid danger, Sai’edra spoke up.

“I want to see her.” Sai’edra said.

“You are not allowed to see her. No one else has her best interests in mind. Anyone who attempts to see her will be dealt with.” Psion stated.

Sarah closed her eyes and took a breath, willing away her more aggressive thoughts and placed a hand on her hip, her other curled tight into a fist.

“I’m currently resisting the…overwhelming urge to punch you in your krutacking face hard enough to send you into orbit, so listen well.” Sarah ground out.

Sarah sighed deeply and rubbed her temples and her eyes snapped open, revealing her green eyes that locked onto Psion’s icy blue ones.

“Look…Ed’ran, you aren’t the only one who cares about Mentella’s wellbeing; we do as well. We’re her friends and family. You know you can trust us. Stop being so blind.” Sarah said, as she looked to J’asira and Sai’edra.

“Su and I are worried sick, she’s our sister! I can understand your desire to protect her…I do, but don’t lock us out too. Please let us see her Eddy.” J’asira pouted.

Sai’edra and Sarah looked at each other, completely forgetting what they had to say as their eyes widened. They bit their lips, attempting to stop themselves laughing at J’asira’s new name for Psion. Psion glared at the hologram of J’asira, who had adjusted the view so her attempt at puppy dog eyes occupied most of the screen. Unable to hold back any longer, a few chuckles left Sarah which seemed to destroy Sai’edra’s ability to contain her laughter and they both burst into peals of laughter, holding onto each other as they saw Psion’s expression and J’asira’s shy smile. They quickly quieted down as Psion spoke with J’asira.

“Do not call me that. You will not allow the butchering of my name to leave your mouth again.” Psion glared.

“Fine, but can we see her?” asked J’asira

She stared at him, adjusting the hologram so she appeared much closer. Psion maintained eye contact with J’asira, frowning for a few moments until he rolled his eyes and gave in.

“El’sai. Alright, this way.” he sighed.

J’asira re-adjusted the hologram and grinned at Sai’edra, who gave her the thumbs up sign as Psion left the room. He paused and his eyes burned a bright cyan and a long blue piece of material flew off the couch, whizzing past Sarah and wrapped itself around his neck.

“Your cape?” asked Sarah.

“Yes. As you can see I’m not dressed in my suit, but for some reason, I left my cape down here.” he replied casually.

Click here for Part 2