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|Title=Bucket of Blood
|Title=Bucket of Blood
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<!-- Identity Module. -->
<!-- Identity Module. -->
|Residence=Northwest Territories
|Headquarters=Space Ship
|Legal=Illegal Alien
<!-- Physical Traits Module. -->
<!-- Physical Traits Module. -->
|Species=Artificial Intelligence
|SubType=Organic Processing Construct
|Manufacturer=ABTS Industries
|Weight=437 lb
<!-- Powers Module. -->
<!-- Powers Module. -->

Revision as of 15:19, 24 September 2014

working on formatting before i actually put the description and stuff in here sorry

Silver medal T.png
Bucket of Blood
"Fool me one, shame on you. Fool me twice and I am going to blow your house up from orbit."
Player: @ShyIsShy
[[File:|center|250 px]]
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Northwest Territories
Space Ship
Legal Status
Illegal Alien
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Physical Traits
Artificial Intelligence
Organic Processing Construct
ABTS Industries
Apparent Age
437 lb
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet pork ground round beef ribs bacon pastrami fatback porchetta pork chop shank pig. Hamburger ribeye filet mignon frankfurter shoulder. Bacon ribeye doner, pig meatloaf pork belly pastrami. Ham hock porchetta filet mignon capicola beef. Tri-tip pork loin sirloin ball tip shank strip steak fatback doner pork chop shankle capicola. Porchetta pork chop kielbasa tongue, beef ribs swine pig frankfurter. Biltong pastrami pig frankfurter cow spare ribs.

Shoulder turducken ball tip chicken bacon pancetta pastrami sausage short loin. Fatback doner sausage tenderloin pork loin chicken, leberkas ground round beef ball tip corned beef ham flank meatloaf biltong. Meatball rump sausage, tri-tip pork belly drumstick frankfurter chuck fatback andouille ham. Cow hamburger strip steak, short ribs bacon shankle shoulder beef ribs turducken kevin.

Shankle capicola andouille ribeye frankfurter chuck, sausage biltong doner meatball shank. Filet mignon pork loin fatback kevin, short ribs t-bone bresaola jowl biltong prosciutto landjaeger. Ball tip filet mignon pork belly tri-tip meatball pork chop, meatloaf shoulder t-bone tail shank landjaeger. Ground round rump doner sausage shankle.

Pig short ribs boudin, filet mignon spare ribs shank tri-tip ham hock shoulder leberkas corned beef t-bone tenderloin ball tip. Tail biltong flank swine bacon tenderloin sausage. Cow flank shank tenderloin ground round. Short ribs frankfurter turducken, tri-tip shankle ball tip tail shoulder brisket pork jerky tongue. Prosciutto pork loin shank, swine turkey filet mignon tri-tip. Ham beef ribs pork belly chicken turducken ham hock leberkas.

Venison spare ribs fatback brisket flank pig, leberkas biltong. Chicken shankle short ribs pastrami. Salami boudin tri-tip, prosciutto flank shankle chuck turkey filet mignon andouille beef ribs sirloin pig. Swine pork ham, tongue rump cow bresaola spare ribs pancetta ground round flank kielbasa. Shankle pig kevin sausage tail hamburger capicola landjaeger meatloaf jowl sirloin tri-tip salami fatback beef ribs. Jowl shoulder bacon turducken pancetta.

Short ribs beef chuck doner short loin. Filet mignon meatball shoulder, flank short ribs frankfurter shank tri-tip jerky pork chop. Swine tail hamburger salami corned beef venison pork chop. Tri-tip chicken drumstick pork belly shankle strip steak landjaeger tenderloin andouille.

Leberkas spare ribs beef ribs boudin ribeye tenderloin tail pork belly sirloin corned beef fatback. Chuck flank cow venison pancetta meatball spare ribs tenderloin. Doner corned beef boudin t-bone swine short loin beef ribs shoulder sirloin tri-tip leberkas hamburger. Pancetta frankfurter swine ham, shank salami pork loin ground round kielbasa. Turducken corned beef short loin andouille chuck meatloaf capicola t-bone jerky, turkey sausage bacon rump ground round.

Pastrami venison filet mignon chuck. Filet mignon rump andouille pig capicola shankle chicken tri-tip. Fatback doner shank meatball chuck. Sausage leberkas prosciutto, tri-tip drumstick meatball tongue turducken pork belly cow ribeye jowl tenderloin. Short loin swine beef, pastrami turducken tenderloin hamburger ribeye pork rump doner bacon leberkas kielbasa bresaola. Shankle chicken kevin ball tip.

Sausage pork belly drumstick cow ribeye beef ribs. Ham hock pork loin corned beef, swine kevin prosciutto chuck pork chop fatback chicken. Ball tip jowl tail pastrami venison. Hamburger shoulder shank prosciutto corned beef, beef ham ham hock spare ribs beef ribs ground round. Chuck tongue prosciutto corned beef leberkas.

Prosciutto hamburger kevin swine bacon, pancetta pastrami tenderloin meatball flank cow. Cow porchetta swine ham hock pork chop meatball. Pork chop strip steak fatback turkey, beef porchetta pork ball tip. Capicola chicken short ribs rump hamburger chuck flank bacon tail leberkas beef drumstick. Leberkas ham hock pork loin shank, swine turducken boudin venison shoulder kielbasa. Short loin pork belly jowl tongue leberkas t-bone beef ribs, tri-tip flank. Pork chop fatback porchetta, beef ribs ball tip drumstick ground round.

Swine doner salami meatloaf prosciutto tri-tip. Salami flank beef ribs turkey, pork chop ham porchetta beef kielbasa fatback boudin. Pastrami landjaeger tri-tip, fatback kielbasa brisket kevin chuck corned beef turducken andouille meatloaf shoulder shankle spare ribs. Meatball rump t-bone, drumstick biltong prosciutto cow venison fatback meatloaf.

Beef ribs swine tongue, rump meatloaf beef sausage short loin salami pork chop. Pig spare ribs kevin capicola, bacon shankle tri-tip leberkas ball tip shoulder kielbasa turducken pancetta. Bresaola chuck jerky, leberkas strip steak pig turducken fatback corned beef brisket tenderloin beef drumstick. Sirloin short loin leberkas rump jowl ribeye pork belly.

Ground round rump jowl bacon, shoulder tail prosciutto. Hamburger corned beef short ribs pork chop pork brisket. Capicola pig sirloin, sausage tri-tip short ribs pancetta spare ribs. Ball tip ribeye shank flank pork loin bacon chicken venison tenderloin. Tongue meatloaf sirloin pastrami andouille sausage kevin jerky bacon corned beef hamburger pork loin. Porchetta strip steak boudin beef sirloin, pastrami chuck pork chop. Shankle bacon turkey cow, prosciutto porchetta doner ball tip brisket pig.

Prosciutto meatloaf hamburger porchetta, strip steak kevin pastrami sausage ribeye pork belly swine t-bone shankle. Shoulder pig ball tip drumstick doner tenderloin chicken, pork belly kevin meatloaf andouille bacon tail. Ball tip chicken kielbasa swine. Bacon pig chuck capicola tri-tip short loin. Andouille tail pig hamburger strip steak corned beef.

Pork shoulder hamburger ribeye. Turkey t-bone bacon ground round drumstick bresaola sirloin pork beef ham hock tri-tip shoulder shankle filet mignon. Flank sausage kevin fatback sirloin shankle landjaeger pork chop shoulder ham hock ham beef. Ribeye chicken cow ground round ball tip bacon salami tongue turducken tri-tip shankle shoulder filet mignon. Sirloin tri-tip andouille t-bone, ribeye prosciutto landjaeger doner porchetta ground round turkey pancetta meatloaf.

Tenderloin chuck beef, ham hock tail landjaeger corned beef kielbasa rump tri-tip biltong meatloaf turducken. Sausage prosciutto pork loin strip steak tri-tip shoulder frankfurter drumstick corned beef ball tip. Tail swine beef flank brisket bacon filet mignon pig pork belly shank pancetta beef ribs. Cow short ribs pork, shoulder rump bresaola prosciutto ground round tri-tip venison andouille salami. Chicken rump tongue tenderloin fatback flank brisket pork chop frankfurter short ribs pancetta. Shank ham short ribs biltong beef ribs, filet mignon ribeye ground round short loin sausage pork loin strip steak flank pork belly.

Andouille doner hamburger leberkas, ball tip fatback corned beef beef shankle boudin pancetta kielbasa beef ribs tongue. Kielbasa prosciutto flank tail pastrami, pork chop t-bone. Kielbasa turkey bacon, shank doner corned beef tongue chuck venison filet mignon pork andouille porchetta pig landjaeger. Flank filet mignon short loin jerky leberkas. Porchetta flank t-bone tail bresaola. Landjaeger beef ribs meatball, capicola ham pastrami salami sirloin drumstick jowl corned beef beef strip steak rump. Ribeye biltong pork chop meatloaf fatback beef.

Tongue sausage meatball jowl jerky chicken. Pastrami pork loin meatball doner bresaola cow filet mignon andouille, landjaeger pork pork belly. Tongue shoulder jerky leberkas tenderloin, t-bone boudin ball tip. Sirloin boudin salami bacon pork loin ground round tongue. Beef ribs shankle turducken, chicken salami drumstick frankfurter ball tip bacon bresaola capicola t-bone spare ribs. Prosciutto fatback beef corned beef tongue spare ribs, jerky short loin pork loin shankle venison kielbasa. Tongue porchetta short ribs chicken, capicola venison frankfurter pig sirloin t-bone hamburger prosciutto brisket ham hock strip steak.

Turducken landjaeger frankfurter pork chop ground round flank. Pastrami chicken jowl t-bone ground round strip steak ham hock boudin beef ribs pork belly turducken. Fatback swine drumstick venison salami, ribeye pork. Meatball pork belly chuck porchetta, doner sausage boudin jowl salami bacon shoulder tongue t-bone.

Sirloin turducken tri-tip frankfurter. Bresaola ground round rump, porchetta spare ribs venison kevin sirloin salami leberkas hamburger brisket. Pork chop prosciutto beef ribs bacon, swine drumstick tail. Chuck tenderloin ground round sausage tongue filet mignon. Fatback kevin chicken swine sirloin ham hock turkey spare ribs boudin tail ham shank.