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<b>Resurrection:</b>Arona's ability to resurrect the dead is a side effect of her leeching several dozen celestial's of their energy, until the point of death, and thsuly, unlike every other power on here is unique to her. When this power is being used, Arona, somewhat ironically takes on the general form of the celestial lives she took that granted her this power. The second half of this power is Arona's self resurrection ability, whenever she dies, within five seconds and three minuets she returns to life on the spot, the exact cause of this phenomenon is unknown, even to Arona, but one thing is clear, it is clearly dark in nature.
<b>Resurrection:</b>Arona's ability to resurrect the dead is a side effect of her leeching several dozen celestial's of their energy, until the point of their death, and thsuly, unlike every other power on here is unique to her. When this power is being used, Arona, somewhat ironically takes on the general form of the celestial lives she took that granted her this power. The second half of this power is Arona's self resurrection ability, whenever she dies, within five seconds and three minuets she returns to life on the spot, the exact cause of this phenomenon is unknown, even to Arona, but one thing is clear, it is clearly dark in nature.
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<b>Lack of training:</b> Due to her unwillingness to undergo any kinda of formal combat training, she completely and utterly lack a combat style, limiting her attack options to straight forward bludgeoning and stabbing of her unfortunate target. While this flaw makes her a rather trivial opponent for anybody that has undergone any form of close quarters combat training, her endless endurance combined with inability to stay dead makes her quite the melee combatant, if you have to fight her in melee range, use her lack of training to take her down quickly and escape before she resurrects.
<b>Lack of care:</b> Despite Having mastered nearly three dozen different fighting styles she does not care for her own being enough to use them, instead often going for a straight forward combat method of bludgeoning, stabbing and generally forcing her opponents into submission through brute force and unending endurance, making her a surprisingly easy, if not relentlessly enduring adversary to defeat in close combat, provided you can take her down before you tire out.
<b>The Core:</b>Located within the very centre of her being is a ping-pong ball sized azure crystal sphere, which is both completely immune to damage but also extremely sensitive to all physical contact to the point where a hard flick would cause debilitating pain to Arona, and a direct hit from a weapon or bullet would almost instantly incapacitate her.
<b>The Core:</b>Located within the very centre of her being is a ping-pong ball sized azure crystal sphere, which is proven to be both completely immune to any and all attempts damage or alter it and, oddly enough extremely sensitive to touch, to the point where a simple flick to it would cause crippling pain to Arona and a direct hit from a weapon would outright incapacitate her for several minuets.

Revision as of 00:40, 7 August 2014

Ima warn you now, this is the biggest WIP in the history of ht euniverse...ok, not really, but still, it is WIP, so don't expect me to have all the details down..and there are more than a few things i'm still putting together myself...and i messed it up...hold on people, also....I know what I want to put on the page, but I'm not..too sure as to the way to...tell it, so some parts might be a little slow in comming...becasue i'm kinda a derp.

Player: @Notyuu
Arona New Profile.jpg
When you gain power, remember why you wanted it
Character Build
Class Focus: Derp
Power Level: 40.25
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Refuses to tell
Known Aliases: Arona
Gender: Female
Species: Chim
Ethnicity: Variable

Usually Caucasian/Asian

Place of Birth: Bio-techinal energy dynamics facility XB-7, research wing
Base of Operations: Unknown
Relatives: Golthar; Eldest Brother

Tulrk; Older Brother
[Status Unknown]

Kosth; Older Brother
[Servers Zalgo]

Kinlmh; Older Brother

Quipets; Younger Brother
[Banished to the Abyss]

Lithilath; Younger Sister
[Status Unknown]

Haplatm; Younger Brother
[Infected with Scurge]

Telitig; Younger Brother
[Infected with Scurge]

Daultnus; Younger Brother
[Servers Zalgo]

Mitikeia; Youngest Brother

Age: 6,092,714,030,774
Height: Variable

Usually 9.5

Weight: 400KG/881LBS
Eyes: Black/Blue
Hair: Blue
Complexion: Variable

Usually standard for current ethnicity, slightly oily

Physical Build: Slithgly Muscular
Physical Features: Confidential
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Neutral Good

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Identity: Public
Years Active: unknown-Present
Citizenship: None
Occupation: Trader
Education: None of this world
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Super Strength, energy absorption, Energy Conversion, Self matter conversion, shape shifting, resurrection (both self and others), immortality.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Twin Dekonite Hammers
The Gunship
Box of Lewt
Throwing stars
ReldinBox Template


While Arona could be considered by the mortal man to be as old as time itself, having experienced and lived though things that most people would consider ancient history, She is still rather stingy when it comes to disclosing her past on earth and beyond. What little information she has willingly shared was in the midst of a drunken stupor, as a result we are currently extracting and piecing together as much as we can from her drunken rambling, our finding are posted below - UNTIL Xenology Team


Lord Arkamus XVII, Emperor of The Empire Arkamus, died on his throne, leaving no heirs in his stead.This power vacuum created by the late Emperor's incontinence started to destabilise the intergalactic empire. Seeing this as a direct threat to his way of life, Bio-technical engineer and summoner class Beta+, Miskia set about the impossible task of creating a perfect, immortal being to fill the power vacuum. Realising that his goal was neigh imposable with the constrains of flesh and blood he set about weaving perverse magics and twisting science in an insane attempt bind a god to matter, which he would have take the throne. Something, however went wrong, nobody knows for certain what triggered it, but Miskia's insane work created the first energy matter atom, and in mere second it started to draw energy towards itself, using the gathered energy to create an imperfect copy of itself, having the mass, but none of the matter. This energy black hole created by the greedy atom rapidly expanded, engulfing the entire solar system and draining every last trace of energy from all objects within before collapsing back in on itself.

Sitting in place of the first atom was a malleable sludge, black as the void and as cold too. Tongs in hand, Miskia slowly approached the cold, dark mass attempting to gather a sample when it rose up, forming a column, which divided out into eleven different blobs, each one smaller than the last. Almost instantly the blobs started to shrink, twist and contort, taking on a shape vaguely like Miskia before changing the basic forms that they had, some adding subtle features other completely contorting into different species. before long the eleven blobs..or being to be more accurate had changed into perfect copies of eleven different species. Nine of the beings were male the remaining two were female, bowing to Miskia they spoke in perfect unison "We are the Chim, the fruits of your labour, what would you wish of us creator?" Realising his attempts at creating a god-king to rule them empire had failed Miskia pondered his next move, his thoughts turning to greed as the possibly of ruling the empire himself crossed his mind, he snapped back, calling out the fifth being as he ordered them to go and study all those that contend for the throne of Arkamus. That one being he sent out, the one given the first task by their creator, that is Arona.

Building a Galaxy

Nobody knew where or even when the Scurge first arrived, but what is known, is that this hyper-intelligent cell sized parasite had managed to infiltrate nearly every facet of the empire to some extent, where it lied dormant within its hosts, watching, waiting for something. Whatever it was waiting for will never be known as the parasite was discovered during a medical check-up, in response to being discovered it seized control of its hosts across the empire, twisting and mutating them into a grotesque monster, designed only for killing and infecting all beings it came across.

At first they sent troops to fight against the Scurge, but they were butchered, infected and twisted into a monster to be used against the very empire they had sworn to protect. In response they sent robots and golems to fight instead, and for a while it worked, pushing the Scurge back, then the Scurge adapted, creating raw biomass that latched onto the golems and formed muscles that forcibly controlled the golems movement and actions. Using its new troops, the Scurge changed its tactics, rather than trying out-rightly destroying any and all of the billions robotic warriors sent against it,instead attempting, and occasionally succeeding in capturing them for experimentation, reassembly and reprogramming, sending them back against their creators, forcing machine against machine in endless conflict, spanning system after system, consuming all in its wake. [all oif the wip]

The cost of victory


Powers and Skills


Energy Absorption: Arona, like the other eleven Chim is made from energy bound to mass, and thusly is capable of Absorption all types of incoming energy, from thermal to kinetic to Radiological and even magical, allowing her to passively absorb roughly 66% of the energy from all attacks directed at her, greatly boosting her durability, however while contrasting the absorption amount can go up to 85% or in some cases, even complete absorption, nullifying the attack entirely but the level of concentration needed to achieve this makes it impractical at the best of times, and near imposable in combat for an extended length of time.

Energy Conversion:The same aspects of her physical make-up that allow Arona to convert any energy she has within her into any other type, or even into raw energy mass, which she uses to repair herself when damaged. While on its own this power might seem to be an overly complex self healing method, when it is combined with her ability to convert her energy matter into physical materials, it can lead to some particularly devastating results.

Self energy mass to matter conversion:Due to her conscious control of the arrangement of every particle of energy that makes up her being, she can forge them together into whatever combination she desires at any given time, and if done in a certain way she can forge atoms of a particular material and bind them together into whatever shape she desires, allowing her to do anything from create clothes to summoning throwing stars, seemingly out of thin air for use in combat, however the materials that she can created are limited to her knowledge of said materials atomic construction. This conversion process is fully reversible on any object that she created, but unable to effect any other object.

Shape Shifting:This power is an unorthodox application of Arona's ability to consciously the particles that make up her mass, By breaking herself down into the basic energy leeching sludge that Miskia created in his lab, spawning the Chim. From there she can rebuild herself from the ground up, taking on any form she desires, when combined with her ability to create matter from her mass, she can create a perfect copy of anything or anyone, right down to the genetic and atomic level, however pulling off such a copy requires a substantial amount of practice on her part, limiting it's capabilities.

Super Strength:The piratical application of shape shifting, allows Arona create inhumanly dense muscle fibre, to the point where the strength generated from it is sufficient enough to lift 5.1 tons. While in theory higher power output is possible, mechanical limitations of the current muscle state hold it back.

Immortality:The nature of Chim "biological" construction renders them renders them immune to the ravages of time and instead of suffering from energy decay, they seem to be afflicted by some kinda of reverse version of it, where they are constantly adsorbing trace levels of energy from the environment, causing them to grow in mass and weight over time. This reverse decay seems to be reactive towards their energy expenditure, increasing in pace linearly with expenditure levels.

Resurrection:Arona's ability to resurrect the dead is a side effect of her leeching several dozen celestial's of their energy, until the point of their death, and thsuly, unlike every other power on here is unique to her. When this power is being used, Arona, somewhat ironically takes on the general form of the celestial lives she took that granted her this power. The second half of this power is Arona's self resurrection ability, whenever she dies, within five seconds and three minuets she returns to life on the spot, the exact cause of this phenomenon is unknown, even to Arona, but one thing is clear, it is clearly dark in nature.


Master level bio-mechanics Engineering:The one true skill that Arona was professionally taught as part of her work, the upper applications of this skill allows arona to do everything from create a new species of animal to modifying living beings on various levels, from increasing certain traits, like stamina to granting them regenerative abilities or even splicing on entirely new body parts


Dark Magic:Dark magic is not compatible with her internal energy structure, as a result she is incapable of adsorbing, using, blocking or otherwise deflecting it from herself, allowing it to bypass a majority of her defensive measures and capabilities. This weakness also extends to any weapon that is infused with dark magic, however mere contact with a dark magic infused object is not sufficient to circumvent her defences, the object has to be forcibly introduced to her being for it to have any effect.

Boron:The energy absorbing nature of boron makes it the only material capable of causing any lasting physical damage to Arona. Interestingly when the Boron level in an object used to wound Arona is above 51.7% it causes the wound caused to not only be much harder for Arona to heal, but to actually "bleed" energy, similar to how a human would bleed blood, and once again, like a human if Arona bleeds out too much of her energy then she dies. Caution is advised however, the energy Arona bleeds out has been shown to have explosive and mutatative properties, avoid contact whenever possible.

Cold:Temptures below -10C will cause energy to leech out of Arona's most external layer at that given second, forcing her to constantly replace her outer most layer, which not only taxes her energy reserves but is also mentally straining as well, which has the dual effects of physically slowing her down and making her defences weaker, and prolonged exposure will cause her to go into a type of hibernation, leaving her completely vulnerable.

Lack of care: Despite Having mastered nearly three dozen different fighting styles she does not care for her own being enough to use them, instead often going for a straight forward combat method of bludgeoning, stabbing and generally forcing her opponents into submission through brute force and unending endurance, making her a surprisingly easy, if not relentlessly enduring adversary to defeat in close combat, provided you can take her down before you tire out.

The Core:Located within the very centre of her being is a ping-pong ball sized azure crystal sphere, which is proven to be both completely immune to any and all attempts damage or alter it and, oddly enough extremely sensitive to touch, to the point where a simple flick to it would cause crippling pain to Arona and a direct hit from a weapon would outright incapacitate her for several minuets. [WIP]