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| header = #FFFFFF
| font = #f9f9f9
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| bg2 = #293949
| bg3 = #596979
| cell1 = #234
| cell2 = #567
| name = Siege
| player = @Neuphoric
| image = Volt1.jpg
| caption =
| realname = Mackenzie "Kenzi" Valentine
| alias = Volt
| gender = Female
| species = Human - 'Mutant'
| ethnicity = Caucasian
| birthplace = Boston, MA
| operations = Millennium City
| relatives = Unknown
| age = 17 (04/15/1997 - MM/DD/YYYY)
| height =
| weight = 102 lbs
| eyes = Heterochromatic (Green/Yellow)
| hair = Black/Red
| complexion = Smooth / White
| build = Athletic
| features = Right eye glows an electric yellow.
| fame = 4
| alignment = True Neutral
| identity = Public
| years_active = 2
| citizenship = United States Citizenship
| occupation = "Hired Battery"
| education = K-12
| marital = Single
| powers = Electricity generation/manipulation.
| paraphernalia = N/A
| strength = 2
| weapon = 2
| durability = 3
| armor = 2
| speed = 5
| reflexes = 3
| resistance = 2
| stamina = 3
| dexterity = 2
| agility = 3
| combat = 2
| regen = 2
| energy = 9
| psionics = 1
| telepathy = 2
| willpower = 3
| sorcery = 1
| tech = 4
| intelligence = 4
| knowledge = 4
| charisma = 2
| bravery = 4
='''''<div style="color:#006600; background-color: #000000">Background</div>'''''=
Mackenzie doesn't talk much about her past, and especially not any of her numerous carers over the years. With that in mind, please consider most of this purely for OOC reading as so far, not a single person knows more about Kenzi's past than that she lives on the streets and has for a while.
Born to notorious Boston-based criminals Joseph Harlowe and his wife Christine, Mackenzie didn't stand much of a chance growing up in their 'care'. Her parents decided she would be better off simply not knowing who they were, and so she was put into a foster home shortly after her birth. By the age of five, Mackenzie knew that the lovely elderly couple who had raised her thus far weren't her real parents. Unlike many children that find out they're adopted, Mackenzie didn't seem to mind all that much. Obviously, she was still curious as to who her real parents were and why they'd 'dropped' her, but at five years old, the girl was more concerned with exploring and enjoying her youth with school friends.
When Mackenzie turned nine, her adopted mother, Jill, passed away after a short battle with a degenerative muscle disease. This broke her adopted father, who became reclusive and dismissive of Mackenzie's needs. After countless attempts at helping the man, their neighbors reported Mackenzie's obvious neglect to the authorities, who promptly uprooted the girl and shipped her off to live with another family - in Millennium City. On Mackenzie's tenth birthday, her mutation started to manifest itself in the form of frequent, slightly painful shocks received when she came into contact with metal. Her new foster parents were more than aware of what was happening to Mackenzie, and taught her to embrace and train the gift under their guidance protection.
While not 'super' themselves, Jack and Danielle Valentine were very knowledgeable on matters relating to mutations, what with Jack being an officer with the MCPD, and Danielle's position in UNTIL as a genetic researcher. By age thirteen, Mackenzie could fully control her powers, able to generate and control incredibly large charges of electricity with relative safety. While Mackenzie was indeed grateful for her guardians' input and support in learning to utilize her powers, she was much less grateful for their constant pressuring her to take up the mantle as a hero and fight the good fight.
Mackenzie was never really interested in the whole "struggle between good and evil" - she just wanted to get a job, a nice house and be able to enjoy her life with her gift. After another two years of heat from her carers and finally a masked threat that she would be arrested if she didn't co-operate; Mackenzie ran away from home. Now at seventeen years old, Mackenzie has been on the streets of Millennium City for a further two years, making ends meet by adopting the pseudonym "Volt" and offering her services as a self-proclaimed "hired battery", providing great deals of electrical power for cash return.
='''''<div style="color:#006600; background-color: #000000">Appearance</div>'''''=
Mackenzie isn't particular extraordinary in terms of appearance - she appears to be nothing more than just a totally normal teenager wearing scrappy old clothes. Though while her personal motto of "if it's clean and fits, it'll do" applies, Mackenzie does seem to put some effort into her appearance, given that she continues to wear makeup, keeps her body in good shape and maintains personal hygiene. For the most part, Mackenzie can usually be seen wearing a mix of dark and light colors - favoring blacks, reds, blues, greens and pinks. Sometimes these combinations can stand out quite a bit, but Mackenzie usually finds a way to make them work together. For those that don't, there's always the excuse of just wearing whatever.
Mackenzie is also pretty average in terms of physical build too, standing at just about 5'6, and weighing in at 102 lbs. Her complexion is pretty pale, most obvious with her face and the heavy dark eye makeup she continues to apply, a stark contrast to the skin around them. Her hair is also dark, fairly obviously dyed a jet black color with crimson red tips. Mackenzie's most obvious physical trait, and also the one that hints at her not being entirely "normal" is her right eye - a dully glowing yellow in color, it's usually hidden behind her fringe, though Mackenzie will deny intentionally trying to hide it if asked.
='''''<div style="color:#006600; background-color: #000000">Personality</div>'''''=
='''''<div style="color:#006600; background-color: #000000">Powers and Equipment</div>'''''=
='''''<div style="color:#006600; background-color: #000000">Friends & Foes</div>'''''=
(( Coming soon! ))
='''''<div style="color:#006600; background-color: #000000">Opinions</div>'''''=
(( If your character has an opinion of Volt/Kenzi that they would like to publically share, this is the place to do it! You can either edit in yourself, or ask me to do it in-game. If that character also has a page here on PRIMUS Database, please do link it as the character's name after the quote! ))
"She can charge my cell while I'm on the go - she's alright by me." - Generic Hero 343
='''''<div style="color:#006600; background-color: #000000">Tropes</div>'''''=
<span class="plainlinks">[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlasmaCannon Plasma Cannon]</span>
(( Please always feel free to PM me - @Neuphoric - with any questions you might have about Volt or even if you just want to RP! See you in-game! ))

Latest revision as of 09:35, 18 July 2014