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[Being Reworked]
| header = #FFFFFF
| font = #000000
| bg1 = #003969
| bg2 = #006999
| bg3 = #0089B9
| cell1 = #069
| cell2 = #08B
| name = Fleur d'Amiens
| player = @catorthoseis
| image = [[File:Fleur.jpg]]
| caption =
| realname = Claudette Mirielle Simineaux
| alias = Fleur d'Amiens
| gender = Female
| species = Homo Sapien
| ethnicity = Caucasian
| birthplace = Amiens, France
| operations = The Fleur Academy, Paris, France
| relatives = Parents, Henri and Vivienne Simineaux
| age = 24
| height = 5'11"
| weight = 136 lbs.
| eyes = Blue
| hair = Copper
| complexion = Fair
| build = Athletic
| features = Faint round scar on the right shoulder.
| fame = 6
| alignment = Neutral Good
| identity = Public Knowledge
| years_active = Six
| citizenship = The Republic of France
| occupation = UNTIL Agent, Member of Ultimate Guardians SG
| education = BA in Philosophy, Fleur Academy
| marital = Single
| powers = Kinetic Manipulation for the purpose of Defensive Fields, Point Blank Area Telekinesis, and Strength Augmentation.
| paraphernalia = Comlink, Wristbound Vehicle Remote System
| strength = 9
| weapon = 1
| durability = 9
| armor = 3
| speed = 5
| reflexes = 7
| resistance = 2
| stamina = 6
| dexterity = 4
| agility = 4
| combat = 6
| regen = 2
| energy = 9
| psionics = 1
| telepathy = 2
| willpower = 7
| sorcery = 1
| tech = 4
| intelligence = 7
| knowledge = 6
| charisma = 7
| bravery = 8
==<div valign="bottom" style="background: #006999; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; margin:0 auto 0 auto; font-size:125%; height:25px; border: solid 5px #003969;">'''The Order of the Fleur de Lis'''</div>==
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''The Founding of the Order'''</div>===
<div style="text-indent:40px;">The title of Fleur d'Amiens cannot be properly understood without knowledge of the Fleur de Lis Order. Which in turn, cannot be understood without taking into account the political climate of France after the second World War. Many French heroes came to prominence during the German occupation, assisting the the Free French Forces. One in particular, Le Papillon, was the very first hero to be granted the title of Fleur de Paris, and led the Order from its inception.
<div style="text-indent:40px;">The Order was instituted in 1959 as one of the first acts of the current President, Charles de Gaulle. Originally it was conceived as an institute of higher learning and a paramilitary organization that specialized in the training and upbringing of super-powered individuals. It's mission was to ensure that the citizens of France were never again left unprotected from the threats of the outside world, be it the encroachment of fascism or the private ambitions of the wicked.
<div style="text-indent:40px;">During this time the French government had taken great pains to enforce the registration of meta-humans and regular examinations for potential among the populace had become routine. This was difficult to stomach for many of the population and as necessary as the behavior may well have been it had an overbearing and totalitarian air about it that was difficult to ignore. Some historians now believe the institution of the Order was to lend a feeling of nobility to these individuals. Both to remove the sting of being singled out from the general public, and to inspire those who were bestowed with great gifts to use them in the service of their country.
<div style="text-indent:40px;">Those within the organization that exemplify its values and seek to serve as a hero of the people are given the title of "Fleur", usually associated with a city or a region that they are to be responsible for within their country. It is customary for a Fleur to be entitled and responsible for the region of their birth but this is not always the case. If that area is currently represented another will be substituted. Examples of such titles are Fleur de Paris, Fleur d'Orleans, and Fleur d'Avignon.
<div style="text-indent:40px;">The governing body of the Order is largely a democratic meritocracy. Many issues are decided by votes cast from all current Fleurs. In instances where an issue cannot be clearly decided in this way the final decision rests with the current Fleur de Paris, whom also holds the responsibility of running the Academy itself.
<div style="text-indent:40px;">Though associated with the Ministry of Defense, and subject to its regulations, the Order is not officially military in nature. This is deceptive in many instances as Fleur cadets undergoing training in the Academy are often given ranks and titles. The administration of the students daily lives is easily comparable to a private military school but none are compelled to military service. This is merely an attempt to use proven methods to instill discipline in the minds of cadets that may very well be faced with extremely trying circumstances if they went on to pursue a life as a full fledged Fleur de Lis.
<div style="text-indent:40px;">Since their founding the Order has successfully produced some of the finest heroes the world has ever seen. They are so successful in fact that the Fleurs have now become the backbone of French military defense, often being deployed to support military troops in countless engagements. Today, Fleurs have become a foundational part of UNTIL forces and their operatives can be seen in almost every country in the world.
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''The Early Years'''</div>===
<div style="text-indent:40px;">Claudette was born in the city of Amiens, France. She grew up in the St. Leu quarter, raised by her parents, Henri and Vivienne Simineaux. When she was six years old it first became apparent that she was quite different than her playmates when they discovered her levitating some of her toys. A series of tests done after this incident led to the discovery that a genetic mutation in her DNA caused her cells to radically differ in the way they produce and conduct bio-electricity. Her body produced natural electromagnetic fields that allowed her to manipulate the objects around her. This seemed to come quite naturally to her.
<div style="text-indent:40px;">As the years progressed and this ability became more defined she found it exceedingly easy to alter her own momentum. She began taking larger and larger risks to test the limits of her inertial control. By age 15 she had already begun base jumping. By age 16 she no longer used a parachute. Her natural affinity for manipulating the physics of motion enabled her to slow her descent efficiently enough to leap from the top of Amiens Cathedral with no fear whatsoever of harm when she hit the ground.
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''The Fleur de Lis Academy'''</div>===
<div style="text-indent:40px;">The Fleur de Lis Academy, the main grounds of which are pictured above, is the most prestigious center of learning for super-powered individuals in all of France. The campus is located within the 4th arrondissement of Paris along the River Seine. You can get a clear look at Notre Dame Cathedral from many of its windows. This institution is the base of operations from which the Order of the Fleur de Lis manages its organization and trains its cadets to be the Fleurs of the future.
<div style="text-indent:40px;">Claudette entered the Academy when she was seventeen years of age. Her initial demonstration to the enrollment committee is a story that's still told to incoming students today. To demonstrate her kinetic abilities she requested a cannon kept on the grounds be fired in her direction, confident she could halt its approach. Despite several objections due to safety concerns, the Fleur de Paris agreed to this trial. As the most accomplished telepath in the Order, it has been theorized that she deduced the eventual outcome long before the shot was fired. When the cannon went off Claudette was, for the most part, successful. She used her abilities to rapidly slow down the ball but it dragged along the ground and bounced up and out of her control. Momentarily panicked, she tried to guide it to a safe landing but it careened through the window of the mess hall and landed in the center of an unoccupied table, much to the astonishment of nearby cadets.
<div style="text-indent:40px;">Over the course of her studies, Claudette developed both a love of philosophy and a loathing relationship with authority, likely reinforced by the former. Were it not for her exemplary performance in her areas of expertise it's likely her inability to conform to proper etiquette and endless need to ask questions of her instructors would have eventually been grounds for his dismissal. This was often overlooked in favor of the staff's curiosity. She was a kineticist on paper, but unlike many that had graced the halls before her she seemed unable to develop her ability beyond a very short range from her person. Usually this would be a colossal hindrance but the magnitude of force she was able to generate within that space spiked higher than any student they had previously taught.
<div style="text-indent:40px;">An unexpected incident cut her days as cadet short when a hostage crisis gripped the city of Paris, France. Though she was not authorized to leave the grounds during this emergency she snuck out to assist her fellow Fleur de Lis, the Fleur d'Avignon, with whom she had become quite close. When she arrived the situation was grim. Fleur d'Avignon had been wounded and one of the hostages had been executed. At great risk to herself, Claudette subdued the gunman and managed to save the remaining hostages with no further casualties. Expecting to be expelled upon her return, Claudette was surprised to discover that the Order had found an alternative punishment. She was denied attending her upcoming graduation ceremony because she was being immediately promoted and given the title of Fleur d'Amiens for her selfless heroism and initiative.
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''The Fleur d'Amiens'''</div>===
==<div valign="bottom" style="background: #006999; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; margin:0 auto 0 auto; font-size:125%; height:25px; border: solid 5px #003969;">'''Powers, Skills, and Attributes'''</div>==
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''Powers'''</div>===
'''Power 1 -''' Put info on your power here. Be as lengthy as you like.
'''Power 2 -''' Not every hero HAS powers, of course, in which case the powers section can be deleted.
'''Power 3 -''' Just take everything from the HR tag above the Skills section, up to the "Powers" sub-header, and delete it. You can also edit the Main Header to take the word 'Powers' out of it as well.
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''Skills'''</div>===
'''Skill 1 -''' Skills are the things your character has learned to do, or has an innate talent at doing.
'''Skill 2 -''' These skills can be as mundane as painting, to more fantastical things such as enchanting items.
'''Skill 3 -''' If your character has no particular skills worth noting, feel free to follow the same directions as shown for the 'Powers' sub-header on how to remove this section.
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''Attributes'''</div>===
'''Attribute 1 -''' Attributes are physical or mental traits, separate from powers in most cases, though possibly enhanced by them.
'''Attribute 2 -''' Attributes can be things such as flexibility, or being naturally acrobatic, or good eye-hand coordination perhaps.
'''Attribute 3 -''' Again, like the last two, if you have no use for it, delete this section. You can also ALTER the section if there is something missing that you would find more fitting.
==<div valign="bottom" style="background: #006999; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; margin:0 auto 0 auto; font-size:125%; height:25px; border: solid 5px #003969;">'''"The Falcon" Fighter Wing'''</div>==
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''Gear'''</div>===
'''Weapon -''' Gear and equipment are the things your character carries around and uses. These can be things like weapons and armor.
'''Armor -''' Feel free to use this section to name and describe the gear that your character uses, if any. Be, again, as lengthy as you like.
'''Gadget -''' If this section does not apply to your character, feel free to delete it. Also feel free to add more sub-headers as they apply, such as for a vehicle, perhaps, and that vehicle's statistics.
==<div valign="bottom" style="background: #006999; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; margin:0 auto 0 auto; font-size:125%; height:25px; border: solid 5px #003969;">'''Relationships'''</div>==
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''Lover'''</div>===
This section is specifically for a spouse, lover, or some other form of paramour. Feel free to use any of the formatting from 'Friends/Allies' below.
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''Friends/Allies'''</div>===
Put any friends or allies your character may have in here. You may give them descriptions or simply list them. To make a numbered list, simply place a # at the beginning of each new line:
#This guy
#That guy
#Some chick
For a non-numbered list, put an asterisk instead (the lines are optional. Simply remove the HR tags if you wish to remove them):
*This guy
*That guy
*Some chick
Or, you could even use a smaller sub-header for each person, effectively creating a small section on them, like this:
====<div style="color: #000000; text-align: left; width:400px; border: 3px solid #003969; border-right: 0; border-top: 0; font-size: 90%;">'''That Guy I Know'''</div>====
Put info on the friend here.
====<div style="color: #000000; text-align: left; width:400px; border: 3px solid #003969; border-right: 0; border-top: 0; font-size: 90%;">'''That Chick I Met'''</div>====
And here.
====<div style="color: #000000; text-align: left; width:400px; border: 3px solid #003969; border-right: 0; border-top: 0; font-size: 90%;">'''Some Dude at the Bar'''</div>====
Don't forget this one.
===<div style="background: #0089B9; color: #000000; text-align: center; width:300px; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 3px solid #003969; font-size: 100%;">'''Enemies'''</div>===
Put any rivals or enemies here. You can give descriptions, or simply list them. Same idea as the Allies and Friends.
==<div valign="bottom" style="background: #006999; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; margin:0 auto 0 auto; font-size:125%; height:25px; border: solid 5px #003969;">'''General Perception'''</div>==
<div style="text-indent:40px;">Put here the way your character would be perceived by the general public. This means, the things that the general public would know, how the media would portray them, things people might know without ever having met the character.
| headerbackground = #006999; margin: 0 auto 0 auto;
| headertext = #FFFFFF
| cellbg1 = #0089B9
| cellbg2 = #006999
| border = #003969
| text = #000000
| header = Comments from other Heroes
| name = Fleur_d'Amiens
| width = 70
[[Category:Character]][[Category:Hero]][[Category:Human]][[Category:Female]][[Category:French]][[Category:Public Identity]][[Category:UNTIL]]

Latest revision as of 05:23, 5 June 2014

[Being Reworked]