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Player: @Disgreaser
"Hello! It's Hammer time!"
Biographical Data
Real Name: Hammer-D01
Known Aliases: Hammer. "Robo Thunder-Thighs".
Gender: Programmed with a female personality.
Species: None.
Ethnicity: None.
Place of Birth: Professor Evil's laboratory.
Base of Operations: N/A
Relatives: N/A
Age: 1 and a half.
Height: 6'0
Weight: 220 lbs
Eyes: Light red
Hair: None.
Complexion: Her armor padding is mostly grey.
Physical Build: Bulky, and most signature to her, her "thunder-thighs".
Physical Features: Thick armor plating. Each of her hands has 3 thick fingers.
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Identity: Known.
Years Active: 1.
Citizenship: US citizen, apparently.
Occupation: Is in employment of Professor Evil.
Education: None.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Powers and Abilities
Superstrength. She can lift cars with ease, despite her small size.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
A confetti cannon. Also has a paintball gun.
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada

The Backstory

Deep within professor Evil's lair, amongst the constructions and death rays, laid the concept of Hammer: A special kind of robotic that would obey ALL orders from its creator. The blueprints were dusted, and the case in which it was contained was all dusty and just stood there in a corner. One day, Professor Evil was in dire, dire need of a minion. Seemingly all of his recruiting attempts went wrong, so he had to do it himself. Unfortunately he appeared very lazy that evening. SO lazy he just couldn't think of anything. At one point he began searching around his contraptions and old stuff until he came across a briefcase.

"Project H.A.M.M.E.R.", is what was written on it. He didn't even remember he had blueprints for something like that. He knew he had an evil fruit juice dispenser, a pingpongball launcher, and even a working death ray! What could this H.A.M.M.E.R. be? He opened the briefcase, and he didn't believe what he found: Blueprints! Of a robot! He thought this would maybe be the perfect minion for him. He began building it. Bit by bit, his minion came into existence.

And that day, when the final few wires were connected and the core was charged, the evil little minion known as Hammer came into existence!

Prototype 1

Hammer began her life as a simple prototype: No armor or additional features whatsoever. It was just a barebones skeleton...But still able to lift 10 tons!

As a simple prototype, Professor Evil gave Hammer the dirtier tasks around his hideout. For instance, monitoring all progress, and if nothing had infiltrated in his hideout. She also had to keep an eye on all experiments. Other than that her job was to haul over cargo from one place to another, to test Hammer's strength.

The first few times this went horribly wrong: Either Hammer collapsed, or she couldn't lift the vehicle. Professor Evil then went, and tried to increase Hammer's capacity. He wanted to keep her a sleek machine, but as it needed raw strength, the sleekness couldn't be kept. That was the moment, the existence of prototype 1 was ended.

It was now time...For prototype 2!

Prototype 2

Prototype 2 already started to look more like the Hammer we know to date. She now had her big bulky arms, more armoring on the legs, and a significant change in the head. Hammer was now able to lift up weights from at least 50 tons! Professor Evil wanted to test out Hammer now she reached phase 2. He had prepared a heist on a bank! Though we all know, Professor Evil -isn't- the man of doing it himself. Instead, he sent Hammer to fix the job for him.

However, it turned out less well than he expected. He expected Hammer to enter the bank violently, ramming out the door, alerting everyone. Then, she would be a total badass and walk right through the bullets of the security personnel. Then, she would use her immense strength to knock out all of the personnel, then head for the locker where the money is contained. Then, she would break open the locker with her strength alone and take the money with her, after which she would plant explosives in the bank and exit the bank while it explodes and she walks off badass and yells: "HAIL PROFESSOR EVIL!".

But what he got was Hammer, simply putting all of Professor Evil's hard earned (begged for) money on charity, after which she left the bank while hopping and bleeping a happy tune while she hummed "Professor evil is the nicest guy on earth". Apparently, her "evil programming" wasn't as evil as Professor Evil had hoped. Thus, he lifted Hammer to her 3rd and final phase.

Prototype 3, Final Hammer

He thickened her armor even more, gave her even more strength, and altered her programming so she would be MORE evil, and he added her signature bow. Professor Evil was sure that THIS would become the Final Hammer. He went and tested this new model, and he was happy with the result! Hammer could easily smash the test boxes (Made from titanium) into bits.

Hammer punch.png

Hammer PUNCH! She can break titanium boxes! AMAZING!

She could easily pick up the heavy weight boxes (10+ tonnes!)

Hammer throw.png

Hammer THROW! She lifts and throws 100+ tons with ease! INCREDIBLE!

AND she obeyed her master's order without ANY questions. Whether he'd ask her to clean the dishes, or jump from a cliff, Hammer would carry out the order! He seemed to have created the best minion he could have wished for: Hammer was menacing (In his opinion), strong, and she listened like a good doggy. He soon set out Hammer to various objectives, but it wasn't as rewarding as he hoped it would be.

About Hammer




Hammer's Greatest Blunders

Hammer has made some great blunders over her "villainous carreer". Some of the biggest are written below.

One time, Professor Evil built a huge mecha suit to take over Millennium City. At one point he asked Hammer to carry it over to the garage of his base so he could improve it. However, while Hammer was carrying it, she tripped over one of prof Evil's paintball guns which laid on the ground, causing her to drop the mecha suit, which crashed through the wall, broke into countless pieces, and caused an explosion setting off the sprinklers in the professor's lair. Hammer promised it would never happen again, but such an event happened three times more after this.